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Ugly DC girl dismisses man right off the bat - Samseau - 07-11-2011

Quote: (07-10-2011 01:40 AM)Hooligan Harry Wrote:  

We are living in the perfect storm

1 - Obesity epidemic removing attractive women from society.
2 - Feminism instilling a sense of entitlement amplifying the attitudes of all women across the scale
3 - Legislation and family courts eroding what social, economic and political power you had left.
4 - Family values taking a nose dive to the point where women no longer want to bare children in their prime.

I have lived in a society where the situation was reversed. I spent a solid 12 months over the course of a two years in Samara, Russia. I was there for work. For the women there, it was the perfect storm

1 - Alcoholism was rife and the local men where hard drinking, early to die deadbeats
2 - The women were predominantly slim and there were more women than men. There was a physical shortage of men there
3 - The economy was in the shitter and they did not have the cubicle type jobs available which our go getting western women enjoy. They were lucky to have a job on a production line or cleaning toilets.
4 - There were no special privileges or laws for women and they were not shielded from life like western women are. Being alone was intimidating for them.

Really good stuff.

But the question to answer is, why can women get away with being fat whereas in Russia would a fat woman be completely ignored?

Ugly DC girl dismisses man right off the bat - Urban Renaissance Man - 07-11-2011

Quote: (07-10-2011 01:40 AM)Hooligan Harry Wrote:  

The problem is not that there are men willing to fat fuck women. Its that the fat women remove competition for the remaining normal, healthy women.

Think of it this way. If there was very little obesity, say 1950's levels, then the vast majority of women under 30 would be slim. So out of every 100 women, there would be x number of 10's, 9's, 8's etc. With the relevant attitudes of 10's, 9's and 8's.

Now if half the female population is fat, all of a sudden you have HALF the number of 10's, 9's and 8's running around, and far less competition between them for the men out there. You also have half the number of 7's and 6's. Competition for them increases too. So the attitudes of women across the scale becomes worse, to the point where a slender 7 acts like a fucking 9 in any other country would. They bring so little to the table, but because they have so little competition men are forced to accept the constant bullshit.

As more women become obese, the scales start to change too. To the point where a chubster ranks as a 6 for some because she has a "phat azz" and a pretty face. Or the butterface phenomenon, where men are happy to excuse a pitbull like face on banging body and happily throw around 7.5 or 8 because you can bounce a coin off her ass.

So the attitudes of the women become even worse and you have to deal with more shit from sub standard women. Sound familiar at all guys?

This is why I say to most people: Its not that the women in Eastern Europe or Asia are naturally more attractive or more determined to please their men. Its simply that the vast majority are not fat and there is more competition between them for eligible men. They have to try harder because there are tons of other 7's or 8's out there that will do more to keep you happy. The reason there seem to be so many hot women is because there are so many slim women. Thats it.

We are living in the perfect storm

1 - Obesity epidemic removing attractive women from society.
2 - Feminism instilling a sense of entitlement amplifying the attitudes of all women across the scale
3 - Legislation and family courts eroding what social, economic and political power you had left.
4 - Family values taking a nose dive to the point where women no longer want to bare children in their prime.

The More I ponder on these things, the more single life doesn't seem so bad.

A co-worker of mine, a decent looking black man, was dating this Mexican girl, cute face but chubby/borderline fat, thinning hair, in between work, two kids, one with Autism, who gave him the runaround for several years, cheating, lying about whereabouts, refusal to fully commit, etc. He finally stopped dealing with her, but after broken promises, broken dates, ignored phone calls, and other forms of disrespect! I begged him to stop seeing her, even trying to introduce him to my cousin. He was hooked! This guys makes at least $70,000 a year, no kids, and was generous towards her.

Each month I'm more and more happy I'm now single. There is one issue I have though.... That is, I never enjoy sex as much as I do with a girl that actually loves me. (Or atleast says she does) There's just something about having sex with someone who actually has feelings for you, as opposed to just someone 'getting her groove on!' Don't get me wrong, the meaningless sexual encounters are great too! Lol. However, I'd like to know how to recreate the satisfaction of actually making love to someone who is totally accepting of you, without having the headache of a girlfriend/wife!

Ugly DC girl dismisses man right off the bat - jariel - 07-11-2011

Quote: (07-11-2011 12:40 PM)Urban Renaissance Man Wrote:  

The More I ponder on these things, the more single life doesn't seem so bad.

