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South Korea - sync - 06-30-2018

i just checked FB of arena (best girls in town?). The girls there are really white and because of this some look like ghosts/aliens.


Same in japan?
I like more a little bit more tanned girls

South Korea - whiteknightrises - 07-01-2018

@sync go to Southeast Asia (Thailand, Philippines, etc).

Mostly everywhere in Asia, girls want to be light-skinned (vs. tan - USA, etc.) because that's the trend.

But in SEA people are naturally darker. It's also much easier to get laid than Korea, Japan because those places are poorer and the guys aren't really competition if you're from the first world.


Banged a Japanese girl, hot American girl, (almost) an Asian-German girl last weekend

Story here

South Korea - sync - 07-03-2018

yes i know that, but in SK it is very extrem with the skin. Even the soccer team of SK was white.
The Japan team looks normal and i think there it is not so extreme with the white skin like i seen in TV

yes i like more tanned skin in Thailand. Vietnam has many light skin girls too

South Korea - bumborass - 07-03-2018

Quote: (06-28-2018 10:19 PM)Kyon Wrote:  

Quote: (06-28-2018 06:59 PM)bumborass Wrote:  

planning on visiting for a week or so, from the 5th-15th.

Seems like Itaewon is the place to be/stay at, is that a fair assessment?

not gonna be actively pursing chicks, but I will try and hit the nightlife to see what that's about. I'll be there alone.

How old are you? Age is important in determining the best place to stay, because some clubs don't allow guys below 30, some don't allow guys above 40, etc.
And it depends on neighborhood location

I'm 26, black-American, 5'10 170.

South Korea - utepils - 07-05-2018

Anyone using HelloTalk to pick up girls?

South Korea - echelon - 07-06-2018

Quote: (07-05-2018 02:16 PM)utepils Wrote:  

Anyone using HelloTalk to pick up girls?
no but does it work

South Korea - Kyon - 07-06-2018

Quote: (07-03-2018 12:29 PM)bumborass Wrote:  

I'm 26, black-American, 5'10 170.

Hongdae is fine then, you are young. Hongdae is full of students

South Korea - whiteknightrises - 07-07-2018

So last night I banged the weirdest German girl

So how this night started out was this guy I know here ("Dragon") messaged me to come get food with him and 2 Turkish chicks he had met a couple of weeks back

We got some Korean cold noodles (popular summer food) and a little bit to drink

[Image: 9ca790c21d55a4618ebfe1e91856596d.JPG]
Mixing soju (Korean alcohol) and beer ("mekju" in Korean) -> so-mek
Whoever thought of this combination was basically trying to make everyone hungover af

After we ate, we tried to go to the club from the previous story where a girl I know works and can get us in for free/get us free drinks

However, the Turkish girls didn't have ID so we couldn't get in

The guy I was with ("Dragon") said for me to go ahead to another bar called Cocky Pub (a foreigner bar with lots of foreigners and girls that generally like foreigners) while he tried to photoshop their faces onto an ID on his phone

Shit was taking forever so at the bar I texted him and apparently one of the girls saw the text...
Which was something along the lines of "man fuck these bitches. just ditch them and find some new ones"
Needless to say, that didn't go down so well and they wanted nothing to do with me after

Honestly, the girls weren't even hot (one was cute I guess) so I didn't give a fuck but Dragon was a bit sad. He's a nicer guy than I am and is more of a "relationship-y" guy, doesn't wanna hurt people's feelings, etc.

Dragon showed up to the bar, where they were playing a World Cup match (France vs. Uruguay). There were a lot of French people (there are a lot in Korea; I think a lot of them like the culture, etc.)

