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Defeating Islam Megathread - DJ-Matt - 06-05-2017

Quote: (06-05-2017 03:17 PM)loremipsum Wrote:  

Quote: (06-05-2017 02:47 PM)bbgun Wrote:  


Ho-lee shit. We are doomed.

Nothing new under the sun.
video snip

Check at 1:50 . How many more dead children until we start questioning if we should allow mental people like Katy Perry to vote I wonder.

2 great examples of why women should never have been allowed to vote, and why we need to take that away ASAP!

Defeating Islam Megathread - Chavo - 06-05-2017

I'm sorry to say, but if you look throughout history, the only way you defeat anything is by invasion and conquest. The way the Spanish did in the Americas in the 1500s, the way Napoleon did in the 1700s and the way Hitler did during World War 2.

For the west to prevail they will either have to go to the Muslim countries and conquer the territories. Then you force the population to convert to Christianity or die, the way the Spanish did to the Aztecs.

I see no other way. Can we live peacefully with the Muslim world? I don't know. But if you want to go that route, you will have to put more pressure on Saudi Arabia to fight Islamic terrorists all over the middle east. The holy city of Mecca is in Saudi Arabia. Holy ground for Muslims and extremists. The fact that Trump is over there doing business with the Saudis and not putting them on his Muslim travel ban is mind boggling to me, but that's another story.

Convert or die! Beat them in their own game.

Defeating Islam Megathread - Rocha - 06-05-2017

Quote: (06-05-2017 10:50 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Which Middle Eastern countries did Thailand, Philippines and China invade?
Which Middle Eastern countries did the US invade when the Barbary Muslim pirates took the early US navy ships and sold the crew into slavery?
Which Middle Eastern country did the Christians invade from 700 to 1600 AD (except for notable exceptions of the crusades which were actually responsive campaigns). fact the Portuguese Empire did invade countless of them ))

We should have raised everything to the ground though, Mecca included.


South Asia, Persian Gulf and Red Sea[edit]
The Portuguese empire expanded into the Persian Gulf, contesting control of the spice trade with the Ajuran Empire and the Ottoman Empire. In 1515, Afonso de Albuquerque conquered the Huwala state of Hormuz at the head of the Persian Gulf, establishing it as a vassal state. Aden, however, resisted Albuquerque's expedition in that same year and another attempt by Albuquerque's successor Lopo Soares de Albergaria in 1516. In 1521 a force led by António Correia captured Bahrain, defeating the Jabrid King, Muqrin ibn Zamil.[78] In a shifting series of alliances, the Portuguese dominated much of the southern Persian Gulf for the next hundred years. With the regular maritime route linking Lisbon to Goa since 1497, the island of Mozambique became a strategic port, and there was built Fort São Sebastião and a hospital. In the Azores, the Islands Armada protected the ships en route to Lisbon.[79]

In 1534, Gujarat faced attack from the Mughals and the Rajput states of Chitor and Mandu. The Sultan Bahadur Shah of Gujarat was forced to sign the Treaty of Bassein with the Portuguese, establishing an alliance to regain the country, giving in exchange Daman, Diu, Mumbai and Bassein. It also regulated the trade of Gujarati ships departing to the Red Sea and passing through Bassein to pay duties and allow the horse trade.[80] After Mughal ruler Humayun had success against Bahadur, the latter signed another treaty with the Portuguese to confirm the provisions and allowed the fort to be built in Diu. Shortly afterward, Humayun turned his attention elsewhere, and the Gujarats allied with the Ottomans to regain control of Diu and lay siege to the fort. The two failed sieges of 1538 and 1546 put an end to Ottoman ambitions, confirming the Portuguese hegemony in the region,[80][81] as well as gaining superiority over the Mughals.[82] However, the Ottomans fought off attacks from the Portuguese in the Red Sea and in the Sinai Peninsula in 1541, and in the northern region of the Persian Gulf in 1546 and 1552. Each entity ultimately had to respect the sphere of influence of the other, albeit unofficially.[83][84]

Defeating Islam Megathread - The Beast1 - 06-05-2017

At this rate, it looks like Islam will simply kill themselves off.

