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R.I.P. London - Syberpunk - 12-14-2018

Multiculturalism is only workable through the avoidance of eye contact.

Luckily smartphones came along.

R.I.P. London - Oak - 12-14-2018

Quote: (12-14-2018 12:32 PM)JWLZG Wrote:  

Where would England be without its Indian restaurants, Pakistani convenience stores, and kebab shops, by the way? Chicken tikka masala is as English an establishment as the breakfast fry up.

It would be a fucking disaster.

Hoards of men would probably be ganging raping young girls in pure frustration at the lack of delicious ethnic food. The collective IQ would be driven down by malnutrition. Girls on their way to a pop concert would have nails driven through their flesh after a poor misunderstood man blew himself up because he couldn't find a Pakistani convenience store. A soldier would probably be beheaded in the street after a rumor was started that he knew where the kebabs were being hidden.

And you're right, England achieved almost nothing prior to the invention of Chicken Tikka Masala. It was a turning point in its otherwise pathetic history.

R.I.P. London - Teedub - 12-15-2018

If you say Paris only has a "handful" of non whites then you're either lying or being wilfully blind.

R.I.P. London - JWLZG - 12-15-2018

Yep, yep, a handful more coloured folk than is close for comfort in Paris, London, Brussels, and Milan. Sounds almost as pressing as reading comic books at the dinner table, or little children doodling on their notebooks in maths class. [Image: boring.gif] [Image: rolleyes.gif] [Image: rolleyes.gif]

For the record, I'd lived in Paris in 2012, and have made 2 extended visits back since then. [Image: rolleyes.gif]

Still no arguments as to how this bodes badly for game, or for that matter where more of the resident Englishmen or Europeans are on this thread. Ho-hum, pass the butter. Guess I was expecting too much, on that count.

R.I.P. London - Teedub - 12-16-2018

I'm a born and bred resident Englishman—who lived in London for 18 months—and I'm telling you you're chatting shit.

"Bodes badly for game"... are you living in 2012? This forum expanded from game long ago. There's more important things in life than putting your dick in some African pussy, such as preserving your ethnic identity, forged over centuries and currently being destroyed by neoliberal filth who treat all humans as interchangeable pieces on an economic chessboard—with zero regard for their traditions, their culture, or their individual preferences. I was friendly in my last reply to you, but more hostile in this one since it's clear you have no problem with the complete demographic destruction of my people.

R.I.P. London - sterlingarcher - 12-16-2018

I've noticed a few Asian 6/7's working in London supermarkets recently.

It's so out of context, I reckon they're Muslim girls without the hijab.

Imagine, there could be a day when London is overrun with Liberated Asian cuties.

Stay strong brothers.

R.I.P. London - Foolsgo1d - 12-16-2018

Quote: (12-16-2018 07:56 AM)sterlingarcher Wrote:  

I've noticed a few Asian 6/7's working in London supermarkets recently.

It's so out of context, I reckon they're Muslim girls without the hijab.

Imagine, there could be a day when London is overrun with Liberated Asian cuties.

Stay strong brothers.

Evidence points to a different scenario.

R.I.P. London - britchard - 12-17-2018

Quote: (12-14-2018 12:32 PM)JWLZG Wrote:  

30 pages and chugging ahead, and nary a born Englisher, let alone a Londoner has yet to comment. Just brave keyboard posturing from internet alphas who have never held a passport, let alone boarded a plane to Europe.

Could it be because the locals themselves aren't in disagreement over such a status quo?

I'm a native born Englishman (and there are several others here who have posted in this thread) and most of the comments in this thread are true, although a few are exaggerated.

Just to add, your 'perception' of London will change massively depending on where you are. A guy who visited Newham saying 'there isn't a white face in London' is obviously going to disagree with a guy who visited Kensington who saw a different picture. Just keep that in mind.

