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Leonard's rural living datasheet and QnA thread. - Paracelsus - 06-05-2017

Quote: (06-05-2017 08:12 AM)Easy_C Wrote:  

If you want quick acceptance in that community, I would also HIGHLY recommend getting involved in some kind of local fraternal organization. I'm personally leery of masons because of their ties to everything else going on, but there any number of others (e.g. knights of Columbus, vets organizations if you are one) that will help get you plugged in socially. Also you can join anywhere then transfer membership.

In Australia, there may still a few Rotary or Lions Club organisations in country areas that are designed for this kind of networking.

There's also the Country Women's Association. Most Australian states have them. The wife might at least learn to bake a decent scone there, though the community connection and gossip is the prime draw. One quick Google indicates a leftie academic paper written by a sad-looking female shorthair in 2014 which says:

"As a politically conservative women’s association, the CWA retains an uncomfortable place in modern narratives of feminist progress. The group’s promotion of a model of womanhood based on a conservative notion of domestic femininity combined with a strong dose of civic-mindedness has had less feminist appeal than that promoted by her more radical sisters. Compounding this lack of feminist attraction has been the group’s historical motto of “Honour to God, Loyalty to the Throne, Service to the Country, Through Country Women” – an awkward reminder of white (conservative and radical) women’s complicity in the colonising process in this country."

Can't get a much more ringing endorsement than that.

Leonard's rural living datasheet and QnA thread. - scotian - 06-05-2017

Great thread Leonard, +1 from me.

I grew up in a small fishing village on the east coast of Canada and will hopefully return to rural living one day, my small town is only a 40 minute drive from a city of 400,000 so it isn't too rural but it is very peaceful and tight knit. Although my village is rural, its still within commuting distance to the big city jobs so housing prices are still pretty high but it doesn't have that sense of despair that other small communities further down the coast have, which are the welfare dependent towns that Leonard mentions. Houses in my are in the 200-300K range whereas if you continue down the coast they halve in price, even more.

If you're going to live in a rural area then I highly recommend getting into the hunting and fishing lifestyle for a few different reasons; its fun to do (and there isn't much entertainment in the sticks), its cheap (rifles, rods and licenses) its good, nutritious, hormone free food and the locals will respect you. Every fall in my town when its deer hunting season, the local guys will drive their trucks all over with a big dead deer strapped to the roof and everyone will know that they bagged one, they will also post this to Facebook. Same thing goes for fish in the spring, my FB feed has been non-stop photos of trout since April. Having some kind of ATV like a four wheeler or a side-by-side will help too, actually any toys will help you make friends but you probably don't want to go too crazy with the big ticket items because small town folk tend to be a bit envious, especially if its a poorer place.

If I end up back in a small village or town, I think I will try to live in one of the small university towns in Canada where the school is the main industry, along with a bit of agriculture or fishing. They are pleasant places and most have reasonable housing prices with decent rental markets for students. The locals tend to be better educated and not overly suspicious of outsiders because of so many students and staff passing through. As Leonard mentioned, some of the small, formerly resource towns that are now dying off are really shitty places to live, I've been to a few of them over the years, most recently a small oil and gas town in Alberta full of shitty motels, transient workers and meth head hookers, what a fucking dump.

Leonard's rural living datasheet and QnA thread. - evilhei - 06-05-2017

I need some cheap and easy chairs for visitors coming to my place in the country. I found this design here -

Anybody got some other similar alternatives in mind?

Leonard's rural living datasheet and QnA thread. - SamuelBRoberts - 06-05-2017

Quote: (06-05-2017 12:36 PM)evilhei Wrote:  

I need some cheap and easy chairs for visitors coming to my place in the country. I found this design here -

Anybody got some other similar alternatives in mind?

I would try buying cheap chairs. People love to sit on chairs, especially when compared to sitting on a two by four that you sawed up.

Leonard's rural living datasheet and QnA thread. - Rigsby - 06-05-2017

A most informative data sheet Leonard. Thank your for taking the time to share your experience from the arse end other side of the world!

I hope you don't mind me contributing my little experience here at the opposite arse end side of the world.

