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Black Mirror (Incredible TV Show) - infowarrior1 - 12-28-2014

Quote: (12-10-2014 10:20 AM)vinman Wrote:  

I love this show. A friend told me about it Saturday, and I watched every episode over the weekend. I think it's a more modern, and darker Twilight Zone. The White Bear episode (Season 2 Episode 2) was a twist that I didn't see coming. I'm hooked. Hats off to you Brits for making some good television.

[Image: clap2.gif]

In the White Christmas episode it was quite freaky how they created an AI clone of a person who is then extracted from the brain of the unconscious person and the viewer can see from the 1st person as the "person" is extracted from the brain. As if ones souls is taken out of ones own body in a device where you leave your body behind(seeing the former body that you were taken out of) from the brain and ending up inserted into a cookie. That sequence scared me. [Image: confused.gif]

Black Mirror (Incredible TV Show) - CJ_W - 12-28-2014

Quote: (12-28-2014 02:05 AM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Spoilers Below

15 million merits
- assortative mating - chunky Asian girl wants the black guy who wants the white girl
- white knighting - 1) his dead brother's credits, 2) her getting pushed into porn, 3) his statement
- getting fame for something righteous and cashing in on your credibility
- buying shit for virtual selves
- the ginger seeking approval, and always buying things for his virtual self to feel better about his real self (Roosh hit on this idea when he pulled the rep point system)

Waldo Moment
- the problem with Russel Brand, Colbert, Stewart, Limbaugh, et cetera. Writers for House of Cards said they had to make Frank Underwood a democrat, because the Net Flix audience ASSUMES that's how the Republicans are. (i'd also argue that a lot of people on the left wish that all SJW's were as mercenary as they think the right is)
- Again, sexual/romantic frustration

Two instances of the Baby ain't Yours. (X-Mas and History)
One insufferable wife who won't share in the sacrifice of her husband
Insufferable not talent bitch, who incidentally is a photo negative of Bjork. (lol)
A chick who can't support another chick (15)
A chick who has no sense of self and would rather prostitute herself than be thought of as ordinary
Crazy bitch in X-Mas
A bitch who can't return a fucking text or phone call, and then gives the dude the brush off

I won't even speak on White Bear, but the "partner in crime" theme shows up in other places in the series.

The dudes don't come off really too cool either (other than the Alpha in History of You), but if you don't see the "ugly truths" about women in every single episode - maybe you don't get the red pill.

What's most interesting is that almost all of the chicks, except the chick with voices in her head, are all typical chicks doing typical things. There's no "gone girl" crazy sociopath.

I'm sure Jezebel or XoJane will have a field day if they ever think about it


Some things you forgot:

15 million merits
- assortative mating - chunky Asian girl wants the black guy who wants the white girl
- white knighting - 1) his dead brother's credits, 2) her getting pushed into porn, 3) his statement
- getting fame for something righteous and cashing in on your credibility
- buying shit for virtual selves
- the ginger seeking approval, and always buying things for his virtual self to feel better about his real self (Roosh hit on this idea when he pulled the rep point system)
-COPIUS AMOUNTS OF FAT SHAMING I mean damn that was like a whole 'nother undercurrent of the episode, the fattys were second class citizens only to be made to clean up after the guys on the bikes and be made fun of in those shows. Then showing the fat shaming WORKING (as in that one guy trying to lose weight)

Also: being Forced to "participate in the rat race(bikes)" and FORCED to consume media in the little box of a room they get.

