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Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - sonoran_ - 07-26-2016

Are Christians just really slow to take action or what? I am saying this as a Christian myself. Imagine you are in the pre-crusades time period. Hundreds of years of Islamic expansion and persecution has occurred but no action by the Church. Maybe they were saying the same thing as today, #prayforanatolia #prayfortheholylands #prayforandalusia . Then after hundreds of years of this BS, they finally take up arms and drive these savages back to the desert.

Thank God for the Crusades or else we would be worshipping the moon God Allah and Mohammad the pedophile.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - kaotic - 07-26-2016

All too commonplace nowadays in Europe.

I don't think they'll ever learn, unless there is a mass attack by many ISIS sympathizers with hundreds dead, will then, Europeans finally start making changes.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - Going strong - 07-26-2016

Quote: (07-26-2016 10:59 AM)Dr. Howard Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2016 10:47 AM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

People actually calling for the Crusade leaders to come back? Most of those people you claim to be good for Europe burned and tortured thousands of people who did nothing to deserve their punishment and execution.

Fuck those dead assholes, they're ancient history.

Are you confusing the inquisition with the crusades? The knights templar were eliminated in 1312, the inquisition started in 1480 and the protestant reformation in 1521. The latter two events involved a lot of heretic burning, which is why I ask.

After the crusades had won ground in the middle east they didn't commit genocide, they installed Roman style governors to maintain least thats what I've read.

^This, exactly.

Where might Foolsgo1d have ever read that Crusade christian kings "burned and tortured thousands of people"?? [Image: dodgy.gif]

Mistaking the crusaders with the inquisition...
[Image: facepalm2.gif]

As if Philip II of France or Richard the Lionheart would torture or burn people... Richard the Lionheart, dying and in huge pain, even asked for his young killer-murderer to be spared.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - Nineteen84 - 07-26-2016

Quote: (07-26-2016 09:42 AM)Going strong Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2016 09:31 AM)Lucky Wrote:  

Adding a "Politics and War" subforum is making more sense by the day.

Not quite, we actually need 6 sub-forums:

"Plane bombings"
"Vehicular rampages"
"Machete attacks"
"Gay nightclubs and greasy McDonald's shootings"
"Beheadinds, anthrax, miscellenaous"

Let's not forget the 'Attack of the Day' sub-forum.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - sonoran_ - 07-26-2016

Facebook trending feed just an hour ago had this French Attack and something about the Germany attack, but now both of those are gone from the trending feature on the side of the newsfeed. Blatantly hiding the truth

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - LEMONed IScream - 07-26-2016

One year of ISIS can easily generate much more killings than the 450 years of Inquisition. Remember the sentencing to death rate was VERY low. Below 5%. The most modest estimates put the casualties of the Spanish Inquisition at 6000.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - Dantes - 07-26-2016

Quote: (07-26-2016 08:41 AM)rw95 Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2016 05:06 AM)Dantes Wrote:  

How much more before Europeans take action? They are sitting ducks and haven't done anything to defend their citizens.

They won't. That's all there is to it. Western Europe, or at least certain parts of western Europe (Sweden, Germany and France) simply no longer has the balls to do anything to preserve themselves. They're just going to keep taking it. I do think there will be a breaking point, however when it comes it will probably be too late.

Here's my prediction. I think that Sweden, Germany and France will either fall outright to Islam or at least large parts of these countries will become Islamic. Hopefully this will serve as a canary in the coalmine for the rest of western Europe. Hopefully...

As to what comes after that? Who knows?

Maybe Europe just doesn't have the stomach for it. Two world wars in the last century took all the fight out of them.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - LeeEnfield303 - 07-26-2016

World War I destroyed France's will to fight. World War II destroyed Western Europe's.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - Saga - 07-26-2016

Quote: (07-26-2016 11:34 AM)Going strong Wrote:  

As if Philip II of France or Richard the Lionheart would torture or burn people... Richard the Lionheart, dying and in huge pain, even asked for his young killer-murderer to be spared.

During the Third Crusade, Richard the Lionheart did have a few thousand prisoners executed in full view of Saladin's army. This was despite the two commanders often being on respectful terms with one another. There are examples of such brutality all over the record of the Crusades. For starters, look up the sack of Constantinople in 1204.

These were crusades, clashes of faith against faith in a dog-eat-dog world, not humanitarian missions.

Europe would do well to remember her old vigor and valor while dispelling the baffling levels of pusillanimity that presently ail her, and the Crusades should be ultimately understood as defensive actions against encroaching Islamic conquest, but let us not be unrealistic about those events and what they entailed. I have heard from those who have seen it that war is a terrible thing, and wars of that sort were doubtless no exception.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - Mercenary - 07-26-2016

So has any big name television news outlet had the courage to say how this French priest was killed or are they all too scared ?

Censorship by simple omission of facts on a huge scale taking place right now.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - Travesty - 07-26-2016

Guys why the hell did we change the original title Migrant Invasion Europe from "The End of Europe".

Bad move. Knew it at the time and criticized it heavily.

