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French Foreign Legion - TonySandos - 05-29-2014

Quote: (05-28-2014 02:57 PM)Cunnilinguist Wrote:  

Quote: (05-27-2014 10:52 PM)hwuzhere Wrote:  

I already know conversational French to an extent. I'm not fluent but if I was left alone in France I could find my way around. Also yes I've all but decided to stay my course and go to college and John the legion if shit hits the fan.

You think you do, but you probably dont. And i dont mean that in a hateful way. I also thought I had a 'basic grasp' of French until I came to Montreal and got my ass handed back on a platter.

But back to your original question, heres a pretty good article from a guy who attempted to join the FFL.

The good thing is you obtain French citizenship after 3 yrs of service. Thats something that I myself would be interested in.

Careful, from what I understand is that you get to apply for citizenship after those three years.

French Foreign Legion - Quintus Curtius - 08-23-2015

I just finished watching Bear Grylls's special called "Escape to the Legion" on You Tube.

Some of these guys were mentally and physically soft. I know I could have ripped through that TV course, even now in my 40s. They could use a lesson in fanatical willpower.

For some reason, watching this really got me fired up. I just wanted to dive in there with these guys and get in the mix.

I also ordered a book on the Legion from Amazon recently. It was Simon Murray's "Legionnaire".

Will give a report when I'm done.

French Foreign Legion - Fast Eddie - 08-23-2015

Quote: (08-23-2015 04:22 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  


I also ordered a book on the Legion from Amazon recently. It was Simon Murray's "Legionnaire".

Will give a report when I'm done.

That book is epic. I read it when I was 19 years old and it almost made me cry, because I knew I would never experience the same type of all-absorbing, life or death adventure that Murray (and countless others in history) had the opportunity to experience as young men.

Btw, Murray is one badass man. You get that notion reading the book, but for a confirmation simply read up on his post-legion career. The man went from high school to the legion, and from the legion directly to becoming a millionaire and one of the most well connected businessmen in Asia. He's also completely red-pill and probably deserves his own thread on RVF [Image: smile.gif]

French Foreign Legion - Quintus Curtius - 08-23-2015

Quote: (08-23-2015 04:39 PM)Fast Eddie Wrote:  

Quote: (08-23-2015 04:22 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  


I also ordered a book on the Legion from Amazon recently. It was Simon Murray's "Legionnaire".

Will give a report when I'm done.

That book is epic. I read it when I was 19 years old and it almost made me cry, because I knew I would never experience the same type of all-absorbing, life or death adventure that Murray (and countless others in history) had the opportunity to experience as young men.

Btw, Murray is one badass man. You get that notion reading the book, but for a confirmation simply read up on his post-legion career. The man went from high school to the legion, and from the legion directly to becoming a millionaire and one of the most well connected businessmen in Asia. He's also completely red-pill and probably deserves his own thread on RVF [Image: smile.gif]

Fuck man, well now I'm really pumped to read it.

It should be here in a week or so. After I read it, I'll post my thoughts here.


French Foreign Legion - Constitution45 - 08-24-2015

Probably late to give advice, but I suggest doing both.

Join the reserves while at university; this will teach you skills and give you some excitement.

You can teach English in some 'possy paradise' but you will get bored after a year and you will not really develop any skills. Maybe perhaps learning the language of whatever country it is you are choosing to live in. Also you will start to resent yourself for taking an easy option, especially if adventure is in your mind. Also to be honest, I see old guys (30-40) living in Russia/China etc pretty much most places in the world aside from the Anglosphere, and enjoying themselves just as much as the younger guys. When you are in your twenties, you want to be slaying much of the world as possible (not literally, but perhaps in the FFL) Life can be uncomfortable, challenging and this will just serve to make you more stronger and capable.

I've done both and although living as an expat is great at times, if you have that calling for adventure, you need to be true to yourself. If living dangerously is your calling in life, then don't deny it.

Thing about us men is that we are always trying to push for freedom. As sadistic as it may sound, I have to be honest.
I had sex with a hot Slovakian chick in some random FSU city centre but it wasn't nearly as half as enjoyable as getting into fights with knifemen or avoiding being kidnapped in the Middle East. Maybe thats just not my personal experience and opinion but I'm sure others on this forum will testify to the same.

French Foreign Legion - Leónidas - 04-13-2016

So, what happened? Did you join?

French Foreign Legion - Comte De St. Germain - 04-13-2016

Quote: (04-13-2016 10:30 PM)Leónidas Wrote:  

So, what happened? Did you join?

Nah but it's still one of my back up options. Although my French has gotten rusty especially since I've not been to France in 4 years. Ride my way through college and get my degree before I make any choices I can regret especially since it's debt free.

French Foreign Legion - Sourcecode - 04-13-2016

Did OP ever join the legion¿

French Foreign Legion - Comte De St. Germain - 04-13-2016

Quote: (04-13-2016 10:38 PM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

Did OP ever join the legion¿

[Image: giphy.gif]

Dead and buried. The forum member known as hwuzhere no longer exists R.I.P. died in the Legion.