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Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - Printable Version

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Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - questor70 - 03-30-2019

Quote: (03-30-2019 08:08 PM)yankeetravels Wrote:  

I haven't been involved with one woman that has cared more about both of those together than being with a desirable guy

Selection bias, perhaps? If they were women who put men at a low priority you'd never have met them in the first place. Doesn't mean those women don't exist.

Quote: (03-30-2019 10:37 PM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

Now, not only is the juvenile Disney princess fantasy all the more prominent, it also places the girl on a pedestal as the primary / main focus.

This pretty much says it all. Despite having a huge (usually LIFE ALTERING) shock to the system with the Manchester bombing, Ariana Grande is still nothing but a soulless symbol of materialism and hedonism.

Quarter of a billion hits suggests her value-system is the norm in the west.

I see it
I like it
I want it
I got it

There is the mantra. No interpretation necessary.

All of them should watch this on repeat.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - Sgt Donger - 03-30-2019

Maybe someone could overlay these charts with the charts about rising obesity levels in females.

It's a likely scenario that men are losing interest in American girls because of they are just getting so fat.

Boner test says no.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - nek - 03-30-2019

Quote: (03-30-2019 10:57 PM)Sgt Donger Wrote:  

Maybe someone could overlay these charts with the charts about rising obesity levels in females.

It's a likely scenario that men are losing interest in American girls because of they are just getting so fat.

Boner test says no.

This is also probably understated.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - Rorogue - 03-31-2019

Back in the day (07-09), I had a very direct style of game that worked for me at University and night clubs. My personality simply doesn't suit any style other than a very direct approach. Anything else is me being inauthentic

I can say that 'metoo' and the surrounding culture is making this direct approach hard to do.

I mean, I can do it, but do I want to risk being thrown out of department stores, malls, cafes because one cunt or white knight wants to make a scene/example?

This pressure has resigned a lot of men to 'play their position' on online dating- the position being, settle for an unpleasant woman usually a couple of points below you.

I really should stop thinking I can 'beat the matrix' and do a lot of direct daygame in Aus- should instead orient my life to being 100% location independent and getting the fuck outta here. One day I will be old and won't have the same opportunity to have a good 5-8 years gaming hard.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - The Black Knight - 03-31-2019

Well, let's look at the reality on the ground:

1. The under 30 male crowd is filled with faggots and soyboys; raised by single moms, cucked daddys, and a anti-masculine culture.

2. The under 30 women are being encouraged to act on every selfish destructive impulse, hate men, and accuse them of rape for asking for a phone number.

3. The current US economic system essentially demands two-income households now to survive. Sole-provider family living is extremely tough to pull off in general but especially so for the under 30 crowd. It wasn't always like this.

4. The men have no balls and can't handle adversity; that's a dealbreaker for many women. The women are neurotic and disgusting with jelly rolls, tattoos, and retarded ass bullrings; that's a dealbreaker for many men.

Some women will put up with loser guys and some men will put up with fat fucks. But no one is truly happy deep down. So, the men have become repulsive to the women, the women have become repulsive to the men, and no one has enough money to have a traditional family assuming each gender even had something to offer to one another.

Unfortunately for young men, they can't aim for 30+ women since most 30+ women are mercenaries looking for a guy with who has his shit together. The under 30 women will tolerate a young broke man but not a soyboy faggot who is also broke. And then they, the few desirable ones, figure out Mr. Early 30's dude has money and masculine swag and that's a wrap for the young guy.

On the other hand, the environment for the young guys is so bad what's the motivation to even better yourself? Where's the pot of gold to work towards? 25 year old cumdumpster Becky and her bullring whom is ready to falsely accuse you of rape because she has regret sex?

You all shit on these guys for playing video games but at least Apex Legends doesn't get you bullshit felony domestic violence charges, thrown in a jail cell, permanent career damage, and a traumatized psyche.

The juice has to be worth the squeeze. It ain't. Not even close.

I don't have any easy answers to the problems.

-Make sole-provider living more affordable.
-Shame bad female behavior.
-Encourage young men to get their balls back.
-Fix the legal system; stop incentivizing people to blow up marriages.

