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Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Captainstabbin - 11-06-2016

Anyone watch The Exorcist tv series? It's not very good but last week there was a meeting of the Chicago elite wherein a person is chosen to become possessed. After some of the things I've read lately, I believe similar meetings actually take place. If not outright possession, at least colluding with some nefarious entity.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - sterling_archer - 11-06-2016

I heard about that series, didn't watch it though. Regarding possessions, its not really like you see in movies. Whole deal is really more like a subtle influence where person seems like crazy, but nothing really goes into you like in Supernatural (TV series).

There probably are "meetings" with some entities, but it doesn't surely involve possession, more like a communication for obtaining some information. Thousands of years humans use various tools in order to communicate with non physical entities and there are even stories about some entities which actually came to Earth in flesh and blood, which is really impressive feat in itself (will clarify if interested).

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Simeon_Strangelight - 11-16-2016

Vigilant Citizen is a bit of a "radical" Christian - meaning he has a certain bias and talks about Jesus a lot, but he is a smart recourseful dude who expertly puts together various links and details:

He compiled 4-chan data about the spiritcooking and Clinton friends.

Plenty of highly suspect pictures:

[Image: 2016-11-12-13_58_47-Films-TV.png]

[Image: 2016-11-14-14_10_42-Photos.png]

[Image: 2016-11-12-14_00_10-Films-TV.png]

[Image: 2016-11-12-13_59_53-Films-TV.png]

Worth a read.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - sterling_archer - 11-16-2016


Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - YoungBlade - 11-16-2016

The short answer to this thread?


Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Meister Eckhart - 11-16-2016

Quote: (11-06-2016 03:57 AM)chakalaka Wrote:  

The elite has always been degenerates. The reason why they thought the general population would accept their degeneracy shows the level of delusion they´ve reached. They need to be replaced.

Yeah, one can look back at the Black Masses being celebrated in the early Modern Era among the nobility. Or even in the Middle Ages with people dabbling in the Occult like Gilles de Rais.

It's no coincidence that the rise of the so called "Enlightenment" was funded by "free-thinking" nobles and social climbing bourgeois that emulated them. Their hostility to clerical influence and power was because the Church wasn't going to condone their behavior and practices. Imagine that, men like Rousseau who dumped his own children in an orphanage didn't like the idea of a powerful religious body condemning him for his selfish behavior.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Latinopan - 11-23-2016

I used not to pay attention about mental programing in Hollywood theories floating around, but after #pizzagate and #spiritcooking, I am more a believer there must be something going in Hollywood.

Kanye West Handcuffed and Hospitalized, Under “Psychiatric Evaluation”

How is that Kanye is fine not matter what outrageous thing he does,
but when he says he would have vote for Trump he is sent to mental and psychiatric evaluation just days later?

There is something going on here.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - LeoneVolpe - 11-24-2016

I do believe something sinister is going on in Hollywood, and that's the real reason why show business is so hard to break into. (((They))) would like you to believe the difficulty is due to stiff competition between a seemingly infinite number of talented hopefuls all vying for a finite number of jobs, but that's just a part of it.

I think what's more important to them is making sure people are properly "vetted." Which is one explanation for the rampant nepotism found in Tinsel Town. (((They))) know certain families already plugged into the system are "safe" and won't go against whatever agenda is being promoted or sick shit being practiced. An "outsider" has to play social circle game to the extreme to be invited into the club. From there, it's anyone's guess what kind of initiation rights one must go through to become a member.

I imagine Hollywood being run like the mafia: One must dirty their hands in order to join, but that same dirty deed will be used as blackmail should they choose to ever step out of line.

Here's my post from the "Kanye West - Hospitalized and silenced?" thread:

Quote: (11-24-2016 03:38 AM)LeoneVolpe Wrote:  

^ There will indeed be some dark stuff brought to light in the coming years. Hell, think about how much was revealed in 2016 alone:

. WikiLeaks
. Collusion between mainstream media and the DNC
. Use of superdelegates to rig primary for Crooked Hillary
. #pizzagate
. #spiritcooking
. Clinton Foundation corruption
. Project Veritas/"bird dogging"/widespread vote fraud

...and that's just what I can think of right off the top of my head.

