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Asian girl breakdown - GenghisKhan - 08-07-2014

Quote: (08-05-2014 07:34 AM)BadWolf Wrote:  

This is why Asian guys don't get laid as much, very tribal. I mean seriously guys, just cause she doesn't want to date Asian doesn't make her less of a person. Would you go to Asia if you wanted to date an American woman? I'm pretty sure Asian girls find us as attractive as we find them.

In this video the point he's trying to make is you gotta call these entitled princesses out on their behavior and not put up with it otherwise their attitudes will get worse and worse.

All I heard them say was "I don't date Asian guys".

I'm pretty sure this is why the Asian girls don't really want to have anything to do with Asian guys. Would you want to date a girl that feels it necessary to call you out for dating another race? The second thing is that in Asian culture (more so Chinese), women are second class citizens and reminded as such for eternity by their parents. My wife is a perfect example, the brother was spoiled, given pretty much every resource and was the perfect child (even though he drinks, smokes and doesn't take care of his kid). My wife on the other hand was tossed aside, told she was worthless and a detriment to the family. It's pretty common knowledge that everyone prefers a son in China. Kind of the same here in Canada, everyone prefers a woman... they catch all the breaks, they get patted on the back in schools, they have access to all sorts of funding and school programs and they call us out whenever we don't succeed at anything. Everything is done to please women in North America and they feel entitled to knock anyone down that doesn't subscribe to this... I can fully sympathize with Asian women, I also don't ever want to date a white woman and my response would be exactly the same as the women in the video.

After having taught in China, I am not surprised that the Japanese and Chinese populations are in serious decline. Who the hell wants to marry the little emperor? Super spoiled kids that think they are entitled to everything, they put American entitlement to shame.

This comes right out of the video at 1:24: "If you can study biochem for 2 hours straight you can stare me in the eye for 20 seconds, its not that hard"

Are these the kinds of lines that Chinese guys use on girls? The more you guys yell at them, the more you are pushing them away. This kind of line isn't demonstrating higher value. I saw this guy tap a couple of the girls on the shoulder when he did his approach or just come up right behind them. If I don't give you permission to touch me, you shouldn't be doing that... its pretty clear from the subtext, none of these women were giving this guy IOIs. Wherever these guys are learning their game from, they are learning it WRONG. The first video was of 3 or 4 of them in a pack, tracking down a girl who made it pretty clear she wasn't interested, then shouting at her till she called security... how does this get you closer to a number or a lay? The Chinese guys that I've seen get women, don't do weird sh1t like that, they have natural game, they don't try and meet women in nightclubs and they don't spend any time on trying to game spoiled brats. I'm curious why people want to have 'conversations' in nightclubs anyway? Nightclubs are for DANCING. Conversations are for day game. I'm pretty sure everyone knows by now that America is the worst place to pickup ANY kind of women, the odds are stacked against you dating inside your own race.

It's like flipping a coin and getting pissed off when you lose 50% of the time.

This is extremely stupid. There are no women more entitled than western women. Japan is in decline as well as the majority of developed Western nations. China is in decline because of the 1 child policy.

Asian girl breakdown - Dalaran1991 - 08-08-2014

The whole notion of Asian girls being more decent and less entitled than Western women could not be more wrong. If you are a white guy banging her for fun then sure, she s your sweet little kitty. Dating her long term is a whole different story.

Asian girls have more of a herd mentality (asian culture promotes collectivism) so all the drama in Sex and the City is up ten fold within their social circle. The girls I posted, they are all "friends" with each other but the backstabbing and machiavellian maneuvering will put most white girls to shame. In my beta days I used to be best friendzoned with lots of white girls so I have a reference point. Asian girls are much more dramatic.

And since Asian men in general have no game or backbone, coupled with a feminist society that is run by tradition (how fucked up that sounds?) the men are always supposed to put women on a pedestal, notably paying for dates, but the girls have no obligation to the guy. I lost count of how many stories when a beta guy ask a girl out and she brings her whole harem of girlfriends on the date and he has to pay for it all. If you dont they will call you cheap ass and vulgar and launch the stories all over facebook and you can kiss your chances with other girls goodbye. Ask other RVFers who live in Asia, they can relate but since they are white they have a lot of leg room.