Though i'm more worried about what rises out of the ashes once that happens.

Defeating Islam Megathread - Orson - 06-05-2017

Here is the T-shirt slogan I'm working on
shame them
deport them
kill them

We NEED to get the populace at large talking and thinking about vigilantism. Pro-active self-defense. The stuff we advocate here! Make it popular....

The fight-back during the June London ISIS attacks is gaining traction for this cause, I believe.

Just now I notice these previously unthinkable sub-headlines at DrudgeReport all on Rep. Clay Higgens of Louisiana:


'Cajun John Wayne' Under Fire...

'Hunt. ID. Kill them all'...




MEANWHILE , there's this simple Truth:

Defeating Islam Megathread - Simeon_Strangelight - 06-06-2017

Quote: (06-05-2017 11:36 PM)Orson Wrote:  


'Cajun John Wayne' Under Fire...

'Hunt. ID. Kill them all'...


The problem is that the first victims of Islam are Muslims. Tony Robbinson also said this often. Many Muslims would leave this cult without missing a heartbeat. Also probably another part could be quickly convinced. I think that number is 30-40% of the population in most Muslim countries. Among the young sometimes it is even higher.

My proposals and critiques would prevent all out open war.

In the end I think that the globalists may want this and they will finally just say KILL THEM ALL.

And when that happens then know that it was their plan all along while they were organizing candle vigils and praising Mohammed.

Instead I would prefer this:
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSXpmFKT79KLolCdfIdZkI...3AwZueUV24]

[Image: DAwEDRWXYAEM3y5.jpg]

Open hand and protection for Ex-Muslims, secularists and reformers.

But this against everyone who is on a terror-watch-list or otherwise supports Jihad whether in acts, money or even words:

[Image: a22602_19.gif]

IF they push it, then it is Game over. I would even open detainment camps. Alternatively I would offer each either eternal detainment camp in the West or a return to any country that takes them, eternal travel ban to the West and a free 50.000$ for everyone of them. Even giving each of them 100.000$ and sending them to Shitholeistan is better than feeding them forever in the West and protecting us against terror.

The all out open war with Islam could be avoided, but it won't happen.

Defeating Islam Megathread - Kabal - 06-06-2017

Quote: (06-06-2017 03:05 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

My proposals and critiques would prevent all out open war.

In the end I think that the globalists may want this and they will finally just say KILL THEM ALL.

Finally? I currently am more than down with that. Well, I have been for awhile, but currently am, too.

Offense is the best defense.

Defeating Islam Megathread - Leonard D Neubache - 06-06-2017

I'd simply prefer to take a stance that any nation that allows a terrorist to grow under their nose and attack the west becomes fair game for annexation.

The muslims would be driven from their homelands into the desert or neighbouring muslim lands. Generous real estate options would be opened to the soldiers who conquered the area, secondary concern being given to new colonists. From the first shot until the sun burned out this annexation would be declared permanent and irrevocable.

My prediction is that you would have to do this precisely once.

After that every muslim majority nation on earth would round up every terrorist and sympathiser without fail. The would jail every jihad-preaching imam the second he opened his bearded gob and deport every foreign-national muslim troublemaker.

And if they failed to do that and we suffered another attack then we would take ourselves another nation.

And from that time onward for ever and ever the nation that used to be Libya or Iraq or Pakistan will stand as a testament to the fact that you do not fuck with us, no matter what your stupid little book says.

A reformation would occur so fast it would make your head spin.

Defeating Islam Megathread - infowarrior1 - 06-06-2017

Quote: (06-05-2017 10:12 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (06-05-2017 09:23 AM)iop890 Wrote:  

Quote: (06-05-2017 09:13 AM)YossariansRight Wrote:  

Where that goat fucking, mass murdering, totalitarian pride?

You forgot kid-fucking.

Show some pride my mufa’khathat loving brothers.


