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Noir - Mormon Nailer - 05-15-2014

Canada isn't the best comparison. Demographically, they're very different from the US. You can compare Canada with some parts of America, like the Dakotas and Montana. All places with loose gun laws and almost no gun crimes.

Noir - Walderschmidt - 05-15-2014

Quote: (05-15-2014 08:18 AM)soup Wrote:  

People need to be able to defend themselves- I have no problem with that, but there are other ways and even other weapons that can be used.

The video in the op is of a guy actively trying to sell guns to people as a cool hip thing. It seemed kind of gay to me.

Guns don't make people cool, people do.

That's alright Soup. You don't have to have a gun if you don't want one. I understand it might clash with your hipster image.

It is a free country after all.


Noir - soup - 05-15-2014

Oh the personal insults start to fly...

Noir - Dr. Howard - 05-15-2014

Quote: (05-15-2014 08:22 AM)Cunnilinguist Wrote:  

Quote: (05-15-2014 07:40 AM)Dr. Howard Wrote:  

Living in Canada, the midwest and now the south i do have a theory that contributes to poverty and crime though, warm weather. A good winter does two things...

1. It keeps people inside, its 4 months out of the year when people aren't going to be loitering in the alley getting all stabby because its too damn cold. You've really only got June through August for the months where criminals can wander for crimes of opportunity 24 hours a day.

2. The income threshold that you can drop to without dying is lower in warmer climates. Here in the south you can live in a destroyed trailer with broken windows or in a tent city under a bridge year round and not die from exposure. The US climate can support a much poorer population than Canada can. That poor population can be mobile in warm weather and seek opportunities to commit crimes.

LA, St. Louis, Memphis, all of Florida, new orleans, etc. only 2 cities in the US top 10 for danger are in midwest climates, which are balmy by canadian standards.

If warm weather was a factor in increasing crime, then Detroit, Chicago, and Minnesota would be relatively crime-free. But we both know that aint the case.

I'm not saying 'crime free' I'm saying less crime. Detroit and Milwaukee are the only top 10 crime cities in the cold weather US anymore. The other 8 are warm weather. I think if you sliced the US at lets say, Cleveland north to the Canadian border crime rates wouldn't be that bad at all, inclusive of detroit even.

If you took the US inclusive of St. Louis south you'd have much higher rates.

Noir - Mormon Nailer - 05-15-2014

Rep point for Wald: he brought up some good points.

Noir - soup - 05-15-2014

Do you guys think women should all be given guns?

Noir - Mormon Nailer - 05-15-2014

Quote: (05-15-2014 09:47 AM)soup Wrote:  

Do you guys think women should all be given guns?

That's a strange question. I think anyone with proper training and no history of mental illness or prison time (except for bullshit like child support arrears) should be able to own a gun.

I don't think they should be allowed to vote, though. Or at the very least people who work for the government shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Noir - soup - 05-15-2014

Has anyone here ever killed someone with a gun?

Noir - Walderschmidt - 05-15-2014

Quote: (05-15-2014 09:54 AM)soup Wrote:  

Has anyone here ever killed someone with a gun?

Thankfully, I have not had to.

Have you?


Noir - Mormon Nailer - 05-15-2014

Quote: (05-15-2014 09:54 AM)soup Wrote:  

Has anyone here ever killed someone with a gun?

Yes. What's your next question and/or insightful observation?

Edit: Not me. Read the question wrong.

Noir - soup - 05-15-2014


Noir - Mormon Nailer - 05-15-2014

Quote: (05-15-2014 10:10 AM)soup Wrote:  


On what? "Yes"?

Noir - soup - 05-15-2014


Noir - Mormon Nailer - 05-15-2014


Noir - Walderschmidt - 05-15-2014

Quote: (05-15-2014 10:15 AM)soup Wrote:  


You still haven't answered as to whether you've killed someone with a gun, before.


Noir - soup - 05-15-2014

Wald I'm talking to Mormon.

Noir - Mormon Nailer - 05-15-2014

Lol. My bad. Read that wrong. I personally have never killed anyone with a gun. I can't speak for anyone else here.

I don't own a gun, btw. I live in the pussyass East Coast.

Noir - Walderschmidt - 05-15-2014

Quote: (05-15-2014 10:29 AM)soup Wrote:  

Wald I'm talking to Mormon.

And I'm talking to you.

You could have put "Mormon" in place of "anyone", but you didn't.


Noir - kosko - 05-15-2014

Quote: (05-15-2014 07:40 AM)Dr. Howard Wrote:  

Quote: (05-14-2014 08:07 PM)Cunnilinguist Wrote:  

Quote: (05-14-2014 05:39 PM)DjembaDjemba Wrote:  

Gun ownership preference and is purely a cultural issue.

Here in Alberta I can own a hunting rifle without a license if I purchase the gun privately.

Canada is relatively safe, our urban streets aren't flooded with guns and not every criminal has one (contrary to popular belief about Toronto/Montreal). Gun crime is rare compared to US cities with similar demographics (ethnic composition and population).

Then again our citizens are wealthier, have access to better education, and free healthcare at the point of access. Overall social indicators are better across the board up here. And we're a more diverse bunch than Americans, quite a bit more.

Diversity + Proximity = war? Conjecture.