As for Kanye West, I'm not sure what's going on there. I know enough to be suspicious of anything and anyone connected to the Kardashians, though. Perhaps Kanye's "handlers" kidnapped him in an effort to silence him -- or perhaps this is the most bizarre form of "A/B" testing ever conducted: Come out in support of Trump. If Trump support isn't well received, become hospitalized and blame mental illness. Leave hospital with a magically newfound appreciation for left-wing politics.

TL;DR: Kanye could've been kidnapped and silenced by his Illuminati handlers, or perhaps he's taking a page from "King of Queens" Doug Heffernan's playbook of faking illness and getting sent to the hospital to avoid an awkward situation.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - puckerman - 11-27-2016

Quote: (01-26-2016 12:21 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

I don't think even Christianity can save us now.

I have conclusive photographic proof that the Pope:

[Image: rwYAO74.png]

This actually reminds me of the cone that vets make dogs wear.

[Image: img_16131.jpg]

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - puckerman - 11-27-2016

Quote: (05-03-2016 05:05 PM)HonantheBarbarian Wrote:  

[Image: Mulholland-Drive-Gracie-Otto-David-Lynch.jpg]

For anyone that's got a basic understanding of how their world works, but wants even more compelling evidence, I would highly recommend watching Mullholand Dr directed by David Lynch.

It's basically an "eyes wide shut" about the Hollywood industry. It's incredibly cryptic and abstract in the way it communicates it's message, and you will more than likely have read some interpretations online afterwards. It's a hard movie to "get", but almost everything in this thread is addressed. It is very haunting and disturbing in an atmospheric way, and brilliantly directed as well.

I went to see it and just wondered what it was about. At the same time, I never looked at my watch during the whole thing. It's intense, but I'd have to give it multiple viewings to figure out what the message is. I guess I just didn't think it was worth it, but you have me intrigued.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - puckerman - 11-27-2016

Quote: (04-22-2016 03:25 PM)RaccoonFace Wrote:  

An interesting confession on Reddit.


[Remorse] I am a former child actor coping with a nasty heroin addiction

I was on a primetime TV show for many years. I think most people under 35 would have been fans of the show although the guy who played our dad is more famous for another role that came after the show ended.

I was sexually abused by many people during my stint on the show including executives and one of the smaller role actors. The studio all knew about it (in fact the guys who played my brothers were also molested) but bought our silence.

I always felt like that even though I was molested, at least I had money. Well, my parents spent most of it. And I had to spend what was left to pay for my asshole sibling's drug rehab and to fix their fucking problems. All I have to show for it is $8,000 and my family still asks me for money and complains to me about their problems.

I turned to opiates to cope and for a few years, it helped me immensely. Now I work a normal 9-5 job and the memories of the sexual abuse is eating me up inside. When I see boys under 12, I think of when I was abused.

I hate when people recognize me and want a picture because I remember all those times when a few men would have me pose nude or in speedos or underwear at their Malibu homes.

I also hate it when people ask me when there will be a reunion show because it's been 10 years and I want to retort and say "why the fuck would any of us want to do a reunion show when all we have is memories of men sucking our cocks in the dressing room or watching us in the shower or taking us for "special trips" to their homes?" That is why you will never see a reunion show asshole.

/pol/ thinks it's the little guy from Malcolm in the Middle:
[Image: m1o8N4Z.jpg]

That's a good guess if you ask me. I suppose it could be any of the young actors on the show.

Frankie Muniz is completely out of the business, by the way.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - puckerman - 11-27-2016

Quote: (05-24-2016 05:25 PM)Bobb Johnson Wrote:  

Jesse James and The Donald:
[Image: jesse-james-donald-trump__oPt.jpg]

This is "Hook 'Em Horns."

[Image: e47b90af49e2bc2d66e8dcab186831cd.jpg]

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - bushcraft9 - 01-02-2017

Is Hollywood evil? pretty obvious when you see what the alternative to Hollywood is when watching this.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - CynicalContrarian - 01-02-2017

Quote: (11-27-2016 04:06 AM)puckerman Wrote:  

I went to see it and just wondered what it was about. At the same time, I never looked at my watch during the whole thing. It's intense, but I'd have to give it multiple viewings to figure out what the message is. I guess I just didn't think it was worth it, but you have me intrigued.