R.I.P. London - Valentine - 12-18-2018

Quote: (12-14-2018 12:32 PM)JWLZG Wrote:  

30 pages and chugging ahead, and nary a born Englisher, let alone a Londoner has yet to comment. Just brave keyboard posturing from internet alphas who have never held a passport, let alone boarded a plane to Europe.

Could it be because the locals themselves aren't in disagreement over such a status quo?

Another born Londoner here. Not sure why you have this misconception, I didn't realise that every post here had to be prefaced with your place of birth. The people who are most interested in discussing London specifically will often have least visited the UK.

The comments here I'd agree with for the most part. Ethnic diversity is sky high, and we all know that diversity + proximity = war.

This is obvious in the city's crime rates and in the rise of previously rare acts such as acid attacks, knife and moped crime. I myself and many people I know have been personally affected by the rising crime rate. If you knew a thing about roadmen and grime culture you'd know that this lifestyle is popular amongst the youth and even non-roadmen kids everywhere are speaking the slang and using a road accent.

There are massive enclaves of distinct non-English cultures who refuse to mix. It might be all well and good if there was cultural assimilation but from everything I've seen in-group favouritism towards your ethnicity never really goes away and is at the core of a lot of tension in the city. It's not pleasant to hear several different languages being spoken whilst on the tube and it only amplifies the feelings of social alienation which is common in the city.

You can live life in London and avoid most of the negative aspects if you have wealth, but you could say the same thing about living in a gated community in South Africa. And it's evident that that is the direction London is going to go in if things keep proceeding in this direction.

R.I.P. London - JWLZG - 12-22-2018

Quote: (12-16-2018 07:50 AM)Teedub Wrote:  

[...] but more hostile in this one since it's clear you have no problem with the complete demographic destruction of my people.

Whoa, slow it there. I'm not going to admit that; nowhere in what I've written did I say that in black and white, neither did I infer it.

Neither is it something I personally am in favour of, for that matter; what would you suppose one man should do about it, on his own?

R.I.P. London - BlueMark - 12-22-2018

I have been to London a few times. I stayed in the central part of the city, inside of the Circle Line. In that area, I saw a few places with more immigrants, but nothing crime-ridden or demographically unrecognizable as some of you claim. But maybe places outside the Circle Line, in the greater London area, are as you guys described.

Point is, I suspect some of you are talking past each other. It's like with San Francisco versus the SF bay area, or Manhattan versus NYC metro area. Sometimes when people say "NYC" they mean only Manhattan, and sometimes when people say "SF" they mean the whole SF bay area.

Perhaps you guys should be more specific as to which parts of London you're talking about.

R.I.P. London - Day Game Bang - 12-22-2018

Don't let anymore Pakis from Mirpur arrive in the UK.

R.I.P. London - montaigne - 12-26-2018

I love rap music, purely because I was brought up on it (unfortunately?); and I have to say; it's a damn shame to see so many PC people skirting around the issues and saying that the knife and gun violence in London is due to 'lack of youth centres' and 'lack of family homes'.

It's just about desire. If you listen to 2000 songs for 10 years about heartbreak over guitar, you'll grow into someone who idealises heartbreak and guitar. Just the same, if you're brainwashed by certain values, 'laws', habits - you'll of course let some of that fall into your DNA. Now pack 1 of these people, into a 'cage' with 1000 others on a council estate. Now if you /don't follow these silly values shared in the music, you'll be excluded from the group, which by just natural law is a terrible thing to happen, even more-so than becoming the aggressor yourself.

I think to end the glamour and the Chinese whispers which makes the lifestyle so enticing (it's nothing to do with necessity, it's about desire) - it's simply necessary that the council estates are dispersed, and pretty much everyone from /those backgrounds/ are kept apart from eachother. Fire breeds fire, gossip breeds gossip, manners breed manners and ideologies breed ideologies. Put 5, 10 of these guys together, and the following year, there'll be 20 of them. Right now it's just that, but with a lot more 0000's.

