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Asperger's Syndrome Girl! - Delta - 04-29-2016

This thread makes me want to go find myself an Aspie girl. When you're accustomed to average looking, demanding, listless serial daters, it sounds pretty appealing to have a well-intentioned hottie who will appreciate you just for putting up with her weird personality. I feel like with an Aspie, you could get somewhere just sitting down and having a normal conversation with her. Putting on the comedy act most girls expect would be unnecessary. It's an oddly calming proposition.

Asperger's Syndrome Girl! - TheWhiteWolf - 07-23-2016

OK time for a little rant. In my opinion girls with aspergers some of the biggest hypocrites on the planet. They talk about wanting
a guy with perfect social skills without having the slightest idea how to socially interact themselves. I’ve been banned from many Asperger’s forms for pointing this out. it’s completely goes against nature. If guys with AS have trouble dating regular girls them why should women with AS be allowed to date Alpha guys. They should be forced to date guys with aspergers since we share the same defective x chromosome. Sorry for venting it's just an issue that really upsets me

Asperger's Syndrome Girl! - debeguiled - 07-23-2016

Maybe they can't help it.

Asperger's Syndrome Girl! - Mercenary - 07-23-2016

Quote: (07-23-2016 01:58 PM)TheWhiteWolf Wrote:  

OK time for a little rant. In my opinion girls with aspergers some of the biggest hypocrites on the planet. They talk about wanting
a guy with perfect social skills without having the slightest idea how to socially interact themselves. I’ve been banned from many Asperger’s forms for pointing this out. it’s completely goes against nature. If guys with AS have trouble dating regular girls them why should women with AS be allowed to date Alpha guys. They should be forced to date guys with aspergers since we share the same defective x chromosome. Sorry for venting it's just an issue that really upsets me

Aspergers girls who are young and good looking get away with doing whatever the hell they want.

Dont be upset....just improve yourself so they want you instead of someone else.

Asperger's Syndrome Girl! - TheWhiteWolf - 07-23-2016

I think autistic men would be a lot happier if they had the balls to fight for what for what is rightfully theirs. I for one do not take no for an answer when coming from an autistic girl. I take what is mine. I think having a little entitlement complex is healthy.

Asperger's Syndrome Girl! - DarkTriad - 07-23-2016

Quote: (07-23-2016 01:58 PM)TheWhiteWolf Wrote:  

OK time for a little rant. In my opinion girls with aspergers some of the biggest hypocrites on the planet. They talk about wanting
a guy with perfect social skills without having the slightest idea how to socially interact themselves. I’ve been banned from many Asperger’s forms for pointing this out. it’s completely goes against nature. If guys with AS have trouble dating regular girls them why should women with AS be allowed to date Alpha guys. They should be forced to date guys with aspergers since we share the same defective x chromosome. Sorry for venting it's just an issue that really upsets me

Even ugly guys with big guts want thin and beautiful women. And if they're rich or famous they get them. Young and attractive is the woman's "rich and famous". You only "deserve" what you can make happen for yourself. You've got to play the hand you're dealt. The guy who got himself autistically obsessed with music, martial arts or other productive interest is slaying top shelf poon, what's your excuse?

Asperger's Syndrome Girl! - Gpx90210 - 07-24-2016

Why do you care? Are you going to date her or some shit? Meet up and bang bro. If shes cool, go through with it. If not, just ditch. Sounds kinda mean but it's part of the game.

Asperger's Syndrome Girl! - Dantes - 07-24-2016

What is next? Dating retarded girls...

Find a normal girl

Asperger's Syndrome Girl! - Dantes - 07-24-2016

Quote: (07-23-2016 01:58 PM)TheWhiteWolf Wrote:  

OK time for a little rant. In my opinion girls with aspergers some of the biggest hypocrites on the planet. They talk about wanting
a guy with perfect social skills without having the slightest idea how to socially interact themselves. I’ve been banned from many Asperger’s forms for pointing this out. it’s completely goes against nature. If guys with AS have trouble dating regular girls them why should women with AS be allowed to date Alpha guys. They should be forced to date guys with aspergers since we share the same defective x chromosome. Sorry for venting it's just an issue that really upsets me

Why are you spending so much time on Asperger's forums unless you have this diagnosis yourself?

