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Asperger's Syndrome Girl! - questor70 - 12-07-2017

Well, over-investing too early is crazy. In my earlier, less mature times, I would not look a gift horse in the mouth, but this woman I talked about above, she said something along the lines of "why should I go looking for another guy when I have [insert my real name]?"

This was on the first real date.

I mean, I like commitment, but the two of us were just trying to get a lay of the land still, and obviously things didn't work out.

The reason she was already planning so far ahead was that despite being a 7, most guys bail for the same reason I bailed. So she is kind of like a SIF only instead of hiding her fatness she's hiding her unattractive mental issues.

Most guys will waive women being dumb or uninteresting as long as they are hot and compliant. But this kind of personality exudes asexuality. Imagine trying to bang Sheldon from Big Bang Theory in the body of a moderately hot woman. Sure, personality is a lot LESS interesting than looks, but I damn well knew that if I got through all of her defenses I'd be dealing with a starfish in the sack, despite me applying black-belt level technique.

So I just don't get the attitudes of some that are willing to take this kind of chick to completion.

A woman like this just wants to talk about science and philosophy all night. They can only intellectualize what love and passion is. They can't experience it.

Asperger's Syndrome Girl! - Mercenary - 12-07-2017

Quote: (12-07-2017 09:33 AM)questor70 Wrote:  

A woman like this just wants to talk about science and philosophy all night.

If you're going to date (or be in a relationship) with an aspie girl then this serious pitfall is certainly something you need to be very aware of. If you are not careful she will use you as her chat buddy where you have interesting and great 3 hour long conversations, but never get anywhere sexually with her. Also, you will find yourself having to frequently interrupt her, otherwise she will easily talk about one idea for 20 to 30 min straight if you don't rein her in or change the topic.

Escalating sexually with these type of girls is more tricky. Even holding her hand or touching her shoulder is difficult for her at the start. However, don't be discouraged by the uncomfortable or worried look on her face...eventually she will get used to it. Like all women, if she really doesn't want to be with you she will find a way to leave your company, and will not meet you again in the future. As long as she keeps agreeing to meet you one on one, plow on with the physical escalation. Never get into her trap of just talking endlessly with her. Thats what she wants. Always escalate.

Aspie girls are often perfectionists and has want roles & relationships and sex to be defined in terms that is acceptable to them, and expect these things to work in quite specific ways. You may need to adapt your usual game techniques to get her to go along with your seduction, but you will make yourself crazy if you try to figure out or follow all her little rules and definitions, so remember to lead like a man as always.

Remember - Aspie girl = Aspie rationalization hamster.

Alcohol is a big help with asperger girls, even more than regular females, cause their inhibitions and desire for perfectionism is much higher. If you get drinking with her you will have a MUCH easier time getting past all her mental hamstering & bullshit. Luckily, these type of girls often love drinking (and other vices) as a form of self medication for the endless analysing in their brains, so should not be too hard.

Quote: (12-07-2017 09:33 AM)questor70 Wrote:  

They can only intellectualize what love and passion is. They can't experience it.

To be sure, a girl with asperger syndrome will have huge difficulties showing loads of physical affection or saying "I miss you" or "I love you". This can be enormously frustrating especially if you've been in a serious relationship for a while, and have even fucked her good several different times. However, I've seen real love and affection happen more than once from these types of girls, so I know it's not impossible. When it does happen you will usually be quite shocked, as it often comes out of nowhere. Usually when you use a very specific choice of words she just loves, or do something quite innocent that she thinks is done in the "perfect" way. However, not many men in her life will be able to make her feel strong passion and real love. Its a rare thing for her to show it openly.

As for real passion, (especially sexual passion) again it's difficult. Most of the time she will seem quite robotic and frigid...but if you can turn her on (like really turn her on) watch out ! Aspie girls can be some of the most sexually charged girls you will be ever be with. One of theories for the causes of aspergers is an inbalance of testosterone, so these girls can actually get as super horny as a man. Trick is adapting your game to these type of girls and finding the correct way to unlock the raging nymphomaniac in her. Trust's in there. Be ready for it.

