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Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - DarkTriad - 10-09-2018

Quote: (10-07-2018 12:05 PM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:


Ex-Model Incarcerated for Exposing Illuminati Child Sacrifice

Her book.

No idea whether they call themselves Illuminati at the top.

But her writing about child sacrifice at the top - that is believable.

[Image: nathalie-augustina-a.jpg?w=810]


Nathalie Augustina was a MK-Ultra mind-controlled fashion model and sex slave who serviced politicians as a reward for their services to the super-rich Satanists that control the world. Her mind was compartmentalized by trauma as a young child and her sexual services were performed by another "alter." She had no recollection of them, yet it was obvious that she had been used.

Monarch mind control is also that is very likely. They would have to find tools to make those starlets and young girls be enthusiastic while sucking their decrepit old dicks.

Since we're on the topic, I'm going to give my take on the MK-Ultra/Monarch stuff, mostly thorough lens of Cathy O'Brian's book, but also many other sources. Haven't read the book in awhile, and sometimes mix sources over the years, so bear with me. According to Cathy, not everyone can be MK-Ultra-ed, most people just won't suppress memories or create "split personalities" in a way that is useful enough for a handler to use them reliably. The "split" is actually an evolutionary coping mechanism, because otherwise someone suffering from that level of torture/trauma would just be too horribly PTSDed to be remotely functional as human beings, never mind effective agents. Some people are more amenable to this than others (and it tends to run in families). Even in "amenable" family lines, a lot of times the training just won't take

This is fine, because they've discovered that one of the most effective traumas is for a child to witness another child (possibly a friend or relative) be tortured and sacrificed in a really creepy Satanic ceremony...that you're forced to participate in. It's actually worse than in sounds, because they've literally spent CENTURIES fine tuning how to make this horribly traumatic thing even more horrible (it was originally used by certain secret societies and cults long before the CIA picked it up and perfected it with their MK-Ultra program). It also (understandably) makes their slaves deathly afraid to fail or fail to cooperate.

The families most likely to have this ability are the ones that that have already demonstrated it at a very rough level - inter generational incest cases. If you've got multiple generations of family members molesting the next generation of family members, there is a high likelyhood they're exceptionally good at compartmentalizing things and not thinking or talking things that are unpleasant and traumatic for them. TPTB fish for these people as a natural resource. In Cathy's era, child porn was still delivered by mail. One day it also arrives with a couple of FBI agents. They made Cathy's father an offer he couldn't refuse...he could go to prison (in an era where diddlers frequently did not survive their sentence) or he could work for them, doing absolutely anything they wanted. And one one of the things they wanted was his daughter (attractive young girl, future Hustler model, one of the big deal porno mags of the era). Dad left for a few weeks (apparently for training at an MK Ultra handlers program) and returned with a smirk on his face. Next they took Cathy for a lengthy period where she was broken down and put back together again, using torture, drugs and hypnosis. They've been doing this for a long time, and equipped her with the "alters" (alternate personalities) that were most useful for their purposes, including a couple of compulsively suicidal ones that would find a way to kill themselves if triggered. Others included a cooperative sex kitten, and another that has completely horrified and screamed when she was raped, but could not effectively resist.

Returning home was hell, constant calorie restriction, sleep deprivation and abuse are part of the program to keep you compliant. She was forced to service various politicians and priests, as well as turn out a steady stream of child pornography...often with her brothers and sisters. If her conditioning showed signs of slipping, they would ship her out to the torture camp again for re-tuning. As she got older one of her duties became courier/messenger. This was apparently a common and crucial role of MK-ULTRA subjects....we saw the kind of havoc a few lost emails by Podesta caused. In Cathy's era, almost all sensitive communication was verbally told to an MK-ULTRA courier, orally transmitted to the receiver, and then promptly forgotten by the MK-ULTRA messenger, even the meeting itself. This was considered one the most important skills they had, otherwise you couldn't run an organization on that scale without paper trails and rats. And unless an idiot like Podesta gets lazy, the worst the can happen is a "crazy lady" get institutionalized . Heck even when she's trying to explain it after years of therapy and de-conditioning, all this STILL sounds fairly crazy. BTW - She might very well be crazy or wrong, but I've seen enough crazy stuff over the years, it makes more sense for something like this to exist than not. Nobody is ever going to throw away a weapon this useful, and it's existence has already been confirmed by the CIA in Congressional hearings. Even Monarch (the sex slave program), where the CIA chief said "We don't do that sort of thing anymore." If you don't do it "anymore" that's an admission that at some point you WERE doing it.