I noticed one girl looking at me but didn't approach right away. When I approached later, it didn't go as well. I swear, I don't know why but when a girl looks at you, you gotta approach her right then or your chances go down (don't ask me why - broscience based on doing this a million times)

Same happened with another chick later. I noticed her hovering and even mentioned to Dragon that since I hesitated, it wasn't going to work out (it didn't)

Regardless, I think events like that (World Cup matches, etc.) aren't always the best for picking up chicks because everyone is generally trying to watch the game (especially if they are invested in the outcome - e.g. a French person watching a quarter finals match for France)

After the game, we went to the bar next to Cocky Pub (Thursday Party - another foreigner bar) for a bit.
Sidenote: Dragon mostly likes foreign (e.g. white) girls, whereas I don't really care (probably prefer Asian girls more) - I actually want to fuck an Asian (Korean, Japanese, etc.) chick right now since the last few chicks I've banged have been foreign I think
Sidenote 2: for whatever reason, Asian guys in this "picking up girls" space (not referring to Dragon) seem to be obsessed with banging white girls. It's actually funny/sad. Topic for another time though

I think afterwards, I suggested going to this spot called NB2, which is a hip-hop club run by a famous entertainment company called YG Entertainment - known for artists like Psy (Gangnam Style), Big Bang (one of the most famous K-pop groups), etc. Apparently you can sometimes see famous celebrities there. The times I've been in the past though - it was just always stupid packed (sardines in a can/couldn't move)

I think I suggested going though because apparently a lot of Japanese girls go? (If you haven't noticed, yours truly kind of has a thing for Japanese girls, which is probably bad considering Japan brutally colonized Korea in the past and Koreans generally don't like Japan for this reason - the country at least)

NB2 (~3 min)

Think we got our wristbands at NB1 (across the street) first though because the line for NB1 is shorter. There are less people in there as well so it can be good just to get a drink and chill. (Cover comes with 1 free drink both at NB1 and at NB2 I believe)

We met two Japanese girls at NB1. I really wanted the one girl but her friend was totally uninterested in Dragon and vice versa.

The thing with Japanese girls (the real ones vs. ones that grew up outside Japan, etc.) is that they almost never speak any English, especially if they are remotely attractive. This was the case here (the girl spoke a tiny bit of English, which is better than the usual 0 English) and it made it hard to communicate using my broken ass Japanese. Her friend spoke 0 English and Dragon speaks 0 Japanese so yea.

The girls said they were going to NB2 and we went as well, but it fizzled out and they got picked up by 2 Korean dudes. I don't know if they spoke Japanese but I think a major thing was the friend of the girl I liked suddenly found someone she liked (the Korean guy hitting on her was tall as fuck and seemed pretty aggressive). Oh well

I think Dragon went to try and get the Turkish girls from before into the club and I just was hitting on girls randomly here and there. Definitely some rejections and then some girls I remember like a Japanese girl. Basically, she was cute, didn't really speak English (as usual), Dragon was nowhere to be found (to wing the friend), and I think I was overall too aggressive (but you gotta be at night if you want to get laid)

I don't really remember too many interactions because I was drinking pretty steadily throughout the night but pretty sure I'm covering most of the significant ones - had drinks with dinner, drinks at Cocky Pub, drinks at Thursday Party, the free drinks with NB2 cover, bought a couple drinks at the club, at one point took some girl's free drink coupon from her wristband (her group was being a bunch of bitches - I think they were Asians from Australia or something, had non-American English accents), drinks at my place with girls, etc.

At one point, I met this hot little Vietnamese chick from the US. It was strange because her English had an accent but she's an English teacher here. Go figure
^ It was funny because when I was outside with this girl, the guy who found me my apartment (real estate guy) came out from the club. He had told me he had picked up some girl from that club a few weeks back but it was super random to see him out. Might go out with him one day

Anyway, I eventually got the Viet chick to come to my apartment with me. We drank a bit and stuff but she wouldn't do anything. I think I eventually she asked me if I didn't want to keep hanging out if she wasn't gonna do anything and I said yea. She just left but and that point I think I was kind of annoyed since I figured I was about to smash but didn't.

... So I went back to the club.
Personally, I'm past the point of "going out to work on my skillz" and consider a night out a waste of time if I don't get laid unless it's going out with my friend(s) / having a good time/potentially getting fucked up (even then some pussy at the end of the night is a good way to finish the night)

I talked to some Peruvian chick and pretty shortly after I approached, her friends gave us some space and me and this chick started dancing and making out hard. I tried getting her to leave but she wouldn't ditch her friends so I got her contact info

I also remember talking to a Canadian girl - who was just OK but she was so whitegirl wasted and smelled kind of bad so I lost interest.

