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Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - CynicalContrarian - 06-07-2018

Ha! [Image: lol.gif]

We're reaching levels of delusion previously unheard of.

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - fugly1000 - 06-07-2018

Question? Was she blocking his path? Is this the whole story? Gave him a dirty look? Who knows.

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - remarkable vigour - 06-07-2018

Quote: (06-06-2018 08:28 PM)Investment Bro Wrote:  

I'm going to get attacked for this, but honestly? If you saw someone, who was initially just minding their business getting attacked, man or woman, would you just stand there?

Who gives a shit if she's a female CEO or not? There's a such thing as human decency, and even if the favor is not returned, if you're witnessing an assault you do something about it. The woman in this case is right. If the man was mentally deranged, he needs to be locked up. He can't control himself. The people who shied away? They were in full control of their actions and chose to do nothing. This is the society we've devolved to.

This cunt is not my mother, wife, child, friend or even polishing my knob.

The chances are is that she is a stupid feminist who supports importing rapefugees, women in the police and all the other left wing shit that is wrong with society.

Fuck her and everything to do with her. She's only getting what she deserves.

It is good that she has to face the reality of her voting/ideology and it is only her fault if it is painful and brings mental anguish.

This cunt wouldn't ever consider my position in society as a middle aged white male, I'm certainly not going to put myself in harms way.

And the sooner that all the cunts in society get this message the sooner things change for the better.

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - TravelerKai - 06-07-2018

If she thinks that beating was bad, wait till she and others are getting lynched off the tops of school buses, stoned to death, or publicly caned for wearing a dress too short or no headscarf. That's the best case scenario. Slavery and sex slave/rape duties for Kaffirs are quite possible once Sharia is installed.

Such staggering ignorance and stupidity.

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - Matt3B - 06-07-2018

I've got to say, I'm despairing at some of the replies in this thread.

If you're at the scene and see somebody weaker getting bullied by someone bigger for no reason, and you don't want to help, you are a coward. She's right in that regard.

Sure, you want to look after yourself and protect yourself. I get that. But you can't come on this forum and say "fuck that woman, she is nothing to me" and then also bemoan the state of the west and hold desires to move out east where people would stick up for her.

We live in communities. We protect one another in the face of danger, and we all want that for the communities we live in. We don't want thugs walking around threatening people and having the rest of the community cower in the face of danger. That's not a strong community.

Whatever her votes were in whatever elections, do you want to think of yourself as a man by watching some short middle aged woman get threatened physically by some 6 foot idiot whilst doing nothing?

My friend recently witnessed some woman who is selling the Big Issue magazine outside of a supermarket get physically threatened by a homeless guy who was literally frothing at the mouth in rage. She was looking around for help and everybody kept their heads down. It's sad and pathetic. Would you have stepped in there to help?

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - RexImperator - 06-07-2018

What would Luca Traini do?

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - FilipSRB - 06-07-2018

If you believe her and The S*n's version of events straight up we have a bigger problem on our hands.

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - Barron - 06-07-2018

Quote: (06-07-2018 08:02 AM)Matt3B Wrote:  

We live in communities. We protect one another in the face of danger, and we all want that for the communities we live in.

Ever been to London? It's anything but a community.
It's a culturally and racially diverse, crime ridden hell hole. People are afraid to go outside, expecting them to intervene in any type of attack is ridiculous. Their own mayor even told them that terrorist attacks come with living in a big city. Sorry but you're logic applies only to small-town cultural and racially homogeneous communities.

Even the Rotherham police refused to get involved in the sex trafficking of hundreds of teenage girls because they were afraid of the repercussions of doing their job.

Quote: (06-07-2018 08:02 AM)Matt3B Wrote:  

We don't want thugs walking around threatening people and having the rest of the community cower in the face of danger. That's not a strong community.

Actually they do. This is exactly what they want because it's exactly what they voted for. Getting involved would have meant going against the democratically elected regime of London. Londoners have put their trust in the state and the state is giving them exactly what they wanted. This woman only wants more of it. Remember, she's blaming the "white" "male" bystanders, not the attacker who is a product of the state she supports.

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - Glaucon - 06-07-2018

if she is such a big CEO, why does she use the subway? No money for a car?

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - Matt3B - 06-07-2018

Quote: (06-07-2018 08:18 AM)NomadofEU Wrote:  

Quote: (06-07-2018 08:02 AM)Matt3B Wrote:  

We live in communities. We protect one another in the face of danger, and we all want that for the communities we live in.

