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Did Jezebel (and SJWs) Find The Line?: 18YO Girl Fucks Her Dad On The Reg - Printable Version

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Did Jezebel (and SJWs) Find The Line?: 18YO Girl Fucks Her Dad On The Reg - Slim Shady - 01-16-2015

Quote: (01-16-2015 11:07 AM)Canopus Wrote:  

I am a tree.

I am perfectly 100 percent allowed to call myself a tree. If I want to dig a hole in the ground and sit in it and attempt to grow leaves and allow birds to make nests out of me, I am 100 percent allowed to do so. If I want to graft branches and seed pods and pine cones to my body, I am 100 percent allowed to do so.

The United States must declare me an endangered species and protect me from all attempts at harvest.

I also deserve a plot of land at the arboretum. Give me one. Otherwise I cannot propagate and give good things to the earth.

Discriminating against me in the workplace or in public for these beliefs and practices is highly unethical, and it may be illegal. If you refuse these demands, you are violating my botanical identity.


Did Jezebel (and SJWs) Find The Line?: 18YO Girl Fucks Her Dad On The Reg - Simeon_Strangelight - 01-16-2015

Quote: (01-16-2015 11:36 AM)Mekorig Wrote:  

Eh? Where did you read that Zelcorpion. I have readed both the Declaration and Convention of Child Rights, and in neither they said something similar to that. In fact, the Convention have an emphasis in the protection of the childran against any kind of abuse, including sexual.

Indeed - give it a few years - so far you've had incredible "blunders" by UN agencies which have even supported child-trafficking and illegal prostitution by minors in war-torn regions like Yugoslavia, you've had various state institutions like the German ministry publishing books which proposed a daughter getting to know her father by massaging his genitals (after protests booklet was retracted), you've had Kinsey and other pedophiles experimenting on children as young as zero - he is still highly regarded by the UN.

Or you have the current little scandal of how high level officials fighting against pedophilia were found to be convicted pedophiles - governments are so stupid indeed:

And you are right - currently the rights of children by the UN does not include the right for sex - you have to give it 20-40 years before we are there. So far the governments around the world have been spear-heading the new sexual revolution better than the UN has done - right of the child to choose his or her gender as an error has been made and a child was born with the wrong gender - who knows - maybe the wrong species.

Give it a rest - working for McDonald's is more honest than working or pushing UN agendas.

Did Jezebel (and SJWs) Find The Line?: 18YO Girl Fucks Her Dad On The Reg - Mekorig - 01-16-2015

I have some relations with Child Care in my country, and from what i know, they are quite militant against sexual abuse of minors, even fighting against "ancestral" aboriginal traditions, things that is generally a sacred cow for the leftys.

Did Jezebel (and SJWs) Find The Line?: 18YO Girl Fucks Her Dad On The Reg - Simeon_Strangelight - 01-16-2015

Quote: (01-16-2015 12:53 PM)Mekorig Wrote:  

I have some relations with Child Care in my country, and from what i know, they are quite militant against sexual abuse of minors, even fighting against "ancestral" aboriginal traditions, things that is generally a sacred cow for the leftys.

Don't confuse the people below with the big organizations. As a matter of fact currently it is a feminist weapon that is used excessively to destroy families - any allegation will do - not only against the father, the mother herself can fall prey to the system quite easily too.

Did Jezebel (and SJWs) Find The Line?: 18YO Girl Fucks Her Dad On The Reg - puckerman - 01-16-2015

A teenage girl started fucking her dad. It's obvious why she wants this. It's forbidden. Therefore, it is sexy.

For the man, he's seeing the things that first attracted him to her mother. She's her mother as a teen all over again.

Did Jezebel (and SJWs) Find The Line?: 18YO Girl Fucks Her Dad On The Reg - Quintus Curtius - 01-16-2015

Thinking about this story more...and assuming it is true, it's yet another reason why the warnings about gay marriage were accurate.

Once you accept gay marriage as an institution, you are walking down a slippery slope. Other, more depraved types of sexual conduct become within the realm of possibility.

The sexual impulse is so strong that, unless it is banked and checked on every side by some rules and traditions, it will become an all-consuming fire, endangering all within its reach.