Immediately after, some black girl approached me and asked me If I spoke English to which I said yes. She wasn't that hot but we exchanged contact info cuz I figured I could invite her out and she might have friends, etc.

P.S. I'm not including the many rejections I got but know that they happened. Especially with Korean girls. I can't remember a single interaction with a Korean girl that went anywhere. Probably because Korean guys are mad thirsty at the club and approaching way too aggressively. In my experience, Hongdae also sucks for picking up Korean girls cuz most of the people here are in their early 20s or so and young Korean girls are generally too inexperienced/not ready for the D (shy, etc).

Anyway, at that point it was probably pretty late like ~4-5am or so (I think the club closes in the morning cuz it was still going at like ~6). I remember approaching some hot white girl with nice tits (probably fake) - forget where she was from.

However, her friends and her had JUST arrived so it was a bad time to approach cuz they were just getting drinks, getting settled in, etc.

I decided to look for another girl and saw another white looking girl by the bar and approached.
She was part German part something else but knew some Korean and stuff.

Seriously, this girl was so weird. Basically, she was trying too hard to act Asian/cute/shy (I don't know what the Korean equivalent of the word weeaboo is but imagine a girl like that)

(~1:24) Kind of doing weird shit like this, like weird whimpering noises and covering her face and shit

Like if you do something kind of sexual, a Korean girl might blush and act all shy and say she's shy, etc. - this German girl was doing that x10 and it was over the top.

Either way, your boy was on a mission to smash so we were talking and I got us some drinks.
I normally get girls a Long Island Iced Tea since 1 of those will have 99% of girls at least 80% more DTF (PhD Broscience approved theory)

This ended up being a huge mistake cuz she ended up getting too fucked up.

Anyway, at one point I kissed her and she did the shy bullshit again. A bit after, she spilled her drink all over us and I was like whatever let's get out of here

So we walked back to my place and she asked for a drink. I was like, are you sure, cuz I knew she wouldn't be able to handle more alcohol. But some girls just want some liquor to feel a bit more comfortable and maybe say "oh but I was drunk" after they get the D

Anyway, trying to smash was a struggle cuz she was doing the shy BS and putting up a lot of resistance but eventually I smashed (it was shitty af tho)

VERY NSFW Pic (me jizzing on her)

After I washed up a bit I came out and she was knocked out cold. I think I tried to wake her up so I could get her to leave but I literally passed out in my chair as she was getting dressed (~8am at that point and I think I had woken up at 8am that day... 24 hours)

Anyway, I eventually woke up ~8:30 maybe and got her to wake up (she had apparently passed out, too, after putting her socks on lol) and got her a cab.
Probably a little fucked up but I didn't want to deal with this chick after I woke up - just too weird (decently attractive but not that attractive)

Like clockwork, ended up going out somehow and sleeping at 8am... again lol

Now a hot Russian chick just messaged me on Insta... 1:30am in Seoul

South Korea - ts58 - 07-07-2018

Quote: (07-07-2018 01:56 PM)whiteknightrises Wrote:  

I noticed one girl looking at me but didn't approach right away. When I approached later, it didn't go as well. I swear, I don't know why but when a girl looks at you, you gotta approach her right then or your chances go down (don't ask me why - broscience based on doing this a million times)
Holy shit, I knew I wasn't the only one living this. Broscience bro.

South Korea - MPD - 07-09-2018

Great stuff, White Knight. Your logistics game is on point and it sounds like you're putting in a lot of work. Thanks for sharing the info.

I assume you're approaching and interacting in Korean with Korean girls?

South Korea - whiteknightrises - 07-09-2018

Just go out sometimes

Yea. Haven't been talking to many Koreans lately tho. Will change

South Korea - MPD - 07-10-2018

No need, mate. Looks like you got a good rhythm going

I'm near gangnam so always wondered how big of a factor language was, or not!