Asian culture also tolerates gold digging to an obscene degree. Money and fame game works much better in Asia than other types of game. Its not uncommon for her to discount you outright if you dont have a car or an Iphone. They feel its the men's job to provide for them even if they dont bring anything to the table.

My gf is Korean and she goes back every summer to work. She goes out with guys sometimes and they insist to pay even though they know they have no chance to bang her. She feels very strange.

Now of course there are a lot of traditional feminine women, but you will have to go to the rural areas to get them.

Asian girl breakdown - JWLZG - 08-08-2014

Quote: (08-08-2014 03:13 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

And since Asian men in general have no game or backbone, coupled with a feminist society that is run by tradition (how fucked up that sounds?)

East Asian society is feminist?? Elaborate on that please?

Quote: (08-08-2014 03:13 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

the men are always supposed to put women on a pedestal, notably paying for dates, but the girls have no obligation to the guy. [...]

Asian culture also tolerates gold digging to an obscene degree. Money and fame game works much better in Asia than other types of game. Its not uncommon for her to discount you outright if you dont have a car or an Iphone. They feel its the men's job to provide for them even if they dont bring anything to the table.

My gf is Korean and she goes back every summer to work. She goes out with guys sometimes and they insist to pay even though they know they have no chance to bang her. She feels very strange.

Oh yeah, the hypergamy and pedestalising in East Asia is just off the charts. In Singapore, there's some sort of Princess mentality that runs within the dating scene. Not analogous to the princess syndrome in the States, but there's definitely a sense of entitlement which leads to the guy's worth being measured by the restaurant and cinema he takes her to (and dates do run like that there [Image: confused.gif]), what he's wearing, he car he turned up in (and considering the number of Singaporean men under 25 owning their own cars is utterly miniscule...).

The Westernised Asian nations like Singapore and South Korea (possibly the Philippines and Japan too) like to make much ado about their cultures combining the best of Asian and Western values. IMO, the worst of both definitely get brought together in terms of Asian female entitlement. In this case Face; Tiger Mum complex coupled with materialism and consumer culture bring out the absolute fucking worst in Asian women.
Mind you, Asians take materialism and consumerism to a whole new level. I think it's particularly rampant among the middle classes. That's why you get fucked up keeping-up-with-the-Jones' traits like this.

Last date I went on was wine along a creek at the park that she frequented as a kid. She isn't Asian. Good luck suggesting that as a date in Asia, or even among FOB Asians in the West.

Asian girl breakdown - Dalaran1991 - 08-08-2014

By feminist I mean all the traditional dating rules apply to men but NOT women.

-Bring her flowers
-Take her on movies and dinners, like you said. The more expensive the dinner, the more you like her.
-Men always pay, even when going out with FEMALE friends. Play dutch and see your reputation ruined.
-Supposed to court women Romeo ways. Lord Jesus every day I go on Vietnam magazines there s shit tons of stories about guys buying hundreds of flower and waiting for the girl outside school to make a PDA show; guy mascoting as her favorite manga character and bring her flower; guys asking hundreds of people to hold cardboard with her names etc.
-Always fucking apologize. Guys kneeling with flowers to gf asking for forgiveness. Guys waiting in the rain with flowers (always flowers) in front of her house to apologize. Guy taking repeated slaps in the face from gf out int public.

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQafKYv27HE9yCodx2AtiG...VXFelcka6A]

[Image: Copy_of_tat_nguoi_yeu.jpg]

-Guys are supposed to guard the girl s virginity.
-Kino and escalation are creepy by default.
-All the above shit is condoned by society and the guys family.
-Guys commiting suicide bc of a girl. This drives me crazy. I almost lost 2 friends to this shit.

Note that in all those instances the girls have NO EXPECTATION to return the favor. The guys have to do all those shit and still have to take it if she says "No" and take all his effort and money.

This hits the middle class heavier than most. The rich guys can act like assholes, but they spend money that will make your US high rollers look like cheap asses. Due to corruption East Asia actually has the biggest income gap with some of the richest people around.

