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Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - debeguiled - 08-25-2018

Is this revelation of the method from our overlords?

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - YoungBlade - 09-02-2018

May have posted this before; power is hidden in plain sight:


Thoughts on Robert Eggers’ The Witch (2016)
by Staff on May 21, 2016


Article by David Rosales.

The Witch is a non-Hollywood movie set in the 1630s dealing with a witch psychological attacking a family of New England colonists. The Witch here is typical of traditional European folklore. The filmmakers took cues from historical documents, “first hand” accounts, and contemporary folk tales. Lurking behind the vague but shocking impressions veiled in mystery that our post-Christian society still has, are the insubordinate traditions and purposely asocial philosophies that defined the attitudes of practitioners of the left hand path.

The film is color graded to an appropriately muted greenish-grey filter, enhancing the cold and desolate surroundings of the settlers. The looming forest hiding unknown dangers is perceived as more distant and foreign. Nothing here is welcoming. The soundtrack is an economical and effective meeting between Arvo Part and Gyorgy Ligeti that adjusts to the needs of the movie perfectly, never completely existing apart from it while constituting a crucial element. The minimalism of this film would find itself seriously crippled if any one element in photography, music, plot development be removed.

The Witch can be mistaken for a simple collection of folk tale trivia on its own, especially without some background knowledge of the black arts themselves, esoterism, philosophical incursions into ancient and primitive cultures, or at least psychological insights. If the film is taken as a holistic product of cinema even without these, we find a minimalist artwork of outstanding quality.

The movie both reveals and hides a magus’ mark. It plays completely within the cliches of inverted deception of so-called Satanism while allowing a perceptive and interested viewer to glimpse at what lies behind the frontispiece. From a certain point of view, this simultaneous showing and hiding is important for its final effect. Like a sniper, it cannot fulminate its target without at least briefly revealing itself. However, for those playing the game it is important to keep reinforcing the superstitious fear of magical practices that so dominated the Christian world. That filters through to our own secular, post-Christian one as a mixture between superficial derision and unspoken uneasiness. Paradoxically, black magic is more taboo today than it ever was; never before has it appeared more disenfranchised.

The voice of the people expresses the mind of the people, and that mind is made up for it by the group leaders in whom it believes and by those persons who understand the manipulation of public opinion. It is composed of inherited prejudices and symbols and cliches and verbal formulas supplied to them by the leaders.
— Edward L. Bernays, ‘Propaganda’ (1928)

The attraction for the metal artist in the Left Hand Path, whether the aspiring adept wishes to call it Satanism or otherwise, lies in its unabashed mockery of everything this decadent civilization and rotten society stands for while clearly being a product of decomposition. The history of the abstract Left Hand Path is a long and complex one, popping up in different cultures in accordance to local traditions. Some say it stems ultimately from extremely ancient ones in proto-historical epochs. The superficial anti-Christian imagery is not as important as the deeper psychological implications, which far from being atheistic or narcissistically self-adoring, come together in forming a much more complex but ever-mysterious picture of the universe as seen through the eyes of MAN.

Metal, as a movement against the very foundations of modern society while being a product of it, is naturally akin to this mode of thinking. But taken as a whole, metal cannot be said to have its origin in it, just as it correlates strongly with 19th century romanticism but cannot be said to be the same as or to stem from it. In attaining a deeper view — a peak of the Dionysian — underlying both romanticism (which saw a popularizing of esoterism), the psychic darkside, and post-modernist dilemmas, an emerging picture of the nature of metal, or at least shadows of it, start to form a more definite outline.

To make a pact with the Devil or any spirit is to negotiate for yourself. This is true evil —according to the church and society. Recall that Jesus rebelled against both. You have rejected their help, their intermediaries, and most importantly, their authority. This is the ultimate evil—the crux of sin—to disobey—to refuse the services of those in power— to deny their authority over your life.
— S. Jason Black, Christopher S. Hyatt, ‘Pacts with the Devil’ (1993)

The inherent nihilism underlying the metal spirit leads to amorality; it is neither moral nor immoral, essentially beyond good or evil. This cannot constitute faith nor atheism; this is nihil. Creative will of unfamiliar provenance is the only thing that can set things into motion. The adept or the independent mind, the metal hessian, needs not an emotionally satisfying explanation to move, to create, to conquer, to become. He needs to move and learn, to adapt and acquire power as befits the occasion. There alone is true faith (not the cheap farce of modern Christianity or the ‘hope’ of secular modernity) born — one must first die, in order to possess the sword that breaks the stone whence living water pours forth.

