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Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - LeBaron - 03-23-2019

Quote: (03-22-2019 11:41 AM)Bananaman711 Wrote:  

Jews, Chinese and Japanese hardly commit any crime, especially not low level crimes such as murder, muggings, robbery, car theft

Its just not in their DNA

really? Maybe not your average doctor Rosenstein but the jewish elites are the biggest thiefs and scammers of humanity.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - GT777733 - 03-24-2019

I'm not sure if anyone has posted something similar yet, but list of countries where it's most dangerous to be a Christian:

I mentioned in another thread that in Australia, Waleed Aly (useful idiot media personality in Australia whose parents are Egyptian), is bending the narrative to make Muslims seem like victims and guilt Australians and the Australian government into feeling like they are evil oppressors.

Turns out Egypt is the 16th most dangerous place to be Christian, and in 2017, 128 Christians were killed there -

What is the cause of persecution of Christians in a lot of these countries? You guessed it - Islamic oppression.

The world looks a lot different when you present two sides of the coin.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Belgrano - 03-24-2019

Quote: (03-23-2019 09:23 PM)LeBaron Wrote:  

Quote: (03-22-2019 11:41 AM)Bananaman711 Wrote:  

Jews, Chinese and Japanese hardly commit any crime, especially not low level crimes such as murder, muggings, robbery, car theft

Its just not in their DNA

really? Maybe not your average doctor Rosenstein but the jewish elites are the biggest thiefs and scammers of humanity.

Jewish-American organized crime


Jewish-American organized crime emerged within the American Jewish community during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It has been referred to variously in media and popular culture as the Jewish Mob, Jewish Mafia, Kosher Mafia, Kosher Nostra, or Undzer Shtik.

In the late 19th century in New York City, Monk Eastman operated a powerful Jewish gang that competed with Italian and Irish gangs, notably Paul Kelly's Five Points Gang, for control of New York City's underworld. Another notorious gang, known as the Lenox Avenue Gang, led by Harry "Gyp the Blood" Horowitz, consisted of mostly Jewish members and some Italian members (such as Francesco Cirofisi). It was one of the most violent gangs of the early 20th century and became famous for the murder of gambler and gangster Herman Rosenthal.

In the early 1920s, stimulated by the economic opportunities of the roaring twenties, and later prohibition, Jewish organized crime figures such as Arnold Rothstein were controlling a wide range of criminal enterprises, including bootlegging, loansharking, gambling, and bookmaking. According to crime writer Leo Katcher, Rothstein "transformed organized crime from a thuggish activity by hoodlums into a big business, run like a corporation, with himself at the top." Rothstein was allegedly responsible for fixing the 1919 World Series. At the same time, the Jewish bootlegging mob known as The Purple Gang dominated the Detroit underworld during prohibition, while the Jewish Bugs and Meyer Mob operated in the Lower East Side of New York City before being absorbed into Murder, Inc. and becoming affiliates of the Italian-American Mafia.

The largely Jewish-American and Italian-American gang known as Murder, Inc. and Jewish mobsters such as Meyer Lansky, Mickey Cohen, Harold "Hooky" Rothman, Dutch Schultz, and Bugsy Siegel developed close ties with and gained significant influence within the Italian-American Mafia, eventually forming a loosely organized, mostly Jewish and Italian criminal syndicate known in the press as the "National Crime Syndicate."

Jewish and Italian crime groups became increasingly interconnected in the 1920s and 1930s, as they often occupied the same neighborhoods and social statuses of the time. The two ethnic crime groups became especially close in New York City following the establishment of the close relationship between partners Lucky Luciano and Meyer Lansky and their subsequent elimination of many of the so-called "Mustache Pete", or the Sicilian-born gangsters that often refused to work with non-Italians and even non-Sicilians.

The Cohen crime family of Los Angeles and Las Vegas was notably part of both the Jewish Mafia and Italian-American Mafia, and lines between the two ethnic criminal organizations often blurred throughout the 20th century. For decades after, Jewish-American mobsters would continue to work closely and at times compete with Italian-American organized crime.

Guess they didn't get the memo on the DNA part.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - RexImperator - 03-24-2019


Guess they didn't get the memo on the DNA part.

The funny thing about that is, Ashkenazi Jews and Italians are genetically very close.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - SlickyBoy - 03-24-2019

Quote: (03-23-2019 08:46 PM)Sgt Donger Wrote:  

All this talk of gun control is just a knee-jerk reaction

A serious mofo could inflict the same damage, or worse, without using guns

How about this scenario...just walk in with a 25 litre container of petrol...spill the petrol everywhere...and light it up

The flames would suck the oxygen out of the air...


