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The Spread Of Islam In America - YossariansRight - 06-24-2017

[Image: attachment.jpg36982]   

The Spread Of Islam In America - Simeon_Strangelight - 06-24-2017

No one will kick out anything in the US, since according to the very DHS - Islam is as peaceful as Christianity. ISIS is only a perversion:


Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly acknowledged Thursday that sincere Islamic beliefs are fuelling deadly jihad attacks during Ramadan — but he quickly hid that key recognition behind vague calls for Internet regulation and suggestions that Christian and Jewish beliefs are also causing terrorism.
“As far as Ramadan goes, you know, first of all, the uptick in violence and activities [during Ramadan is] done by a very, very small percentage of people who have just corrupted the whole concept of Islam as a religion, but it is what it is,” Kelly told the chairman of the House homeland defense committee on June 22. He continued:

We are in the middle of it, so they are out there doing what they think is their religion and think [it is] what they are supposed to be doing. In Flint, Michigan, as an example, a completely off-the-screen individual who attacked this police officer — who will be okay, as I understand it… We’ve seen these terrible things happen in Europe.

Instead of focusing on the jihad doctrine that is part-and-parcel of orthodox Islam, Kelly quickly tried to spread the blame for terror attacks, saying “Whether they are church, synagogues or mosques [we need] an open line of communication so they know if they see this [belligerence] happening in the home or they see it happening — that is to say, the move towards radicalism — or they see it happening in the churches or mosques, they know to call someone before that person typically crosses the line,” he told the chairman, Texas Rep. Michael McCaul.


And again the propaganda ministry claims that most terrorists are Right-Wing and not Muslim.

Actually the scale is:

1) Muslims
2) Left Wing

But hey - it's all a farce anyway:
[Image: 4fd97e41bb85fc198d2bffcd4dec4f30]
Yes - I see them burning blacks and Jews every day.


A joint project by the Investigative Fund at the Nation Institute, a nonprofit media center, and Reveal from the Center for Investigative Reporting has found that within the past nine years, right-wing extremists plotted or carried out nearly twice as many terrorist attacks as Islamist extremists. Of the 115 right-wing incidents, police only foiled 35 percent. Compare this to the 63 Islamist terrorism cases, where police foiled 76 percent of the planned attacks.

I wonder what their definition of a foiled Right Wing attack is - especially knowing that all Right Wing organizations are at least 20% undercover agents. Posting mean comments on Facebook or planting bacon next to a mosque is probably counted as a right wing incident.

The Spread Of Islam In America - Samseau - 06-24-2017


I wonder what their definition of a foiled Right Wing attack

In the article cited, they count this as Right Wing terrorism:


And in 2009, white supremacist Richard Poplawski opened fire on Pittsburgh police officers who had responded to a domestic dispute at his mother’s home, killing three and leaving two injured before surrendering.

First of all, who was being terrorized other than the people who had the cops called on them for a "domestic dispute"? All men know living with women is a major risk if they decide to go crazy and call the cops on you - you're fucked if that happens. The fact this guy was unhinged enough to shoot at cops is anything but terrorism. Had the man been left alone he wouldn't have shot anyone.

Second, because the guy posted on White Supremacist websites, that means shooting the officer was part of White Supremacism! [Image: tard.gif] This is so retarded I immediately suspected it was Talmudic logic.

The article:
The man who wrote it:


David Neiwert is a freelance journalist based in Seattle. He is a contributor to the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Project and the author of numerous books, including And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border, winner of the 2014 International Latino Book Award for Nonfiction. His work has appeared in the Washington Post, the American Prospect, Salon, and numerous other publications.

Every single time. Maybe this forum should get a Jew emoticon? [Image: lol.gif]

The Spread Of Islam In America - Simeon_Strangelight - 06-25-2017

Leftists and Muslims - the most violent terror-prone groups out there:
[Image: 230617rogen.jpg]


Actor Seth Rogen mocked a multiple stabbing victim on Twitter because the Trump supporter did not have health insurance in another shocking example of vulgar leftist rhetoric.
Tony Foreman was stabbed nine times following a “free speech rally” in Santa Monica, California, last Saturday. The attackers, a Muslim Armenian gang, told Foreman, “You’re getting the shank White Boy,” before lunging at him with knives.
Foreman had paraphernalia on his car that identified him as a Trump supporter.
Two male suspects later identified as Edgar Khodzhasaryan, 30, and Arsen Bekverdyan, 31, were arrested and charged with attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon.