Focus on the men who are salvageable; disavow the rest. Limited time and resources and all that. Some people are simply too far gone, both men and women. Maybe focus on the next generation (gen z), who are still somewhat malleable and see all this fucked up shit going on and give them some guidance. The biggest bullshit of it all is that this all could have been avoided. But decades ago, some men lost their damn way and now we got what we got.

That's OK though. As long as you're not six feet under, there is always a chance to turn it around.

I feel for the young dudes however... the whole goddamn house is just rotten and full of shit. It's gonna take a lot of work to unfuck this mess.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - Atlanta Man - 03-31-2019

Quote: (03-30-2019 08:08 PM)yankeetravels Wrote:  

I really don't buy women preferring their career and friends over guys. I haven't been involved with one woman that has cared more about both of those together than being with a desirable guy, getting good dick, getting married, and having kids. Don't think this has gone away, I think women are just more aware of who the top men are and are on sensory overload with date app options. That makes them content, validated, and a bit entitled.

I've known women that shit talk a lot about their friends and even drop friends for guys. Don't really hear about that the other way around as much, women aren't as loyal to each other as guys are. While they're going to school or maybe aiming for a certain job, I really haven't met too many women that are gaga over the career thing. I look at it more like they see it as a necessity to live, and it arguably might be with the way young people get out of school now.

Girls still want to get married and be cinderella for a day. They are just very picky about who the Prince Charming is going to be and are willing to wait a few more years than in the past in the west.
I personally have dated 7 women in the past year who were Medical Students or Law School Students/recent Law Grads. These women were 22-27 years old and every single one of them told me the same thing almost verbatim"I need to get my career together first, do some traveling and then get married when I am 30 and have my first kid when I am 32 -33."- they all put relationships second to their career until they are 30 and the blueprint on marriage falters because the "the one" is proving elusive and unaware that he was supposed a role in her script for her life. In the early 1990's I could easily have found plenty of women under 25 that would put marriage first-now not so much, unless they are from South America, South East Asia , or The Middle East.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - Veloce - 03-31-2019

Yup, forum called it long ago. Why would men even want to?

You've got incels, which must suck.

But then there's those of us that do get laid. This year started out as a pussyfest to me and I had to tell several of them to kick rocks because plate spinning wasn't doing it for me anymore. Every girl I banged has been exactly the same:

-career/college chick in her 20s that wants to travel and the freedom to do whatever she wants, eventually settling down in her 30s. Generally a complete mess, dependent on psych meds or party drugs, not a feminine bone in her body except when it comes to sex, can't cook, won't clean, and has this faux alpha personality like she's in charge yet wants to be dominated completely

-late 20s to mid 30s burnout. Often the more fun to bang just because they're more open sexually and their prowess is unmatched, but again usually accompanying more baggage, single mom bullshit, jaded, wear and tear, etc. Funny thing about these chicks is if they were smart they'd settle down with a guy that's 10 years older, like 40s-early 50s, but no they still go for guys in their mid 30s i.e. their prime, to continue a pattern of getting pumped and dumped.

Given those two choices, it's understandable why anyone would want to opt out. I've recently started dating a girl that is conservative, modest, super hot with low mileage, and I've been confronted with the fact that I might have to settle down with her.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - nek - 03-31-2019

Quote: (03-31-2019 03:42 AM)The Black Knight Wrote:  

Well, let's look at the reality on the ground:

1. The under 30 male crowd is filled with faggots and soyboys; raised by single moms, cucked daddys, and a anti-masculine culture.

2. The under 30 women are being encouraged to act on every selfish destructive impulse, hate men, and accuse them of rape for asking for a phone number.

3. The current US economic system essentially demands two-income households now to survive. Sole-provider family living is extremely tough to pull off in general but especially so for the under 30 crowd. It wasn't always like this.

4. The men have no balls and can't handle adversity; that's a dealbreaker for many women. The women are neurotic and disgusting with jelly rolls, tattoos, and retarded ass bullrings; that's a dealbreaker for many men.

Some women will put up with loser guys and some men will put up with fat fucks. But no one is truly happy deep down. So, the men have become repulsive to the women, the women have become repulsive to the men, and no one has enough money to have a traditional family assuming each gender even had something to offer to one another.

Unfortunately for young men, they can't aim for 30+ women since most 30+ women are mercenaries looking for a guy with who has his shit together. The under 30 women will tolerate a young broke man but not a soyboy faggot who is also broke. And then they, the few desirable ones, figure out Mr. Early 30's dude has money and masculine swag and that's a wrap for the young guy.