She switched handlers a few times over her career, and was subjected to a variety of programs. including a non religious centered one based around reptilians. I get the impression this one was invented when people were becoming more secular and the religious ones weren't taking as well, so instead of an all seeing Satan making you feel helpless, it was all seeing aliens. They used drugs, hypnosis and a simple light show to make it look like his skin was turning into scales and in her suggestible state, she completely went with it.

And Cathy's family was recruited....which means she had it substantially easier than the "inter-generational Satanists". Remember, if you have human robots, you eventually end up with robots programming more robots. These methods seem very labor intensive right now, but the idea itself is pretty unsettling. Which bring us to the inter-generational Satanists. They're the one's with the most proven susceptability to these compartmentalization techniques because they've been in it actively for generations (maybe centuries) and may be born into a high rank or purpose in the cult. What I'm going to use here is (allegedly) the lingo of this cult, so forgive me of this sounds over the top, this is (supposed to be) what they actually call themselves, and like many cults, they're pretty over the top. A woman born into the cult, and specifically chosen to breed the next generation of leaders/slaves for certain qualities is called a "Mother of Darkness".

The initial method is intense helicopter parenting, and "love bombing" beyond which even the most spoiled children generally receives. The mother in NEVER far from the child, and the child receives endless love and affirmation from their mother and never lacks for anything. Then one day (around ages 3-5) mother is suddenly gone, and the child is left hungry for the first time in his life. Then the child is systematically tortured (usually a lot of electroshock to avoid marks, but sometimes designed to intentionally leave scarring). The child cries out for his mother, and for the first time in his life, the mother does not respond. The child is tortured, then locked in a box full of spiders or snakes (whichever scares them more, they've had a lot of time to research) and taken out and tortured some more. I'm not using the word "torture" lightly either, they've had a lot of time to find out exactly how far you can take a 3 year old without them dying, and they go as far as they can, and expect occasional casualties when they go this hard. It's part of the program. The whole time, the child is screaming for his mother, and for the first time in his life, she just isn't responding. It's the first time he's ever suffered loneliness either, and every day he prays for his mother to save him. Then one day, the mother does show up...but she doesn't rescue him. She looks at him with intense contempt and REJECTS him in the most brutal way possible, and tells him she was the one that wanted him tortured. She'll join in the torture at this point, but the job is usually already done by then. He has been rejected by the most loving figure in his life in the cruelest most painful way possible and his brain will do ANYTHING possible to shut that memory away and get his loving mother back. This is where he get's his first "alter", and it get's easier to split him after that, for any purpose they want. As was done to his own mother...the mother that lovingly raised him isn't even the same person as the one the rejected and tortured him, even if they happen to share the same body.

Suspected Intergentational Satanists...Podesta, Anderson Cooper. Anderson Cooper is from the the fabulously wealthy and influential Vanderbilt family and worked for the CIA "prior" to becoming a journalist, and reached the pinnacle of that profession with amazing speed. And not all gay men are the result of being raped by other men, but that was definitely part of his upbringing if he was part of this cult. His brother mysteriously committed suicide at a young age (another thing common in families of this cult). Podesta has strangely scarred hands that are consistent with certain kinds of cult conditioning, as well as incredibly influential status and those bizarre emails and artwork.

That, my friends is the enemy we're fighting in the shadows. Whenever you see bizarre behavior by governments and large institutions, stuff that makes no Godly sense, it's often because it makes Ungodly sense.