Of course a leftie tolerant like Rogen would mock him, when a Devout True Muslim does the dirty deed this time around.

Keep in mind Seth Rogen that the very same Muslim would behead you after they are done taking over.

The Spread Of Islam In America - redpillage - 06-25-2017

Quote: (06-25-2017 03:20 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:
[Image: 230617rogen.jpg]

I don't know about you guys but every time I see Seth Rogan's face I have an almost visceral response urging me to put on a pair of Doc Martens and kick my screen in. This guy literally is the physical embodiment of everything I despise.

The Spread Of Islam In America - loremipsum - 06-25-2017

Quote: (06-25-2017 07:19 AM)redpillage Wrote:  

Quote: (06-25-2017 03:20 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:

I don't know about you guys but every time I see Seth Rogan's face I have an almost visceral response urging me to put on a pair of Doc Martens and kick my screen in. This guy literally is the physical embodiment of everything I despise.

I believe that being is a specimen of a "nu-male".

[Image: FXnSpIC.jpg]

The Spread Of Islam In America - Simeon_Strangelight - 06-28-2017

And here I thought I was brutal with the Quran:


But alas ISIS killed and cooked her child and gave it to her to eat, so I guess her words are justified.

The Quran and Islam does not even deserve to be associated with human shit.

Shit is cleaner and smells better than Islam.

The Spread Of Islam In America - amity - 06-29-2017

This (disingenuous to say the least) tweet is getting retweeted all over the place.

The Spread Of Islam In America - Simeon_Strangelight - 06-29-2017

Quote: (06-29-2017 09:12 AM)amity Wrote:  

This (disingenuous to say the least) tweet is getting retweeted all over the place.

In that time there were multiple deaths, honor killings, genital mutilations and rapes associated with Muslims even in the US.

Never mind that the fun begins, when they are at 5%+ of the population, and the true fun intensifies when they are 10-20%. And the true enriching glories of Islam are shown when they reach 30-40% of the population - then you will see what they will do with the LGBTQ flags and all those gender-fluid progressives.

The Spread Of Islam In America - Wreckingball - 06-29-2017

Quote: (06-29-2017 09:23 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (06-29-2017 09:12 AM)amity Wrote:  

This (disingenuous to say the least) tweet is getting retweeted all over the place.

In that time there were multiple deaths, honor killings, genital mutilations and rapes associated with Muslims even in the US.

Never mind that the fun begins, when they are at 5%+ of the population, and the true fun intensifies when they are 10-20%. And the true enriching glories of Islam are shown when they reach 30-40% of the population - then you will see what they will do with the LGBTQ flags and all those gender-fluid progressives.

Its only serves as proof that extreme vetting, travel bans and surveillance works.
You can troll it up by asking a sort by race on the "americans" stats. The majority should turn out to be black and latino.

The Spread Of Islam In America - Simeon_Strangelight - 07-02-2017

[Image: d2c6377f912420ec43d5d6afc0153853]

Hustler going full retard.


And a wonderful case of Islamic enrichment:


Carjackers Basim Henry, 32, Kevin Roberts, 33, Hanif Thompson, 29, and Karif Ford, 31, fatally shot 30-year-old Dustin Friedland as he valiantly tried to defend his 27-year-old wife, Jamie, at the Short Hills mall in December 2013, the New York Daily News reports. Although Jamie made it out alive, she could only cradle her dying husband in her arms as he took his last breath.

Expectedly, Jamie’s final statement during Basim’s trial in Newark was just as heartbreaking as her ordeal. However, Basim, who had participated in the carjacking but was not believed to have killed Dustin, found her devastating grief amusing. Seeing Basim smirking just after Jamie’s emotional address, Judge Ravin’s outrage over the crimes took a very personal turn, prompting him to shout that he can smile all he wants but he’ll be doing it in prison “for the rest of your life!” Footage from within the courtroom shows Basim’s grin slowly subside as the reality of an eternity behind bars starts to set in.Because his smile proved his remorselessness, Judge Ravin threw the book at him, sentencing him to serve a life sentence without parole eligibility until he has spent at least 68 years and 9 months behind bars. By this time, Basim will be 104 years old, according to

Despite appearing overconfident during the beginning of his hearing, Basim’s despicable arrogance soon morphed into panic. Basim decried Judge Ravin’s harsh sentencing, complaining that he was making and example of him and that he wasn’t “trippin’.” Still, Judge Ravin continued to chastise Basim along with mocking his inappropriate and disrespectful courtroom mannerisms.