On the other hand, the environment for the young guys is so bad what's the motivation to even better yourself? Where's the pot of gold to work towards? 25 year old cumdumpster Becky and her bullring whom is ready to falsely accuse you of rape because she has regret sex?

You all shit on these guys for playing video games but at least Apex Legends doesn't get you bullshit felony domestic violence charges, thrown in a jail cell, permanent career damage, and a traumatized psyche.

The juice has to be worth the squeeze. It ain't. Not even close.

I don't have any easy answers to the problems.

-Make sole-provider living more affordable.
-Shame bad female behavior.
-Encourage young men to get their balls back.
-Fix the legal system; stop incentivizing people to blow up marriages.

Focus on the men who are salvageable; disavow the rest. Limited time and resources and all that. Some people are simply too far gone, both men and women. Maybe focus on the next generation (gen z), who are still somewhat malleable and see all this fucked up shit going on and give them some guidance. The biggest bullshit of it all is that this all could have been avoided. But decades ago, some men lost their damn way and now we got what we got.

That's OK though. As long as you're not six feet under, there is always a chance to turn it around.

I feel for the young dudes however... the whole goddamn house is just rotten and full of shit. It's gonna take a lot of work to unfuck this mess.

I think it just has to crash and burn, at least in the west. Historically, I can't think of a situation where social decay sets in and somehow the entire population galvanizes, gives up on their selfish ways, and turns it around.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - godzilla - 03-31-2019

The thing is even some men I consider masculine don't have it easy when it comes women. The standards are absurd in the West.

The amount of time a man in the west spending looking for a woman is at a peak. I just imagine if I had all that time back what could I accomplish.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - Mrredsquare - 03-31-2019

Quote: (03-31-2019 09:54 AM)Veloce Wrote:  

Yup, forum called it long ago. Why would men even want to?

You've got incels, which must suck.

But then there's those of us that do get laid. This year started out as a pussyfest to me and I had to tell several of them to kick rocks because plate spinning wasn't doing it for me anymore. Every girl I banged has been exactly the same:

-career/college chick in her 20s that wants to travel and the freedom to do whatever she wants, eventually settling down in her 30s. Generally a complete mess, dependent on psych meds or party drugs, not a feminine bone in her body except when it comes to sex, can't cook, won't clean, and has this faux alpha personality like she's in charge yet wants to be dominated completely

-late 20s to mid 30s burnout. Often the more fun to bang just because they're more open sexually and their prowess is unmatched, but again usually accompanying more baggage, single mom bullshit, jaded, wear and tear, etc. Funny thing about these chicks is if they were smart they'd settle down with a guy that's 10 years older, like 40s-early 50s, but no they still go for guys in their mid 30s i.e. their prime, to continue a pattern of getting pumped and dumped.

Given those two choices, it's understandable why anyone would want to opt out. I've recently started dating a girl that is conservative, modest, super hot with low mileage, and I've been confronted with the fact that I might have to settle down with her.

This is basically my experience with British women. Can't do any of the feminine basics - Cook, clean, exercise or make an effort to look even half attractive.

But they all want a man with his shit together, while you can't even do the basics bitch.
[Image: hamster3.gif]

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - Leonard D Neubache - 03-31-2019

[Image: laugh3.gif]

One of the most brutal questions you can ask a modern woman is "so... what are you really good at?"

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - BlueMark - 03-31-2019

Quote: (03-31-2019 10:27 AM)godzilla Wrote:  

The thing is even some men I consider masculine don't have it easy when it comes women. The standards are absurd in the West.

The amount of time a man in the west spending looking for a woman is at a peak. I just imagine if I had all that time back what could I accomplish.

When you consider opportunity costs (something often overlooked by game enthusiasts), the old saying that we all pay for sex one way or another rings true.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - Hedonist94 - 03-31-2019

Quote: (03-30-2019 06:50 PM)Heuristics Wrote:  

I have a unique perspective here, I stopped gaming at age 14. I pick up a game if I'm with a friend who games, but that's it. I was very high achiving at that age, so it was fortunate I stopped. Meanwhile many of my average and above average friends went down the rabbit hole of gaming, which came to define both their future career academic prospects and their social lives. On both counts, gaming was seriously damaging to them. The worst thing you can have is a young adolescent male who is not properly socialized (not going to parties or having a GF b/c of video games), and is going nowhere in his life (because he is blowing off high school and college), because he decided to drift right around the age of 18. Games are damning to men, channeling their urges to win, feel part of a team, etc. into an outlet that yields almost 0 for them. It is hard to moderate your screentime once you start, thus it is very addictive, just like social media or porn.

