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The 99% - speakeasy - 05-07-2014


In this case I don't think it has anything to do with the "rising cost of white pussy". I think it's the fact that most white females overwhelmingly are just not attracted to Asian men.


But let me change the subject here a bit. How effective do you guys think being in shape really is for your results?

If you have an average body, i.e. you are not fat, not skinny, maybe have some muscle tone but are far from an underwear model, don't have a pot belly, etc, do you think think working out like a beast to get the underwear model body will make much of a difference?

Let's consider these scenarios:

1) Guy is fat and out of shape, disgusting body to women. He works out and diets and brings his physique to normal as outlined above.

2) Guy with normal physique works out like crazy to get the Greek God physique with low body fat, definition, six pack, noticeable but not gratuitous muscular(like a power-lifter).

Who will see the biggest increase in his results?

I would say the first guy. I think a normal guy who works out for the best body will see some improvement in IOIs, but will it be enough of an improvement to justify the amount of work and sacrifice to get that body? But if you are guy one and you are repelling women with an out of shape body, getting yourself just to normal will mean a far greater increase in IOIs.

I work out several times a week. I'd consider myself in shape though far from a Greek God body. I feel to get that body I'm working against my genetics. I've always had a skinny fat problem and a propensity to have baby fat around my waste that just doesn't seem to come off no matter what I do, even when I have gotten tremendous workouts when I was heavily indulged in fight classes(and the gym at the same time) the baby fat never melted away. I'd have to basically do insane amounts of cardio and have a very strict diet if I ever wanted a six pack. Some people I've known with better genetics can eat whatever they want and still remain fairly lean and athletic looking. I would love to have below 10% body fat but I'm not convinced that the sacrifice it would take to get there would give me enough IOIs to justify having to give up nearly any food that tastes good.

The 99% - cocoballs - 05-07-2014

Fuck that, dude, eat whatever you want.

Almost all of the guys who live in my building have a sixpack, they are fitness trainers and models, and yes they pull 8+s, but so do people like me and some of my friends. I eat chocolate or pastries several times a week, yet I have more success with women than back in the day when I was struggling to keep a sixpack. Confidence beats sixpack any day.

Another thing is that no matter how you look you have to realize that some girls will only go for the model type - buff, blonde, blue or green eyes, actor/model looking guy.

If that's not you, I KNOW THAT SUCKS, but don't freak out, just maximize YOUR look and I guarantee there are girls out there who are particularly attracted to your specific look.

The 99% - berserk - 05-07-2014

Quote: (05-05-2014 09:39 AM)Nomad77 Wrote:  

If 90% of the men on this board agrees that this is not a good thing then why aren't, at least 50% of them, trying to change anything.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." - Burke

It is this, every man for himself, fuck the rest mentally that got us were we are today and will take us where we really do not even want to imagine being.

That's a good quote by Edmond Burke and if you've actually just read cliffnotes of traditional conservatism, not this modern neo-con, christian nonsense, then you also probably realize that conservatism by Burke is exactly the antidote that will bring about the change you and I want.

I believe this will be sooner rather than later, in 10-15 years, I see the younger cynic, disillusioned generation of men going this way. Remember that the boomers will soon die and their ideas and money with them. Then a new generation will take over.

If you're early twenties now, I could understand just putting in the time, getting some money, a good job, being a decent man. If you're thirties and up, then I am not so sure, because you will be too old to enjoy the fruits of conservative revival. For that generation of men, I think game is exactly the medicine.

The 99% - Atlantic - 05-07-2014

If you dont want to use much effort to game you have to find a good niche and start 'farming'.

I got burnt out with nightlife and the required amount of effort. I did close to ten years.

Now Ive got my tinder, coffee shops and yoga plus some extra day game. All in a few hours a week of easy effort and its been paying off huge.

In a competitive market you have to specialize your product. The more the better.

The 99% - Foolsgo1d - 05-07-2014

Quote: (05-07-2014 12:45 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  


In this case I don't think it has anything to do with the "rising cost of white pussy". I think it's the fact that most white females overwhelmingly are just not attracted to Asian men.


