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South Korea - RoadTo100 - 11-19-2018

Quote: (11-19-2018 11:35 AM)Vincent Chase Wrote:  

Been in Seoul for the last week.


If you're travelling there are far better places for game.

Vincent, can you compare Seoul with Japan? I'm considering which to visit first in 2019. FYI there's a recent existing thread on the subject here:


Also just to get a sense of your top picks, what have been your best 3 places to travel to for game?

South Korea - Vincent Chase - 11-20-2018

Quote: (11-19-2018 01:25 PM)spaceman Wrote:  

Quote: (11-19-2018 11:35 AM)Vincent Chase Wrote:  

Been in Seoul for the last week.

Interesting, thanks for the report. Did you bang any Koreans?

I have had a much different experience with Tinder in Korea... not many matches with Korean girls but then again I am not white. Seems like K girls are pretty much only into white or Korean guys.

Yeah I was with two Korean girls, the third girl was a Mexican exchange student. I generally find Gangnam hard for white guys, there is none of that white guy worshipping you would find in many asian countries.

To the other question comparing to Japan. Tokyo I mainly used Tinder and had about the same rate of success from (two Japanese girls, one Swedish). Seoul seems to have more of a party culture than in Tokyo, but I find the second tier cities like Osaka are better honestly both for logistics and friendliness of girls. I got jumped at by girls in clubs in Japan and not had the same experience in Korea.

South Korea - whiteknightrises - 11-20-2018

"there is none of that white guy worshipping you would find in many asian countries."

Lol welcome to Korea

Do not come here if the only "value" you are bringing to the table is that you're white

Also, people should use East Asia and Southeast Asia to differentiate between countries like Korea and countries like Thailand, Philippines, etc. Worlds apart

Same way people say Western Europe and Eastern Europe but would argue the difference between East Asia (rich) and Southeast Asia (poor) is more staggering than Western and Eastern Europe, though I've never been to EE

South Korea - EEnomad - 11-20-2018

Quote: (11-20-2018 12:08 AM)Vincent Chase Wrote:  

Yeah I was with two Korean girls, the third girl was a Mexican exchange student. I generally find Gangnam hard for white guys, there is none of that white guy worshipping you would find in many asian countries.
This is pretty well documented....

Not sure if it was just me but I did read all of the Korea thread and this has been brought up many times.

South Korea - BaatumMania - 11-20-2018

Quote: (11-20-2018 12:08 AM)Vincent Chase Wrote:  

Quote: (11-19-2018 01:25 PM)spaceman Wrote:  

Quote: (11-19-2018 11:35 AM)Vincent Chase Wrote:  

Been in Seoul for the last week.

Interesting, thanks for the report. Did you bang any Koreans?

I have had a much different experience with Tinder in Korea... not many matches with Korean girls but then again I am not white. Seems like K girls are pretty much only into white or Korean guys.

Yeah I was with two Korean girls, the third girl was a Mexican exchange student. I generally find Gangnam hard for white guys, there is none of that white guy worshipping you would find in many asian countries.

To the other question comparing to Japan. Tokyo I mainly used Tinder and had about the same rate of success from (two Japanese girls, one Swedish). Seoul seems to have more of a party culture than in Tokyo, but I find the second tier cities like Osaka are better honestly both for logistics and friendliness of girls. I got jumped at by girls in clubs in Japan and not had the same experience in Korea.

I used to go to Gangnam a lot. For me I didn't see white faces that much but it wasn't a good place to meet women. A lot of Koreans go there in cliques. It's genuinely rare to see a woman by herself in Gangnam unless it's 3:00 AM and she's on her way home (or she passed out drunk from too much Soju).

Yeah even when I went to cafe, bar, pet cafe or stuff like that ~ everyone was a dating couple or a big group. Koreans don't really like going outside by themselves (even eating by yourself is so taboo).

Typically anywhere with cliques is bad for pickup because you get into the complicated game of how to isolate the woman without getting cockblocked by her friends / acquaintances.

Actually what you wrote about Japan is the same in Korea. I was in 2nd / 3rd tier Korea, where white men practically did not exist, and had women cold approaching me and virtually 100% said yes to hanging out in my apartment.

But in these areas there wasn't any Airbnbs and most Rooshvers would go broke staying in hotels in 2nd / 3rd tier Korea for extended stays.

Ultimately the whole money thing is why you don't see many white guys bothering with 2nd / 3rd tier Korea, Japan or even Western European countries. It's much cheaper just to pound the pavement in Eastern European and South East Asia.