You have to understand that Islam is the perfect religion for a criminal and for a psychopath. It allows so many things and even condones it as long as it is done to an unbeliever or someone who is not believing in Islam in exactly the same way as you. In fact Mohammed himself started his rise to power by the medieval carjacking of sorts - attacking caravans - so perfectly halal.

That is why the Muslim smiled as he listened to the woman crying.

Islam needs to be banned worldwide and it will after WWIII.

The Spread Of Islam In America - Transsimian - 07-10-2017
Will the islamophobia ever end????????
[Image: 422F301300000578-4680812-image-m-63_1499665649816.jpg]

The Spread Of Islam In America - Handsome Creepy Eel - 07-10-2017

That's the ugliest painting of Crucifixion that I've ever seen.

The Spread Of Islam In America - Paracelsus - 07-10-2017

LOL, they called it an incident of bias! Now if it doesn't fit the hate crime/speech label, it's bias!

The Spread Of Islam In America - Transsimian - 07-10-2017

Quote: (07-10-2017 02:17 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

That's the ugliest painting of Crucifixion that I've ever seen.

Second ugliest...

[Image: 6a00d8341c730253ef0133ecb5f672970b.jpg]

The Spread Of Islam In America - Malone - 07-10-2017

Sure, but look at what Jesus is packing.

The Spread Of Islam In America - Leonard D Neubache - 07-10-2017

That's some Kurt Eichenwald shit right there...

The Spread Of Islam In America - Simeon_Strangelight - 07-10-2017

The Muslim Brotherhood organisations and similar are doing a good job of aligning with the left - which is in charge in the US in academia.

Islam is oppressed, thus wonderful. Hijab is a sign of freedom of choice:

Not only have they created a fucking prayer room at a high school, but they are donning the Hijab as something empowering - students and teachers alike:


PEORIA — Several teachers and students had already donned the distinctive head covering and hurried to class early Wednesday before Ariej Mohamed arrived for school. But when Mohamed, a senior at Richwoods High School, saw dozens of students in the school foyer, either wearing or waiting to try on scarves, she went into typical teen-girl ecstasy.

Mohamed, who is Muslim and president of the school’s Muslim Student Association

The daughter of Sudanese immigrants…

Students, teachers and administrators have made Richwoods “a safe place,” she said. The school offers an Arabic class and makes private space for Muslim prayers. Both Muslim and non-Muslim students are members of the Muslim Students Association, whose numbers have grown from a “handful” to about 20 since it started last year, according to Mohamed.

Besides World Hijab Day, the student group organizes programs to educate people about Islam, including the many different cultures that practice the religion.

Ah - teaching about Islam. Then they should teach them that if they took off that Hijab, then they are going to be beaten, their faces are going to be burned with acid, in some instances they are going to be killed either in a normal way or by public stoning. That is Islam.

Hijab is truly empowering. Go on - at least in the US Islam has a long way to go. It is more likely that the South American "new Americans" will slaughter Muslims en masse if they start to do daily terrorist attacks before the US becomes Muslim.

But the globalists and the left are doing their utmost to spread the bullshit.

The Spread Of Islam In America - DamienCasanova - 07-10-2017

That article is a trip. Peoria, was once like everytown USA. It was a generic American city name full of average Americans. Now apparently it is one generation away from full on Sharia Law.

If I arrived at a school to see dozens of Muslims trying on head scarves, I would go into a typical American or death scenario, and run back to my car to get my gun.

The Spread Of Islam In America - eskimobobseal - 07-10-2017

Reason #856 to homeschool and get your kids out of the public "education" (indoctrination) system. Leftists are so brainless they can't understand their LGBTQIAWXYZ culture does NOT mix with Islam at all. SJW beta males and feminst dykes will be the first to go under a Muslim caliphate.