And again, I'm agnostic on whether Cathy O'Brian is legit or not (the half of the book written by her husband is extremely self serving and I recommend skipping completely.). For the stuff she says to be true, everything we were taught growing up had to be a lie. But this is actually true for many of us already. And there are an endless lists of books and sources making similar allegations for decades and looking at these organizations from different direction and I think it's worth looking at.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - HornyRamone - 10-09-2018

What I want to know amongst other things is how long has the American government been infiltrated by satanism.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Simeon_Strangelight - 10-10-2018

Quote: (10-09-2018 10:59 PM)HornyRamone Wrote:  

What I want to know amongst other things is how long has the American government been infiltrated by satanism.

Carroll Quigley mentioned that they have been in control of both presidential candidates ever since Lincoln - he said 100 years back in 1965. Andrew Jackson was the last one in my mind who actually came close to toppling them, but did not enact full monetary reform or stamp out fractional reserve banking - as he was not savvy enough on the issue. And that was almost 200 years ago. The hit at Jackson failed.

The elite families were into sick shit likely before that dispensing of the royal families who were opposed to them - Wilhelm line in Germany, Habsburgs in Austria (devout Catholics), Russian Czar.

Even the US founding fathers were all initiated into the Masonic cult that the elite began to control ever more. The French revolution was already controlled by them and Britain had been subverted by money and marriages. The king who supposedly abdicated for "love" was forced to do so. Alan Watt mentioned that the king wanted to oppose the globalists publicly - they knew about his private opinions. He was told to step down over some cover-story or ELSE. He chose wisely or would have ended up dead anyway.

When Brexit went through against my expectations everyone was saying: "See - it's not some kind of super-powerful cabals reigning supreme!" 2.5 years later the UK is still not out of the EU and even if they will make the change, then they already said that open borders and mass migration will continue.

Based on that then Donald Trump is nothing but a breather in the long march towards Brave New World. He may not be fully initiated and corrupt, but they certainly can manage him well enough at the top. But it's literally impossible to be a real game changer. I still remember how Samseau said that Trump would do those massive changes. Don't take me wrong - Trump is great, but I never had illusions that he would be able to be Andrew Jackson.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - debeguiled - 10-10-2018

Quote: (10-09-2018 08:26 PM)DarkTriad Wrote:  

And again, I'm agnostic on whether Cathy O'Brian is legit or not (the half of the book written by her husband is extremely self serving and I recommend skipping completely.). For the stuff she says to be true, everything we were taught growing up had to be a lie. But this is actually true for many of us already. And there are an endless lists of books and sources making similar allegations for decades and looking at these organizations from different direction and I think it's worth looking at.

This is the whole problem. Trying to follow and make sense of these people is tough, and they start making accusations about famous people based only on their recollections, and then they start arguing with each other and calling each other fake (Fiona Barnett, the Australian victim, is all over the place. Her Twitter feed is a rat's nest), and you find yourself in the middle of a bunch of unhinged female drama.

You almost have to force yourself into the "believe the victim" camp to take it seriously, which is not happening.

I'm like you though. I wouldn't put anything past the elites, for sure, but this movement needs some sober spokespeople for these extreme claims to be taken seriously.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - HornyRamone - 10-10-2018

Quote: (10-10-2018 05:21 AM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

Quote: (10-09-2018 10:59 PM)HornyRamone Wrote:  

What I want to know amongst other things is how long has the American government been infiltrated by satanism.

Carroll Quigley mentioned that they have been in control of both presidential candidates ever since Lincoln - he said 100 years back in 1965. Andrew Jackson was the last one in my mind who actually came close to toppling them, but did not enact full monetary reform or stamp out fractional reserve banking - as he was not savvy enough on the issue. And that was almost 200 years ago. The hit at Jackson failed.

The elite families were into sick shit likely before that dispensing of the royal families who were opposed to them - Wilhelm line in Germany, Habsburgs in Austria (devout Catholics), Russian Czar.

Even the US founding fathers were all initiated into the Masonic cult that the elite began to control ever more. The French revolution was already controlled by them and Britain had been subverted by money and marriages. The king who supposedly abdicated for "love" was forced to do so. Alan Watt mentioned that the king wanted to oppose the globalists publicly - they knew about his private opinions. He was told to step down over some cover-story or ELSE. He chose wisely or would have ended up dead anyway.

When Brexit went through against my expectations everyone was saying: "See - it's not some kind of super-powerful cabals reigning supreme!" 2.5 years later the UK is still not out of the EU and even if they will make the change, then they already said that open borders and mass migration will continue.