South Korea - industrialPipeline2.3.4 - 11-27-2018

I haven't been to Korea but the last few months I had a few experiences with Koreans in Thailand and found them to be harder than Japanese and Chinese (But easier to approach and number close possibly due to their better english). I already had an easy bang with a Korean in the past but she had lived in an anglosaxon country before. The Koreans visiting Thailand were more of a pain in the ass I got 3 numbers, 2 dates and didn't bang any of them. Both solid 7s imo so the fact that the Koreans I talked to had higher SMV could have played a role on the fact that they pissed me off much more than other East Asians.

To resume I found them to be bitchy and calculating but in a very discreet way. I'm pretty sure they are all sluts but who pretend not to be. Also the 2 girls although they seemed to have a higher IQ were doing NPC-style travelling, talking about their stupid Thailand cities guide books they'd bring with them wherever they'd go, and all the stupid souvenirs they still need to buy. "Oh I need to bring a thailand cooking kit before I go back to Korea!". "Hmm ok have you ever cooked thai food here?". "Hmm o but I need souvenirs".

- Girl 1 : I was on my scooter and she smiled at me. Typical tall pale sexy Korean, traveling alone. I stopped to chat her and after 5 min we went somewhere to eat because I was planning to eat and her too. She wasn't very receptive during our interactions while eating so I didn't try to pay her part of the bill she did it automatically. I said lets go have some tea at my condo. She said OK. When we arrived at my elevator she said "Wait are we going to your condo?". Hmm yes dumbass that's what I said before. After that she said sorry she can't come and left.

- Girl 2 (no date) : Very hot I'd rate 8 if she could change her voice, wide-hips curvy typical instagram very sexy slut. I don't want to be a billy-bangs-only-8s but really I saw her from far away in some sort of outdoor mall and rushed to talk to her to try my luck. Talked 5 min, got her messenger after saying we'll have a drink tonight. She was unresponsive via text and wanted me to go to the bar she had planned to go instead of following my logistic planning. So I deduced she'd be a pain and gave up on her (sent her a slimy dick pic and she blocked me).

- Girl 3 : 2 days ago she looked at me in the supermarket while I was buying groceries. 7 rating also (My 7 indicator : people seeing me with a 7 will look at me with respect and Thai men will be butthurt). I went to say hi, the interaction went good and she gave her whatsapp. She had lived in Moscow for 5 years before. Next day we went to a bar to have a drink. The faggot thai waiter looked very butthurt seeing a whitie with his dream pale girl, he tried to make her purchase cocktails altough we already had said we order beers, with his shit-eating grin. She also ordered french fries (that she barely ate) and paid her part without I asking. We drank 2 bottles of beer for maybe 1.5 hours I thought it was going decently but at the same time she was kind of doing micro korean starcraft shit tests or whatever that is. I said let's go to drink vodka at my condo she said no I have to go to the market early to buy more souvenirs. I said ok lets go I drop you off on my scooter. While on my scooter I said wanna come see my travel pictures now? She said a long hesitating "hmmmmmmm" so I took it for a yes and went to my condo. On my condo we sat on my bed with my computer (she wanted to sit on the chair I said no). She wouldn't put out and said she must leave after 15 minutes. Kicked her out of my door without driving her back to her place.

I am used to other Asian girls being pretty shy about public touching so I only slightly touched Girl 3 a few times. But I'm thinking now with Koreans particularly it might be a good idea to be more aggressive. What's your input on that? I am very enraged I didn't get the bang yesterday and should have made her my prisoner in my condo and force her to show me her phone texts (and hopefull to find many slutty stories) to add her to my study-case collection and compensate for my 2h loss of time. That's what I do usually when a girl doesn't put out in my room. She has to pay me back in some way. I find it the ultimate punishment to restrain a disobedient girl in my bed and to force her to show me her private life on her phone. And make comments while reading : "god you're such a little timewasting slut".

South Korea - Pumpkin Pie Pumper - 11-27-2018

Oh man all the greats are back again!

Dropping so much knowledge. Asking the important questions that need to get asked.

It makes me laugh out loud every time I see industry of pump 2.0. But paragraphs, please.

And yes. YES. You should absolutely imprison her in your luxury condo. Scroll her phone for data to crunch. Statistically analyze these bitches.

Literally laughing so hard. I honestly can’t tell if you’re serious, which makes it even funnier to me. AHAHAHA

+1 if I didn’t use up all my daily ratings. Keep up the good work. We all promise to visit you in prison.