In matters like this, it's difficult to determine the direction of causality.

I also stopped gaming when I was 15 but I started gaming again during my second year of university, and the reason was.. straightforward.. I was not getting laid during the best years of my life (according to boomers) and had never had a gf. I only gave up gaming some time in my 3rd year when the gamergate fiasco happened which redpilled me on the people developing those games.

It was only after I'd gotten my career in a good place and had been lifting for several years, and got my own place did I manage to get around 10 bangs off of tinder. Only 1-2 of the women I've banged would get a WB on here, and she was pretty kooky. Judging by these charts I'm still ahead of the curve. This was despite being a virgin until my early 20s.

I replaced gaming with lifting. After finishing my stem degree, I mass spammed around 700 applications over a period of several months and landed a job as a developer (currently making around 90k in leafbucks).

The situation for a lot of guys is the following: if they're not at minimum a 7/10, they will probably not have a serious girlfriend in high school/college (best years of your life?), not get laid after college until they've spent considerable time in the gym and sorted their career out. Then when they're in their 30s they might get married to a girl with a lot of student loan debt/tattoos/stds. This marriage will, in all likelihood, be followed by a costly divorce a few years down the line. Sounds like a great way to spend the first 30 years of your life as a male? Feeling pretty motivated to "man up"?

Modern society requires ordinary men to live a life of monk-like celibacy for the first 20-30 odd years of their life. I'm not convinced most priests take their vows seriously.

In contrast, women just need to not be 30 lbs overweight and they're on the chad carousel for life.

As for those men who are considering dropping out of the game. My advice is the following, don't chase women instead try to retire early. If you live frugally and make good investments, you can have enough savings by your early 30s to enjoy the "NEET" life on your terms.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - Aurini - 03-31-2019

Quote: (03-31-2019 04:13 AM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

Quote: (03-30-2019 08:08 PM)yankeetravels Wrote:  

I really don't buy women preferring their career and friends over guys. I haven't been involved with one woman that has cared more about both of those together than being with a desirable guy, getting good dick, getting married, and having kids. Don't think this has gone away, I think women are just more aware of who the top men are and are on sensory overload with date app options. That makes them content, validated, and a bit entitled.

I've known women that shit talk a lot about their friends and even drop friends for guys. Don't really hear about that the other way around as much, women aren't as loyal to each other as guys are. While they're going to school or maybe aiming for a certain job, I really haven't met too many women that are gaga over the career thing. I look at it more like they see it as a necessity to live, and it arguably might be with the way young people get out of school now.

Girls still want to get married and be cinderella for a day. They are just very picky about who the Prince Charming is going to be and are willing to wait a few more years than in the past in the west.
I personally have dated 7 women in the past year who were Medical Students or Law School Students/recent Law Grads. These women were 22-27 years old and every single one of them told me the same thing almost verbatim"I need to get my career together first, do some traveling and then get married when I am 30 and have my first kid when I am 32 -33."- they all put relationships second to their career until they are 30 and the blueprint on marriage falters because the "the one" is proving elusive and unaware that he was supposed a role in her script for her life. In the early 1990's I could easily have found plenty of women under 25 that would put marriage first-now not so much, unless they are from South America, South East Asia , or The Middle East.

...and that's all assuming things go according to plan.

Realistically, their career starts off great, they go on a trip at 28, and then family illness strikes at 30. Blows out their finances. They start again, but then there's an industry downturn. So now it's not until 35 that they are reasonably comfortable in their industry, and they're finally able to do the trips they dreamed of - but the biological clock is ticking.

So these aren't the light-hearted care-free trips that they dreamed of at 28 - there are stress filled and expensive. Time is running out, and instead of lowering their standards they're raising their standards - demanding more and more out of potential male partner, when they've got less and less to officer.

Enter anti depressants, wine, and cats.

