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The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Truth Teller - 01-07-2018

Q is a LARPer. Don't just believe things because you like what they say.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - AnonymousBosch - 01-07-2018

Note that a few days after Q said Podesta was in custody, he was giving a speech at a university. Obama was said to have been rounded up, but he was filmed with pussy hat-wearing carolers in Hawaii at Christmas, and none of them commented on him wearing a boot.

Sure, it's possible they're being wheeled out for public appearances, but it all seems unnecessarily overly-complicated.

I did get a laugh out of this though.

Gamergaters might remember Alexandra Erin, a butt-ugly obese Man-in-Tech pretending to be a Woman-in-tech, who dies his hair in rainbow colours. He was commenting on the pizzagaters the other day re: Chrissy Teigen:


"When they encounter a breaking point, something that would absolutely, positively, and concretely prove to them that reality is 100% different from what their beliefs say it should be, they just tack a modifier onto their beliefs to account for it, taking them deeper."


SJW's always project.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - CynicalContrarian - 01-10-2018

Trump directly references - "the calm before the storm"...


The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Fortis - 01-10-2018

Quote: (12-18-2017 04:41 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

I know who Q is. All you guys had to do was just ask!

See this is a good photo of what he looks like.

[Image: latest?cb=20160629143559]

Pearls before swine, my bro, pearls....

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - sugarfree - 01-13-2018

Q is only there to keep the mainstream conspiracy clowns believing in Trump. More are starting to see reality. Never has been another reason.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Aurini - 02-13-2018

Anonymous Conservative has a long post discussing some recent revelations and speculating about what might be going on at the top levels. It's worth reading in full, but this portion in particular seems to sum of the feeling of many of us on this board:


That said, if any of Trump’s people are watching these blogs, there is another possibility, and that is that Q is enemy action. I could see the left, especially their psych-ops people like Cialdini putting this together, supported by the leftists that have infiltrated high-level intel agencies to supply the predictions to make it seem confirmable.

They could put this together in the hopes of elevating the expectations of meme-lords on the chans and Reddit, so that when this peters out, the time and energy of Trump’s most enthusiastic and active online army has been wasted, and everyone feels demoralized. Q is spinning up very high now, with a conspiracy that covers everything from biomedical conspiracies, to elite child-trafficking, to class warfare of a scale we have not seen to date, to utter destruction of the Democrat party. If Q crashed this whole thing, and showed it all to be a farce, just as the midterms were hitting, it could be a mess for the right from a cognitive neuroscience perspective.

If this is not a set plan coming from Trump’s administration, the Trump administration should put word out more officially, to quiet it among the online right before it does any significant damage to the online right’s motivation and enthusiasm.

While I'm somewhat optimistic about Q, I've seen too many modern movements eat themselves in recent years to put my faith into invisible superheroes who will save the Republic. I personally lean towards the banality of conspiracy theories position: that 99% of the time it's nothing more interesting than fluoride. (Fluoride used to be a waste chemical which needed to be disposed of safely, until a couple of studies connected it to tooth health, and now it's a being sold for-profit to municipalities. Lobbying, science manipulation, and corporate profit were the motives here, not mind control.)

The solution to our present ills starts with all of us becoming better people, not false hope placed in cartoon frogs and mysterious spooks who post on 4chan.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - RoastBeefCurtains4Me - 02-13-2018

I doubt that Q is really an insider that can drop hints and have them confirmed by having Trump use keywords in a speech.

However, I think the revelations about FBI sneaky business, likely ties to Hillary and Obama, likely sneaky business in the State dept., and likely ties leading back to Clinton Foundation corruption are pretty darn close to the kind of storm Q promised.

All the current investigations will turn up more dirt, and expose a conspiracy spanning the whole Obama administration. That's bigly!

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - CynicalContrarian - 02-14-2018

Has there been a comprehensive list of what 'Q' has said that has since come to fruition without any ambiguity ?

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - SamuelBRoberts - 02-14-2018

No, I think most people have written it off as silly LARPing.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Mercenary - 07-18-2018

I don't think Trump has any need to have someone close to him posting heavily abbreviated & cryptic messages on very niche internet message boards.
What would be the purpose behind that ?

I do however see a big motivation for Trump's enemies to be running this q (qanon) psyop to severely demoralise a very large demographic of Trump followers when it all turns out to be a big nothing-burger.

