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UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Saweeep - 04-14-2016

The latest news is that the referendum may have to be delayed.

I suppose that's slightly better than the Irish solution of keep asking till you get the right result.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Benoit - 04-14-2016

Quote: (04-14-2016 08:44 AM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

The latest news is that the referendum may have to be delayed.

I suppose that's slightly better than the Irish solution of keep asking till you get the right result.

Delayed because of the legal squabbling between the different 'Out' groups - demanding the courts order the government to give them piles of cash to campaign for less interference in government.

This country is fucked.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Matsufubu - 04-15-2016

Quote: (04-14-2016 08:38 AM)Lizard King Wrote:  

It's popular among the British middle class, particularly Gen X and younger, to be very critical of the Tories. I see it frequently on facebook, jokes about Cameron and how he should kill himself etc.

So this pamphlet is providing much humour for these types, yet that is as far as it goes: childish and pathetic jokes. None of them have stopped to think "If Cameron wants Britian to remain in the EU, what does that mean? Who does it benefit". All of the left leaning middle class types I mention will vote to remain, and give the elite what they want. All of them see the EU as some kind of 'human rights benefactor'. I don't have much hope I'm afraid. how Jeremy Corbyn (pro-EU opposition leader) and others have begun the argument that leaving the EU will give Cameron et al carte blanche to tear up the European Bill of Human Rights and therefore nobody will have any human rights anymore! He'll send you to the poorhouse, your children underneath the looms and up the chimneys!

Except what he's actually saying is that we'll be free of European control and can write our own laws. How terrible!

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Ethan Hunt - 04-16-2016

Did any of our UK members actually receive the better in EU pamphlet?

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Foolsgo1d - 04-16-2016

Quote: (04-16-2016 02:52 PM)Ethan Hunt Wrote:  

Did any of our UK members actually receive the better in EU pamphlet?

No, I am outraged.

[Image: This-is-an-outrage-570x445.jpg]

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - IronShark - 04-24-2016

Yes I did received Better In the EU booklet. And happily returned to the sender

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Valentine - 04-24-2016

First (and only) letter I got was pro-Brexit which I was pleased to see.

I found this is a good short summary for convincing fence-sitters

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - frenchcorporation - 04-25-2016

All I've received is a letter informing me of the london mayoral vote in a couple weeks.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Libertas - 04-25-2016

Obama was lecturing and hectoring the UK population about withdrawing from the EU a few days ago, with Cuckmeron saying to listen to him.

I can't imagine such a move would go over well.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Saweeep - 04-25-2016

Message from Boris today:


So I gather they think it’s game over. The Bremainers think they have bombed us into submission. They think that we have just seen the turning point in the referendum campaign, and that the British people are so intimidated by these testimonials – American presidents, business leaders, fat cats of every description – that they now believe the British people will file meekly to the polls in two months time and consent to stay in the EU; and thereby to the slow and insidious erosion of democracy in this country.

If that is indeed the view of the Remain campaign, they are crowing too soon. They are perhaps ignoring the resilience and thoughtfulness of many middle-of-the-roaders. One senior public servant – a man of no political party, and who had previously been on the fence – texted me after the US intervention and said he had been so outraged at President Obama’s “back of the queue” remark that he had instantly decided to vote Leave.

But let us suppose that the Bremainers are right in their complacency. Let’s imagine that we all wake up on June 24, and discover that the people have indeed been so cowed and so perplexed by the scare stories that they voted to Remain. What then? There will be instant jubilation in Brussels, of course; champagne corks going off like Tchaikovsky’s 1812 overture. Among the vast clerisy of lobbyists and corporate affairs gurus – all the thousands of Davos men and women who have their jaws firmly clamped around the euro-teat – there will be relief. Things will go on as they are; indeed, things will go into overdrive.

For more than a year now, Brussels has been in a self-imposed lockdown. Nothing must be done to frighten the children. The British referendum – that embarrassing and tedious genuflection to democracy – must be safely won; and then they will get their plans out of the drawer and get on with the business of building a federal superstate.