Waldo Moment
- the problem with Russel Brand, Colbert, Stewart, Limbaugh, et cetera. Writers for House of Cards said they had to make Frank Underwood a democrat, because the Net Flix audience ASSUMES that's how the Republicans are. (i'd also argue that a lot of people on the left wish that all SJW's were as mercenary as they think the right is)
- Again, sexual/romantic frustration
-Giving up your future because of one-itis Yeah he wasn't liking where the Waldo character was going, but he was going a long with it. . .until he boned that 4 who was running for PM, bitch dumped him so he said "fuck it" and that pretty much made him explode. BUT, he had one itis form that chick and pissed it all away, ends up a BUM when he could have RULED THE FUCKING WORLD and be drowning in pussy, like kublia khan in Marco polo (I only watched up until the point where Marco was getting one-itis from one of Kubla Khans wives after kahn telling him that he could have a spot in the 5 some sex dungeon-because he's a fucking idiot I actually stopped watching that show because of that one-itis shit.

The REAL Marco Polo was probably cappin' flags like crazy, since he spent his whole LIFE traveling, and being loved by the royal courts where he stayed. He would have no NEED for gettin all doe-eyed of a bitch.

One thing I DID like about the history of YOU ep was
1)the guy knocked that dude out
2)he left that bitch at the end
3)nothing bad happened to him at the end.

Basically dude got a dose of Red pill and was better for it.

X-mas episode, I would think that the Jon Hamm char at the end would just, leave the country and go to SEA or some place as I'm pretty sure the block wouldn't work in a different country, the dude probably has enough money to lives there for a year or so while getting a mobile buisness started. Especially since he knows game he'll be just fine in my opinion.

Black Mirror (Incredible TV Show) - enderilluminatus - 12-28-2014

The second season overall more distressing than depressing, except for the finale. I dared to hope for a happy ending and that got tased and batoned.

Also WYB Chloe Pirrie (the female politician)

[Image: RWD12_PauleKa-Opening_004.jpg]

Black Mirror (Incredible TV Show) - enderilluminatus - 12-28-2014

This Christmas Special is too much. Too fucking much.

Black Mirror (Incredible TV Show) - RexImperator - 12-29-2014

^^^ Yeah I found it to be a real downer.

Black Mirror (Incredible TV Show) - 3extra - 12-29-2014

Quote: (12-28-2014 09:49 PM)enderilluminatus Wrote:  

The second season overall more distressing than depressing, except for the finale. I dared to hope for a happy ending and that got tased and batoned.

Also WYB Chloe Pirrie (the female politician)

[Image: RWD12_PauleKa-Opening_004.jpg]

Yeah. Why not.

Black Mirror (Incredible TV Show) - urbannomad - 12-30-2014

This the best sci-fi TV show Britishs had in last fifty years..
The show mind fuck you shits on your current and future reality then rips your heart out !

Black Mirror (Incredible TV Show) - CJ_W - 01-03-2015

Quote: (12-30-2014 12:59 PM)urbannomad Wrote:  

This the best sci-fi TV show Britishs had in last fifty years..
The show mind fuck you shits on your current and future reality then rips your heart out !

Here's Charlie Brooker's 2014 wipe:

It gets real deep about halfway in. You can definitely see the inspiration behind the black Mirror eps (you can see it in all his other previous stuff as well.)

Black Mirror (Incredible TV Show) - RawGod - 01-03-2015

If you have time, watch the Black Mirror Christmas Special, then read this post from Roosh, then dig deep into quantum physics. (Warning: it's likely that watching a couple of YouTube videos won't be enough to really get it).

Even if you are skeptical, sticking only to what the world's foremost scientists are saying about the implications of quantum physics will blow your mind.

If you have taken on board all this, you might be ready for Tom Campbell. Settle back.

Black Mirror (Incredible TV Show) - CJ_W - 01-03-2015

Quote: (01-03-2015 08:21 PM)RawGod Wrote:  

If you have time, watch the Black Mirror Christmas Special, then read this post from Roosh, then dig deep into quantum physics. (Warning: it's likely that watching a couple of YouTube videos won't be enough to really get it).

Even if you are skeptical, sticking only to what the world's foremost scientists are saying about the implications of quantum physics will blow your mind.

If you have taken on board all this, you might be ready for Tom Campbell. Settle back.

Nice, I've seen the x-mas special and have been into quantum theory since college (in laymens terms of course) I remember watching "what the bleep" many years ago when it first came out in theatres.

