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What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Printable Version

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What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - realologist - 04-19-2015

Quote: (04-19-2015 03:06 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (04-19-2015 02:34 PM)realologist Wrote:  

*Have the experts in energy create a self-sustaining energy source for use only on my island

*Have the space experts create my own version of NASA and start exploring the solar system, galaxy and universe. Eventually I would go to space with them

I see that quite a few here have very elaborate schemes on how to commit suicide.

Other good suicidal ideas:

+ Finance whistle blowers worldwide to come forward and publish their truths
+ create a political party with billions in financing and push for interest-free money creation and against usury
+ Finance and invite all scientists working on powerful alternative energy, propulsion technology, new powerful batteries, alternative medicine that is hard to patent - put billions into it

Creating your own country and arming it is also instantly a death penalty. (You may arm your private island like a Bond villain as much as you wish. Against truly modern weapons system that disrupt electronics, brainwaves etc. that are currently hardly used - all those things are useless anyway. )

All of those steps are fantastic designs to get yourself killed - even have your family and pets meet the grim reaper too in one more famous murder-suicide scheme.

I see what you are saying. I'm sure all the super powers would unite against the island.

Another idea would be to hire a team of scientists to create a time machine and travel around the world in different ages.

A more realistic idea would to still buy the same island and hire my own full staff and have homes in all my favorite places around the world.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - SirTimothy - 04-19-2015

I'd buy my own private island with a castle,
[Image: attachment.jpg25954]   

and an Me262,
[Image: attachment.jpg25955]   

[Image: attachment.jpg25956]   

and of course, use my wealth to take over the world
[Image: attachment.jpg25957]   

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Mike5055 - 04-19-2015

Most dangerous game! That's what I'd do!

Oh and fund research to make me live a really long time and somehow build a star destroyer.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Oz. - 04-19-2015

Build myself an ironman suit so I could fly to China for some take out

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Aliblahba - 04-19-2015

I'd buy some sharks with freakin' lasers on their foreheads.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Hardy Daytona - 04-20-2015

-Purchase an independent, remote landmass. Preferably island or large man-made construct.
-Establish Militaires Sans Frontières (Soldiers without Borders) a nation of soldiers voluntarily assembled from around the world.
-It would become a mercenary army that combines the full range of military services, including combat, logistics, training, weapons, outfitting, and R&D. Free from nation-states, it could provide military force for anyone who needs it, regardless of ideology, religion, race or creed.
-Going where we'd be needed, fighting not for country, not for government, but for ourselves - our purpose defined by the era we live in.
-Eventually we would become a new driving force in the world economy as a deterrent for those with no other recourse.

Also I'd buy Emma Watson and turn her into a Dubai girl. Because every girl has their price.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Simeon_Strangelight - 04-20-2015

I see that plenty of RVF members would erect Bond Villain islands and arm to the teeth:

[Image: volcanodrawing.JPG]

Then you add this:

[Image: girls_2_280.jpg]

And then a proper meeting place right next to the shark tank:

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4_xuR8IPNz1wrUGawQBS...LxtBzgzk44]

And then you have the correct RVF place that is fit to survive the fattening as well as a Zombie apocalypse. Cannot blame you guys really since I would likely do something similar.

RVF meetup in 20 years:

[Image: evil-laugh.gif]

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Pride male - 04-20-2015

I would start a porn company, a strip club, a regular club, a hair dressing company and a shop that sells womens clothes. Or, and also a modelling agency.

Try to get a notch in every country on earth and write Bang World.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Private Man - 04-20-2015

Start a massive media campaign to:

Remind Americans on the importance of men in our culture

Educating women about declining fertility after a certain age

Educating everyone that women commit abuse in much larger numbers than is believed.

Start a child support "scholarship" for guys who are in arrears.

Provide free legal counsel to men who are divorcing

Buy a copy of Athol Kay's book for every married couple in the country.

Buy a copy of Rollo's book for every man over 14 in the country.

Start "Finishing Schools" for guys to better their social skills

Create a chain of secret and private men's clubs

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - godfather dust - 04-20-2015

I'd probably go the Charlie Sheen route. Drugs and hookers. Maybe rent a mansion in Dubai and shit on these hoes. Dead within a year.

Barring that I'd be on that Escobar tip, fund a private army and fuck shit up.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - la_mode - 04-24-2015

Gold chains, jet skis, fast cars, nightclubs. Custom suited down.