But let me change the subject here a bit. How effective do you guys think being in shape really is for your results?

If you have an average body, i.e. you are not fat, not skinny, maybe have some muscle tone but are far from an underwear model, don't have a pot belly, etc, do you think think working out like a beast to get the underwear model body will make much of a difference?

Let's consider these scenarios:

1) Guy is fat and out of shape, disgusting body to women. He works out and diets and brings his physique to normal as outlined above.

2) Guy with normal physique works out like crazy to get the Greek God physique with low body fat, definition, six pack, noticeable but not gratuitous muscular(like a power-lifter).

Who will see the biggest increase in his results?

I would say the first guy. I think a normal guy who works out for the best body will see some improvement in IOIs, but will it be enough of an improvement to justify the amount of work and sacrifice to get that body? But if you are guy one and you are repelling women with an out of shape body, getting yourself just to normal will mean a far greater increase in IOIs.

I work out several times a week. I'd consider myself in shape though far from a Greek God body. I feel to get that body I'm working against my genetics. I've always had a skinny fat problem and a propensity to have baby fat around my waste that just doesn't seem to come off no matter what I do, even when I have gotten tremendous workouts when I was heavily indulged in fight classes(and the gym at the same time) the baby fat never melted away. I'd have to basically do insane amounts of cardio and have a very strict diet if I ever wanted a six pack. Some people I've known with better genetics can eat whatever they want and still remain fairly lean and athletic looking. I would love to have below 10% body fat but I'm not convinced that the sacrifice it would take to get there would give me enough IOIs to justify having to give up nearly any food that tastes good.

You're going along the wrong lines with lifting weights, losing fat and getting women.

The men at the gym who are in it for the women are, no offense to you or anyone that fits this demograph; soft headed and weak-willed.

When things dont go your way with women but you've been hitting the gym 4-5 days a week for the past 6-8 months you're going to be upset and then comes the rationalisations.

Why not work out as a means to better yourself? When I was a teen my dad said I couldn't hold up a long ladder with any decent capability and this annoyed me a fair bit.

What happens when you cant un-screw a bolt on a tyre and then some other guy comes along and pops it like nothing? It would be emasculating.

You said it yourself, 'does the effort become something I can cash-in on the regular with women?"

Answer: You are relying too much on just being there at that moment and ignore other things which can help. What happens when you end up in a place with 30 other guys with better bodies and decent faces?

Would you take a hard 6 or take chances with the many 7s and 8s?

My own experiences are this; when you reach a certain size in relation to your height and it shows (220-250lbs) women will eye fuck you hard in very subtle ways and all you have to do is pick up on the IOIs.

I have never suffered for hitting a regular gym routine these past 4 years, most men my age are looking like shit after the alcohol, bad diets and lack of exercise has taken its toll.

The 99% - Christian McQueen - 05-07-2014

Self-improvement is just that: SELF-improvement.

If you're doing it JUST for women you're approaching it wrong.

The by product of improving YOURSELF, is women, not the direct reason for doing it.

I work on self-improvement because I want to my best.

I've always had women when I was nothing and as somebody, so I'm not tripping. I'll always have women. But my fuel to my fire is completely narcissistic and 'selfish'. Women are just icing on the cake of success.

The 99% - DVY - 05-07-2014

^^only fools think that self-improvement is for women. It may, like other things start that way, but it oddly becomes part of your psyche. Something you take pride in.

The 99% - Nomad77 - 05-07-2014

lol, as always the thread has degenerated into I don't know what anymore [Image: smile.gif]

Some Asian guy mentioned he can't get white girls. I haven't found this to be the case. I am half Asian and most of my girls have been white and most of my family are married to white girls. I think the whole opposite attract thing works. If you can't get white girls it's because you are having a problem relating to them.

I am all for any and all forms of self-improvement including Game. I am 100% behind the concept of doing everything you can. Hell, every single time I go to the supermarket I do a complete scan of the whole damn place. It's just seems to me that each year I am working harder for women that I wouldn't even have look at twice five years ago. It's fairly easy to go out there and be a good entertainer and even get some pussy for it. But more and more, I find myself playing the games on their terms not mine.