I'll check out the Roosh post and the Campbell thing, thanks.

Edit: Just read the Roosh post, and yeah I have heard of that theory before. Thing is, if that were true (the simuation thing) People would have been able to simply "will" themselves into the life they want, like imagining themselves to be super rich surrounded by tons of hot women, and been able to do it so completely that eventually it would come to pass with no work involved, or simply yet, will themselves to "fly" or "walk on water"(*I think you know what I'm getting at*)

When one person does this, it would create a kind of "Roger Banister effect" in which people who see someone else "will this to occur" will believe that it is possible and be able to replicate the results. Based on quantum theory, if someone were to be "aware" that they truly are in a simulation, even the idea that they were in one would produce this effect. No matter what parameters the simulation is set as.

I have heard of multiple theories of the universe, and once took a college cosmos class on this and have heard all the theories. Although the one that I like most is this:

The universe expands infinitely and will eventually die out (entropy heat death of the universe). However the universe is an actual organism, and reproduces other universes constantly through black holes large enough that the gravitation energy produced by exceptionally large ones (we actually had to calculate this at some point. . .don't ask me to do it now) essentially rips a path through this universe to go outside this universe and creates a "big bang", creating another universe, with it's own life, death and reproduction cycle.

Anyway we're getting a little off topic, and I see where you're going with that post, and what you're trying to "teach me" about which is fine, as I do find most of these things interesting anyway. . .it just really hasn't had must of an impact with making big changes in my life, or maybe it did and the changes were so gradual over a long period of time that I just didn't notice. Thing is I don't feel like this kind of "GOD" that can change my reality at will by just "thinking" it into being.

anyway yeah, enough of that in this thread. Feel free to PM me about it if you want to talk about this more. I hate derailing threads.

EDIT#2: Turns out I've already seen Tom Cambles vids, and don't really agree with it, but PM me for all of that(I believe in something a bit more fleshed out somewhat.)

Black Mirror (Incredible TV Show) - RexImperator - 01-03-2015

Interesting analysis from


So what we have here is a dark but not dystopian show. A show about a steady loss of innocence through increasing knowledge (enabled by technological evolution rather than a fall from Eden), but not about apocalyptic collapses. A show that is not anti-technology per se, but about the idea that technology makes life easier in part by forcing harder, if rarer, choices upon us, as the price of automating simpler, more commonplace decisions. About going from moral mediocristan to moral extremistan.

It’s not quite a must-watch as far as the entertainment value goes. It has the ponderousness of a lecturing professor. But it’s a must-watch in the sense of cultural homework. People will be using the show as a reference point for talking about the emerging future for at least a few years. The conclusion most will jump to is that this is a show about tech dystopias, but it is really a show about the theory that hell is other people. The futurism angle is that information technology makes this particular kind of hell more possible.

Black Mirror (Incredible TV Show) - JJ Roberts - 01-03-2015

How the fuck have I not heard a about this show before?!

Black Mirror (Incredible TV Show) - urbannomad - 01-04-2015



The value calculus is fairly transparent in the first six episodes (there are three episodes per season):

In National Anthem, it is human dignity versus human life.
In Fifteen Million Credits it is the innocence of soulful true love pitted versus the sacredness of the human body*
In The Entire History of You, it is relationship-enabling narratives versus the sanctity of truth
In Be Right Back, it is the pricelessness of memories versus the pricelessness of lived relationships
In White Bear, it is justice versus non-cruelty
In The Waldo Moment, it is truth-telling versus taking responsibility for your actions

I hope the director flip the script in "In Be Right Back" that episode was somewhat predictable. A new episode with man and robot
This woman got tired of those nostalgic feelings and wanted the real deal or (creativity a challenge and leadership). It's funny how in "Cherry 2000" (the Movie) the guy was anti-hypergamy Lol he refuse to upgrade and risk his life to have the same model and recurring themes.

All communication advances is fueled by erotic energy. The book Erotic engine goes in depth.

