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2018 Game Goals - ulterior - 12-23-2017

1) Get out of my head. I blew some solid chances this year by letting my inner voice be louder than reality. I've got an extraordinarily strong interior life. I read philosophy, journal extensively in long hand, and reflect a lot. Girls say I seem very strong and dark, which can be mysterious and good. But the imbalance of exteriority and interiority is weighing me down.

2) Stop texting. Girls will reply non-stop if you give them the chance. I'm going to be the chased one this year, not the chaser.

3) No porn. Fap rarely. I went to a European spa this past year, where hundreds of women were walking around nude. Old, young, all shapes, without inhibition. It saddened me to see how messed up my mind was, how harshly I mentally judged the "imperfect" ones. Yet I was so conditioned to "click on the next video" that I found myself unable to even appreciate the truly gorgeous women. It isn't healthy to have an endless supply of perfect, digital flesh. Life is real. Porn is not.

4) Grow a full head of healthy hair. It may seem trivial, but I've intensely missed the mane of my teens, and come to associate it with sexual vitality and strength. The biblical story of Samson comes to mind. This year I'm letting it grow, and largely chemical-free.

5) Get to sub-10% body fat and muscle up. This actually is for me, regardless of its effect on my love life. I need to be and feel lean.

6) Rid myself of everything I don't love. By the end of the year, I want my life to fit into a duffel, a backpack, and a box (for the best books).

7) Be as articulate externally as I am internally. I often think of the perfect wording for a professional, political, social, or romantic moment...after it is over. Bashfulness and verbal laziness inhibit too much. Speak clearly, confidently, and with eye contact.

8) Date within my league. Too often I let the affirmation of lesser women supplant my better instincts. If she's acting like she's out of my league (constant blushing, throwing herself, self-deprecation), she probably is. It's time I have a commensurate love life.

9) Make more genuine friends. This is my greatest weakness. A solid love life is built on solid social networks, and I am lacking good friendships. Work less, game less, spend more time out developing bonds of friendship.

10) Plant some roots in SEA and Europe. My travels thus far have been frenetic, with no restraint on the impulse to jump on the rail every three days and see a new city. This year I want to slow down on my trips, rent a flat for 2 weeks in one location, develop a routine, adopt that perfect seat in the café, make friends, read much, and find beauty in daily life.

11) Live honestly. I want to be more straightforward this year, and not hide my intentions behind clever lines. 'I'd like you to come over, where it's quiet and we can enjoy each other's company' is beautifully simple, and goes well with a gentleman's smile and a disarming calm. I don't need an excuse to get her home. I should be reason enough.

2018 Game Goals - Zanardi - 12-23-2017

  1. Re-buid my social sircle. I ditched most of it either because we didn't have enough in common or they were too busy for anything else so I gave up trying and being refused
  2. Have a LTR
  3. Make my Udemy course known
  4. (if applicable) create more courses
  5. (not sure yet) getting back intro poker. This time it's tournament poker

2018 Game Goals - bgbusiness - 12-23-2017

As I wrote on the "2017 Biggest Mistake" thread, my mistake was really hanging out with the wrong crowd.
It's basic common sense that "you are the average of five people you hang out with" and I knew this concept in my teenage years, but I guess you never really internalize it until you experience it pretty hard.

1. Therefore, in 2018, I will try to make as little friends as possible. I would rather make money and build my future.
Cut out people that drag me down without helping me in anyway. Be less social. Focus on my school and business. Build my 20s, so that I can crush it in 30s and 40s.

2. In addition, continue to educate myself in stocks, crypto, real estate investing and have solid understanding by the end of next year so I can start investing on my own as I graduate and will have cash.

3. Do approach a little bit, just to keep my game sharp and keep up with all the red pilled/game content that are put up on youtube and forums.

Although 2017 was my best year as far as results with woman, I would care less if I don't improve much in 2018~2020.

If I can get 3~5 girls a year who stay with me for couple months, which is worse than my 2017 results, I will keep my blades sharp and will be focusing on my shit without jacking off and losing my inner game/charisma.

