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Conversation with a Rothchild - The Catalyst - 01-26-2019


Hello Teschen,

Why do you suppose these electron clouds aggregate in different forms then? Why not one soul per electron shell and elimination of the whole prey/predator dynamic? Why the need for separate beings/bloodlines?

In scientific inquiry, one attempts to observe and catalog "facts", from which generalities follow, which, if exceptions are not found, become LAWS.


Another model creates theories based on un-observable phenomena and assumptions which must be taken on faith...from which sweeping conclusions are drawn. Religions are particularly adept at this; the beautiful lie!

Sadly, this seems to be your model. Other than what you have correctly observed relative to NATURAL LAW...the behavior of the hawk and mouse...your other assumptions are just that...assumptions. So much hoo-hah.

You reduce the NATURAL LAW and the NATURAL ORDER to the absurd conclusion that the prey lost the "lottery of life".

You conclude the hawk had no choice to be other than what it had been conditioned and programmed to be. Why? Because it fits your pre-conditioned expectations. How does your model encompass the idea of growth, mutation and natural selection?

How do you know that the eating of prey is the ONLY choice the hawk has? HOW DO YOU KNOW THIS? Maybe it is simply the easiest way?

Using federal reserve notes/fiat is SIMPLE! Easy!

But can't willing social participants exchange tangible goods and services between themselves without the use of fiat? Hasn't that been the norm of human commerce? Could YOU conduct your commerce without fiat? And, if so, they why do YOU choose a medium so clearly destructive to you, your family and your nation?

Look at post WW1 Germany and see what Hitler was doing...which essentially rebuilt the shattered german economy within 5 years of his taking power.

In my travels, I often am amazed at the sharp diving lines in urban areas between the haves and have nots. What compels the have nots to stay where they are?

Humans are notorious for making bad choices and blaming others, fate, the government or whomever for the sorry state of their condition. Look at the fast food industry growth and the rise in health care costs. HFCS, Pharma, vaccines and so many others...and yet stupid humans just keep marching to the same tired beat.


Ask a young child to quantify how many stars are in the sky.

One hundred, they will pronounce! Because 100 is the largest concept they can embrace.

An older child will offer up a "jillion"

An adult will come up with a more scientific attempt, depending on their level of education, but the output will be as meaningless as the youngest child since they lack true understanding and perspective.

Conversation with a Rothchild - Kaligula - 01-26-2019

It is a prank, for following reasons:

Sorry, but doesn't Rothchild obsession with "bloodlines" coincide with Anonymous Conservative "K" concept?
Also, Rothchild obsession with biology also coincides with AA main interests.
Isn't a name "Rothchild" a clever way not to be sued for defamation and impersonation? Would a real Rothschild be so afraid of other Rotshchilds, so fearful of his own BLOODLINE, that he would play on his own surname?

Also, the bloodline theory (which you can found here and there in the corners of internet) itself has obvious problems with its effectiveness.
A bloodline approximation could be a dog or a cat breed.... it is a known fact that the more pure they are, the more degenerate they become with time, also there is always a selection for some traits.
This Rothchild does not say anything about selection for traits.
Also, if you go through history, it is clear that it is impossible to keep genius in family for more than 2 generations. Look at Bach family, Bonaparte family...

The bloodline theory seems to be somewhat connected to the Legend of Holy Grail, remember, the Holy Grail supposedly contained the Holy Blood. The Holy Blood was Life itself, and made everything blooming into the Paradise on Earth. Holy Blood was eternal Life.
But this is a Christian legend,maybe a bit contaminated by Mithraism.

Before Christianity, in Antiquity, the main concern with bloodlines was DEGENERATION, not excellence (Rothchild thinks about bloodlines in terms of excellence). Read some Roman historians on Julio-Claudian dynasty. This is also why adoption of adults was so popular in Rome, and the basis of the most successful Roman Antonine dynasty. The moment Marcus Aurelius bloodline progeny, Commodus, came into power, it all went down...

Now the counterargument from the Law of Nature itself, i.e. enthropy. The entire concept of laborious toiling on bloodlines, for bloodlines, with bloodlines and so on, really seems to go against enthropy, which means the bloodline will naturally fail and degenerate. Observation in nature confirms this hypothesis.
In a family, genius de-generates; the purer the breed, the more ill it becomes etc....

