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Player's Log / Lounge - redbeard - 11-22-2016

Quote: (11-22-2016 03:19 AM)General Stalin Wrote:  

I'm a little buzzed right now but I want to get this thought out while it's fresh in my head.

Just got back from a date with a sexy looking Jewish girl 8/10. I couldn't seem to crack her and there was hardly any chemistry. Kinda pised I drove 30 min and spend like $45 on drinks for a lame ass date. Should have ejected earlier whatever.

Here is my musing: game isn't about being able to get any girl you want. It's about being able to be better at getting the type of girls that would be into you.

This girl I went out with tonight, although I was attracted to her and would loved to have fucked her, was simply not meshing with me. She was dry, boring, too literal, and I honestly could not pinpoint the type of personality that were get her wet. I was just being myself. Casual, fun, carefree, and engaging. We hung out for a couple hours but by the end of the date there was just no chemistry. I didn't even hug close her. I offered to drive her home because she lived close by but she invited on spending money on an Uber. I said nice meeting you and walked car.

You can't win every girl. That is okay. Youre not supposed to. People are different and have different tastes. If you meshed with everyone then you would have no personality of your own. Game helps you get better at getting the kinds of girls that work for you.

I'll play devil's advocate. Are you sure didn't bring weak game?

Where are you at, mentally right now. You've got a few plates juggling. The game been good to you. You show up at dates, have a good time, and score. It's nice, ain't it.

Fast forward to last night. You've warmed this chick enough to get her number off whatever app (I assume), keep in touch, set up a date, dodge the flake, she shows up, looking finer then hell. You're high on life, expect this this chick to blow your nuts off. What happened next?

Did you pull up and start complaining about your dead end job?

Are you running game, or are you filtering for easy bangs?

Player's Log / Lounge - JoeSea - 11-22-2016

Quote: (11-21-2016 06:40 PM)AneroidOcean Wrote:  

Quote: (11-21-2016 04:57 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

In line at the store, a pretty, young, asian girl gets in line behind me
.. She puts a pack of gum on the conveyor belt..

me: where is that gum?
her: oh just over there
me: let me study the package here
her: ya its good
me: im looking for a new sugar free gum
her: most gum is sugar free
me: ya they dont use sugar but they use something worse than sugar
her: lol ya seriously right
me: i used to like ginger chews but they arent really very healthy either.
her: ohh ginger haa
me: if i was smart i would just make my own gum
her: make your own haha
me: doesnt gum come from a plant?
her: umm does it? im not sure
me: i used to have a girlfriend that make moisturizer, toothpaste, soap, everything from clean natural ingredients
her: oh wow

She was really smiling and giving me good eye contact.

I pay for my stuff.

I look back at her and she is slim, toned, and radiant, with a nice butt.

I wait near the exit.

1 minute later, she came walking..

me: my name is gio
her: hey im angela
me: i was thinking maybe we should hang out sometime
her: oh umm

She took a good look at me.

me: im 31, if thats what your wondering
her: oh no, i mean, ummm
me: if you want to, if you dont its cool
her: im 18 haha
me: oh my gosh its like when taylor swift was dating john mayer
her: hahaha your funny
me: thanks, ya its sort of a taboo thing maybe in here america but i dont know, it was nice talking to you
her: ya you too umm well
me: if u want just call me so i have ur number. ill text u later
her: well maybe ill just see u around
me: ya maybe
her: ill see u soon

Fuck she was really thinking about it!


Gio, don't disqualify yourself. That's the girl's job.

I understand you don't want to be too pushy, but you should avoid disqualifying yourself. I am sure you can strike a better balance.

When she looked you up and down you mentioned age, but she DID NOT specifically say anything about your age. She even SAID no when you mentioned age.

When she said, "hahaha your funny" you may have been better off laughing and saying, "and you're kinda cute" or some flirty compliment and then been persistent by pulling out your phone, expecting her to give you the number. Assume the sale.

Yep, I agree with the above as far as not disqualifying yourself. The fact that you recognized in that moment that she was thinking about it was really all that was needed to consider the situation as being favorable to you and that the momentum was on your side.

Sounds like this was a daytime approach and those can be a little tricky as far as pushing forward but the main idea in those situations for me is to look at it as having my foot in the door and everything I say at that point is to help her overcome doubt.

Like I've gotten bangs in the past with this very scenario and point blank telling a chick that I can tell she's trying to talk herself out of doing something that deep down we both know she already wants to do. It's like a cold read in how she reacts to you reading her mind and how to you it's obvious whats going on in her head at that moment.

Player's Log / Lounge - redbeard - 11-22-2016

Quote: (11-22-2016 07:37 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

My original ap point still stands that game is all about learning how to work girls that you work with with, not working all girls.

I strongly disagree.

Player's Log / Lounge - philosophical_recovery - 11-22-2016

[Image: l0MYEI1kqBRBrpEdO.gif]

Opened a cute 6.5 brunette with a tight plump booty. I either didn't bring the bantz today or she wasn't into me that much. Eye contact wasn't happening and she kept going back to her phone. The blonde 7 last night was all over my nuts. Eh. At least I tried. I need to build a Gio shrine and start worshiping it every day to summon him at times like these.