Based on that then Donald Trump is nothing but a breather in the long march towards Brave New World. He may not be fully initiated and corrupt, but they certainly can manage him well enough at the top. But it's literally impossible to be a real game changer. I still remember how Samseau said that Trump would do those massive changes. Don't take me wrong - Trump is great, but I never had illusions that he would be able to be Andrew Jackson.

What are your thoughts on the masons? You say the elites infiltrated them, but they've always been elitist or at least secretive and esoteric based. Are you saying the traditional elites of Europe have been infiltrated by the satanic (and probably alien) elite through the masons?

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Simeon_Strangelight - 10-10-2018

< Don't start with me on the Alien stuff. This theory that Aliens are scheming for tens of thousands of years while living in primitive times is insane.

At the very best one might assume that some Aliens crash-landed and then stayed - their genome flowed into ours, but that's all.

As for Freemasons - they have very liberal agendas among them - initially also supported to circumvent the very real censorship of the church. The church in Europe tried to prevent such thing as cutting up the body, the opposed the fact that blood was flowing through the body - saying that obviously blood was standing still. And it was illegal to "desecrate" the human body. They opposed many other ventures, so this secret meetups with those men was certainly somewhat necessary. Freemasons also gave back some and funded operas, theaters and parks.

I read that they began to take it over sometime before 1800.

"And the Gentiles, in their stupidity, have proved easier dupes than we expected them to be. One would expect more intelligence and more practical common sense, but they are no better than a herd of sheep. Let them graze in our fields till they become fat enough to be worthy of being immolated to our future King of the World..."

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - HornyRamone - 10-10-2018

I meant alien as in foreigners.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Easy_C - 10-10-2018

Quote: (10-10-2018 11:20 AM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

< Don't start with me on the Alien stuff. This theory that Aliens are scheming for tens of thousands of years while living in primitive times is insane.

I don't think any Alien theorists except The (((History Channel))) are actually claiming that.

What it would actually mean is that they genetically engineered mankind, are not "scheming" but in fact are in full control of earth either as some kind of a resource farm or an experiment.

It's one of those things where I used to say it was 100% crazy, but the best researcher into the topic I know has been extremely accurate in his predictions that sounded crazy at the time.

For example: He claimed in June 2012 to expect "severe east coast flooding in October or November timeframe"...then look up what happened. That's far from the only time he was right about that kind of thing.

He also claimed at about that time that we would see a Global War with Russia to start during the 2024-2026 timeframe originating in the Middle East.

That one is somewhat uncanny given that you yourself have agreed with predictions that we'll find ourself in a war with Russia almost immediately upon Trump leaving office.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - DarkTriad - 10-10-2018

Quote: (10-10-2018 10:41 AM)HornyRamone Wrote:  

Quote: (10-10-2018 05:21 AM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

Quote: (10-09-2018 10:59 PM)HornyRamone Wrote:  

What I want to know amongst other things is how long has the American government been infiltrated by satanism.

Carroll Quigley mentioned that they have been in control of both presidential candidates ever since Lincoln - he said 100 years back in 1965. Andrew Jackson was the last one in my mind who actually came close to toppling them, but did not enact full monetary reform or stamp out fractional reserve banking - as he was not savvy enough on the issue. And that was almost 200 years ago. The hit at Jackson failed.

The elite families were into sick shit likely before that dispensing of the royal families who were opposed to them - Wilhelm line in Germany, Habsburgs in Austria (devout Catholics), Russian Czar.

Even the US founding fathers were all initiated into the Masonic cult that the elite began to control ever more. The French revolution was already controlled by them and Britain had been subverted by money and marriages. The king who supposedly abdicated for "love" was forced to do so. Alan Watt mentioned that the king wanted to oppose the globalists publicly - they knew about his private opinions. He was told to step down over some cover-story or ELSE. He chose wisely or would have ended up dead anyway.

When Brexit went through against my expectations everyone was saying: "See - it's not some kind of super-powerful cabals reigning supreme!" 2.5 years later the UK is still not out of the EU and even if they will make the change, then they already said that open borders and mass migration will continue.