The 99% - StrikeBack - 05-07-2014

Yeah not sure about the Asian guy can't get white girls thing. I'm Asian, most girls I've been with are white. If anything I struggle to relate to and seduce Asian girls. My extended family, from grandparents generation downwards, have many interracial marriages and most are Asian husband white wife.

By no means I'm saying getting a decently attractive white girl (or girl of any race) is easy, but I don't see white girls being any harder than the rest.

Quote:speakeasy Wrote:

Let's consider these scenarios:

1) Guy is fat and out of shape, disgusting body to women. He works out and diets and brings his physique to normal as outlined above.

2) Guy with normal physique works out like crazy to get the Greek God physique with low body fat, definition, six pack, noticeable but not gratuitous muscular(like a power-lifter).

Who will see the biggest increase in his results?

Firstly, raw drug-free powerlifters (I'm one) are not hugely muscular like you see the big roid guys are. They just look like lean muscular athletic guys, until you get to the heavyweight classes e.g 120kg, >120kg

Secondly, I have insider's view on the two scenarios you brought up. A mate and I were both #1, same ethnicity, height, build. Yes getting to normal decent shape got us much more successes. However, my mate was more dedicated and gone to #2. He's muscular and about 8% BF. His success rate went through the roof - much more than the fat to regular fit transformation - until he got tired and locked up a cool chick for LTR.

I was set back by a few injuries so it took me longer to break 15% BF (now I'm closer to 12%). I'm aiming to hit his level in the next year or so. The trick is to stay there though, not just get there.

The beauty is, we don't have to give up good tasting foods. Train hard everyday, eat natural foods, do intermittent fasting. Not sure about genetic limitation, but if you go by our natural builds, both of us would be fat endomorphs.

The 99% - Nomad77 - 05-07-2014

Yep, once you get into the 8+ range, it doesn't matter what race she is, it's going to get difficult unless you are running fame or pretty boy game. Or she's broke and you are loaded with cash.

The 99% - WD-40 - 05-08-2014

Quote: (05-07-2014 11:11 PM)StrikeBack Wrote:  

A mate and I were both #1, same ethnicity, height, build. Yes getting to normal decent shape got us much more successes. However, my mate was more dedicated and gone to #2. He's muscular and about 8% BF. His success rate went through the roof - much more than the fat to regular fit transformation - until he got tired and locked up a cool chick for LTR.

So you are saying they don't like us as much because we are too fat.

That actually makes kind of sense since we don't like women as much either if they are too fat.

The 99% - Nomad77 - 05-08-2014

As women become more like men they are also becoming more like men sexually. That is, the are becoming more visual in their sexuality. Women are now looking at men they way men look at women. BUT women are still very selective when it comes to sex whereas men never was.

The 99% - StrikeBack - 05-08-2014

Quote: (05-08-2014 12:07 AM)WD-40 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-07-2014 11:11 PM)StrikeBack Wrote:  

A mate and I were both #1, same ethnicity, height, build. Yes getting to normal decent shape got us much more successes. However, my mate was more dedicated and gone to #2. He's muscular and about 8% BF. His success rate went through the roof - much more than the fat to regular fit transformation - until he got tired and locked up a cool chick for LTR.

So you are saying they don't like us as much because we are too fat.

That actually makes kind of sense since we don't like women as much either if they are too fat.


But my point was more this: there is a huge difference in the sexual attention you get from women as you go from the regular lean & fit 12~15% BF range to sub 10% elite range (assuming decent muscle mass).

I don't think men are as selective about women's leanness.

It's consistent with women's behaviours in pretty much everything: they have simple taste and are satisfied with only the best.

The 99% - Simeon_Strangelight - 05-08-2014

Quote: (05-08-2014 12:14 AM)Nomad77 Wrote:  

As women become more like men they are also becoming more like men sexually. That is, the are becoming more visual in their sexuality. Women are now looking at men they way men look at women. BUT women are still very selective when it comes to sex whereas men never was.

I agree, though that changes slowly. And the genetic hardwiring for the dream-guy of the dominant Alpha with a provisioning Beta inside cannot be erased no matter how deep the indoctrination.