Things change slightly with expats. When I head home for vacation I enjoy some special treatment bc of my expat status, but I still have to pay quite a bit to go on dates, while I never spend anything on a western girl. Even hugging a girl can scare her; I always have to say "oh this is how I do it in US/France"

I might appear like Im cracking down on asian girls, but I do have to give them credit. They take good care of you once they fall in love with you. Dress, heels, shopping for you, cook for you (not me since Im always the better cook), love animal role playing, make you clothes, and generally age better. They also tend to be completely deferential when they are IN LOVE. Oh, and they fucking clean your house, though they wont shut up about how messy you are. This is almost universal among the asian couples I know.

In the end its just having good game and solid frame. All broads are equally annoying little children that you can fuck. We discuss differences here for the fun of it, thats all.

Asian girl breakdown - Menace - 08-08-2014

Thanks for the pics Dalaran. While I don't think any of those girls is an 8 in the US, I do agree they would likely get more attention stateside than they would in their home country.

And yes, Asian girls are not a panacea. They can be materialistic, jealous, and whiny.

Asian girl breakdown - WalterBlack - 08-08-2014

Quote: (08-08-2014 03:13 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

And since Asian men in general have no game or backbone, coupled with a feminist society that is run by tradition (how fucked up that sounds?) the men are always supposed to put women on a pedestal, notably paying for dates, but the girls have no obligation to the guy. I lost count of how many stories when a beta guy ask a girl out and she brings her whole harem of girlfriends on the date and he has to pay for it all. If you dont they will call you cheap ass and vulgar and launch the stories all over facebook and you can kiss your chances with other girls goodbye. Ask other RVFers who live in Asia, they can relate but since they are white they have a lot of leg room.

Asian culture also tolerates gold digging to an obscene degree. Money and fame game works much better in Asia than other types of game. Its not uncommon for her to discount you outright if you dont have a car or an Iphone. They feel its the men's job to provide for them even if they dont bring anything to the table.

I disagree with calling it feminism. I think that Asian cultures still have a bit of a throw back to older times and values.

When a man was “courting” a woman back in the old days in western countries he paid for everything. Why? Well many women didn’t even work back then and the ones that did, did very low paid work like a maid or a factory worker. The man always paid. I suspect that this whole “the man must pay for everything” is a hangover from those times.

As women are by nature hypergamous, then of course they will be golddiggers. Is it really pedestalising a woman by paying for dates? Men are traditionally the breadwinners so they’re always expected to pay.

As an aside, when and why did so many (east) Asian men turn beta towards women? I couldn’t imagine any samurai or Vietcong guy putting up with shit like this from a woman.

Asian girl breakdown - Chewbacon - 08-08-2014

Quote: (08-08-2014 03:13 PM)WalterBlack Wrote:  

Quote: (08-08-2014 03:13 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

And since Asian men in general have no game or backbone, coupled with a feminist society that is run by tradition (how fucked up that sounds?) the men are always supposed to put women on a pedestal, notably paying for dates, but the girls have no obligation to the guy. I lost count of how many stories when a beta guy ask a girl out and she brings her whole harem of girlfriends on the date and he has to pay for it all. If you dont they will call you cheap ass and vulgar and launch the stories all over facebook and you can kiss your chances with other girls goodbye. Ask other RVFers who live in Asia, they can relate but since they are white they have a lot of leg room.

Asian culture also tolerates gold digging to an obscene degree. Money and fame game works much better in Asia than other types of game. Its not uncommon for her to discount you outright if you dont have a car or an Iphone. They feel its the men's job to provide for them even if they dont bring anything to the table.

I disagree with calling it feminism. I think that Asian cultures still have a bit of a throw back to older times and values.

When a man was “courting” a woman back in the old days in western countries he paid for everything. Why? Well many women didn’t even work back then and the ones that did, did very low paid work like a maid or a factory worker. The man always paid. I suspect that this whole “the man must pay for everything” is a hangover from those times.

As women are by nature hypergamous, then of course they will be golddiggers. Is it really pedestalising a woman by paying for dates? Men are traditionally the breadwinners so they’re always expected to pay.

As an aside, when and why did so many (east) Asian men turn beta towards women? I couldn’t imagine any samurai or Vietcong guy putting up with shit like this from a woman.

