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Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - Svara - 07-14-2017

I know the Parisians and other "snobbish urban trash" French well - their "sophistication" is all fake. They just love to make everything more complicated so as to feel sophisticated. It's all about posture. They lag behind the rest of the Western world in almost everything.

The French don't take anything seriously, except arguing non-stop and paying attentionto their physical appearance (especially style of clothing). And their "style" is simply gay.

Everything else is treated with disdain, and taken to the second or third degree. Ironizing on everything is their pasttime.


The French only stayed with each other, did not socialize with others and openly criticized the dresses of the others, the physics of others, the wine served

That's what I mean.


everything is based on gossip, snob attitude, appearance, and for them to take the first step to talk to a Group is a sign of submission, you may have good relationship with these people but they will be based on an interest and not on being a full-fledged person.

When you entering on a social circle you realize that the good atmosphere of facade are spoiled by internal rivalries and that most people show hypocrisy and interest of each others.

The French have this tendency always to analyze everything and to question the good functioning by thinking that they are the best models of society, But the truth is that they are totally overwhelmed by their ego, the organization within a French company is anarchic, archaic, paternalistic, any form of creativity and variation are ferociously rejected for fear of losing, Fear of risk, fear of commitment.

That sums it up. And their snobbish attitude is all based on discussing theories. They have very little practical sense.

The Germans have a saying "The French are basically angry Italians".

Quote: (07-09-2017 07:46 AM)Lino Wrote:  

people like me end up leaving France sooner or later, then french people end up stucked with the ghetto rats and all these "racailles"...

Last time I checked it's called "bougnoules". "Racailles" is the euphemism they use for fear of speaking the truth.

Quote: (07-11-2017 10:50 AM)Darkwing Buck Wrote:  

I hate almost every single French person I've met. Straight up rude assholes and I've only met a few of them. Only liked about 10% of the ones I met.

Same here lol

Quote: (07-12-2017 05:04 AM)ProGambler Wrote:  

The French have struggled since the godless Republic and the defeat of Napoleon as far as I can tell. The mentality is looking fashionable, the next fuck and the next plate of food. Winning is barely a part of your psyche and has only really come through in the form of African footballers. A bigger land army than the 3rd Reich that folded in 6 weeks and the treachery at Mers El-Kebir (of course the French call us traitors) won't be forgotten by the British. It comes as no surprise that you sold your country to African Islam in the last election too.

This whole thread is gold [Image: biggrin.gif]

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - Lino - 07-14-2017

Quote: (07-14-2017 08:07 AM)Svara Wrote:  

Quote: (07-09-2017 07:46 AM)Lino Wrote:  

people like me end up leaving France sooner or later, then french people end up stucked with the ghetto rats and all these "racailles"...

Last time I checked it's called "bougnoules". "Racailles" is the euphemism they use for fear of speaking the truth.

Nope, "Bougnoules" is like "Nigger" but toward north African people.

Racailles is far from being an euphemism, it is already a politically incorrect word that medias and politics can't use... fear of speaking which truth exactly? Calling a black man "Nigger" and an Arab "Bougnoule" is what you consider as the truth?

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - casa-nostra - 07-14-2017

As a North African ( Tunisian Origins) was shocked how cold , racist , hypocritical French people are , I was so glad to leave that shit country. French people are happy coming to Tunisia or Maroco spending their summer vacations (Even Though in Tunisia , french people have a bad reputation for many reasons , but at least they got the same good reception as the others Europeans tourists..) and then in their country they says Bougnoules , rebeux .. about us. why dont you say that when you are enjoying your summer vacations and try to sympathize with Locals ?? I have traveled many places in Europe and North America , never saw such a racism and hypocritical mentality.

As a North Tunisian , people in my city look like Italian or southern French, white with dark features . Many times happened to me in a a french club , when i say i am italian i dont have the same reception as when i say iam Tunisian (just for your information Tunisia still have a better reputation than Algeria and Marocco , so i can't imagine if i was Algerian). Thats what explains why Tunisians never want to go to France (to study or work) , only poor and worst quality of Tunisian goes there cause of Financial reasons. The ones who have enough money go to UK , US , Canada and avoid France which is one hour travel.