Getting banned from an Asperger's forum is sad.

Is it that bad out there, that men from this Forum are seriously considering dating Autistic girls? What is escaping this discussion is how impaired these people are. In many cases, they are considered "disabled" in the eyes of the law. Their parents may even have legal guardianship over them. They are unable to have a normal relationship. Don't give any serious thought to what they are looking for. Their failure to understand themselves is just a manifestation of their disability.

Asperger's Syndrome Girl! - Suits - 07-24-2016

Quote: (07-23-2016 05:42 PM)TheWhiteWolf Wrote:  

I think autistic men would be a lot happier if they had the balls to fight for what for what is rightfully theirs. I for one do not take no for an answer when coming from an autistic girl. I take what is mine. I think having a little entitlement complex is healthy.

Where are you on the spectrum?

Asperger's Syndrome Girl! - Mercenary - 07-24-2016

Quote: (07-24-2016 07:58 AM)Dantes Wrote:  

Quote: (07-23-2016 01:58 PM)TheWhiteWolf Wrote:  

OK time for a little rant. In my opinion girls with aspergers some of the biggest hypocrites on the planet. They talk about wanting
a guy with perfect social skills without having the slightest idea how to socially interact themselves. I’ve been banned from many Asperger’s forms for pointing this out. it’s completely goes against nature. If guys with AS have trouble dating regular girls them why should women with AS be allowed to date Alpha guys. They should be forced to date guys with aspergers since we share the same defective x chromosome. Sorry for venting it's just an issue that really upsets me

Why are you spending so much time on Asperger's forums unless you have this diagnosis yourself?

Getting banned from an Asperger's forum is sad.

Is it that bad out there, that men from this Forum are seriously considering dating Autistic girls? What is escaping this discussion is how impaired these people are. In many cases, they are considered "disabled" in the eyes of the law. Their parents may even have legal guardianship over them. They are unable to have a normal relationship. Don't give any serious thought to what they are looking for. Their failure to understand themselves is just a manifestation of their disability.

Dantes, there is no need to be this harsh.

As for finding a "normal" girl......that is becoming quite impossible in the over entitled arrogant female slut culture of the west.

Shyness and vunerability in a woman is attractive to it any wonder that the only women left in the west who are like this are those disabilities ? If you go read the threads on deaf or blind girls on RVF you still see the same thing being discussed....its a sad reality.

This is why i prefer asian girls.

Asperger's Syndrome Girl! - Dantes - 07-24-2016


My response was not intended to be harsh.

I believe that most men in this community have the ability to transcend the problems with western women, either through traveling abroad or developing better game to attract quality women. I have personally witnessed men make significant changes in their life with the help of this community.

Vulnerability and shyness can be attractive qualities in women. I wouldn't characterize autistic people as such. They have a fundamental neurological condition which is a disability and impairs their ability for social interaction. This is not simply being shy.

If you have ever worked or have relatives with such an affliction, you will understand where I'm coming from.

I don't think dating women on the Spectrum is a good idea, just as with any other mental disorder.

Asperger's Syndrome Girl! - Mercenary - 07-24-2016

I dated 2 or 3 girls with aspergers (with the 3rd i wasnt sure if she was or not). They were good looking and feminine and you really couldn't tell they had any problems and it was only after a long time i figured out they had this condition.

You need to deferentiate between aspergers and full on autism....these are 2 different things. An aspergers person can live a 100% normal independent life. An autistic person cannot.

Yes, as men we can improve ourselves, but to change the women around us is a whole other matter. You are battling against 50 years of feminist cultural unless you find a virgin, you are basically trying to reform sluts to be feminine women again. A waste of time in my opinion....i rather chase after girls who still act like women should and that isnt in the west.

Aspergers men have it a lot harder than aspergers girls....because like all men the burden of performance to approach and seduce a girl is on them. An aspergers girl just has to look good and men will come to her. In fact her apparent naivete and bookworm nerd attitude is also attractve to a lot of guys.

I didnt seek out aspergers girls on purpose....but i have a niche taste in shy cute geek girls with glasses which often turn out to be aspergers girls.

