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Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - Fast Eddie - 02-20-2016

Looks like even Ragnar is not immune to the Yellow Fever. Yeah, I know it's nothing but another pathetic sop to "diversity" in fucking Dark Age Scandinavia of all places but...

[Image: 6494d9a65195279d35717e6d97375037c34660e0...212df0.jpg]

I'm also looking forward to the Bjorn story line. A lone test of endurance in the cold dark interior of the North lands is exactly the type of narrative that tickles my fancy.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - VolandoVengoVolandoVoy - 02-20-2016

I've often thought that there is a instinctual lust for diversity (in terms of slaying pussy, not in the PC sense), and it runs through the blood more strongly in dominant alpha men who seek to spread their seed (a demographic well represented on RVF).
This isn't exactly scientific, but my theory is that this comes from evolution, and because genetic diversity is a evolutionary advantage, the men who had the strongest impulse in this sense, were selected to have their genes triumph.

Also, I really liked the first episode of this season. Vikings is a very watchable show. Not perfect, but in order to maintain their large budget, they need to appeal to a broad audience, so I'm willing to forgive some of the obvious shortcomings.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - YoungBlade - 02-20-2016

So, technically the Asian girl is a bit late in the timeline of actual history (just like Lagertha, who is from the 6th century, not the 9th), but Vikings did have Asian interaction. Brynhild is called the sister of Atli, which in the time of the Sigurdsaga was Attila the Hun. Meaning the Valkyrie in Wagner's opera should be dark haired and short. Granted, Sigurdsaga is set centuries before the Vikings, but still.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - RIslander - 02-20-2016

Quote: (02-20-2016 06:42 AM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  

I've often thought that there is a instinctual lust for diversity (in terms of slaying pussy, not in the PC sense), and it runs through the blood more strongly in dominant alpha men who seek to spread their seed (a demographic well represented on RVF).
This isn't exactly scientific, but my theory is that this comes from evolution, and because genetic diversity is a evolutionary advantage, the men who had the strongest impulse in this sense, were selected to have their genes triumph.

Also, I really liked the first episode of this season. Vikings is a very watchable show. Not perfect, but in order to maintain their large budget, they need to appeal to a broad audience, so I'm willing to forgive some of the obvious shortcomings.

I've thought about this as well. I think both men and women are attracted to foreigners because back in the day we all lived in tribes and incest was a problem. This is why we find foreign accents sexy. Breeding with a foreigner ensures genetic diversity and superior offspring. Excluding fatties, I don't know too many mixed race people that are unattractive.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - Pride male - 02-21-2016

Just watched first episode. So far so good. Looks like Rollo or Ragnars wife might be the antagonist.

Those dudes on Stormfront think Vikings is part of the Jewish conspiracy to make whites seem like barbarians. Lol.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - Fast Eddie - 03-03-2016

Aside from the cringe-worthy Judith scenes, this week's episode was pretty good.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - Pride male - 03-03-2016

The episode I downloaded just ends while Ragnars son fishes. Anyway Aethelwulfs wife is pretty hot.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - YoungBlade - 03-03-2016

Please Ecgbert be pulling a long con. Otherwise that was some real simp nonsense that whole episode.


Who else thought the bear was gonna be the berserker and Bjorn was just tripping? I'd love to go on a vision quest like that sometime.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - Zona - 03-14-2016

Quote: (03-03-2016 11:01 PM)YoungBlade Wrote:  


Who else thought the bear was gonna be the berserker and Bjorn was just tripping? I'd love to go on a vision quest like that sometime.

My first thought when they were setting up the bear situation was along those lines as well. And there's a part of me that would also love to do a quest like that. I've done it on a much smaller scale (taken off into the wilderness for several days with nothing but a few basic supplies), but nothing like what Bjorn did. Most people would die in that scenario unless they had some serious bushcraft chops.


It almost seemed like they were trying to do too much with that whole thing. First the bear, and then the berserker...give the guy a break.

Still, Bjorn means "bear" so you could have a field day with the symbolism in that. You could view it as him slaying his old self (in the form of the bear), or as him growing into his namesake by taking on the power of the bear that he killed.

For those who've seen last week's episode, did anybody else think it was a little bit weird that he just showed up in Hedeby and swooped in on Erlendur's wife with minimal drama? I guess I figured that, at the very least, he'd confront Erlendur and Kalf (seeing as how he took Erlendur's ring from the berserker). Clearly they're setting things up for a future confrontation, but that whole scene was a bit bizarre to me.

Oh, and I can't wait to see how the drama between Ragnar and this new wannabe king plays out. This new challenger might be the spark that Ragnar needs to get out of the weird funk that he's in.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - YoungBlade - 03-19-2016

Seems they are emasculating the Saxons, whilst bolstering the masculinity of the Northmen this week.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - Pride male - 03-20-2016

Would bang the Asian chick.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - YoungBlade - 04-01-2016

So, obvious betrayal. Still don't understand Harbard. Presumably he isn't actually Odin, he just seeks villages where the men are off to war and impregnates their wives.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - spokepoker - 04-01-2016

He's a Jodi.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - YoungBlade - 04-07-2016


Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - 911 - 04-08-2016

That last episode sucked, expectations were way up with the previous one which was fairly awesome and had top-notch action. I taped that ep and watched it again, enjoyed watching Rollo's men take down those silly cosplay "shieldmaiden".