Therefore, "Rotchild" concept of bloodlines has nothing to do with LAWS OF NATURE, but it is still a variation on the MYSTICAL CONCEPT of Holy Grail. As Rotchild sees it, you can become a living god, and the way to do it is to mix blood: for him, blood itself is the philosopher's stone (or the philosopher's liquid, to be precise)

Conversation with a Rothchild - DarkTriad - 01-26-2019

Quote: (01-25-2019 10:48 PM)PharaohRa Wrote:  

The thing with the Rothschild bloodline is that at one point, the family was at the top of the game. Then, they thought they were in the position where they could have it all without having a physical presence just because they had so much control of the printing presses and could assign "lackeys" to be the face that the public would see. It is one thing to control money, but you cannot control the will of the people without being visible yourself.

I think their strategy was just the opposite. Seeing someone with such little common interest as you controlling so much led to endless pogroms and expulsions. Exercising the same power behind a veil of more acceptable leaders is a much more stable situation.

White minorities in Rhodesia and South Africa were actually contributing a huge amount to their nations, but the "in your face" nature of their dominance eventually led to genocidal pushback.

What if someone figured out how to get even MORE money/power behind the scenes, but not face the pushback? They would probably look something like the Rothschilds. Or a bunch of other influential families that keep an even lower profile.


It is one thing to control money, but you cannot control the will of the people without being visible yourself.

Unless of course you lived in a society in which money floated political campaigns, and you could control every major candidate in every party long before they got a whiff of real power. And exclude everyone else who wasn't an incredibly savvy billionaire himself.

Conversation with a Rothchild - 911 - 01-26-2019

Quote: (01-26-2019 07:00 AM)DarkTriad Wrote:  


It is one thing to control money, but you cannot control the will of the people without being visible yourself.

Unless of course you lived in a society in which money floated political campaigns, and you could control every major candidate in every party long before they got a whiff of real power. And exclude everyone else who wasn't an incredibly savvy billionaire himself.

The media as well, you control people through it. Ruppert Murdoch for instance was able to come out from the boonies down under and buy his way into a huge global media conglomerate through Rothschild money, yet their influence is virtually invisible to the public.

When you're listening to Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity, you're basically listening to Rothschild propaganda.

There are many other figures like Murdoch all over the world, in France for example you have Israeli Patrick Drahi who came out of nowhere and bought up a huge media empire.

Conversation with a Rothchild - Dr Mantis Toboggan - 01-26-2019

Quote: (01-25-2019 05:52 PM)911 Wrote:  

As to the NFL, there is always a small bias in pro sports towards the bigger market franchises, that might have worked in the LA Rams' favor in a tight game, there isn't much more to this.

I don't think the NFL explicitly prefers big market teams in its championship nearly as much as the other major sports do--the Super Bowl is the biggest event on the US sports calendar no matter what, all else being equal the ratings for a Wednesday night World Series or NBA finals game will be much higher if it's NY vs LA instead of Detroit vs Milwaukee, that isn't the case really with the Super Bowl. And in any event, any slight ratings advantage LA might bring to the table over New Orleans would be more than outweighed by the eyeballs a Brees vs Brady matchup would bring. It was an egregiously awful non-call, but an honest mistake IMO.

Conversation with a Rothchild - Gorgiass - 01-26-2019

Quote: (01-25-2019 02:51 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Quote: (01-25-2019 02:08 AM)Gorgiass Wrote:  

...I'm living for me, not for some potential future kid who might turn out to be a little shithead anyway, even if he has an IQ of 150 and 5% body fat.

That's your prerogative, but of course that's downstream from being POZzed.

I imagine that this character, fictional or not, would say "of course that's your opinion, because it's the one we crafted for you".

"pozzed" like contracting HIV? Huh

Selfishness is ingrained in our DNA and that of every animal alive. The only thing crafting it is evolution, and cooperation exists only insofar as it's mutually beneficial. Got nothing to do with any shadowy "them". No one benefits from the pollution of the gene pool, elites or otherwise. Elon Musk isn't going to take us to Mars without a crack engineering team and billionaires aren't going to build nuclear proof silos without tech brought on by hard work and strong minds of a capable upper-middle class. Genetic degradation is just a byproduct of overly empathetic leftism. And I'm as much a proponent of incentivized eugenics as anyone, btw.