Ever been to London? It's anything but a community.
It's a culturally and racially diverse, crime ridden hell hole. People are afraid to go outside, expecting them to intervene in any type of attack is ridiculous. Their own mayor even told them that terrorist attacks come with living in a big city. Sorry but you're logic applies only to small-town cultural and racially homogeneous communities.

Even the Rotherham police refused to get involved in the sex trafficking of hundreds of teenage girls because they were afraid of the repercussions of doing their job.

Quote: (06-07-2018 08:02 AM)Matt3B Wrote:  

We don't want thugs walking around threatening people and having the rest of the community cower in the face of danger. That's not a strong community.

Actually they do. This is exactly what they want because it's exactly what they voted for. Getting involved would have meant going against the democratically elected regime of London. Londoners have put their trust in the state and the state is giving them exactly what they wanted. This woman only wants more of it. Remember, she's blaming the "white" "male" bystanders, not the attacker who is a product of the state she supports.

Yep, lived in London the past 8 years.

Not sure where you get "people are afraid to go outside" from. That's not the case, even in the wake of terrorist incidents. I was out in central London the afternoon of the driver attack on Westminster bridge and it seemed like any normal day. People were flooding back into Borough Market as soon as they could after the incident there too.

I agree though, London isn't really a community anymore. There are small communities in different parts of the city which people take pride in, but in general, nope.

Even so, I still don't think cowering away is the best course of action. I've stuck up for people in similar situations, but you have to obviously assess the danger - does this guy look like he has a weapon on him? Could he take me easier than I could take him?

In regards to your last point - I'm not so much getting involved in that. My despair really was at the overall sentiment towards helping someone clearly in need of it.

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - remarkable vigour - 06-07-2018

Quote: (06-07-2018 08:02 AM)Matt3B Wrote:  

I've got to say, I'm despairing at some of the replies in this thread.

If you're at the scene and see somebody weaker getting bullied by someone bigger for no reason, and you don't want to help, you are a coward. She's right in that regard.

Sure, you want to look after yourself and protect yourself. I get that. But you can't come on this forum and say "fuck that woman, she is nothing to me" and then also bemoan the state of the west and hold desires to move out east where people would stick up for her.

We live in communities. We protect one another in the face of danger, and we all want that for the communities we live in. We don't want thugs walking around threatening people and having the rest of the community cower in the face of danger. That's not a strong community.

Whatever her votes were in whatever elections, do you want to think of yourself as a man by watching some short middle aged woman get threatened physically by some 6 foot idiot whilst doing nothing?

My friend recently witnessed some woman who is selling the Big Issue magazine outside of a supermarket get physically threatened by a homeless guy who was literally frothing at the mouth in rage. She was looking around for help and everybody kept their heads down. It's sad and pathetic. Would you have stepped in there to help?

Carry on despairing.

London is a shithole, not a community so why should I do anything to prop it up, I'd rather dance in the flames as the whole edifice burns down.

As has already been proved by her social media history this cunt got what she deserved.

And this is the only way we will ever get change. If women want to import hordes of undesirables then getting agro on the tube is part and parcel of that. As Londons muslim mayor has pointed out terrorism is part of living in a big city. I no longer care.

Anyway, she wouldn't have dropped her knickers for you [Image: tard.gif]

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - TravelerKai - 06-07-2018

Quote: (06-07-2018 08:02 AM)Matt3B Wrote:  

I've got to say, I'm despairing at some of the replies in this thread.

If you're at the scene and see somebody weaker getting bullied by someone bigger for no reason, and you don't want to help, you are a coward. She's right in that regard.

Sure, you want to look after yourself and protect yourself. I get that. But you can't come on this forum and say "fuck that woman, she is nothing to me" and then also bemoan the state of the west and hold desires to move out east where people would stick up for her.

We live in communities. We protect one another in the face of danger, and we all want that for the communities we live in. We don't want thugs walking around threatening people and having the rest of the community cower in the face of danger. That's not a strong community.

Whatever her votes were in whatever elections, do you want to think of yourself as a man by watching some short middle aged woman get threatened physically by some 6 foot idiot whilst doing nothing?

My friend recently witnessed some woman who is selling the Big Issue magazine outside of a supermarket get physically threatened by a homeless guy who was literally frothing at the mouth in rage. She was looking around for help and everybody kept their heads down. It's sad and pathetic. Would you have stepped in there to help?

This is not good risk analysis.