This ep though: bogus S&M scenes, bogus Harbard figure, I mean would their village community really let some con artist drifter come in and bang all their women? Disappointing. More Game of Thrones than quality historic drama.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - YoungBlade - 04-08-2016

^^^ agreed, this season seems to have been written by a feminist. Like why is Judith suddenly a "strong independent woman" when she was a scared little girl who became an adultress and lost her ear last season? Where'd the resolve come from?

Note that the token diversity character is gone now though.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - Wahawahwah - 04-22-2016

Goddamnit Rollo is such a bitch.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - spokepoker - 04-22-2016

Huh? Bitch how? He won the battle.
If I remember correctly, Rollo (Roland) was a famous defender of Paris, no idea if he was the brother of a Viking king though.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - Zona - 04-22-2016

Quote: (04-22-2016 02:10 AM)spokepoker Wrote:  

If I remember correctly, Rollo (Roland) was a famous defender of Paris, no idea if he was the brother of a Viking king though.

From a historical perspective Rollo and Roland were two different people who existed at different points in time, although it seems that both appear in the show. This is Roland:

[Image: latest?cb=20160221195109]

The real Roland was known for his defense of Frankish borders against the Bretons, while Rollo the viking was given lands to cease his incursions into France and to protect France from other Norse raids. I believe that Rollo was of Norse nobility, though I haven't read anything about him being related to Ragnar (it's still unclear as to whether Ragnar Lothbrok actually existed in real life, or if he was an amalgamation of various legends).

It seems like the History Channel has been taking some serious creative liberties across the board, including the interweaving of various historic personalities who never encountered each other in real life.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - YoungBlade - 04-22-2016

"Who wants to be king?! I dare you!!!"

Best line of the season.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - johnbozzz - 04-22-2016

Quote: (02-20-2016 07:31 AM)YoungBlade Wrote:  

So, technically the Asian girl is a bit late in the timeline of actual history (just like Lagertha, who is from the 6th century, not the 9th), but Vikings did have Asian interaction. Brynhild is called the sister of Atli, which in the time of the Sigurdsaga was Attila the Hun. Meaning the Valkyrie in Wagner's opera should be dark haired and short. Granted, Sigurdsaga is set centuries before the Vikings, but still.

I thought the Vikings passed through Mongolia at some point? I've known a fair amount of girls of Danish descent with high cheekbones..I thought it had to do with the pillaging of the women in Mongolia?

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - YoungBlade - 04-22-2016


Vice versa. Huns invaded Central Europe in the 400s, mixing with Germanic tribes. The Mongols did not unite and spread until well after the Viking age. The only mixing I'd say could happen during the Viking age is Swedish traders, predecessors of the Russians, going to Baghdad and meeting Mongols there.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - johnbozzz - 04-22-2016

Quote: (04-22-2016 10:20 PM)YoungBlade Wrote:  


Vice versa. Huns invaded Central Europe in the 400s, mixing with Germanic tribes. The Mongols did not unite and spread until well after the Viking age. The only mixing I'd say could happen during the Viking age is Swedish traders, predecessors of the Russians, going to Baghdad and meeting Mongols there.

Nice, thanks.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - 911 - 04-23-2016

The Vikings traded deep into Russia. In fact, the name Russia itself comes from "Rus", which designated the Vikings early on and transferred later on to the slavic Russians. Up the Volga and into the Caspian and Black seas, they came into contact and blended with central Asian people and brought in slaves like Ragnar's side muffin.

That last episode could have been epic but it was a bit lackluster, it had some good fight scenes but lacked realism. Why would Rollo send a fleet to fight the Vikings in their element, ship to ship, where they are the experts? He could have just continued to pick them off and weakened them at strategic points along the meandering Seine river with crossbows and lit arrows. Also, the banks of the Seine were inhabited even back then, with shipping and fishing up and down the river. Ragnar couldn't have set up camp and build up the transport logistics without the Franks knowing about it earlier. The fight scenes from the Paris siege last season and from the Rollo tower asskicking a few weeks ago were better.

Nevertheless, I was rooting for the Christians and it was good to see them win. It was good to see the Norwegian death metal types and especially their ridiculous scrawny shieldmaiden get stumped. The writers have had a pagan bias throughout the series.

Didn't like the crap about the emperor being homo, his fat right hand man being into modern-style S&M and king Egbert being a male feminist. Crap artistic license.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - spokepoker - 04-23-2016

Ragnar went fuckin nuts at the end. This is what happens when MGTOW goes too far, probably sitting around in a lone cabin by himself thinking the whole world is out to get him, constantly reinforcing his delusions until he snaps and starts mailing out letter bombs, or stomps into town thinking everyone wants to kill him and be king.
All the while the town kept growing and prospering, getting bigger and everyone living their own lives, feeding their families and living life. It didn't really seem like anyone minded that he was gone, just his immediate family, even Bjorn had better shit to do, to go explore the Mediterranean Sea, if it existed.
Everyone kept living their lives and Ragnar was out somewhere mixing up conspiracy theories about his Paris loss.