The hypergamy Hamster is just on crack right now due to some changes recently.

1. Tinder, OKCupid, Facebook, etc. all feed crack to the Hamster. There are hot 20-year-old bitches who go months without sex just because no guy hot enough for her hypergamy-craziness has approached them.

2. Add to that the increasing obesity epidemic which decreases the pool of bangable girls tremendously and yes you have PUAs having to work harder for their 7+ pussy.

Some top-notch guys who are kings in their domain may not feel it, but there is a reason why even Master PUAs like Roosh have left the country. Toiling like crazy for one 8+ in the US or having a dozen 8+ in Eastern Europe during the same time period at a fraction of effort needed - what will it be?

The 99% - Foolsgo1d - 05-08-2014

Quote: (05-07-2014 11:11 PM)StrikeBack Wrote:  

Yeah not sure about the Asian guy can't get white girls thing. I'm Asian, most girls I've been with are white. If anything I struggle to relate to and seduce Asian girls. My extended family, from grandparents generation downwards, have many interracial marriages and most are Asian husband white wife.

By no means I'm saying getting a decently attractive white girl (or girl of any race) is easy, but I don't see white girls being any harder than the rest.

Quote:speakeasy Wrote:

Let's consider these scenarios:

1) Guy is fat and out of shape, disgusting body to women. He works out and diets and brings his physique to normal as outlined above.

2) Guy with normal physique works out like crazy to get the Greek God physique with low body fat, definition, six pack, noticeable but not gratuitous muscular(like a power-lifter).

Who will see the biggest increase in his results?

Firstly, raw drug-free powerlifters (I'm one) are not hugely muscular like you see the big roid guys are. They just look like lean muscular athletic guys, until you get to the heavyweight classes e.g 120kg, >120kg

Secondly, I have insider's view on the two scenarios you brought up. A mate and I were both #1, same ethnicity, height, build. Yes getting to normal decent shape got us much more successes. However, my mate was more dedicated and gone to #2. He's muscular and about 8% BF. His success rate went through the roof - much more than the fat to regular fit transformation - until he got tired and locked up a cool chick for LTR.

I was set back by a few injuries so it took me longer to break 15% BF (now I'm closer to 12%). I'm aiming to hit his level in the next year or so. The trick is to stay there though, not just get there.

The beauty is, we don't have to give up good tasting foods. Train hard everyday, eat natural foods, do intermittent fasting. Not sure about genetic limitation, but if you go by our natural builds, both of us would be fat endomorphs.

You're similar to me, although I have always had a low BF %.

The easiest lays you can get are when a girl eyeballs your arms and you let her feel them up. [Image: banana.gif]

Do you compete?

I'd like to get to a national level here in the UK and get a name for myself.

The 99% - Moma - 05-08-2014

Having a defined physique ALWAYS helps. I don't know why guys who have not been there keep on rationalising that. It's male hamster at best.

I had a friend in the UK who was jet black and very ripped. He was African and looked it. Body fat percentage was low and you could see the cuts on his forearms etc.
He was smart and always wore tight shirts to accentuate this.

I literally saw a Jamaican lizard nearly crash into a vegetable cart mesmerised by his physique.

"Bloodclart!" is what she yelled as she stumbled after gazing at my friend.

My friend also had a prominent African accent so there was no hiding where he was from.

He was a bit shy but had no problems pulling lizards. White lizards of course loved him. He fcuked a pretty white lizard from Eastern Europe who used to hang around the ball courts with her mum or aunty with minimal effort.

A good body carries a long way. Women are primal creatures. A strong body signals health. Guys, stop trying to fight this fact.

The 99% - Saweeep - 05-08-2014

Everybody goes through periods when they feel "average" nomatter what their status (wealth, power, fame, looks etc).

I think a lot of it is due to re-basing one's opinion of what average is. We get stale.

The answer, I think, is to keep pushing for continual growth in different areas of your life.

There is nobody who cannot be in the 1% for something in my opinion.

