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R.I.P. London - gework - 06-12-2018

The Telegraph have just shed the last pretense of being vaugely conservative with this article:

[Image: Screenshot_at_2018_06_13_01_08_16.png]

With the Daily Express taken over by the left-wing Trinity Mirror Group and The Daily Mail now edited by a remainer it won't be long until the UK is in the same position as the US with a virtual left-wing monopoly on MSM news.

* That headline has been doctored.

George Galloway seems to have moved quite heavily towards conservatism in the last few years:

R.I.P. London - thedarkknight - 06-12-2018


Brexit ain’t gonna happen and if it does, it’ll be so watered down, it’ll be more of an Open Relationship. where the UK cheats on the EU with its ex-girlfriend the Commonwealth.

And let’s be real, will it change the decline in UK society ? No.

(1) You’ll still have 300000 plus non-whites from the commonwealth coming into the country every year. Recorded. Lord knows how many unrecorded.
(2) And you’ll still have, virtually the same number but fewer coming from the EU. You’ll also have 200000 people leaving, who, will be, Anglo Saxon natives.
(3) You’ll have ethnic natives with declining birthrates and immigrants pumping 3-5 kids
(4) You'll have fanatically liberal politicians who would sooner fight for liberal ideologies ( transgender, homosexual, open borders) than religion or traditional Western values

What does this mean?

The UK will become non-white, non Christian by the end of the century. That’s the end of the story and no Brexit - hard or soft- will change that reality.

You have lost your ethnic homelands and will never get them back.


R.I.P. London - jordypip23 - 06-12-2018

Quote: (06-12-2018 05:25 PM)thedarkknight Wrote:  


Brexit ain’t gonna happen and if it does, it’ll be so watered down, it’ll be more of an Open Relationship. where the UK cheats on the EU with its ex-girlfriend the Commonwealth.

And let’s be real, will it change the decline in UK society ? No.

(1) You’ll still have 300000 plus non-whites from the commonwealth coming into the country every year. Recorded. Lord knows how many unrecorded.
(2) And you’ll still have, virtually the same number but fewer coming from the EU. You’ll also have 200000 people leaving, who, will be, Anglo Saxon natives.
(3) You’ll have ethnic natives with declining birthrates and immigrants pumping 3-5 kids
(4) You'll have fanatically liberal politicians who would sooner fight for liberal ideologies ( transgender, homosexual, open borders) than religion or traditional Western values

What does this mean?

The UK will become non-white, non Christian by the end of the century. That’s the end of the story and no Brexit - hard or soft- will change that reality.

You have lost your ethnic homelands and will never get them back.


After all this happens, do you think London will lose its current status as one of the key financial centers of the world?

R.I.P. London - Simeon_Strangelight - 06-12-2018

< Actually I expect London to retain it's globalist hub status.

I read the future plans going back forward in time. Even after they have their One World Government and quasi open borders, then they intend to create so-called city-states. Access to those will be restricted. I expect the City of London to become such a city-states.

Outside of that area you lower scum can battle it out with the diversity.

[Image: City_of_London_in_Greater_London.svg]

They even have this meme embedded in quite a few SF movies. A few other areas will be probably fine as well - maybe encompassing the City State as well.

R.I.P. London - jordypip23 - 06-12-2018

Quote: (06-12-2018 09:04 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

< Actually I expect London to retain it's globalist hub status.

I read the future plans going back forward in time. Even after they have their One World Government and quasi open borders, then they intend to create so-called city-states. Access to those will be restricted. I expect the City of London to become such a city-states.

Outside of that area you lower scum can battle it out with the diversity.

[Image: City_of_London_in_Greater_London.svg]

They even have this meme embedded in quite a few SF movies. A few other areas will be probably fine as well - maybe encompassing the City State as well.

You think the City State might be a Vatican like walled off gilded area with uber security to guard the elitist leaders of this One World Government? LoL. I mean I guess this dystopian future is certainly possible. I'm just trying to envision the future. Sounds worse than the book "1984".

R.I.P. London - Leonard D Neubache - 06-12-2018

Personally I don't think peace will last that long.