Because of this low # of notches, I will qualify girls HARD on texts, phone calls and on dates. If I am not feeling it and it's wasting my time, I will CUT THEM OFF. I would rather go on 5 dates that has high potential of going somewhere and the lay than trying to go on 20 ~ 30 + dates, trying to piss in the wind and just hoping something fucking sticks.

I would rather do a little bit worse my next couple years and fucking OWN it in 30s and 40s.

2018 Game Goals - Mr. D - 12-23-2017

Generally and off the top of my head:

- Lose fat, slim down and build muscle to re-acquire the physique I had about 5 years ago. (One gal claimed I looked almost like a pornstar, might as well go full tilt. Muay Thai?)
- Quit smoking, for good.
- 25 notches as a re-start. If some of them want more afterwards, cool.
- Improve my social skills/circles/standing.
- Improve my musician skills/circles/standing. (Might have to start some extra projects.)
- More gigs, more money. (This year, I did 75 gigs. Next year, I'm aiming 100. Also considering a job on the side as a backup.)
- Write and release an EP and an album of music.
- A bigger apartment.
- Start investing in stocks/funds (I'll figure out the best way.)
- Get a new passport and go abroad, beyond EU borders for a month. It's been 10 years since my last actual vacation, might be time... (Haven't decided where to go yet.)

2018 Game Goals - StackGsMan - 12-23-2017

I've developed a maniacal goal of trying to have a decently hot "wife" from each of the Arabic speaking Middle Eastern and North African countries. I guess that'd be a harem, but I'm looking for specific things in each wife. Chances are this goal will take a while [Image: smile.gif]

As a backup plan and other goals:

- Drop my weight from 250ish to 205ish
- If the harem thing doesn't work out average 3 notches a month over the year
- Get my day trading venture back on track and turn it into a career
- If other life goals don't work out create a lifestyle within 2-3 years where by trading I can become location independent. From there I guess just travel the world, work, live life, and get laid.
- Figure out existence and how to avoid the really low feeling after taking a big L in life and feeling lost.

- Also I guess pick up Spanish again and actually become fluent. I stopped caring about this one for a while now, but if the travelling the world thing becomes more of a goal and reality in the coming months I will get serious about Spanish and later on other languages I am interested in. At this point if I pick up Spanish again now and am consistent I will be well into basic fluency by 2019, as in should be able to hold just about any conversation I m interested in.

2018 Game Goals - Agastya - 12-23-2017

Continue having a genuinely good relationship with my girlfriend. She cooks and cares for me and treats me great. I fucked or hooked up with more than thirty women before her, I felt nothing for any of them. Commitment is something essential to life, even if we don't stay together (we're in our very early twenties) I want to do this properly. A life of constantly pursuing thots is not worth it at all to me.

Get my deadlift back to where it was at the minimum (375 lbs). Got derailed by injuries and other life problems. Do pullups once a week, pushups twice a week. Go to BJJ twice a week. Be at an overall decent level of fitness by the end of 2018, with good functional strength and basic fighting prowess.

Write a hundred pages about my travels and get a blog going.

Save up at least 25k and invest it intelligently.

My sales job at the moment kind of sucks -- either make it better or transfer to a superior company by the end of 2018.

Generally be more open and friendly, enjoy life more -- I was pretty serious and humorless for the last year, was somewhat depressed and going through difficult life struggles. Just didn't have as much fun as I would have liked. I want to change that for this year and have a better outlook towards life.

2018 Game Goals - EmotionalGeek - 12-26-2017

I'm almost 100% reliant on club game so I want to diversify my sources.

1. My most important goal is to muster a courage to do direct day approach.

2. Start opening in pubs.

3. get few new friends.

4. read a two books a month, at least one practical book e.g. psychology, pick up etc

5. Drink no more often than once a month

6. Take part in more social activities.

Rest of my life is fine so keep doing what I'm doing.

2018 Game Goals - torridon747 - 12-28-2017

1. Drink less
2. Workout more
3. Have a relationship that lasts more than 6 months

2018 Game Goals - eradicator - 12-28-2017

I am going to do no porn/no fap and will stick to it this time. Or at the very least limit it to once a week.

2018 Game Goals - sch - 12-29-2017

* relax
* stop caring about women
* game for fun
* game daily, even for a bit

2018 Game Goals - Kapanda - 12-29-2017

Improve day game and get a solid stable of 5 gorgeous women on tap. I'm a long way away from that, though.

