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4 Marines reportedly dead in shooting attack at Tennessee Navy facility - Quintus Curtius - 07-19-2015

White House: shines rainbow light patterns on its exterior to celebrate gay marriage ruling.

But doesn't bother to fly flags at half mast when terrorist murders unarmed military personnel.

4 Marines reportedly dead in shooting attack at Tennessee Navy facility - Disco_Volante - 07-19-2015

The white house is doing everything it can to avoid admitting Islam is a problem. Lowering the flags and instituting policies for domestic military members to protect themselves would be admitting there's a problem.

4 Marines reportedly dead in shooting attack at Tennessee Navy facility - Hotwheels - 07-20-2015

Milwaukee County Sheriff's opinion on Obama's lack of response.

[Image: attachment.jpg27188]   

4 Marines reportedly dead in shooting attack at Tennessee Navy facility - rpg - 07-20-2015

Dont forget the DC sniper after Sept 11 was muslim as well.

4 Marines reportedly dead in shooting attack at Tennessee Navy facility - Dr. Howard - 07-21-2015

Quote: (07-20-2015 10:01 PM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

Milwaukee County Sheriff's opinion on Obama's lack of response.

thats some hardcore shit. For those who don't know, Milwaukee is like the Baltimore Riots that no one heard about. Thats going to stir people up in Milwaukee for sure. The Milwaukee area is also where someone went nuts and shot up a Mosque a few years back...the president was all over that if I recall.

Has the president even shown his face in Chatanooga? Yet he's out singing at Charleston funerals. Those are his soldiers that are dead.

Can you imagine if your boss made some big deal about some locals being killed but then skipped the funerals of his own employees when killed in the same manner.

That hate that the armed forces must have for this president must be off the charts.

4 Marines reportedly dead in shooting attack at Tennessee Navy facility - kaotic - 07-21-2015

I think this white house sees dead solders as expendable and dead civilians as an opportunity to exploit.

It really does look like this dude really was fucked up in the head and I'm pretty sure he did exploit religion by his own means.

He did send a text quoting an arabic (islamic?) verse to a friend before he started shooting.

His parents sent him to Jordan to get away from his depression, also he refused rehab and denied his parents request to turn over his guns.

Another interesting thing is that his friend who taught him to shoot said the shooter thought ISIS was stupid.

I really want to know what went through this guy's head in the moment he decided to do this cowardly terrorist act.

As for the whole controversy over the flags fly half staff, I'm sure there's some kind of protocol.

If not, it's a pretty classless move not to lower them for these soldiers.

The capitol building and other state buildings did have lowered flags BUT not at the behest of Obama.

4 Marines reportedly dead in shooting attack at Tennessee Navy facility - RexImperator - 07-21-2015


I really want to know what went through this guy's head in the moment he decided to do this cowardly terrorist act.

Probably "Allahu Akbar!"

4 Marines reportedly dead in shooting attack at Tennessee Navy facility - kaotic - 07-21-2015

Quote: (07-21-2015 10:54 AM)RexImperator Wrote:  


I really want to know what went through this guy's head in the moment he decided to do this cowardly terrorist act.

Probably "Allahu Snakbar!"

Fixed it for you [Image: lol.gif]

4 Marines reportedly dead in shooting attack at Tennessee Navy facility - YossariansRight - 07-22-2015

[Image: attachment.jpg27226]   

4 Marines reportedly dead in shooting attack at Tennessee Navy facility - TheWastelander - 07-22-2015


Marine recruiters told not to wear uniforms after attack

The military services have taken swift action to increase security after Thursday's shootings in Tennessee, even closing some facilities and telling Marine recruiters not to wear uniforms in public.

Defense Secretary Ash Cater approved immediate steps taken by the military branches to increase security and has told the services to get back to him by the end of next week with additional force protection measures, Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook said in a statement on Friday.

The steps were taken just a day after a gunman attacked two military facilities in Chattanooga, leaving four Marines and one sailor dead. Suspected gunman Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez was killed in the attacks on a joint-service recruiting station and a nearby Navy Operational Support Center.