I can't offer evidence, but I suspect that within 20 years the wheels will fall off of the tax base and the vast majority of white cucks will have nothing left to protect by keeping their mouths shut. By that stage we'll have an entire generation of young white men who've been systematically impoverished and abused by what will then be a minority majority fuckfest.

Or in other words, when whites spend a generation living as second class citizens in a second world nation that used to be a first world nation created by their ancestors then things will finally kick off.

I wouldn't expect whites to get below 30% before a proper civil war for secession or outright reclamation occurs, and that goes for the US and most of Europe too. Non-whites are simply incapable of sustaining a kind of society that whites will suffer living in. Even in places like South Africa the whites only tolerated the situation because they were left to their wealth. Once they're put in the gutter with the rest and marked for extinction they find their solidarity pretty fucking quickly and they're extremely dangerous when they do.

What's interesting to my mind is that there will be no white soldiers fighting to stop the next Hitler. Chinese ones maybe, but that's the only group I can imagine being placed in that role, and it's a tough sell even then. But no Conservative white trigger man with an ounce of sense in his head is going to go the the UK and fight against the native Britons on behalf of a bunch of Pakistani muslims. Anyone conscripted to that cause is going to go AWOL, saboteur or simply drag their feet to the point of being irrelevant in the greater fight.

This is the irony of the global push toward white genocide. We used to be Americans and Germans and French and Italians and Australians and Britons and Canadians.

Now we're just white. One race. One target.

It may yet turn out to be the worst mistake the globalists ever made. There's not going to be another D-Day if some of us go rogue again.

R.I.P. London - Richard Turpin - 06-13-2018

Quote: (06-12-2018 05:14 PM)gework Wrote:  

With the Daily Express taken over by the left-wing Trinity Mirror Group and The Daily Mail now edited by a remainer it won't be long until the UK is in the same position as the US with a virtual left-wing monopoly on MSM news.

I asked a Daily Mail reading acquaintance the other day what he thought about Paul Dacre stepping down and being replaced with a remainer. He didn't have a clue what I was talking about or why it was such a big deal.

Losing the Express to the lefties was a blow, but the DM has always been the left's big nemesis and they've wanted this scalp for a long time. As ever, their MO is to infiltrate and destroy from within rather than fight head-on.

As you say, the MSM will now be completely converged in the UK. I take heart in the fact that none of this stopped Trump's ascendancy in the US, but frankly I see it as just another nail in the UK's coffin. No one can predict the future, and the law of unintended consequences may mean that with no legitimate way to release pressure via mainstream news sources, genuine rightist movements may gather steam, who knows.

R.I.P. London - jordypip23 - 06-13-2018

Quote: (06-12-2018 11:02 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Personally I don't think peace will last that long.

I can't offer evidence, but I suspect that within 20 years the wheels will fall off of the tax base and the vast majority of white cucks will have nothing left to protect by keeping their mouths shut. By that stage we'll have an entire generation of young white men who've been systematically impoverished and abused by what will then be a minority majority fuckfest.

Or in other words, when whites spend a generation living as second class citizens in a second world nation that used to be a first world nation created by their ancestors then things will finally kick off.

I wouldn't expect whites to get below 30% before a proper civil war for secession or outright reclamation occurs, and that goes for the US and most of Europe too. Non-whites are simply incapable of sustaining a kind of society that whites will suffer living in. Even in places like South Africa the whites only tolerated the situation because they were left to their wealth. Once they're put in the gutter with the rest and marked for extinction they find their solidarity pretty fucking quickly and they're extremely dangerous when they do.

What's interesting to my mind is that there will be no white soldiers fighting to stop the next Hitler. Chinese ones maybe, but that's the only group I can imagine being placed in that role, and it's a tough sell even then. But no Conservative white trigger man with an ounce of sense in his head is going to go the the UK and fight against the native Britons on behalf of a bunch of Pakistani muslims. Anyone conscripted to that cause is going to go AWOL, saboteur or simply drag their feet to the point of being irrelevant in the greater fight.

This is the irony of the global push toward white genocide. We used to be Americans and Germans and French and Italians and Australians and Britons and Canadians.