Asperger's Syndrome Girl! - Dantes - 07-24-2016

Quote: (07-24-2016 11:17 AM)Mercenary Wrote:  

I dated 2 or 3 girls with aspergers (with the 3rd i wasnt sure if she was or not). They were good looking and feminine and you really couldn't tell they had any problems and it was only after a long time i figured out they had this condition.

You need to deferentiate between aspergers and full on autism....these are 2 different things. An aspergers person can live a 100% normal independent life. An autistic person cannot.

Yes, as men we can improve ourselves, but to change the women around us is a whole other matter. You are battling against 50 years of feminist cultural unless you find a virgin, you are basically trying to reform sluts to be feminine women again. A waste of time in my opinion....i rather chase after girls who still act like women should and that isnt in the west.

Aspergers men have it a lot harder than aspergers girls....because like all men the burden of performance to approach and seduce a girl is on them. An aspergers girl just has to look good and men will come to her. In fact her apparent naivete and bookworm nerd attitude is also attractve to a lot of guys.

I didnt seek out aspergers girls on purpose....but i have a niche taste in shy cute geek girls with glasses which often turn out to be aspergers girls.

Yes there is different between Autism and Asperger's. Asperger's people have average to above average IQs. They can be quite smart and hold jobs. However, they do not lead 100% normal lives. They suffer from comorbid disorders, struggle their entire lives fitting into society and with relationships.

Asperger's is overly diagnosed now and many people who are nerdy and socially awkward use this diagnosis to explain their difficulties with social interactions. It helps them makes sense of their issues. If the issues with the girls you were dating were not apparent after such a long time, it is probable that they were in fact, not Asperger's. Often, therapists are diagnosing people with ASDs when they do not meet full diagnostic criteria. This enables the patient to receive third party payments. It helps financially in the short-term but it does a disservice them in the long-run.

Shy and geeky is just that...Asperger's is something different. It is mental disorder. This is my point.

Asperger's Syndrome Girl! - Mercenary - 07-24-2016

Yes, officially diagnosing aspergers is notoriously difficult, and many people erroneously self diagnose.

However the only reason i didnt catch it sooner with the girls i dated was because i was a lot younger with no dating experience and knew nothing about the real symptoms. Only after learning game and dating many girls was i able to spot the differences.

Im 99% confident the ones i dated had it as they really had ALL the characteristics.

Now, that i know what to look for its a lot easier to spot.

The sex sometimes was a bit peculiar, but these girls were horny and looked hot. Would bang them again anytime.

Asperger's Syndrome Girl! - TheWhiteWolf - 07-26-2016

They shouldn't have all these dating options after all they are omega females

Asperger's Syndrome Girl! - Mercenary - 07-26-2016

Quote: (07-26-2016 02:09 PM)TheWhiteWolf Wrote:  

They shouldn't have all these dating options after all they are omega females


An "omega female" is a old, fat or really ugly girl.

As long as a girl is young and good looking she is "alpha".
Doesn't matter how stupid or socially awkward she is, if she has the looks, guys will always line up to fuck her.

TheWhiteWolf, like I said before, stop being jealous or upset with Aspergers girls.
You are a man.
Different rules apply to you.
Change your mindset and you will get girls.
A woman can't change her looks if she is born ugly....but you as a man can change your personality to be more attractive to women.

Start working on it.

Asperger's Syndrome Girl! - TheWhiteWolf - 07-26-2016

By that logic than Elliott Rogers was Alpha since he had money and good looks. ya they get guys but The only guys that are interested in Asperger's girls are ones that have Asperger's themselves or fat losers who strike out with regular women.

Asperger's Syndrome Girl! - Mercenary - 07-26-2016


It's concerning that you dropped that name, considering what you have written so far.

Money and good looks is not what makes a man alpha.
Learn game.

Asperger's Syndrome Girl! - Aurini - 07-26-2016

White Wolf has promised me that he's not going to say or write the word "Aspergers" for the rest of the week; a description is not value laden. It merely depicts what is, not what should be done about it - and these days, psychological designations are used as an excuse for failure far too often. White Wolf is describing himself as a "failure at masculinity" for... being unemotional and logical.

C'mon dude - better to be an aspie than...