What will happen when this energy is gone?
What will become of new innovations ?
I believe Sex robots is the end game for women and all the games they play.

Joe Rogan Experience #342 - Dr. Christopher Ryan talk about the future sex briefly Dr Ryan says it breaks off in two directions
One merging with machines (singularity) Joe interrupts ( as usual) the Dr and he'd forgot to say the second one ...Interesting related Quote by Marshall McLuhan’s Man Becomes the Sex Organs of the Machine World

Black Mirror (Incredible TV Show) - CJ_W - 01-04-2015

Quote: (01-04-2015 02:43 AM)urbannomad Wrote:  

Joe Rogan Experience #342 - Dr. Christopher Ryan talk about the future sex briefly Dr Ryan says it breaks off in two directions
One merging with machines (singularity) Joe interrupts ( as usual) the Dr and he'd forgot to say the second one ...Interesting related Quote by Marshall McLuhan’s Man Becomes the Sex Organs of the Machine World

This is why I stopped listening to Joe Rogan's podcasts. the guy has some seriously great guests, but Joe will never shut the fuck up long enough to let us hear what the guests have to say, and it becomes an hour and a half waste of time. The Last ep I saw was when he had NDT on, that was so awful (Joe was) that I Just stopped caring after that

Black Mirror (Incredible TV Show) - amity - 01-04-2015

I've just started watching this.
The Black Christmas episode was mindblowing! Highly recommended!
I've seen the first two episodes of the first series and Christ it's bleak.
Very original and imaginative, no question, but not for the faint hearted.
Looking forward to seeing the remaining episodes.
Definitely one of the most interesting shows I've seen in a long time.

Black Mirror (Incredible TV Show) - Brian Shima - 01-04-2015

This show is similar to the Outer Limits from the 90s actually I prefer that over this

Black Mirror (Incredible TV Show) - 2Wycked - 01-05-2015


Finished most of the episodes on Youtube.

RVF software ate my commentary on the first episode. That's on me -- I should write longer form posts by hand or on Word. I will try to redo it -- it was about when traditional channels of power (authority) come into conflict with non-traditional channels (influence) and why seemingly "democratic" power shifts don't result in more social betterment, justice, or X.

Beyond that, while the theme of cuckoldry seemed to hang around in a few episodes, what struck me most is how libertarianism is the solution to so many of the problems presented and that society so desperately clings to the status-quo that it prevents any real, substantive change.

Stuck in a world ever-increasingly dominated by technology and its ability to capitalize on humanity's desire for moral judgmentalism, revenge and jealousy, the world Black Mirror inhabits finds men and women trapped in a "privileged" world of hell where all their physical needs are met, but none of their emotional ones. Surrounded with all the accouterments and trappings of capitalistic success, they inhabit a world completely stripped and devoid of true, real human interaction.

In the "Black Christmas" episode, the main character finds his "daughter" is just a sham, just like she was before he saw her without the blocking. This represents how fake the world is, surrounded by technology which ostensibly makes our life easier while preventing us from actually engaging it and appreciating it.

My only other relevant commentary is about season 1, episode 3, where the main character rips the chip out from behind his ear. Often times, when technology seeks to liberate man, it only serves to further enslave him to human impulses technology can never control.

Black Mirror (Incredible TV Show) - dads - 01-05-2015

Quote: (12-20-2014 06:22 PM)monster Wrote:  

This show sucks.

One of the main purposes of art is to provide a means of catharsis (yes you have your hangups and problems but others do to- you're not alone) or to provide redemption & hope (you will persevere through the struggle as long as you try - you'll get what you need just keep working hard and keep your faith).

This show doesn't have either hope or catharsis. It shows life as shit and you as shit and everything as hopeless. It's a black hole of misery & negativity.