Although I despise Mulholand Drive as a film, due to it's ridiculously offbeat nature.
Even when I was ~17 years of age when first viewing the film.
I figured it was at the very least, an allegory for how Hollywood has a tendency to chew hopeful starlets & pop-tarts up & then spit them out.

Can't say I'd be willing to sit through the film again with a greater knowledge base.
Yet if there are other sinister elements of sub-text; I would not be surprised.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - LeoneVolpe - 01-02-2017

Quote: (01-02-2017 08:38 PM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

Quote: (11-27-2016 04:06 AM)puckerman Wrote:  

I went to see it and just wondered what it was about. At the same time, I never looked at my watch during the whole thing. It's intense, but I'd have to give it multiple viewings to figure out what the message is. I guess I just didn't think it was worth it, but you have me intrigued.

Although I despise Mulholand Drive as a film, due to it's ridiculously offbeat nature.
Even when I was ~17 years of age when first viewing the film.
I figured it was at the very least, an allegory for how Hollywood has a tendency to chew hopeful starlets & pop-tarts up & then spit them out.

Can't say I'd be willing to sit through the film again with a greater knowledge base.
Yet if there are other sinister elements of sub-text; I would not be surprised.

There are only two scenes in "Mulholland Drive" worth watching:

Rebekah Del Rio performing a fucking amazing cover of Roy Orbison's "Crying" in Spanish.

Naomi Watts and Laura Harring in a little girl-on-girl action.

Personally, I'm not a fan of David Lynch's work. He tries so hard to be avant garde, not realizing (apparently) that just because something's avant garde doesn't mean it's good.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Slim Shady - 01-02-2017

The Diner + Dumpster scene is the best scene to watch in Mulholland Drive.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - etwsake - 01-03-2017

Yeah that's the only scene I like in that movie too.

I rewatched "Twin Peaks" last summer and the Lynch episodes are so good. (Obviously the non-Lynch stuff sucked in season two.) After that I went back and tried to watch all the movies I hadn't seen...Eraserhead, Blue Velvet, Wild at Heart. I thought they were basically unwatchable. Maybe the only reason Twin Peaks was so good is cause it was a collaboration with Mark Frost? Curious to see the new episodes this year but I'm not holding my breath.

I saw Lost Highway when it came out and I remember liking it, but I think it was cause I was young and there were lots of tits in it. I tried watching it last summer too, and found it as awful as the rest of it. Only one scene was really masterful:

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - rotekz - 01-03-2017

Quote: (01-02-2017 09:04 PM)LeoneVolpe Wrote:  

Personally, I'm not a fan of David Lynch's work. He tries so hard to be avant garde, not realizing (apparently) that just because something's avant garde doesn't mean it's good.
The first season of Twin Peaks was incredible and ground-breaking TV. It holds up well today.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - sterling_archer - 01-03-2017

Can't wait for the 3rd season

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - LeoneVolpe - 01-03-2017

Quote: (01-03-2017 04:06 AM)etwsake Wrote:  

Yeah that's the only scene I like in that movie too.

I rewatched "Twin Peaks" last summer and the Lynch episodes are so good. (Obviously the non-Lynch stuff sucked in season two.) After that I went back and tried to watch all the movies I hadn't seen...Eraserhead, Blue Velvet, Wild at Heart. I thought they were basically unwatchable. Maybe the only reason Twin Peaks was so good is cause it was a collaboration with Mark Frost? Curious to see the new episodes this year but I'm not holding my breath.

Quote: (01-03-2017 06:16 AM)rotekz Wrote:  

Quote: (01-02-2017 09:04 PM)LeoneVolpe Wrote:  

Personally, I'm not a fan of David Lynch's work. He tries so hard to be avant garde, not realizing (apparently) that just because something's avant garde doesn't mean it's good.
The first season of Twin Peaks was incredible and ground-breaking TV. It holds up well today.