Asperger's Syndrome Girl! - questor70 - 12-08-2017

Quote: (12-07-2017 09:47 PM)Mercenary Wrote:  

Aspie girls can be some of the most sexually charged girls you will be ever be with.

I'll take your word for it. Seems like way too much time and effort solving that Rubik's cube.

I mean, I'm super nerdy and self-analytical to a level that drives women nuts (in a bad way) but these aspie girls are on a whole other level.

I'm the most nerdy at first but as soon as possible I try to get into a non-verbal groove. You know, spontaneous PDA or if she's in the kitchen I come up from behind and gently wrap my arms around her and initiate a little plausibly-deniable dry-humping. Normal women love that kind of always-on sensuality. They respond to it like extended foreplay, gradually building tension between bangs. I'd hate being with a woman who is so uptight about physicality that they need to be shepherded and boozed up while maintaining some talk about quantum physics.

Asperger's Syndrome Girl! - Mercenary - 12-08-2017

Quote: (12-08-2017 12:34 PM)questor70 Wrote:  

Quote: (12-07-2017 09:47 PM)Mercenary Wrote:  

Aspie girls can be some of the most sexually charged girls you will be ever be with.

I'll take your word for it. Seems like way too much time and effort solving that Rubik's cube.

I like that analogy.
Seducing and banging aspie girls truly is like trying to solve a rubix cube.

[Image: yz2Rp0h.gif]

Asperger's Syndrome Girl! - DraperJ.hank - 12-08-2017

Yeah would not recommend an LTR with one.. I got a close family member of mine that got the syndrome.

I truly feel sadness for people with the syndrome since it pushes everyone around them away, leaving them lonely, misserable. Maybe some other guys have a different experience but it only leads to pain and suffering from my experience

Asperger's Syndrome Girl! - Cane Toad - 12-08-2017

Quote: (12-08-2017 08:16 PM)DraperJ.hank Wrote:  

I truly feel sadness for people with the syndrome

I wouldn't feel too sad...quite often these people are highly intelligent. The reason they appear to be aloof and distant is because they choose to be. They have decided that you do not have the required intelligence to converse with. So they politely ignore you. You perceive this as pushing people away, them being lonely etc. They are not lonely, they are content in their own headspace...and you my friend, are just an annoyance in life that must be politely dismissed.

Einstein was reported to be Asperger's...along with many other famous names.

So next time you decide someone is Aspie and is distant, aloof's probably more likely that they have sized you up and decided that you are low intelligence.

Asperger's Syndrome Girl! - DraperJ.hank - 12-08-2017

I really dont think its a choice on their part as one would have to be Capable of makeing a connection.
You should read read the forum guidelines before alluding to another member as low IQ but I guess I stepped on someones toes

Asperger's Syndrome Girl! - Cane Toad - 12-09-2017

Mate. chill out

Asperger's Syndrome Girl! - puckerman - 12-09-2017

I have another piece of advice about people who are "on the spectrum." Speak with exact and precise language. Use numbers and stick with facts. For example:

I drank a lot of water.
He is very tall.
I drove a long way.
The price of gas is high.

I drank a gallon of water.
He is six foot, six inches.
I drove 57 miles.
The price of gas is $3.19.

They will simply reject the first examples. They may ask you again until you tell something more meaningful.

Asperger's Syndrome Girl! - Spartacus - 03-09-2018

Give her a chance.

Asperger's Syndrome Girl! - JackinMelbourne - 12-17-2018

Quote: (05-09-2011 11:49 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

While you don't have to beat yourself up over losing a thing that was lost already, I think it was unnecessary to engage in "witty" banter when you already had a date set up. There was nothing that you could have gained from "banter", you could have lost something, as it seems to me like she was just waiting for an excuse to flake.

Important reminder, especially for me. Thanks Handsome Creepy Eel!