South Korea - whiteknightrises - 07-10-2018

Idk your background but as someone who is Korean, has banged a lot of Korean girls, etc.:

If you can't speak Korean (conversational+), just speak in English - having bad Korean just gonna mess up the conversation flow. Tho some girls might think it's cute or something (but rarely ever the hot ones)
- Speaking Korean generally puts Korean people into a "Korean mindset" and all the formalities, etc. that that comes with. I've had Korean girls say to me before that speaking English makes them feel less inhibited (socially - of course that means sexually, too)

If you're in Gangnam language will be a bigger factor since Gangnam is super Korean.
Also, even if it has the hottest girls in Seoul/all of Korea, I've never seen foreigners really get any action in Gangnam (minus other foreigners). Too much competition and no one really gives a shit that you're foreign

Best bet Itaewon, maybe Hongdae for non-Koreans/non-Korean speakers (the latter these days I think is better for Korean or Korean-looking guys that wanna bang Korea lovers from other countries as evidenced by recent posts - minus the exception of foreigner groupie hangouts like Thursday Party. For those types English is fine)

South Korea - randomA - 07-10-2018

Sounds like the whole pool is thus restricted to Itaewon, do you confirm ?

South Korea - whiteknightrises - 07-10-2018

For the average person on this forum yes (in terms of going out at least - you can do more with online, etc).

South Korea - slow_mike - 07-15-2018

I'm currently Seoul. It would be cool to meet the local crew. PM me if available

South Korea - Kyon - 07-15-2018

Quote: (07-15-2018 08:36 AM)slow_mike Wrote:  

I'm currently Seoul. It would be cool to meet the local crew. PM me if available

thoughts on Seoul/Korea in general, so far?

South Korea - MPD - 07-17-2018

White Knight, you're spot on regarding gangnam. However, every now and then things work out so I remain hooked!

Hongdae seems better than itaewon these days. Smaller university areas (e.g konkuk) can be good for non-Koreans that prefer something off the beaten path. Also Bundang (a rich suburb) is crawling with cute upscale-ish girls but the bar is higher there of course.

South Korea - slow_mike - 07-18-2018

Quote: (07-15-2018 08:51 PM)Kyon Wrote:  

Quote: (07-15-2018 08:36 AM)slow_mike Wrote:  

I'm currently Seoul. It would be cool to meet the local crew. PM me if available

thoughts on Seoul/Korea in general, so far?

too early to tell, will write a trip report after the stay

South Korea - yourboychris - 07-26-2018

Just came back to Korea this month. I was here for Korean block chain week and staying until the end of September. Always cool to meeting up with like-minded people in Seoul. Crypto, travel, ladies.

South Korea - whiteknightrises - 09-20-2018

Whiteknightrises links up with CHABOI CHRIS (yourboychris)

Summary: popped bottles, got lit, got some nice, young Korean pussy (proof as always)

So this past weekend I met up with yourboychris on here and we hit the club Friday and Saturday night.

We had originally planned to meet a while back, but I arrived late to the bar we had planned to meet at and he was already mackin on some chick so I let him do his thing.

Anyway, this time around, we had agreed to get a table at a club along with two other guys (“Joe” and “Andy”).


We all met up at a popular bar in Itaewon (the foreigner district) to pregame a bit and chatted up some girls here and there.

Prior to that night, I hadn’t gone out or done anything that wasn’t work for a long time - probably close to a month. All the bitches looked so nice granted I was on phenibut, Gorilla Mind Rush, and drinking.

FYI phenibut is anti-anxiety and people in this part of the Internet use it for “AA” (approach anxiety), but I don’t have that so it just gives me superhuman social skills and also lets me have way more fun (effects describable as “MDMA lite”). Gorilla Mind Rush is like Adderall (used for work and studying) but not as cracked out. Combined, they make for a good time

After a few drinks, we headed to the club – the line for this place was seriously so ridiculous both nights that we went. No joke like 75%+ girls (see below). And it wasn’t even one of those bullshit tactics where they don’t let people/girls in to make it look like the club is good (e.g. in the US).

I also want to note that I had shoe lifts in my shoes so I probably looked ~6 feet/182 or so (I am 5’9”/175). It definitely helped but at the same time I was on fire from being excited to go out and also substances.

My favorite club in Seoul is still Octagon but tables there are way more expensive (even if the club is fun as fuck and the bitches are hotter – but probably harder).

Regardless, it was still a great time and like Octagon, the club had two different sections (electronic/hip-hop), which I liked since you could switch up the vibe if you wanted to.

I’ll be honest - I don’t remember a lot and definitely don’t remember all the details of the night, but I will recount what I can.