Yeah, but back in the day, women didn't work. At least in China, and perhaps South Korea + Japan, it's common for women to work and pursue feminist desires. In turn, what has happened is a mentality that goes like this: "what's mine is mine, and what's yours is ours." I dated a girl like this (I didn't give into her frame, so it was a lot of fun to fuck with her). She was a fob transplant from China.

Asian girl breakdown - Sonsowey - 08-08-2014

The interesting thing is, Asian guys marry White guys, they have kids.

So basically, 1/3 -1/2 of the Asian women in our country are having babies that are half-white.

With half white/black people, generally they are classed "African-American" and travel in African American social circles, marry black people, so that most black people now are about 80% African and 20% European by descent. Any black-white mixture goes back into the "black" gene pool, not the "white" gene pool.

Will something similar happen with Asian-Americans?

Ie. Will most 50/50 Asian/White people will marry into the Asian community, and therefore you'll end up with lots of people who are like 75/25 Asian/White?

Or will they generally enter into the white community, so you end up next generation with lots of people who are 75/25 White/Asian?

I think probably 50/50 White/Asian will be more able to choose either community as they see fit, but likely they will absorb into the White community, so in 100 years it won't be common to see people with 25% or 12.5% Asian heritage and the rest being White.

I think by the time you are 75% something, you will look like that race. If you have 1 Asian grandparent I doubt most people would notice anything unless you told them and they could start seeing "hints" of this and that.

Actually, I knew a guy who was white, curly red hair, blue eyes, Irish descent mostly. He had an Asian (great?)grandparent. You couldn't tell at all.

Asian girl breakdown - WalterBlack - 08-08-2014

Quote: (08-08-2014 05:36 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

The interesting thing is, Asian guys marry White guys, they have kids.

So basically, 1/3 -1/2 of the Asian women in our country are having babies that are half-white.

With half white/black people, generally they are classed "African-American" and travel in African American social circles, marry black people, so that most black people now are about 80% African and 20% European by descent. Any black-white mixture goes back into the "black" gene pool, not the "white" gene pool.

I thought that was due to slavery? White slave owners raped lot of black women.

Quote: (08-08-2014 05:36 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

Will something similar happen with Asian-Americans?

Ie. Will most 50/50 Asian/White people will marry into the Asian community, and therefore you'll end up with lots of people who are like 75/25 Asian/White?

Or will they generally enter into the white community, so you end up next generation with lots of people who are 75/25 White/Asian?

I think probably 50/50 White/Asian will be more able to choose either community as they see fit, but likely they will absorb into the White community, so in 100 years it won't be common to see people with 25% or 12.5% Asian heritage and the rest being White.

I think by the time you are 75% something, you will look like that race. If you have 1 Asian grandparent I doubt most people would notice anything unless you told them and they could start seeing "hints" of this and that.

Actually, I knew a guy who was white, curly red hair, blue eyes, Irish descent mostly. He had an Asian (great?)grandparent. You couldn't tell at all.

I think generations who are born and raised here are less likely to give a shit about race as time goes on. In addition to white/Asian expect a lot of Asian/Mexican and (East)Asian/Indian mixed kids in southern California in the next 50 years.

The Japanese-American community is already dying out since so many marry out and there’s a very small amount of immigration from Japan to the US nowdays. I can pick up free Japanese-American magazines from newsagents in LA and a I can see that a lot of the events feature mixed people. I make fun of Japanese-Americans by telling them that they’ll be extinct with 2 generations.

Asian girl breakdown - El Chinito loco - 08-08-2014

Quote: (08-08-2014 05:36 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

Will something similar happen with Asian-Americans?

Ie. Will most 50/50 Asian/White people will marry into the Asian community, and therefore you'll end up with lots of people who are like 75/25 Asian/White?

I believe this is a possible trend. I have dated a few hapas (half white/half asian) girls in the U.S. AND abroad. It depends on their upbringing but i'd say people that are mixed in this way are more likely to grow up around an asian community. The hapa guys I know tend to date and prefer asian too. I'm more interested in the household income effect that will have. Asian-american women can be like birddogs when it comes to money. They will naturally gravitate towards beta status providers of all races. It could have an interesting positive wealth effect as these women hook more and more wealthy beta bucks type guys from other racial groups.