Meanwhile the girl that has been giving me blue balls and I have gotten naked at my place keeps inviting me to time consuming activities with no logistics for much. I turned her down this time.

Player's Log / Lounge - General Stalin - 11-22-2016

I can always modify my game to fit girls with different temperaments, different buying temperatures, and even different tastes, but at the end of the day I tend to jive with more or less a certain type of female. I think most of not all men do.

I was playing this girl for a couple hours trying to find the spark. See what got her smiling, laughing, giving me eyes, showing open body language. I never cracked her. We had a decent time chatting and drinking, but there was really never any chemistry. Despite being attractive, she simply wasn't my type.

I don't claim to be a master wordsmith, a guru at subtext, or any kind of pussy whisperer, but I know what I like and what works for me and where my boundaries are. This girl was not on the same level with me. If I were more advanced I could possibly find her level and get to it, or more advanced be able to bring her over to mine.

I didn't feel my game was off last night. I felt pretty happy, carefree, and vibey.

Player's Log / Lounge - Wargasm - 11-22-2016

Went out to the brewery last night with my girlfriend, another couple and our single guy friend. We start talking about this cute table of 4 girls close by (8,7,7,6) and I tell my single buddy to go over and talk to them.

He balks at the suggestion and says "life isn't like a tv show" you don't just walk up to girls in a bar and pick them up or something to that effect.

So I go to the bathroom and on the way back walk by the girls table. Told them "you guy's look like you're having the most fun here" and they laugh and ask if I'm being sarcastic (obviously). Make fun of them for probably drinking the non-alcoholic kambucha drinks and they admit they are. make fun of them some more and sit down and banter with them for a good 15 minutes while my friends and girlfriend look on.

This is honestly one of the best sets I've worked and these girls were laughing and having a great time, and I'm getting good vibes from the HB8. My friend's go into another room and my buddies gf comes over to let me know my gf is getting upset. I tell the table I better leave or else I'll get in trouble and then go back to my friends.

So basically just did it to show my buddy game works and keep my gf on her toes.

He pretty much refused to learn anything from what I showed him, but my girlfriend did give me an enthusiastic blow job on the drive home so theres that.

Player's Log / Lounge - Roardog - 11-23-2016

Quote: (11-22-2016 03:19 AM)General Stalin Wrote:  

You can't win every girl. That is okay. Youre not supposed to. People are different and have different tastes. If you meshed with everyone then you would have no personality of your own. Game helps you get better at getting the kinds of girls that work for you.

100% agree Stalin. Sometimes you just don't click with people and unless there is some underlying reason for her to get past this (money, status, etc) then you're not going to convince her and even if you could, is it really the best use of your time?

Game is about converting Maybe girls into Yes girls, not converting No girls.

Player's Log / Lounge - Chetthebaker - 11-24-2016

Might just have another much needed plate on my hands.

Japanese chick with braces that I daygamed and Insta-dated in the park over the summer lives a block from me, but ghosted on me the following week. It seemed like a hood prospect, so I was bummed there was no bang.
Fast-forward to last week and she hits me up in response to a Hail Mary text from a couple weeks earlier(..?), so I get her out Friday night. We were supposed to go see a band and I meet her there- but it's sold out. No biggie. We chill at the bar and then go back to my place after like 40 minutes- because I have a record I want her to hear.

She puts up a little resistance, so I back off and we go downstairs and play the piano together. I'm keeping a bass line standing next to her and letting her mess around. She's pretty talented. She looks at my upright bass and asks if I play, I play some upright bass and she jams along.

I don't play that thing much these days so it's killing my fucking hand, but each time I look up she's staring right at me. Good sign. I mess around on drums along with her piano, and then come over behind her and start kissing her neck. Then rubbing my boner against her ass. She's getting pretty turned on so I spin her around, pick her up and carry her over to the couch. Says she "physically can't tonight" cause of her period". I keep going. She's on top of me and after a bit I start getting her shirt off.

Her nipples are crazy large. I've never seen anything like it. Not just large but like bulbous and triangular shaped. She likes everything I'm doing so I get the rest of her clothes off, then mine, and she goes for my cock like its her job. Lots of kisses and licking, but she's afraid to put it in her mouth because of the braces.
"It'll hurt," she says. I have her do it anyway. And it does, but it's kind of fun anyway for a second.
She asks to use the bathroom(I assume to remove tampon), and when she comes out I spin her around and push her up against the wall, slap her ass hard, finger her, then start fucking her raw from behind.
She's incredibly tight, and bending over to keep me from going in too far while she trembles with horniness. I suppress the instinct to be really rough, instead doing gentle but firm while she's moaning and shaking.