If no huge revelations, arrests & trials take place by the end of November 2018, we'll know it was a scam all along.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - redpillage - 07-19-2018

[Image: 330px-Brooklyn_Bridge_Postdlf.jpg]

I heard it's for sale but you have to act quick!

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - CynicalContrarian - 07-19-2018

Now I see there's content about JFK Jr. & wife faking their deaths & turning to Trump for aid back in the day.
Along with photos suggesting JFK Jr. & wife were in disguise at a recent Trump rally.

Cause American politics isn't crazy enough as it is with Maxine Waters, Pocahontas & Haggard Hillary still hacking around? [Image: rolleyes.gif]

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - ChicagoFire - 07-21-2018

Quote: (07-18-2018 05:43 PM)Mercenary Wrote:  

I don't think Trump has any need to have someone close to him posting heavily abbreviated & cryptic messages on very niche internet message boards.
What would be the purpose behind that ?

I do however see a big motivation for Trump's enemies to be running this q (qanon) psyop to severely demoralise a very large demographic of Trump followers when it all turns out to be a big nothing-burger.

If no huge revelations, arrests & trials take place by the end of November 2018, we'll know it was a scam all along.

Bingo! Or it could be a MI pysop, experiment, or recruiting drive. Whatever the case may be we don't need to analyze Qanon's wild and vague predictions.

Re arrests, look at the lower level players like Bryan Pagliano (IT server aide), the Awans, and the Podestas? Have they been punished or even arrested? What makes anyone think bigger names like the Clintons, Comey, or Obamas are getting punished? These are essentially pawns and frontmen, don't forget about Soros and the Rothchilds.

There were all these claims of planes coming into Gitmo and how it's being expanded months ago so where are those arrests? Now the latest is Trump has his eyes on the Fed. Hopefully this thread serves as a reminder that QAnon supporters can't just keep moving the goalposts and cherry picking QAnon's correct statements.

Don't get me wrong, I support punishing the Cabal as they will evolve and strike back once Trump is out of office. I hope he understands that, unless we're all getting played and he's actually part of the Cabal. I think at best we can live our lives to the fullest while DT is still President and once things deescalate we will have to relocate. At this point, for any outlandish claims like Trump bashing heads with the Fed I'll believe it when I see it.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Mercenary - 07-21-2018

Quote: (07-21-2018 09:19 AM)ChicagoFire Wrote:  

There were all these claims of planes coming into Gitmo and how it's being expanded months ago so where are those arrests? Now the latest is Trump has his eyes on the Fed. Hopefully this thread serves as a reminder that QAnon supporters can't just keep moving the goalposts and cherry picking QAnon's correct statements.

The US Guantánamo Bay detention centre expansion is real, so something is definitely happening there. Several millions are being spent for both extra prisoner and troop housing as we speak. Trump signed an executive order on 21 December 2017, declaring a national emergency over human rights abuses and corruption with the possibility of seizing all criminal's properties and assets.

Supposedly, there are several thousands of "sealed indictments" (you can't see the name of who is accused of a crime until it's unsealed) are going through the US legal system at the moment, and a theory that thousands of corporate CEOs, intel agency workers, and other powerful people are resigning from top jobs around the world since 2017. (Full list here including those that have died or gone missing) If they are taken to Guantanamo Bay, they will face military tribunals, not the corrupt, leftist infiltrated courts in the USA who will set them free again.

The best time to do a mass round up of globalist cabal criminals is 1 to 3 months before the november midterm in August, September or early October. Any later than that and the chance is missed.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Mercenary - 07-21-2018

Supposedly the list of sealed indictments has reached more than 35,000 people.
They can't send them all to Guantanamo Bay (gitmo), so that must be reserved for the most high profile and powerful people.

If the rumors are true and they really want to arrest and detain that many people all at the same time they will need to use the military for such a large scale coordinated operation.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - ChicagoFire - 07-21-2018

Well we'll just have to wait and see [Image: wink.gif]

But as far as Qanon goes I'm on the side of LARP.

Quote: (07-21-2018 10:28 AM)Mercenary Wrote:  

Supposedly the list of sealed indictments has reached more than 35,000 people.
They can't send them all to Guantanamo Bay (gitmo), so that must be reserved for the most high profile and powerful people.