Based on that then Donald Trump is nothing but a breather in the long march towards Brave New World. He may not be fully initiated and corrupt, but they certainly can manage him well enough at the top. But it's literally impossible to be a real game changer. I still remember how Samseau said that Trump would do those massive changes. Don't take me wrong - Trump is great, but I never had illusions that he would be able to be Andrew Jackson.

What are your thoughts on the masons? You say the elites infiltrated them, but they've always been elitist or at least secretive and esoteric based. Are you saying the traditional elites of Europe have been infiltrated by the satanic (and probably alien) elite through the masons?

They did do a lot of their historical infiltrating through the Freemasons, but they barely bother with them nowadays. Their control of intelligence agencies (CIA, MI6 etc.) and Secret Police (FBI) do almost everything they needed the Masons for already (only with more bang for the buck), and they've got specific organizations (like the CFR) for the stuff they don't. To give you an idea of how far down the Masons are on their depth chart, they let them get sued to allow trannies in. This is NOT something that would have been allowed to happen to Masons in their prime, when they needed them as a functional organization.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Captain Gh - 10-10-2018

Quote: (10-10-2018 09:59 PM)Easy_C Wrote:  

Quote: (10-10-2018 11:20 AM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

< Don't start with me on the Alien stuff. This theory that Aliens are scheming for tens of thousands of years while living in primitive times is insane.

I don't think any Alien theorists except The (((History Channel))) are actually claiming that.

What it would actually mean is that they genetically engineered mankind, are not "scheming" but in fact are in full control of earth either as some kind of a resource farm or an experiment.

It's one of those things where I used to say it was 100% crazy, but the best researcher into the topic I know has been extremely accurate in his predictions that sounded crazy at the time.

For example: He claimed in June 2012 to expect "severe east coast flooding in October or November timeframe"...then look up what happened. That's far from the only time he was right about that kind of thing.

He also claimed at about that time that we would see a Global War with Russia to start during the 2024-2026 timeframe originating in the Middle East.

That one is somewhat uncanny given that you yourself have agreed with predictions that we'll find ourself in a war with Russia almost immediately upon Trump leaving office.

And what is the name of that researcher if you don't mind me asking?

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Oz. - 10-10-2018

[Image: bad-bunny-pic-john-shearer.jpg]

Bad Bunny

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Simeon_Strangelight - 10-11-2018

Quote: (10-10-2018 10:22 PM)DarkTriad Wrote:  

Quote: (10-10-2018 10:41 AM)HornyRamone Wrote:  

Quote: (10-10-2018 05:21 AM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

Quote: (10-09-2018 10:59 PM)HornyRamone Wrote:  

What I want to know amongst other things is how long has the American government been infiltrated by satanism.

Carroll Quigley mentioned that they have been in control of both presidential candidates ever since Lincoln - he said 100 years back in 1965. Andrew Jackson was the last one in my mind who actually came close to toppling them, but did not enact full monetary reform or stamp out fractional reserve banking - as he was not savvy enough on the issue. And that was almost 200 years ago. The hit at Jackson failed.

The elite families were into sick shit likely before that dispensing of the royal families who were opposed to them - Wilhelm line in Germany, Habsburgs in Austria (devout Catholics), Russian Czar.

Even the US founding fathers were all initiated into the Masonic cult that the elite began to control ever more. The French revolution was already controlled by them and Britain had been subverted by money and marriages. The king who supposedly abdicated for "love" was forced to do so. Alan Watt mentioned that the king wanted to oppose the globalists publicly - they knew about his private opinions. He was told to step down over some cover-story or ELSE. He chose wisely or would have ended up dead anyway.

When Brexit went through against my expectations everyone was saying: "See - it's not some kind of super-powerful cabals reigning supreme!" 2.5 years later the UK is still not out of the EU and even if they will make the change, then they already said that open borders and mass migration will continue.

Based on that then Donald Trump is nothing but a breather in the long march towards Brave New World. He may not be fully initiated and corrupt, but they certainly can manage him well enough at the top. But it's literally impossible to be a real game changer. I still remember how Samseau said that Trump would do those massive changes. Don't take me wrong - Trump is great, but I never had illusions that he would be able to be Andrew Jackson.