Homosexuality was and is widely practised in Islamic countries. To please the homosexuals among his followers he promised them pre-pubescent boys in Paradise. So after committing plunder, loot, rape and murder in this life, the followers of Islam get "rewarded" by untouched virginal youths who are fresh like pearls.

(QURAN 52:24): "And there will go round boy-servants of theirs, to serve them as if they were preserved pearls."

(QURAN 56:17): "They will be served by immortal boys."

(QURAN 76:19): "And round about them will (serve) boys of everlasting youth. If you see them, you would think them scattered pearls."

So not only will the glorious martyr get 72 virgins, but have immortal little boys serve him with their tight butt-holes. Sounds like a wonderful heaven.


“I stood by the gate of Hell and saw that most of those who entered (it) were women.” [Bukhaaree & Muslim, via Usaamah Ibn Zayd]

Because they (women) are ungrateful to their husbands

The prophet (aw) said;

“O women, give in charity, for I have seen that you form the majority of the people of Hell.”

Since most women go to hell anyway, then I wonder who the 72 virgins are - probably some kind of artificial creations or martyred virgins and little boys who get rewarded for their suffering by having to serve a demented Jihadi for eternity.

It is really sad in a way.
Their version of paradise sounds like a constant decadent orgyfest of sodomy and debauchery for all eternity with nothing else to do as far as I am aware. Also funnily enough no children result from this as well. So it is constant frustration of the ultimate purpose of sex alongside the one flesh bond that should normally result.

Shouldn't heaven involve involve higher things? Like some kind of governing Authority. Or becoming an ascended being that is much more Godlike than he is previously even if as a creature he can never truly reach Godhood?

Sharing Divine Glory with God and somehow participating in the very nature of Deity?

Defeating Islam Megathread - Simeon_Strangelight - 06-06-2017

The Islamic heaven is an assortment of miraculous virgins whose hymens grow back each night (which actually bullshit as anyone knows who fucked virgins, that despite the tightness, it becomes fun only later). Then you have the mentioned immortal boys that you get to bang their eternally tight assholes out.

In addition most women - even Muslim ones - get to hell, because being ungrateful towards the husband gets them there. Female nature is quite ungrateful very often, so of course the Islamic heaven must be very empty of women. And what do the women get in heaven? They probably get a new body and serve one of the martyrs forever as sex-slaves.

Islam would be a funny religion really were it not for the genocidal crazy destructive tendencies it represents.

Defeating Islam Megathread - Gmac - 06-06-2017

Quote: (06-06-2017 06:01 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

In addition most women - even Muslim ones - get to heaven, because being ungrateful towards the husband gets them there. Female nature is quite ungrateful very often, so of course the Islamic heaven must be very empty of women. And what do the women get in heaven? They probably get a new body and serve one of the martyrs forever as sex-slaves.

Islam would be a funny religion really were it not for the genocidal crazy destructive tendencies it represents.

I have some great idea for memes now...

Defeating Islam Megathread - Biologist - 06-06-2017

Quote: (06-05-2017 10:50 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Which Middle Eastern countries did Thailand, Philippines and China invade?
Which Middle Eastern countries did the US invade when the Barbary Muslim pirates took the early US navy ships and sold the crew into slavery?
Which Middle Eastern country did the Christians invade from 700 to 1600 AD (except for notable exceptions of the crusades which were actually responsive campaigns).

This bullshit of "we will treat Islam nicely and it will treat us nicely" is an absolute and total misnomer. Yeah - it gives quick reason to do so, but even with zero meddling this would be going on since Islam commands Muslims to wage Jihad on all unbelievers until the entire world is Muslim:


Though of course the globalists meddle, they meddle everywhere, but not everyone descends into chaos after they have been bombed and nuked like some other countries in wars - i.e. Germany, Japan, even Vietnam.

Zelcorpion is spot on.

Even if the West never invaded the Middle East, Muslims would be attacking the Western world nonetheless.

