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Supplementing Your Income with Side Hustles - $15,000 US a year - Printable Version

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Supplementing Your Income with Side Hustles - $15,000 US a year - anonymous123 - 03-09-2014

I can't believe this is popular. Booshala is clearly intelligent and should be applying his creative energies towards "trades" that are better than these gimmicky "come ups."


[And, given that free speech doesn't seem all that welcome, even from a like minded individual like myself...let's see if censorship pushes my 60% scarlet letter over the top here. But, I do know what I'm talking about on the money front and all of this stuff is garbage and a waste of anyone's time that is trying to build up a lifestyle to help their game.]

Supplementing Your Income with Side Hustles - $15,000 US a year - samsamsam - 03-09-2014

Just saw this on CNN.

You qualify for money if you bought DRAM or products containing DRAM (computers, printers, video game consoles or other electronic devices) between 1998 and 2002. No documentation is required to file a claim.

The minimum recovery is $10, while larger purchasers could receive a $1,000 or more.

Supplementing Your Income with Side Hustles - $15,000 US a year - JayJuanGee - 03-09-2014

Quote: (03-09-2014 03:54 AM)anonymous123 Wrote:  

I can't believe this is popular. Booshala is clearly intelligent and should be applying his creative energies towards "trades" that are better than these gimmicky "come ups."


[And, given that free speech doesn't seem all that welcome, even from a like minded individual like myself...let's see if censorship pushes my 60% scarlet letter over the top here. But, I do know what I'm talking about on the money front and all of this stuff is garbage and a waste of anyone's time that is trying to build up a lifestyle to help their game.]

Dearest BARFer:

Are you on a suicide mission? There seems to be NO reason to attack any guys in order to make your point(s), and if you want to say that there are better ways to make money, then there is NOTHING wrong with making some suggestions to that effect... stocks, property or whatever your angle... though this thread seems purposed for non-traditional ways.

Personally, I am NOT very inclined to employ some of the suggestions of this thread - b/c sometimes the amount of time needed and/or the hassle in carrying out the method would be beyond my tolerance. Yet, that does NOT mean that other guys may NOT find value in some of the suggestions or find that it fits within their activities.

By the way, there is NO such thing as "free speech" on a privately run forum, such as this; however, that does NOT mean that guys are NOT permitted sufficient leeway to express themselves.. or even that guys feel restricted in their speech. For example, if RVF rules were too harsh, then RVF would lose members b/c members would NOT be willing to accept the terms.

If you are already UP to 60% warning level (with only a couple months membership), then you may want to read various threads on RVF rules and to absorb them and maybe take a little break from posting read various RVF threads to let the RVF rules and culture sink in.. Otherwise your days or even your hours may be very short, in this forum.

Supplementing Your Income with Side Hustles - $15,000 US a year - JackDavey - 03-09-2014


I can't believe this is popular. Booshala is clearly intelligent and should be applying his creative energies towards "trades" that are better than these gimmicky "come ups."

Some of us just like the hustle. I for one love this thread. If a particular idea doesn't seem worth my time, I'll pass on it, but the true value here is the inspiration I get to look for new and creative ways to make money.

Supplementing Your Income with Side Hustles - $15,000 US a year - MiscBrah - 03-09-2014

I really enjoyed this thread and found it to be very interesting. However, is there any risk with putting your information out there on class action lawsuits. It seems that some of them have you input information and I wouldn't want some of that to be leaked or become permanent record. Maybe I am just being paranoid but could you please shed some light on this?

Supplementing Your Income with Side Hustles - $15,000 US a year - Peregrine - 03-09-2014


Otherwise your days or even your hours may be very short, in this forum.

I assure you that that would be a greater loss for the forum than vice versa.

Supplementing Your Income with Side Hustles - $15,000 US a year - JayJuanGee - 03-09-2014

Quote: (03-09-2014 07:57 PM)MiscBrah Wrote:  

I really enjoyed this thread and found it to be very interesting. However, is there any risk with putting your information out there on class action lawsuits. It seems that some of them have you input information and I wouldn't want some of that to be leaked or become permanent record. Maybe I am just being paranoid but could you please shed some light on this?

Surely, there always risks in providing personal information in these kinds of matters. Sometimes, I receive class action lawsuits in the mail, and I question whether I should get involved.