Take me for example. I carry a handgun with a license in the USA everywhere I go. If I am at the local grocery store and someone is beating the shit out of some woman, the last thing I am going to do is try to stop it.

Several reasons for that:

1. I don't know what skills or strength that man might have. He could be high on PCP or painkillers and numb to anything you try on him and knock you out into a coma.

2. He might have a knife or a handgun himself.

3. He might disarm me of my personal handgun or knife and be justified in shooting me. (I'd become yet another Trayvon Martin)

4. I cannot use deadly force on a man that is not using deadly force if he is not several times larger than myself (An American law issue). So therefore I am not going to roll on the ground with a stranger or attempt to pull him off someone else.

5. Additional risks if my small children are nearby and he decides to attack them instead or they get scared and run to my legs (to help daddy) and get seriously hurt or killed.

6. The female of the man you just fought or shot/killed can and usually will sue you in civil court for killing her boyfriend/husband. Now you are easily out 10K USD for a lawyer to fight it off, even if it goes nowhere.

7. Every bullet has a lawyer attached to it, so if one round hits someone else's car or their leg or whatever, now I am financially ruined or out of yet another 10K+ in lawyer fees and other penalties. (An American issue but still)

The correct steps are to stand back, call the police or 911, get a good description of the assailant and wait for the authorities to arrive. You are fulfilling your Good Samaritan legal requirements by doing so.

By the way, if you get a handgun license (in Texas at least), they usually tell you to do exactly this to protect yourself legally. If you remove all the points I made related to handguns, replace with knife, or even fist, it's the same thing.

Look no one likes the current state of affairs in the West, but you cannot expose yourself to serious legal issues and unnecessary physical bodily harm. They took away the right for men to handle things in the old ways and coddled human filth and trash. Adapt or pay the price. Unless they are hurting your family or friends, stay out of other people's business. The law is not going to protect you if you fail to stay out of it. Whiteknighting does not pay. Probably never has.

You cannot even spank your children in public, how on Earth are you going to spank another grown man's ass and expect to get a pass for doing so?

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - Sandstorm - 06-07-2018

Quote: (06-07-2018 08:02 AM)Matt3B Wrote:  

I've got to say, I'm despairing at some of the replies in this thread.

My friend recently witnessed some woman who is selling the Big Issue magazine outside of a supermarket get physically threatened by a homeless guy who was literally frothing at the mouth in rage. She was looking around for help and everybody kept their heads down. It's sad and pathetic. Would you have stepped in there to help?

lol... nah probably not [Image: icon_biggrin.gif]

[Image: attachment.jpg39183]   

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - remarkable vigour - 06-07-2018

Quote: (06-07-2018 08:29 AM)Matt3B Wrote:  

Quote: (06-07-2018 08:18 AM)NomadofEU Wrote:  

Quote: (06-07-2018 08:02 AM)Matt3B Wrote:  

We live in communities. We protect one another in the face of danger, and we all want that for the communities we live in.

Ever been to London? It's anything but a community.
It's a culturally and racially diverse, crime ridden hell hole. People are afraid to go outside, expecting them to intervene in any type of attack is ridiculous. Their own mayor even told them that terrorist attacks come with living in a big city. Sorry but you're logic applies only to small-town cultural and racially homogeneous communities.

Even the Rotherham police refused to get involved in the sex trafficking of hundreds of teenage girls because they were afraid of the repercussions of doing their job.

Quote: (06-07-2018 08:02 AM)Matt3B Wrote:  

We don't want thugs walking around threatening people and having the rest of the community cower in the face of danger. That's not a strong community.

Actually they do. This is exactly what they want because it's exactly what they voted for. Getting involved would have meant going against the democratically elected regime of London. Londoners have put their trust in the state and the state is giving them exactly what they wanted. This woman only wants more of it. Remember, she's blaming the "white" "male" bystanders, not the attacker who is a product of the state she supports.

Yep, lived in London the past 8 years.

Not sure where you get "people are afraid to go outside" from. That's not the case, even in the wake of terrorist incidents. I was out in central London the afternoon of the driver attack on Westminster bridge and it seemed like any normal day. People were flooding back into Borough Market as soon as they could after the incident there too.

I agree though, London isn't really a community anymore. There are small communities in different parts of the city which people take pride in, but in general, nope.

Even so, I still don't think cowering away is the best course of action. I've stuck up for people in similar situations, but you have to obviously assess the danger - does this guy look like he has a weapon on him? Could he take me easier than I could take him?