Not advocating hedonism 100% of the time by any means. Postponing gratification for productivity and spending time on hobbies and intellectual pursuits is part of doing things for me.

It's the blue-pilled, white picket fence crowd who devote most of their energy to their children and coddle them, and make them the central focus of their life, and children sense that and IMO, it's a major reason for the rise of the beta-male. I was shoveling shit and hauling stones for work outside the home since I was 12 and turned out better than most, if I do say so myself.

Conversation with a Rothchild - The Catalyst - 01-26-2019

Quote: (01-26-2019 10:41 PM)Gorgiass Wrote:  

Quote: (01-25-2019 02:51 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Quote: (01-25-2019 02:08 AM)Gorgiass Wrote:  

...I'm living for me, not for some potential future kid who might turn out to be a little shithead anyway, even if he has an IQ of 150 and 5% body fat.

That's your prerogative, but of course that's downstream from being POZzed.

I imagine that this character, fictional or not, would say "of course that's your opinion, because it's the one we crafted for you".

"pozzed" like contracting HIV? [Image: huh.gif]

Selfishness is ingrained in our DNA and that of every animal alive. The only thing crafting it is evolution, and cooperation exists only insofar as it's mutually beneficial. Got nothing to do with any shadowy "them". No one benefits from the pollution of the gene pool, elites or otherwise. Elon Musk isn't going to take us to Mars without a crack engineering team and billionaires aren't going to build nuclear proof silos without tech brought on by hard work and strong minds of a capable upper-middle class. Genetic degradation is just a byproduct of overly empathetic leftism. And I'm as much a proponent of incentivized eugenics as anyone, btw.

Not advocating hedonism 100% of the time by any means. Postponing gratification for productivity and spending time on hobbies and intellectual pursuits is part of doing things for me.

It's the blue-pilled, white picket fence crowd who devote most of their energy to their children and coddle them, and make them the central focus of their life, and children sense that and IMO, it's a major reason for the rise of the beta-male. I was shoveling shit and hauling stones for work outside the home since I was 12 and turned out better than most, if I do say so myself.

Interesting... because according to the supposed Rothschild, it's caring about your bloodline that's encoded into your DNA/genes.

Conversation with a Rothchild - Leonard D Neubache - 01-27-2019

Gorgiass makes good points but and the (supposed) Rothschild is also right but it requires having enough of a psychological time horizon and sense of deferred pleasure to be able to raise a child properly.

Raising children is incredibly rewarding, though don't ask me why. It's honestly hard to explain in 1000 words or less. But low time horizon low deferred pleasure types will spare the rod and spoil the child because they only see the immediate pleasure/pain response and don't see the long game.

The man playing the long game will derive immensely more joy from his creations because by immediately deferring a small amount of pleasure and suffering a small amount of pain (the rod) his children will grow like a good investment whose yeilds increase over time. While the Rothschild is playing with his grandkids safe in the knowledge that their father is also investing wisely and their mother is teaching them well, the mouth-breather is bailing their son out of jail on behalf of his estranged bitch ex wife who needs him to get back to work to pay child support for the brat grandkids that pappy never gets to see.

Conversation with a Rothchild - Hidden - 01-27-2019

Given that the most valuable resource is man.
Given that not all man are equal.
It follows that man will rule man.

Conversation with a Rothchild - SamuelBRoberts - 01-27-2019

The most valuable resource isn't man, though.
It's those good cookies you get from Trader Joe's. The ones with maple that taste like pancakes made by angels.

[Image: 98740-maple-leaf-cookies.jpg]

Is it just me or is this whole place getting goofy lately?

Conversation with a Rothchild - The Catalyst - 01-27-2019

The one common theme I got from the poster is(maybe paraphrased/edited by me).

Information, and thus the truth that comes from that is out there for people to observe and think for themselves. People don't think clearly/logically. Instead they react to conditioning. Examples include pharma, fiat, government, public schools, etc.