Reality is what it is, whether we like it or not, and however we perceive it, but this is understood by the minority only. The way to excellence lies in commitment in the right places, while discarding the useless, the dead ends, the illusory. This is realism. This is also what lies at the very core of metal. It is the reason why metal expression can blossom into anti-Christian blasphemy or Kristian (that Visigothic channeling of the esoteric traditions of Mithraism lying dormant in the bastard child of Judaism) devotion, in the reveling of the destruction of the weak or in the forceful overcoming of the tyrannical. Heads and tales, tales and heads.

Do not thou let slip any occasion of learning and be vigilant in thy calling, and thou shalt want nothing that is necessary for thee.
— ‘Arbatel of Magick’, from Aphorism 13

At the root of it all lies the practice power. To acquire power may be a relatively straightforward affair, but only through preserving it can any group or individual drive long-lasting or significant change. Beyond what we knowledgeably name ‘magic’, in the esoteric traditions, concealment serves as more than the holistic training of the worthy, therein lies also the prudent protection of valuable knowledge. In other words, the safest way to keep something in your possession is to conceal the fact that it exists — or that you, as a possessor of such power, exist at all.

Here is where the trip down the netherworld gets progressively more dizzying, yet clearer in the same manner. The dizziness comes from the shock, the clarity comes from the final settling down, from the sound of logical pieces finally coming together. Caricatures of evil are not only there to terrorize the witless, to beat sheep into line, they exist to draw a veil over reality — to distract and protect the source of power. This is why baby-eating witches, Captain America, and Hitler as an inhuman anti-Christ are all extremely popular and undying. Harder to digest (and probably less entertaining) are the full pictures of a Newton, who both revolutionized physics and exercised his mind in alchemy, and of generations of variations of Freemasonry, whose existence was exclusive to influential circles, and still very much alive today in elite circles, though ignored or ridiculed at large(what is comical is no longer threatening). Almost invisible is the ever-present hand of the Judaic Mystic tradition underlying the main practical esoteric traditions of European magi, flourishng in the renaissance, surviving all manner of social upheavals, and as alive today as 500 years ago.

None were allowed to sit in the Sanhedrin unless they had a knowledge of magic.
— Sanhedrin, fol. 17, col. 1., quoted in the anthology ‘Hebraic Literature: Translations from the Talmud, Midrashim and Kabbala’, by Maurice H. Harris

Conceptual companions:

Darkthrone – Transilvanian Hunger (1994)
Paul Hillier – Part: De Profundis (1997)
“Black Phillip, Black Phillip, a crown grows out his head. Black Phillip, Black Phillip, to nanny queen is wed. Jump to the fence post. Running in the stall. Black Phillip, Black Phillip, king of all.”

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Roosh - 09-03-2018

Neon Revolt has a very good article on how trauma based mind control works:

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - loremipsum - 09-03-2018

Springmeier's book is good, I read that about a year ago and it makes even more sense now.
Having hard time though believing Kubrick was a kiddlediddler after all. Then again, at this point would it really surprise anyone.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - JasonGoodman - 09-03-2018

A Hollywood screenwriter's Instagram. WTF is this about?

We buy your kids...?

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - loremipsum - 09-03-2018

^ Laughing at our faces while stating clearly their intentions.
Gives them a karmic pass.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Kurgan - 09-03-2018

Going back to Hollywood, has anyone see that Jim Carrey now has been doing high school level paintings of modern events? They're hilarious. [Image: tard.gif]

All the STD's in his head and guilt of having his girlfriend kill herself must have really gotten to him. He's probably blaming Trump instead of himself for it.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - CynicalContrarian - 09-09-2018

If it's not one thing with Hellywood, than it's another :


Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Simeon_Strangelight - 09-09-2018

Olivia Munn - age 38.
Career not going where you hoped it would after countless cocks sucked?
No problem - #metoo got you babe!