The Spread Of Islam In America - Samseau - 07-10-2017

Peoria was Lincoln's main base of operations as a young lawyer. Now Muslim. If he could see what is happening today, he'd probably would have supported a return of slavery before Islam.

The Spread Of Islam In America - eskimobobseal - 07-10-2017

Women should not be voting. This is what happens when feminine emotionalism dictates policy, you get "hijab day" even in small American towns that supposedly believe in God, guns and the Constitution. Looks like Islamic capitulation isn't limited to LA and New York anymore. We're talking about PEORIA, ILLINOIS here.

The Spread Of Islam In America - tomtud - 07-10-2017

Let's see if they have a non hijab day to support the women who don't want to wear it but are forced to for various reasons.

The Spread Of Islam In America - 911 - 07-10-2017

Quote: (07-10-2017 02:58 PM)eskimobobseal Wrote:  

Women should not be voting. This is what happens when feminine emotionalism dictates policy, you get "hijab day" even in small American towns that supposedly believe in God, guns and the Constitution. Looks like Islamic capitulation isn't limited to LA and New York anymore. We're talking about PEORIA, ILLINOIS here.

If women stopped working (or at least kept to traditional feminine careers like nursing and K-12 teaching), unemployment would end and wages for men would nearly double, provided immigration is shut down.

I looked up the % of muslims in Peoria, and yes it's really high, 10%, considering it's out in rural IL and all, I would have expected something like that in Champaign or some Chitown burb, but not Peoria. Is this another Somali colony like those in MN?

The Spread Of Islam In America - weambulance - 07-10-2017

FBI: Hawaii soldier swore loyalty to ISIS, threatened to kill 'a bunch of people'


HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) -
An active duty Hawaii soldier has been arrested for allegedly trying to provide material support and training to the Islamic State terrorist group.

A criminal complaint alleges that Ikaika Erik Kang, 34, also told an undercover federal agent that he wanted to "kill a bunch of people."

FBI special agents and SWAT arrested Kang on Saturday evening at his Waipahu apartment.

Authorities said they believe Kang was a "lone actor," and "not associated with others who present a threat to Hawaii."

“Kang has been under investigation by the U.S. Army and the FBI for over a year," Honolulu FBI Special Agent in Charge Paul D. Delacourt said. "FBI assets and Army investigative resources were continuously deployed to ensure the public’s safety during the course of this investigation and Kang’s eventual arrest.”

Kang, a 2001 graduate of Kaiser High School, is assigned to the 25th Infantry Division at Schofield Barracks.

His rank was sergeant first class, and he enlisted in December 2001, just months after the 9/11 attacks.

Kang's father, Clifford, said he's shocked by the allegations against his son.

"I'm just in shock. He's a great kid. He's not real outgoing, he's never been, but neither was I," Kang told Hawaii News Now. "But other than that he's a great kid, a normal kid who grew up in Waimanalo."

His father also believes his son may be suffering from PTSD from his tours overseas.

Ikaika Kang was deployed to Iraq in 2010, and served in Afghanistan in 2014, according to his military service record.

He also was a recipient of the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal. He worked as an air traffic control operator with the Army.

A criminal complaint filed in federal court alleges that Kang swore allegiance to ISIS, and attempted to provide military documents and training to the terrorist organization.

It says that an FBI forensic review of Kang's computer found classified military documents and hundreds of items that referenced ISIS and violence.

Kang allegedly told an undercover FBI agent that he wanted to travel overseas to fight for ISIS.

"People still say it's illegal to join them, but the way I look at it is they're just fighting people who are committing genocide there," Kang told the undercover agent, according to the complaint. "I'm just going to go there ... and fight these guys who are committing genocide."

According to the complaint, Kang on Saturday also said he wanted to kill "a bunch of people" -- the same day he pledged allegiance to ISIS.

Kang allegedly swore a pledge of loyalty Saturday with an undercover agent.

Kang is making his first appearance in federal court in Honolulu on Monday afternoon.

[Image: rolleyes.gif]

In other words, the FBI manufactured a radical and arrested him.

Good job guys. Really keeping America safe.

I wouldn't be surprised if some of the other apparently lone-wolf radicals who actually carried out attacks in the US got started down that path by some undercover asstard who lost control of the situation.