Talking about Northern Tunisia specially Tunis ( i know it is different in Algeria and Marocco) , people are very open minded and have a mix between maghrebin and European mentality. Here is a link that an irish forum member did about his Tunisian visit
I would say easily is the most open arab country

Again Glad to leave France , and french mentality people.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - balybary - 07-14-2017


people are very open minded

Open-mindedness in Tunisia seems limited.

Based on Islamic law, the government forbids domestic marriages between a
Muslim woman and a non-Muslim man, unless the man converts to Islam or the
marriage is performed abroad. On occasion, the government did not recognize the
legality of such marriages, forcing the couple to seek a court ruling to legitimize
the marriage. Cases are decided arbitrarily, particularly when the family in Tunisia
contests the foreign marriage. In some family cases, courts applied an Islamic law
based interpretation of civil law. Muslim men and non-Muslim women who are
married cannot inherit from each other, and children from those marriages, all of
whom the government considers to be Muslim, cannot inherit from their mothers.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - Beirut - 07-14-2017

I like France and the French. I will always have a special respect for it as its been a big part of my education.
People often underestimate french guys game and frame. But those guys have a muscle much more developped than gym freaks: Their tongue.

Yes theyre snarky and sarcastic but they can spit game on another level when theyre good. Ive met my fair share of friendly french girls and player french guys.

I dislike the current crop of urbanized youth, as it seems its the only one i meet in my travels now. But when i used to go to France and through lebanese that live there ive met great people.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - casa-nostra - 07-14-2017

Quote: (07-14-2017 12:09 PM)balybary Wrote:  


people are very open minded

Open-mindedness in Tunisia seems limited.

Based on Islamic law, the government forbids domestic marriages between a
Muslim woman and a non-Muslim man, unless the man converts to Islam or the
marriage is performed abroad. On occasion, the government did not recognize the
legality of such marriages, forcing the couple to seek a court ruling to legitimize
the marriage. Cases are decided arbitrarily, particularly when the family in Tunisia
contests the foreign marriage. In some family cases, courts applied an Islamic law
based interpretation of civil law. Muslim men and non-Muslim women who are
married cannot inherit from each other, and children from those marriages, all of
whom the government considers to be Muslim, cannot inherit from their mothers.

Well as i said Northern Tunisian .. mainly some citcies as the capital and it is subrubs , hammamet , nabel , sousse..

I can agree about southern Tunisian , i didnt go there yet , but heard that they are conservative like typical others arab countries.

Also it is better to visit and see how people are rather than trust a random article. You can refer to that forum member, who is irish , and gave an objective opionion.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - jackflag - 07-14-2017

Strange reading this thread. I dont doubt for a second any of these horror stories and french people do have a reputation for being snobs. Weirdly its the opposite experience i've had with them.

My mom and I stopped in Paris for a few days when I was younger, and the Parisians literally couldn't have been more helpful and friendly. Despite neither of us speaking a word of French at the time.

Traveled to the UK a few years back and a French girl direct approached me while she was with her girlfriend. Girlfriend came over and cockblocked but didnt seem mad... then I talked to them for an hour. Then a few weeks back I was in a club in Croatia and a group of about 8 French guys and girls enthusiastically started talking to me and invited me to join them. We partied together and they couldn't have been more friendly.

I'm black american though, so maybe that makes a difference. I dont know. But I've had nothing but things encouraging me to head to France to game.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - Caractacus Potts - 07-14-2017

"In heaven...
the lovers are all Italian...
the chefs are all French...
the butlers are all British
and the Germans run everything.

In hell...
the lovers are all British...
the chefs are all German...
the butlers are all French
and the Italians run everything."

- A very wise man. Not me.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - Going strong - 07-15-2017

Quote: (07-14-2017 10:49 AM)casa-nostra Wrote:  

As a North African ( Tunisian Origins) was shocked how cold , racist , hypocritical French people are , I was so glad to leave that shit country. French people are happy coming to Tunisia or Maroco spending their summer vacations (Even Though in Tunisia , french people have a bad reputation for many reasons , but at least they got the same good reception as the others Europeans tourists..) and then in their country they says Bougnoules , rebeux .. about us. why dont you say that when you are enjoying your summer vacations and try to sympathize with Locals ?? I have traveled many places in Europe and North America , never saw such a racism and hypocritical mentality.