Conversation with a Rothchild - PharaohRa - 01-27-2019

Quote: (01-26-2019 10:59 AM)911 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-26-2019 07:00 AM)DarkTriad Wrote:  


It is one thing to control money, but you cannot control the will of the people without being visible yourself.

Unless of course you lived in a society in which money floated political campaigns, and you could control every major candidate in every party long before they got a whiff of real power. And exclude everyone else who wasn't an incredibly savvy billionaire himself.

The media as well, you control people through it. Ruppert Murdoch for instance was able to come out from the boonies down under and buy his way into a huge global media conglomerate through Rothschild money, yet their influence is virtually invisible to the public.

When you're listening to Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity, you're basically listening to Rothschild propaganda.

There are many other figures like Murdoch all over the world, in France for example you have Israeli Patrick Drahi who came out of nowhere and bought up a huge media empire.

Perception is reality. Everyone knows Rupert Murdoch used to own Fox News (now his sons do) and everyone perceived that he called the shots (even though he reports to the Rothschilds). The concept is similar to the CEO and the Chairman, the CEO runs things but the Chairman is his boss and the CEO placates to him and the Board; however, the public sees the CEO as the shotcaller because he is the face of the company and assumes that he is the apex alpha of said company.

Conversation with a Rothchild - jordypip23 - 01-28-2019

Quote: (01-26-2019 06:59 PM)Dr Mantis Toboggan Wrote:  

Quote: (01-25-2019 05:52 PM)911 Wrote:  

As to the NFL, there is always a small bias in pro sports towards the bigger market franchises, that might have worked in the LA Rams' favor in a tight game, there isn't much more to this.

I don't think the NFL explicitly prefers big market teams in its championship nearly as much as the other major sports do--the Super Bowl is the biggest event on the US sports calendar no matter what, all else being equal the ratings for a Wednesday night World Series or NBA finals game will be much higher if it's NY vs LA instead of Detroit vs Milwaukee, that isn't the case really with the Super Bowl. And in any event, any slight ratings advantage LA might bring to the table over New Orleans would be more than outweighed by the eyeballs a Brees vs Brady matchup would bring. It was an egregiously awful non-call, but an honest mistake IMO.

There are some exceptions to this. In today's NBA, we are looking at a star-driven league. Therefore in the recent past when LeBron James happened to be on the small-market Cleveland Cavaliers, it didn't matter that Cleveland was a small market. Mr. James is a global superstar & the Cavs (with James on the roster) drew viewing numbers. Now with James on the storied Los Angeles Lakers large market franchise I do see how the the network head honchos will be salivating as much if not more than James's old Cleveland days.

Conversation with a Rothchild - CynicalContrarian - 01-28-2019

From Anon. Conservative :


First, Aurini from Stares at the World had posted a link to the Rothschild piece over on Roosh’s forum here. One commenter wrote the following – “The problem with AC is he’s hit or miss… Silliest thing I’ve seen him write hands down is how Q is connected to the Saints football team losing to the Rams because of that non-call in the playoffs.” One, I am at the point I like criticism, particularly of this site and these ideas. The goal here now is to open the minds of those who encounter this, and hopefully help to prepare them for what I believe is coming, based on what I have seen. But I have reached a fairly unique place, to the point I may be beginning to lose touch with how to communicate effectively with those who are still in the Matrix. So I may need normies to offer pushback like the above, so I can try to reach them another way, and adapt how I am communicating.

There are a few others on here who know what I am talking about. You see them occasionally pipe up. Phelps knows. Brickbat may have been inside at one point. They understand without saying anything. But they are not who I am trying to reach. I need to hear from those who read some of this, and think, “Oh, that is ridiculous.” I will test those who come on here ridiculing things by pressing amygdala and threatening to expose even more. It generally keeps the machine from overrunning this site and destroying it. But comments like the one above are welcome. I need them, in part because I would once have made them, and having made the transition, I realize that if we are heading to exposure, it will be much easier for you if I can bring you at least a little of the way here before it all drops.