Early on in the night, I remember we talked to some Taiwanese girls. The one I was talking to was pretty nice but she was a bit shy about getting sexual and the other chick was her older sister lol and was cockblocking big time.

I probably talked to some other girls (I have like 10+ new contacts in my phone from the weekend and barely remember any of them) but at one point I went outside to get gum.

Andy who is like a silent killer with the ladies was with two girls and next thing I know, I was in a cab with one of them to where I lived. We flirted a lot in the cab and I don’t remember what I said but we went straight to the crib. We had a bit of fruit-flavored soju (Korean alcohol) – fridge always stocked – before we started to make out and fuck.

Honestly, the sex was awesome and a great way to end my time in Korea (I’m in the US right now).

At one point she asked me, “do you want me to give you a blowjob”, to which I said OK.

After a while, she said, “don’t move” and literally got on my penis before I could say anything.

I made a recording of this session but not going to post because it has some personal details but damn it was steamy as fuck.

Some highlights:

(Moaning as I was fucking her) “It’s too bad I can’t see your face” (they always want to turn the lights off)

“Can people hear us?”
(Me saying no and saying that she should be louder)
“Should we let them hear us?”

Probably at least 10 minutes into sex - asked what her name was [Image: blush.gif]

She also had fake tits, which is not common in Korea. Also, they were probably only Bs or so – why even get fake tits of that size? They were pretty nice though and felt pretty real.

Pics or it didn't happen

Anyway, we finished up and she went back home. She wanted to stay over, but I wanted to keep partying and went back to the club (with hickeys that the girl gave me).

The line was STILL crazy at 4am

I remember approaching this Latina chick (probably one of two foreigners in the entire club). Had that sexy Latina vibe but probably a hooker or something – was very touchy and kissed me on the cheek when I said let’s keep in touch (she was on the line for the bathroom and I didn’t want to wait for her).

She later called me at like 6am and just asked me if I was ok before hanging up (I think I had called her at like 5am or something but damn girl if you gonna call at least let me try and propose some Vitamin D).

I also remember locking eyes with a "dime" outside and we smiled at each other. She was pretty drunk and said her and her friend were going to get some hangover food if I wanted to come but her friend cockblocked hard.

I probably talked to some other girls before leaving the club (remember talking to a Russian mix but she was prude) and hitting on some girl at a bus stop. Ended up being Japanese (I love Japanese girls). Gave her a winning smile – she smiled back – and somehow convinced her to not take the bus and come with me to the metro.

While this was happening, Chris said he left a motel room unlocked for me (he had banged a girl in a love motel) in case I managed to get the girl there. I don’t know what happened but I couldn’t get her to the motel and we went into the metro before she backed out last minute and said she was going home via the bus.

When I got back to my area, I proceeded to walk around for 30 minutes hitting on every bangable girl in sight until like 7am and calling it a night.

It was funny though, some non-Asian chick recognized me from IG (once she said that, I recognized her, too – it’s funny how much better she looks on IG even though her pics look “normal” and not DSLR quality). She had to go with her friends though.

In retrospect, I should have let the girl I banged sleep over so I could keep hitting it but that wasn’t part of the gameplan at the time since I just wanted to keep partying.

All in all, a fun and “successful” night (all of us got laid except for Joe, who got laid the following night).


I didn’t get laid this night but still had a great time.

Everyone was still in recovery mode and Chris got to the club the earliest.

I had to eat something so I ate a small meal before heading to the club ~1am.

Again, the line was long as fuck but good thing I got to skip the whole thing.
Why? Because we had a table like Gs and were VVIPs.

* After about 7 years of doing this shit, I can say with certainty that creeping around the club trying to hit on chicks is for scrubs and that getting a table or otherwise being separate from the masses is the way to go. Not to mention it’s not that expensive and maybe even cheaper than buying drinks at the bar if you split amongst a few people. And this is coming from someone who has banged God knows how many chicks from the “creep around the club” approach vs. some faggy pickup guy that probably hasn’t gotten laid since 2010 (if ever).

My tolerance was higher this night from drinking the previous night and alcohol was doing nothing but giving me a headache, until I drank more alcohol.