Did Jezebel (and SJWs) Find The Line?: 18YO Girl Fucks Her Dad On The Reg - TheWastelander - 01-16-2015

Quote: (01-16-2015 02:36 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

Thinking about this story more...and assuming it is true, it's yet another reason why the warnings about gay marriage were accurate.

Once you accept gay marriage as an institution, you are walking down a slippery slope. Other, more depraved types of sexual conduct become within the realm of possibility.

The sexual impulse is so strong that, unless it is banked and checked on every side by some rules and traditions, it will become an all-consuming fire, endangering all within its reach.

The holy books warn about this sort of thing, with the story of Sodom and Gomorrah being the most obvious example. No limits on human sexual behavior leads to a complete breakdown of society and its destruction.

I believe it was 2Wycked who posted a link a while back to an article already explaining how open acceptance of homosexuality has severely harmed male heterosexual friendships. Throw in feminism harming the family and the eventual toleration of incest and it's pretty much over.

There are already some guys in this thread saying that as long as they don't make children, they don't care what they do behind closed doors. Gentlemen, that's how it starts. You've already ceded ground to this abomination, so don't be surprised when they push for more. Over time as you're conditioned through societal pressures, the media, activists, etc. there's a good chance you'll keep moving those goalposts until they're outside the stadium and the new normal is so unrecognizable compared to the "old" normal, that you're left wondering what the hell happened.

Standing firm against it in the beginning is what's required.

I think these incestuous freaks should be imprisoned or permanently exiled for the good of us all.

It might be fun to enjoy the decline, but if you allow these people to keep pushing their agendas society won't just decline, it'll fall flat into oblivion.

Did Jezebel (and SJWs) Find The Line?: 18YO Girl Fucks Her Dad On The Reg - Praetor Lupus - 01-16-2015

Just when you think the tone couldn't be lowered any further, some bastard always comes along to drive it into the Earth's crust.

Did Jezebel (and SJWs) Find The Line?: 18YO Girl Fucks Her Dad On The Reg - Rutting Elephant - 01-16-2015

Quote: (01-16-2015 10:22 AM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

Incest is a felony in every state. I don't understand why stories like these don't result in criminal charges being brought against the perpetrators.

The girl says their dream is to move to New Jersey where incest between adults is legal.

Did Jezebel (and SJWs) Find The Line?: 18YO Girl Fucks Her Dad On The Reg - Quintus Curtius - 01-16-2015

Quote: (01-16-2015 03:04 PM)Rutting Elephant Wrote:  

Quote: (01-16-2015 10:22 AM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

Incest is a felony in every state. I don't understand why stories like these don't result in criminal charges being brought against the perpetrators.

The girl says their dream is to move to New Jersey where incest between adults is legal.

I'm pasting this from Wikipedia:

United States[edit]
See also: Prohibited degree of kinship § United States
In the United States the District of Columbia and every state and inhabited territory[citation needed] have some form of codified incest prohibition. In all states, incest is sexual activity between a lineal ancestor and a lineal descendant (parent, grandparent with child or grandchild), siblings (brother-sister) and aunt-nephew, uncle-niece. However, individual statutes vary widely. Rhode Island has repealed its criminal incest statute[67] and only criminalizes incestuous marriage.[68] Ohio "targets only parental figures",[67] and New Jersey does not apply any penalties when both parties are 18 years of age or older.[6][67] A conviction for incest attracts the following maximal penalties by state:[citation needed]

5 years imprisonment in Hawaii,[67] Utah (even for first-cousin relations),[67] Florida
10 years imprisonment in Mississippi,[68] North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and Minnesota
14 years imprisonment in California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska and Idaho
15 years imprisonment in Connecticut,[dubious – discuss] Louisiana,[68] Maryland, Delaware, Virginia and West Virginia
20 years imprisonment in Massachusetts,[67] New York, New Hampshire, Maine, Pennsylvania, and Vermont
25 years imprisonment in Kansas, Nebraska, Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado, Wyoming, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky
10 to 30 years in Georgia (25-50 years for incest with a child under 14)[69]
Life imprisonment in Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina,[dubious – discuss] Montana[68] and Tennessee.
Three convictions or more of incest also require the offenders to register as "Sex Offenders"[citation needed]

In some states, sex between first cousins is prohibited (see cousin marriage law in the United States by state for cousin sex, as well as cousin marriage, being outlawed in some states). Many states also apply incest laws to non-blood relations, including stepparents, step-siblings, and in-laws.[70]

Looks like it's illegal in New Jersey if the parties are under 18, but not if over 18.