My experience has been very different to yours. Only to be expected I suppose. I do quite envy you (in a good way) with how well things have turned out for you. I hope you only go from strength to strength. I'm sure you will make the best of it, whatever it all throws at you.

My story of moving in to rural culture has been a little more 'soul-destroying' shall we say. Now, first off, I'll be first to admit, it may just be my general state of mind, perhaps I even have a bad attitude towards life, love and people. But I don't think so. My story is not uncommon in fact.

I live in England. The English are funny people. I want to like them. But they make it hard. I live in a notoriously difficult place. It is the most beautiful place of all the British Isles, but it is also recognized for being one of the most inhospitable to strangers. And we are all strangers here. You can never fit in if you weren't born here. Even though my ancestors from 3 generations back actually lived here, it doesn't count.

So, I was always on to a bit of a loser with this place.

Your data sheet makes perfect sense to me. It seems like you are in a place where people look out for each other, and it is a meritocracy of sorts. If you are prepared to put the hard work in, and make the sacrifices (lack of privacy) then you will be accepted in to the fold. There is nothing anyone can do here where I live. Life is easy. It's a town where people retire to die, in fact. No kids around. Except those little darlings cosseted by their proud proud parents.

You may be picking up on the fact that this isn't going to be a happy tale. And that would be right.

I lived in London for many many years. I couldn't wait to get the fuck out at the end of it all, but also I had no choice. I moved to another rural area. Beautiful place. Nice people. But never would you be accepted.

I remember going out to some of the local pubs, introducing myself, being honest, asking nothing of anyone, offering my services humbly where I could without overtly trying to ingratiate myself. I was accepted to an extent. Even liked. Not well-liked. But maybe that's just me. I plodded on. Things went quite well I thought. Slowly I built up my social profile.

Then one night, I went for bust. I was feeling isolated, lonely even, and I wanted to see the bright lights tonight. I made the mistake of going to the main local pub on a Saturday night, where everyone else wanted to see the bright lights as well.

It was rammed to the rafters, insanity. I'd never seen such a melee. I ventured forth, knowing that I knew quite a few of the chaps in there and I didn't mind waiting at the bar to get a pint. I never got served. I was openly ignored. Not a single person spoke to me. All my new found 'friends' from the week and the dead pubs taught me a lesson I'll never forget - 'you don't belong here - you will never be accepted here'. I think I got a pint eventually, but it crushed my soul so much I tucked tail and went home. I wasn't expecting it.

I thought that maybe I was having a bad night, and I ventured forth again a month or two later, after building up further relationships with locals. Maybe this time? Same shit. Nope, not imagining it. It's hard to fathom how people can be so fucking willfully two-faced, but there you go. They can.

It was the worst of both worlds. No anonymity or privacy as you so well explained, Leonard, but with the added ferocity of being shunned as well on top. I don't use the words 'soul crushing' lightly, but I would be lying to admit anything less.

I had to get out of town. I did. I moved to a new place.

I took it even slower this time. Trying to get the bearings.

Ventured forth to the local pub. Kept myself to myself, but not conspicuously so. I was friendly and amenable. I soon became a little popular. "Where are you from?", "What are you doing here?" - all asked with genuine affection and interest. I answered in kind.

It was not more than a week or two later, when I had been sussed out that I had been dropped like a hot stone. To have this in succession in relation to my recent failure, well, how would you feel? This time though, I felt a little 'used', as if I had been had. Doh!

Things never got better from there. I've been here 7/8 years now. I don't know a single soul. I have never been in to anyone else's house and no one has been in to mine. I do not go out to the pubs anymore (not for 4 years or so) - even then it was a rare occasion and always by myself. I did meet a nice Kiwi couple once when out one night. But when I saw them a year later, they were polite but had to leave very quickly. So much for that.

The pubs are empty, with a few of the local drunks. I don't want anything to do with them. Sometimes on a Friday/Saturday night you see a few kids getting loaded up, but they are openly hostile to anyone who is five years older than them, spoiling for a fight.