As a North Tunisian , people in my city look like Italian or southern French, white with dark features . Many times happened to me in a a french club , when i say i am italian i dont have the same reception as when i say iam Tunisian (just for your information Tunisia still have a better reputation than Algeria and Marocco , so i can't imagine if i was Algerian). Thats what explains why Tunisians never want to go to France (to study or work) , only poor and worst quality of Tunisian goes there cause of Financial reasons. The ones who have enough money go to UK , US , Canada and avoid France which is one hour travel.

Talking about Northern Tunisia specially Tunis ( i know it is different in Algeria and Marocco) , people are very open minded and have a mix between maghrebin and European mentality. Here is a link that an irish forum member did about his Tunisian visit
I would say easily is the most open arab country

Again Glad to leave France , and french mentality people.

Well, almost all native French people would think or reply: We're also glad you left.[Image: blush.gif]

So - isn't that beautiful, folks? - everyone is happy: you, because you left France, and French people for the exact same reason. [Image: banana.gif]

Now, let me add 2 things:

1- French tourists don't go anymore to Tunisia, at least not en-masse, on account of the shootings that occurred on your beaches and main museum... well yes, we French people might be "closed and mean with Tunisians", sure [Image: dodgy.gif], but hey, a good bunch of your compatriots on the other hand fire AK47 at us...

Also, I seem to remember that one year ago to the day, a "nice, open" Tunisian dude (Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel) drove his stolen truck over 80 people in the city of Nice, crushing 30 kids to death. You might therefore understand a certain animosity towards your fellow Tunisians, slight animosity that, in other, less-cucked countries, would have led to very energetic actions.

Let me explain: if a Tunisian had driven a truck over 80 Asians in Asia, there would be no (walking) Tunisian left in the whole of Asia. So, you might consider our "slight animosity" as being very reasonable and I dare say, extremely generous.

2- quoting you, "Many times happened to me in a a french club , when i say i am italian i dont have the same reception as when i say iam Tunisian"... well, try to guess why?... maybe it's because Italians don't make girls flee the nightclubs, whereas you perfectly know how your compatriots usually behave in French clubs (harassing, touching, pestering girls, and whenever possible cockblocking native males).

Funny actually that you yourself would say that you cannot be distinguished, physically, from a Southern European, but still you are not welcomed: it means the animosity towards you does not result from racism, but from behavioral defects and ill-habits your (young male) compatriots as a whole usually display.

Note: I have been once to Tunisia and was fairly well treated, so, I don't have anything against Tunisians living honestly and with dignity in their country, nor against educated Tunisian travelers or businessmen... I only resent the young, uneducated, aggressive male Maghrebis (of which Tunisians are the least disturbing, granted, and by far) roaming the Southern-France nightclubs and raising hell...

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - Going strong - 07-15-2017

Quote: (07-14-2017 08:07 AM)Svara Wrote:  

quoting another member: A bigger land army than the 3rd Reich that folded in 6 weeks

This whole thread is gold [Image: biggrin.gif]

A bigger land army than the 3rd Reich that folded in 6 weeks: [Image: dodgy.gif]

A very uneducated assumption, actually, a blatant lie, that is circulated throughout the world.

The French army fought valiantly against the German army (an army that they had previously thwarted and defeated in 1917' Verdun), losing tons of soldiers, until their losses were such that only possible solution was to trick Hitler into signing an armistice (armistice that left France with control over half of its territory, whereas Hitler was hours away to piercing all defense lines).

The (carefully repressed) truth is, France in a few months of 1940 lost more soldiers that England and the USA combined during the whole WWII (excepting maybe the Pacific battle field where the USA lost many brave soldiers)...

France lost the 1940 campaign to Hitler, because of a couple of old French generals who erroneously believed that tanks could not drive through lightly wooden areas (hence the non-completion of the Maginot line). End of story.

And yes, the whole thread is quite golden... quite a nice collection of cliches indeed, some holding truth in them, other just ridiculous.