Recently, I received two settlement checks (about $1300 total) in a merchant service(s) lawsuit. I have NO idea what the suit was about, and I did NOT really have any beef with the merchant service. Still ended up being a fairly decent payoff for filling out a few forms and giving up my personal information.

Dont get me wrong. many times, I have filled out those papers, and never heard anything ever again (that's probably, most times).

Quote: (03-09-2014 08:08 PM)Peregrine Wrote:  


Otherwise your days or even your hours may be very short, in this forum.

I assure you that that would be a greater loss for the forum than vice versa.

Maybe you are correct; however, I get the sense that if a guy is fairly new to the forum and he seems to be being a dick in a large number of his posts, then moderators will NOT be too tolerant of that kind of behavior, even if he also provides good substantive posts or even if he has potential to be a very solid contributor.

Personally, I get the sense that the forum is pretty tolerant of a wide array of viewpoints, so long as guys are NOT engaging in gratuitous attacks and /or denigrations of other members.

Supplementing Your Income with Side Hustles - $15,000 US a year - anonymous123 - 03-09-2014

I'm not attacking anyone, relax. I stand by my comment. Booshala clearly has talent to analyze a situation and find a trade (my opening sentence is far from disparaging but rather complimentary).

- I still think it is a waste of time to work on these "come ups".
- I don't think it will help someone with building the proper foundation required to properly get returns for their efforts
- And I don't think it will help anyone's "game" to focus on these "come ups." Using this same skill set in a different way absolutely will improve your game.
- I think anyone trying to employ these tactics will be doing so at the expense of better development at best, and could end up getting you sucked into doing something stupid that severely hampers your future at worst.

I also hate frivolous lawsuits, class action or otherwise. It disgusts me. There shouldn't be an issue with me saying this as I've had this view for a long time (and actually having someone try to sue you will only harden your will on this stuff). My view is that we should all use the skill sets we were given the best that we can, and by doing so it will help your game in a big way.

Supplementing Your Income with Side Hustles - $15,000 US a year - booshala - 03-09-2014

I started this thread to inspire debate and contributions on further hustles so I welcome any suggestions you have anonymous123... personally, I didn't take your "barf" comment as an attack, but it wasn't useful to the conversation. Several of my real estate business partners are in finance and on a few occasions, they've similarly told me to put aside this ticky-tack shit and offered to try and get me in their line of work considering some of the arbitrage and valuation techniques I'm using here.

Basically flattered but I realize that I'm too old and more importantly, not driven enough to work in that field. Still, I don't think that minimal hustling for $15k-$30k a year is a waste of time, especially when I find the process itself fun. I am still angling towards a bigger payday and I've put a decent amount of my savings supplemented by this hustle money into one business venture that I'm optimistic will give me a strong return on my money. If anything, doing these little hustles keeps me sharp, thinking critically and helps fend off my inherently lazy nature.

You obviously seem to have a strong understanding of funding and general business from reading your other posts. Share with us a hustle that you think is worthy of our time.

Supplementing Your Income with Side Hustles - $15,000 US a year - anonymous123 - 03-09-2014

Booshala - I unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) think like your real estate business partners. When I read your posts I thought to myself that you sound like you would make an excellent trader. Not many people think the way that you do, and it could be put to good use. The "ticky-tack shit" is indeed clever, I will give you that. I just simply don't like it. (and not because of the $ amount)

I don't do hustles though, so I'm not much use on this topic (and my barf comment was to register my distaste, but agree that I could have registered the same in a more constructive manner).

I'd also think that you can apply your type of thinking all over the place in real estate, which is an excellent platform.

Also, keep in mind that few are as clever as you are, so there might be people that employ your tactics without proper execution and end up causing themselves harm for the want of hustling a few bucks.

Supplementing Your Income with Side Hustles - $15,000 US a year - JayJuanGee - 03-09-2014

Quote: (03-09-2014 10:02 PM)anonymous123 Wrote:  

I'm not attacking anyone, relax. I stand by my comment. Booshala clearly has talent to analyze a situation and find a trade (my opening sentence is far from disparaging but rather complimentary).

- I still think it is a waste of time to work on these "come ups".
- I don't think it will help someone with building the proper foundation required to properly get returns for their efforts
- And I don't think it will help anyone's "game" to focus on these "come ups." Using this same skill set in a different way absolutely will improve your game.
- I think anyone trying to employ these tactics will be doing so at the expense of better development at best, and could end up getting you sucked into doing something stupid that severely hampers your future at worst.