What are your thoughts on the masons? You say the elites infiltrated them, but they've always been elitist or at least secretive and esoteric based. Are you saying the traditional elites of Europe have been infiltrated by the satanic (and probably alien) elite through the masons?

They did do a lot of their historical infiltrating through the Freemasons, but they barely bother with them nowadays. Their control of intelligence agencies (CIA, MI6 etc.) and Secret Police (FBI) do almost everything they needed the Masons for already (only with more bang for the buck), and they've got specific organizations (like the CFR) for the stuff they don't. To give you an idea of how far down the Masons are on their depth chart, they let them get sued to allow trannies in. This is NOT something that would have been allowed to happen to Masons in their prime, when they needed them as a functional organization.

Freemasons are still important in political circles - almost all mayors, higher-ups in police, legal system - they are virtually all Freemasons. I think that it is nowadays often a basic requirement. It's still important - you either belong to the tribe, you are a Freemason or you are otherwise well-vetted from some other organization or person. But you won't get any decent promotion without either of those things.

Whenever you see someone promoted suddenly ahead of 2 better qualified candidates in the corporate world - you later find out that the guy drank beers with the CEO at some lodge. The upper-tier corporate ranks are hardly meritocratic.

Charlotte Iserbyt-Thomson got her job in the Reagan administration - a high level education official position - just because her father was a Skull and Bones graduate. Her qualification was nowhere near sufficient. Too bad that she copied all the evil plans and wrote books about it - opposing the status quo - her father also not being evil. But they were ON THE INSIDE.

Antony Sutton later found a registry of all the members and found all the Skull and Bones graduates to be represented at the top - as if by miracle everyone making it big. Meritocracy in our system is only real in certain conditions and up to a level - or for the odd outlier.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Easy_C - 10-11-2018

PM me. He's scrubbed his presence from the web and I do not want to disrespect that wish. I still am in contact with him and have access to the two books.

Regarding that topic:

Also explains the JQ connection.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - bojangles - 10-11-2018

your post SS reminds me of something I saw recently on i think unz or anon conservative about a french prince who came to america post french revolution and ended up owning shitloads of the corporations in the country (and still does?)

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Simeon_Strangelight - 10-11-2018

Quote: (10-11-2018 08:18 AM)bojangles Wrote:  

your post SS reminds me of something I saw recently on i think unz or anon conservative about a french prince who came to america post french revolution and ended up owning shitloads of the corporations in the country (and still does?)

There are many more such stories - some historian wanted to study the French central bank and found the entire directorship from the 1980s to be related to the one from the 1880s - they were either great-grandsons or son-in-laws. Mind you that the French central bank is officially independent and state-owned (contrary to the US Fed which is owned by regional Fed banks which are all privately owned).

Though of course that does not mean that men cannot make a fortune independent of them - or embark on some well-paid profession. It's just that some have multiple legs up.

I talked once with a second generation Freemason and he was a structural engineer. He mentioned that it was great meeting all those politicians - he knew many mayors now having traveled through European lodges. When asked about perks of being a mason, he responded that he got his house offered by a brother for minus 65% of the market price. They just came to him and said: "Jeremy - we have a house for you - a great offer!"

I was even considering attempting to join, but then thought that there should be other ways. Oh - and that guy was all idealistic never having considered ulterior motives of the real elite brothers of Freemasonry. He was all about brotherhood, freedom, good deeds plus some perks. Obviously such an organization can be easily abused since there is no transparency and can easily obfuscate negative goals. And obviously you can take it over quickly if you have tremendous means - giving you enormous power behind the scenes. No wonder that the Germans at one time wanted to ban all lodges - especially after having found the manuscript of the Bavarian Illuminati (actual name used).

I am fundamentally not opposed to secret organizations, but the power structure in this case is way too tight and important to be left alone. Any reform would have to drag everything to the light - cannot have a parallel system in your world when almost all leading "public servants" are members and get their marching orders from brothers above - and not their publicly elected and chosen official superiors.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Easy_C - 10-11-2018

Keep in mind though that there organizations on the the other side... And the ones outside of JQ control are Catholic affiliated which might partially explain the intense hatred.