In any case, do note (and think of the vast geopolitical implications) that France still has the military capability of (covertly) destroying everything in the world (think French nuclear submarines secretly scattered around the oceans, here). It makes France a great world actor on the geopolitical stage, whether one likes it or not...

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - apolis - 07-15-2017

Quote: (07-15-2017 07:23 AM)Going strong Wrote:  

France still has the military capability of (covertly) destroying everything in the world (think French nuclear submarines secretly scattered around the oceans, here). It makes France a great world actor on the geopolitical stage, whether one likes it or not...

French arrogance at its best.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - rorochido1 - 07-15-2017

Quote: (07-08-2017 02:13 PM)perception_theory Wrote:  

The new generations are completely americanized nobody knows Balzac or Rimbaud, they identify with Young Thug and Drake, wears Brooklyn T-Shirt and make of the 10th arrondissement of Paris a kind of Williamsburg bis that sounds so wack

Wow that's sad, what about a french city that still has its french flavor preserved?

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - rorochido1 - 07-15-2017

Quote: (07-09-2017 07:46 AM)Lino Wrote:  

Paris in august is a paradise, most of the parisian assholes are gone on vacation so the city has a better atmosphere, more relaxed and friendly. Less car traffic and girls are more Dtf.

I enjoy cycling in the center, chatting one of the girls who make eye contact... people flirt way more than in anglosaxon countries, I have seen waiters in cafés serving ice cream to their clients and telling them that they have beautiful eyes...that kind of things...the girls enjoy it, that gives you an idea of the vibe.

Romance is still important there and women expect the man to take the lead. There are entitled bitches and few raging feminists but that is nothing compared to anglo-saxon countries. In Paris I enjoy street game, it's fun and I know at some point I'll come across some girl who has good flirting skills and we'll have a good interaction, a bit playful and cheeky.

Now regarding the things being said about parisians, let's be honest these types of guys are all over France, mediocre people who prejudice a lot, only speak french, feel superior, are extremely jealous and selfish, yup I came across that kind of assholes all over France.

I just dont waste my time with them anymore, back then, in my 20's it used to drive me crazy, was even depressed because of that, when I lived in the north of France I Have been fighting a few times and ended up at the police office...Now I'm older, am earning money, travelled a lot and can pick up beauties, All these jealous motherfuckers can suck my dick! I might now sound arrogant but I think I am the ideal modern french, born in Paris with foreign background, Polyglott, university educated, well travelled and open minded... people like me end up leaving France sooner or later, then french people end up stucked with the ghetto rats and all these "racailles"...well they deserve it, if they treated educated "minorities" better they wouldnt be in this situation.

Allright that was a bit off topic, regarding picking up girls I would say that the east of Paris is more laid back and open minded, I usually daygame there, around Bastille, Oberkampf, even more central like hotel de ville...plenty of tourists there as well. I am sure some parts in the west have good spots as well but I never bothered to try there, plenty of fish in the east...

Ray of hope through the gray cloud, thank you.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - Going strong - 07-15-2017

Quote: (07-15-2017 08:57 AM)apolis Wrote:  

Quote: (07-15-2017 07:23 AM)Going strong Wrote:  

France still has the military capability of (covertly) destroying everything in the world (think French nuclear submarines secretly scattered around the oceans, here). It makes France a great world actor on the geopolitical stage, whether one likes it or not...

French arrogance at its best.

Just stating the truth, milord: as every serious analyst knows, France is "too big to fall", and the third or fourth (with projecting capacities) military power in the world.

Still, probably, France will fall: to Sub-Saharan invaders, tens of millions of them, and the (sad) repercussions will shake the whole world.

Tens of millions of African migrants are heading to Paris (via Libya and Lampedusa), read below... and cry for France (and it's an article from a very moderate, centrist media, LeFigaro - article so frightening that they just put it beyond a pay-per-view wall):

So, well, enjoy (or not!) the "Parisian mentality" while there is such a thing as "a Parisian mentality": soon it'll be Sub-Saharan mentality all over the place. And you quite certainly won't like it.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - debeguiled - 07-15-2017

The arrogance of French people in Paris is currently the least of anyone's problems.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - apolis - 07-16-2017

One thing to be noted is that the 'French arrogance' can only be identified by non-French.