Take her upstairs and commence pounding her every which way I can think, lifting her up and bringing her to the mirror so we can watch. It's all very intense. She's early 30s but being Asian her body looks and feels early 20s- cute little butt, flat stomache, narrow waiste, slender shoulders and neck.

After two hours she says "do you ever come?"
I take a break and we cuddle for a few and then I'm hard again and fuck her sideways, facedown, lifting hips up, and who knows what else for like another 45 minutes. I choke her a bit, look deep in her eyes, getting smiles out of her, goosebumps, it's great.
I pull out to come while she's on her back and proceed to blow my load. My cock is right over her pussy and the first shot is a line drive that flies right in her face. The next few go all over her tits and stomache. I haven't blown a load like that in awhile.
Help her clean off and we pass out, bang again in the morning and grab some breakfast.

Invited her to a music thing a couple days later, but I leave her at her house cause I got a bunch of work to do. Also I banged the other plate that morning so I kinda need the rest.

Today I get a "happy thanksgiving/hope to hang out soon" text. Hopefully will convert this into a regular thing in the coming weeks.

Player's Log / Lounge - Tex - 11-24-2016

Quote: (11-23-2016 12:31 AM)Roardog Wrote:  

Quote: (11-22-2016 03:19 AM)General Stalin Wrote:  

You can't win every girl. That is okay. Youre not supposed to. People are different and have different tastes. If you meshed with everyone then you would have no personality of your own. Game helps you get better at getting the kinds of girls that work for you.

100% agree Stalin. Sometimes you just don't click with people and unless there is some underlying reason for her to get past this (money, status, etc) then you're not going to convince her and even if you could, is it really the best use of your time?

Game is about converting Maybe girls into Yes girls, not converting No girls.

I see a logical leap between "can't win every girl" to "there is a specific kind of girl that will not ever be interested in me."

That's the kind of hardcore filtering style which makes it easy write off going outside your comfort zone.

Game is increasing attraction through sexual freedom. The confines of "types" is a basic obstacle to that idea of sexual freedom.

There are niches you can appeal to, but there isn't a kind of girl that is opposed to a certain kind of guy. An accountant can use contrasting to bang a punk rocker. A Trumper can bang a Sanders Slut. A short dude can bang a 6' volleyball player. Guys have more taste and preference than girls, but girls are fluid with what they're into. That's why game can exist.

If you don't like a certain kind of girl, fine, but if you approached her and she didn't bite, don't write it off as every girl like her being impossible to crack. That doesn't sound like the core of game to me.

Player's Log / Lounge - MediumRare - 11-24-2016

^^ He didn't come across to me as sounding like he thinks every girl like her will be impossible to crack.
I took the gist of his post to say not to get too worried if one particular girl is not feeling you, that it's just the nature of the game.

On the flip side, it could also be a logical leap to say if this girl wasn't vibing with me, despite my best attempts to seduce her, my game must be off/is not at a high enough level yet.

This potentially false assumption might lead you to negative thinking and trying to fix something that doesn't need fixing.

As has been said a thousand times bdfore, t's a numbers game.
Some will, some won't, so what, someone's waiting!

Player's Log / Lounge - Jagnum - 11-24-2016

WIA, if you're reading this, took your advice from a while ago to insta-date a girl you meet at the gym.

Ah here it is: thread-49393...pid1075142

Quote: (07-28-2015 09:39 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

You didn't describe any of your constraints, but a different strategy, would have been to suggest a post work out instadate.

"I like your energy"
*she nods, compliments you back*
"Hey I know this great salad/smooth/paleo/bulletproof coffee place"

Feel her out right then.


So let's RECAP for Scenario 1
- Next day game opportunity - 1) push for an instadate, 2) push yourself to make a deeper impression

Push for post workout instadate, check. Push to make a deeper impression, let's call it a B-.

Approaching a girl in the weights area, where we both were is tough as balls, took me a solid three minutes before I mustered up the courage to do it. But I did it.

She's 23 years old, with a really innocent white girl face, and she works as a personal trainer at another gym. Started talking about the neighborhood, and I managed to bring the topic of smoothies into the conversation.

"I'm going after my workout for a smoothie. You should come."

She agreed. I saw she had her phone, so I put my number in and called myself. Should have texted myself from her phone instead of calling because when I retrieved my phone from the locker, the call never went through. So I didn't have her number.

I waited about 10 minutes by the entrance checking emails, but she did come over. We walked over to the smoothie spot together. Got our smoothies, talked a bit more, then parted ways and got her number in my phone then. Overall thought we had a good vibe on the little insta-date.

I texted her an hour later "it was nice meeting her", she texted me back saying the same and thanked me for taking her to get a smoothie. I texted her a question on her Thanksgiving plans, she never responded.

So we'll see where this one goes. Will restart in a couple days.

Player's Log / Lounge - JWLZG - 11-24-2016

I'd better post this while it's fresh in my memory.

I just got back from a date off Bumble.

She had warned me over text that she wouldn't have been able to make it super late, given that she lived a bit far out from the city and therefore couldn't really just kill time.
Reasonable, but it did put a dampener on the chances of a first date bang.