If the rumors are true and they really want to arrest and detain that many people all at the same time they will need to use the military for such a large scale coordinated operation.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Dr Mantis Toboggan - 07-21-2018

I don't think it's a LARP.

Who or what it is I don't know, but if it was fake (whether a psyop by the other side or just a bored kid in his basement fucking with people) it would be easy enough for the administration to shut it down, whether through on overt statement by Trump or Sanders themselves or just leaking something to friendly press. I think it's clearly someone(s) close to Trump, just as clearly a certain amount of it is disinformation, what I'm not sure of is whether the amount of disinformation is closer to 5% or 95% and what the point of all of it is.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Mercenary - 07-21-2018

According to some of the qanon theories, members of the military intelligence and/or the military overall, which supposedly has the lowest number of cabal and (((tribe members))) of all US institutions overall, asked Trump to run for president guaranteeing his safety....otherwise the generals said they were going to organise a state coup themselves to re-take power from the corrupt deep state.

I don't know if this is true of not, but I DO remember something very strange the day Trump was inaugurated and was giving his inauguration speech.

During a moment that he was saying that power was about to be transfered from washington back to the people, about 11 members of the military just walked up behind him and just stood there behind him for almost a full minute....and then just left. It was never explained what that actually was all about.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - sterling_archer - 07-21-2018

^ Anyone has to admit, this was a bit weird. In my opinion it seemed more of a statement than a guarding.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Mercenary - 07-21-2018

1 large photo showing the first batch of posts by Qanon from his first apperance on website 4chan on 28th October up until 9th Novemver 2017.
So basically this should be all he posted in his first 13 days listed in order:

Big version click here:

Reduced size here:

[Image: 1510469184557.png]

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Mercenary - 07-21-2018


FCC (Federal Communications Commission) announces Nationwide Emergency Alert Test (across the whole USA) on 20th September 2018

This includes television, radio and all mobile phones and wireless devices.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Mercenary - 07-21-2018


Trump executive order on Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption
(signed 21 December 2017)

Trump executive order on changes to the Manual for Courts-Martial
(signed 1 March 2018)

Trump executive order on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations
(signed 20th July 2018)

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - ChicagoFire - 07-21-2018

It could be a statement for the world that President Trump is pro military. We could get into how long he was staring at a certain direction (was he staring down Obama) but I think we'd be trying to read minds at that point. Nice catch, first time seeing that!

But hey, worst case scenario we should support our military anyways. If there really are mass arrests ready or God forbid a hot Civil War I don't think most of us would be ready. I've seen the Civil War thread and if even portions of that thread are true we are collectively in a world of hurt. I personally like Black Rifle Coffee Company's shirts and I sometimes sport my Trump apparel.

*****Trump did say he was going to conduct a military parade this November (1). Mass arrests imminent? A celebration of world peace? Could be very interesting in a couple months....


Quote: (07-21-2018 01:03 PM)Mercenary Wrote:  

According to some of the qanon theories, members of the military intelligence and/or the military overall, which supposedly has the lowest number of cabal and (((tribe members))) of all US institutions overall, asked Trump to run for president guaranteeing his safety....otherwise the generals said they were going to organise a state coup themselves to re-take power from the corrupt deep state.

I don't know if this is true of not, but I DO remember something very strange the day Trump was inaugurated and was giving his inauguration speech.

During a moment that he was saying that power was about to be transfered from washington back to the people, about 11 members of the military just walked up behind him and just stood there behind him for almost a full minute....and then just left. It was never explained what that actually was all about.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Handsome Creepy Eel - 07-22-2018

If anything like this was really going on, the mainstream media would have started preemptively kvetching about it at least a year in advance. Heck, they already promote kooks who feel wronged because Trump looked at them once, but they would stay silent about the terrible nazi fascist dictator's abuse of power and secret police roundups?

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Mercenary - 07-24-2018

I've changed my mind on this.
I'm pretty sure the Q phenomenon is legit.

[Image: DiXY1xeW0AA5uYO.jpg]

February 2016

July 2018

Film director Oliver Stone way back in 1992 talking about his film "JFK":
Watch @ minute 7:45 to minute 8:36
"on a Trumped up claim" [Image: lol.gif]