(But living in New Jersey is punishment in itself...[Image: tard.gif])

Did Jezebel (and SJWs) Find The Line?: 18YO Girl Fucks Her Dad On The Reg - Dr. Howard - 01-16-2015

Quote: (01-16-2015 03:30 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

Quote: (01-16-2015 03:04 PM)Rutting Elephant Wrote:  

Quote: (01-16-2015 10:22 AM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

Incest is a felony in every state. I don't understand why stories like these don't result in criminal charges being brought against the perpetrators.

The girl says their dream is to move to New Jersey where incest between adults is legal.

I'm pasting this from Wikipedia:

United States[edit]
See also: Prohibited degree of kinship § United States
In the United States the District of Columbia and every state and inhabited territory[citation needed] have some form of codified incest prohibition. In all states, incest is sexual activity between a lineal ancestor and a lineal descendant (parent, grandparent with child or grandchild), siblings (brother-sister) and aunt-nephew, uncle-niece. However, individual statutes vary widely. Rhode Island has repealed its criminal incest statute[67] and only criminalizes incestuous marriage.[68] Ohio "targets only parental figures",[67] and New Jersey does not apply any penalties when both parties are 18 years of age or older.[6][67] A conviction for incest attracts the following maximal penalties by state:[citation needed]

5 years imprisonment in Hawaii,[67] Utah (even for first-cousin relations),[67] Florida
10 years imprisonment in Mississippi,[68] North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and Minnesota
14 years imprisonment in California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska and Idaho
15 years imprisonment in Connecticut,[dubious – discuss] Louisiana,[68] Maryland, Delaware, Virginia and West Virginia
20 years imprisonment in Massachusetts,[67] New York, New Hampshire, Maine, Pennsylvania, and Vermont
25 years imprisonment in Kansas, Nebraska, Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado, Wyoming, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky
10 to 30 years in Georgia (25-50 years for incest with a child under 14)[69]
Life imprisonment in Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina,[dubious – discuss] Montana[68] and Tennessee.
Three convictions or more of incest also require the offenders to register as "Sex Offenders"[citation needed]

In some states, sex between first cousins is prohibited (see cousin marriage law in the United States by state for cousin sex, as well as cousin marriage, being outlawed in some states). Many states also apply incest laws to non-blood relations, including stepparents, step-siblings, and in-laws.[70]

Looks like it's illegal in New Jersey if the parties are under 18, but not if over 18.

(But living in New Jersey is punishment in itself...[Image: tard.gif])

Life imprisonment in the, they aren't messing around.

Did Jezebel (and SJWs) Find The Line?: 18YO Girl Fucks Her Dad On The Reg - kaotic - 01-16-2015

Jesus fucking christ I am NOT having children.

I love how she's the fucking "victim" in this. The man is as much to blame as well.

This is truly a fucked up mix of bad choices, no morals, and retardation of the brain.

Did Jezebel (and SJWs) Find The Line?: 18YO Girl Fucks Her Dad On The Reg - Baldwin81 - 01-16-2015

Quote: (01-16-2015 10:22 AM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

Looks like it's illegal in New Jersey if the parties are under 18, but not if over 18.

(But living in New Jersey is punishment in itself...[Image: tard.gif])

The bolded sentence above puts an already challenging argument at an even greater disadvantage. The next paragraphs are off-topic...

New Jersey isn't really that bad of a state. It gets a bad rap because it's right next to New York and the media will take every opportunity to ridicule it. Jersey Shore people represent a small subsection of the state. Still, at least those kids had a commitment to physical fitness. If there's one thing we can learn from the Sopranos it's that an out of town contractor can work effectively with local labor unions... try that in Philly or Boston!

While it does have strange gas station laws - say nothing of the laws pertaining to incest - one would be hard pressed to put it outside of the top 20% of states in the US. North, south, or central you can find plenty of good places to live and plenty of opportunity. The climate is temperate and the coastline isn't so bad (ahem, in recent years). Though the people can be a little brusque, they're not an altogether bad sort.