The lifestyle doesn't even pay well. It covers takeaways, shoes, car rentals. Little else. What it provides is validation, the feeling of being a big man, the feeling that you'll attract the hoodrat girls around you, etc.

It's just endorphins and pleasure. Pleasure. Gun and knife crime in London is pleasure. And until it's seen that way, nothing will change for the better. A different coin altogether are acid attacks from mopeds (mobile phone robberies). That, is a graduation from the gang culture, and is a step into far further dysfunction, where it's all being done for invisible people, usually, since the gangs don't condone attacking civies.

R.I.P. London - Kieran - 12-26-2018

Drill might be the thing now, but when jungle was the thing in the 90s the gangs were the same, when it moved to garage in the late 90s again the gangs were doing the same things completely unrelated to the music they were listening to.

R.I.P. London - Constitution45 - 01-13-2019

Native born Londoner here, my family lived here for five/six generations now however starting this year I am the only one left.

We have been leaving since the 70s for various reasons discussed on this thread however it has ramped up tremendously in the last ten - fifteen years.

We are talking about millions of people here as well, London is not a small place. I personally cannot wait to leave this shit hole, but due to work I am stuck here for a while longer.

R.I.P. London - Constitution45 - 01-14-2019

Good video here, don’t know how to embed videos on this forum.

R.I.P. London - WalterBlack - 01-15-2019

Here's a reason why the UK is a joke:

Uninsured driver, 25, who mowed down and killed 30-year-old doctor on zebra crossing 'while his view was blocked by frosty windscreen' is jailed for 10 months and banned from roads

[Image: 8504066-6589785-Alexander_Fitzgerald_26_...498528.jpg]

[Image: 8504068-6589785-image-a-57_1547469635367.jpg]


An uninsured driver who hit and killed a doctor on a zebra crossing has been jailed for 10 months.

Alexander Fitzgerald, 26, was driving his father’s Ford Fiesta when he hit Dr Jasjot Singhota, 30, in Tulse Hill, south London.

It is possible his view was obscured by frost he had not cleared from his windscreen, when he collided with the talented medic as she walked to work at 7:15am on 25 January 2017.

The anaesthetist was rushed by ambulance to King’s College Hospital where surgeons battled to save her life for eight hours before she was pronounced dead.

Kingston Crown Court heard Fitzgerald was uninsured at the time and has a previous conviction for speeding.

Fitzgerald had got behind the wheel just seconds before he approached the zebra crossing at 28mph on Thurlow Park.

Dr Singhota had just left home and was making her way to work at St Thomas’ Hospital.

Fitzgerald later told police he had wiped the windows clean and was only driving at 17mph.

Judge Peter Lodder, QC, told Fitzgerald: ‘It was dark but the area around that crossing was well lit.

‘As she was perfectly properly crossing that road she was struck by the car you were driving and sustained such serious injuries that she was taken to hospital were her severe head injury was attempted to be operated on but sadly it was not saveable.

‘You said you had cleared the frost from your window screens and you suggested it was clear and you suggested she ran out in front of you.’

David Emanuel, defending, explained his client wished to become a chartered surveyor and was studying at university.

He said Fitzgerald was progressing well and had job offers all of which are in jeopardy now he has been jailed.

Dr Singhota, who grew up with two sisters in Bedford, was based at St Thomas’ Hospital and was due to graduate from the Royal College of Anaesthetists in March.

While learning about medicine she had spent time developing conservation projects in Madagascar and children’s hospitals in New Zealand.

Her ambition was to work for Medecins Sans Frontieres, an organisation which seeks to provide treatment to those suffering in war-zones regardless religious or political beliefs.

A spokesman from Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust said after her death: ‘We are deeply saddened to hear about the tragic death of our colleague Dr Jasjot Singhota, and our thoughts are with her family and colleagues at this difficult time.