Now we're just white. One race. One target.

It may yet turn out to be the worst mistake the globalists ever made. There's not going to be another D-Day if some of us go rogue again.

The only peaceful solution I could think of is if like-minded people were location independent (in terms of income & making a living) & were able to congregate in various pockets throughout the world. This is probably an utter pipe dream, but think about how incredible that would be? Unfortunately a LOT of us (including myself) still remain enslaved to the almighty US Dollar, or Canadian Dollar, or British Pound, Euro, (name any other currency) and the gigantic banking systems that govern these currencies. We might be held down by other personal or cultural factors as well.

R.I.P. London - Super_Fire - 06-13-2018

Quote: (06-12-2018 11:02 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

This is the irony of the global push toward white genocide. We used to be Americans and Germans and French and Italians and Australians and Britons and Canadians.

Now we're just white. One race. One target.

It may yet turn out to be the worst mistake the globalists ever made. There's not going to be another D-Day if some of us go rogue again.

This is the point I made around these parts months ago, echoing E. Michael Jones. People used to identify by nations, ethnic groups, and their religion. It was the WASPs that pushed the idea of whiteness while simultaneously saying that Germans and Irish were definitely not white, restricting their immigration, and even calling for German genocide.

This whole unified whiteness is new, and I used to think it was a mistake, but you're right Leonard. It's the best thing that's ever happened to us.

R.I.P. London - Simeon_Strangelight - 06-13-2018

Quote: (06-12-2018 09:28 PM)jordypip23 Wrote:  

You think the City State might be a Vatican like walled off gilded area with uber security to guard the elitist leaders of this One World Government? LoL. I mean I guess this dystopian future is certainly possible. I'm just trying to envision the future. Sounds worse than the book "1984".

Actually this is not as far-off as you may think. When you cannot have your daughter walk on the street without being attacked by a biker gang and acid-sprayed, then there won't be any other choice.

The Nigerian Eko-Atlantic newly made city will have such restrictions. Average Nigerians won't be able to enter - only the rich, well-chosen and well-vetted and wealthy tourists.

[Image: ku-xlarge-1.jpg]

Once a few other "diverse" cities start following this example, then many others will continue on the same way. Currently crime is more restrained at certain areas, but once it's almost impossible to live with the vibrant enrichment, then the walls will come up. And don't take me wrong - the limitations may not be so dire for anyone who is middle-class and has no criminal track-record. 30% of the population may still be allowed to enter for a visit even if they cannot afford to live there.

R.I.P. London - Leonard D Neubache - 06-13-2018

I must say, the Hard Rook Caffe looks tempting.

R.I.P. London - Orson - 06-13-2018

Quote: (06-12-2018 05:14 PM)gework Wrote:  

The Telegraph have just shed the last pretense of being vaugely conservative with this article:

[Image: Screenshot_at_2018_06_13_01_08_16.png]

With the Daily Express taken over by the left-wing Trinity Mirror Group and The Daily Mail now edited by a remainer it won't be long until the UK is in the same position as the US with a virtual left-wing monopoly on MSM news.

* That headline has been doctored.

George Galloway seems to have moved quite heavily towards conservatism in the last few years:

The Cameron years and since have revealed that there is no "conservative" or Right-wing party in the UK, anymore. It was a facade.

Instead, there is a Party of Treason.

R.I.P. London - Bienvenuto - 06-13-2018

Quote: (06-13-2018 09:26 PM)Orson Wrote:  

Quote: (06-12-2018 05:14 PM)gework Wrote:  

The Telegraph have just shed the last pretense of being vaugely conservative with this article:

[Image: Screenshot_at_2018_06_13_01_08_16.png]

With the Daily Express taken over by the left-wing Trinity Mirror Group and The Daily Mail now edited by a remainer it won't be long until the UK is in the same position as the US with a virtual left-wing monopoly on MSM news.

* That headline has been doctored.

George Galloway seems to have moved quite heavily towards conservatism in the last few years:

The Cameron years and since have revealed that there is no "conservative" or Right-wing party in the UK, anymore. It was a facade.