Asians differ from african-americans because asian immigrants can theoretically have unlimited growth potential in the U.S. This means that the asian blood mix will likely increase exponentionally over time. There are other factors like the points boost asian women get and the thirsty nature of the U.S. as well.

Quite a few russian slavs have asian blood from the mongol horde having their way with women there for a couple centuries. You can't really tell for the most part.

Asian girl breakdown - El Chinito loco - 08-08-2014

Quote: (08-08-2014 06:56 PM)WalterBlack Wrote:  

I think generations who are born and raised here are less likely to give a shit about race as time goes on. In addition to white/Asian expect a lot of Asian/Mexican and (East)Asian/Indian mixed kids in southern California in the next 50 years.

I lived in an area in socal where there was tremendous overlap between asian and latino neighborhoods. The interracial dating was pretty low between the two groups. I knew of more asian-american guys dating latinas than the other way around. A lot of it was due to socioeconomic factors. Asian woman tend not to like the brown guys and this bears out in the interracial statistics.

I also know of quite a few middle and upper class asian/indian mixed communities and the IR overlap is even smaller. Dating people from the subcontinent is considered a big time DLV for NE asians at least. The skin tone/culture bias is strong there. From my experiences SE Asians (except maybe Singaporeans) dislike Indians even more than NE asians.

Asian girl breakdown - Feo - 08-08-2014

Feo's tip for gaming asian girl (Chinese/Korean):

Just think of her as a conservative white chick with weird quirks and a clingy family.

Also, have a rich asian buddy.


Asian girl breakdown - TigerMandingo - 08-08-2014

Quote: (08-08-2014 05:36 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

The interesting thing is, Asian guys marry White guys, they have kids.

So basically, 1/3 -1/2 of the Asian women in our country are having babies that are half-white.

[Image: serious.gif]

Asian girl breakdown - the high - 08-09-2014

I think threads like these tend not to do much more than create limiting beliefs.

Also it's important to note that Asia is a continent with a lot of different countries and cultures. Just because you're Thai doesn't make you an expert on Japanese culture and vice versa.

At least the graph on the first page which was probably created as a gag says it's specifically talking about San Fran Asians.

Asian girl breakdown - El Chinito loco - 08-09-2014

Quote: (08-09-2014 02:01 PM)the high Wrote:  

I think threads like these tend not to do much more than create limiting beliefs.

America is all about encouraging limiting beliefs and then slipping the knife into the back of your nearest competitor.

Asian girl breakdown - Sebastian - 08-09-2014

If it was several years ago, I would chime into this 'Debate'. I don't care anymore.

there is no point of analyzing guys. just go out and talk to girls. Find a Damn Answer from there, Not from the forum sitting by your computer.

Asian girl breakdown - WalterBlack - 08-12-2014

Quote: (08-08-2014 07:25 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

I lived in an area in socal where there was tremendous overlap between asian and latino neighborhoods. The interracial dating was pretty low between the two groups. I knew of more asian-american guys dating latinas than the other way around. A lot of it was due to socioeconomic factors. Asian woman tend not to like the brown guys and this bears out in the interracial statistics.

I also know of quite a few middle and upper class asian/indian mixed communities and the IR overlap is even smaller. Dating people from the subcontinent is considered a big time DLV for NE asians at least. The skin tone/culture bias is strong there. From my experiences SE Asians (except maybe Singaporeans) dislike Indians even more than NE asians.

I think it will be different 2 or 3 generations down the line. There’s a lot more mixing going on when people live side by side. In Singapore Indians and Chinese have been living side by side for generations now and Indian male/Chinese female is the most common mix there. There’s also been some mixing going on in Latin America between Chinese and other races for while. I’ve come across people from places like Peru or El Salvador who have a Chinese grandparent.

The Indians are seen to have DLV amongst NE & SE Asians (FOBs and older generation) because many assume that Indians are poor and work as cab drivers. I’ve blown a couple of their minds when I tell them that in the US Indians are per capita wealthier than any other immigrants from Asia. When the US born kids of NE and SE Asians go to med school or law school with Indian Americans (who are not IRT losers) then it’s a different story.