In regards to your last point - I'm not so much getting involved in that. My despair really was at the overall sentiment towards helping someone clearly in need of it.

And this is why you are wrong.

No one here is suggesting cowering away. I can be quite an intimidating chap sometimes and have hit people before.

It is not cowardice or fear of any consequences, I am quite happy that this disgusting cunt had this incident because it is reasonable that bad things happen to nasty people.

Lets hope it happens again the next time she takes the tube. And lets hope it keeps on happening until she actually starts to think about her belief systems.

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - Horus - 06-07-2018

Quote: (06-07-2018 08:02 AM)Matt3B Wrote:  

We live in communities. We protect one another in the face of danger, and we all want that for the communities we live in. We don't want thugs walking around threatening people and having the rest of the community cower in the face of danger. That's not a strong community.

"One another" implies some level of reciprocity. The fact that she specifically targets and attacks white men as the guilty party in this attack shows that she doesn't deserve their protection. Remember that this is the tube in London, where finding a whitey is like playing Where's Waldo - she didn't mention any of the many other shades of men who would have witnessed the incident.

I would like to think that I would be the kind of man who would step up and put my body on the line to protect a woman being assaulted in public. I would also like to live in a world where I wasn't constantly attacked simply for who I am. As women withdraw their respect for men, they can expect men to withdraw their protection.

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - Matt3B - 06-07-2018

Quote: (06-07-2018 08:39 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (06-07-2018 08:02 AM)Matt3B Wrote:  

I've got to say, I'm despairing at some of the replies in this thread.

If you're at the scene and see somebody weaker getting bullied by someone bigger for no reason, and you don't want to help, you are a coward. She's right in that regard.

Sure, you want to look after yourself and protect yourself. I get that. But you can't come on this forum and say "fuck that woman, she is nothing to me" and then also bemoan the state of the west and hold desires to move out east where people would stick up for her.

We live in communities. We protect one another in the face of danger, and we all want that for the communities we live in. We don't want thugs walking around threatening people and having the rest of the community cower in the face of danger. That's not a strong community.

Whatever her votes were in whatever elections, do you want to think of yourself as a man by watching some short middle aged woman get threatened physically by some 6 foot idiot whilst doing nothing?

My friend recently witnessed some woman who is selling the Big Issue magazine outside of a supermarket get physically threatened by a homeless guy who was literally frothing at the mouth in rage. She was looking around for help and everybody kept their heads down. It's sad and pathetic. Would you have stepped in there to help?

This is not good risk analysis.

Take me for example. I carry a handgun with a license in the USA everywhere I go. If I am at the local grocery store and someone is beating the shit out of some woman, the last thing I am going to do is try to stop it.

Several reasons for that:

1. I don't know what skills or strength that man might have. He could be high on PCP or painkillers and numb to anything you try on him and knock you out into a coma.

2. He might have a knife or a handgun himself.

3. He might disarm me of my personal handgun or knife and be justified in shooting me. (I'd become yet another Trayvon Martin)

4. I cannot use deadly force on a man that is not using deadly force if he is not several times larger than myself (An American law issue). So therefore I am not going to roll on the ground with a stranger or attempt to pull him off someone else.

5. Additional risks if my small children are nearby and he decides to attack them instead or they get scared and run to my legs (to help daddy) and get seriously hurt or killed.

6. The female of the man you just fought or shot/killed can and usually will sue you in civil court for killing her boyfriend/husband. Now you are easily out 10K USD for a lawyer to fight it off, even if it goes nowhere.

7. Every bullet has a lawyer attached to it, so if one round hits someone else's car or their leg or whatever, now I am financially ruined or out of yet another 10K+ in lawyer fees and other penalties. (An American issue but still)

The correct steps are to stand back, call the police or 911, get a good description of the assailant and wait for the authorities to arrive. You are fulfilling your Good Samaritan legal requirements by doing so.

By the way, if you get a handgun license (in Texas at least), they usually tell you to do exactly this to protect yourself legally. If you remove all the points I made related to handguns, replace with knife, or even fist, it's the same thing.

Look no one likes the current state of affairs in the West, but you cannot expose yourself to serious legal issues and unnecessary physical bodily harm. They took away the right for men to handle things in the old ways and coddled human filth and trash. Adapt or pay the price. Unless they are hurting your family or friends, stay out of other people's business. The law is not going to protect you if you fail to stay out of it. Whiteknighting does not pay. Probably never has.

You cannot even spank your children in public, how on Earth are you going to spank another grown man's ass and expect to get a pass for doing so?