South Korea - randomA - 11-27-2018

Quote: (11-27-2018 12:49 AM)industrialPipeline2.3.4 Wrote:  

to force her to show me her private life on her phone.
provide more sample cases of this?
this sounds hilarious

South Korea - Pinay Pussy Popper - 11-27-2018

You're implying IndustrialPoopline has a luxury condo.

He's a poor Frenchcuck living in a $100 dollar roach-infested shack on the outskirts of Chiang Mai, living off chicken kebab on a stick and sticky rice at the food stalls. Ah, the good life!

Tuk tuk game huh? Let's all run some tuk tuk game on Chinese and Koreans. Maybe I can pay a tuk tuk driver to talk me up, say I'm a rich businessman in Chiang Mai. I'm the king of Chiang Mai! Like Suits is the king of Beijing! I'll get my 20 dollar custom tailored suit from the Indian tailors ready.

Can I get some baller business cards made up at the 7-11 so I appear more believable?

South Korea - industrialPipeline2.3.4 - 11-27-2018

Quote: (11-27-2018 01:31 AM)randomA Wrote:  

Quote: (11-27-2018 12:49 AM)industrialPipeline2.3.4 Wrote:  

to force her to show me her private life on her phone.
provide more sample cases of this?
this sounds hilarious

I say I'm angry that she wasted my time by blueballing me and that I bet that she's a slut actually. That to compensate for that she'll be my prisoner and she'll have to show me her phone to plug my brain into her private life. At that point she'll justify herself "no i'm not a slut etc" and if she tries to leave the bed i'll restrain her. "You are my prisoner and i won't let you out until you show me your phone". Then they'll try to find dozens of excuses like "i have to pay my car ticket please let me out now or i'll get a fine". I don't give up to any of the bullshit excuses. After a while (up to 30 mins of resistance) she'll give up and show it. Girls are very reluctant to have their slutty stories exposed and mocked right in front of them, even if there will be no social repercussion after she leaves the condo.

South Korea - Pumpkin Pie Pumper - 11-27-2018

If playfully done this is just some normal rastling against ASD. Grab ass.

Thing is, how do you read Thai, Korean, Chinese??? Surely their dumb teeny bopper back and forth bullshit text messages are in foreign languages...

If your command of languages is that good what the fuck are you doing living like a pauper in on the outskirts of Chang Mai? There are real jobs for people with your skill set.

I thought industrial poopline meant you were working as a roughneck in the tar sands. Stacking fat cash. Then balling out 6 months.

Hell if you’re that good I’ll hire you as my Downton Abbey valet man servant. I’ve always wanted to simply use a fake English accent as opposed to investing the time and energy in gaining a second literacy.

“Bring me thy young thing and translate I wish to have a cock suck”. “Do thy back and forth comfort rapport building.” “Watch thy master go back and forth into young maiden.” “Sir poopline fetch me a pale of water and draw me bath.”

(Snuck a bit o ye old cockney govnor into the latter.)

This way I don’t have to sully thy hands with such skulduggery. And if the need shall arise to restrain said bitches whilst I inspect their gadgetry for signs of nefarious duplicity. In which case it shall be pistols at dawn, good sir!

Pip pip Cheerio Sir Poopline.

South Korea - spaceman - 11-27-2018

^^ Umm, wtf just happened to this thread....


South Korea - Kether - 11-29-2018

Not sure how many people are active on this thread in gaming in South Korea but I am out every week for day and night game. Main areas - Daygame: Gangnam, Sinsa, Coex, Jamsil, Hongdae. Nightgame: Itaewon, Gangnam Clubs, and Hondae street/bars. Bread and butter is daygame or street because you have unlimited options and the major hub areas are flooded non stop with attractive women, number farm or instadate to sdls. Nightgame for fun and SNLS

South Korea - randomA - 11-29-2018

Quote: (11-29-2018 01:52 AM)Kether Wrote:  

Not sure how many people are active on this thread in gaming in South Korea but I am out every week for day and night game. Main areas - Daygame: Gangnam, Sinsa, Coex, Jamsil, Hongdae. Nightgame: Itaewon, Gangnam Clubs, and Hondae street/bars. Bread and butter is daygame or street because you have unlimited options and the major hub areas are flooded non stop with attractive women, number farm or instadate to sdls. Nightgame for fun and SNLS

Yeah good to know but at the end of the day, like Japan, it all boils down by how much Korean you speak

South Korea - rf3 - 01-06-2019

Hey all,

Thanks for all the great info in this thread!
I recently moved to Korea and also just started getting into gaming. Looking for a wing to go out with. I'm Taiwanese-American, 5"10, can speak some basic Korean. PM me if interested [Image: smile.gif]