About two months earlier, a "serious mofo" or perhaps two did exactly that (with a an explosion, not an incendiary device) to a Cathedral in the Philippines. The Western press barely blinked, and I sure don't recall any white female newscasters wearing crucifixes in support of the 20 dead and over 100 wounded.

Of course, nothing noteworthy came from the Islamic community other than maybe the usual "religion of peace" pablum that always follows such attacks, if even that.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Off The Reservation - 03-24-2019

"Almost everything that 38 year-old Jacinda Ardern has done in the wake of the bloodshed in Christchurch has spoken volumes about her perilous psychological state. "

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Off The Reservation - 03-24-2019

Here is a real story today from a real murder of a couple.

Despite this being a typically brief local article, note the details present, including neighbors taking video of the bodies being removed and the specifics about the multiple detectives in protective gear needed by police to enter the "gruesome" crime scene. Also note they describe the investigation in the video as "lengthy." This is a "routine" crime which is reported factually. There is no reason to think that it is fictionalized or that you are being lied to for any reason about this particular incident. Compare that to NZ.

Why, in New Zealand can police and contractors enter and clean up a crime scene where supposedly 50 murders took place, with no mention of procedures, investigation or protective gear. The scene would be toxic and require specialized cleanup after the investigators study EACH person's death, be analyzed and documented for legal and procedural purposes.

The supposed lone nut video does not take the place of a forensic investigation of the scene, to believe that it does is simply ignorant. This article, another piece of fiction trying to make the story real to the lowest common denominator watching, says this wonderfully written "line" after informing you that the police were finished. The shooting was on the 15th and this article says the police finished their investigation on the 19th. So in 4 days, with no evidence of a single person entering or leaving a gruesome scene in the needed protective gear, the New Zealand police finished the worlds fastest investigation into 50 murders?

"The police finished their investigation at the scene on Tuesday night. Since then, carpet layers, plasterers, glaziers, painters, builders and gardeners have been working to clean and repair the mosque so the Muslim community can return to pray there on Friday afternoon. ...Stuff contacted businesses involved in the clean-up, but most declined to comment because they didn't want the publicity. ...
The owner of a garden maintenance firm, who did not want to be identified, said several of his staff were pruning trees, mowing lawns and spraying weeds at the mosque free of charge. Painters and other tradespeople were also at the site.
"We would like to thank the community and contractors who have helped us get the mosques back to their original states before these devastating attacks."


Then, suddenly on the 21st, the investigation isn't finished. The above was a lot of detail proving and describing the scene, which is now a few days later a different story. "...forensic workers race against the clock to clean up the rooms where 50 people were slaughtered by a white supremacist." And you are supposed to believe that a little squirt bottle held by a woman who doesn't know how to wear her protective gear or a guy holding a cardboard recycling box is a cleanup of the murder or 50 people? And this is after the army of contractors above was there a few days ago?

Which is it? On the 19th the police are finished and six specific types of building contractors are present doing carpet and gardening who just didn't want to talk to the news, or on the 21st the police aren't finished but they are racing to finish?

Why would you race to finish such an important investigation on the 21st which was very specifically said to have been finished on the 19th, with a lot of very specific details about things that could only take place after the investigation AND toxic cleanup were done? To then suddenly change and say police are still working?

What are the "forensic workers" cleaning now, the story?

Dear New Zealand Sheep,

Don't ask us for details about the gruesome crime that just took place or our lack of evidence, just focus your mind on ze seven dwarfs singing while they work making the mosque the happy village it was before. Meanwhile I'd like to remind you that you are to give me a few things you never needed, your guns, free speech, sovereignty, culture, etc. Don't worry if we change the details, hang on for later today we will be broadcasting an important public service announcement to inform you ze seven dwarfs have converted to Islam.

Thank you,

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Blaster - 03-24-2019

Quote: (03-23-2019 08:46 PM)Sgt Donger Wrote:  

All this talk of gun control is just a knee-jerk reaction

Nah it's clearly a result of an organized political propaganda campaign that's been going on for over two decades at this point. Literally every time there is a dramatic mass shooting, prominent media agents bring up gun control to get people talking about it.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - BBinger - 03-24-2019

Quote: (03-24-2019 11:54 AM)Blaster Wrote:  

Quote: (03-23-2019 08:46 PM)Sgt Donger Wrote:  

All this talk of gun control is just a knee-jerk reaction

Nah it's clearly a result of an organized political propaganda campaign that's been going on for over two decades at this point. Literally every time there is a dramatic mass shooting, prominent media agents bring up gun control to get people talking about it.