The close of houses where I live, people do not look at me or speak to me. I am a single man. Many young families pass through with kids. They are openly befriended. I am shunned. Even by the males and 'men' as well. I do not know a single soul and do not have a single friend. This is my life now. It won't change until I move out from here.

I don't think my experience is so different. I know of many other similar tales. It could be that I'm a mad looking bastard that smells and mutters profanities under his breath as he haphazardly saunters down the road. But again, I don't think so. I'm pretty normal in the grand scheme of things. If I had kids I'd be pounced on.

I suppose I could join the Church, and I had great plans for that for a while, but I don't think that will happen now. Too battered and bruised to put myself forward for further rejection. Self-protection kicks in. It's not ideal. But it is necessary.

I'm a very trustworthy person. I want to be a part of my community. I want to contribute. Sweat and tears if I have to. I have a lot to offer. I like to teach and I have several different skills from this to that. I don't have a criminal record. I don't have a sexual interest in children. I don't even have a sexual interest in women these days. That might sound funny, but you haven't seen the ham beasts that roam this land. There is a specific phenotype: short legged, low-slung, fat arse and ugly face.

In fact, the other day I noticed a young girl, just turned 16 I would say, got a new boyfriend. She is only 4 foot something - a midget - also, her fat arse is where most people's knees would be. She rocked up with a 20 year old Audi driving boyfriend who seems to be her first love. Fuck me. There is no hope for humanity. Her 'father' 6'5" of menace gave me attitude the other day when I was walking back from the shops. I've never talked to him. He has always made a point of ignoring me, of not even looking at me, but he still wants to play funny fuckers.

This is life in a rural setting today in England, UK. For a normal well-adjusted man. Not sure how much longer I can stay well-adjusted for.

There is no life around here. No clubs. Except for the walled garden of kiddy clubs. Even though I can pass an intrusive criminal records check, I would still always be seen as a weirdo. There is no hope.

I think I'll just leave it there as you probably get the picture by now. This is just my experience in a certain part of the world. A very brutal part of the world. English people really are a piece of work for the most part. But I prefer it here. Up north they are more friendly, but they also rob your house when you go to the shops as well. At least here there are no problems like that. I don't worry that my guitars won't be here when I get back after grabbing my beers.

I could probably analyse the situation more, but there probably isn't much more to it than small-minded little englanders. They hate the muslims, they hate anything different to them. But they won't ever say it. Cowards come in all shapes and sizes and I feel as if I am among the best of them here.

Leonard, I didn't mean to put a downer on your so very inspiring data sheet, I just thought I'd give a little perspective from this side of the big blue marble.

London was hard. But I know I could go back there tomorrow, walk in to the same pubs that I used to frequent 20 years ago, and there'd be one or two of the old boys left, and we'd have a drink and chew the fat. And I wouldn't get that feeling I got when I made the mistake of going in to the village pub that Saturday night, when the locals were having 'their time together' and I was made to feel the worse sort of cunt there is.

Positive advice?

If you live in London or any other major city in the UK, get your ducks in a row before you move out. Even if you have money, it won't go well for you. Get yourself some nice little Turkish refugee that has nothing to lose. Promise her the world. Make good. Start a family. But going in cold to any rural area of England is a form of suicide that is slow and painful. I think you get the point. No need to labour it further.

But all of this shit just makes my resolve stronger. One day, sweet lord, one fucking day...

This fucking world will be mine!

Leonard's rural living datasheet and QnA thread. - Leonard D Neubache - 06-05-2017

Great post, Rigs. Like I said in the OP, one of the reasons I wanted to start this thread was to learn how things differ in other parts of he world.

Country England is a bloody old place. What you're describing reminds me of the Shire that Bilbo Baggins lived in. Men with fantastical imaginations like Tolkien probably view these places the same way you do. It sounds like these spots are devoid of any real life.

I think perhaps that despite our colonial roots the Australian country folk have more in common with American country folk since there's a remnant of the pioneering spirit, whereas in England there's not a single rock that hasn't been kicked 100 times in the whole damn country.

I'm sure you'd be welcome in my little patch. Probably you'd be quite happy in rural Canada too. In any case, it would be worse. You could be in fucking Scotland.

[Image: 1006380.gif?b64lines=RGFtbmVkIFNjb3RzISA...NvdGxhbmQh]

Leonard's rural living datasheet and QnA thread. - Leonard D Neubache - 06-05-2017

Quote: (06-05-2017 12:36 PM)evilhei Wrote:  

I need some cheap and easy chairs for visitors coming to my place in the country. I found this design here -

Anybody got some other similar alternatives in mind?

If you're going to spend time rather than money then make something you can be proud of.

[Image: adirondack-chair-pallet.jpg]

Pallets can be gotten for free, but don't skimp on the sand paper.

Leonard's rural living datasheet and QnA thread. - Rigsby - 06-05-2017

Ah thanks Leonard. Yeah, it's a small space for sure.

Funny what you say about the Scots.

I'll let you in on a bit of a secret. I've got a little game going on. Can't say what it is. But I can say this:

The Scots aren't so bad at all. Prudishness reigns the day for many of them, but the new generation are very open minded. Edinburgh at least. Do you know where the biggest prudes of all are in Scotland? I'll tell you. Glasgow! Fuck me, they are wrapped up so tight it's not true. It's almost like they are religious or something.

Talking of Religion. Got some game going on too in Norn Iron (Northern Ireland). They are also quite prudish. But they have a few game girls going on. I really like Norn Iron girls. They are the best. But they are rare.

Also, we have places like Liverpool. You have never known such tight-arsed prudery until you have had to deal with a Liver Girl. Fuck me they are brutal beyond belief. They have no joy or play at all. My up and coming company just avoids them like the plague. Soul-less. Humour-less. Fucking deadly they are.

Then we have Yorkshire, and I must say they are much more game than the Lancashire lasses. Manchester (Lancashire) is another no-go area of soul-less tarts. Fuck me, they are dead from the neck up. Yorkshire lasses can be the worst of them or the best of them, but at least you stand a chance.

Anyway, rambling. Back to Scotland. Those girls are game as fuck. As long as they don't come from Glasgow. Some kind of abuse went on there where they just do not trust men at all. They will not give an inch. They will not take the chance. They are forever borne to be part of the abuse/avoidance cycle. So it is.

I'm down in the west of the country. And it's harder than all the rest.

There is always the North East where my viking family come from, but the men are dumb alcoholics and wannabee drug dealers.

Sometimes I think I want to get in to the game just to clean the streets up. I fucking hate drug dealers with a deathly vengeance. I hate how they destroy their communities. I hate how they turn all the other men in the community in to pussies.

Ah well, too much information. This is your thread bro'. Thanks for sharing. I really do wish you and all your family all the best for making things work out in the future. I'm sure you'll be ok.

I'll find my way out too as well at some point.

I love my country. But my countrymen are a fucking embarrassment. If they aren't upper class snobs justifying the class system, they are lower inverted snobs, justifying their paltry lives.

And never the twain shall meet.

Thanks again for sharing your stories. Please, don't hesitate to entertain us further with your every day tales from down under. Living the dream. One day your kids will realise what a wonderful Daddy they had. It'll be a few years yet probably, but that moment will be worth it's weight in Gold.

And the Salmon will swim back up the stream...

The lucky ones at least.

Leonard's rural living datasheet and QnA thread. - Chaos - 06-06-2017


Things never got better from there. I've been here 7/8 years now. I don't know a single soul. I have never been in to anyone else's house and no one has been in to mine. I do not go out to the pubs anymore (not for 4 years or so) - even then it was a rare occasion and always by myself.


I don't even have a sexual interest in women these days.


I do not know a single soul and do not have a single friend. This is my life now.

Rigsby my man. What are you doing to yourself and your life?

Leonard's rural living datasheet and QnA thread. - Malone - 06-06-2017

Rigsby, I feel your pain brother.

The year I lived in England was the most miserable of my life. The beer, the food and the roads are great (motorcycle!).

The people are angry and shitty generally, and the women are mostly fat. Some young guys I worked with that should have been swimming in pussy were settling for trash because that's all there was.

After a year of that, I'd never, ever go back. Get the fuck out of there brother! I can't believe you stomached that for this long.

Leonard's rural living datasheet and QnA thread. - Leonard D Neubache - 06-06-2017

Quote: (06-04-2017 11:58 PM)Laner Wrote:  

Tasmania eh, now its starting to come together.

I spent a good part of a year down there when my boss sent me to a farm north of Bicheno to do ranch work for a friend of his. Mostly fencing. A fck load of fencing.

It was good except when the owner got shitfaced. He had a homely German girl to do the cooking and he would drink a bunch of white Russians and then hit on her horribly. It got real bad one night so I stole his ute and took her into Bicheno for the last time. He became aggressive toward me so I quit too.

I did a weed harvest near Deloraine for a bit as well. This was better, I had a Japanese chick in Davenport and a cute little country girl in Launceston. Clipping buds was perhaps the worst job ever as I sat in a room with a bunch of stoned out hippy chicks all day. I managed to flip a bunch of weed in Melbourne for the guy and was tempted to do some more runs but thought better of it. I am not much of a drug guy.

I do love Tasmania, and of all the rural places in Oz its still my favorite. Its patchwork of villages and towns is about perfect for rural living, as nothing is too far from anything, unless you get down into the south west. But its pretty wet down there, the rolling hills in the north are bit more ideal. Also the beaches of the north east are perhaps the best in the world for this climate. The white sand is so fine it squeaks under foot.

Good for you Len, you chose a fantastic spot to live your life and raise a wonderful family.

Cheers, Laner (I meant to reply directly to this post earlier).

It's nice to know another RVFbro has walked these lands and can see the place with my eyes.

Drugs are an interesting part of the island. From the time I arrived I was warned by the locals of various spots to avoid.

The drug game down here is a losing prospect for anyone not willing to go hard. Trusted local sources tell me that it takes the coppers about three to four years to cotton on to a serious grower and sniff them out. Given how isolated much of the bush is, with fantastic natural rainfall, the winning premise is (apparently) to grow a fucking ridiculous amount of weed over two or three years, sell it to distributors and then close up shop for a few years more.

Apparently a few local guys have made close to half a million bucks over 3 years doing it that way and never gotten caught. Not exactly "retire fat and happy" money but pretty good for a bunch of country hicks that dropped out of school ASAP.

Leonard's rural living datasheet and QnA thread. - Dream Medicine - 06-06-2017

Quote: (06-04-2017 07:24 AM)aphelion Wrote:  

Leonard is quickly becoming one of the most valuable posters in RvF...

Called it -

Quote: (05-30-2017 05:27 AM)Dream Medicine Wrote: the case of LDN he really does walk the walk when it comes to being an independently-minded patriarch. By establishing a legacy on his own terms, far removed from the beaten track of conspicuous consumption and fleeting hedonism, he offers a successful model to emulate for young men looking to establish their own family with a traditional, loyal, feminine woman...

Quote: (06-04-2017 07:24 AM)aphelion Wrote:  

...All of this is ultra real talk.

Indeed, what a post. Highly thought-provoking. I'll need some time to digest it all. LDN - get ready for a lot of questions.

It's threads like this that illustrate the eye-opening range of maverick lifestyles enjoyed by the RVF membership, and to me, this represents a potent reminder of how great this community can be.

[Image: giphy.gif]


For the readers across the globe wondering "So what does the lifestyle of LDN look like?", well, I happen to have an insider's peek into his world - and one that I feel compelled to share (apologies for the doxxing in advance).

How LDN gets around in the big smoke...

[Image: tumblr_mvq31qhzvo1swh3svo1_400.gif]

...for his upcoming appearance on ROK's outback cooking channel:

[Image: giphy.gif]

Then coming home to his wife's cooking:

[Image: giphy.gif]

Followed up by his monthly rain dance:

[Image: giphy.gif]

And a friendly g'day for when those 23 snakes slither by:

[Image: A6Nrv.gif]

Leonard's rural living datasheet and QnA thread. - Conquerer7 - 06-06-2017

Quote: (06-05-2017 08:42 PM)Rigsby Wrote:  

Ah thanks Leonard. Yeah, it's a small space for sure.

Funny what you say about the Scots.

I'll let you in on a bit of a secret. I've got a little game going on. Can't say what it is. But I can say this:

The Scots aren't so bad at all. Prudishness reigns the day for many of them, but the new generation are very open minded. Edinburgh at least. Do you know where the biggest prudes of all are in Scotland? I'll tell you. Glasgow! Fuck me, they are wrapped up so tight it's not true. It's almost like they are religious or something.

Talking of Religion. Got some game going on too in Norn Iron (Northern Ireland). They are also quite prudish. But they have a few game girls going on. I really like Norn Iron girls. They are the best. But they are rare.

Also, we have places like Liverpool. You have never known such tight-arsed prudery until you have had to deal with a Liver Girl. Fuck me they are brutal beyond belief. They have no joy or play at all. My up and coming company just avoids them like the plague. Soul-less. Humour-less. Fucking deadly they are.

Then we have Yorkshire, and I must say they are much more game than the Lancashire lasses. Manchester (Lancashire) is another no-go area of soul-less tarts. Fuck me, they are dead from the neck up. Yorkshire lasses can be the worst of them or the best of them, but at least you stand a chance.

Anyway, rambling. Back to Scotland. Those girls are game as fuck. As long as they don't come from Glasgow. Some kind of abuse went on there where they just do not trust men at all. They will not give an inch. They will not take the chance. They are forever borne to be part of the abuse/avoidance cycle. So it is.

I'm down in the west of the country. And it's harder than all the rest.

There is always the North East where my viking family come from, but the men are dumb alcoholics and wannabee drug dealers.

Sometimes I think I want to get in to the game just to clean the streets up. I fucking hate drug dealers with a deathly vengeance. I hate how they destroy their communities. I hate how they turn all the other men in the community in to pussies.

Ah well, too much information. This is your thread bro'. Thanks for sharing. I really do wish you and all your family all the best for making things work out in the future. I'm sure you'll be ok.

I'll find my way out too as well at some point.

I love my country. But my countrymen are a fucking embarrassment. If they aren't upper class snobs justifying the class system, they are lower inverted snobs, justifying their paltry lives.

And never the twain shall meet.

Thanks again for sharing your stories. Please, don't hesitate to entertain us further with your every day tales from down under. Living the dream. One day your kids will realise what a wonderful Daddy they had. It'll be a few years yet probably, but that moment will be worth it's weight in Gold.

And the Salmon will swim back up the stream...

The lucky ones at least.

For anyone interested, Glasgow girls are in general quite insecure (hence the makeup and attitude) and from my experience really only entertain a guy when they are drunk or out at night. It is great for night game though if you are from here. Social circle is big and 99% of social activities involve going to the pub/club with your friends so it tends to be big groups. Rarely do you see groups of 2/3 on a night out and most will have some sort of beta tagging along. From working in the nightlife industry If you have a Scottish accent you will at least get talking but most girls won't give anyone from outside Scotland/UK a chance, either straight up walking away, friends coming over or using the attitude to reject the guy harshly. You rarely see a girl under 35 with a foreign person. Social circle/nightgame is king.

Back to Leonard's great thread [Image: smile.gif]

Leonard's rural living datasheet and QnA thread. - debeguiled - 06-06-2017

Damn Rigsby, when I was living in a market town in the UK, I thought the problem was me. My only friends were foreigners and people who worked for me.

Too bad I didn't know you back then, you could have hung out with us.

[Image: Animal-House0016.jpeg]

Leonard's rural living datasheet and QnA thread. - rudebwoy - 06-06-2017

Great thread by the OP, takes a certain character to live like that.

Rigsby, nice post my man.
Your not getting served in a pub is a typical scenario in the UK, don't feel bad.

Leonard's rural living datasheet and QnA thread. - Kona - 06-06-2017

Quote: (06-05-2017 08:21 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Quote: (06-05-2017 12:36 PM)evilhei Wrote:  

I need some cheap and easy chairs for visitors coming to my place in the country. I found this design here -

Anybody got some other similar alternatives in mind?

If you're going to spend time rather than money then make something you can be proud of.

[Image: adirondack-chair-pallet.jpg]

Pallets can be gotten for free, but don't skimp on the sand paper.

Great thread!

However, please be careful everyone when jumping on the making-stuff-out-of-old-pallets train.

You don't know where that thing has been. It could have been under the Mexican toxic waste drum, or the salmonella recall, or who knows what. I'd hate to see a guy that just dodged 23 snakes come home and sit in a pile of e coli.


Leonard's rural living datasheet and QnA thread. - Leonard D Neubache - 06-06-2017

Kona makes a good point.

In any case, building stuff is rarely worth the time unless finding work in your area is downright impossible. Better to just find work and buy the damn chairs.

Still, there are other places to find throwaway lumber out here that are less likely to be swimming in radioactive e-coli.

Leonard's rural living datasheet and QnA thread. - evilhei - 06-08-2017

Came down to the country yesterday after full day of stress and meetings in the city. Now enjoying the quietness, barbecuing some sausages for breakfast and then start doing work via the Skype. Thankfully in Estonia we have 4g internet available even in the deepest forest. I have no problem streaming movies here in the middle of nowhere.

I need to do something with this big oak tree, Its too close to the houses and i'm afraid that at some point some of its branches will fall and destroy the roof.

[Image: 20170608_085103.jpg]

Leonard's rural living datasheet and QnA thread. - Dirkus - 06-08-2017

Nice post Leonard.

Interesting as I feel this is quite relevant to my situation. I've been working 4 month stints in rural WA over the past year - albeit I don't think we can consider towns with ~30k all that rural - namely Geraldton, Kalgoorlie, Albany. Pretty decent centres with sizeable hospitals (I'm a nurse) - so I've hardly got the 'people know when you're heading to the laundromat, buying your groceries' vibe however, you do frequently see the same faces. And the same patients in the hospitals.. 'frequent flyers' we call them.

But all the same Albany for instance, for its size, you certainly feel a lot of 'click' to the place and can tell outsiders don't easily break in. I'm not putting roots down in these places and that's obvious - it supports the 'bring your own lady' ideal rather than hunting. Although in my line of work, THOTs inevitably present themselves and I take the opportunities when they arise - which is pretty much my go to in rural life given the alternative Trailer Trash that presents itself. YOLO and all - I'm still yet to try some native tail [Image: dodgy.gif] but alas things haven't got *that* desperate. But in seriousness, it works for me cause I don't get lonely and easily amuse myself with my own hobbies and interests - and save basically 90% of my coin with cheap subsidised accomodation also. The social interaction I get is limited to my work colleagues which is reasonably tolerable I'd say.

Having said that - my next stop is a town of ~700 people way up north in the Pilbara so I think that will finally give me a genuine taste of what you're describing with the <1k population.

I'm looking forward to it.

Leonard's rural living datasheet and QnA thread. - Mikan - 06-08-2017

I live in the country in the US. Most of my post history on this board references rural living in some way. There are some notable differences between rural America, esp. the South and Appalchia, and Aus.

Police - Nothing lazy about rural police in the US, they are everywhere and have some of the highest LEO to citizen ratios in the world. The closest town to my farm has 800 residents about about 45 police, all but 2 or 3 part-time. Their primary function is to use the traffic code as a revenue generator for the ltown. The town has a single numbered state highway as the "main road" and there is a cruiser parked at both ends at the municipal boarder 24/7. AAA and other auto clubs identify these towns as "nuicance" municipalities and advise drivers to avoid them. It has a notable negative impact on local businesses as well but no one gives a shit. Many states have laws that will disband a town if a certain percentage of their budget (usually 70%+) comes from traffic enforcement, but it can take years to grind through the courts. Here is a good example:,_Ohio

This was mostly resolved because it happened in Ohio, which has somewhat sane laws about this sort of thing. There are hundereds of towns in the southern US that have been operating like this for decades and are unlikely to stop unless forced by their states, which is unlikely (with the possible esception of Georgia, wealthy people from the coasts moving to GA has begun to effect their government)

State police/Highway patrol do the same for State coffers. Its not unusual for people that work in law enforcement to do traffic enforcement for 2-4 different agencies, just changing their shirt and hopping in a different cruiser to get some OT hours in the neighboring town.

The county Sherrif depts actually work for a living enforcing laws and have a tough job, espcially with how cheap heroin has gotten. Every Sherrif and deputy I have interacted with have been upright, decent folk.

Another major difference is firearm ownership. Everyone I know owns at least a couple "farm" guns, a couple shotguns in various sizes and a .22 cal rifle of some sort. Many will also have handguns and rifle collections ranging from "a few" to "private arsenal". CCW permit holding is also very common (I have one).

The religious life of the area has evolved a lot in the last 30 years. Church attendance is still high, but the actual effects of religion on people's behavior has mutated in strange ways. My sister-in-law (mid 30s)considers herself a devout Southern Baptist, but she and most of the women in her Church apply absolutely no stigma to divorce, fornication or welping bastards and have all done some or all of these behaviors. They do still look down on adultry or "cheating" generally and mate poaching.

Leonard's rural living datasheet and QnA thread. - nomadbrah - 06-08-2017

Nailed it [Image: biggrin.gif]

1000 inhabitants is really rural though, I think most people would be surprised at just how rural that is in many parts of the world.

If going wife hunting for this kind of lifestyle, I might just move to the nearest 10.000 pop city, preferably with a hospital, school, education, where young women go and meet a girl there. Lots of them work there but live rural.

Leonard's rural living datasheet and QnA thread. - RoastBeefCurtains4Me - 06-08-2017

Quote: (06-04-2017 03:01 PM)Chaos Wrote:  

Great post.

I have grown up and lived most of my life in a place like you are describing. It's on the other side of the world in the far north but it sounds identical. Except for the shotgun weddings. We bring knives.

I have travelled and spent time in many cities in 60 countries all over the world and I would never switch my own village, house and land for any other place. And raising a family anywhere else is unthinkable when I know how great and safe my place is.

However, about the girls. Here, most girls move away for studies when they are young, many have fallen for the career dream and they are aiming to live their life in California,Australia or any other mainstream trendy place. The result of that is that we have a lot of single men. You have to catch the girls before they head out studying somewhere. It's not trendy and popular to live on the countryside and it seems like a fair share of girls consider themselves as failures if they are not living in a metropolis.

The screening you describe is hilarious but very true. I have both dragged a Russian girl and Ukranian girl to live me for a while and they got screened pretty hard.

With that said, because the life in the forest is pretty silent most of the time I like to travel and spend time abroad a few times every year.
90% of the time I go to big cities because I enjoy the buzz.

I used to think for a while that I was dealt a bad hand of cards in life because I'm born in a place like this, but after traveling around the world, living in cities and meeting all sorts of people I have realised how insanely lucky I am. Having your own land and mansion, living in a community with your family close around you is pretty good.

I'm in the 22nd generation of owners of this place, straight bloodline from father to son for more than 520 years, perhaps even longer but they didn't track people any earlier than that.

I guess it's time and my duty to start making some children for the 23rd generation.

I'd say so! Fuck! 22 generations in one place, then let it end with you? You are under an old fashioned quest my friend! Get a suitable wife, and make a lot of babies. Don't let your forefathers down.

Leonard's rural living datasheet and QnA thread. - Chaos - 06-08-2017

^ Ha, yeah man, my plan is to make it happen within the next five years or so. What I have been thinking about is from where I should bring one. I don't have much faith or will in to getting one from the same village. Let's see.

I forgot to mention that the 23rd generation is already secured since my brother got kids.

Leonard's rural living datasheet and QnA thread. - Zanardi - 06-08-2017


I also say that this datasheet is mostly true here in Romania as well. I am trying to game a female student of mine for an LTR. She's 20 and she comes from a nearby village of Ploiesti (10 km or so). Things go excruciatingly slowly, but surely in the right direction. Her attitude suits very well with the rural mentality.

Leonard's rural living datasheet and QnA thread. - Spectrumwalker - 06-09-2017

Man, this thread could use some music. +1 Leonard.