‘Dr Singhota was a dedicated, committed and well respected member of staff, as well as an excellent doctor with a bright and promising future.’

Fitzgerald, from Brentwood in Essex, was jailed for 10 months after admitting causing death by careless driving and causing death while uninsured.

He was disqualified from driving for 23 months.

10 months for killing someone...

R.I.P. London - Foolsgo1d - 01-15-2019

Thats not rare. Most, if not all drivers who kill get off lightly.

R.I.P. London - Rigsby - 02-13-2019

There's quite a few Londoners on this thread.

For those saying that we are all just bullshitting.

Faking living in London is a hard thing to do.

You get a certain insouciance.

Just ask them the quickest way from Seven Sisters to Covent Garden.

If they're on the ball like me they will be able to tell you the shortcuts.

But I've forgot all that now.

London was a great time for me but it was also a hell hole. I'm glad it's over.

It's changed.

I saw the writing on the wall.

I'd lie in bed with my black girlfriends listening to Grace Jones, smoking dope, and we would lament the changes. Black people are among the most racist fuckers you would ever wish to meet. Then again, so are some white people. But it wasn't about racism.

I wasn't born in London, but they were.

It's gone now.

Every now and again I get to do business with some London Tart. You usually get that Jafaican patois (be it black or white) and my heart sinks a little. But every now and again you get some right cocky cockney bitch. I get the tingles every time talking to them. But they are a dying breed...

White people talk like blacks now, but blacks never talk like whites. Well, actually one of my ex-girlfriend's did. She talked proper snooty, like. Ooohh, absolutely... eh eh... Chelsea will do that to a girl. She was fucking foul-mouthed as well. Once in a lifetime.

Just observing a demographic, don't hang me.

I do believe that black and white people are different. But we seem to get on ok. I could be cynical, but I prefer to be naive. Doesn't stop me from getting called names.

But now we have turks, kurds, nigerians, the whole shebang, polish.

In group preference.

I'm glad I'm out now. I had the best of it I think.

Anyway, there's quite a few Londoners on this thread.

R.I.P. London - fmman - 02-16-2019

Quote: (01-23-2016 01:41 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

This is unbelievable.

Will the royal family of England reclaim their country? They are the only ones with enough popularity and wealth to successfully lead a military revolution and take back the country, close the borders, and rebuild. Not only could they rally the White brits in the countryside, but I strongly suspect a shit-ton of immigrants would join as well.

But is the royal family pozzed as the rest of 'em? Or can they pull a Trump-style takeover?

It's rumoured that the Queen is a brexit supporter. While we voted to leave the EU for immigration reasons, it was not the only reason.
If we don't leave the EU completely, in full then London is screwed.
If the UK government still doesn't secure the borders after leaving the EU then London is still screwed

R.I.P. London - fmman - 02-16-2019

Quote: (01-15-2019 03:07 AM)WalterBlack Wrote:  

10 months for killing someone...

These sort of joke prison sentences have been going on for 30 years or so.
But if you are an OAP and don't pay your council tax you will get more time inside.

R.I.P. London - fmman - 02-16-2019

I met a Turk in London who had moved there to study English, said all languages she heard all the time were not English. I said she should have moved to Scotland

R.I.P. London - Polniy_Sostav - 02-19-2019

I have been to London a few times ( mostly to see a friend ) and I have heard any sort of languages apart from English while taking public transportation.
A funny thing though : The middle-east/black thugs which are the equivalent of our French ones still have that British faggot intonation , it's quite fun. I feel enriched with diversity [Image: smile.gif]

R.I.P. London - Caduceus - 02-19-2019

Quote: (02-13-2019 08:58 PM)Rigsby Wrote:  

White people talk like blacks now, but blacks never talk like whites.

Interesting observation

R.I.P. London - IronShark - 03-22-2019

Welcome to London:

The Islamic republic of Britain. This is central London yesterday.

Nelsons column. He died protecting Britain. What a waste.