It's been going on longer. There was the US NFA pushed through in the 60's and others. The Brady campaign started after a low casualty event. The early Clinton gun restrictions were aimed at milita groups and political dissidents of the sort Janet Reno slaughtered.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Ski pro - 03-24-2019

So us Europeans seeing the immigration coming to Europe and wishing to flee it can cross New Zealand off the list then. That list is getting shorter and shorter.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - The Catalyst - 03-24-2019

Quote: (03-24-2019 03:39 PM)Ski pro Wrote:  

So us Europeans seeing the immigration coming to Europe and wishing to flee it can cross New Zealand off the list then. That list is getting shorter and shorter.

I'm not going to lie, for most people they should've had it crossed from before. The amount of dishonesty Kiwis have papering over issues means people don't realise how fucked up NZ is. Most normal people who come here, unless they're from somewhere like South Africa or India will be driven crazy by the issues here. But the issues would never come to light because Kiwis feel really good about themselves when they pretend they're amazing.

The key insight/thing to keep in mind is that Kiwis are in general very supportive of the ban on the manifesto and video "to not give the shooter/terrorist publicity". This sort of retarded/slave/NPC thinking is standard. It is this retarded thinking that would keep you dysfunctional(and possibly unsafe, when threats happen), not the low single digit % of Muslims(necessarily).

Edit: By the way, for an actual list of issues Kiwis have, this site is a good place to visit(ignore the left leaning bend), from the perspective of foreigners/immigrants:

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - budoslavic - 03-24-2019



New Zealand Music Festival Evacuated Because Someone Claimed Another Attendee Had a ‘Right Wing’ Tattoo
by Cassandra Fairbanks | March 24, 2019

Approximately 5,000 concertgoers were evacuated from the Homegrown Music Festival in New Zealand because someone thought they saw a “right-wing tattoo” on an attendee.


The 28-minute long evacuation took place on Saturday evening, just before a scheduled moment of silence for the massacre victims.

Police were alerted when festival crew members spotted someone with a tattoo that they believed to be linked to “far right ideology.”

“Some of the Homegrown crew identified a person that they were concerned about and police made the call that person needed to be found,” Homegrown spokeswoman Kelly Wright told the New Zealand Herald.

The alert happened while bands were changing sets and people were moving around, so the police could not immediately locate the attendee for his tattoo check. Since they couldn’t find him, they evacuated the area.

“A person has been spoken to and the area searched, and as a result Police can confirm there has been no threat to the Homegrown festival or the public,” the police said in a statement. “While the concern in this case appears to have been an innocent misunderstanding, Police would like to remind people to stay vigilant and call 111 if they see anything suspicious.”

It turned out that it was a “mistake” and the tattoo was “traditional” — not related to the right at all.

“The person was found and it turned out that is was a completely innocent misunderstanding and everyone was allowed to return,” Wright said. “It all turned out good but it was unfortunate that it happened and people were inconvenienced.”

We have reached out to the organizers of the festival and asked what would have happened to the attendee if he did in fact have a right-wing tattoo. Would he have been thrown out of the festival? Arrested? We will update this article if a comment is provided.

Fucking idiots...
[Image: P0Nu.gif]

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Disco_Volante - 03-24-2019

Literally everyone involved with this was a foreigner to New Zealand. The muslims, the patsy, down to that German actor lady the news interviewed there. People with no community ties whatsoever, can't be verified to say who's missing, who's dead, their daily routine, etc...

I don't even call him a "shooter" because I'm more convinced than ever this is a hoax and no one died.

Quickly scrubbing the crime scene is probably the most damning of all the reasons. That's complete bullshit. Their next augmented reality video "footage" will correct all the errors in this one.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Leonard D Neubache - 03-25-2019

Quote: (03-24-2019 03:39 PM)Ski pro Wrote:  

So us Europeans seeing the immigration coming to Europe and wishing to flee it can cross New Zealand off the list then. That list is getting shorter and shorter.


No more running or plans toward same.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - kazz - 03-25-2019

[Image: attachment.jpg41493]   
Yes of course you are, poor things!!

