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Looks like there's still hope for America - iknowexactly - 11-09-2012

Quote: (11-08-2012 11:03 AM)tenderman100 Wrote:  

Quote: (11-08-2012 12:31 AM)deepcov3r Wrote:  

Tenderman, Old Nemesis is an extremely intelligent and successful individual who has also displayed remarkable tenacity in pursuing long-term goals in his life. I won't go into details because of privacy, but your patronizing post mostly reflects on you, showing you (a) don't know him, and (b) are willing to insult people inaccurately whom you don't know.

Patronizing is as patronizing does. I have friends in the states he dissed. To hell with him.

Some people need to get a metaphorical smack on the head, even if they are presumably "accomplished."

We await your wisdom in choosing who needs to be smacked.

Looks like there's still hope for America - iknowexactly - 11-09-2012

Quote: (11-08-2012 10:06 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

As for what to do? There's probably nothing you can do. Most of us are going to be completed fucked,

OK, that's a more or less concrete position and I see your logic/point. I guess it's people screaming someone like Rush Limbaugh's ideas could solve things sounds crazy.

I think the last currency disavowal by the US as a whole ( not Confederate currency) was the continental, in the late 1700's, so maybe that's coming again in my, or your, lifetime.

The death analogy is not quite perfect, for instance it took hundreds of years for Roman coinage to lose most of its silver value.

If it works like that, that makes our life spans more the problem rather than economics.

Looks like there's still hope for America - Tbone - 11-09-2012

Quote: (11-08-2012 11:06 AM)tenderman100 Wrote:  

But virtually everything President Halt the Rise of the Oceans has done --and especially the things he's NOT done -- have made things worse.

In order for things to be worse now than they were four years ago, we would have to be losing upwards of 800,000+ jobs a month and be in a depression right now as we speak.

Looks like there's still hope for America - iknowexactly - 11-09-2012

Quote: (11-09-2012 01:52 AM)Tbone Wrote:  

Quote: (11-08-2012 11:06 AM)tenderman100 Wrote:  

But virtually everything President Halt the Rise of the Oceans has done --and especially the things he's NOT done -- have made things worse.

In order for things to be worse now than they were four years ago, we would have to be losing upwards of 800,000+ jobs a month and be in a depression right now as we speak.

Stop with the goddam historical fact stuff. He wants to have a hissy fit and it's fun to wacth.

Looks like there's still hope for America - ElJefe - 11-09-2012

Now the pundits are saying the repubs got their asses handed to then for alienating immigrants. Obviously, promising more is the way to go. That's why Perry gets 33% of the hispanic vote in Texas while Romney got just 29%. So giving away more stuff on the taxpayer's dime will get us another four percent of the 10% strong latino vote.

The sheer stupidity is going to destroy republicans.

Looks like there's still hope for America - Faust - 11-09-2012

" Looks like a lot of people finally woke up and don't buy Fox News shit anymore. Therefore there's still hope. "

As somebody who's really, really depressed by the outcome of the election, I would love to hear about how there's still hope, and how everybody who says we're about to plunge off a fiscal cliff is wrong. I mean that, I'm not being sarcastic. If you've got evidence that people's fears are overblown, and that everything is going to get better, I'd really like to hear it. It would help me sleep better at night.

Looks like there's still hope for America - oldnemesis - 11-09-2012

Quote: (11-08-2012 10:04 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

My claim:
If it is a woman, it will vote for a bad candidate.

Your logic was wrong, because we were talking about a specific thing - the budget deficit.
Women voted for Clinton and the budget deficit went down.
Women did not vote for Bush - and the budget deficit went up.
So apparently this isn't the case.

Of course now you're talking about some abstract "bad candidate" which can mean anything, so the discussion doesn't make any sense anymore.

Looks like there's still hope for America - oldnemesis - 11-09-2012

Quote: (11-09-2012 12:29 AM)tenderman100 Wrote:  

...well then who the FUCK are you??

I'm your Lord and Savior. The doomsday is coming, don't worry about elections. You gonna be in Heaven anyway, together with George Bush and a bunch of pedo priests, and you'll even keep your guns and your pickup truck. Just repent.

PS. Hopefully after all you wrote here you didn't actually expect you'd deserve a serious answer.

Looks like there's still hope for America - oldnemesis - 11-09-2012

Quote: (11-08-2012 09:32 PM)Grit Wrote:  

Those "unimportant" states like South Dakota, Utah, Nebraska, North Dakota, and Wyoming not only have NO debt- their citizens have net assets.

That doesn't surprise me after looking at that table

SD, UT, NE, ND, WY receive more federal tax dollars than they contribute.
While NJ, NY, CA contribute significantly more federal tax dollars than they receive.

So yeah, I'm kinda happy that SD citizens buy "net worth" for my tax dollars.

Looks like there's still hope for America - oldnemesis - 11-09-2012

Quote: (11-09-2012 07:51 PM)Faust Wrote:  

As somebody who's really, really depressed by the outcome of the election, I would love to hear about how there's still hope, and how everybody who says we're about to plunge off a fiscal cliff is wrong. I mean that, I'm not being sarcastic.

It depends on what exactly you're being depressed with.

Yeah, although I don't think so, it is possible we're about to plunge off a fiscal cliff. But the election results don't really matter here. We already had the Republican president very recently who was completely unable to keep the deficit under control, so assuming someone would control the budget better just because he's Republican would be wishful thinking at best.

Here you've got a bunch of people having solutions to the budget deficit problem. But they are completely useless, it is like a "what I'd do if I were a President" essay students write. It doesn't matter how good your ideas are, you're not the one implementing anything. In some way it is not different from the manosphere - all they do is bitching about the things happening not the way they'd like, while doing nothing to change the situation.

Now this may sound ridiculous to some of you, but I don't really care about budget deficit, this is so out of my control that worrying about it isn't different from worrying about the next earthquake. I'm more or less prepared for it, and that's it. Nor I'd believe for a single second Romney would handle it better than Obama.

And by all other means Romney is just worse. This guy is from a party which is anti-everything except guns. He's anti-abortion, anti-porn, anti-weed, anti-gay marriage (why would one fucking care if he's not gay is beyond my understanding), he is your typical example which would love to wake up back in 50s. And I have no desire to end up there.

Looks like there's still hope for America - chochemonger1 - 11-10-2012

Now and then I still see reruns of Love Boat, Charlie´s Angels or a film like Saturday Night Fever. If America ever returned to a place where the women were remotely like that, I might return. Till then sayonara to the land of the brave and free, regardless of the politics.

Looks like there's still hope for America - tenderman100 - 11-10-2012

Quote: (11-09-2012 01:31 AM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

We await your wisdom in choosing who needs to be smacked.

As you should.