However, as other posters have mentioned, Muslim aggression isn't the real problem here. The actual problem is the ultra-rich, traitorous elites in Western countries who are doing whatever they can to subvert and destroy Western civilization, particularly the working and middle classes. A disproportionately high number of these elites are Jews who want to see the Christian world crumble.

Muslims are merely tools being used by the elites to attack the West. Muslim countries are way too stupid and too backward to pose any military or economic threat to the West.

The only thing that Western countries need to do is ensure that their governments, military and economies are controlled by patriotic people (like Hungary, Poland and increasingly now the US), and the hordes of Muslims won't be a problem at all.

Defeating Islam Megathread - Snowflake - 06-06-2017

Highly relevant video to the topic at hand. Deals with issues such as: immigration, women, masculinity, globalist agenda. This vid pulls no punches; you have been warned. Also, don't shoot the messenger.

EDIT: quick little edit just because I realized "this vid pulls no punches; you have been warned" line sounds like CNN clickbait. What I mean is the video is edited and written by some 1488/NatSoc types (one of them the owner of It does look down on racemixing. Nevertheless it raises some great points - you can disregard the racemixing part whether you condone it or not; it isn't really relevant to the Islam discussion in my opinion.

Defeating Islam Megathread - aphelion - 06-07-2017

So it seems that the general consensus is that it's more important to deal with the enablers than with Islam itself.

With regards to memes: #DrafrOurDaughters was amazing because it got through the initial smell test long enough for the reader to second-guess it. I think we can brainstorm some similar messages and come up with a good delivery system.

The number one most powerful emotion is jealousy. Perhaps we can start there.

Defeating Islam Megathread - RexImperator - 06-09-2017

Some shitlording going down with this billboard campaign:


A billboard on the east side of Indianapolis is catching the attention of many drivers and angering lots of Muslims.

“The Perfect Man” poster references the Muslim Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam and was put up by Truthophobes — a website dedicated to “exposing the truth about Islam.”

The billboard lists six boxes below things the prophet did or beliefs he espoused during his lifetime, according to Islam’s holy book, the Quran.

The billboard’s facts check out except for its first box stating Muhammad married a 6-year-old. In fact, his wife was 6-years-old when she became engaged to the prophet Muhammad and 9-years-old when they were married. The billboard signs off with “Educate Truthophobes.”

The interesting thing is the billboard doesn't appear to mention Mohammed by name at all...

Defeating Islam Megathread - therealpoder - 06-09-2017

I sent a text message of that billboard to a relative of mine without mentioning that it was Muhammad or linking to the article. I just mentioned "I saw this billboard in the news. Crazy, isn't it?"

He replied "that's crazy. I'm scared to find out who that is"

I must add that a few months ago he was telling me that President Trump was a bigot for the travel ban and implied that Muslims were innocent victims.

The lesson I learned that many of the greatest defenders of Muslims know nothing about Muhammad or Islam, but many of them can be potentially turned if they are taught the truth about Muhammad.

Defeating Islam Megathread - YossariansRight - 06-10-2017

"Civilized": A-FUCKING-MEN! The Mohammedans DO NOT BELONG in civilized nations. Stay in the desert with the goats, worshipping your pedophile, mass murdering "prophet".

[Image: attachment.jpg36884]   

Defeating Islam Megathread - RexImperator - 06-20-2017

At the supermarket I changed my mind on buying some bacon. Accidentally left it in the halal section. [Image: lol.gif]

Defeating Islam Megathread - aphelion - 06-21-2017

Here's a great thread from the glorious bastards of 4chan on exactly the kind of meme warfare I'm talking about. Wouldn't be surprised if some of us shitlords were contributing.

Defeating Islam Megathread - Simeon_Strangelight - 06-21-2017

David Wood said even back in 2010, that there are 3 strategies when dealing with Islam:

A) Ignore it and wait for islamization or WW3

B) Criticize freely, let also Muslims know what Islam is about. Many main Hadiths were only translated in the 1990s!

C) Violent backlash of the West due to the elite violently suppressing all critcism. Breivik was motivated by it as he witnessed countless Muslims attacking men and women in Norway in the 1990s. He started to plan violence in 1999.