A co-worker of mine, a decent looking black man, was dating this Mexican girl, cute face but chubby/borderline fat, thinning hair, in between work, two kids, one with Autism, who gave him the runaround for several years, cheating, lying about whereabouts, refusal to fully commit, etc. He finally stopped dealing with her, but after broken promises, broken dates, ignored phone calls, and other forms of disrespect! I begged him to stop seeing her, even trying to introduce him to my cousin. He was hooked! This guys makes at least $70,000 a year, no kids, and was generous towards her.

Each month I'm more and more happy I'm now single. There is one issue I have though.... That is, I never enjoy sex as much as I do with a girl that actually loves me. (Or atleast says she does) There's just something about having sex with someone who actually has feelings for you, as opposed to just someone 'getting her groove on!' Don't get me wrong, the meaningless sexual encounters are great too! Lol. However, I'd like to know how to recreate the satisfaction of actually making love to someone who is totally accepting of you, without having the headache of a girlfriend/wife!

Relationships wouldn't be so bad if women weren't addicted to drama and could actually be trusted.

At this point, sex to me is just that, sex.

I fuck the shit out of the chicks currently on my roster and enjoy it thoroughly. It's funny, but you stay incredibly horny when you are fucking different women at the same time, that and you don't trip off pussy because it's always available.

My last monogamous relationship, the chick was banging, loved fucking her, but every once in a while, it would get boring. It's like eating the same food all the time. I'd have to stop banging her for a couple weeks, just to get the drive again to desire her sexually.

The type of sex you desire with a "loved one" comes from the fact that you desire a mental connection along with the physical. Obviously, when you're just banging jump-offs, there's no real mental connection, you're just physically enjoying each other, then when it's over, you're either kicking her out or grabbing your keys.

As for your friend, he just doesn't get it with women and he has low-self esteem. If you have that kind of shit going for yourself, you don't try to lock up some older broke, unemployed bitch with kids -- one of them special needs, so that's a never-ending handful of shit to deal with. Besides, what did it get him? That being a provider shit did nothing for her, but given her situation that just makes her stupid -- love fucking latinas, but they're not the brightest bulbs in the box, for a variety of reasons.

We have to accept that these women like what they like. They run around dating assholes who have nothing going for themselves and are quick to leave them resource-less and with their kids, but that's what they like, which leads me to conclude that that's what they want. They meet "good men" all the time, but for most of them, that's not what excites them, they sometimes even try it for a while, but they get bored, then they go into sabotage the relationship mode so they can hop on to the next asshole's dick.

If you're wise, you'll stay single.

How many dudes do you know that are in a relationship and can honestly say they're happy? These motherfuckers are trapped, and they put a smile on it, then when their chicks leave them, they're ready to eat a gun, seriously, enjoy your freedom.

Ugly DC girl dismisses man right off the bat - afronoob - 07-24-2011

Quote: (07-08-2011 11:23 AM)Urban Renaissance Man Wrote:  

Quote: (07-07-2011 05:42 PM)jariel Wrote:  

That being said, one way to get a dime piece is to train one, if you have the patience. I know a few girls who already have cute faces, if they just lost 30 pounds would be banging. If you put in the work to help them get there, they'll appreciate that shit forever. The thing is with a lot of these girls, even after they lose the weight, they still have the fat girl mindset, so it takes a little longer for their inner game to develop.

I'd be careful about trying to 'mold' a fat or mediocre into a dime. There are two issues that can come up while you're doing that...

#1, It rarely works! There's something wrong with her character (or a medical problem) to allow herself to get that fat in the first place! She will begin to feel resentment towards you for "not loving her the way she is", or, "forcing her to change", etc. Unless you're prepared to spend thousands of dollars on 'quick fixes', (Lipo, boob jobs, etc) it most likely won't work. Rarely will she have the will power to excercise regularly or eat right long enough to lose weight and KEEP IT OFF.

#2,The girl loses weight and starts looking good. Problem is, now she's getting hit on by thousands of higher quality men. Normally not much of an issue if you're dealing with a girl who was already hot when you met her and is used to the attention. But these former fatties are not mentally prepared for it! They become addicted to the new found 'acceptance' and become little attention whores and sluts! Cheating on you, or flat out leaving you and 'upgrading' is likely the moment you have a really good argument!