Anyway: 27 year old white New Zealander, her surname hinted at a Jewish background. This was a second time in a week that I'd been on a date with a Kiwi redhead, so I'd hoped I could be a better job this time around.

Our initial exchange on Bumble went really well, or so observed an RVFer whom I'd shown it to. Interest from her was high. It'd only been since Sunday when we'd number closed (she offered it to me off the bat), so our texting was a bit more logistics than banter.

I'd gotten her to meet me outside the town hall near my place. Traffic up the road was shocking — we'd arranged for 18:30, and I ended up getting there somewhere around 19:04. I found her on a bench, soon enough, recognising each other without too much fuss.

She looked a tiny bit different from her photos (like I can talk; so do I), but pleasing to the eye all the same. I'd put her at a 7.5.

We greeted each other warmly, with a hug and peck on the cheek, and I apologised for my tardiness. She brushed it off, while I turned her by the upper arm in the direction of the bar I had in mind.

We chatted a bit about this part of town and her living situation. I smiled at the bouncer, who I knew, and she began rambling about the décor when we walked in. Along the way, she'd mentioned the cold, so I walked us to the more enclosed area with heating. We exchanged a few comments about the spirits selection, and the cold, I piqued her interest mention my scarves from Nepal. We settled on a jug of cider.

In line with my first date modus operandi, I suggested that she'd shout this round, and I'd pay for the next. She gave an indication that she might be on curfew....

I made a bit of small talk to our bartender; and his colleague complimented me on my jacket. I thanked him; and in the chatter, let slip that I volunteered at an op shop.

While making our way to our booth, she marvelled at my op shop volunteering. I brushed it off with a dry comment, and we launched into the subject of what we did. I think I did well to take control of the conversation, because I teased her a bit about hers, overall made it a more lighthearted topic than it should.
She asked me about where I was from, and chatting about the tropics she'd mentioned being in Japan, to which I passed an offhand comment that I heard on the radio that it was snowing in Tokyo; our conversation went towards travel — that topic has been quite the backbone of many a date of mine (for better or worse) but it was a good way to establish comfort and a bit of teasing. We were sitting perpendicularly to each other, and I kept up occasional kino on her forearm and upper arm, and once on her thigh. I got her to reciprocate when I talked about hitchhiking.

"Are you still alive?" She asked.

I laughed, so did she.

"I dunno, maybe I should check with my folks to see if they've been to my funeral yet....wanna check if I'm solid enough in the meantime?" I extended my palm towards her.

She felt it a bit, and we locked eyes. Soon after, I steered the conversation towards her living plans and Melbourne in general. We jumped topics a fair bit; I took the chance to tease her about her accent, and we bantered a little bit about New Zealand English and its accent. She deflected it by talking about American and Canadian accents (all in good nature, guys! [Image: wink.gif]). Talking about marriage and kids, and alcohol was a good way to suss out her potential with me (and vice versa). No surprise, she wasn't keen to have kids in the next 6 or so decades. We exchanged high fives on finding out we both were the oldest among our siblings. She asked how many I had.

I used my cocktail knowledge as bait for my place. I seemed to have earnt brownie points by knowing a drink that she liked — a Brandy Alexander. I could've maybe flipped the script and qualified her that way; maybe exchanged another high five?
Indeed I learnt how to make it at the very first bar I worked at. I've got a story behind i, I told her.
"Tell me," she said.
"We'll leave it for another time," I smiled.

She seemed to take to this topic well; however she also mentioned being a bit of a lightweight — we talked about our cider for a bit — and brought up her deadline. This wasn't going to be a long date.

She brought up her being impressed at my bartending job against the other ventures she knew I had; I mentioned that I might be working at the bar we were in soon. I sounded passionate about the job, but I tried not to give away too much information.

Somehow (possibly because she mentioned burning easily), we moved onto the topic of her hair colour. She said that she was a natural blonde, and I teased her about worrying what my preferences are (I am into blondes and gingers currently), and it was a chance to establish more kino.

"Let me check it out," I suggested. We leaned into each other a tad, and I ran my hand through her hair towards its roots. Could I have gone in for the kiss at this point? I was a bit unsure about her comfort with kissing in public. But I proposed getting to somewhere with a bit more light where I could examine it better.

"It is still light," She observed. She brought up us splitting the remnants of the cider between us. We locked eyes and clinked glasses.

I commented on a somewhat theatrical flourish she made where she pretended to wipe her mouth with the back of her hand.

"Kiwi etiquette?" I supposed. I said that she might be the New Zealand version of Emily Post.

She gathered her coat, and we headed out. We chatted about her language a bit more, and following on from a few questions she'd asked aside, quizzed me on my living situation. We talked shit about my bartending work experience, and her clothes, making a reference to our Bumble conversation about hiking.

Even though I'd talked about us taking a bit of a walk, she made to the other side of the road to the tram stop. She'd decided that she needed to catch this one coming. I walked her to the stop.