Knights of Columbus don't advertise themselves as such but do feature secret initiations and other similar behaviors. Opus dei is similar but dramatically more hardcore.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Leonard D Neubache - 10-11-2018

Whether such things can be banned is debatable. They're called secret societies for a reason. But if there ever came a chance to rebuild a power structure from the ground up it would be advisable to ban anyone employed at a managerial level in the public sector from being a part of one of these organisations, and the penalty for a breach of that should be in the order of a minimum life sentence.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - DarkTriad - 10-11-2018

Quote: (10-11-2018 10:36 AM)Easy_C Wrote:  

Keep in mind though that there organizations on the the other side... And the ones outside of JQ control are Catholic affiliated which might partially explain the intense hatred.

Knights of Columbus don't advertise themselves as such but do feature secret initiations and other similar behaviors. Opus Dei is similar but dramatically more hardcore.

Allegedly, the Freemasons were founded to combat the Jesuits with an ideal based on order and reason. They were probably legit at the beginning (the Church was going through some serious issues at the time), but any "secret order" is a thousand times more vulnerable to being co-opted than an open one.

Seriously, very few organizations like this succeed for any length of time, it's much more economical to find the few that are successful and take them over.

Your Opus Dei guy is a true believer, the guys that recruited him are great guys doing great things for the community (and always seem to be able to hook you up with amazing deals and resources), but sometimes they like to party to celebrate it in ways that are less than pious. It's just stag party/fratboy fun for guys in their 30s and 40s, harmless stuff. There are some beautiful twentysomething girls floating around, but heck you're doing great things you deserve it. There is a lot of booze and cocaine also floating around (this example is from the 80s, cocaine was at every party anyway). You're eyeing an exceptional 18 year old girl and she goes onto a room. Your buddies tell you she's going in there to meet you. You go in, and it's dark, and it takes you a while to figure out it's not the same girl, but she's just as hot, and you're drunk, coked up and horny. When the lights come on and you're sobering up, it becomes obvious she's clearly underage. Your life of of guaranteed success suddenly turns into a life of guaranteed ass rapings in prison. But don't worry, your friends (that have always given great guidance before) say they can fix everything. They give you pills to help you calm down and say they've got a solution, they can make all this go away. Then you're at another ceremony in a back room, but you're used to it, you go to a lot of ceremonies with these guys. It actually makes you feel more relaxed, even though a lot of things are slightly different, such as the masks, the same kind that inspired Kubrick in Eyes Wide Shut. They have you hold a child, it's not a big deal, people hold children for Baptism in regular Christian rites, and Opus Dei has slightly different private ceremonies anyway. Everything seems OK....until the knife goes in. You're so shocked you're like a robot, and the guys that normally lead you in ceremony do subtle things to keep you involved in the ceremony. Somebody that has administered the Body and Blood of Christ to you many times in the past hands you the goblet again. It's over before you realize you were drinking the baby's blood.

To an Atheist or someone not overly religious, this is is a horrific and traumatic thing. To someone that defines themselves by their religious beliefs, it's life changing, completely changing who they are and their role in the universe. As you sober up from the booze and the drugs, you realize how WRONG the ceremony was (the Cross is upside down etc.). It seems absurd that you missed these signs and cooperated, but they've been doing this a long time, and are good at distracting people, blocking sight lines, introducing elements after the fact to instill extra level of guilt. It's a science for them, and a science behind the ceremonies they use to manipulate the human mind.

You're a lawyer, and your sober legal training starts kicking in. It's EXTREMELY difficult to use an active murderer as a free informant, and if they have anyone involved in the prosecution (they do) it just won't happen. Statutory Rape is a "Strict Liability" crime, meaning no matter how you were tricked, or what your knowledge or state of mind at the time, you're guilty. You WILL do time, and it will be the worst kind of time you can possibly do in the united states. Even if they don't interfere, there is a high likelyhood of it being a slow degrading death sentence, and ratting your way out is pretty much impossible. Even if you wanted to, you realize you were the only one at that ceremony that wasn't wearing a mask, they have a video that only implicates you, not them.