It's been compared to Twilight Zone but this couldn't be further from the truth. This show ends (just as it begins) with everything being shit. Twilight Zone always ended with Rod Serling's voiceover sending a positive and inspiring message.
wow. just wow like literally what are you even

Black Mirror (Incredible TV Show) - JJ Roberts - 01-05-2015

Ok so having never heard of this show 3 days ago I have now watched binge watched every single episode other than episode 3 in season 2.

This just is un-questionably fucking brilliant!!

Black Mirror (Incredible TV Show) - Plato - 01-06-2015

Charlie Brooker is a legend here in the UK.

He is the funniest columnist in the newspapers. In a regular column he will literally astonish you with his creative use of language.

He is also brilliant for his TV rants on the state of the world.

Here is a great one he broadcast when Colonel Gaddafi was fighting to regain control of Libya a couple of years ago.

It is funny as fuck.

Check out his 'Screenwipe' TV series as well in which he deconstructs the world of TV. Here is a good one he did awhile ago about the sneaky editing that is commonplace now on reality TV.

Black Mirror (Incredible TV Show) - amity - 01-06-2015

Series 1, Episode 3 is excellent! My favourite of the three in this series.
The main actor is very good, very naturalistic performance, and plenty of darkly comic moments in it.
If Episodes 1 and 2 knocked the stuffing out of you, chin up lad, Episode 3 is worth the wait and feels more like a more real future scenario than the first two.

Black Mirror (Incredible TV Show) - Apollo - 01-06-2015


Good Q&A with the creator of the show:

I agree with him that the technology should not be used as an object of scorn, it merely facilitates the harmful, anti-social behaviors that humans instinctively possess under certain conditions. Too often, we're peddled the idea that new technological innovations only serve the benefit of mankind, and questions surrounding their potentially harmful effects on individuals, groups, and culture are often negated or dismissed entirely. This show does a great job of offering that contrarian vantage, directing us to take a step back to realize these things which we regard as "progress" as being potentially destructive under the wrong circumstances.

Regarding S1E3, I thought it was a great episode for the mere fact that we are pretty much (technologically) already there. Back in the day, all a woman had to do to conceal her slutty past was shut her mouth about her sexual history, deny, deny, deny and play the part of a doting wife and mother. Today, to conceal her past, she has to become an expert in computer forensics to attempt to delete all of the texts, nude pics and recorded sexual acts (which may or may not have been shared in the public domain) she has performed with the guys who were able to swoop her and then hope she can lock down a rich simp. Plot aside, it shows that even while our technology has changed, it does not change basic human values or how we react to the cruelty of others, it only exaggerates the truth about ourselves.

Like others, I binged this show a couple nights ago and was very impressed. Hopefully we can get some more episodes in the future.

Black Mirror (Incredible TV Show) - Sudden - 01-12-2015

Just discovered the show this past weekend and ended up viewing the entire show (something I usually regard as wasting time, but given the excellence of this show I didn't mind).


In addition to the merit of each separate episode individually, I also thought the ordering of the episodes in the first season to be sort of meta-good (though I watched the third episode first as it was an endorsement of "The Entire History of You" that led me to view it). The first episode is completely contemporary. There is no technology above what we have now, it's entire setting is current. It demonstrates how our current technology is debasing ourselves in many ways. And in the very next episode, Booker takes you to the farthest technological dystopia imaginable. The first season then concludes with a very realistic potential near-future world, with an embedded google glass. The second season does feel just a tad bit disappointing after the first three episodes, but still quality with some apt and cutting social commentary. The recent Xmas special redeemed the second season largely. It would've been a shame for the Waldo Moment to be the final episode as it was the least compelling of the show.

Black Mirror (Incredible TV Show) - Windom Earle - 04-30-2015

Just finished the entire series.

Very dark/disturbing subject matter which also makes for compelling viewing.

White Christmas was the standout.

Anyone who hasn't seen the show should take a look.

Black Mirror (Incredible TV Show) - Fortis - 05-04-2015

I just watched the third episode.

That was terribly depressing. holy shit. Any guy who claims to have taken the redpill needs to watch that episode.