PC title. Doesn't say the truth.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - SirTimothy - 07-26-2016

These terrorist attacks are happening so frequently now I can't even keep up with them all - how sad is that? I'd love it if I was able to change all this on my own, but I can't, and most other people too cucked to even want to do anything about it.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - Travesty - 07-26-2016

^ By an old Apache helicopter with flamethrowers. Then seek justice.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - Orion - 07-26-2016

Quote: (07-26-2016 11:20 AM)sonoran_ Wrote:  

Are Christians just really slow to take action or what? I am saying this as a Christian myself. Imagine you are in the pre-crusades time period. Hundreds of years of Islamic expansion and persecution has occurred but no action by the Church. Maybe they were saying the same thing as today, #prayforanatolia #prayfortheholylands #prayforandalusia . Then after hundreds of years of this BS, they finally take up arms and drive these savages back to the desert.

Thank God for the Crusades or else we would be worshipping the moon God Allah and Mohammad the pedophile.

Not really true.

Christians fought back, and Christian leaders died valiantly in combat.

Arab-Byzantine wars were bitter, long lasting and made of series upon series of battles and campaigns.

Ottomans were fiercely resisted by even such small factions as Malta and Rhodes.

We have to call the things the way they are. Europe has become weak and pathetic, and according to laws of nature it DESERVES to disappear, for abandoning it's prerogative of force. Europeans had lost faith and courage to even attempt resistance, even if they would fail. And the fact that we have lost our sense of community contributes largely. Think about average Muslim. He is surrounded with Muslim people all day, sharing with them their worldview and opinions. Nobody in my vicinity even thinks that any kind of serious problem exists, let alone to discuss with him any idea about what we can do about it.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - Foolsgo1d - 07-26-2016

No I'm not mistaking the Crusades with the inquisition and I am incredibly amused you guys in here actually think the armies of Christ were somehow a force for good and did no wrong, as if they didn't destroy anyone in their path. Civilians included.

The Crusades were a fight against an enemy of Christendom but you seem to be all for it. Including the bloodshed.

Has Afghanistan and Iraq not opened your eyes? Syria? These people may not have high IQs but they will throw themselves at you with everything they have and their entire people too.

If you want to fight Islam you're going to need to fight them in the ME. We're talking genocide here because you won't be delivering freedom anymore but straight up anti-Islam military action. Most people here believe in religion, be it Islam or Christianity. Are you prepared to slaughter these people?

Are you prepared to fight upwards of 1 billion people, including those in your home countries who will almost certainly cause havoc. Before you know it there is a Children of Men issue. A scene in that movie shows a town or small city with Muslims parading their dead and demanding justice. The UK government comes in to lay the smackdown.

As bad as these attacks are they will pale into insignificance once you create a THEM vs US agenda across the entire continent. They've already seen NATO and Russian military power attack their homelands and at first, not wanting to take up the likes of ISIS on their word, a large number will now want to get revenge because they believe in that.

That will create your desired WW3 lead-up conflict scenario. There will be no pussy paradise, no free world and certainly no safe space should some sort of religious war comes to fruitition. This doesn't even include what would happen in Africa should Islam and Christianity fight to the death and they have committed genocide for less.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - Chetthebaker - 07-26-2016

Meanwhile, I see little to no mention of these last 5 attacks on FB. They're certainly censoring this shit from trending.
Also people are too busy/distracted watching the RNC/DNC, raging, and telling other people what to think online. The MSM political circus is doing its job well.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - weambulance - 07-26-2016

Your problem is you think we're the ones causing this war. Islam, which has 1.6 billion followers, is incompatible with western civilization. They have shown very clearly they are happy to invade us and kill us. Pray tell, how do you propose we repel them without fighting?

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - godfather dust - 07-26-2016

In response to Fools gold:

Iraq and Afghanistan failed because of the nation building bullshit. The correct way to wage war on a Muslim country is to force them to their knees cursing Allah with total annihilation.

Yes, it's brutal. But I'm of the mentality that it's us or them, period.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - kaotic - 07-26-2016

Quote: (07-26-2016 02:28 PM)godfather dust Wrote:  

In response to Fools gold:

Iraq and Afghanistan failed because of the nation building bullshit. The correct way to wage war on a Muslim country is to force them to their knees cursing Allah with total annihilation.

Yes, it's brutal. But I'm of the mentality that it's us or them, period.

Time and time again this needs emphasizing.

Muslim countries DO NOT understand democracy or usually reject it.

Take a look at Pakistan for example, time and time again a coup.

Islamic countries have done mediocre with a dictator running the country with an Iron Fist (Saddam, Qaddafi)

If anything the Western world needs to replace one dictator for another in these unstable countries.

When was the last time we brought an Islamic country to their knees ?

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - robreke - 07-26-2016

Where are the German men?

Where are the French men?

Where is the righteous anger and yes, hatred?

Where is the action that men with anger and hate would take?

When I hear of these things I feel no fear.

I feel burning hate.

I know Europe has been cucked and socialized, but that ancient warrior European blood has to be alive in many many men there, even still.

Where are the men of Europe?