I've seen it so many times. It's sad.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - Graft - 03-31-2019

Quote: (03-31-2019 12:41 PM)Aurini Wrote:  

So these aren't the light-hearted care-free trips that they dreamed of at 28 - there are stress filled and expensive. Time is running out, and instead of lowering their standards they're raising their standards - demanding more and more out of potential male partner, when they've got less and less to officer.

Enter anti depressants, wine, and cats.

I've seen it so many times. It's sad.

Have you actually seen this so many times?

In my (possibly incorrect) experience, no matter how badly women are doing, men are always doing 5x worse.

For every thirty-something woman with cats, theres five thirty or forty something y/o men, brutalized by the SMP and desperate for any set of working ovaries.

These broads know that there's a large cohort of older successful and handsome men who will scoop them up at that age and consider them young.

The only guys that they can't access are the small sliver of men who are red pilled regarding age/youth/fertility and have the ability to actually pull women in their prime years.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - Heuristics - 03-31-2019

Quote: (03-31-2019 11:27 AM)Hedonist94 Wrote:  

Quote: (03-30-2019 06:50 PM)Heuristics Wrote:  

I have a unique perspective here, I stopped gaming at age 14. I pick up a game if I'm with a friend who games, but that's it. I was very high achiving at that age, so it was fortunate I stopped. Meanwhile many of my average and above average friends went down the rabbit hole of gaming, which came to define both their future career academic prospects and their social lives. On both counts, gaming was seriously damaging to them. The worst thing you can have is a young adolescent male who is not properly socialized (not going to parties or having a GF b/c of video games), and is going nowhere in his life (because he is blowing off high school and college), because he decided to drift right around the age of 18. Games are damning to men, channeling their urges to win, feel part of a team, etc. into an outlet that yields almost 0 for them. It is hard to moderate your screentime once you start, thus it is very addictive, just like social media or porn.

In matters like this, it's difficult to determine the direction of causality.

I also stopped gaming when I was 15 but I started gaming again during my second year of university, and the reason was.. straightforward.. I was not getting laid during the best years of my life (according to boomers) and had never had a gf. I only gave up gaming some time in my 3rd year when the gamergate fiasco happened which redpilled me on the people developing those games.

It was only after I'd gotten my career in a good place and had been lifting for several years, and got my own place did I manage to get around 10 bangs off of tinder. Only 1-2 of the women I've banged would get a WB on here, and she was pretty kooky. Judging by these charts I'm still ahead of the curve. This was despite being a virgin until my early 20s.

I replaced gaming with lifting. After finishing my stem degree, I mass spammed around 700 applications over a period of several months and landed a job as a developer (currently making around 90k in leafbucks).

The situation for a lot of guys is the following: if they're not at minimum a 7/10, they will probably not have a serious girlfriend in high school/college (best years of your life?), not get laid after college until they've spent considerable time in the gym and sorted their career out. Then when they're in their 30s they might get married to a girl with a lot of student loan debt/tattoos/stds. This marriage will, in all likelihood, be followed by a costly divorce a few years down the line. Sounds like a great way to spend the first 30 years of your life as a male? Feeling pretty motivated to "man up"?

Modern society requires ordinary men to live a life of monk-like celibacy for the first 20-30 odd years of their life. I'm not convinced most priests take their vows seriously.

In contrast, women just need to not be 30 lbs overweight and they're on the chad carousel for life.

As for those men who are considering dropping out of the game. My advice is the following, don't chase women instead try to retire early. If you live frugally and make good investments, you can have enough savings by your early 30s to enjoy the "NEET" life on your terms.

Of course I agree Hedonist. Maybe they are doomed to find an outlet to be unproductive.

Yes, or maybe an outlet for their frustrations. Pulling back so to speak because of personal failures, etc. And once you pull back, you have no incentive to pull forward. Read a study somewhere that said men who play video games all the time are more happy than men that don’t. Pretty messed up.

Tinder is only 38 percent female, according to a chart the other day I saw here on the forum. That’s your likely cause, because of the massive imbalance on there. I see the women my wing pulls off tinder and they’re WNBs, even if I were drunk they’re WNBs. Again rules change if you’re a chad.

700 applications shit… I thought the average was about 200 sent out to get a job. Damn.