I guess you were typing this and didn't see my follow up, but yes, agreed, you have to assess the level of risk in the situation.

I'm not saying you have to go in with force directly, but even calling people out to step away from the situation is enough for them to back away - like the situation I described with the homeless guy. Only once have I been told to mind my own business when I saw someone getting threatened and looking for some help. When the guy looked at me with serious intent if I didn't back away, I backed away.

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - Sandstorm - 06-07-2018

Quote: (06-07-2018 07:36 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

If she thinks that beating was bad, wait till she and others are getting lynched off the tops of school buses, stoned to death, or publicly caned for wearing a dress too short or no headscarf. That's the best case scenario. Slavery and sex slave/rape duties for Kaffirs are quite possible once Sharia is installed.

Such staggering ignorance and stupidity.

yeah, haha... this will be her fashion company's new seasons look (if they even let her have a fashion company) it is HARAM!!

[Image: attachment.jpg39184]   

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - Matt3B - 06-07-2018

Quote: (06-07-2018 08:47 AM)Horus Wrote:  

Quote: (06-07-2018 08:02 AM)Matt3B Wrote:  

We live in communities. We protect one another in the face of danger, and we all want that for the communities we live in. We don't want thugs walking around threatening people and having the rest of the community cower in the face of danger. That's not a strong community.

"One another" implies some level of reciprocity. The fact that she specifically targets and attacks white men as the guilty party in this attack shows that she doesn't deserve their protection. Remember that this is the tube in London, where finding a whitey is like playing Where's Waldo - she didn't mention any of the many other shades of men who would have witnessed the incident.

I would like to think that I would be the kind of man who would step up and put my body on the line to protect a woman being assaulted in public. I would also like to live in a world where I wasn't constantly attacked simply for who I am. As women withdraw their respect for men, they can expect men to withdraw their protection.

Fair points. I sing the same songs as the rest of the forum. I get that the woman in question sounds like a bit of a cunt, but I was more addressing the general principle of the situation.

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - Sandstorm - 06-07-2018

All joking aside though.... if I actually did see this myself....

I would lean back, plump up a cushion, open a tinnie and watch the whole thing unfold before my very eyes!

Might even get a little chubby while I'm at it!

To me, these "6 foot men" are useful idiots - they will correct the behavior of our women for us, and when they've done that......... we will kill them.

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - mikado - 06-07-2018

Quote: (06-06-2018 10:28 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

For most women in any stage of fertility there is no such thing as gratitude. Only an opening to gain sexual access to a suitable set of genetics.

The very second survival has been secured, a woman will instantly mentally re-arrange the event to preserve her tribal alignments.

This is why police will save a woman from being stabbed by her deranged husband and she will provide a report mere minutes later that the police busted in and assaulted him for no reason. Not only will she says this but she will believe it down to her core.

Respect these laws and account for them or suffer the consequences.

p.s. If you wonder now what the difference is between white-knighting in the 50's and white knighting today then the million dollar question is this.

Does the woman I'm trying to save consider me to be part of her tribe or a factional enemy?

I often vehemently disagree with you on posts about immigration. However when the talk is about MEN in general (not only you, by the way), I am pretty much always in agreement with what you say on this forum.

This forum is SPOT ON when it's dissecting male vs female dynamics. Keep it coming!

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - Thot Leader - 06-07-2018

Quote: (06-07-2018 08:54 AM)Sandstorm Wrote:  

All joking aside though.... if I actually did see this myself....

I would lean back, plump up a cushion, open a tinnie and watch the whole thing unfold before my very eyes!

Might even get a little chubby while I'm at it!

To me, these "6 foot men" are useful idiots - they will correct the behavior of our women for us, and when they've done that......... we will kill them.


[Image: giphy.gif]

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - Horus - 06-07-2018

Quote: (06-07-2018 08:54 AM)Sandstorm Wrote:  

All joking aside though.... if I actually did see this myself....

I would lean back, plump up a cushion, open a tinnie and watch the whole thing unfold before my very eyes!

Might even get a little chubby while I'm at it!

To me, these "6 foot men" are useful idiots - they will correct the behavior of our women for us, and when they've done that......... we will kill them.

There's a difference between not intervening in such a situation for any of the many reasons listed above, and actually enjoying watching it. If you enjoy watching a women being beaten up by a man, there is something seriously wrong with you.

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - Enoch - 06-07-2018

Quote: (06-07-2018 08:02 AM)Matt3B Wrote:  

I've got to say, I'm despairing at some of the replies in this thread.