Quintus, I respect the hell out of your work. While there are sections of this post that are tongue-in-cheek, but my point still stands: New Jersey isn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be.

Lastly, I might be the first person not from Jersey to take this position.

Did Jezebel (and SJWs) Find The Line?: 18YO Girl Fucks Her Dad On The Reg - Simeon_Strangelight - 01-16-2015

Obviously the states regarded it a public health issue.

Regardless whether you believe that within the first generation the effects are maybe low. What if you were set to marry someone from 2nd or 3rd generation of incest - someone who seems perfectly healthy, but with an extremely high likelihood will produce a genetically defective child with you?

Of course it should be forbidden - not only for reasons of morality. The other possibility apart from years of imprisonment would be mandatory sterilization - that would probably be a more humane punishment, since both are consenting adults and who cares if they fuck as long as they don't have children?

Did Jezebel (and SJWs) Find The Line?: 18YO Girl Fucks Her Dad On The Reg - Quintus Curtius - 01-16-2015

@Baldwin ^^^

Just messing with you man! I'm an East Coaster myself and we like to kid each other....

Jersey's all right..

Did Jezebel (and SJWs) Find The Line?: 18YO Girl Fucks Her Dad On The Reg - Wutang - 01-16-2015

This is the logical conclusion if the only standard for behavior is "as long as it's between consenting adults, then I'm cool with it".

If someone wanted to troll SJWs, they should repeatedly throw this in their face and ask if they are cool with it since it's between consenting parties.

I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of these type of people would begrudgingly accept that all of this depravery is fine as long as they got to keep their homosexual marriage and transgender surgery. My guess is that they would rather admit that parent/child incest is fine rather then have to give up their allegiance to their LGBT allies who are now an essential part of the whole leftist coalition.

And while the general public has come around on homosexuality and transgender-ism, they aren't so wicked (yet) that they'll be able to associate incest with anything but disgust and seeing the SJWs admitting that they would be a-okay with incest will make them wonder what the hell people this are thinking and what other nonsense is going to come out of their mouths.

If anyone from that "anti-SJW" squad is reading this, I give you full permission to make use of this tactic in your operations.

Did Jezebel (and SJWs) Find The Line?: 18YO Girl Fucks Her Dad On The Reg - Days of Broken Arrows - 01-16-2015

And then you all wonder why I keep referencing my watching Mr. Belvedere reruns and thinking about the good old days of my youth.

There was something to be said for the so-called repressive old society we had, when TV shows were almost religious in their presentation of the nuclear family. What used to seem like a ridiculously irrelevant sitcom now looks like testament to a once-great society. There was a reason for all the old "shaming" and morals. It seems people used to have a better understanding of human nature and how society will go off the deep end once you remove "judgement" from the equation.

When crap from the '80s starts to seem like unwittingly profound commentary on the decline of our current society, you know we're not in a good place.

Did Jezebel (and SJWs) Find The Line?: 18YO Girl Fucks Her Dad On The Reg - zaqan - 01-16-2015

I love when homo-loving leftists try to argue against incest. They use the same arguments that normal people use against homos.

Did Jezebel (and SJWs) Find The Line?: 18YO Girl Fucks Her Dad On The Reg - Wutang - 01-16-2015

When I see people mock a lot of the media from say the 50s, as corny as they can get, I think it says a lot more about corrupted the will of the person doing the mockery then the values being represented in the target of mockery.

I have no doubt in my mind that promoting "hetero-normativity" is a positive thing in society. While I do think LGBT people should be tolerated in society (even though my posts probably don't give that impression lol) I think there is absolutely wrong with promoting the nuclear family as the ideal. The problem with a lot of leftist people is that they think anything that doesn't include them must be against them which is just silly. I don't think a lot of the things that I'm into will ever be accepted by the mainstream and I simply don't care, I don't see it as an attack on my identity.

Did Jezebel (and SJWs) Find The Line?: 18YO Girl Fucks Her Dad On The Reg - Samseau - 01-17-2015

Lot of guys saying "Thank God I'm not having kids!"

So shortsighted. You're only going to grow older and weaker. Meanwhile society becomes ever and ever more fucked up. You'll be a weak, bald old man in his 60's, with nothing left to fight or live for, watching people turn into animals.