The Frenchmen seem to wittingly ignore the old saying 'Everything in moderation.'

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - azulsombra - 07-16-2017

Quote: (07-12-2017 07:34 AM)ProGambler Wrote:  

I fucked a French Jew from Paris. She seemed to think Islam wasn't a problem for Europe despite having an IQ in the high 130s. Ridiculous woman.

You tested her IQ on your date?

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - Going strong - 07-16-2017

Quote: (07-16-2017 03:36 AM)apolis Wrote:  

One thing to be noted is that the 'French arrogance' can only be identified by non-French.

The Frenchmen seem to wittingly ignore the old saying 'Everything in moderation.'

"One thing to be noted" also is that the 'French arrogance', if it exists, is... quite perfectly justified [Image: blush.gif].

Well, yes, after all: France has been (and this, during centuries) a great world power, creating whole nations in Europe (Napoleonic times), and its citizens have been delivering scientific and medical wonders for ages, its artists shaping the tastes of international citizens, its luxury and culinary products famed throughout the world... There's more than enough in our History to be proud for a bunch of centuries to come... Heck, just to have given Pasteur to the world, would be enough to be proud as a whole nation.

So yes, if one is English, French or Italian, a Spaniard, or a Portuguese, or a Dutch... one has every reason to have pride in his heart, even a bit of occasional "arrogance". Same if one is from China, or Iran, Greece or Vietnam: all heirs of great empires should feel pride at their glorious ancestors' history.

And I might add that US citizens, and (to a lesser extent) Russians or Israelis, should feel pride at the current power held by their nations. So, to sum it up, half of the citizens of the world have good reasons to feel pride and at times slight arrogance, thinking of the current or past glory of their home country. Too bad for the other half of the planet, sure (let them build some future glory, God willing).

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - apolis - 07-16-2017

@Going Strong

''British say the French are the most arrogant people in Europe - and the French agree.''

I think the French are a bit confused or not?

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - godzilla - 07-16-2017

Pretty interesting views about France. Seems like a lot of the negative views are from foreigners.

That kinda makes sense. For a society with lots of foreigners, you'd think the French would be a bit more friendly. But for the most part, the French can be pretty closed off and enjoy sticking to their social circles. I don't think there is anything wrong with that. The thing is you'll never been French to them, so they'll never treat you as one of their own.

If you don't speak French, you'll definitely never be French. I spoke at B1 level my first long trip there. My nom de famille is about as French as it gets. And my family still lives in Brittany and has so for over a thousand years. Im still basically a tourist in France. It was the complete opposite when I returned to the country of the other half of my ancestry and was treated like my family had never left.

At the same time, French people are very self aware and understand the perception some of negative perceptions about them, so a lot of times in France you'll meet exceptionally friendly and helpful people. Its actually one of the few countries Id had people go out of their way to do something nice. I really enjoyed France outside of Paris and hopefully I get the opportunity to get one last summer on the coast there.

@op I reread your post and I think you should try to find a good French house party. They will drink, sing and be up to like 6am no problem. The French party just as much as English and frankly, they drink more then the English too.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - Pointer - 07-16-2017

I spent considerable time in France and I can say that Paris is the worst place to be. In cities like Bordeaux, Montpelier or Lyon people are much more friendly and open to meet foreigners. Not to mention that the cities are nicer as well. The countryside is amazing and there are some real hotties out there waiting to be discovered: 8s and 9s that have no idea how beautiful they are with feminine attitudes to boot.

The problem with France is mass immigration and the tendency for said immigrants to take over whole neighborhoods and transform them into ghettos. The French are also very lazy and non confrontational so they don't do anything about it.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - Xen - 07-16-2017

Quote: (07-12-2017 07:34 AM)ProGambler Wrote:  

I fucked a French Jew from Paris. She seemed to think Islam wasn't a problem for Europe despite having an IQ in the high 130s. Ridiculous woman.

I'm sorry to say, but I wouldn't bang a chick who feels like this.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - FFL - 07-16-2017

Quote: (07-16-2017 01:30 PM)Xen Wrote:  

Quote: (07-12-2017 07:34 AM)ProGambler Wrote:  

I fucked a French Jew from Paris. She seemed to think Islam wasn't a problem for Europe despite having an IQ in the high 130s. Ridiculous woman.