If you're at the scene and see somebody weaker getting bullied by someone bigger for no reason, and you don't want to help, you are a coward. She's right in that regard.

Sure, you want to look after yourself and protect yourself. I get that. But you can't come on this forum and say "fuck that woman, she is nothing to me" and then also bemoan the state of the west and hold desires to move out east where people would stick up for her.

We live in communities. We protect one another in the face of danger, and we all want that for the communities we live in. We don't want thugs walking around threatening people and having the rest of the community cower in the face of danger. That's not a strong community.

Whatever her votes were in whatever elections, do you want to think of yourself as a man by watching some short middle aged woman get threatened physically by some 6 foot idiot whilst doing nothing?

My friend recently witnessed some woman who is selling the Big Issue magazine outside of a supermarket get physically threatened by a homeless guy who was literally frothing at the mouth in rage. She was looking around for help and everybody kept their heads down. It's sad and pathetic. Would you have stepped in there to help?

While reading this I heard the horn of Gondor sound and saw the white knights coming over the horizon.

Seriously though I have no duty to protect a woman who is not my kin, especially at the risk of getting allahu akbared.

Diversity is not our strength.

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - Leonard D Neubache - 06-07-2018


Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - Buck Wild - 06-07-2018

Quote: (06-07-2018 08:39 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (06-07-2018 08:02 AM)Matt3B Wrote:  

I've got to say, I'm despairing at some of the replies in this thread.

If you're at the scene and see somebody weaker getting bullied by someone bigger for no reason, and you don't want to help, you are a coward. She's right in that regard.

Sure, you want to look after yourself and protect yourself. I get that. But you can't come on this forum and say "fuck that woman, she is nothing to me" and then also bemoan the state of the west and hold desires to move out east where people would stick up for her.

We live in communities. We protect one another in the face of danger, and we all want that for the communities we live in. We don't want thugs walking around threatening people and having the rest of the community cower in the face of danger. That's not a strong community.

Whatever her votes were in whatever elections, do you want to think of yourself as a man by watching some short middle aged woman get threatened physically by some 6 foot idiot whilst doing nothing?

My friend recently witnessed some woman who is selling the Big Issue magazine outside of a supermarket get physically threatened by a homeless guy who was literally frothing at the mouth in rage. She was looking around for help and everybody kept their heads down. It's sad and pathetic. Would you have stepped in there to help?

This is not good risk analysis.

Take me for example. I carry a handgun with a license in the USA everywhere I go. If I am at the local grocery store and someone is beating the shit out of some woman, the last thing I am going to do is try to stop it.

Several reasons for that:

1. I don't know what skills or strength that man might have. He could be high on PCP or painkillers and numb to anything you try on him and knock you out into a coma.

2. He might have a knife or a handgun himself.

3. He might disarm me of my personal handgun or knife and be justified in shooting me. (I'd become yet another Trayvon Martin)

4. I cannot use deadly force on a man that is not using deadly force if he is not several times larger than myself (An American law issue). So therefore I am not going to roll on the ground with a stranger or attempt to pull him off someone else.

5. Additional risks if my small children are nearby and he decides to attack them instead or they get scared and run to my legs (to help daddy) and get seriously hurt or killed.

6. The female of the man you just fought or shot/killed can and usually will sue you in civil court for killing her boyfriend/husband. Now you are easily out 10K USD for a lawyer to fight it off, even if it goes nowhere.

7. Every bullet has a lawyer attached to it, so if one round hits someone else's car or their leg or whatever, now I am financially ruined or out of yet another 10K+ in lawyer fees and other penalties. (An American issue but still)

The correct steps are to stand back, call the police or 911, get a good description of the assailant and wait for the authorities to arrive. You are fulfilling your Good Samaritan legal requirements by doing so.

By the way, if you get a handgun license (in Texas at least), they usually tell you to do exactly this to protect yourself legally. If you remove all the points I made related to handguns, replace with knife, or even fist, it's the same thing.

Look no one likes the current state of affairs in the West, but you cannot expose yourself to serious legal issues and unnecessary physical bodily harm. They took away the right for men to handle things in the old ways and coddled human filth and trash. Adapt or pay the price. Unless they are hurting your family or friends, stay out of other people's business. The law is not going to protect you if you fail to stay out of it. Whiteknighting does not pay. Probably never has.

You cannot even spank your children in public, how on Earth are you going to spank another grown man's ass and expect to get a pass for doing so?

[Image: agree2.gif]