Believe it or not, I don’t think it’s about looks for young men, other than being skinny and not fat. I think it’s about social circle and socializing for that matter. Men that game all the time are at a fundamental disadvantage because they’re socializing in the wrong way. Rather than socializing with male peers in real life, or women at house parties, they’re on the cell phone or social media, or having headsets on playing fortnight. If you don’t put yourself out there, you don’t get anything. They’re not putting themselves out there.

Sedentary lifestyles are bad, Joe Rogan talks a lot about it, and the worst thing you can do is playing video games or being in front of a computer.

Men will fuck overweight women, I see skinny men in relationships with fat women. It sucks. I wouldn’t accept it. I think as a group, as men, we should all reject fat women. It would work to our benefit. Fucking a fat woman gives her validation and makes her think she's desired. It's usually women who understand the power of withholding sex. But we should also understand the power of withholding it for fat women especially. Men have the final say on whether they sleep with fat women. If you dry up the validation you give them an incentive to lose weight, or perhaps an indicator, that they are not desirable on the marketplace.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - yankeetravels - 03-31-2019

Quote: (03-31-2019 12:41 PM)Aurini Wrote:  

Quote: (03-31-2019 04:13 AM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

Quote: (03-30-2019 08:08 PM)yankeetravels Wrote:  

I really don't buy women preferring their career and friends over guys. I haven't been involved with one woman that has cared more about both of those together than being with a desirable guy, getting good dick, getting married, and having kids. Don't think this has gone away, I think women are just more aware of who the top men are and are on sensory overload with date app options. That makes them content, validated, and a bit entitled.

I've known women that shit talk a lot about their friends and even drop friends for guys. Don't really hear about that the other way around as much, women aren't as loyal to each other as guys are. While they're going to school or maybe aiming for a certain job, I really haven't met too many women that are gaga over the career thing. I look at it more like they see it as a necessity to live, and it arguably might be with the way young people get out of school now.

Girls still want to get married and be cinderella for a day. They are just very picky about who the Prince Charming is going to be and are willing to wait a few more years than in the past in the west.
I personally have dated 7 women in the past year who were Medical Students or Law School Students/recent Law Grads. These women were 22-27 years old and every single one of them told me the same thing almost verbatim"I need to get my career together first, do some traveling and then get married when I am 30 and have my first kid when I am 32 -33."- they all put relationships second to their career until they are 30 and the blueprint on marriage falters because the "the one" is proving elusive and unaware that he was supposed a role in her script for her life. In the early 1990's I could easily have found plenty of women under 25 that would put marriage first-now not so much, unless they are from South America, South East Asia , or The Middle East.

...and that's all assuming things go according to plan.

Realistically, their career starts off great, they go on a trip at 28, and then family illness strikes at 30. Blows out their finances. They start again, but then there's an industry downturn. So now it's not until 35 that they are reasonably comfortable in their industry, and they're finally able to do the trips they dreamed of - but the biological clock is ticking.

So these aren't the light-hearted care-free trips that they dreamed of at 28 - there are stress filled and expensive. Time is running out, and instead of lowering their standards they're raising their standards - demanding more and more out of potential male partner, when they've got less and less to officer.

Enter anti depressants, wine, and cats.

I've seen it so many times. It's sad.

Then you're meeting women more for fun than for LTRs given the types of guys we are. That's all good, but I will admit I'm so turned off by career oriented women that I don't remember many experiences with said types. But I have fucked a broad older than me that owned her own business. Did not bring up her career once with me, just wanted good dick. Granted, she was a Filipina so this could be cultural difference. Another girl I met there went back to college late and put finishing school first at one point, but this was after she realized the wall was approaching and wasn't married with a kid. She was in her 20's too. The difference really is fascinating to me in that regard.

Gotta agree with Aurini on the above. Life doesn't go according to plan for many. Guys included. I was talking to my family recently about one pretty attractive girl approaching the wall they knew. Hot girl, but that clock was ticking and she dated a male relative of mine (who has solid SMV himself) for nearly a decade. Found out she got engaged within two years of meeting a new guy. Another girl I heard waited too long to get married and in her mid 30's developed a genetic disease that basically made her ineligible to have children of her own.

Guys here were really ahead of the curve going after local girls traveling. Every time I hear western chicks mention travel I just think of the train coming in for them. Yet men are the only ones villainized for fucking on the road, but that's another topic.