The 99% - Giovonny - 05-08-2014

Quote: (05-07-2014 10:04 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Thank you for stating a red pill truth a lot of guys on this board refuse to accept.

white women and white men are universally desirable.

I thought everyone knew this..?

Roosh wrote about this 4 years ago!

The Totem Pole of Race Attractiveness

Obviously, this is a huge factor for all of us!

The 99% - Nomad77 - 05-08-2014

As you can see Asian looking men are at the bottom of the list and white looking men at the top. Again, doesn't mean you can't compete if you are Asian looking, it just means you will have to work so much harder to achieve the same results. It would be like being a 5' 8" guy on a pro basketball team [Image: smile.gif]

Aside from race, AGE is now becoming a big factor in the US. Even older 30+ women want young (under 30) guys now. Notice all those female teacher banging their students? For every 5 years over 30, you can increase the amount of work you will have to put in by another 20%.

The 99% - Moma - 05-08-2014

No one has it easy, let's stop looking at these crappy totem poles. This is America. There are niches for everyone. All this stuff about Asians and Indians having it hard, I never seen it till I came to this forum.

In the real world, if you lift weights and put on some aftershave wearing a tight shirt, you can eat.

Stop watching others and watch yourself. I was told that Miami lizards only like tall white men. Well my <insert family member> gets plenty of lizards (mainly Latin lizards) from Miami and he is not a tall white man.

So what's the excuse now?

The 99% - Nomad77 - 05-08-2014


1. You can always get girls, IF you are willing to drop your standards enough. If I drop my standards to below 6s then every race of girl becomes much easier.

2. Race, age, height etc. are all non-debatable factors affecting HOW MUCH you have to work. And your family member is part of a Latin social circle and has a certain amount of "fame" because of what he does.

3. You can always compensate for those factors by increasing your level of Game, playing social circle game, getting really buff, etc.

How big a factor is race? In the US I have to work 10X harder than I do in Europe simply because my race/look is more desirable over there than here. The Vin Diesel guy I know in Miami has a friend who always hangs out with him. Both of them has about the same level of Game, barely any. For every 20 women Vin bangs his friend get maybe one. They are both putting in the same amount of work but the Vin guy is much better looking.

This thread is not about CAN'T it's about HOW MUCH work is required.

The 99% - Moma - 05-08-2014

He is not part of a Latin social circle. I've gone out with him and his crew doesn't help at all. Miami is not about what you do, it's about what people THINK you do. It's all smoke and mirrors you have to play the game.

Most people there are struggling but EVERYONE looks like they are shining.

So wear some shiny shyt and lure the golddiggers and the airheads in. If you are looking for a solid relationship there, odds are very much against you.

In life we are always going to work harder than others. Fuk what Vin is doing, do the best you can do. Watch someone who looks like you who is successful and doing what you want to do and then copy.

That is what my <insert family member> did. Once he did this, his lizard quota jumped through the roof.

The 99% - Nomad77 - 05-08-2014

I don't know of anyone that looks like me who is doing better than me [Image: smile.gif] I don't get a lot of girls but that's not my thing. The girls I do get though are of a fairly high quality.

The 99% - Samseau - 05-08-2014

Quote: (05-08-2014 02:30 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Quote: (05-07-2014 10:04 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Thank you for stating a red pill truth a lot of guys on this board refuse to accept.

white women and white men are universally desirable.

I thought everyone knew this..?

Roosh wrote about this 4 years ago!

The Totem Pole of Race Attractiveness

Obviously, this is a huge factor for all of us!

I've been temp banned 3 times talking about the race on this forum. We're just lucky this thread is still up because the race-cry-babies haven't found it yet.

The 99% - Moma - 05-08-2014

Quote: (05-08-2014 04:02 PM)Nomad77 Wrote:  

I don't know of anyone that looks like me who is doing better than me [Image: smile.gif] I don't get a lot of girls but that's not my thing. The girls I do get though are of a fairly high quality.

You seem undecided as to 'what your thing is'. Is your thing getting as MUCH white lizards as the white American? Or is it desiring to work the same as the white american and getting the same payoff?

If getting girls is NOT your thing, then what's the problem?