I also hate frivolous lawsuits, class action or otherwise. It disgusts me. There shouldn't be an issue with me saying this as I've had this view for a long time (and actually having someone try to sue you will only harden your will on this stuff). My view is that we should all use the skill sets we were given the best that we can, and by doing so it will help your game in a big way.

Fair enough regarding your intention NOT to attack anyone. To me it seems that there is a risk when coming into a thread and negating ideas of the ideas of the thread (which are associated with several posters), especially if the guy coming into the thread does NOT elaborate with reasons for the negation.

Thanks for elaborating...

Even though I do NOT agree completely with your disagreements concerning the thread, I appreciate better some of your concerns.

I do agree with you that lawsuits can be a problem in American society, and a person may do well to take that into account, especially if he is weighing whether to get involved in a class action lawsuit.. and if he does NOT know anything about the lawsuit. In the end, I do NOT feel bad about my getting fees from my merchant service b/c over about seven years, we had been paying fairly hefty fees and had a few disputes about fees that they had been charging us and NOT reversing the fees. I did NOT know the particulars of the lawsuit that resulted in the settlement checks.

Also, I have had my fair share of involvement on both ends of various legal battles, which seems inevitable in modern times in aspects of living in America - yet it may depend somewhat upon profession and/or whether a person lives, works and plays in a metropolitan area.... or maybe personality types attract lawsuits... or get in legal disputes? Some people want to clear themselves from America for this reason alone..... which I can definitely relate to that desire.

Supplementing Your Income with Side Hustles - $15,000 US a year - Veloce - 03-09-2014

Hustles are gold.

Here's the best hustle I know of at the moment. It's not entirely ethical so those with a weak stomach just ignore it and move on.

It requires that you be in a position of a contractor. Whether you're laying tile, doing custom carpentry, computer repair, catering, whatever. Any position where you are a middleman between a client and a supplier. The client needs a service done that requires certain supplies that are ordered from a vendor.

What I've learned is that most, MOST clients and customers do a little research into fair market value of a certain service or item and demand competitive pricing. But there are a surprisingly amount that have no fucking clue and you can name your own price. It takes work and time sniffing out these clients but they are a walking goldmine.

Many vendors are in on this and wholesale prices are surprisingly flexible. In order to fully reap the benefit, you need to be purchasing directly from the owner or part-owner of the supply company so they can adjust prices accordingly. Don't deal with a mere sales agent or some hourly drone. Go straight to the top. Negotiate a price that works for the two of you, and then fulfill the order at a ridiculous markup.

This takes practice and you have to be really good about reading people and sniffing out these opportunities, but they are everywhere. You also have to be very good at what you do and make sure people feel like they got their money's worth, even if you did charge them double and pocketed half.

This post is intentionally vague and this is the oldest scam in the book, but I'm surrounded by industry professionals that are apparently blind to it so it's worth mentioning.

Supplementing Your Income with Side Hustles - $15,000 US a year - Teddykgb - 03-10-2014

What about something similar to lyft or uber but with a pick up truck?

Instead of renting a U-Haul they just need to haul one thing from point A to point B...

I know you can go on Craigslist to find tons of guys willing to rent out their truck but those guys aren't always the most professional or clean.

Supplementing Your Income with Side Hustles - $15,000 US a year - jamaicabound - 03-10-2014

As far as side hustles I have a bunch of stuff always going on. Now I have a couple really great money makers bringing in thousands a month, unfortunately I just cannot share those. That said I have some more beer money type hustles that could probably make some people more if they invest more time or maybe have more knowledge than myself.

1. Ebooks
ebooks are one of the best hustles you can have. Sit down in an afternoon and write a book on some niche your interested in, if your a writer go the fiction route but that's not my thing. I can pop out a pretty good 60 page ebook in an afternoon at work if I'm working alone on a saturday. I go to fiverr get a cover made for $5, pay a few fiverr people to give reviews and it wont make me a killing but i make anywhere from 100 to 150 a month. This is totally passive income as well. obviously if you want you can put additional effort into promoting it but you'll have a lifetime income on those books. There's also places besides amazon to sell them as well so you can have multiple income streams.