Sometimes I will post frivolous things unrelated to this mind expansion and preparation, just to promote thought, but the above hypothesis is not one of those cases. I do not know that the Superbowl game was rigged to turn out that way for that reason by trump/Q/whoever. But I believe it is possible, because I have seen enough behind the curtain to realize that things work nothing like you were told. One, the machine is certainly there. People have no idea of the degree to which if you see it on TV, it is controlled. If you see someone on TV, it is at least more likely than not that they were selected, recruited, and placed, probably based on a familial link to the machine, or some sort of leverage. Increasingly I see evidence that at the least, most people you will see on TV know something which would blow your mind – a massive network of people, who know they are part of an organization. So those Referees? My guess is the majority of them are not there by accident, and when their friends or family in the machine call them up and ask for a favor, it is an inside joke in the network when they do it.

Ten years ago I would ridicule the idea. “They could never keep the secret.” “Someone would blow the whistle, and it would leak out.” “I would have heard of it.” I’m a smart guy, and until a few years back, I had no idea, nobody told me about it, and I would never have believed it. And yet now I have no doubt. I have seen it, with my own eyes, and as Q says, it is bigger than you would ever believe. When Q says, there are no coincidences, I know what he means. When someone asks him how he can know the future, and he says “Control,” I understand. And yet as big as I know it is, I think it may be even bigger.

Here is what I think is happening. The machine is being taken over by Trump’s side, and will now be first used to aid the Storm, and then, I suspect, to expose it. To that end, a Superbowl game between the Patriots and something which looks suspiciously like Baphomet – which should never have won, but did, unfairly, is identical to what the Father of Hypnosis, Milton Erikson, described using to manipulate his patients.

Milton Erikson said he would never describe his patient’s problems, and the solutions to them, openly. People will detect that kind of forceful manipulation, and resist it almost reflexively. Instead he would create a story about someone else, with carefully created analogies and metaphors which he knew their subconscious would see, and have that story convey what he wanted them to internalize. He would never make the connection, but rather would leave that story out there. He found their mind would internalize the cognitive theme, and that theme would then go on to form a sort of perceptual framework in their brain that would affect everything else they thought about. When their problem cropped back up their brain would view it with that perceptual framework overlaid on it, and their behavior would change as a result. This will not change everyone. It isn’t a mathematic formula. But it will affect enough people often enough that Erickson talked about it being a go-to therapeutic modality for him – and he is widely recognized as among the best that ever lived. Understand how that works, and you will realize somebody has been using that technique on the populace for a very long time. It doesn’t affect everyone. But when you have a population divided quite equally, whose culture, laws, and mores are based around what a majority believe, and you can push that needle a good way by affecting a lot of people, you don’t need to affect everyone, or even a majority, for it to be a tremendous source of power.

Now a cheating Baphomet visual is facing off with the Patriots, with their all-American quarterback boy next door, who is good friends with Donald Trump, in a sport where I would bet money at least a large number of the refs are part of the machine. Meanwhile at this very moment we are being taught a corruption network, which likely uses satanic rituals to blackmail its members, and which worships Baphomet and erects statues of him, is engaged in a fight with Trump and his administration. We even see the fake-media outlets pimping a counter story about a kid winning a science fair (which he actually didn’t win) based on a project that proved “Tom Brady is a cheater.” It all could be coincidence, but I would not bet it was, based on what I have seen. If you still doubt it, explain just what the fuck this tranny minotaur is to me, and how it managed to go public:

[Image: trannyminotaur.jpg]

Go back to the beginning of this blog, and look at me. I was a normal dude who deep down, knew the world was Darwinian, but who still thought our biggest problem was the slide into r benefiting corrupt politicians. Then I thought it was a few corrupt politicians owned by a few big corporations using the slide into r. Then I thought maybe the intel leaders had been invaded by the politicians and were exploiting the intel machinery. Then I began to think it was a broader US conspiracy. Then I thought it extended into the non-governmental, and private sector world. Then I began to think regular citizens were a part of it. Then I began to think it crossed national borders, and maybe our government was not even our government, but was just an agency of (((It))). And I was saying that before Q hit the scene, based on my own observations. As you see that progression, grasp there is a path which someone who started out intelligent and objective like you could follow, that would take you to that conclusion. Then begin to process that you may make that same multi-year progression, in a few weeks, or maybe even a few days, if I am right and Q decides to drop the truth on you.