America's high gun crime rate is most likely as a result of its lopsidedly constructed society. A society of slave-masters, slaves, and European peasants. A clear gradient of haves, and have nots.

America sits in the middle of the pack of settler countries, Latin America is more extreme version of the USA, Canada, Australia and the Caribbean are the slightly tamer.

Latin America has stupid amount of gun crime, the highest in the world. This is what happens when you have a handful of Spaniards/Portuguese expropriate the land of millions, and live under siege for 500 years in castles followed up walled mansions. They need guns to keep safe from all those poor that have no land, no food, and live in shanties.

This is the root of the controversy of gun ownership in the western countries.

The NRA is trying to get more young people, especially minorities who don't do outdoors shit to get on the guns bandwagon.

I like guns, and going to the bush and shooting shit up, but trying to convince my city buddies to do the same is a hit and miss.

America is full of trollism, it's hard to see the NRA succeeding in their goal to get young urban kids to take up legal gun ownership and the gun laws not being tightened thereafter.

Agreed. Here in Montreal, you could be walking in any given neighborhood at 3 AM and feel completely safe. Violent crime here is rare and its a decent-sized city. I cant say the same for ANY major city in the US. You hit it right on the head. The US has no safety net for its citizens. Once you hit rock bottom, youre basically fucked.

Here we go with this "Oh Canada you can walk anywhere at 3am" and "The US has no safety net for citizens"

1. The US safety net is better, in my opinion, than it is in Canada. Canada has welfare, free health care and unemployment insurance. The US has the same things for the poor and old, but also amazing subsidized housing, subsidized daycare, free pre school, free school lunches and food stamps.

2. Maybe you can walk the streets of Montreal at 3am buy you cannot walk the streets of winnipeg, edmonton or thunder bay at 3am.

Living in Canada, the midwest and now the south i do have a theory that contributes to poverty and crime though, warm weather. A good winter does two things...

1. It keeps people inside, its 4 months out of the year when people aren't going to be loitering in the alley getting all stabby because its too damn cold. You've really only got June through August for the months where criminals can wander for crimes of opportunity 24 hours a day.

2. The income threshold that you can drop to without dying is lower in warmer climates. Here in the south you can live in a destroyed trailer with broken windows or in a tent city under a bridge year round and not die from exposure. The US climate can support a much poorer population than Canada can. That poor population can be mobile in warm weather and seek opportunities to commit crimes.

LA, St. Louis, Memphis, all of Florida, new orleans, etc. only 2 cities in the US top 10 for danger are in midwest climates, which are balmy by canadian standards.

Yes you can..
I grew up in one of the "most dangerous cities" in Canada which had one if the highest crime rates. Walking around at 3am was no problem.

Leaving the bars in my home town there was a 50% chance for a scrap. Brawls and people getting shanked were common but even with all that you still felt safe. Crime was isolated and you knew what circles were dodgy. If you didn't hang out with the goons you were never exposed to much of the goonary.

The only place guns are an issue in Canada are small pockets of the suburban hoods in the big cities like Toronto, or with gangs. In those situations the hood is a small circle and they know when your not from there and will fuck with you for fun if their bored. Random stuff happens but it's rare.

It's a cultural thing. Guns make bodily harm more extreme but it's a cultural issue in which tension and hate persist enough to warrant the use if the guns in the first place.

Just contrast Windsor, Ontario vs Detroit. They border each other and share much of the same things culturally. But the stew of hate present in Detroit can't be denied. Detroit has a murder rate per capita if almost 100:1. For a 6 year stretch Windsor had ZERO homicides while Detroit averaged 250.

Detroit has winters just as harsh. So does Chicago. In Chicago they joke about the "summer heat rush" since after Memorial Day when it heats up murders start stack up.

Don't drink that USA kool aid to much Dr Howard. In America they let seniors and veterans be homeless and die in the streets. Go walk around USA cities and the people whom are largely homeless are seniors.

Guns are a herring. America is just a cultural wasteland in that is a stewing pot of tension and hate. Other countries function fine with just as many guns. It's a society issue in America nobody wants to touch with a 10 foot pole.

Noir - KorbenDallas - 05-15-2014

My ex in America owned a gun. She lived near bad neighborhoods where criminals owned guns, so, it was good she had it in case someone tried to rob or rape her. Absolutely women should be able to own guns.

Like Wald said, Soup's position is the minority one thank god. Gun Ownership and support for the second amendment is extremely high in the states.

Noir - Mormon Nailer - 05-15-2014

Vancouver is a crime-ridden, HIV-infested shithole too.

Noir - soup - 05-15-2014

Maybe she wouldn't need one if the criminals didn't gave easy access to them.

Noir - Mormon Nailer - 05-15-2014

Quote: (05-15-2014 10:55 AM)soup Wrote:  

Maybe she wouldn't need one if the criminals didn't gave easy access to them.

And how would you decrease easy access to them? They purchase them illegally.

Noir - soup - 05-15-2014

You guys are going to get your wish soon.. 3d printing will give guns to everybody, including crazy people etc.

I hope you all are right about more guns = less violence and crime.

Noir - Mormon Nailer - 05-15-2014

Quote: (05-15-2014 11:06 AM)soup Wrote:  

You guys are going to get your wish soon.. 3d printing will give guns to everybody, including crazy people etc.

I hope you all are right about more guns = less violence and crime.

More LEGAL guns = less crime. And we are right.