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Why would women raise their own sons to be beta? - greekgod - 12-10-2016

Women are nurturers, men are molders.

A woman just is and is "always accepting" supposedly because from birth a women is equipped with everything she needs to survive. A man has to go out and build his world.

Its the fathers deferring to mommys on all things parenting that really fuck both genders. Women appease while men impose standards.

Its subconscious so it isn't malicious but just a function of ovaries putting chicks on easy street thus limiting their perspective.

Why would women raise their own sons to be beta? - Rob Banks - 12-11-2016

Quote: (05-22-2014 01:08 PM)Fortis Wrote:  

Why would women raise their own sons to be beta?

I got to wondering this because so many kids today are born into single mother house holds and, undoubtedly, more men today are weaker than ever before. I, too, am the product of a single-mother household and definitely suffered because of it. I'm not angry, mad or trying to point a finger and say, "this is why I have no game." But I am curious as to what everyone's thoughts are on this idea that women raise betas.

Single mother have a lot to do with it, for sure. Without a man around, it is simply not possible for a woman, by herself, to teach her son to be a man.

The fact that so many grown men are doughy-faced betas certainly doesn't help. Even children from what we consider "good" families (i.e. parents are together, financially stable, etc.) often grow up with a beta father and a feminist mother ("feminist" in the sense that she lives a feminist lifestyle of careerism, history of serial monogomy, etc.).

Quote: (05-22-2014 01:08 PM)Fortis Wrote:  

I can understand that women would want the vast majority of men out there to be beta, because betas will serve their needs when they arise, but it seems strange that women would raise their own sons to be lesser as opposed to greater. This is not to say you cannot be alpha or dominate when raised by a woman (my younger brother is about as alpha as it gets for a 14 year old boy,)but I'm surprised all the same. You would think a woman would push her son to be greater than the average guy so that he might be able to take care of her in the future and such.

Thoughts playas?

I don't agree that it is in the best interest of women for most men to be beta. The ideal life for a woman (i.e. what she is biologically and culturally programmed to seek out, absent feminist indoctrination) is to seek out an alpha husband at a young age who will protect the woman (physically if necessary) and provide for her, as well as father children. If most men are not alpha, most women will end up unsatisfied in their marriages and/or tempted to seek out the alpha-fux/beta-bux lifestyle, which is inferior and less satisfactory for a woman than finding an alpha husband at a young age.

The reason modern women (even married women) raise their sons to be beta is due to the modern liberal culture. Mothers want their sons to grow up to be "nice, good, kind, tolerant people" instead of tough, strong, courageous men. Even parents who are not die-hard liberals tend to raise their kids in this manner, because all they hear from anyone (friends and family, books about parenting, etc.) is that they should raise their sons to be beta, and their daughters to embrace the feminist lifestyle.

We live in such a backwards culture that if you, as a parent, were to tell your son to fight back (physically) against a school bully, or tell your daughter that you don't want her hanging out with boys or learning about sex, you will be seen as a bad, even "abusive," parent.

This is why it is so important to choose a trustworthy woman with the right values if you want to have kids. The only way you'll be able to raise your kids the way you want is if your woman is 100% on board (at least when it comes to the important stuff) and does not put up resistance when you try to instill red-pill values in them.

Why would women raise their own sons to be beta? - torero - 12-11-2016

Stable, "good households" typically over-discipline (often based on religion) from what I've noticed.

The most socially-adept kids I remember throughout my education were usually from dysfunctional households, although many of them were probably up to no good as well.

Why would women raise their own sons to be beta? - Leonard D Neubache - 12-11-2016

If the father is an alpha then he's raising the boy.

If the mother is raising the boy then the father is absent, either physically or parentally.

A mother raising a boy by herself is going to have one major semi-conscious factor playing in her mind. This boy is eventually going to become bigger and stronger than her. If she wants to maintain control over him as she must to ensure he doesn't start doing epically stupid shit then she needs to put a clamp on his balls and a ring through his nose.