Reading this back, it really depicts how women have male attitudes, because if you didn't tell me that was from a girl, I'd think that's a guy's life plan for career and travel anyway. Something is gonna have to give eventually. Men I don't think have given in to make this a girl's world persay, but there's definitely a line where both sides can't have everything. I don't want to be on the side that has to give everything. But, as far as I know, most girls still have a lot of opportunities to take a parachute out of single life towards marriage and kids. I wonder if that will change. If that ever does, that will be the real test to see if things reverse trend.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - nomadbrah - 03-31-2019

I wonder at what percentage would pretenses be dropped and everyone actually have to accept the blackpill as truth?

We're at 30% which to me is an absolutely insane number, but it doesn't quite seem to register. Let's assume 50% then. Half of all adult young men getting no sex. What would PUAs say then? What would female bloggers say? What would the media say?

You can blame the losers, when only 5-10% are not getting sex. Are one in 3 men in the US a loser?

I'd like to see these stats from Europe. I think they are better than in the US, but still high.

Obviously, of those 30%, most probably could get sex if they took some (increasingly) radical action. Lost weight (americans are FAT), hit the weights, dressed better, all that. Even so, how many guys, even on here, seem to have to do extreme measures such as shooting up roids to have good success? Hair plugs.

What it comes down to. Porn+Games+Low test and the market just isn't worth it. Just isn't worth it to stick your dick in fatty miss feminist after spending hours and hours on self improvement. The market is just bad. Overpriced. A bubble.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - nomadbrah - 03-31-2019

Quote: (03-31-2019 01:28 PM)Heuristics Wrote:  

I think as a group, as men, we should all reject fat women.

Not only that, we should viciously shame the chubby chasers and fatty fuckers.

A chubby chaser is the male equivalent of a prostitute.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - Johnnyvee - 03-31-2019

The male part of whatever species, have always had to strive in order to reproduce. It`s just a random consequence of the binary gender dynamic. One part (the female) of the two part symbiosis that is the primordial germ line replication strategy of gendered species, just by chance happens to control the access to reproduction. (the uterus) It just evolved that way. Gender allows for less of a blind selection, and also forces us to mix our genes. That mutation, which seems to have occurred in a wormlike form about 1.2 billion years ago, must have been a huge advantage over other species not possessing the same adaptation. Gender has been a huge success in other words.

Observe what happens in many other species, and you will see the same dynamic everywhere in the animal kingdom. Deer banging their antlers together, male sealions fighting each other ferociously etc. In hippos its`s calculated that only one in ten males succeed in mating. In some species it`s even more skewed towards the female than that. In fact there was a period, between 8-4k years ago, correlated with the adaptation to agriculture/farming, where it`s calculated that the reproduction rate was as skewed as only 1 in every 17 men mating on average! There`s also a hint there btw, as to just how destructive the adaptation towards agriculture really was for human health. (stature dropped significantly, fertility plummeted, massive disease etc.) Probably very few viable men where left to reproduce with.

Two important points need to be made on this subject in general;

-First of, the human male reproductive success (how many men that reproduce as opposed to females) is in an historical context quite high at the moment. It`s also very high if we compare to other species. We have to keep in mind that the gender dynamic of the post war years in particular, was in the context of our entire hominid past extremely uncharacteristic. Of the 300k+ years we have existed in something similar to our present form, it was never the case that men as a group was a successful mating as in the post war era. (1945-65sih) It`s important to remember this I think when dealing with this subject.

- Secondly, sexual selection goes both ways yes, but for the reasons I have described above, which are again mainly random consequences of our evolutionary past, it`s skewed much more towards the female doing the selecting. It is for this very precise reason that men are stronger, faster, smarter, (in most contexts) funnier (a male only trait) more creative than women etc.

So in a sense we should be happy it has played out this way. It also explains what feminism is really doing with women. It betrays them of the only real and significant advantage they have, namely their youthful and attractive soma. It fools them into wasting it, and with it their chances of spawning healthy and strong offspring, in order to pursue the impossible dream of attaining what men have. All the while, so many men wish they had what women have when their young, ubiquitous access to sex. It`s quite absurd when you think about it! I`m forced to conclude that women as a group are in fact better than men, since they are objectively more successful in fulfilling the biological imperative of passing on their genes. But what they can never have, and which drive them crazy, is the status, power, skill and success as they elites of men. The true kings of this world!