I liked her better in The Fappening in her younger hotter years:

[Image: 17fic11sob58ajpg.jpg]

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - CynicalContrarian - 09-09-2018

She's attention whoring to a degree, no doubt.
Yet she's not simply making up the situation.

Fox Cuts Predator Scene Featuring Registered Sex Offender [Updated]

20th Century Fox cut a three-page scene out of The Predator at the last minute after learning one of the actors is a registered sex offender. The actor in question, Steven Wilder Striegel, received his role in the action film because he is a friend of director Shane Black. In fact, Striegel previously landed roles in Iron Man 3 and The Nice Guys due to his friendship with Black. Fox was unaware of Striegel's sex offender status when he was hired, but were later informed by actress Olivia Munn, who appeared in the now-cut scene with Striegel.
Striegel pleaded guilty in 2010 to attempting to have a sexual relationship with a 14-year-old girl. He then spent six months in jail, but that hasn't stopped him from acting. In fact, he appeared in Black's last two films, Iron Man 3 and The Nice Guys.

Predator: Jake Busey Agrees With Fox Decision To Cut Sex Offender's Scene

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Cr33pin - 09-09-2018

Quote: (09-09-2018 06:35 AM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

[Image: 17fic11sob58ajpg.jpg]

My kind of lady

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Easy_C - 09-09-2018

On a more darkly humorous note...

If actors have to prostitute themselves out for roles, who was the lucky exec that got to jump on they grenade of the Ghostbusters cast?

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Simeon_Strangelight - 09-09-2018

< The director was gay, so there was no need. As for the female exec - the only younger most bangable actress is a lesbian, so who knows whether she had to lap up Amy Pascal's furry carpet.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - debeguiled - 09-09-2018

Quote: (09-09-2018 06:32 AM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

If it's not one thing with Hellywood, than it's another :


From what I've been reading, the Open Secret account might be controlled opposition. It has been going after some of the pedophilia whistle blowers and then refusing to engage with them. The attitude seems to be, everyone but us is lying, which is pretty suspicious.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - CynicalContrarian - 09-10-2018

Quote: (09-09-2018 11:32 AM)debeguiled Wrote:  

From what I've been reading, the Open Secret account might be controlled opposition. It has been going after some of the pedophilia whistle blowers and then refusing to engage with them. The attitude seems to be, everyone but us is lying, which is pretty suspicious.

When so many are accusing so many others of being controlled opposition in so many corners of the internet these days.
I'm more inclined to consider the message far more than who or what the messenger is.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - debeguiled - 09-10-2018

Quote: (09-10-2018 07:52 AM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

Quote: (09-09-2018 11:32 AM)debeguiled Wrote:  

From what I've been reading, the Open Secret account might be controlled opposition. It has been going after some of the pedophilia whistle blowers and then refusing to engage with them. The attitude seems to be, everyone but us is lying, which is pretty suspicious.

When so many are accusing so many others of being controlled opposition in so many corners of the internet these days.
I'm more inclined to consider the message far more than who or what the messenger is.

)))Kona(((( has gotten to another formerly fine mind.

You are controlled opposition my friend, a slave to the academia nut.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - jeffreyjerpp - 09-10-2018

Quote: (09-09-2018 06:43 AM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

She's attention whoring to a degree, no doubt.
Yet she's not simply making up the situation.

Fox Cuts Predator Scene Featuring Registered Sex Offender [Updated]

20th Century Fox cut a three-page scene out of The Predator at the last minute after learning one of the actors is a registered sex offender. The actor in question, Steven Wilder Striegel, received his role in the action film because he is a friend of director Shane Black. In fact, Striegel previously landed roles in Iron Man 3 and The Nice Guys due to his friendship with Black. Fox was unaware of Striegel's sex offender status when he was hired, but were later informed by actress Olivia Munn, who appeared in the now-cut scene with Striegel.
Striegel pleaded guilty in 2010 to attempting to have a sexual relationship with a 14-year-old girl. He then spent six months in jail, but that hasn't stopped him from acting. In fact, he appeared in Black's last two films, Iron Man 3 and The Nice Guys.