#3, This is a bit more deep... I've found that when you date down, (You're a 7 and you date a 5) the woman actually scorns and despises you on a subconscious level. It sort of like the Groucho Marx, "I wouldn't want to belong to a club that would have me as a member", dynamic that comes into play. These women deep down wonder what's wrong with you for liking them! They can sense that's something is wrong with your self-esteem to even be dating them. And they grow to disrespect you for it. Very seldom will you meet a girl who actually appreciates the time and effort you put forth into turning her into a dime!

It's far easier just to go out and find a girl who's hot in the first place!

I just had to give you 2 thumbs up!! That's the excellent psychological advice people pay hundreds for! Roosh isn't just a how-to-fuck-a-lot kinda place;but a place to acquire real life skill sets.
Back to the post-that bitch is delusional thanks to the wave of unrealistic conditioning from Oprah.She'll end up trapped in a battery fuelled relationship sooner rather than later.

Ugly DC girl dismisses man right off the bat - Lumiere - 07-24-2011

Quote: (07-11-2011 12:39 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

But the question to answer is, why can women get away with being fat whereas in Russia would a fat woman be completely ignored?

Because as long as guys are prepared to bang them, there is no penalty for being fat.

The guys that are banging fat chicks are doing ALL of us a massive dis-service.

Also the idea that one less guy in the dating pool is bunk because people are not monogamous.

Ugly DC girl dismisses man right off the bat - Theogreat - 07-24-2011

Quote: (07-07-2011 06:01 PM)jariel Wrote:  

Quote: (07-06-2011 05:06 PM)basilransom Wrote:  

This happens even when we're just sexing them. Fat chicks think they're desirable because they get hit on occasionally.

Well, let's take this a step further.

That fake swag comes from the fact that these chicks, especially fat white chicks, are able to get dick from attractive black men, at least more attractive than whatever white men they could get.

If you ever see an attractive white dude with a fat white woman, chances are, he didn't meet her like that, they got caught up in a relationship, she got comfortable, and let herself go.

Problem I have is when ethnic men hold up white women as trophies, so they will take any one they can get. I've always felt that if you're going to be in a relationship with someone outside your race, culture, whatever, get a bad bitch, not someone else's leftovers.

If you're just a player that likes pussy, then fuck these women in the middle of the night, and then leave them alone in the dark to ponder their reality while they lay in the sweat and seeds you left on their sheets.

I couldn't have said it any better.

Ugly DC girl dismisses man right off the bat - Saladin - 07-24-2011

Quote: (07-07-2011 06:01 PM)jariel Wrote:  

Quote: (07-06-2011 05:06 PM)basilransom Wrote:  

This happens even when we're just sexing them. Fat chicks think they're desirable because they get hit on occasionally.

Well, let's take this a step further.

That fake swag comes from the fact that these chicks, especially fat white chicks, are able to get dick from attractive black men, at least more attractive than whatever white men they could get.

If you ever see an attractive white dude with a fat white woman, chances are, he didn't meet her like that, they got caught up in a relationship, she got comfortable, and let herself go.

Problem I have is when ethnic men hold up white women as trophies, so they will take any one they can get. I've always felt that if you're going to be in a relationship with someone outside your race, culture, whatever, get a bad bitch, not someone else's leftovers.

If you're just a player that likes pussy, then fuck these women in the middle of the night, and then leave them alone in the dark to ponder their reality while they lay in the sweat and seeds you left on their sheets.

I remember seeing this Indian dude with a walking tank of a white girl. I looked at him in disgust and he looked back in arrogance.

Its only in North America that these fat chicks have guys that will fuck them and get into relationships with them.

Ugly DC girl dismisses man right off the bat - kdolo - 07-25-2011

Quote: (06-27-2011 04:24 PM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

You have to factor in that as a lawyer, she doesn't exactly NEED her mate to make a bunch of money. Therefore, she can put the "physical" and the "social" attributes of a man at a high priority.

Nothing wrong with her preference.

The funny thing is that this same woman, in about 4 years or so, will be desperate for a guy just like this one.

She'll really expect that some black guy who has his shit together would want an old used-up std ridden vag.

And when they don't give her the time of day, she'll talk about how there are no good black men.

Meanwhile, this guy will in likelihood discover women overseas or start dating out of his race.

Ugly DC girl dismisses man right off the bat - Chad Daring - 07-25-2011

Possibly off topic, but picture of typical DC girls night out, via twitter

[Image: scaled.php?tn=0&server=738&filename=1atr...&ysize=640]

Ugly DC girl dismisses man right off the bat - Jalouse - 07-25-2011

I'm not disagreeing with the general thread about overly picky women but aren't the guys just as fat in the US as the women? Whenever I see a huge fat guy in London there really is a good chance that he's American, we just don't make em that big.