That's just a sad fact. She can choose to make a beta bitch of him or she can choose to relinquish control by the time he's halfway through puberty and repeatedly bail him out of jail until he kills someone or gets himself killed.

Some fatherless boys and single mothers will muddle through the middle of the two options. The higher the boy's IQ the better the odds he'll be OK in the end. That's why any mother that finds herself single with a boy needs to educate the hell out of that little bastard while he'll still listen (HUD Secretary Carson comes to mind).

Why would women raise their own sons to be beta? - HonantheBarbarian - 12-12-2016

For the same reason any other woman keeps beta orbiters and emotional tampons.

Your mom is still a woman first, at the end of the day.

Why would women raise their own sons to be beta? - PolymathGuru - 12-12-2016

Quote: (05-22-2014 01:37 PM)Thomas the Rhymer Wrote:  

Female imperative - women will try to get men to act in a way that benefits women.

If mom raises a son to be beta, that means that because he is unable to get a girlfriend, then he will always be emotionally available for mommy. Also, mommy doesn't have to deal with the potential fallout of sexual escapades, because her son is practically neutered.

In other words, it's pure selfishness, weak men are just easier to use, even if that man happens to be your son.

My Mother tried to raise me that way. I found it embarrassing and always resisted.

"Why should I do x?"

"Because I'm the Mommy and you're suppose to listen your Mommy."

"Fuck off cunt."

She never understood My need to understand reason, logic, agency and purpose.

Why would women raise their own sons to be beta? - aar0nmaxw3ll - 01-22-2017

Being a man raised around all women and an out of control crazy mother this is how it used to go on a daily basis.. Shit test shit test shit test mega shit test nuclear shit test NUCLEAR TEST NUCLEAR TEST NUCLEAR TEST shit test sit test shit test mega test shit test nuclear test shit test shit test.. Up and down like this every day asking why what who huh where blah blah blah all the fucking time. Then i read something here someone said that narcissistic mothers use their sons to absorb their crazyness and insecurities so they dont have to deal with it themselves. Like this has been my life for 23 years and i never had a male role model to learn from so ive had to teach myself. Eventually i just got tired of her shit and put her in her place. Now she plays the pity me shit test and i dont buy into it so she tells her friends and coworkers that im a piece of shit. I guess its a good thing i have this daily practice of shit tests because i train myself to deal with them and when im with women i can control my frame and emotions better. Just my thoughts.

Why would women raise their own sons to be beta? - Raf1911 - 03-02-2018

Technically women are unable teach something they don't know. It is like they perfectly know how an Alpha/good steak tastes but have no idea how it was made, what temperature etc.
Only Alpha men can teach boys how to be Alpha. Not by teaching them but by a boys watching and observing a Alpha father.. This is a way naturals are created. Alpha father role model plus mirror neurons of son boy equals Alpha natural.

If a woman wants a son to be an Alpha, she makes his son spends as much time as possible with other Alpha males. When a son asks such mother for life/sex advice (probably he won't, as he would learned from other Alphas that men don't ask women for life/sex advice etc) she would send him for answer to Alphas.

If a Beta guy wants to change into Alpha man he must spend time (thanks to mirror neurons) with Alpha role models and avoid spending any time with Beta role models (male or female).

Why would women raise their own sons to be beta? - Montrose - 03-02-2018

Your children do what you do, not what you tell them to do

Why would women raise their own sons to be beta? - birthday cat - 03-02-2018

Many reasons.....

aar0nmaxw3ll listed one reason:
Quote: (01-22-2017 10:42 PM)aar0nmaxw3ll Wrote:  

Then i read something here someone said that narcissistic mothers use their sons to absorb their crazyness and insecurities so they dont have to deal with it themselves.

Also, women who have had bad experiences with men will unconsciously try to right those wrongs through their children. She had a father or boyfriend who did her wrong so she fixes the problem by teaching her son to be obedient and kiss women's asses.

Most common reason is probably because they have bought into all the feminism bullshit and their heads are filled with all that nonsense. It's all they know.