Sooner or later according to David Wood there will be a global bloodbath if the media does not start addressing the doctrine - the doctrine of Islam.

Defeating Islam Megathread - therealpoder - 06-21-2017

A lot of people have mentioned that the “Islamists” or globalist politicians are the enemy. I disagree.

The biggest problem is general ignorance about Islam.

It’s unbelievable the amount of comments I see on social media that indicate that know nothing about Islam.

Here’s a list of things that can be done in your personal life

1. Realize that this is an ideological war

We can destroy ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, etc. and it still won’t change anything; other groups will simply replace them. You have to realize that this is ideological war and the only thing that can stop Islam is by refuting the idea of Islam.

2. Educate the people you know about Islam.

Reach out to people that will be most likely to agree with you such as conservatives and libertarians. Also, atheist, agnostics and conservative denominations of Christianity will be open since they already oppose Islam but they may not be knowledgable enough about it to make an articulate critique. These people are ideological allies and will most open to hearing critiques of Islam. Then reach out to people who like and love you such as family members and close friends; these are the kinds of people that are least likely to dislike you and most likely to hear what you have to say. Although some stranger may call you an Islamophobe, it is unlikely that a family member will. Also, it takes many conversations to change someone’s mind. With your family and friends, you will see and speak to them enough so that it will cause a shift ideologically. The entire world doesn’t need to be convinced that Islam is bad; if 15-20% can be reached and organized, that is enough the effect change.

3. See yourself as sharing information.

Debating is useful when there is an audience but for a one on one conversation, it is a waste of time. Nobody like to think that they are wrong about something. Just share an article like an article discussing "The Perfect Man" billboard and let that be a springboard to discussing Muhammad and Islam.

4. Try to make small victories

Don't try to change someone’s worldview after one conversation. Trying to convince someone that Islam is evil is an uphill battle. It is easier to convince someone that Muhammad was not a good person or killing apostates is wrong. Once someone agrees with something small, it is easier to make bigger concessions down the line. Focus on trying to convince the listener of one thing. Then, with later conversation, convince them of something else.

5. Argue like a leftist

Leftists argue by making emotion filled language, presenting themselves as protectors of oppressed minorities and shaming person as a hateful bigots if they disagree. We can use the same strategy against Islam. Point out that female genital mutilation is a barbaric practice and if anyone disagrees, they are a sexist. This frames anyone who disagrees with you as a sexist and puts them in the awkward position of defending female genital mutilation.

6. See yourself as a human rights activist

Because essentially you are. You opposing honor killings, the murder of Christians, homosexuals, Jews, etc. because you are a decent person. Would someone calling you a mean name prevent you from stopping evil? It shouldn’t.

7. Every little bit counts

The concept of jihad sees jihad not only as fighting but as donating money to pro Islamist groups, or writing an editorial in favor of Islam, or initiating a lawsuit. All of these small actions further Islam. We too can take small action to fight Islam such as sharing an article or writing an anti-Islam tweet. You don’t know what article or video a person sees that will gradually change their mind. Speaking personally, I was indifferent about Islam until I read a short Bill Warner book.

8. Agree and add your own information

Leftists like to make talking points such as “The biggest victims of radical Islam are other Muslims”. Instead of claiming that other people are victimized by Islam, agree and add your own information. For example say “Yes, Muslim women are beaten, there is forced child marriage and people are killed for leaving Islam. In Sahih Bukhari it says (insert controversial quote)” This is why we need to fight against this radicalism.

With this response, a) you agree so you cannot be easily attacked as an Islamophobe, b) you point out the horrific practices of Islam, c) you point out that this is supported in the Muslim sources and d) you shared information the listener did not know.

9. Attack Muhammad

People think that if Muslims are attacked as a group, it is hateful and bigoted. It is more useful to attack Muhammad. If it can be pointed out that Muhammad was a sexist, homophobe, anti-semitic and so on and the Muslim sources support this, this puts opponents in the awkward position of defending what they say they are against. Also, it refutes the claim that something isn't "true Islam". That is the common defense when someone says the Islamic State is not Islamic.