2018 Game Goals - Kapanda - 12-29-2017

Quote: (12-28-2017 03:50 AM)eradicator Wrote:  

I am going to do no porn/no fap and will stick to it this time. Or at the very least limit it to once a week.
I oscillate between fapping being worthwhile and not.

A waste of energy is my biggest concern. At the same time, I lost count of the hours I have spent on this forum alone today.

This notion of comparing real women to perfect pornstars never got to me. Especially because the quality of the porn where the perfect women are is so shit - the sex is so... fake.

2018 Game Goals - Its All Love - 12-30-2017

2018 game goals

Finish bachelor's degree
Girlfriend or solid main chick
Less clubbing/barhopping
Get my website off the ground
Pay off ALL debt
More aggressive investing

2018 Game Goals - Mayhem - 01-04-2018

To find the ugliest chick who's willing to sleep with me and fuck her in her own place on valentine's day. And finally get this shit over with.

2018 Game Goals - S3K2 - 01-07-2018

- Learn another language
- Maintain

2018 Game Goals - godfather dust - 01-07-2018

I want to lose 25-35 pounds (I'm 6'3" so not a massive amount) to go up a point in attractiveness and go from 5s and 6s to 6s and 7s. An occasional 8 would hit the spot as well.

2018 Game Goals - just a human - 01-07-2018

I want to turn more "maybe" girls to "yes" girls. Any suggestions? Some of them are just attention whores who collect orbiters anyway...

2018 Game Goals - Checkmat - 01-07-2018

Finalizing a divorce right now so I won't be able to work on my game goals for a little while longer.

But for 2018 I intend on getting my game back to where it was pre-marriage: constant daytime approaching/flirting/elderly chatting, gaming OKC and Tinder, averaging 1-2 new notches per month with a 6 as the bare minimum in quality.

2018 Game Goals - lonewolf1992 - 01-07-2018

1.Get that 'vibe' again. In 2016 when I was in the peak of my mood. Working out, positive, confident, no fap and with this I can't explain vibe, i was getting eye fucked by hot women for the span of 6 months. This 'Vibe' is the missing key we all players must look for.

One of the best things I've ever felt is the lust in the eyes of a woman.

2.Improve my logistics. Well, I lost 2 high SMV notches with hot brazilians last year for living 1 hour away from the club in a shitty neighborhood. Lost one possible Mini LTR with a sexy brazilian from my workplace because of rookie mistakes and then again logistics.

3. Improve quality. Well, now i've improved my game to the point i was able to pull out easy bangs with average-looking girls. One chubby. But with the last girl i felt kind of awkard. I want to fuck women I'm really attracted to. But those are harder so I have to work on my physique, logistics and confidence, etc.

4. Being more social. I've come from being a depressed, emasculated and suicidal dead-end who hated masculinity to be doing actually pretty good. But all those years of strong depression have taken their toll and I still feel kind of bitter and apathic to all people sometimes. I need to start working on my social skills ASAP. Will meditate on what are the things that are halting me to do so.

5. Get an European flag. I love white girls. I can live with a skinny girl with no ass or tits but with a very cute face. haha it might be because i'm tired of colombianas in general.

That's what I can think of as of now. Have a good one mates.

2018 Game Goals - Geomann180 - 01-09-2018

I have a few goals:


1) Reset my push-ups, sit-ups, 2 and 5 mile run times
2) Send myself EIB
3) Send myself back to Ranger School
4) Send myself to Jumpmaster School


1) Cut out girls in my life who don't add value or who I have no intention of dating or good timing/circumstances to get laid. They're living rent free in my head.
2) When seeking guidance from either of my three role models, inform them of decisions rather than asking what to do more, and then ask how I did if anything. I've read so much and asked so many questions that at this point, I won't get much further in my journey unless I make all my own decisions. I'll reap both the consequences and the rewards. 3) Try to deal with women in a manner that pleases me, such that I can still look in the mirror and respect myself.
4) Continue to write in my blog again and try to maintain a 1-2 posts a month minumum Life/Family:

1) Try to cut out "Geomann" time out of my life when it comes to family and friends (overall I'm flaky and an unreliable planner at times. I could say it developed in response to girls being flaky, but that's ducking responsibilty for it, ultimately).
2) Continue to flesh out who the man I want to be is, and cut out parts of my personality and lifestyle that aren't compatible with that vision.
3) Do my best to see the main parts of my family at least once a year
4) Continue to see my best friends at least once a year
5) I have a huge backlog of books. I'm going to try to read at least one book a month.