Why would women raise their own sons to be beta? - Incubus - 03-02-2018

just another morsel on how tribal woman are...take a divorce with children involved for example

The woman is a lousy person thus the divorce. The mother is usually given the kids by a Judge unless a real drooler and totally insane
Before I'm fought on this please remember in Court a woman is automatically a parent....a man has to prove he can parent..there's a big difference there.

The mother is raising a beta boy with her bad parenting style (also running down the Father which is normal in front of kids).

My main point is that other women/ your mom/your sister/ your girlfriend/co worker girls will turn a blind eye to how another woman/mother parents. Few women will say the father should be given the child. It's like all women instinctively know that when a woman has a child it's her property PERIOD. If the mother raises a beta boy who cares

Why would women raise their own sons to be beta? - Spartacus - 03-09-2018

They love betas, believe it or not. they want to fuck alpha, but are in love with betas personality.

Why would women raise their own sons to be beta? - questor70 - 03-09-2018

Quote: (03-09-2018 11:37 AM)Spartacus Wrote:  

They love betas, believe it or not. they want to fuck alpha, but are in love with betas personality.

What I don't see mentioned here is the ick factor of incest.

Women do not attempt to shape their sons into alpha because they would feel a sense of disgust feeling alpha-tingles over them. They know their sons may grow up to be studs anyway, but they aren't going to conciously engineer this.

I definitely feel that way with my daughter. I don't really want her to become a sex object. I'm not going tell her how to dress up or shop for bras with her. That's why there was so much "ick" over the JonBenet Ramsey thing, slapping makeup and poofy hair on a young girl and parading her around.

The reason why adolescents need to 'rebel' is to make that final leap into sexually active adulthood, and that's why adolescence is such a traumatic shift. Most parents try to deny or stifle a child's sexuality.

Why would women raise their own sons to be beta? - SmasherOfAss - 03-09-2018

To answer OP,: as you pointed out, single mothers are the most guilty of this. I think it's fair to assume that these mothers weren't planning on being single. Many of them may have just wanted to raise sons that didn't treat women as badly as they were treated to wind up single. I think most of them truly don't understand what they need to be teaching their sons, because there's a 99% chance they were never taught those same things ( being women and all). Like others have said, they try but there's only so much they can do, especially considering how much males are being pushed to act/behave as women nowadays.

Why would women raise their own sons to be beta? - MaceTyrell - 03-09-2018

^Agree with the above. Most of my problems with women (and life in general) stem from having a single mother.

Hyper focusing on my male role models from here on out.

Why would women raise their own sons to be beta? - Mufasa - 03-13-2018

[Image: 51A7GX8T7JL._SY445_.jpg]

To fulfill their need to be accommodated by betas. Adam Sandler was the primary source of male attention in her life and one that she had the power to have complete dominion over.
I'm pretty sure his mom even chided him for not being as much of a man as his father was?

Why would women raise their own sons to be beta? - Kid Twist - 03-13-2018

Quote: (03-09-2018 11:49 AM)questor70 Wrote:  

Quote: (03-09-2018 11:37 AM)Spartacus Wrote:  

They love betas, believe it or not. they want to fuck alpha, but are in love with betas personality.

What I don't see mentioned here is the ick factor of incest.

Women do not attempt to shape their sons into alpha because they would feel a sense of disgust feeling alpha-tingles over them. They know their sons may grow up to be studs anyway, but they aren't going to conciously engineer this.

I definitely feel that way with my daughter. I don't really want her to become a sex object. I'm not going tell her how to dress up or shop for bras with her. That's why there was so much "ick" over the JonBenet Ramsey thing, slapping makeup and poofy hair on a young girl and parading her around.

The reason why adolescents need to 'rebel' is to make that final leap into sexually active adulthood, and that's why adolescence is such a traumatic shift. Most parents try to deny or stifle a child's sexuality.

Notice that this is the same (natural) reason why so many parents go duped into the career woman fraud; conflicting parental advice and suggestions to make them self sufficient instead of being good wives and mothers. For fear of being another man's helpmate (the healthy point of view) ... instead they visualize it as fucktoy (unhealthy point of view).