"What are you like for next week?" I asked. "Let's see when we're next good."

She skipped a beat, but only just.

"Yeah sure! Text me," she said.

We hugged and kissed. All up, we were done in just over an hour.

I had to reason to suppose she was bluffing; it does take just over an hour to get from here to hers. Our city has a bit of sprawl, and she's located in the almost-outer eastern suburbs.

I shouldn't have had cause for concern; she did seem to enjoy herself, and she was receptive to my bait about us together beyond today. On the other hand, I've been lacking confidence in my date game; none of mine this year have progressed beyond the first date, even where I had gotten the bang/makeout. All of these had been online.
For the most part, they had either said so outright, or had texted me shortly after (generally, the ones I'd banged). To be fair, 2 of those I had chosen to next.

I don't know if I should even have gone for the make out as well.

Given the two salient conditions in our way — the distance and her work hours — it'll be tricky trying to aim for the bang even on the second date.

Then there's the issue of how much to banter over text. I haven't really gotten to this stage with anyone yet — from online, that is.

I'll read through this thread a bit further, but for those of you guys who end up banging only on the 2nd date or after, what are the factors that have you leaving it until then? Logistics, work hours, similar to mine?

As an aside — Ι really want to expand my horizons beyond online.

Player's Log / Lounge - Giovonny - 11-24-2016

Quote: (11-21-2016 06:40 PM)AneroidOcean Wrote:  

Gio, don't disqualify yourself.

I am sure you can strike a better balance.

She even said no when you mentioned age.

When she said, "hahaha your funny" you may have been better off laughing and saying, "and you're kinda cute" or some flirty compliment and then been persistent by pulling out your phone, expecting her to give you the number. Assume the sale.


Thanks for always pointing out areas where I can get better!

I appreciate your help!

Quote: (11-21-2016 07:31 PM)storm Wrote:  

Quote: (11-21-2016 04:57 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

In line at the store, a pretty, young filapina gets in line behind me, yoga pants, thin, cute, feminine..
We exit the store together.
Quote: (11-21-2016 04:57 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

In line at the store, a pretty, young, asian girl gets in line behind me..
I wait near the exit.

1 minute later, she came walking..

Great post Gio,

What do you do if she leaves first?

Well, generally speaking... If I want her, I must go after her!

This can be tricky if she pays BEFORE I do...

Some tactics that I use:

1) STOP HER as soon as she pays to prevent her from leaving -- "hey nice chatting with you, I gotta pay real quick but I was thinking maybe we should get coffee or something sometime"

I might get out of line but I always tell the people around me that I will be right back. This is never a big deal if I act quickly and don't let her get too far away.

2) If I am in the process of paying, I make sure to quickly finalize my debit/credit card transaction (pin #, press "enter", etc) -- Then, I immediately go re-approach her. I might leave the line but I tell the cashier that I will be right back and she can just put my change/receipt in my bag and I will be back in 1 minute.

3) If I am paying cash, I leave more than enough cash on the counter and then quickly go re-approach the girl. Again, I inform the cashier to put everything in my bag and I will be back in a minute.

4) PAY QUICKLY and then try to catch her in the parking lot.

5) Keep my eyes on her as I'm paying and then, as soon as I pay, hurry up and go catch up to her

6) Call out to her (if I know her name), as I am paying and tell her to wait a minute -- "Jane, hey hang on one sec, I wanna ask you something". Then, quickly pay and go ask her out.

I really enjoy grocery store pick ups and specifically, the checkout line.. There is so much to talk about but most guys are afraid to talk.. It gives guys like us a chance to stand out.

Player's Log / Lounge - Tex - 11-24-2016

Quote: (11-24-2016 03:52 AM)MediumRare Wrote:  

^^ He didn't come across to me as sounding like he thinks every girl like her will be impossible to crack.

. . .

As has been said a thousand times bdfore, t's a numbers game.
Some will, some won't, so what, someone's waiting!

I'm going to explore this because I have a lot of thoughts on it.

If he's only saying some girls don't jive and you shouldn't pursue them, we can all agree. Good players know when to let lost causes go.

But I don't feel that is what he's saying. The spirit of his posts are about "types" and "kinds" of girls who won't work with you—about knowing "where your boundaries are." And I think that's comfort zone rationalization.

Here's what I'm against:

Using bad conversation as evidence she "isn't your type"

I don't game for good conversation. I don't look at a hot girl as a thought-provoking sonic device. If I was after good conversation, I would be doing this instead of gaming.

I empathize with every man who deals with banal hot girls that make you want to shoot yourself. Yes I bail on girls for that reason too. But it's a cop out to let yourself think it's game to be doing that. If you bail on all boring girls, you will never bang anything above a 5 with continuity.

Thinking there are types

Some girls won't be into you ≠ There are types

Some girls aren't worth the effort. These girls come at complete random. Girls have preferences and they break from these all the time. Girls who don't do bald guys let me drown them in the great salt lake all the time. You can't tell a girl's preference like you can tell her slutiness.