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - Heuristics - 03-31-2019

Quote: (03-31-2019 01:56 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Quote: (03-31-2019 01:28 PM)Heuristics Wrote:  

I think as a group, as men, we should all reject fat women.

Not only that, we should viciously shame the chubby chasers and fatty fuckers.

A chubby chaser is the male equivalent of a prostitute.

You are onto something Nomad.

Essentially these men are pissing in the swimming pool that we all have to swim in. They are thus making it more acceptable for them to be fat, which then drops the standards on the female market, thus propagating profat messages that in turn make other women fat.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - TigOlBitties - 03-31-2019

Most Western men are better off using escorts, massage parlors or vacationing in places where women act better. Bust a nut and focus on more important things. The vast majority of Western broads are not worth the headache

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - gework - 03-31-2019

Quote: (03-30-2019 10:57 PM)Sgt Donger Wrote:  

Maybe someone could overlay these charts with the charts about rising obesity levels in females.

Seems we're looking at 1% per year becoming stone-cold fatties.

[Image: 640px-Adult_female_obesity_in_the_United_States.svg.png]


We have a lot of these posts with hard data and we can feel the change in life around us. Most of us know 90% of what will be posted here.

Some guys point out the need to adapt, and they're right, and we know 90% of what they will say.

We also know what's going on. You could say a lot here, but the main theme is something like - there is an attempt to re-engineer society against any vector that is largely seen as desirable - to change the flow of things all people really value towards certain people who can't get them through non-coercive means. And it's not Joe Sixpack or Tyrone Jackson that have been getting the spoils. It's more towards awkward freaks; soy daddies and fat dykes from upper-middle-class backgrounds. Those are the beneficiaries of the new affirmative action they pretend is for the worst off. Plenty of others ride this game for the spoils. But in their attempt to upend the natural order, their systems are creating a bigger bottom and smaller top. This movement makes out certain superficial things don't matter - like body weight, money, skin colour and so on - it's only why their movement is all about those things - it's what matters most to them. It's driven by their desire to hide what they desire, how low they are in those areas and hope they can get spoils by saying things they don't really believe. Those body positivity zealots are still batting off to women with $100K in surgery. WhaleTube is fringe, but the idea you are a bigot if you don't pretend to like WhaleTube isn't.

There's many reasons for this, but a big part of it is SMV, as outlined by Johnnyvee. The main push for this is not from politics (yet), but from silicon valley and academia, from where it will spread out further. Despite their money and sometimes prominence these are the two groups that women don't want to fuck, ever. And despite their low-T, soy faces, they're very, very pissed off.

This movement is, in short, an attempt to create an environment where we are robbed, pushed out and increasingly told we are not allowed to even be present. It doesn't matter it's not really working for the growing horde of freaks. Those idiots have kerplunked their own asses with alimony payments to the first post-wall women who conspires to get them to raise someone else's kids.

It's been said on the board now and then in various terms - there is need for a on the ground men's group. Something that takes in men and puts them on the path to being men with a financial future, opportunities with women, fit & presentable and everything else; something they belong to and will provide them with some meaning for their life. And also with rules, like: no fap, no porn, no fatties...

I don't know how that could begin rolling though. It requires a willing and appropriate leader [Image: huh.gif]

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - ThriceLazarus - 03-31-2019

Gework, that is absolutey horrifying. As far as boots on the ground, I mean, the only thing we can do besides praying for the messiah is to put on our fucking boots. Be the change you want to see in the world and all that...

The optimist in me sees opportunity though - personal trainer game must be mindblowing right now. Time for a new side-hustle, bodies by Bang

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - N°6 - 04-01-2019

More evidence proving just how avant garde the OKCupid data was: the bottom 80% of men are unattractive to women.

Within the 18-30 group of women, there’re major increases in:

*speculative lesbianism
*use of sex toys
*sex tourism
*loss leader hook ups with top 20% men

Chad having a harem of average women is overstated however. I think volcel average women “holding out for a hero” (aka Officer and a Gentleman) is more common.

I’m wondering what is going on in the next lowest tier of the pyramid. If the bottom 30% is incel, then maybe the next 20% is semi incel, “getting lucky” a few times per year. I’d speculate this group is with obese women and causing the increase in older women hooking up.