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - Mercenary - 07-26-2016

Quote: (07-26-2016 02:51 PM)robreke Wrote:  

Where are the men of Europe?

Most are busy watching porn.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - Enigma - 07-26-2016

Quote: (07-26-2016 02:24 PM)weambulance Wrote:  

Your problem is you think we're the ones causing this war. Islam, which has 1.6 billion followers, is incompatible with western civilization. They have shown very clearly they are happy to invade us and kill us. Pray tell, how do you propose we repel them without fighting?

Not holding up 'welcome' signs and giving them free housing would be a pretty good start, I reckon.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - Geomann180 - 07-26-2016

Quote: (07-26-2016 02:14 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

No I'm not mistaking the Crusades with the inquisition and I am incredibly amused you guys in here actually think the armies of Christ were somehow a force for good and did no wrong, as if they didn't destroy anyone in their path. Civilians included.

Who here has claimed that Crusaders have done no wrong? Who claimed they did not destroy anyone in their path? Who claimed they didn't kill any civilians?


The Crusades were a fight against an enemy of Christendom but you seem to be all for it. Including the bloodshed.

Which countries have taken in Muslim? (Hint: They're all Christian). Also - bloodshed is already upon us. I just wish more of the blood spilt was theirs, not ours.


Has Afghanistan and Iraq not opened your eyes? Syria? These people may not have high IQs but they will throw themselves at you with everything they have and their entire people too.

Afghanistan and Iraq were perpetrated and enabled by the same elites letting the Muslims into Europe en masse.


If you want to fight Islam you're going to need to fight them in the ME. We're talking genocide here because you won't be delivering freedom anymore but straight up anti-Islam military action. Most people here believe in religion, be it Islam or Christianity. Are you prepared to slaughter these people?

RE: Bolded - where do you think all the refugees came from?! You're the only one advocating for genocide, as you're advocating we still go to their homes and kill them their. I'm advocating (and I think others too) that we kill/kick out Muslims in Europe and leave them the hell alone in the ME.

You forget, Fools, that it only takes one to declare war. War has been declared, most people just don't know it yet.


Are you prepared to fight upwards of 1 billion people, including those in your home countries who will almost certainly cause havoc. Before you know it there is a Children of Men issue. A scene in that movie shows a town or small city with Muslims parading their dead and demanding justice. The UK government comes in to lay the smackdown.

I'm prepared. I can tell you're not. The way I see it, is if we're already fucked or already dead, may as well go out fighting.


As bad as these attacks are they will pale into insignificance once you create a THEM vs US agenda across the entire continent. They've already seen NATO and Russian military power attack their homelands and at first, not wanting to take up the likes of ISIS on their word, a large number will now want to get revenge because they believe in that.

Again - the same elites letting them in are the same elites who led forces into the ME.


That will create your desired WW3 lead-up conflict scenario. There will be no pussy paradise, no free world and certainly no safe space should some sort of religious war comes to fruitition. This doesn't even include what would happen in Africa should Islam and Christianity fight to the death and they have committed genocide for less.

No one here truly wants WW3, I think. You're putting words in people's mouths. At this rate, WW3 seems to be harder to avoid every day. We already don't have safe spaces.

I really don't know what you're on about.


Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - Quintus Curtius - 07-26-2016

Quote: (07-26-2016 02:51 PM)robreke Wrote:  

Where are the German men?

Where are the French men?

Where is the righteous anger and yes, hatred?

Where are the men of Europe?

They're out playing Pokemon Go.

It's so infuriating, it just defies belief. Every single Western European country is impotent or useless. The papacy is impotent and useless.

You just wonder what it's going to take for people to wake up. I wish I knew the answer to that. But it's clear that it's going to take a lot more.

These people need to be rounded up and executed.

All of our societies have been propagandized by leftists and Marxists, emasculated, de-religion-ized, and pacified with spectacles and garbage for so long that it's going to take a long time for the culture to change. It's rotted to the core. These "leaders" can't even do the basics anymore.

This isn't going to be a quick war. It's going to take a couple generations, maybe longer. The rot is so deep that it's going to need years to be scrubbed out.


Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - Saga - 07-26-2016

Quote: (07-26-2016 02:14 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

If you want to fight Islam you're going to need to fight them in the ME.

Not at all. Defending European identity and civilization has nothing to do with any action in the middle east. If anything, globalist neo-con meddling in that region has brought much of this madness into Europe.

For the most part, I don't have a problem with Islam being Islamic in Islamic issue is when Islam is imposed on western civilization (and other non-Islamic civilizations, for that matter). Islamic civilization is their business, western civilization is our business; all I want is for that to be respected.


As bad as these attacks are they will pale into insignificance once you create a THEM vs US agenda across the entire continent.

That ship sailed. Islam inherently divides the world between the ummah and everyone else, or according to many Islamic authorities, between the Dar al-Islam ("abode of submission", where Islam is in control) and the Dar al-Harb ("abode of war", where Islam isn't in control). Islam, more than any other major religion, claims the allegiance of its followers above the authority of any state, and as a result, at least if history is any guide, Islam does not like to share societies.