[Image: attachment.jpg41494]   

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - kazz - 03-25-2019

Im no far right extremist and im not into what happened in New Zealand. But since adulthood, way before the internet I have always wondered, just why are they living in my country, and why the fuck are there half built Mosques everywhere? I grew up in Melbourne, the Lebanese mainly would shit bag Aussies as all bogans and the country itself, I have been in several brawls and was the victim of a vicious attack when I was alone one night after going out, I dont know of many other groups of people that would try to near beat to death a stranger over nothing as they did. They fight like dogs and are constantly projecting there shallow egos. As anyone in Australia would know, they are stupid, dodgy, absolute fuckwits that only follow Islam when it suits them and their ego. They spend the rest of their time, ram raiding liqueur and cigarette stores, selling drugs, gang raping 15 year olds and running kebab shops while simultaneously making sure they keep their taxes below $100 dollars a year by writing of theirs and 80 of their family members cars and groceries on tax. All while making sure they strictly follow Sharia law, the one and only law above all others.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Rorogue - 03-25-2019

Quote: (03-25-2019 03:38 AM)kazz Wrote:  

Im no far right extremist and im not into what happened in New Zealand. But since adulthood, way before the internet I have always wondered, just why are they living in my country, and why the fuck are there half built Mosques everywhere? I grew up in Melbourne, the Lebanese mainly would shit bag Aussies as all bogans and the country itself, I have been in several brawls and was the victim of a vicious attack when I was alone one night after going out, I dont know of many other groups of people that would try to near beat to death a stranger over nothing as they did. They fight like dogs and are constantly projecting there shallow egos. As anyone in Australia would know, they are stupid, dodgy, absolute fuckwits that only follow Islam when it suits them and their ego. They spend the rest of their time, ram raiding liqueur and cigarette stores, selling drugs, gang raping 15 year olds and running kebab shops while simultaneously making sure they keep their taxes below $100 dollars a year by writing of theirs and 80 of their family members cars and groceries on tax. All while making sure they strictly follow Sharia law, the one and only law above all others.

I've known a lot of Muslims in Melbourne- Iranian, Malaysian, Turkish, Afghan, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Indian.

Have never met one who followed anything remotely close to Sharia law.

Probably a reason I know this is because, despite being of Hindu background, I look extremely Middle Eastern. They think I am one of them, and talk to me as such. Have worked with and around them.

You'd be extremely surprised what normal a life most of them live.

Ofcourse, there are a small fraction of nuts who can go and do awful things.

You appear to be taking things you don't seem sure about and applying it without giving any real examples.

I mean, I work with lots of tradies (white and of all backgrounds)- they all write stuff off as tax deductions, and ask to be paid in cash. Who wouldn't?

And I have not heard of rape problems with the Muslim community in Australia, the way it appears to be in some parts of Europe

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - JackinMelbourne - 03-25-2019

Quote: (03-24-2019 10:52 AM)Off The Reservation Wrote:  

"Almost everything that 38 year-old Jacinda Ardern


Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Leonard D Neubache - 03-25-2019

Quote: (03-25-2019 05:31 AM)Rorogue Wrote:  

Quote: (03-25-2019 03:38 AM)kazz Wrote:  

Im no far right extremist and im not into what happened in New Zealand. But since adulthood, way before the internet I have always wondered, just why are they living in my country, and why the fuck are there half built Mosques everywhere? I grew up in Melbourne, the Lebanese mainly would shit bag Aussies as all bogans and the country itself, I have been in several brawls and was the victim of a vicious attack when I was alone one night after going out, I dont know of many other groups of people that would try to near beat to death a stranger over nothing as they did. They fight like dogs and are constantly projecting there shallow egos. As anyone in Australia would know, they are stupid, dodgy, absolute fuckwits that only follow Islam when it suits them and their ego. They spend the rest of their time, ram raiding liqueur and cigarette stores, selling drugs, gang raping 15 year olds and running kebab shops while simultaneously making sure they keep their taxes below $100 dollars a year by writing of theirs and 80 of their family members cars and groceries on tax. All while making sure they strictly follow Sharia law, the one and only law above all others.

I've known a lot of Muslims in Melbourne- Iranian, Malaysian, Turkish, Afghan, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Indian.

Have never met one who followed anything remotely close to Sharia law.

Probably a reason I know this is because, despite being of Hindu background, I look extremely Middle Eastern. They think I am one of them, and talk to me as such. Have worked with and around them.

You'd be extremely surprised what normal a life most of them live.

Ofcourse, there are a small fraction of nuts who can go and do awful things.

You appear to be taking things you don't seem sure about and applying it without giving any real examples.

I mean, I work with lots of tradies (white and of all backgrounds)- they all write stuff off as tax deductions, and ask to be paid in cash. Who wouldn't?

And I have not heard of rape problems with the Muslim community in Australia, the way it appears to be in some parts of Europe

The strangeness of it pertains to how absurd it is to pre-suppose that nations built primarily by Europeans are obligated to settle non-Europeans unless they can come up with a good reason not to.