When they show you the video, it's even worse than you thought, they've put it together to make it look like you're not just cooperating, but leading much of the event, especially the child murder. It's after you've had everything you believed your identity was stripped from you, they now tell you it was all a lie, and now you'll be initiated to the "Inner Mysteries". Sleep deprivation and a bad alcohol/cocaine hangover is kicking in (and it's damn useful for their purposes). You swear new oaths, and since you are obviously clearly going to hell in the old system, you're desperately latching onto any new identity and purpose they give you. They'll have you continue to participate in ceremonies designed to re-enforce you new identity, and make sure you can never say "That wasn't me! That was just one night! That's not what I'm about!". It also creates more and more evidence against you should you decide to go rogue. Many start off thinking they're biding their time till they find a way out, but they never find a clean way out, and just keep getting dragged in further until they ARE what they were pretending to be.

It's not MK-Ultra level indoctrination, nor is it meant to be, it's more like Basic Training style indoctrination, where you break someone down completely and build them up in a new image. Very efficient too.

The system for Evangelists is a little different. They've discovered that 31-33 is the "golden age" for turning a Baptist. It's exactly where they're so committed to their identity as a Minister that the idea of starting over as an insurance salesman or something is just unthinkable. Early 30s is also where you're still horny as hell,and possibly sacrificed a lot of college/twentysomething fun for your career, and it's relatively easy to have someone "infatuated" with you seduce you and have you break your wedding vows. They'll have it set up so it will be ugly and completely destroy your reputation, your career, your marriage and your relationship with your kids in the loudest most nightmarish scandalous way possible...unless you do this one thing for them. Once they get that one thing, it's another thing, until they've got you completely painted into a corner. It's not as dramatic as the Opus Dei conditioning, but it's low effort and very effective. 30s is also great in that you don't have to grab large numbers of guys, you just grab the ones are obviously bound for success already and/or in a strategic area you need for votes or whatever, and turn them.

The point is, whatever is an established means of controlling people, they've got an established and proven way of getting their hooks in.

Even a completely paradigm changing technology, like Google, how long did it take them to figure out how to corrupt the company that began with a slogan of "Don't Be Evil?

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - sterling_archer - 10-11-2018

This quote finds itself relevant time and time again:

Ephesians 6:12 King James Version (KJV)
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Thersites - 10-11-2018

Quote: (10-11-2018 08:18 AM)bojangles Wrote:  

your post SS reminds me of something I saw recently on i think unz or anon conservative about a french prince who came to america post french revolution and ended up owning shitloads of the corporations in the country (and still does?)

Its was neon revolt.

Neon Revolt -{ P] – The Unseen Masters of All #QAnon #GreatAwakening #WhoIsP #Illuminati #13Bloodlines #Payseur #Springmeier

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - monsquid - 10-11-2018

Is it me or the latest Halloween movie has been SJW'd to hell and back? The trailer makes it seem like Laurie Strode is this super masculine angry woman who is vindicated in the end.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - CynicalContrarian - 10-11-2018

Quote: (10-11-2018 01:01 PM)sterling_archer Wrote:  

This quote finds itself relevant time and time again:

Ephesians 6:12 King James Version (KJV)
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

As we can see with the sudden change in sentiment between one generation of North Korean leaders from one to the other. Kim Jong Il to Kim Jong Un.
For there to be a generations, if not a millennia long plan, to subvert humanity.
It does indeed lend itself to the idea of other worldly entities ultimately pulling the strings...

Sure a simple counter would the the Lenin's, the Stalin's & the Soros's of the world wanting to seize power for themselves.
Yet that the general course of the 'plan' has such a similar path for such a long time...

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - loremipsum - 10-12-2018

Quote: (10-09-2018 11:58 AM)Easy_C Wrote:  

New video from Jon Irving.

Potential explanation and some good research regarding the blood and cannibalism interest

Well that was fucked up.

It confirmed what I've studied on adrenochrome.
Not for the faint hearted. I find it hard to dispute what they say.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Easy_C - 10-12-2018

You know what's even more fucked up about this in a bizarre way?

That means for some of these people the entire cult comes down to just getting high.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Flux - 10-12-2018

Is anyone here a freemason?