And if you see me say something you don’t think is possible, call me on it with a curiosity to see if I can present anything additional to bring you to where I am. I do not take honest criticism personally, especially if it is a criticism I could see myself making ardently just a few years ago. My own opinion is, you really need to know this material if you are going to comment on politics online. Because if you aren’t aware the machine is out there you may be playing a dangerous game with no idea what is coming. You should at least have the choice, before your consequences hit.

Conversation with a Rothchild - blck - 01-28-2019

Normies parents are quick to boot out their kids of their home while the wealthy keep living in big home with all the family (surely the solution to women whoring out), connecting their kids to their own networks so they can profit from everything that have been learned and created by them, my opinion is that things are not right since these guys are doing the opposite of what we do, we have a lot to take from only this AMA and doing some research would hurt a lot of false beliefs, probably why a lot of people prefer calling it bullshit.

Let me bring some insteresting reading because I've noticed after lengthy reading done prior, that the Rofchild AMA were on point on several matters and that their principal concern was controlling the masses, entertain to dominate (bread & circus) and making people take the stupidest decisions of their life by not caring about their elders and, sometime, even burdening their offspring future.

- How the rich are interested to out-live normal people
- I’m 32 and spent $200k on biohacking. Became calmer, thinner, extroverted, healthier & happier.
- How to biohack your intelligence — with everything from sex to modafinil to MDMA
- Scientists Made a Startling Discovery After Dosing People with LSD
- How I set and execute 50-year goals.

Conversation with a Rothchild - Kaligula - 01-28-2019

Quote: (01-27-2019 06:55 PM)The Catalyst Wrote:  

The one common theme I got from the poster is(maybe paraphrased/edited by me).

Information, and thus the truth that comes from that is out there for people to observe and think for themselves. People don't think clearly/logically. Instead they react to conditioning. Examples include pharma, fiat, government, public schools, etc.

So, if everything is out there, then there is no real god Baphomet, just a cult of it, probably like in "Eyes wide shut". Even "Rotchild" kinda claims that. As for Rams and Patriots psy-op - it would function only if an average American could make association between Rams and Baphomet ON HIS OWN. Can he????!
And remember, the guys who were really into the Baphomet stuff - Carthaginias - were literally razed and grinded into the ground by the Romans. Not enough human sacrifice for Baphomet, I suppose. Or simply Jupiter is more powerful?!

It is all based on the very simple idea: if you do something strange, it should release some strange powers. This is all flawed analogy: normal conduct - normal outcome, abnormal conduct - paranormal outcome. It is flawed because it is not materially correct, in other words, apples go with oranges. Yet this way of thinking is so old that it has even a name: antinomism. But the name doesn't make it more true, or divine.

Conversation with a Rothchild - CynicalContrarian - 01-28-2019

Well, if nothing else.
'They' certainly seem to make a big fuss about the big owl at Bohemian Grove...

[Image: kevinspacey-bohemiangroove1.jpg] [Image: Bohemian-Grove.jpg]

Conversation with a Rothchild - Kaligula - 01-28-2019

Quote: (01-28-2019 08:39 AM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

Well, if nothing else.
'They' certainly seem to make a big fuss about the big owl at Bohemian Grove...

I have wondered about that too, especially as owls are one of the most stupid birds....

Conversation with a Rothchild - Aurini - 01-28-2019

I discussed the most important quotes from that article on my livestream last Saturdy. Ultimately, I think it's a LARP - but so are The Screwtape Letters. Very much worth considering, even if utterly fictitious.

Conversation with a Rothchild - Duke Main - 01-28-2019

Quote: (01-28-2019 06:56 AM)blck Wrote:  

Normies parents are quick to boot out their kids of their home while the wealthy keep living in big home with all the family (surely the solution to women whoring out), connecting their kids to their own networks so they can profit from everything that have been learned and created by them, my opinion is that things are not right since these guys are doing the opposite of what we do, we have a lot to take from only this AMA and doing some research would hurt a lot of false beliefs, probably why a lot of people prefer calling it bullshit.

Let me bring some insteresting reading because I've noticed after lengthy reading done prior, that the Rofchild AMA were on point on several matters and that their principal concern was controlling the masses, entertain to dominate (bread & circus) and making people take the stupidest decisions of their life by not caring about their elders and, sometime, even burdening their offspring future.