Predator: Jake Busey Agrees With Fox Decision To Cut Sex Offender's Scene

I give her a ton of credit. She calls out the pedo protection network, and suddenly finds herself all alone, probably quietly being blacklisted by (((producers))), directors, etc. If she was making these allegations pre-internet, I would bet she would have immediately been silenced by the press and never been able to work again at all.

All of the other attention whores make something up, usually where a powerful man desired them sooooo badly, that he couldn't restrain himself (and please ignore any acting roles or cash payments they got in exchange afterwards). Not saying some of the women aren't telling the truth, but who knows.

#MeToo is an insincere attention whore movement. BUT, anytime actual rapists, pedos and (((sociopaths))) get what they deserve, God smiles. Today, he is smiling at the still beautiful Olivia Munn.

UPDATE: Her cast members, who stayed silent, have been shamed into pretending they support her and care. This one dude has the gall to suggest that there are "two issues", including potentially forgiving this grown man who was trying to groom a 14 year old girl for sex!!!

I’m sorry you’re feeling so isolated, my dear. And I’m sorry you’ve been the only one to speak up publicly. I was not at
so I didn’t have an opportunity to be there with you. There are two main issues as far as I see it. First, what is and is not forgivable?..."

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - rotekz - 09-18-2018

Did anyone spot green socks at the Emmy's?

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - CynicalContrarian - 09-18-2018

Quote: (09-18-2018 07:23 AM)rotekz Wrote:  

Did anyone spot green socks at the Emmy's?

Who were some of the names associated again?
I suppose search the paparazzi photos for those individuals to see if they even attended the Emmy's to begin with.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - budoslavic - 09-18-2018

Re: Green socks

Didn’t he say February of 2019? At the Oscars?

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - rotekz - 09-18-2018

^ looking further back in the thread I can see it is the Grammy's next year that got mentioned. Got my names mixed up as they sound alike.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - budoslavic - 09-29-2018

What the hell was Lindsay Lohan doing in Russia?



Mother of two punches Lindsay Lohan over 'child abduction' bid

Mean Girls
actor Lindsay Lohan is back in news for all the wrong reasons.

The one-time teen idol, currently in Russia, posted an unsettling video of her ‘interacting’ with a family she claimed came from war-torn Syria.

“Hey everyone, I just want to show you a family that I met,” she said in the video, “a Syrian refugee family that I’m really worried about. They really need help.”

“You want to come with me? Come with me. I’ll take care of you guys,” she can be heard saying in Arabic and English. “Do you want to stay in a hotel tonight? Do you want to watch movies? It would be so cool to watch a movie on a TV or a computer,” she then said to a child.

“You should not have them [your sons] on the floor, you should be a hard-working woman and you should be doing what you [can] for your children, so they have a better life.”

“If someone is offering them a home and a bed, which is me at the moment, give it to them. They will come back to you,” Lohan further added. “I won’t leave until I take you. Now I know who you are. Don’t f*** with me.”

Lohan proceeds to follow the family as they get up to leave. “Look what’s happening, they’re trafficking children. You’re ruining Arabic culture by doing this.”

“I’m with you boys, don’t worry. The whole world is seeing this,” the actor adds. “Are you from Pakistan?” Lohan is punched in the face by the mother of the children after she attempts to ‘wrest’ one of the boys.

Twitterati have slammed the Over singer in connection with her latest faux pas.



Whatever Hollywood has done to Lindsay Lohan, she's clearly messed up.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Leonard D Neubache - 09-30-2018

I used to look at these teen starlets of yesteryear falling into insanity and think "drugs are a hell of a drug".

Now I wonder if their MKULTRA programming circuits have started to fray.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - 911 - 09-30-2018

Yeah it's kind of complicated, once the program starts to unravel and the starlets stray, they get thrashed and blackballed by the media and the industry. This story with Lohan is pretty weird and it might not be down to her being cray.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - renotime - 09-30-2018

Quote: (09-09-2018 09:15 AM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

< The director was gay, so there was no need. As for the female exec - the only younger most bangable actress is a lesbian, so who knows whether she had to lap up Amy Pascal's furry carpet.

Paul Feig is married to a woman. If he is gay he's in the closet like Hugh Jackman.