Ugly DC girl dismisses man right off the bat - Roosh - 07-25-2011

Quote: (07-25-2011 06:47 PM)Chad Daring Wrote:  

Possibly off topic, but picture of typical DC girls night out, via twitter

[Image: scaled.php?tn=0&server=738&filename=1atr...&ysize=640]

Second from left has potential:

-Make hair more sexy
-Get a tan
-More eye makup
-Lose a couple pounds

Ugly DC girl dismisses man right off the bat - Mrs. Chocolate - 07-25-2011

Quote: (07-25-2011 06:47 PM)Chad Daring Wrote:  

Possibly off topic, but picture of typical DC girls night out, via twitter

[Image: scaled.php?tn=0&server=738&filename=1atr...&ysize=640]

Seeing this picture I can say:

1) none of them has been in at the salon in the last month
2) none of them is wearing any makeup
3) none of them has no clue what fits best their body.
4)manicure and pedicure? why?

Ugly DC girl dismisses man right off the bat - Excelsior - 07-25-2011

Quote: (07-25-2011 07:14 PM)Jalouse Wrote:  

I'm not disagreeing with the general thread about overly picky women but aren't the guys just as fat in the US as the women?

Not quite. Women are a couple percentage points ahead.

Ugly DC girl dismisses man right off the bat - Basil Ransom - 07-26-2011

Quote: (07-25-2011 11:32 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

Quote: (07-25-2011 07:14 PM)Jalouse Wrote:  

I'm not disagreeing with the general thread about overly picky women but aren't the guys just as fat in the US as the women?

Not quite. Women are a couple percentage points ahead.

I crunched the data a few days ago, and American women are more than twice as fat as American men. I define fatness as number of inches in waist circumference away from ideal, ideal being 32" for men, 24" for women. By ideal, I mean an obtainable ideal for the typical man and woman. The age group is 20-29. Link

Edit: These calculations were with the median, not the mean.

Men: 90.9 cm = 35.8 inches waist circumference
Women: 84.3 cm = 33.2 inches waist circumference

Men: 35.8-32 = 3.8
Women: 33.2-24=9.2
9.2/3.8= 2.42, or 142% fatter. If you say 25" is ideal for women, on average, it's 8.2/3.8 = 2.16, or 116% fatter.

BMI understates the fatness of women. Plenty a man can be 23, 25, 27 BMI and still look good, and perhaps not even be remotely fat. For a girl that does not weight train or seriously play sports, weight north of 22 BMI is fat, pure and simple. And even waist circumference probably understates female corpulence. Men store fat more around their bellies, and women around their thighs and arms.

Ugly DC girl dismisses man right off the bat - Saladin - 07-26-2011

Quote: (07-26-2011 01:01 AM)basilransom Wrote:  

Quote: (07-25-2011 11:32 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

Quote: (07-25-2011 07:14 PM)Jalouse Wrote:  

I'm not disagreeing with the general thread about overly picky women but aren't the guys just as fat in the US as the women?

Not quite. Women are a couple percentage points ahead.

I crunched the data a few days ago, and American women are more than twice as fat as American men. I define fatness as number of inches in waist circumference away from ideal, ideal being 32" for men, 24" for women. By ideal, I mean an obtainable ideal for the typical man and woman. The age group is 20-29. Link

Edit: These calculations were with the median, not the mean.

Men: 90.9 cm = 35.8 inches waist circumference
Women: 84.3 cm = 33.2 inches waist circumference

Men: 35.8-32 = 3.8
Women: 33.2-24=9.2
9.2/3.8= 2.42, or 142% fatter. If you say 25" is ideal for women, on average, it's 8.2/3.8 = 2.16, or 116% fatter.

BMI understates the fatness of women. Plenty a man can be 23, 25, 27 BMI and still look good, and perhaps not even be remotely fat. For a girl that does not weight train or seriously play sports, weight north of 22 BMI is fat, pure and simple. And even waist circumference probably understates female corpulence. Men store fat more around their bellies, and women around their thighs and arms.

Exactly, women have less leeway until they start looking unattractive. A man could be anything from skinny to fairly bulky and still be physically attractive to women.