Instead, there is a Party of Treason.

Agreed on the Party of Treason.

Am I the only one who thinks this way? I guess hindsights a wonderful thing but.. That Borough market attack was committed by just three men armed with knives and yet dozens of men were panicking and running from them.. :/ ?

R.I.P. London - Rush87 - 06-13-2018

Quote: (06-12-2018 11:02 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

I wouldn't expect whites to get below 30% before a proper civil war for secession or outright reclamation occurs, and that goes for the US and most of Europe too. Non-whites are simply incapable of sustaining a kind of society that whites will suffer living in. Even in places like South Africa the whites only tolerated the situation because they were left to their wealth. Once they're put in the gutter with the rest and marked for extinction they find their solidarity pretty fucking quickly and they're extremely dangerous when they do.

Agreed. When you look at history, it's almost like a switch. One day they're sleeping the next day they 'wake up'.

When they 'wake up' is wholly dependant on when this suddenly affects them. This is specifically relevant to white, left wing liberals who are inherently selfish by nature.

This can be seen in almost every stance they take: More diversity (Just not in my neighborhood). Equal employment outcomes (Just not in my job). More diverse university representation (Just not my university spot). Reparations (Just not from my bank account).

White liberals virtue signal for highly selfish purposes. The moment their quality of life is in jeopardy, with the click of a finger they'll be fighting with 'right wingers' to take back their land. All it will take is a simple re-calibration of their hamster.

R.I.P. London - N°6 - 06-13-2018

There hasn’t been a conservative party governing the UK since before Edward Heath in 1974. Thatcher’s conservatism was designed to take Essex man’s votes from the National Front which contained the remnants of the BUF and United Empire Loyalists.

Her economic system of mass privatisation has cucked two generations of British men now. Male labour is a liability to be made less burdensome on finance by depressing wages through gender equality and mass immigration.

There’s no Left either. For 50 years now it has traveled a road away from organised productive labour to defending feminine victim groups. Compare the traditional union parade of muscular men walking behind brass bands to those of today which look more like Gay Pride or the Mardi Gras. That’s telling.

R.I.P. London - Sidney Crosby - 06-13-2018

Quote: (06-13-2018 06:41 AM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

Quote: (06-12-2018 09:28 PM)jordypip23 Wrote:  

You think the City State might be a Vatican like walled off gilded area with uber security to guard the elitist leaders of this One World Government? LoL. I mean I guess this dystopian future is certainly possible. I'm just trying to envision the future. Sounds worse than the book "1984".

Actually this is not as far-off as you may think. When you cannot have your daughter walk on the street without being attacked by a biker gang and acid-sprayed, then there won't be any other choice.

The Nigerian Eko-Atlantic newly made city will have such restrictions. Average Nigerians won't be able to enter - only the rich, well-chosen and well-vetted and wealthy tourists.

[Image: ku-xlarge-1.jpg]

Once a few other "diverse" cities start following this example, then many others will continue on the same way. Currently crime is more restrained at certain areas, but once it's almost impossible to live with the vibrant enrichment, then the walls will come up. And don't take me wrong - the limitations may not be so dire for anyone who is middle-class and has no criminal track-record. 30% of the population may still be allowed to enter for a visit even if they cannot afford to live there.

Reminds me of Sydney

R.I.P. London - Leonard D Neubache - 06-14-2018

Quote: (06-13-2018 11:40 PM)N°6 Wrote:  

There hasn’t been a conservative party governing the UK since before Edward Heath in 1974. Thatcher’s conservatism was designed to take Essex man’s votes from the National Front which contained the remnants of the BUF and United Empire Loyalists.

Her economic system of mass privatisation has cucked two generations of British men now. Male labour is a liability to be made less burdensome on finance by depressing wages through gender equality and mass immigration.

There’s no Left either. For 50 years now it has traveled a road away from organised productive labour to defending feminine victim groups. Compare the traditional union parade of muscular men walking behind brass bands to those of today which look more like Gay Pride or the Mardi Gras. That’s telling.

I was having the same thought today.