One of the steps Carter approved was Marine Corps Recruiting Command's decision to have recruiters not wear their military uniforms for now, a defense official said. The recruiting command also closed down all offices within 40 miles of the facilities in Chattanooga and increased the force protection condition level from "Bravo" to "Charlie."

"Charlie" is the third highest security level. It indicates an incident has occurred or officials have evidence that terrorists are planning an attack. Security measures can include thorough vehicle inspections and requiring an escort to get on base, according to a pamphlet from Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in New Jersey.

U.S. Army Recruiting Command has also elevated its force protection condition level to "Charlie" in coordination with the Marine Corps, the Defense official said. Navy Recruiting Command Southeast has doubled the number of hours it conducted Random Access measures and has increased efforts to work with local law enforcement to increase police patrol presence.

U.S. Northern Command raised the force protection condition level to "Bravo" in May just days after two suspected terrorists were shot before they could attack a contest in Texas that depicted the Prophet Muhammad as a cartoon.

Defense officials have said that NORTHCOM does not plan to raise the security levels on U.S. military bases, but the defense official explained that commanders have the ability to increase the force protection condition levels if they feel the need to do so.

4 Marines reportedly dead in shooting attack at Tennessee Navy facility - T and A Man - 07-22-2015

When a military is instructed to cower on its own soil, that doesn't bode well for its fighting efficacy.

4 Marines reportedly dead in shooting attack at Tennessee Navy facility - LeeEnfield303 - 07-24-2015

Army tells recruiters...if any of those legally armed citizens show up to protect your life....have them arrested.

4 Marines reportedly dead in shooting attack at Tennessee Navy facility - TheWastelander - 07-24-2015

Quote: (07-24-2015 04:58 PM)LeeEnfield303 Wrote:  

Army tells recruiters...if any of those legally armed citizens show up to protect your life....have them arrested.

Jesus Christ our entire government is full of fucking pussies, including the Defense Department.

4 Marines reportedly dead in shooting attack at Tennessee Navy facility - RexImperator - 07-24-2015

It's because we've become a culture of legalism taking priority over common sense.

4 Marines reportedly dead in shooting attack at Tennessee Navy facility - LeeEnfield303 - 07-24-2015

Quote: (07-24-2015 05:39 PM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

Quote: (07-24-2015 04:58 PM)LeeEnfield303 Wrote:  

Army tells recruiters...if any of those legally armed citizens show up to protect your life....have them arrested.

Jesus Christ our entire government is full of fucking pussies, including the Defense Department.

[Image: attachment.jpg27255]   

4 Marines reportedly dead in shooting attack at Tennessee Navy facility - Teedub - 07-24-2015

My only question is: "Why doesn't this happen in other first world countries?"

1) Civilian-wise (access to guns is the most logical response - in no other first world country are people scared to go to the fucking cinema)

2) Military wise

4 Marines reportedly dead in shooting attack at Tennessee Navy facility - It_is_my_time - 07-25-2015

I just saw the federal govt is asking the armed citizens to not protect the recruiting centers in the main stream press. At first I thought maybe it was just some conservative bloggers stirring up rumors.

This has to be the most inept administration imaginable. At this point, I can't even imagine Hillary being as bad, and I think she will be a disaster.

4 Marines reportedly dead in shooting attack at Tennessee Navy facility - Akula - 07-25-2015

Quote: (07-22-2015 09:25 AM)T and A Man Wrote:  

When a military is instructed to cower on its own soil, that doesn't bode well for its fighting efficacy.

Yeah seriously.

I mean I don't know what to make of this other than apparently the military doesn't feel like it can protect its troops on home soil. Or they think that arming these guys at the recruitment center is a bad idea.

Either way they look inept and incredibly politically motivated & controlled, not to mention just plain dumb.

4 Marines reportedly dead in shooting attack at Tennessee Navy facility - Fast Eddie - 07-25-2015

Quote: (07-24-2015 06:06 PM)RexImperator Wrote:  

It's because we've become a culture of legalism taking priority over common sense.