Ugly DC girl dismisses man right off the bat - Excelsior - 07-26-2011

Quote: (07-26-2011 01:01 AM)basilransom Wrote:  

I crunched the data a few days ago, and American women are more than twice as fat as American men. I define fatness as number of inches in waist circumference away from ideal, ideal being 32" for men, 24" for women. By ideal, I mean an obtainable ideal for the typical man and woman. The age group is 20-29. Link

Edit: These calculations were with the median, not the mean.

Men: 90.9 cm = 35.8 inches waist circumference
Women: 84.3 cm = 33.2 inches waist circumference

Men: 35.8-32 = 3.8
Women: 33.2-24=9.2
9.2/3.8= 2.42, or 142% fatter. If you say 25" is ideal for women, on average, it's 8.2/3.8 = 2.16, or 116% fatter.

BMI understates the fatness of women. Plenty a man can be 23, 25, 27 BMI and still look good, and perhaps not even be remotely fat. For a girl that does not weight train or seriously play sports, weight north of 22 BMI is fat, pure and simple. And even waist circumference probably understates female corpulence. Men store fat more around their bellies, and women around their thighs and arms.

Yes, well stated.

It is true that women have far less wiggle room with BMI than men, so that measure can be quite misleading. Men, thanks to testosterone, can accumulate extra muscle mass, which of course is heavier than fat. This can lead to "obesity". Any man who lifts regularly or competes athletically can reach obesity easily, and can also be considered quite ideal by women once he gets there(to use NFL examples of this "obesity": Michael Vick, Troy Polamalou, Maurice Jones-Drew, Ray Lewis and thousands more). A man with a 29-30 BMI can easily maintain 10% body fat with diet and training.

Women cannot build this muscle mass due to a lack of testosterone, and they also do not lift/compete athletically to quite the same extent that men do. Thus, they tend to be fatter. A 6'0", 215lb man can be very attractive and healthy looking(ex: Michael Vick). A woman that size is almost invariably fat.

Ugly DC girl dismisses man right off the bat - ottoemezzo - 07-26-2011

Coming back to the lawyer woman, according to the info provided (correct me if I’m wrong) she is not looking for a better man. She is just not looking for a long term relationship and on the face of it, she did a favor to the man by not wasting his time, in spite of his being quite attractive. What do you guys do when you meet an attractive girl who’s looking for a serious relationship? Thought so.
Talking about delusional women, which is a different issue, a ‘nice girl, who cooks and cares for me, who likes sex but never cheats on me while she understands that I need to sleep with other women’ (UNLESS you’re economically supporting her, but then it’s her job) is to be found in the same land as the blue prince.

Ugly DC girl dismisses man right off the bat - Jalouse - 07-26-2011

Quote: (07-25-2011 11:32 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

Quote: (07-25-2011 07:14 PM)Jalouse Wrote:  

I'm not disagreeing with the general thread about overly picky women but aren't the guys just as fat in the US as the women?

Not quite. Women are a couple percentage points ahead.

Damn that's still a lot at 33% and 35% which kind of discounts the point that women stay fat because of some thirsty black men, it's basically a country where it's fine to be fat.

You also seem to have a lot of fat people on tv; the show Mike and Molly seems like it's just made for the fat demographic.

Ugly DC girl dismisses man right off the bat - Moma - 07-26-2011

Quote: (07-26-2011 07:34 AM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2011 01:01 AM)basilransom Wrote:  

I crunched the data a few days ago, and American women are more than twice as fat as American men. I define fatness as number of inches in waist circumference away from ideal, ideal being 32" for men, 24" for women. By ideal, I mean an obtainable ideal for the typical man and woman. The age group is 20-29. Link

Edit: These calculations were with the median, not the mean.

Men: 90.9 cm = 35.8 inches waist circumference
Women: 84.3 cm = 33.2 inches waist circumference

Men: 35.8-32 = 3.8
Women: 33.2-24=9.2
9.2/3.8= 2.42, or 142% fatter. If you say 25" is ideal for women, on average, it's 8.2/3.8 = 2.16, or 116% fatter.

BMI understates the fatness of women. Plenty a man can be 23, 25, 27 BMI and still look good, and perhaps not even be remotely fat. For a girl that does not weight train or seriously play sports, weight north of 22 BMI is fat, pure and simple. And even waist circumference probably understates female corpulence. Men store fat more around their bellies, and women around their thighs and arms.

Yes, well stated.