I've only seen Lynch's films, so I can't speak for his TV work. Perhaps etwsake hit the nail on the head by suggesting "Twin Peaks" was better than Lynch's usual output because it was part of a collaborative effort? Sort of like how George Lucas is capable of making quality films, but give him complete creative control (as he had with the "Star Wars" prequels) and he'll just fuck it up. Every director wants his vision on the screen, but some are better when tempered with another collaborator.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - jabba - 02-11-2017

Anyone following Randy Quaid's allegations?

Unsure if he's mentally unstable or a victim.

Blames the banking system and criminal justice system of manipulation.

How to seize one's assets? Vote for the wrong politicians or trust the wrong...
Estate Planners

Quote: (05-15-2016 09:52 AM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

Not that he's doing himself any favours with his current look & such...,
however, has anyone heard from Randy Quaid of late...?

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - TooFineAPoint - 02-12-2017

Quote: (01-02-2017 09:04 PM)LeoneVolpe Wrote:  

Quote: (01-02-2017 08:38 PM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

Quote: (11-27-2016 04:06 AM)puckerman Wrote:  

I went to see it and just wondered what it was about. At the same time, I never looked at my watch during the whole thing. It's intense, but I'd have to give it multiple viewings to figure out what the message is. I guess I just didn't think it was worth it, but you have me intrigued.

Although I despise Mulholand Drive as a film, due to it's ridiculously offbeat nature.
Even when I was ~17 years of age when first viewing the film.
I figured it was at the very least, an allegory for how Hollywood has a tendency to chew hopeful starlets & pop-tarts up & then spit them out.

Can't say I'd be willing to sit through the film again with a greater knowledge base.
Yet if there are other sinister elements of sub-text; I would not be surprised.

There are only two scenes in "Mulholland Drive" worth watching:

Rebekah Del Rio performing a fucking amazing cover of Roy Orbison's "Crying" in Spanish.

Naomi Watts and Laura Harring in a little girl-on-girl action.

Personally, I'm not a fan of David Lynch's work. He tries so hard to be avant garde, not realizing (apparently) that just because something's avant garde doesn't mean it's good.

I have this argument with other film people all the time. I find Lynch movies to be such shit (there are a few exceptions -- Elephant Man, some of Dune, I thought that Lost Highway alllllmost came together).

His level of craft (just pure directing of mise en scene) is very high. So he's not a hack. But his affectations over performance are horrible. Just like all the Canadian directors who are so praised in art cinema circles (Egoyan... trash), he just kills nearly anything watchable about actors.

I think there are two horribly overrated directors who are beloved by the industry: Hitchcock and Lynch.

Again, not saying they are bad. I have watched most of Lynch's movies (some even twice to see if I was missing something the first time), and I own most of Hitchcock's.

But post British period Hitch is hokey and overcooked and he may as well have been doing animations with the (non) level of humanity he was getting from his performers.

Lynch just has the distinction of being not even as good a storyteller as (mediocre storyteller) Hitch, with 2000% more cloying flourishes and pretensions.

And this is coming from a guy whose list of favorite films includes a 7 hour Hungarian movie that opens with cows grazing in a field for 10 min.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - 911 - 02-12-2017

I liked the cow grazing scene, but I thought the 73 min goulash cooking scene was a little too much..

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Glaucon - 02-12-2017

Gulash takes hours to make, you got off lightly [Image: biggrin.gif]

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult? - Simeon_Strangelight - 02-12-2017

Hollywood Moca occult Gala 2016 - plenty of A-list stars present there for 25.000$ a pop.

[Image: m5Ys5i.jpg]

[Image: Capture-7.gif?resize=300%2C231]

[Image: 5ePcQr.jpg]

[Image: ZLAn68.jpg]

For food they had:


Sound familiar - then check out the Pizzagate:

[Image: pizzagate-1038x576.png]

Later they had cake in the form of a human body that was ceremoniously cut open by a woman while the heart was symbolically presented.

While I don't think that all Hollywood stars are satanic, I do believe that those ceremonies are copies of the real thing happening among some and especially in the homes of the elite who own Hollywood.

Some actors may indeed eat human cake to get where they are.

[Image: 2011+MOCA+Gala+Artist+Life+Manifesto+Dir...DVjowl.jpg]

This is not even about a show anymore - sure art can be unsettling, but this has the feel of something much much darker.