- How the rich are interested to out-live normal people
- I’m 32 and spent $200k on biohacking. Became calmer, thinner, extroverted, healthier & happier.
- How to biohack your intelligence — with everything from sex to modafinil to MDMA
- Scientists Made a Startling Discovery After Dosing People with LSD
- How I set and execute 50-year goals.
I just spent a few hours chasing those links. Very interesting. Thanks for providing them.

Conversation with a Rothchild - The Catalyst - 01-28-2019

Quote: (01-28-2019 10:14 AM)Aurini Wrote:  

I discussed the most important quotes from that article on my livestream last Saturdy. Ultimately, I think it's a LARP - but so are The Screwtape Letters. Very much worth considering, even if utterly fictitious.

Are there timestamps for when you discuss the quotes?

Conversation with a Rothchild - SamuelBRoberts - 01-28-2019

That BIOHACKING link is hilarious.

Going to sleep on time, lifting weights, and eating vegetables now isn't just what your mom told you to do, it's BIOHACKING.

Conversation with a Rothchild - Aurini - 01-29-2019

Quote: (01-28-2019 09:09 PM)The Catalyst Wrote:  

Quote: (01-28-2019 10:14 AM)Aurini Wrote:  

I discussed the most important quotes from that article on my livestream last Saturdy. Ultimately, I think it's a LARP - but so are The Screwtape Letters. Very much worth considering, even if utterly fictitious.

Are there timestamps for when you discuss the quotes?

The first 10/20 minute are me addressing rumours. After that it's consistently about the article in question.

Conversation with a Rothchild - The Catalyst - 01-29-2019

Quote: (01-29-2019 01:06 AM)Aurini Wrote:  

Quote: (01-28-2019 09:09 PM)The Catalyst Wrote:  

Quote: (01-28-2019 10:14 AM)Aurini Wrote:  

I discussed the most important quotes from that article on my livestream last Saturdy. Ultimately, I think it's a LARP - but so are The Screwtape Letters. Very much worth considering, even if utterly fictitious.

Are there timestamps for when you discuss the quotes?

The first 10/20 minute are me addressing rumours. After that it's consistently about the article in question.

Yeah I would put the timestamp at 21:07.

Currently watched about 15 minutes after that. With regards to Bickle. My impression was it was not Rothschild's nickname for him. My guess is his name or nickname or username is Bickle. I don't know how the forum(godlikeproductions?) works but presumably his username was Bickle and it changed to something else before it was archived. It seems Rothschild was asking Bickle what he was doing having him as a role model, which suggests he picked the name himself(or had some other kind of relation to the concept).

Conversation with a Rothchild - Oberrheiner - 01-29-2019

Interesting text.
Probably fabricated of course, and full of bullshit too, but if you can discern correctly there are some interesting things hidden in there.
However as a darwinist there is nothing actionable in there which I am not already doing.
So I guess I'm on their watchlist then .. [Image: tard.gif]

Quote: (01-25-2019 04:45 AM)CJ_W Wrote:  

That's an interesting thought Aurini, How will someone go about finding the right person or themselves and their children to strengthen their bloodlines?

I guess the first thing would be to not weaken it.
Strengthening it is slow and arduous, while weakening is easy and fast, so I would address this low-hanging fruit first.

For instance many people know this :

But then how come so few know about this :

and that all we talk about is how diversity is our strength ?
When it turns out that at the genetic level diversity it makes you demonstrably inferior.

Not all and any diversity of course, but what's typically pushed in the MSM (african man, nordic woman) if basically the worst combination (at the genetic level, in case it needs to be said once again - I'm not judging anyone here).

So what would a good match be ?
Well the girl from the next valley/town/region basically, close genetically but not too much, with symmetrical face traits, an adequate WHR, a good functioning brain .. the classic stuff.

Of course with the push for globalization and one emigration after the other you'll never know where that girl really came from - ow, how about an unfortunate side-effect now.

Or could this side-effect be wanted maybe by those pushing for its causes ?
That's left as an exercise for the reader I suppose [Image: smile.gif]