You may have noticed, however, that the euro crisis is far from over, and that the EU remains a gigantic engine of job destruction. Eight years after the disaster began, it is obvious that the problem is structural, not cyclical. In Spain, Portugal and Greece, a whole generation of young people has been sacrificed to the Moloch of the euro – and they are still on the dole. The Greeks are unable to pay their debts; the Italian banks have a €360 billion black hole.

In response, the EU plans “more Europe”, a fiscal and political union, in which Britain would inevitably be involved.

Remember we were told we wouldn’t have to pay for the Greek bail-outs? And then we did? According to the European Commission’s Five Presidents’ Report, which lays out plans to shore up the euro, the Commission wants to have a new European approach to company law, to property rights, to every aspect of employment law. Why? Because if the Germans are to be persuaded to engage in a perpetual bankrolling of the less prosperous regions of the EU, then they want proper Germanic rules to enforce good behaviour. He who pays the piper calls the tune. And Brussels can see only one way to save the euro – and that is to get Germany to pay, and therefore to allow Germany to call the tune.

Remember that twice in the last five years, the EU has removed a democratically elected government – in Italy and Greece – and installed Brussels-approved technocrats. It is a narcotic tyranny. They want to go on with the work of building a unitary state, in a way that is anti-democratic and ultimately very dangerous, since it will one day provoke real public anger.
Britain should not be involved in any of this – and yet we have absurdly and inexcusably given up our veto rights; and the whole process is going to be conducted within the “single market” – that is, the existing EU structures – so that we are morally and legally comprised, and share all the ensuing political and economic damage.

Inch by inch, month by month, the sausage machine of EU law-making will extrude more laws – at a rate of 2,500 a year, or perhaps even faster, once the referendum is out of the way. More and more people will exercise their unfettered rights to come to this country, putting more pressure on our public services. And eventually – when we are unable to take it any more – the UK will utter a faint sheepish cough of protest. Please sir, we will say, raising our hand in the EU Council, we need reform. And eyebrows will shoot up in a Batemanesque way. REFORM? they will say, in the tones of Lady Bracknell. REFORM? But you just had reform…

If there is one thing that proves the folly of remaining in the EU – in the hope that we can change things from within – it is the tragic poverty of that deal. The Prime Minister asked to restore social and employment legislation to national control; for a complete opt-out from the Charter of Fundamental rights; to stop the European court adjudicating on UK criminal law; to ensure that immigrants have a job offer before entering the UK; to revise the Working Time directive to protect the NHS; to reform the Common Agricultural Policy and the structural funds; and full-on Treaty change. What did we get? Two thirds of diddly squat.

We need to talk about that deal in the weeks ahead, because it shows how contemptuously we will be treated if we vote to remain. This is the last chance, in our lifetimes, to take back control – of £350m a week (and use some of that cash to deliver a seven-day NHS) – and the last chance to take back control of our democracy.

Of course the elites want to remain. They will always have power. The losers are the hundreds of millions of Europeans whose only power is their vote – their ability to sack their governments at elections. That power is being taken away. It is indefensible, and it will lead to real trouble. We can be stronger, richer, more influential if we vote Leave. In believing that we can all be scared into thinking otherwise, the Remainers are fatally underestimating the British public.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Foolsgo1d - 04-25-2016

Quote: (04-25-2016 07:12 AM)Libertas Wrote:  

Obama was lecturing and hectoring the UK population about withdrawing from the EU a few days ago, with Cuckmeron saying to listen to him.

I can't imagine such a move would go over well.


He can go fuck himself and you Americans need to get rid of his bitch ass party with their foreign policies as well come November. He even threatened us with trade deals going to other countries.

Should we tell him to take his US bases with him as he swans off to suck some French and German dick too? What a cheap, disrespectful bastard he turned out to be.