[Image: gay.gif]

I'm actually a huge fan of aspie guys - many of my closest friends have been that way. They're not concerned with the social approval connected to ideas, and I've had many a good whiskey-fueled conversation on all manner of weird, esoteric topics with them which most "neuro-typical" (or whatever - I score completely neurotypical, I just have a high IQ) people would consider too weird; they'd be reading all sorts of social signalling into a conversation which is nothing more than a consideration of weird ideas.

As for aspie women - this thread made me realize that my ex was aspie - and not just aspie, but incredibly introverted as well. It was an incredibly difficult relationship.

Aspie women are still women; they're a roiling cauldron of emotions. But unlike regular women they're out of touch with their emotions. They don't know what they're feeling, even as it motivates their actions. Combine this with extreme introversion, as in my girl's case - and you've got somebody who not only won't tell you she's upset, she won't even realize that she's upset, until she gets drunk and starts screaming at you.

Bloody frustrating. Dealing with an aspie woman is extremely difficult, and ironically aspie men are the LAST people who should be dating an aspie woman, since you not only need to game her like a regular woman, you also need to read between the lines to figure out what she's feeling before she's feeling it.

Aspies have such a low Emotional Quotient that they need a partner with a very high emotional quotient to maintain stability - in life, but especially in the relationship. It's very much an "opposites attract" sort of thing.

Note: I don't blame her at all for the fallout, I wish I'd read her better from the beginning - and hadn't reacted so negatively when I felt rejected by her aspieness. Somebody earlier mentioned an odd relationship to sexuality - as in, mixed signals. Christ, but do I recognize that. I got angry at her for screwing with my head, when that wasn't her intention at all.

All I can suggest is that you be patient with them. They're some of the most guile-free women out there - and yet (if you have healthy defences up) they come across as being extremely manipulative. They take a lot of effort on your part, but if you find the right one she'll be worth it.

Asperger's Syndrome Girl! - Mercenary - 07-27-2016


[Image: potd.gif]

Excellent post Aurini.
You nailed it on all fronts, especially in describing and detailing the psychological state and functioning of aspie girls and how interpret and handle their behavior.

Quote: (07-26-2016 07:43 PM)Aurini Wrote:  

Aspie women are still women; they're a roiling cauldron of emotions. But unlike regular women they're out of touch with their emotions. They don't know what they're feeling, even as it motivates their actions. Combine this with extreme introversion, as in my girl's case - and you've got somebody who not only won't tell you she's upset, she won't even realize that she's upset, until she gets drunk and starts screaming at you.

Bloody frustrating. Dealing with an aspie woman is extremely difficult, and ironically aspie men are the LAST people who should be dating an aspie woman, since you not only need to game her like a regular woman, you also need to read between the lines to figure out what she's feeling before she's feeling it.

Note: I don't blame her at all for the fallout, I wish I'd read her better from the beginning - and hadn't reacted so negatively when I felt rejected by her aspieness. Somebody earlier mentioned an odd relationship to sexuality - as in, mixed signals. Christ, but do I recognize that. I got angry at her for screwing with my head, when that wasn't her intention at all.

All I can suggest is that you be patient with them. They're some of the most guile-free women out there - and yet (if you have healthy defences up) they come across as being extremely manipulative. They take a lot of effort on your part, but if you find the right one she'll be worth it.

I experienced all of these things I have bolded and underlined, through first hand experience of dating, and being in a long term relationship with aspie girls.

Handling them to make the relationship work is something I had to learn, just like you did.
It was worth it.

They are some of the most interesting girls I have ever spent time with.
The conversations were never, ever boring and the sex was always unique and intense.

Asperger's Syndrome Girl! - chaoswarror - 12-04-2017


Asperger's Syndrome Girl! - questor70 - 12-04-2017

I had an icebreaker and then bad followup first date with a woman like this. Because she was SMV 7 and was a lot younger I felt like I had won the lottery until I spent some time interacting with her. She seemed...trapped in her own brain. She was mostly interested in all manner of intellectual talk but nothing that revealed much of any emotion on her part other than that she was a perfectionist at work and go into dustups with coworkers.

The dealbreaker with women like this is they simply don't like being touched. Their whole sensory system is f*cked up. Normally a woman starts melting when you start cuddling them but women like this just feel uncomfortable. The strange thing is that in the icebreaker she actually gave me a hug. I have to imagine that she's trained herself to perform routine physical contact as a ritual but anything unscripted like a makeout is where she panics.

The net result is that my attempt to do a bit of mild trial makeout on the way to the parking lot backfired in a big way with her writing me walls of text/emails about how much of a cad I was. I felt like I was dealing with an Amish woman or something by virtue of how uptight she was about physical contact. She also just interpreted any and all attempts to flirt or be "naughty" as being inappropriate. She seemed...asexual. She loved to talk about love as an abstraction but it seemed to only hold value as a talking point and not something that requires action.

By putting me on the defensive I knew I had no choice but to pull the ripcord, which she didn't want me to do. She had already sort of locked her sights on me and just wanted to back up and gain greater understanding by exchanging more and more walls of text.

In addition to this she did not have custody of her daughter and I have to assume her mental state was the reason why.

I was left wondering how she could ever relax well enough to get pregnant consensually...

I think women like this only have one purpose, which is to be in a guy's friendzone. For all intents and purposes they might as well be lesbians.

Asperger's Syndrome Girl! - meetjoeblack - 12-07-2017

Quote: (05-06-2011 10:15 PM)Riker Wrote:  

Hey I´m going to go out this sunday with a girl that I met on OKCupid that recently has been diagnosed with Aspergers syndom. All i know about it what I saw in the movie Adam and what I read on wikipedia.

Anyways anyone have any experience?

I setup the date to walk my dogs sunday afternoon... I think it should go well!

Well I just felt like sharing more than anything... and I´m curious if anyone has gone out with an autistic chic or something like it.

Why date someone that is retarded? IEP? Learning disabled? Not functioning optimally?

I am not trying to be a dick. You want to navigate your ship in the best possible direction. I've foolishly stuck my dick in crazy over the years. The consequences being, SPIDER SENSES TINGLING when I spot similar patterns, red flags, and anything out of the ordinary.

Look, attention whores are a dime a dozen. You can click porn and fap to completion or watch freaky webcam girls. Ideally, spamming cold approach and swiping right in real life is the way. How else does a man combat the influx of male attention a woman gets? He can't. During top form SMV, she has free reign. Chick age 18 + has the world nearly at feet assuming she is thin and hot. 30 happens fast though whereas, a young gun has from his 16th bday till like 35 to get his shit together, get notches under his belt, and slay.

30 for women is white picket fence and baby rabies time. 35 for a young blood, optimum test levels, deezed, lifts, has game, no AA, gets laid frequently; why the hell would you settle then for crazy? for Autistic (its changed on the DSM5 to autism spectrum). I've pulled SNL, ONS, FWB with crazies. Its not worth it but, it seeps out and usually among the following:
1) random onset
2) genetic!

Do you want to procreate with crazy or any form of lack thereof in free thinking? Simply put, while it is not her fault, you do not want to reproduce here. Dry spells suck. I know. Aim higher man.

Asperger's Syndrome Girl! - meetjoeblack - 12-07-2017

Quote: (12-04-2017 04:11 PM)questor70 Wrote:  

I had an icebreaker and then bad followup first date with a woman like this. Because she was SMV 7 and was a lot younger I felt like I had won the lottery until I spent some time interacting with her. She seemed...trapped in her own brain. She was mostly interested in all manner of intellectual talk but nothing that revealed much of any emotion on her part other than that she was a perfectionist at work and go into dustups with coworkers.

I can work with socially inept, intellectual, and wants to rational. Super shy, wont get out of her own way, and be patient. I cannot do or deal with crazy.

Girl has friend open me, dude - "she thinks your cute!" I just kind of blow it off. She comes up and says her mom died (first red flag). She is cute but, a bar girl vibe, likes to party, no huge on edu or reading a book. Ends up fighting with some cratered SMV older woman. I just showed URGENCY - HEY LETS GO! Took her hand and we walked out of the bar. Drove her back to her place. Hookup. Out comes the crazy. Her mom killed herself. She likes pills. Fucked like a banshee. Got crazy, went off the rails, and ghosts. Dunno if she found another dude. Don't care. I went out with another girl age 19. Of course, 11pm on said date, she dials me. Nothing happened after it.

When it rains, it pours. Both fizzle out and then dry spell. TyPICAL * GRRRR!