I wonder how many of the 50% voting "left" actually care about the bizarre fringe nonsense their leaders are pushing and identify less with those policies than they simply identify with being "not right wing".

I think one of the most skillful manipulations of our time has been neatly dividing our nations over non-issues when in reality most people would meet in the center on 9 out of 10 real issues.

R.I.P. London - jordypip23 - 06-14-2018

Quote: (06-13-2018 11:50 PM)Sidney Crosby Wrote:  

Quote: (06-13-2018 06:41 AM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

Quote: (06-12-2018 09:28 PM)jordypip23 Wrote:  

You think the City State might be a Vatican like walled off gilded area with uber security to guard the elitist leaders of this One World Government? LoL. I mean I guess this dystopian future is certainly possible. I'm just trying to envision the future. Sounds worse than the book "1984".

Actually this is not as far-off as you may think. When you cannot have your daughter walk on the street without being attacked by a biker gang and acid-sprayed, then there won't be any other choice.

The Nigerian Eko-Atlantic newly made city will have such restrictions. Average Nigerians won't be able to enter - only the rich, well-chosen and well-vetted and wealthy tourists.

[Image: ku-xlarge-1.jpg]

Once a few other "diverse" cities start following this example, then many others will continue on the same way. Currently crime is more restrained at certain areas, but once it's almost impossible to live with the vibrant enrichment, then the walls will come up. And don't take me wrong - the limitations may not be so dire for anyone who is middle-class and has no criminal track-record. 30% of the population may still be allowed to enter for a visit even if they cannot afford to live there.

Reminds me of Sydney

Kind of has the Dubai look too. Pretty ironic that Dubai, Abu Dhabi & likely even Saudi Arabia don't even want most of these migrants that are taking over London right?

R.I.P. London - Simeon_Strangelight - 06-14-2018

< No one wants them - not even their home countries are willing to accept them in deportations - they only accepted the deportees after the EU began to pay them for i (the 12-14 they managed to deport that is)

R.I.P. London - Canopus - 08-16-2018



[Image: facepalm.png]

I feel for you guys in London, I really do.

R.I.P. London - T and A Man - 08-17-2018

Ban Muslims, not cars

R.I.P. London - BelyyTigr - 08-17-2018

Just when you think it couldn't get any worse!
We're the laughing stock of the civilised(?) world!

And yes I do mean trafficked OUT of Britain!

Check out the picture. The white kid is pissing himself laughing. But the libtard excuse for a journalist is actually using the photo to say "look how happy he is supporting our wonderful cause".

Britain is a fucking joke.

R.I.P. London - BelyyTigr - 08-17-2018

Quote: (08-16-2018 12:53 PM)Canopus Wrote:  



[Image: facepalm.png]

I feel for you guys in London, I really do.

I wish Sadfreak Khan could be banned from parts of London.
Say anywhere between Slough and Dagenham.

And add in anywhere between John-o-Groats and Lands End, just for good measure.

R.I.P. London - sterlingarcher - 09-18-2018

I come to London every couple of years...

I can just see the decline.

Thing is, it's just gonna get worse.

It's mindless liberal apathy that has allowed things to get to this point, and it's the same attitude that'll allow things to degenerate further. And they will.

There's a degree of resignation running through this thread (and other London threads)...and that's on THIS forum.

There needs to be a shift to equate 'liberal' with 'mindless'.

R.I.P. London - Simeon_Strangelight - 09-18-2018

The only groups that have a policy that would reverse the madness - the Identitarians - are so far removed from any remote possibility of ever gaining ruling support, that they are mostly historians who can say: "I warned them, but they would not listen."

A country where the founding ethnicity has become a minority is essentially no more - it's doomed to become various shades of Brazil, Caliphate or South Africa.

Just restricting immigration won't do the trick - that works if your tribe is reproducing at record rates of 4+ children. But if you are like Japan or Korea with negative growth, than immigration even in modest numbers from too diverse groups will be disastrous.

Ah well - it is what it is. RIP London. RIP USA. RIP Canada. RIP most of Europe. Goodbye civilization that brought us the current level of technology, easy life and prosperity.