Had you children, at least you'd be able to fight through the will of your sons. Of course, finding a woman to raise kids with in this environment, plus the laws, is a Herculean task. But let's not kid ourselves. This is a tragedy. And your life will most likely be a part of that tragedy.

Did Jezebel (and SJWs) Find The Line?: 18YO Girl Fucks Her Dad On The Reg - dads - 01-17-2015

Quote: (01-17-2015 12:49 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Lot of guys saying "Thank God I'm not having kids!"

So shortsighted. You're only going to grow older and weaker. Meanwhile society becomes ever and ever more fucked up. You'll be a weak, bald old man in his 60's, with nothing left to fight or live for, watching people turn into animals.

Had you children, at least you'd be able to fight through the will of your sons. Of course, finding a woman to raise kids with in this environment, plus the laws, is a Herculean task. But let's not kid ourselves. This is a tragedy. And your life will most likely be a part of that tragedy.
I'm sorry, but isn't there something selfish about this sentiment? You want to bring human beings into this continually more fucked up world so... you'll have something "left to fight or live for"? What happens when you die after having "fought and lived"? You're in your eternal rest while your offspring live amongst animals?

Did Jezebel (and SJWs) Find The Line?: 18YO Girl Fucks Her Dad On The Reg - Samseau - 01-17-2015

Quote: (01-17-2015 06:59 AM)dads Wrote:  

Quote: (01-17-2015 12:49 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Lot of guys saying "Thank God I'm not having kids!"

So shortsighted. You're only going to grow older and weaker. Meanwhile society becomes ever and ever more fucked up. You'll be a weak, bald old man in his 60's, with nothing left to fight or live for, watching people turn into animals.

Had you children, at least you'd be able to fight through the will of your sons. Of course, finding a woman to raise kids with in this environment, plus the laws, is a Herculean task. But let's not kid ourselves. This is a tragedy. And your life will most likely be a part of that tragedy.
I'm sorry, but isn't there something selfish about this sentiment? You want to bring human beings into this continually more fucked up world so... you'll have something "left to fight or live for"? What happens when you die after having "fought and lived"? You're in your eternal rest while your offspring live amongst animals?

I'd rather go down fighting like a man than cowering like a woman

Did Jezebel (and SJWs) Find The Line?: 18YO Girl Fucks Her Dad On The Reg - Days of Broken Arrows - 01-17-2015

Does anyone remember those ridiculous "non-judgmental" sex ed programs they put into the public schools circa 1990?

This is an outgrowth of those programs.

Back then, everything was about not spreading HIV. So the school nurses would go from classroom to classroom declaring with wide-eyed sincerity: "Whatever you do is OK so long as you're practicing safe sex."

That was everything to them: safe sex. Nothing was bad and nothing could be judged so long as you're practicing safe sex.

This became a sort of mantra for the kids that would grow up to be Millennials. If you hear something enough times it's truth. What you see here is a woman raised with this mindset. She might be screwing her dad, but the school nurse would long as she's practicing safe sex.

Did Jezebel (and SJWs) Find The Line?: 18YO Girl Fucks Her Dad On The Reg - Wutang - 01-17-2015

^ Yeah I actually saw a few of these type of comments in the Jezebel article. Basically they were more worried about the fact that the victim (which I will refer to her as) was underage rather then the guy's own daughter. The thing they were MOST concerned about was the "power imbalance" which shows where their real fears and worries lie: namely POWERFUL guys asserting their masculinity over women. Whenever I read feminists clutch their pearls over certain sex acts the main thing that rustles their jimmies is when the guy is someone that in a position of power or is just a dominant guy: goes back to what some people have spoken about on this forum; that feminists simply hate and fear male sexuality. And when I say male sexuality I'm referring to raw, masculine sexuality, NOT sexuality coming from a guy that just happens to have a pair of testicles and a Y chromosomes. A hipster male feminist who asks "is this okay' before making any sort of move is not displaying my definition of masculine sexuality.

Did Jezebel (and SJWs) Find The Line?: 18YO Girl Fucks Her Dad On The Reg - ColSpanker - 01-17-2015

Has anyone tried bringing this article to attention on social media? I'm tempted to highlight it on my Facebook account just to watch my SJW friends scream in agony.