Culture of legalism? Yes and no. Yes when you want to let your 8 year old open a lemonade stand to serve neighbors in your backyard. Yes when you are a defenseless active duty marine being gunned down by a Muslim terrorist.

No when it comes to preventing untold millions of (illegal) foreigners streaming across the border to join the untold tens of millions of (illegal) foreigners already here.

Anarcho-tyranny, it's a thing, not just a glib phrase.

4 Marines reportedly dead in shooting attack at Tennessee Navy facility - It_is_my_time - 07-25-2015

Quote: (07-25-2015 03:00 PM)Akula Wrote:  

Quote: (07-22-2015 09:25 AM)T and A Man Wrote:  

When a military is instructed to cower on its own soil, that doesn't bode well for its fighting efficacy.

Yeah seriously.

I mean I don't know what to make of this other than apparently the military doesn't feel like it can protect its troops on home soil. Or they think that arming these guys at the recruitment center is a bad idea.

Either way they look inept and incredibly politically motivated & controlled, not to mention just plain dumb.

The left in the USA is consumed with the idea of govt. dependence. It is all they can think of, setting up yet another failed western hemisphere socialist shithole.

There is probably nothing more independent than protecting yourself from all threats. The easiest way to do that is with a gun. The left is very much looking to limit the right to bear arms. The thought of these soldiers being able to protect themselves when in the public is against their wishes. But the thought of civilians showing the inept govt. up and doing the protection themselves goes 100% against everything they believe in. They would far rather our soldiers be sitting ducks and at the mercy of an 11 minute national average police response than them being safe.

To make an omelet, you have to crack a few eggs. These helpless soldiers are nothing more than a few eggs in the cause for the greater good to the left.

4 Marines reportedly dead in shooting attack at Tennessee Navy facility - storm - 07-25-2015

I'm with Deepdiver on this.

We could be using advanced profiling to identify these moslem shooters. With the technology out there today, we could probably identify the day they acquired a firearm from the data alone.

I was just there, and I'm surprised the military men weren't carrying and to the devil with the bureaucrats. The people of TN are armed to the teeth. No way this would have happened if it was not a Gun-Free Zone. And instead of allowing them to stand guard over their fellow citizens in a time of danger they are arrested?

That order did not come from anyone in TN, not unless they were completely disconnected with the local populace.

4 Marines reportedly dead in shooting attack at Tennessee Navy facility - TheWastelander - 07-25-2015

Muslim immigrants and converts should not be sold guns and the government should focus on the people who disproportionately commit terrorist acts in this country.

4 Marines reportedly dead in shooting attack at Tennessee Navy facility - Hotwheels - 07-26-2015

Quote: (07-21-2015 10:31 AM)Dr. Howard Wrote:  

That hate that the armed forces must have for this president must be off the charts.

I'll call up my cousin who recently retired and take his temp. He went to West Point, did two tours in Iraq, spent time at Harvard and Northwestern (teaching), and was not shy in saying he didn't want to shake Clinton's hand at graduation.

He'll tell me how it is.

Wild ass guess? They hate Obama.

Alphas hate taking orders from pussies.

4 Marines reportedly dead in shooting attack at Tennessee Navy facility - storm - 07-26-2015

Quote: (07-26-2015 06:43 AM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2015 10:31 AM)Dr. Howard Wrote:  

That hate that the armed forces must have for this president must be off the charts.

I'll call up my cousin who recently retired and take his temp. He went to West Point, did two tours in Iraq, spent time at Harvard and Northwestern (teaching), and was not shy in saying he didn't want to shake Clinton's hand at graduation.

He'll tell me how it is.

Wild ass guess? They hate Obama.

Alphas hate taking orders from pussies.
ask him if its as bad as they say it is on the internet... Indentity politics promotions, brain drain, gun owner hate, boot camp "im feeling uncomfortable" cards, Iraqis better equipped than our own, "military=imperialism" oriented men in high ranking positions.

4 Marines reportedly dead in shooting attack at Tennessee Navy facility - ColSpanker - 07-26-2015

Here is an interesting approach: