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What's Holding You Back in the Workplace? - Goelsaab - 10-06-2015

In my line of work(corporate law), the main issues that I have seen stopping women are: lack of analytical ability,lack of desire for hard work. As you guys would probably know that in my field, it is important to write business like language and be precise with your words, the girls tend to use thesaurus indiscriminately.When you know you are not very gifted, you learn the skills in your free time and then apply the skills. Girls tend to do neither- neither do they upgrade their skills nor do they apply(after all, what do you have to apply anyway?) They tend to blow up silly issues(like should I use "Garamond" across the documents or "Book Antiqua") and remain silent on the issues that actually have monetary implications(they just are not cut out for finance). When a big issue crops up, they tend to ask colleagues for solutions and not work on solutions themselves, by researching case laws and journals. So, in my view, it is just that they do not have innate capacity to work hard and apply themselves.

Forgot to add- There is always a facebook window minimised/open on their computer screens

What's Holding You Back in the Workplace? - MrLemon - 10-06-2015

Quote: (10-05-2015 08:39 PM)The Father Wrote:  

God must have sent you from Heaven with these words of wisdom. I took a new job not that long ago, and I work for a middle-aged frumpy woman. Depressed, fat, ugly, older, brings her personal life into the office. All the typical stuff. Plus, ALL OF MY PEERS are women!! It's really a challenge. We have these THREE HOUR meetings, and NOTHIGN gets done! Just one tangent after another. The first 20 minutes of the meeting are spent talking about people's kids. So I said once, maybe we could get to business. And I was told how important it was that the girls bond with each other, build a relationship. THEY'VE ALL BEEN WORKING TOGETHER FOR 15 YEARS!! I'd say they have a relationship.

Some days I think I can't take another day. Than I read a post like this, and I realize, everything that is happening to me is perfectly normal. And, I CHOSE this company and this job, because it's a high level position at a great company. So I just need to suck it up and pad my resume until I leverage this role into a better one.

I used to say I'd never work for a woman again. I made an exception. I'm getting exactly what I should have expected.

Crap. This describes my latest job in a nutshell. I worked SO DAMN HARD to move to a company that was primarily high-skilled males. Failed. Ended up in another miserable women-run company again -- a depressing sign of my own lack of corporate skills/game.

What's Holding You Back in the Workplace? - AneroidOcean - 10-06-2015

What's holding women back in the workplace is almost always themselves, though they'd be loathe to admit it. The exceptions I've worked with prove the rule (that women are holding themselves back).

1. Jr Executive - She could be just as much of a royal bitch as the Sr Executive (who was male) but she got shit done, could look past pettiness to the meat of the work, and she worked her ass off. Nobody could question whether she put in the hours/work, so while a lot of people didn't like working for her that much, they respected her.

2. Customer Service Manager - While the whole CS team (almost entirely female) liked to gossip and chat, they got shit done and were always willing to help out anyone in the company with just about anything. As a result most of the departments would help them even if they didn't really want to because they were team players and dealt with all the shit we didn't want to. Occasionally she'd send me technical-oriented CS stuff to deal with and even though it was nowhere near my job description I'd sort it out and tell my boss tough shit if he wondered why I was working on it. Some of these women were truly ugly or very fat, but they were pleasant and happy around work. Respect.

3. Data Analyst - She became a good friend of mine. I initially hated her because she seemed like she was trying too hard to fit in and was overly "nerdifying" herself, but then I realized that's truly who she was. She was genuinely always willing to help out and if she didn't know how to do something she could figure it out on her own or find the right person to learn from. I truly value her friendship, I wish I lived closer to her now. She could truly make me stop and think. Rare acumen for a woman in the workplace, especially in tech.

I loathe moving to a new job and finding myself under or working with incompetent females. I've already seen it in a contracting gig I've got where idiot women that should've never even been considered for management get into the training program and are fast-tracked only because they're female. Basic requirements are ignored in favor of having a woman manager. I was very fortunate to work in an understaffed/overachieving environment to experience mostly solid females in the workplace. It's been a downhill trend since then, although some of the receptionists are so pleasant to work with.

What's Holding You Back in the Workplace? - The Father - 10-06-2015


What's Holding You Back in the Workplace? - Simeon_Strangelight - 10-07-2015

No doubt there are some highly competent and hard-working women out there. I have met a number of them among the sea of incompetents. There were even some rare ones who were super-intelligent.

But the thing is that most of them lose resolve and motivation around 30 - there was even a Wallstreet Journal article on that. Most women were tired out by the workplace after some time and frankly had little motivation to push forward. While the WSJ did not admit it of course - the truth is that they all likely felt that something was missing in their lives (children) and they also realized that competing non-stop with men and others is not what women like to do.

In my opinion a sane or balanced system would look like this:

1) Women go to school to age 18
2) 18-22 go out and find the best husband material, marry, have fun with husband, have child nr. 1
3) 22-28 spend time with kid, be a happy housewife, start studying what they want to do later in life, start online courses and university classes online, have maybe child nr 2
4) 28 either go to advanced studies if she is highly intelligent or do a short course, pick a profession they would enjoy doing for the next decades if they even want to do that since men should make enough for entire family

In my opinion most women would probably choose a part-time job that involves nursing, taking care of children or pets, teaching etc. Stop with the crappy pretense of wanting to go into male jobs - that is just bullshit. It's not just the police force, army - it's also the corporate ladder to which women are badly suited. They can be secretaries and eye candy.

In such a system women would be by far more happy and men would get hot young wives with a low n-count. Women could spend time with their young children and start working after they have grown a bit. They would retain their figures better since they would be all young mothers and most important of all - they would be much happier as would be the men. Later on they could work doing something they like since the men should always make enough to upkeep the family. So their jobs would actually be a choice of interest and passion - let men do jobs they hate. The nurturing balance of women is best suited if they are happy and relaxed when husband comes home from his stressful work - a lovingly cooked meal and a blowjob are done better by a wife who hasn't pushed paper all day or pretended to be a man.

Ah - but I could wish for a unicorn for our loving elite has a completely different plan in store for us of family destruction and not family creation.

What's Holding You Back in the Workplace? - Easy_C - 10-07-2015

Nice idea, but if we implement it then how are we supposed to have all children raised and indoctrinated by the government from birth?

What's Holding You Back in the Workplace? - WalterBlack - 10-07-2015

Quote: (10-07-2015 03:07 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

In my opinion a sane or balanced system would look like this:

1) Women go to school to age 18
2) 18-22 go out and find the best husband material, marry, have fun with husband, have child nr. 1
3) 22-28 spend time with kid, be a happy housewife, start studying what they want to do later in life, start online courses and university classes online, have maybe child nr 2
4) 28 either go to advanced studies if she is highly intelligent or do a short course, pick a profession they would enjoy doing for the next decades if they even want to do that since men should make enough for entire family

A lot UK Pakistani women from educated families already do something similar to this...They get married quite young, move in with their husband and his parents. They pop out a few kids and then she goes to school and her in laws and close relatives help take care of the kids.

What's Holding You Back in the Workplace? - Grodin - 10-07-2015

Zelcorpian, I think your system makes a lot of sense and that most women would find it agreeable if they tuned out certain influences and gave it serious consideration. I also think a lot of older women would see the wisdom in such a system, provided they've dealt with their pride and are being honest with themselves.

It's also not that far from the system we used to have. Quite a few women went to university prior to feminism, the difference is that while in school, serious relationships and future family life were a large part of their consideration.

The university engineering program I attended had an exceptional number of female students. In fact, my graduating class had more women than men. A number of them indeed had serious math and science aptitudes, and outperformed the men at academics. Bear with me, I'm going somewhere with this. While some of these students ended up with career success in engineering, at least 50% of them 'dropped out' of that career and focused on raising families. And from what I have seen, those who made that choice are living happy lives.

I've got a theory on finding a good wife and it contradicts a lot of what you'll commonly hear around these parts. I think one of the best places to find a wife is in college. I also think serious or at least studious students make better wives, because lazy women make terrible wives and for other reasons. It's often assumed that serious college women make career women, and career women are bad... but there are a lot of them that somewhat quietly want to be family women. I think you'll find them more often in colleges that aren't incredibly overpriced.... ie state universities in conservative states. You won't find them in the sororities.