Nobody in their right mind believes that China is obligated to grant citizenship to anyone that wants to live there, nor Japan nor any nation on the planet other than European and European-built nations. Our (((special friends))) have really done an excellent number on us these last 100 years.

The revelation comes late for many unfortunately and in many ways the horse has already bolted for the West but we can certainly move to stop it getting worse. The ethnic majority of any nation should never be reduced beyond 95% and no foreign ethnic group allowed to live there should ever comprise more than 1 of that remaining 5 percent. This is simple common sense, as apt for China as is it for Germany and New Zealand. Allowing competing peoples and cultures to arrive and settle in any meaningful numbers just because they want to is simply retarded.

The simplest way to turn things back if it were possible would be to offer various incentives for people to leave, though creating a hostile environment for them might do the trick by itself. Unfortunately the first group that has to be incentivised to pull their fangs out of us and fuck off are also going to be the hardest. At least it will be downhill from there.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Bananaman711 - 03-25-2019

Why Australia needed to import so many non-European people?

Anglos are not stupid, they shoud have known other cultures such as Muslims and Afrikans are not compatible and they are not type of people who integrate into mainstream society, when it comes to muslims they breed fast and when they got numbers they will try to dominate.
See what happens in other countries wherever there is significant number of muslims, its never peaceful, the fact that Saudi criminal family keeps bankrolling extremists doesn't help.

Japan and Korea have no isseus, China is the same because you dont mess with communists. China and Russia are the only countries who can tame Islamists, its only sterile western countries lead by liberals who have difficulties dealing with them

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - rockoman - 03-25-2019

From July 23rd 2018

"Survivors of one of the United States' deadliest school shootings have arrived in Christchurch.

The 28 students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida were welcomed to the city by the Student Volunteer Army (SVA) on Monday.

The students will take part in a summit focusing on connecting and enhancing youth leadership movements."

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - CynicalContrarian - 03-25-2019

[Image: bq-5c95013262fb4.jpg]

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - rockoman - 03-25-2019

I posted just above about the visit Of Parkland students to Christchurch in 2018.

Well in the last week since the events in Christchurch.....

"A student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida has died in “an apparent suicide,” police said on Sunday, less than a week after a 19-year-old survivor of the 2018 massacre at the school took her own life.

The student's death occurred on Saturday evening and is under investigation, said Coral Springs Police spokesman Tyler Reik. The student's name, age and gender were not disclosed, he said.

“We’re calling it an apparent suicide because we don’t have the exact results back from the medical examiner’s office,” Reik said by phone."

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - JackinMelbourne - 03-25-2019

Quote: (03-22-2019 04:04 PM)TutorGuina Wrote:  

@Samseau: I think you're talking about Serbia Strong remove kebab theme? I'm not a specialist in video editing, but it looked real and the song is congruent with the shooter's persona

He's talking about the tune after that Remove Kebab song, the one that keeps playing after he has exited the car, walked around the wall, walked past the two groups of people who didn't react to him being kitted up, walked through the door and opened fire, only then the music fades.

Maybe he turned the car radio up to 10...

By the way, who were those people/person wearing red appearing at various outdoor points in the footage? He never shot any of the people wearing red...

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - TutorGuina - 03-25-2019

I won't watch that video again, but from what I remember he shot everyone inside the mosque and only one person outside, which was the scarfed woman
Given the official narrative it makes perfect sense
Also, it's quite obvious he left the radio on, as you can see when he goes back to the car two times

I don't doubt a little bit that there are powerful psychopathic people who gain from an event like this
I just find it hard to believe they are demigod aliens capable of deception at this level

Trump's election was a massive critical moment to their agenda and the best they could do was pay mental defects to disrupt rallies, coax deranged whores to fabricate sexual accusations, have a bunch of journos lying on the media and fake votes on ballots they already had control of

That was the moment the deepstate was supposed to use all the tools they had, and all there was was old worn out tactics
No repitilian deefake magic of Trump golden shower or some other idiotic CNN conspiracy, but now after three years they are capable of doing it? Not only that, but also putting police, healthcare, military, journos and neighbours on mutiple levels in for the dupe? [Image: dodgy.gif]

Even if it was some tricky psychological manipulation of a deranged loony by intelligence agencies, which is possible and already done before, you'd need some good evidence to support your claims
With an entirely fake shooting, the evidence must be nothing short of extraordinary

All I'm seeing now is "some details look a little weird... fake and gay"