More than half of it is mood anyway. A girl can be on your level one night and not the other. Hit a girl with solid game at the right time and not even religious orthodoxy will stop you.

Girls' preferences are fluid, and you can't tell what these preferences are by her looks or claims. But above all, these preferences appear at random with no explanation, and disappear similarly.

There are no types. There is no predictability. You only find out if she's hopeless by being in the approach. When she is hopeless, recognize it and move on—but don't chalk it up to types.

That "types"-type thinking will cloud your assessments of approaches, causing you to eject too fast. It will give you a reason to look at a hot girl, make a snap judgement of what "type" she is, and not approach. It will give a reason not to be more critical of your game when you might need to be.

In essence, types-type thinking is a cousin to astrology. I don't like it.

Player's Log / Lounge - Mufasa - 11-24-2016

You know women are like children and we never let children make discions.

Quote: (11-21-2016 04:57 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

me: should we go out for a drink sometime?
her: oh well thats ok, but thanks

me: i was thinking maybe we should hang out sometime
her: oh umm

me: if u want just call me so i have ur number. ill text u later
her: well maybe ill just see u around

At all the points where you go in for the kill you ask a question. I always look at it from two points:

1)The women are children aspect on her behalf
2)congruency aspect on my behalf: I'm awesome and my sex is great.
If I let her make the decisions she'll fuck up this great opportunity for her. I suggest something a little stronger + the secret weapon:


me: should we go out for a drink sometime?

change to:


me: we're going to get drinks sometime. *hands cellphone over to her*


me: i was thinking maybe we should hang out sometime

Maybe remix it with a complement to give her a little perceived "specialness"


me: You know whats cool about you?
her: te-he what??
me: You're pleasant, more than most girls. were going to hang out sometime.*hands cellphone over to her*

Ya know, don't give them a chance to fuck it up for themselves and the handing over the phone trick works wonders for me; they put their number in 9/10 times. Maybe they don't respond or they flake or whatever, but thats her fault for being a dumb ass.

Player's Log / Lounge - MediumRare - 11-24-2016

Tex, I agree with what you're saying and I think that's what GS was also trying to say in that post.
Sure he will come along and settle it for us soon.

Perhaps though you've formed your opinion from also reading other posts of his with similar 'types' themes which i have not as I don't come here much.

I think the types/compatibility principle holds more true for a LTR than for basic attraction, but in the end like so much of this game stuff, it is all general principles anyway rather than hard and fast rules you can consistently hang your hat on.

You know the stuff is true, you can see it with your own eyes but like night vision, you can only observe it obliquely with your peripheral vision.
If you stare directly at it, it will disappear into a mass of conflicting evidence and exceptions.

Player's Log / Lounge - Giovonny - 11-25-2016

Quote: (11-24-2016 03:57 PM)Mufasa Wrote:  

You know women are like children and we never let children make decisions.

You are so right!

This is so true!

I need to STOP ASKING WOMEN in the typical "yes" or "no" question format! They will fuck it up!

I need to lead them, guide them, and psychologically influence them into making the right decision.

Your advice has helped me!

Thanks Mufasa!

Player's Log / Lounge - Mufasa - 11-25-2016

Quote: (11-25-2016 03:29 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Quote: (11-24-2016 03:57 PM)Mufasa Wrote:  

You know women are like children and we never let children make decisions.

You are so right!

This is so true!

I need to STOP ASKING WOMEN in the typical "yes" or "no" question format! They will fuck it up!

I need to lead them, guide them, and psychologically influence them into making the right decision.

Your advice has helped me!

Thanks Mufasa!

[Image: 200.gif#36]

Player's Log / Lounge - Jagnum - 11-25-2016

Quote: (11-25-2016 03:29 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Quote: (11-24-2016 03:57 PM)Mufasa Wrote:  

You know women are like children and we never let children make decisions.

You are so right!

This is so true!

I need to STOP ASKING WOMEN in the typical "yes" or "no" question format! They will fuck it up!

I need to lead them, guide them, and psychologically influence them into making the right decision.

Your advice has helped me!

Thanks Mufasa!

The standard, most basic dagyame closing

First statement: "Anyway - we should grab a drink some time. I'm free later in the week if that works for you."

(let her respond)

(If it's "yeah, or sure" continue below. If it's "maybe", you have to keep gaming her for a min or two longer to see what's up. A "maybe" usually means no, but remember, girls have a hard time of flat out saying flat out "no". With most "maybe" girls, I may not even ask for the number because it's not going to be worth my time texting her. I can't think of ever fucking a girl who told me "maybe" on an approach.)

Second statement: "Cool put your number in here."

Hand her your phone.

Final statement: "Alright really nice meeting you. Take care."

To Mufasa's point, no questions I co-sign that.

But my first statement is done in such a way without being overly demanding. To say "We're going to get drinks some time" could be overly demanding in the eyes of a girl. You're already being more direct with her than 99% of the men she encounters, by simply talking to her at the grocery store, bus, or street. If done too soon during daygame, an overly demanding statement could be a turn off for most girls (for others, it could be a turn on).