10. Shame and make fun of the enemy

Many Muslims are, in fact, ashamed of Muhammad. They try to hide and deny Muhammad’s actions. Also, they go into a furious rage whenever someone makes fun of Muhammad. This is a weakness that can be exploited. When debating a Muslim, ask them why do they support a pedophile. If you are online, quote the Muslim sources and ask them to denounce it. If he denounces it, you can then ask “If you disagree with the Muslim sources so much, then why are you Muslim?” If he doesn't denounce it, accuse him of supporting it.

11. Use Social Media

I don’t recommend posting super controversial information under your personal name. But there are things that everyone agrees is wrong. Those are the kinds of stories you can post under your real name. While there are a lot of people who don’t want to ban Islam, a lot of people are willing to ban some of the more controversial practices like honor killings and stoning adulterers. So go with that. Social media is the easiest way to spread information.

12. Share your thoughts after a terrorist attack

With terrorists attacks becoming more and more common, leftists’ excuses and solutions seem more and more delusional. This is an opportunity to provide people with alternate explanations of what’s going on and what can be done about it. People are not believing the media, politicians and liberals that Islam is a religion of peace and are looking for alternate explanations. I remember with Charlie Hebdo and the Nice attacks, people had put French flags over their Facebook picture. Such attacks have become so common now that people don’t bother with such virtue signaling. But they don’t want to change their views of Islam being peace. So they simply ignore the attacks. This provides an opportunity of you providing an explanation or at the very least, linking to a Robert Spencer or David Wood video.

13. How to Debate Online If You Must

Once in a while, you will be forced to defend your position. It is ideal to do this online because there is more likely to be an audience and it is easier to quote Islamic sources and link to websites. Remember, your goal is not to convince the person you are arguing with but it is to embarrass them. However, be calm and respectful because you do not want to be seen as being a bully. The person who seems to be angrier during a debate will be viewed as being the loser. Think of responses to the most common arguments in favor of Islam in advance such as “Islam is peaceful”, “Islamic jihad is caused by Western Imperialism”, “The Crusades!!!” “Christianity is just as violent” and so on. If you debate liberals and Muslim apologists, they make the same arguments over and over again so it is easy to prepare a response in advance in order to refute them. If you debate with people on Facebook or some online forum, the worse that is likely to happen to you is being called an Islamophobe and being defriended. At this point you can point out that they cannot defend their argument in a rational and logical way and must resort to name calling.

That’s all I have for now. Will try to think of other suggestions later.

Defeating Islam Megathread - Simeon_Strangelight - 06-21-2017

Yeah - good luck with that.

Teaching the people about Islam is a way, but will never be accepted by the mainstream.

It seems to me that the globalists want to literally destroy all Western states - wipe them out African style:

They want Whites to become a minority in their states, then create anti-White eternal affirmative action, then when the entire crap collapses blame it ultimately on Whites.

The last predominantly White nations in EE and FSU are now being targeted for destruction in any way or form.

Islam is just the weapon to do it and it does get all the help in terms of finance and propaganda it can get. Muslims constantly point out some minor slights and mentions of "misrepresentation" while in reality the media and politicians are doing their best to suppress all the truth about it.

Defeating Islam Megathread - Pride male - 01-21-2019

The problem is we need their oil.

Defeating Islam Megathread - ChefAllDay - 01-21-2019

Quote: (01-21-2019 06:52 AM)Pride male Wrote:  

The problem is we need their oil.

Not really, Canada and the US have massive oil reserves.

Defeating Islam Megathread - Polniy_Sostav - 01-23-2019

I think there are very simple steps to start with

1) Restore christianity as state religion.
2) On long term , ban islam.
3) Reciprocity of actions. Whatever they do (ex: You are not allowed to convert to another religion) we should do as well. So if a christian or atheist converts to Islam , it should be a criminal offense.