He delivered change alright, change where the world see's the US President as something to mock.

I also look forward to those lovely corn syrups from the US coming over here and making our population even more prone to diabetes and fatfuckritis. Obama wants to set that US+EU trade deal up pronto and with platinum clad contractual obligations thrown in too just in case Trump gets POTUS.

Vote Trump 2016!

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Requiem - 04-25-2016

Quote: (04-25-2016 08:49 AM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

He delivered change alright, change where the world see's the US President as something to mock.

To be fair, G.W. Bush did that already. And lots of Europoors still like Obummer to be honest. The devastating consequences of his policies didn't become as apparent for most Eurocucks as it was for Americans. My feeling is the general Euro-public doesn't understand why Americans hate him so much. Then again, which general public gets anything right? If people don't specifically look up what's actually going on, they don't know piss about anything.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Foolsgo1d - 04-25-2016

Quote: (04-25-2016 09:01 AM)Requiem Wrote:  

Quote: (04-25-2016 08:49 AM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

He delivered change alright, change where the world see's the US President as something to mock.

To be fair, G.W. Bush did that already. And lots of Europoors still like Obummer to be honest. The devastating consequences of his policies didn't become as apparent for most Eurocucks as it was for Americans. My feeling is the general Euro-public doesn't understand why Americans hate him so much. Then again, which general public gets anything right? If people don't specifically look up what's actually going on, they don't know piss about anything.

Many people in the UK and EU are not even aware there is hate for Obama and think he is brilliant.

I've pointed this out before in the Trump thread but whenever an article about Trump pops up over here it is to make a hit on his campaign, his character or both.

Hillary and Obama? Nothing. One has a federal investigation looming over her and has corrupted the voting process, the other has allowed the likes of IS to run amok and almost starts WW3 via two proxy wars within two years.

And both of them are telling us to remain in a federal union that does not have our interests at heart. Would Americans stand the likes of Canadians or Mexicans dominating their political sphere?

They'd go ape shit before that happened.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Lizard King - 04-25-2016

Quote: (04-25-2016 07:12 AM)Libertas Wrote:  

Obama was lecturing and hectoring the UK population about withdrawing from the EU a few days ago, with Cuckmeron saying to listen to him.

I can't imagine such a move would go over well.

Most people are politically illiterate and don't have a deep or nuanced understanding of current affairs, especially in Britain.

Obama's interference has had the desired effect

Nigel Farage said that Obama was reading from Cameron's script as Americans don't use the word queue.

I'm getting more and more despondent each day we get closer to the referendum because I think the remain vote will win. Most people are poorly informed about the EU and believe the fear mongering rhetoric.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Saweeep - 04-25-2016


It's not just that, although you are right.

It takes a lot to break a status quo. Of any kind.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Lizard King - 04-25-2016

Very true.

I occasionally lapse in to day dream and visualise millions of proud Britons going out on June the 23rd and voting Leave to make Britain great again.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - RatInTheWoods - 04-25-2016

Make Britain Great Again.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Samseau - 04-25-2016

Quote: (04-25-2016 05:41 PM)RatInTheWoods Wrote:  

Make Britain Great Again.

Might as well revive the Roman Empire while you're at it.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Libertas - 04-25-2016

Quote: (04-25-2016 03:42 PM)Lizard King Wrote:  

Quote: (04-25-2016 07:12 AM)Libertas Wrote:  

Obama was lecturing and hectoring the UK population about withdrawing from the EU a few days ago, with Cuckmeron saying to listen to him.

I can't imagine such a move would go over well.

Most people are politically illiterate and don't have a deep or nuanced understanding of current affairs, especially in Britain.

Obama's interference has had the desired effect

Nigel Farage said that Obama was reading from Cameron's script as Americans don't use the word queue.

I'm getting more and more despondent each day we get closer to the referendum because I think the remain vote will win. Most people are poorly informed about the EU and believe the fear mongering rhetoric.