Asian girl breakdown - El Chinito loco - 08-12-2014

Quote: (08-12-2014 03:05 PM)WalterBlack Wrote:  

I think it will be different 2 or 3 generations down the line. There’s a lot more mixing going on when people live side by side. In Singapore Indians and Chinese have been living side by side for generations now and Indian male/Chinese female is the most common mix there. There’s also been some mixing going on in Latin America between Chinese and other races for while. I’ve come across people from places like Peru or El Salvador who have a Chinese grandparent.

There are some fundamental differences between how those societies work and how things work in the U.S. and the rest of the anglosphere. You're looking at things through an anglicized lens of "multiculturalism" which is both hopelessly optimistic and flawed.

In Singapore there were strong reasons for various races living in the tiny nation-state to cooperate. The primary driving force was to build a nation capable of withstanding the present danger of outside economic and social forces such as Malaysia. This racial "harmony" was achieved with a lot of authoritarian conditioning. Everyone cooperated because it was in their best interest to do so unless they wanted to get overrun.

Latin America more or less fully assimilated its asian population. This is why you have a large population of Japanese Brazilians, Japanese Peruvians etc.. who don't see themselves as culturally that different. The hierarchies are somewhat different there. Societies in South America lean more towards economic class hierarchies over race. Asians formed their own economic super-class in many of those countries and rose to political and business prominence.

In Anglo countries ethnic communities are held largely at arm's length, segregated, and conditioned to compete with each other. This means distrust and balkanization will remain high for generations to come. In fact it will likely contribute to the American downfall once the flood of lower class immigrants (ie. south of the border latinos) reaches a tipping point.

You could even say the practical motivations and reasons to spur different races in America to cooperate is actually decreasing over time. Multiculturalism is bogus anyhow, the best and most efficient societies in the world to live in are homogenous. The U.S. has been an anomaly and an exception to this rule. The grand experiment will likely collapse once the post-WW2 economic edge completely fades.


The Indians are seen to have DLV amongst NE & SE Asians (FOBs and older generation) because many assume that Indians are poor and work as cab drivers. I’ve blown a couple of their minds when I tell them that in the US Indians are per capita wealthier than any other immigrants from Asia. When the US born kids of NE and SE Asians go to med school or law school with Indian Americans (who are not IRT losers) then it’s a different story.

The new immigrants coming from Asia will overwhelmingly be the type that look down on Indians. The level of distrust and general dislike in those countries of Indians is strong. There are also multi-generational Indians living in countries like Thailand but yet they are generally disliked by the population and very rarely fully assimilate into the larger society. There are historical and cultural reasons for this.

Asian girl breakdown - WalterBlack - 08-13-2014

Quote: (08-12-2014 07:13 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

There are some fundamental differences between how those societies work and how things work in the U.S. and the rest of the anglosphere. You're looking at things through an anglicized lens of "multiculturalism" which is both hopelessly optimistic and flawed.

In Singapore there were strong reasons for various races living in the tiny nation-state to cooperate. The primary driving force was to build a nation capable of withstanding the present danger of outside economic and social forces such as Malaysia. This racial "harmony" was achieved with a lot of authoritarian conditioning. Everyone cooperated because it was in their best interest to do so unless they wanted to get overrun.

Latin America more or less fully assimilated its asian population. This is why you have a large population of Japanese Brazilians, Japanese Peruvians etc.. who don't see themselves as culturally that different. The hierarchies are somewhat different there. Societies in South America lean more towards economic class hierarchies over race. Asians formed their own economic super-class in many of those countries and rose to political and business prominence.

In Anglo countries ethnic communities are held largely at arm's length, segregated, and conditioned to compete with each other. This means distrust and balkanization will remain high for generations to come. In fact it will likely contribute to the American downfall once the flood of lower class immigrants (ie. south of the border latinos) reaches a tipping point.

You could even say the practical motivations and reasons to spur different races in America to cooperate is actually decreasing over time. Multiculturalism is bogus anyhow, the best and most efficient societies in the world to live in are homogenous. The U.S. has been an anomaly and an exception to this rule. The grand experiment will likely collapse once the post-WW2 economic edge completely fades.