2. penny hoarding.
you guys probably know the whole prepper movement is a pretty popular one. copper prices are currently low but when copper was high a penny which his worth 1cent monetary value was worth over 3 in copper. now there's a law that doesn't let you melt coins but that doesn't stop people from buying and selling junk silver ie pre 1964 silver coins. you can seperate pre 1982 pennies from post 82 pennies and sell on craigslist and ebay for double face value. kind of time consuming and alot of effort for the money but if your into coin collecting and also seek out vdbs or wheat pennies could be a nice side income for you. there's a machine called a rydale where you can sort thorugh boxes of pennies a day.

3. Fiverr
ok not a huge money maker here. i love fiverr for getting design stuff done for cheap and stuff like that. i also sell on fiverr. not gonna make huge money but i only do gigs that basically take no more effort than sending an email. ill teach you how to make money buying storage units, someone buys i send them a copy of my ebook and i get $4. im already selling the ebook anyway, already have it, it costs me nothing besides the 1 minute it takes me to login to fiverr and upload it for a user. ill also do things like send tweets out promoting something for someone, leave a brief amazon review of someone's ebook, things like that.

4. adsense & amazon affiliate program
obviously nothing groundbreaking here but if you have a blog or facebook page or anything like that you can make some side money. really no reason to explain as everyone has heard of these. amazon actually stopped allowing my state to be in the affiliate program because of tax issues but my parents live down south i used their address and started back up.

5. class action lawsuit sites
there's so many class actions you dont even have to lie to get paid. just take a look on topclassaction lawsuits i can pretty much gurantee there's some food you purchased, some otc medication youve purchased, phone company, someone owes you money for a class action. again not huge but takes like 2 minutes to fill out a claim form. i have to give credit someone on this board shared this one a while back.

6. buy storage units at auction and resell. yeah kinda like storage wars. used to be much better before the shows came on but crowds have died down. this isn't easy its a lot of work, having garage sales, sitting at flea markts, selling on ebay and cl. that said on a good unit i can pull 4-6k out of a $300 or $400 dollar unit. it is work though.

7. sponsored tweets, youtube, facebook.
tehres sites out there like sponsoredtweets and paidpertweet. basically its sorta like a buysellads type site which links social media people with advertisers. if you have a following they will tell you what your following is worth per tweet and advertisers will pay to have you tweet a message. there's also a new one for pinterest as well which is kinda cool if you have a pinterest following as pinterest no longer allows amazon affiliate links which used to be an easy way to make a nice buck.

8. collecting silver coins
this used to be a decent way to make a few bucks, these days ratios are horrible but basically go buy a box or two of half dollars from the bank. take them home and look through them for pre 1964 which are silver. silver prices are low nnow but at the high of almost $50 an ounec you could get almost $30 out of a single coin which cost you 0.50

9. travel
we have a ton of travelers on here. use your pictures, knowledge, videos to help other travelers. start a blog or a youtube channel. give travel advice, sign up for travel affiliate programs, use adsense and amazon. sell travel supplies, give advice, have a channel about a particular destination you love. you could potentially parlay this into a ebook or being a guide in that destination if you show yourself as an expert and grow a following

Supplementing Your Income with Side Hustles - $15,000 US a year - jamaicabound - 03-10-2014

I havn't read this entire thread but I just noticed a bit of an argument going on in this thread. First off I think one should never criticize something unless they clearly explain why and have a better option. That said I can kinda maybe see where anonymous123 is commiing from.

We all either ourselves or know somebody who is always looking for an angle, always looking for a hustle, always looking for an easy way to do something. Oftnetimes people put so much effort into small hustles and scams or whatever you wanna say they spend so much time and effort for a relatively small return and not even a real business but a scam or a hustle when in reality they are very bright guys and could probably start a real business and be successful vs all these short term temporary money makers.

For example, I have a buddy who's very handy, good at fixing stuff, always comming up with prototypes for inventions. he's been driving tow trucks for about 15 years knows everything about the business even bought a tow truck. he still has some work he has to do on it but essentially a few hundred bucks and he could have his own towtruck company, has contacts for getting police tows and insurance tows. He's one of these guys who's always looking for a quick buck or easy buck or just does stuff he doens't have a clue about when he has a great knowledgebase.