To be honest, I don’t remember most of the interactions I had but I think I told at least one girl that I was Japanese or mixed (I don’t look that Korean) because I had some text from a girl in Japanese. I also approached a group of 4 Japanese girls outside and one was into me (looked back after I approached and we smiled at each other).

Also, based off my Kakaotalk (Korean messaging app), some of the girls I had talked to were fucking hot but I guess it didn’t actually go well since I didn’t bang any of them.

It was just me, Chris, and Andy that night because Joe was busy banging some girl and Chris and Andy eventually left.

Eventually I somehow ended up with a bottle of champagne to myself – I remember taking this outside of the club with me and drinking it all the way to and even on the metro before somehow misplacing it or maybe even finishing it

* The “problem” this night was that I was just having way too much fun (excited to go out after being a hermit for a while and substances) and kind of forgetting why I went out (get some pussy). I probably wouldn’t have gotten laid on Friday either if it wasn’t for Andy throwing pussy at me. I mean I definitely had a good time, though (shoutout to yourboychris & co).

Looking back at my phone conversations, I had apparently called some girl at like 8am – no idea what we talked about.

I do remember meeting a BEAUTIFUL girl outside a metro station at some ungodly hour (I had gotten lost and think I asked her for directions). Man this girl was a “dime” without makeup so you know that she was a heavenly blessed beauty.

I think it was Roosh in his book Day Bang who said that if you meet a girl during the day who is beautiful, she is truly beautiful, since when you’re out at the bar and the club – girls go hard on the makeup, attire, etc not to mention dark lighting and the fact that you're probably drunk. This girl was one of those natural beauty during the day girls. Too bad I am not in Korea right now.

Anyway, I woke up at ~7pm the next day (slept ~11am?) and was still drunk.

I went on a date with another girl that I had apparently approached on the metro that morning but nothing happened because she was conservative.

SWIM (“Someone Who Isn’t Me”) then visited the red light district and contemplated banging a hooker but didn’t do it (all looked fake and trashy/kind of felt shitty from being fucked up the entire weekend).

South Korea - Felinol - 09-20-2018

I wanted to go to South Korea, read the other posts, and helped me a lot. Thank you for the info

South Korea - spaceman - 10-27-2018

Gents, I will moving to Seoul in January for work, would love to link up with some guys and go party. Who's still in town?

South Korea - Vincent Chase - 11-19-2018

Been in Seoul for the last week.

Banged three girls, two from tinder, one from SA. I have had six dates, five managed to get back to hotel room. The hottest one said she's not a slut and didn't bang which is fair enough and still talking to her. I had one outright rejection just after drinks from one korean, strangely she looked like the easiest with some tattoos and a good body (but an ugly face - I talked to her about plastic surgery not necessarily of hers but generally, she had a massive fucking ego).

First night went to train station to meet a girl. No girl turned up. Probably a cat fish. Happened to a friend of mine too.
Second night met a girl nearby. She took me on a tour across seoul. This girl was from SA. Eventually ended up in my hotel room. Banged her and she left.
Third night invited girl from tinder to drinks while I was out with some friends. She was really friendly. Around 1am went back to mine and she stayed the night. Still talking to her.
Fifth day met a Mexican girl on tinder. Met her on the hotel lobby for smoothies. Then said we should chill back at mine. Went upstairs and she jumped at my dick. Probably hasn't seen a white guy for a while. I got a "it was nice to meet you" after anal sex and she blocked me the next day.
Met a Russian girl outside of a club the next day, in fact she approached me but nothing came out of it with texting so far.

To be honest it has been fucking hard work here and the girls at best have been 7s. I have a shit load of matches on Tinder in the hundreds, but they nearly all seem to be extremely boring and very few would meet. I suppose the culture of living with the parents doesn't help too much. I've mostly been in Gangnam and the girls don't seem to care too much that I'm white.

If you're travelling there are far better places for game.

South Korea - spaceman - 11-19-2018

Quote: (11-19-2018 11:35 AM)Vincent Chase Wrote:  

Been in Seoul for the last week.

Interesting, thanks for the report. Did you bang any Koreans?

I have had a much different experience with Tinder in Korea... not many matches with Korean girls but then again I am not white. Seems like K girls are pretty much only into white or Korean guys.