How are minorities conditioned to compete with each other? I’m from UK originally and I can’t say that was my experience.

Quote: (08-12-2014 07:13 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

The new immigrants coming from Asia will overwhelmingly be the type that look down on Indians. The level of distrust and general dislike in those countries of Indians is strong. There are also multi-generational Indians living in countries like Thailand but yet they are generally disliked by the population and very rarely fully assimilate into the larger society. There are historical and cultural reasons for this.

What about the NE & SE Asians that have been in the US for a few generations? I was referring to them. Attitudes will change. They always do.

I have friend from Guangdong in China and she told there’s a lot of Indian families living in her home city. A lot of Africans are moving to China too A lot of Africans are moving to China too. Expect a lot of mixing in the future.

Asian girl breakdown - CactusCat589 - 08-16-2014

I've had most of my success with half-Asian girls specifically. I may have a keen instinct for this, and I keep meeting a disproportionate number of them.

If they mention their ethnic background, ie "I'm half-Korean, half-French", with a coy tone of voice, this is a solid indicator of interest. They're playing up their exotic factor to heighten their value/pique your interest. I've had them not-so-subtly steer the conversation toward it or just flat out say it. They'll follow up by asking me about mine so it's kind of a specific opener they use. (I'm fully Chinese, but with the double eyelid. My mom looks like one of these girls herself, and my dad has the male version of those facial features. I feel like I was made to crack this demographic.)

They are the girls you have to be the most forward with. With white girls, or maybe Latina or black girls, they might meet you halfway and aid you in the process. But with Asians, you have to be the one escalating all the way to the close *and* past that. The most they'll do is give you a hint, EVEN after already having sex with them, that they're in the mood. It's not that they're unreceptive, it's just that you still have to smoothly make it happen.

They're fully self-aware of their value and can be smug about it. They're completely the opposite of their full Asian counterparts who might harbor insecurities about their race. They have a bit of princess mentality, but to be honest... that level of beauty legitimately entitles them to the pedestal more than most.

It was a hard sell at the beginning, because they are the last girls on earth who'll sympathize with an inexperienced guy. On the other hand, it's probably a good thing in that it trains you to be wily, and able to get sex even when it seems it's just not meant to be on a particular day.

Asian girl breakdown - Coldfire - 08-21-2014

I saw a group of Asian girls walking around tonight they always stuck together it was damn near impossible to approach one alone, any advice?

Asian girl breakdown - Sebastian - 08-21-2014

There is a reason why this thread turned into serious debate

I admit as an asian, asian guys tend to analyze things and percentage of nerd is higher as well.

Plus white guy who is into asian girls are usually beta, nerdy type as well.

So there you go, keep analyzing.

Asian girl breakdown - BadWolf - 08-21-2014

best advice: approach them.

nerdy type <-- very true, describes me to a T. My wife is the same way, watches anime, dresses in cosplay.

Asian girl breakdown - mikado - 08-22-2014

I hated when I hung out with Chinese girls and they brought their friends along.

Asian girl breakdown - Dalaran1991 - 08-22-2014

Quote: (08-21-2014 10:12 PM)Coldfire Wrote:  

I saw a group of Asian girls walking around tonight they always stuck together it was damn near impossible to approach one alone, any advice?

Call me on this one, but Asian girl is THE ONLY SPECIES ON EARTH who walk around holding each other hands or arms.

You might as well as them if you wanna do a threesome.


I hated when I hung out with Chinese girls and they brought their friends along.

Typical Asian entitlement. I could pull out a hundred newsfeed from my Vietnamese facebook about girls humiliating guys for not having enough money to buy her and her friends whatever they want to eat.

My asian wing did this when that happened: he finished eating, fake getting a phone call and disappears, leaving her and her harem his bill too. Then he blocked her off his fb. The shitstorm of angry text message and facebook name calling will make your white hoes blush in shame. We read all that through my facebook and laugh for the rest of the night.

Your typical asian slut is just as, if not more annoying and higher maintenance than white girl unless you are a cool white guy. Unless you have yellow fever I dont see any reason going for asian girl. White and latinas are much more voluptous.