Gio seems like your game is more indirect, friendly-conversational, so being more direct in the approach at the beginning or even in the middle, by telling her, "I noticed you walk by, and thought you were very cute and wanted to introduce myself", could help.

Player's Log / Lounge - redbeard - 11-25-2016

I believe "we should hang out sometime" was part of Mystery Method...I've been using it forever. It's a great way in person or over text to gauge interest.

I'm reading a sales book right now and it's discussing open vs closed questions. Closed questions are ones that can be answered with yes or no. Open questions require more than a yes or no. In game both can be used..closed questions being used to guide her towards a though, a yes ladder.

Do you live around here? Yes.
Do you like to go out? Yes.
Get a drink with me. Yes.

Open questions are when you want to dig deeper and have her show her true self.

"What did you want to be when you were a child?"

I see Gio uses a lot of closed questions. "Do you want to get a drink with me sometime?" It might be worthwhile to start using more open questions or to guide her.

GLL had a good post on "CEO Frame" that has helped me in game and business. "Make statements instead of asking questions."

Player's Log / Lounge - realologist - 11-25-2016

Team beard checking in. Ever since I grew my beard out it has got me a lot of female attention. I've had girls just come up and rub it. "The first thing I noticed about you was that big beard and big muscles."

If it fits your look rock a beard and don't look back.

Player's Log / Lounge - Mufasa - 11-25-2016

Quote: (11-25-2016 07:35 PM)Jagnum Wrote:  

But my first statement is done in such a way without being overly demanding. To say "We're going to get drinks some time" could be overly demanding in the eyes of a girl. You're already being more direct with her than 99% of the men she encounters, by simply talking to her at the grocery store, bus, or street. If done too soon during daygame, an overly demanding statement could be a turn off for most girls (for others, it could be a turn on).

Gio seems like your game is more indirect, friendly-conversational, so being more direct in the approach at the beginning or even in the middle, by telling her, "I noticed you walk by, and thought you were very cute and wanted to introduce myself", could help.

Word lol you are probably right on that. But the way i deliver it is congruent with how I dress and carry myself. I talk to my friends about this shit right here:

Me: If you were a billionaire, playboy, phiantopist (shout out to tony stark) and you wanted to go dance and you started dancing by yourself would you care about what all the other broke mothafuckas think about you dancing by yourself?

Them: No I'm clearly doing amazing at life so I wouldn't care about them at all.

Me: So whats the difference. They have no idea that you're not the future you. You don't need the billion dollars to give yourself the confidence you just gotta go do what you want to do.

So I always ask myself "what would black tony stark do?" and I act accordingly. Theres likely some ass backwards thinking in there but I shouldn't need the success padding my ego to be who I am and who I want to be. I my mind black tony stark would say "were hanging out" so thats what I say.
Probably over the top, but I read somewhere that if you're unsure if you're about to come across as too aggressive/masculine--go with over aggressive. (edit: Thanks redbeard I think the mystery method was where I read it from. Sounds correct.)

In my experience in sports shit is true as well. I was coaching this girl and to make a correction in her technique I told her to make an over-exagerated overcorrection to fix it--so much that it would feel incorrect.
She starts crying because she's trying so hard to do it correctly and it feels incorrect...low and behold she fucking nails it!

I always pick overdoing it, plus its more fun lol.

[Image: 200.gif#4]

Have you seen this shit?! tell me too much doesnt look like its more fun!!

Player's Log / Lounge - robreke - 11-25-2016

Quote: (11-24-2016 03:57 PM)Mufasa Wrote:  

You know women are like children and we never let children make discions.

Quote: (11-21-2016 04:57 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

me: should we go out for a drink sometime?
her: oh well thats ok, but thanks

me: i was thinking maybe we should hang out sometime
her: oh umm

me: if u want just call me so i have ur number. ill text u later
her: well maybe ill just see u around

At all the points where you go in for the kill you ask a question. I always look at it from two points:

1)The women are children aspect on her behalf
2)congruency aspect on my behalf: I'm awesome and my sex is great.
If I let her make the decisions she'll fuck up this great opportunity for her. I suggest something a little stronger + the secret weapon:


me: should we go out for a drink sometime?

change to:


me: we're going to get drinks sometime. *hands cellphone over to her*


me: i was thinking maybe we should hang out sometime

Maybe remix it with a complement to give her a little perceived "specialness"


me: You know whats cool about you?
her: te-he what??
me: You're pleasant, more than most girls. were going to hang out sometime.*hands cellphone over to her*

Ya know, don't give them a chance to fuck it up for themselves and the handing over the phone trick works wonders for me; they put their number in 9/10 times. Maybe they don't respond or they flake or whatever, but thats her fault for being a dumb ass.

So true.

I'd even suggest taking it a step further, when possible.