Well instead of doing the tow truck thing he decides he's gonna start scrapping so instead of putting a few hundo into fixing the tow truck he goes out and buys a ford ranger and a trailer and decides he doesn't wanna scrap all metals just copper. Now what a stupid idea he has a busines ready to go but gives it up to start a hustle scrapping only he doesnt wanna be a real scrapper he only wants copper and tv's so he goes to goodwill stores buying tv's to take the copper out of. From the start i told him worst idea ever. If your gonnna waste money driving around scrapping you have to take everything worth value not just tv's or you'll waste 2 gallons of gas driving around for 1 tv when you could have aluminum and all other types of metals. Anyhow he doesn't listen and a month or two later calls me up saying he's spend $60 buying $2 tvs from goodwill, spent another $100 on gas, plus countless hours taking the copper out of these devices all to make like $50.

This is a perfect example of people with skills and hard workers but instead of focusing on what they know or trying to start a real and lasting business they wanna do some short term hustle where you wind up working harder for less money with no real upside as far as future.

Supplementing Your Income with Side Hustles - $15,000 US a year - Cincinnatus - 03-30-2014

Quote: (03-10-2014 09:14 AM)jamaicabound Wrote:  

2. penny hoarding.
you guys probably know the whole prepper movement is a pretty popular one. copper prices are currently low but when copper was high a penny which his worth 1cent monetary value was worth over 3 in copper. now there's a law that doesn't let you melt coins but that doesn't stop people from buying and selling junk silver ie pre 1964 silver coins. you can seperate pre 1982 pennies from post 82 pennies and sell on craigslist and ebay for double face value. kind of time consuming and alot of effort for the money but if your into coin collecting and also seek out vdbs or wheat pennies could be a nice side income for you. there's a machine called a rydale where you can sort thorugh boxes of pennies a day.

I was reading about this recently. As I understand it, the copper content of pre-1982 pennies averages 190% of face value. That is, there's 1.9 cents worth of copper in each pre-1982 penny. The article I read featured a guy in Portland that's making decent money doing this - he has a machine that sorts the pennies, then sells 'em. Apparently atleast one Wall Street hedge fund has expressed interest in this.

Supplementing Your Income with Side Hustles - $15,000 US a year - jamaicabound - 03-31-2014

Yeah this was really popular last year when copper was almost gonna hit like $5. Now its lower so not as much incentive to do this. I think you can still make about double face selling on ebay but then u got ebay and paypal fees and coins are expensive to ship. Maybe do better off on cl. Some people have luck finding one consistant buyer who will buy everything they sort.

Nickels are something to speculate on as well. Nickels have always been the same minus 2 or 3 years during the war in like 43 to 45. Because of that you can just buy boxes of nickels from the bank bc no sorting needed. If they ever start making nickels out of zinc they may be worth something. I know most people on here are rather mobile travek and move alot so not sure if having hundreds of pounds of coins is somethibg you wana have to store and move.

As for the machine d9 a quick search on a ryedale machine. You can sort very quickly the tough part is finding banks who wont start charging you the brinks fees for your irders and refusing to buy your junk pennies back in. I made a cheap 15 buck sorter out of vending machine parts and a old cellphone cord. Dont recall if i posted a vid here or now however mine didnt have a hopper so took a long time hand sorting

Supplementing Your Income with Side Hustles - $15,000 US a year - Cincinnatus - 03-31-2014

Quote: (03-31-2014 04:00 PM)jamaicabound Wrote:  

As for the machine d9 a quick search on a ryedale machine. You can sort very quickly the tough part is finding banks who wont start charging you the brinks fees for your irders and refusing to buy your junk pennies back in. I made a cheap 15 buck sorter out of vending machine parts and a old cellphone cord. Dont recall if i posted a vid here or now however mine didnt have a hopper so took a long time hand sorting

I'm interested in seeing the machine you built - PM me if you wish.

As far as the banks are concerned, I think mine has a zero-charge Coinstar machine as long as you deposit the total in your checking account. I'm gonna look into it. Fuck 'em - I'll get as many rolls as I can, then Coinstar that shit back into my account. I'm at the bank almost every day anyways.

Supplementing Your Income with Side Hustles - $15,000 US a year - jamaicabound - 04-01-2014

Yeah banks with the auto machines are better then u just bring a ticket to the teller instead of making her haul bags around. I used to bring a cup of coffee for them every few visits. Sometimes theyll start making you pay their delivery fees if you dont get on their good side.

I forget exactly how it worked but there used to be a trick with coinstars at grocery stores. If you selected a gift card and then unplugges the machine it couldnt connect to give you the card and youd get the cash ticket with no fees. Probably best case scenaruo frowned upon maybe illegal so wouldnt recommend it.