Am I gonna hit all of these? Probably not. Do I have more goals than these? A few. Some of these goals will take years to see to their completion and I'm okay with that.


2018 Game Goals - SpursFan741 - 02-08-2018

My goals for 2018 are:

- Increase my Notch count to 50
- Being fluent in Spanish or Mandarin
- Amplify my Social Media ( Having at least 5.000 followers on Instagram)
- Having a passive income from about 1300€ ( from my own online business )
- Learn everything about cryptocurrency and Invest in it
- Improve my physical strength ( maintaining my fitness schedule and improve nutrition)
- Visit at least 3 new countries outside Europe and spend their at least 1 month
- Imrove my game in general and improve my inner game ( self esteem issues)
- Try at least 3 new sports / adventure sports ( Wall Climbing, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Kite Surfing, Muay thai, Kung Fu , Snowboarding, Paragliding,Helicopter flight,..)
- Whiten my teeth

2018 Game Goals - ksbms - 03-23-2018

I learnt that making too many goals makes you drown yourself quite quickly. It feels good to make many grand commitments but to stick to them, as research shows, and forge into iron-clad habits, a completely different story. So, I'll be realistic. In order of importance for 2018:

1. Pass all exams, then apply for PhD programmes.
1. Learn more advanced maths.
2. Have a same day lay via day game.
3. Develop my game blog (it's live but no content yet).
3. Learn Spanish to A2 level.
4. Continue with the gym, perhaps add cross-combat.
5. Read at least a book a month not related to my field.
5. Attend a key conference in my field.

2018 Game Goals - Bizet - 03-23-2018

- Bang 18 girls in 2018 (I'm on track to hit this).
- Complete Duolingo Spanish and the book 'Spanish for Beginners'.
- Start an online freelancing business that I can do while I travel.
- Master the one-armed pushup, pistol squat and handstand pushups.
- Read at least 20 classic works of fiction.

2018 Game Goals - bgbusiness - 04-29-2018

Quote: (12-23-2017 09:13 AM)bgbusiness Wrote:  

1. Therefore, in 2018, I will try to make as little friends as possible. I would rather make money and build my future.

2. In addition, continue to educate myself in stocks, crypto, real estate investing and have solid understanding by the end of next year.

3. Do approach a little bit, just to keep my game sharp and keep up with all the red pilled/game content that are put up on youtube and forums.

1. Made about 20+ friends, but mostly been ignoring most of the people that meet. Hung out with couple dudes, didn't really click that well.
Dropped them from the circle. One dude especially was smoking, drinking and just partying and not focusing on school, so that was that.
2. Really got into RE, crypto and stocks. I am starting to understand all the fundamentals and have made a list of investments that I will make starting next year. Already almost finishing up writing up a business plan for real estate although it's just a business plan, but I hope to have my own one day.
*My interests are growing very rapidly into investing. Looking forward to getting CFA, Series 7 and 63.
3. Got some dates, several numbers, but also dropped a lot of girls who even showed iois cuz I am just too busy.
Watched most of new content form youtube and read everything on forum.
Keeping up with the stuff. Things are becoming relatively repetitive everywhere from TRP on reddit to YouTube red pill channels, etc....
Starting to skip a lot of content because it's things that I learned before.
This has been happening a lot last year, but coming in this year, I feel like I understand 95% of the materials.

2018 Game Goals - Salvadore - 04-29-2018

Quote: (04-29-2018 03:30 AM)bgbusiness Wrote:  

Watched most of new content form youtube and read everything on forum.
Keeping up with the stuff. Things are becoming relatively repetitive everywhere from TRP on reddit to YouTube red pill channels, etc....
Starting to skip a lot of content because it's things that I learned before.
This has been happening a lot last year, but coming in this year, I feel like I understand 95% of the materials.

I agree. But what are examples of new stuff you've learnt then?