It is true that women have far less wiggle room with BMI than men, so that measure can be quite misleading. Men, thanks to testosterone, can accumulate extra muscle mass, which of course is heavier than fat. This can lead to "obesity". Any man who lifts regularly or competes athletically can reach obesity easily, and can also be considered quite ideal by women once he gets there(to use NFL examples of this "obesity": Michael Vick, Troy Polamalou, Maurice Jones-Drew, Ray Lewis and thousands more). A man with a 29-30 BMI can easily maintain 10% body fat with diet and training.

Women cannot build this muscle mass due to a lack of testosterone, and they also do not lift/compete athletically to quite the same extent that men do. Thus, they tend to be fatter. A 6'0", 215lb man can be very attractive and healthy looking(ex: Michael Vick). A woman that size is almost invariably fat.

BMI is a very inaccurate measure of body fat. It's an inferior use to measure body fat. I've been considered overweight (according to BMI) from before puberty.
It fails to take account for bone structure as well as lean muscle mass.

Those hard stats of 29-30 BMI should be thrown in the toilet.

Now using lean muscle mass or body fat percentage as a gauge is far more accurate.

However, there is too much processed food in North America and as a result, you have people getting waaay too fat.
In the UK, people knew fcuk all about working out and yet I never saw as many overweight people as I have seen here in North America (especially women).
If people here were to eat more natural food without those preservatives they would have more energy to do more exercise and won't pack on as much lard in such a short period of time.

Ugly DC girl dismisses man right off the bat - Excelsior - 07-27-2011

Quote: (07-26-2011 01:33 PM)Moma Wrote:  

However, there is too much processed food in North America and as a result, you have people getting waaay too fat.
In the UK, people knew fcuk all about working out and yet I never saw as many overweight people as I have seen here in North America (especially women).
If people here were to eat more natural food without those preservatives they would have more energy to do more exercise and won't pack on as much lard in such a short period of time.

Agreed on all counts.

The good news for us is that the organic food industry is growing pretty rapidly. Europe is leading the way, though even the American market is catching up. I honestly think we've seen the worst of the obesity epidemic even here in the US (the most obese developed nation on Earth), so I hold some cautious optimism. There are already early reports that the epidemic is tapering off, especially among kids.

Its amazing how far ahead the US is when it comes to obesity. Mexico and the UK are supposed to be in the running for second place, and they are still around 10 percentage points lower according to many studies. I don't think anyone will catch Americans.

Ugly DC girl dismisses man right off the bat - Basil Ransom - 07-27-2011

Quote: (07-27-2011 02:24 AM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

Agreed on all counts.

The good news for us is that the organic food industry is growing pretty rapidly. Europe is leading the way, though even the American market is catching up. I honestly think we've seen the worst of the obesity epidemic even here in the US (the most obese developed nation on Earth), so I hold some cautious optimism. There are already early reports that the epidemic is tapering off, especially among kids.

Its amazing how far ahead the US is when it comes to obesity. Mexico and the UK are supposed to be in the running for second place, and they are still around 10 percentage points lower according to many studies. I don't think anyone will catch Americans.

England is hardly less fat than America. If you account for differences in racial demographics, i.e. how the US has proportionally more blacks and mestizo Hispanics, who tend to be fatter than whites, especially the females, then the US is not much different than the UK. Either way, they're around the same.

BMI sucks as a measure for individuals, but it's okay for populations. Even so, absent steroids, every woman with a BMI of 30 is hugely fat. With good genetics and natural lifting, you could be 29 and lean, but the guys who actually weigh that much are almost always just fat.

Athlone, I think the whole organic thing is a wash. You have people eating healthier, but they were mostly thin in the first place. The fatties are not inundating Whole Foods. Or you have the chubby yuppie housewife who think drinking POM juice will make her healthy. We may just be hitting equilibrium, where obesity rates are stabilizing in response to dietary changes initiated 30 years ago. On the other hand, there is an increasing appetite for regulation of crappy food, and it's coming from the left. The truth is that poor people choose unhealthy food, so nice informational campaigns are not enough to change their behavior.

I've gotten militant on fat chicks; When I see a fat chick saying something, I immediately discount what she says because she has so spectacularly failed herself. How can I accept you as an authority on anything when you can't take decent care of yourself? You have only slightly more credibility than the meth addict with sores all over his face.

Ugly DC girl dismisses man right off the bat - Samseau - 07-27-2011


When I see a fat chick saying something

See, right there, you're way ahead of me. I can't even look at fatties anymore