I'm sorry to say, but I wouldn't bang a chick who feels like this.

hear hear! a man with conviction! I can fuck stupid but I cannot go full retard for some reason.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - Dalaran1991 - 07-17-2017

The France-bashing in this thread is interesting.

As an outsider who has lived in both France and USA (longer) I cant shake the feeling anglo people are bashing the French for exactly the same thing they couldnt openly bash themselves for.

For every arrogant Frenchman, there's an American who thinks USA is the best country and the Americans are the supreme race. My old roomate in college was like this.

Snobby French girls and attitude? How about basically every white girl in Washington DC and New York?

Faggoty French guys who care only about appearances and being morally superior? How about every libtard guys from Cucklifornia? DC? London? Almost anywhere in the States?

The French are lazy and unconfrontational? How about the legions of welfare recipients in the US?

For every protesting nude French feminist, there's one, scratch that, 2 mattress girls being applauded as heroes in US. For what it's worth, nobody in France, not even girls, celebrate the nude femen actions here in the same way it is almost revered in America.

Take the faggot carrying the mattress, tell me if he fits in better in Cucklifornia / Florida or in Paris?

[Image: 300px-Mattress_Performance_%28Carry_That...r_2014.jpg]

Cuckolded French state? Remember, you guys came dangerously close to electing Hillary as president, so dangerous that Roosh feared for the existence of the community. Luckily you had the electoral system else Hillary could have won by the popular vote. Not that it matter because fucking Obama already did enough of the damage.

Frankly if America wasn't separated by a fuckhuge ocean, you would have the exact same problems with refugees as the French have here. Please dont tell me "it wouldn't fly in America", your refugees welcome crowd is even more militant and aggressive as European refugees welcome crowd. You only have Mexico and already you couldn't manage it, and that given Mexicans are much less disruptive than Muslims and sub-Saharans vermin.

The only thing that I really miss in USA that I certainly can not find in Europe, is the ability to buy guns. That's about it. Not that buying a gun is easy in certain US states anyway.

France has fought many, many wars, including the very war that birthed the United States, so much that Lafayette is pretty well known in US soils. It lost some and won some, like any other country. It has created empires, brought forth Englightenment, fought off the biggest Muslim invasion horde Europe has ever seen, c.f the battle of Tours. Without Charles Martel and comp. you would have an European Caliphate 700 AD and not 2017 AD. Severely outnumbered, on foot, and having to faced the feared Arab heavy cavalry, grizzled Frankish infantry held the line against repeated cavalry charges time and time again, forgetting silly things like death and whatnot even when the Arabs broke through and almost killed Charles Martel. Not to mention that the guy was a serious fuck-all badass who was excommunicated because he had to confiscate land from the Church so that he could raise an army to defend the Church. And this is way before Eddie Murphy and 300s become cool.

So as you can see, there's absolutely no point in saying French army suck, etc. If you study history you would know that it is not true. Or you could say the US army suck because it never managed to create an Empire (and again, that's neither here nor there)

France is now dying. It is an old man retiring to his corner enjoying his next meal and his next glass of wine, rumbling about the good old days. It no longer has the fiery passion to get into fights or arguments with other countries anymore. It is tragic, but it is completely natural and this is why the French carry on living as they do. I think people should accept this and leave the French alone. The old France is long, long gone. What you will find now is just another Western city with the same good and bad people like you would find in the USA.

If you come to visit France, come for the history. Come pay homage to old Frankish kings like Charlemagne for having brought about European civilization. Come see the Louvre and the Cathedrals and marvel at the work of old artificiers. Come enjoy the food and wine and the French language , which are the only traces of Old France the country can hold on to.

If none of that fancies you, dont bother. Much better spending money in Thailand or SEA for easy lays and good prices, where people will treat you well just because you are white (and rich).

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - Rush87 - 07-17-2017

I was always attracted to that sophisticated, chic image of the fashionable Parisian woman of the 1920's. They always appeared to be the apex of femininity.

I spent a few months there in 2015 and while I'm no expert on the city, I found they still existed. It would be a shame if a lack of regard for ones appearance has started to become the norm.