South Korea - BaatumMania - 01-07-2019

Quote: (11-29-2018 03:09 AM)randomA Wrote:  

Quote: (11-29-2018 01:52 AM)Kether Wrote:  

Not sure how many people are active on this thread in gaming in South Korea but I am out every week for day and night game. Main areas - Daygame: Gangnam, Sinsa, Coex, Jamsil, Hongdae. Nightgame: Itaewon, Gangnam Clubs, and Hondae street/bars. Bread and butter is daygame or street because you have unlimited options and the major hub areas are flooded non stop with attractive women, number farm or instadate to sdls. Nightgame for fun and SNLS

Yeah good to know but at the end of the day, like Japan, it all boils down by how much Korean you speak

And how much foreigner competition there is also factors in too I swear. There are only so many local women with white guy or foreign guy fever. There's also a tendency for foreign men to burn bridges too. So famous expat bubbles aren't necessarily the easiest place to score.

I had a super amazing time in a 2nd tier city near Seoul but the catch-22 was I wouldn't see a white person for weeks or months at a time. That definitely boosted my value and got me laid multiple times. Whereas I felt if I was living in Hongdae or Itaewon then I easily could had been an incel or it would had been a major uphill battle to meet women (since I would had lost out to some Swedish Surfer on an exchange program).

South Korea - BaatumMania - 01-07-2019

Quote: (01-06-2019 10:10 AM)rf3 Wrote:  

Hey all,

Thanks for all the great info in this thread!
I recently moved to Korea and also just started getting into gaming. Looking for a wing to go out with. I'm Taiwanese-American, 5"10, can speak some basic Korean. PM me if interested [Image: smile.gif]

Be a bit careful about game in Korea. My experience was, and this often aligned with blogs on the topic, is Korean society tends to be pretty "beta" or at least idiosyncratic. Stuff we would call cringey or clingy seems to be expected in Korea. So if American-style game isn't working out for you then you need to pretend to be super beta in terms of compliments, showering attention and so on.

Also Korean women I found were generally easy to bring back to my apartment on flimsy invites like coffee and YouTube (possibly because they're more of a homebody society than other Asian countries? Or alternatively: people don't want to be outside on very polluted days or when the temperature hits -10 or goes up to 30+).

South Korea - garosugil - 02-11-2019

anybody currently in Seoul and can recommend the best places to go out? was 3.5 yrs ago in Octagon and it was great - 2 years ago less so.
Ellui seemed to be closed.

Itaewon was still nice though...

South Korea - Waqqle - 02-11-2019

Quote: (11-27-2018 05:31 AM)Pumpkin Pie Pumper Wrote:  

If playfully done this is just some normal rastling against ASD. Grab ass.

Thing is, how do you read Thai, Korean, Chinese??? Surely their dumb teeny bopper back and forth bullshit text messages are in foreign languages...

If your command of languages is that good what the fuck are you doing living like a pauper in on the outskirts of Chang Mai? There are real jobs for people with your skill set.

I thought industrial poopline meant you were working as a roughneck in the tar sands. Stacking fat cash. Then balling out 6 months.

Hell if you’re that good I’ll hire you as my Downton Abbey valet man servant. I’ve always wanted to simply use a fake English accent as opposed to investing the time and energy in gaining a second literacy.

“Bring me thy young thing and translate I wish to have a cock suck”. “Do thy back and forth comfort rapport building.” “Watch thy master go back and forth into young maiden.” “Sir poopline fetch me a pale of water and draw me bath.”

(Snuck a bit o ye old cockney govnor into the latter.)

This way I don’t have to sully thy hands with such skulduggery. And if the need shall arise to restrain said bitches whilst I inspect their gadgetry for signs of nefarious duplicity. In which case it shall be pistols at dawn, good sir!

Pip pip Cheerio Sir Poopline.

[Image: tumblr_lo5hqwpxNy1qh40pv.gif]
*subtitle in the gif reads "this girl is particularly confused."

I almost wish you had not gotten banned so I could ask you what happened here.

South Korea - Old_salty - 02-14-2019

I hear ya. When I was in Seoul I joined a expat volleyball meetup. Meet a stunning Portuguese physicist and her Icelandic bf. Weird but true

South Korea - croquet - 04-14-2019

Great place. My local buddies did say while it's not easy, at least I will have fun.

Quick observations being on the ground: it's much more reserved and formal, even night game. Guys would approach and ask for permission to dance or to initiate a conversation. This is probably the only place in Asia I have ever seen this. Elsewhere in Asia you can just put a hand on a girl's lower back/waist and hook in. That action will get you blown out here.

