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Disappointed in Barcelona Spain - worldtraveler3 - 09-24-2017

Just came back from a trip there. Barcelona is a very beautiful city, the beach scene was great, especially around sunset. Everyone strolling along the area around barceloneta seafront. People doing all kinds of sports under the sun. There is also a huge cafe scene with bar/ restaurant ok every corner and people chilling out outside on the streets taking a beer or two. It's a great city to live in if you have a great job with decent income and hot ltr.

Everything was great except the local mentality and local women. No wonder people advocating gaming tourists, especially day game. Night game is good between certain hours and in certain locations. But on weekends it's very busy with locals flooding the Mainstream beach clubs pacha or inland clubs like ottokutz so it's hard to move around in the clubs.

I think it's a great city if you are somehow settled down there with a ltr Spanish girl but for the single scene if you are living there long term and just aim for the tourists it can get old.

Disappointed in Barcelona Spain - soltopia - 09-24-2017

No I didn't bang any Spanish women as I had a hot ass Colombian GF who was worth 10x the locals sluts.

Spanish women are pits. Anglo women have a better attitude than those stuck up bitches!

Disappointed in Barcelona Spain - ProGambler - 09-24-2017

Quote: (09-24-2017 10:52 AM)goldenhinde Wrote:  

Quote: (09-24-2017 06:44 AM)ProGambler Wrote:  

One of the worst cities I've been to. Poor girls, burger restaurants everywhere and flooded with English speaking tourists.
Sounds like a general description of most Western European countries in 2017. Could be an exact description of my hometown of Munich as well.

If you blend out the usual shit that happens in any Western European city nowadays (unapproachable girls with sky-high bitch shields, tourist overflooding and generic "world food"), Barcelona is setting-wise and architecturally one of the 5 most beautiful out of the 223 cities that I visited in my life up to now. The setting between mountains and the sea doesn't get any better and is shared by only few other large cities in the world (such as Hong Kong, Vancouver, Rio de Janeiro or Marseille), the architecture is overwhelming at least in parts of the city. Europe doesn't get much better than Barcelona, and if you can't take the bitchy girls or tourist overcrowding, then Ukrainian or Romanian cities might be better suited for you (which they are for me as well, purely from a mentality point of view).

You are right but give me Budapest on the Danube or London on the Thames or Lyon on Rhone instead for architecture and water.

Disappointed in Barcelona Spain - bayblue - 09-24-2017

Quote: (09-24-2017 01:03 PM)worldtraveler3 Wrote:  

Just came back from a trip there. Barcelona is a very beautiful city, the beach scene was great, especially around sunset. Everyone strolling along the area around barceloneta seafront. People doing all kinds of sports under the sun. There is also a huge cafe scene with bar/ restaurant ok every corner and people chilling out outside on the streets taking a beer or two. It's a great city to live in if you have a great job with decent income and hot ltr.

Everything was great except the local mentality and local women. No wonder people advocating gaming tourists, especially day game. Night game is good between certain hours and in certain locations. But on weekends it's very busy with locals flooding the Mainstream beach clubs pacha or inland clubs like ottokutz so it's hard to move around in the clubs.

I think it's a great city if you are somehow settled down there with a ltr Spanish girl but for the single scene if you are living there long term and just aim for the tourists it can get old.

Based on threads on Barcelona I've come across, seems like local women are not open to mixing with foreigners, whereas local guys have no problem / are active in chasing after foreigners. Does that create somewhat of an imbalance in ratios that makes it tougher for foreign dudes?

Disappointed in Barcelona Spain - seabridge - 09-25-2017

Quote: (09-24-2017 10:35 PM)bayblue Wrote:  

Quote: (09-24-2017 01:03 PM)worldtraveler3 Wrote:  

Just came back from a trip there. Barcelona is a very beautiful city, the beach scene was great, especially around sunset. Everyone strolling along the area around barceloneta seafront. People doing all kinds of sports under the sun. There is also a huge cafe scene with bar/ restaurant ok every corner and people chilling out outside on the streets taking a beer or two. It's a great city to live in if you have a great job with decent income and hot ltr.

Everything was great except the local mentality and local women. No wonder people advocating gaming tourists, especially day game. Night game is good between certain hours and in certain locations. But on weekends it's very busy with locals flooding the Mainstream beach clubs pacha or inland clubs like ottokutz so it's hard to move around in the clubs.

I think it's a great city if you are somehow settled down there with a ltr Spanish girl but for the single scene if you are living there long term and just aim for the tourists it can get old.

Based on threads on Barcelona I've come across, seems like local women are not open to mixing with foreigners, whereas local guys have no problem / are active in chasing after foreigners. Does that create somewhat of an imbalance in ratios that makes it tougher for foreign dudes?