As for my machine im at work but ill on you later i think i got sum pics and vids. Basically i just had a $15 coin conoarator from a vending company and connected it to an old cellphone charger and out it on a wood base. I had like hotwheel tracks i used as a feeding system but if you wana do this on a larger scale its fairly easy to build a hopper to autofeed the coins. The ryedales are great but crazy exoensive

Supplementing Your Income with Side Hustles - $15,000 US a year - Eddie Winslow - 04-01-2014

Re-selling concert tickets on Craigslist has worked quite well for me about half a dozen times, particularly at EDM shows. The typical attendee to these shows (privileged 18-25 white kids) are particularly notorious for waiting until the last minute to make plans, and have no problem paying extra once they discover they are about to get left out of the group. I usually buy 2-3 extra general admissions tickets to the shows I know are going to sell out - selling them pays for my ticket and usually gives me some extra cash ($20-$100) to spend at the event.

Not exactly life-changing money, but I'd figured I'd contribute.

Supplementing Your Income with Side Hustles - $15,000 US a year - RockHard - 04-03-2014

Quote: (03-10-2014 06:14 AM)Teddykgb Wrote:  

What about something similar to lyft or uber but with a pick up truck?

Instead of renting a U-Haul they just need to haul one thing from point A to point B...

I know you can go on Craigslist to find tons of guys willing to rent out their truck but those guys aren't always the most professional or clean.

Now this is an awesome startup idea - "lyft for movers". I've hired dudes off CL on the cheap to move a fridge or a couch, it's way cheaper than U-Haul. U-Haul is insanely expensive - that $30 rate they tease with doesn't include mileage and they fucking rape you on mileage. Last time I did U-Haul I had a 20 mile round trip and my $30 rental ended up costing close to $100 by the time I bought gas and paid the mileage charge.

Lyft is probably considering something like this but at this stage they're focused on their core business. I think the one stumbling block would be that in some states movers must be bonded & licensed - in Colorado for example, the PUC (same agency that licenses Taxis & Limos) licenses movers. But Lyft/Uber are finding ways around that, so I'm sure that there's a way. This is one instance where VC money would be helpful, though, those guys would know how to get things done.

Supplementing Your Income with Side Hustles - $15,000 US a year - RockHard - 04-03-2014

Quote: (03-09-2014 11:21 PM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

It requires that you be in a position of a contractor. Whether you're laying tile, doing custom carpentry, computer repair, catering, whatever. Any position where you are a middleman between a client and a supplier. The client needs a service done that requires certain supplies that are ordered from a vendor.

What I've learned is that most, MOST clients and customers do a little research into fair market value of a certain service or item and demand competitive pricing. But there are a surprisingly amount that have no fucking clue and you can name your own price. It takes work and time sniffing out these clients but they are a walking goldmine.

Somewhere on here I remember a thread on working as a contractor to women who've divorce-raped their spouse and they make easy targets for this. They want the house repainted and it's not their money, so they don't give a shit what they pay. Is that the target audience you're talking about?

Supplementing Your Income with Side Hustles - $15,000 US a year - Sonsowey - 04-03-2014

With class action lawsuits, has anyone ever suffered any consequences for applying for one where it was determined that it was not exactly applicable to you?

Supplementing Your Income with Side Hustles - $15,000 US a year - nomansland - 04-05-2014

Quote: (03-10-2014 09:14 AM)jamaicabound Wrote:  

1. Ebooks
ebooks are one of the best hustles you can have. Sit down in an afternoon and write a book on some niche your interested in, if your a writer go the fiction route but that's not my thing. I can pop out a pretty good 60 page ebook in an afternoon at work if I'm working alone on a saturday. I go to fiverr get a cover made for $5, pay a few fiverr people to give reviews and it wont make me a killing but i make anywhere from 100 to 150 a month. This is totally passive income as well. obviously if you want you can put additional effort into promoting it but you'll have a lifetime income on those books. There's also places besides amazon to sell them as well so you can have multiple income streams.

I found this guide for kindle publishing. Would you agree with the information there?

Supplementing Your Income with Side Hustles - $15,000 US a year - Brodiaga - 04-05-2014

Has anyone tried opening a Chase bank account and getting a sign up bonus? I received an offer of up to $400 bonus for opening both checking and savings accounts with certain minimum balance requirements.