Cut all all "in between" actions as possible. i.e.
*getting the number,
*texting her,
*having to wait and have her text back,
*text banter to get her "comfy" with you,
*requesting the date via text,
*waiting 2 to 24 hours for her to 'make up her mind' and text you back with an answer.

Cut as many of those steps out of the equation as possible. There's too many steps where she can 'fall away'

It's best, if you sense it's really possible from the vibe of your approach/interaction, to suggest a date right then and there. Make a definite date on the spot:

"You seem pretty cool. I'd like to invite you for a coffee or drink sometime"
Her: Okay!
You: Great, there's this fun place I've been wanting to check out. How about Wednesday or Thursday eve?
Her: Ummm, Wed is better!
You: Cool, let's do ______ on 12th street at 8:00 on Wednesday eve. Fun place with great drinks. Sound good?
Her: Okay!
You: Great, I'll get your number real quick in case anything changes.
Swap numbers, text her right there and tell her unless anything changes you'll just see her there on Wednesday at 8:00

When it comes to initiating new relationships, even to guys they find attractive,women are not creatures of action. Given a choice between proactivity, when it comes to meeting a new man out, and inaction, they will most always choose inaction. Getting them self motivated to move in that direction is like trying to get a glacier to start to move. If we left it to them, nothing would ever get done, so I like the 'children' analogy.

They must always be lead until you've banged them a few times good. At that point, they'll start to initiate contact and you could use those opportunities to set the next date.

Until that point, it's ALL on us.

Player's Log / Lounge - Mufasa - 11-25-2016

Quote: (11-25-2016 09:53 PM)robreke Wrote:  

Quote: (11-24-2016 03:57 PM)Mufasa Wrote:  

You know women are like children and we never let children make discions.

Quote: (11-21-2016 04:57 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

me: should we go out for a drink sometime?
her: oh well thats ok, but thanks

me: i was thinking maybe we should hang out sometime
her: oh umm

me: if u want just call me so i have ur number. ill text u later
her: well maybe ill just see u around

At all the points where you go in for the kill you ask a question. I always look at it from two points:

1)The women are children aspect on her behalf
2)congruency aspect on my behalf: I'm awesome and my sex is great.
If I let her make the decisions she'll fuck up this great opportunity for her. I suggest something a little stronger + the secret weapon:


me: should we go out for a drink sometime?

change to:


me: we're going to get drinks sometime. *hands cellphone over to her*


me: i was thinking maybe we should hang out sometime

Maybe remix it with a complement to give her a little perceived "specialness"


me: You know whats cool about you?
her: te-he what??
me: You're pleasant, more than most girls. were going to hang out sometime.*hands cellphone over to her*

Ya know, don't give them a chance to fuck it up for themselves and the handing over the phone trick works wonders for me; they put their number in 9/10 times. Maybe they don't respond or they flake or whatever, but thats her fault for being a dumb ass.

So true.

I'd even suggest taking it a step further, when possible.

Cut all all "in between" actions as possible. i.e.
*getting the number,
*texting her,
*having to wait and have her text back,
*text banter to get her "comfy" with you,
*requesting the date via text,
*waiting 2 to 24 hours for her to 'make up her mind' and text you back with an answer.

Cut as many of those steps out of the equation as possible. There's too many steps where she can 'fall away'

It's best, if you sense it's really possible from the vibe of your approach/interaction, to suggest a date right then and there. Make a definite date on the spot:

"You seem pretty cool. I'd like to invite you for a coffee or drink sometime"
Her: Okay!
You: Great, there's this fun place I've been wanting to check out. How about Wednesday or Thursday eve?
Her: Ummm, Wed is better!
You: Cool, let's do ______ on 12th street at 8:00 on Wednesday eve. Fun place with great drinks. Sound good?
Her: Okay!
You: Great, I'll get your number real quick in case anything changes.
Swap numbers, text her right there and tell her unless anything changes you'll just see her there on Wednesday at 8:00

When it comes to initiating new relationships, even to guys they find attractive,women are not creatures of action. Given a choice between proactivity, when it comes to meeting a new man out, and inaction, they will most always choose inaction. Getting them self motivated to move in that direction is like trying to get a glacier to start to move. If we left it to them, nothing would ever get done, so I like the 'children' analogy.

They must always be lead until you've banged them a few times good. At that point, they'll start to initiate contact and you could use those opportunities to set the next date.

Until that point, it's ALL on us.

Ah thats fucking nice!!
Ok now that I think about it I've done that a little but it will be like next day shit.
"Im going to this music show tomorrow afternoon lets go"
"I'm going to the brunch spot blah blah blah"
and they have all flaked...all of them. Of course this is at night game so that probabaly explains that.
Nice one man. Thats what I'll have to do. The whole foods girl has been a bitch to schedule with. got plans ironed out but holy hell it was a hassle.

Player's Log / Lounge - Mufasa - 11-26-2016

Met a girl tonight told her were doing brunch at my place in the am. got her number and shit but didn't set a time. FUCK.
We'll see how it goes. Gotta take this shit to daytime but old habits die hard :/