Some local women are, I banged a 8 catalan with beautiful blue eyes. But day and night game is diffucult because of all the tourist. If you want to fuck a local girl in barcelona, somehow meet them in a different setting

Disappointed in Barcelona Spain - The Stronger Sex - 09-25-2017

There are no stuck-up bitches - there is weak game. And in case someone thinks I'm "hating" that also applies when I fail.

Disappointed in Barcelona Spain - Pointer - 09-25-2017

Quote: (09-24-2017 10:35 PM)bayblue Wrote:  

Based on threads on Barcelona I've come across, seems like local women are not open to mixing with foreigners, whereas local guys have no problem / are active in chasing after foreigners. Does that create somewhat of an imbalance in ratios that makes it tougher for foreign dudes?

I imagine it does because your options will be limited. Many tourist girls would also prefer a local guy vs a foreigner but I think in Barcelona there's something for everyone. There are a lot of EE hotties working or studying there who are probably sick of always getting harassed by local guys with no game.

Disappointed in Barcelona Spain - Vinnie - 09-25-2017

Hot girls can be found in almost any country.

Disappointed in Barcelona Spain - PecsPerfection - 09-29-2017

Been to barcelona a few times, at this point I have mixed feelings about it, so looking to try out Valencia or Madrid next time. Here's what I see:

- For non spanish speaking guys like me, you won't even know if you could do well with catalans because most can't speak english at all. I've matched with a few good looking ones on tinder, got their numbers, but they were extremely flaky

- I mainly went there for tourists, had a few good experiences there mainly from EE girls working or studying there.

- The problem with tourists is logistics especially if you're only there for a short time, it gets boring trying to set up meetings with them and line up your schedule with their 2-3 day stay there. Some are only there for sightseeing and extremely boring. I've had many tourists girls that either couldn't meet because they're leaving, or I'm leaving or even times where I had to see one girl over another and the other was leaving the next day or gets annoyed when I bail on her and never wanna meet after.

- barceloneta clubs are such a waste of time especially during weekends the ratio is probably 5:1 guys to girls and someone mentioned above the hot/fun ones will get invited to VIP. Weekdays are hit or miss, not worth time/money spent there imho

- I love barcelona overall, but I feel that it's time to find another place where I could game tourists and locals at the same time, that would be a poosay paradise right there

***Pickpocketing is a huge problem there, if you like to fly solo suited up or wearing high end clothes, you better watch your back! probably worst city in Europe, I've personally been to, when it comes to pickpocketing

Disappointed in Barcelona Spain - Green-On-GO - 09-30-2017

I use to work up the coast.Yanks Canadian Aussie should train it up the coast to Blanes, Calella ,Lloret de mar if they have time.And do a couple of nights and day beach game.People speak English more too.These places have seen better days but if you can do Asia or SA it shouldn't be an issue

Its about an hour to an hour 45 on the train.Hotels have like an all inclusive deal for Nth Euros drink and food.If you are lucky you might end up in a Mtv pool party type situation with logistics right there in the hotel.I met birds walking to my room and talking over the balcony.The hotels keep people out of the bars as people don't have to leave but there are pub crawls, night clubs etc

Yoi'll hit EE Scando French, English ,German ,Dutch depending on time of year.Mostly students doing Barca on the cheap.Its hit or miss though depending on tour group times.I was there in August and it was all German girls fresh out of high school.Tour guides were early 20s and up for a flag ,younger guys should do well.

Also Catalan girls there don't see that many Aussies Yanks ,Canadians or NZ up the Costa Brava.They are friendlier.Note though I have not been up there since 2014
I went there in 2013 fresh after divorce.I was 42 reeling in 22 to 24 year olds EE, Dutch ,English . workers and tourist just by being Aussie.I also knew people.You got game then you should do all right there isn't much comp.I fucked up alot with easy lays due to limiting beliefs.I looked like a chubby lesbian compared to now.I really don't know how I done it.

I just don't think its a Janes Bond game type thing.I never ever suit up but my street clothes cost a fourtune in Europe.Just wearing a good watch is enough.Also in summer you'll be in shorts.Good surf brands go down well as its expensive in Europe.

One thing I learnt with all Spanish birds is that they are into the blonde blue eyed boys and cheeky English dudes .I never met Spanish dudes besides my best mate with great tourist game I thought the Greek and Israeli lads were much better.Whores are on tap in Spain for Spanish dudes.
Places like Marbella you'll have a tough time telling the difference between whores and civilians in some clubs..And the whores will split you from your chick, it happened to me .

Disappointed in Barcelona Spain - worldtraveler3 - 10-01-2017

Voting day for Barcelona today.

A lot of police interference.