A Sky Data Snap Poll has revealed President Obama’s comments may prove to have been counterproductive, with 55 per cent of respondents saying he should not have intervened.

29 per cent say they are now less likely to vote Remain as a result of the U.S. President’s intervention, up 12 percentage points since last Thursday and now higher than the 22 per cent who say he makes them more likely to vote Remain.

Still a bit too close to call. Let's see how it ultimately plays out.

Still predicting a "remain" victory, unfortunately.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Easy_C - 04-25-2016

Quote: (04-25-2016 02:16 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

. One has a federal investigation looming over her and has corrupted the voting process, the other has allowed the likes of IS to run amok and almost starts WW3 via two proxy wars within two years.

I hate having to keep repeating this, but they did a lot more than "let IS run amok". Obama and Hillary actively funded, trained, and equipped groups that they knew were Al Quaeda affiliated (and now comprise IS) in a bid to overthrow Assad.

You have that right. They didn't just let it happen, they CREATED them with help from the Turks, French, and Saudis.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Lizard King - 04-26-2016

Quote: (04-25-2016 10:34 PM)Easy_C Wrote:  

Quote: (04-25-2016 02:16 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

. One has a federal investigation looming over her and has corrupted the voting process, the other has allowed the likes of IS to run amok and almost starts WW3 via two proxy wars within two years.

I hate having to keep repeating this, but they did a lot more than "let IS run amok". Obama and Hillary actively funded, trained, and equipped groups that they knew were Al Quaeda affiliated (and now comprise IS) in a bid to overthrow Assad.

You have that right. They didn't just let it happen, they CREATED them with help from the Turks, French, and Saudis.

I think most people who read this section of the forum are fully aware of that.

Will you be voting in June?

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - puckerman - 04-26-2016

Vote to exit, Brits. You need to leave this thing and then kill it. It should have been killed long ago.

It makes me wonder if this is how America became America.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Foolsgo1d - 04-26-2016

Quote: (04-25-2016 03:42 PM)Lizard King Wrote:  

Quote: (04-25-2016 07:12 AM)Libertas Wrote:  

Obama was lecturing and hectoring the UK population about withdrawing from the EU a few days ago, with Cuckmeron saying to listen to him.

I can't imagine such a move would go over well.

Most people are politically illiterate and don't have a deep or nuanced understanding of current affairs, especially in Britain.

Obama's interference has had the desired effect

Nigel Farage said that Obama was reading from Cameron's script as Americans don't use the word queue.

I'm getting more and more despondent each day we get closer to the referendum because I think the remain vote will win. Most people are poorly informed about the EU and believe the fear mongering rhetoric.

They're already trying to blame the failure of British Home Stores on this Euro in/out bullshit.

All the 'in' campaign has to do is point to businesses and say to them; "this is your fate". Not taking into consideration the business model of BHS was bad and some behind the scenes boiler room type stuff fucked the whole company up.

They're silent about British steel going under too, wonder why. We can't put a levy on Chinese steel because....we're in the EU and the EU makes our rules.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Lizard King - 04-26-2016

Quote: (04-26-2016 12:27 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

They're already trying to blame the failure of British Home Stores on this Euro in/out bullshit.

All the 'in' campaign has to do is point to businesses and say to them; "this is your fate". Not taking into consideration the business model of BHS was bad and some behind the scenes boiler room type stuff fucked the whole company up.

They're silent about British steel going under too, wonder why. We can't put a levy on Chinese steel because....we're in the EU and the EU makes our rules.

The failure of BHS is part of the national trend of high street decline. Sure there are other details as you mention, but essentially there is nothing exceptional about the failure of BHS.

It's conspicuous that all the arguments the 'In' groups have are based on either 'feelings' or fallacies. The 'leave' arguments are generally fact based.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Saweeep - 04-27-2016

I was shocked when I head BHS had gone.

Shocked because I thought it disappeared 20 years ago!