Hongdae skews young but has a great atmosphere. Itaewon is the main clubbing area, it's completely different in the daytime. Gangnam I would not recommend unless you have local connects and/or table money.

South Korea - rochdilol - 04-14-2019

How it is like Dating there? How can you guys describe ONS easiness and bang after 2nd or 3th date?

South Korea - bodychariot - 04-15-2019

Quote: (04-14-2019 07:37 AM)rochdilol Wrote:  

How it is like Dating there? How can you guys describe ONS easiness and bang after 2nd or 3th date?

If you're gaming foreign hunters and you are some what normal with basic game and average appearance, itaewon isn't too hard for SNLs of average chicks. If you want to game hotter girls it takes skill for sure, and most of the top tier girls are located in Gangnam district streets and clubs.

As far as dates go, I advise going for the close on the first date. Seoul's a big city and the amount of dating options, stimulus, social obligations, work/school obligations is nothing like a western country. "Next time" often never comes around but you'll have a higher chance of meeting again post bang if you're normal and connect with the girl.
If you re aiming for plain chicks with less going on sometimes 2nd or 3rd dates will pan out.

South Korea - bodychariot - 04-22-2019

Anyone in this thread active in Korea (Daygame, Nightgame)? If so hit me up ! I go out regularly day and night and looking for more active gamers in Seoul or other parts of Korea!

South Korea - RoadTo100 - 04-29-2019

Quote: (11-19-2018 08:01 PM)RoadTo100 Wrote:  

Quote: (11-19-2018 11:35 AM)Vincent Chase Wrote:  

Been in Seoul for the last week.


If you're travelling there are far better places for game.

Vincent, can you compare Seoul with Japan? I'm considering which to visit first in 2019. FYI there's a recent existing thread on the subject here:


Also just to get a sense of your top picks, what have been your best 3 places to travel to for game?

Recently finished checking out both South Korea and Japan.

Had 4 nights out (1 in Seoul, 1 in Osaka, 2 in Tokyo). In Seoul, my mixed gender group went to Itaewon and it was a lot of fun. Super dense, tons of people out, easy to start up conversations. Game-wise I lucked out --- the very first girl I talked to at "Casa Corona" ended up being the one I went home with (she took me to her *very* small studio in eastern Seoul). I'd rate her objectively as a 6.5, though based on my taste a 7. Because of this, obviously I'm pretty fond of Itaewon/Seoul for game. I briefly saw Thursday Party in Itaewon as well, and it seemed like a hookup bar (good) albeit with a pretty terrible ratio (seemed like a lot of US military guys hang out there).

In Japan I had a rougher time... First off in Osaka we just couldn't find any good venues. Around Dotonburi (the main food/tourist street) there seemed to just be tons of working girls prowling the street (was funny watching them Nanpa-walk next to any Japanese guy in a suit to try to pick them up) and then most of the venues in the area were the P4P themed "snackbars". As far as regular bars/clubs go, the spots we found were super small (10-15 people max), so not at all conducive to gaming.

This was very disappointing, since from what I had read Osaka was supposed to be better than Tokyo (friendlier more outgoing people, easier to game). Not to mention the epic SwoopTheWorld story about Osaka that I had read prior to the trip:

Would love to hear specific venue recommendations for Osaka for next time.

As for Tokyo, I think there's a major learning curve here and unfortunately it seems like the RVF data on Tokyo is outdated. Without any better options, both nights out in Tokyo we went to Roppongi. First off --- the fact that the last train is at ~12:30am and taxis might be $70 USD or more is a real buzzkill. The first night nothing much had happened by midnight so my group decided to go home (lame).

The second night it was a friend's birthday so we decided to go hard no matter what. In my case, it was a bit too hard, and though I ended up picking up a 30 year old Japanese-ethnicity Australian expat, on the way home I:

- Puked out the window of our cab
- Had to pay $70 for said cab
- Passed out in bed without banging out said girl

Venue-wise we went to Mezzo (great for pregaming, you pay a $20 cover for 4 drinks and also has some cute girls), Mogambo (hookup-style bar, not huge in size but a great spot to check out) Geronimo Shot Bar (like a smaller Mogambo) and "A LIFE" club (I was half blacked out by this point in the night, but it seemed like a super massive venue which is handy for gaming).

Going beyond just girls, both these countries were great experiences (except for the weather, since I hate the cold). Food was absolutely amazing. KBBQ in Seoul was basically like good KBBQ in the US (think KTown Los Angeles) but a bit cheaper. Food in Japan is unparalleled, but unfortunately on the pricey side (other than ramen of course).