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The Alt-Light Take Over of UKIP - Simeon_Strangelight - 07-03-2018

Quote: (07-03-2018 03:36 PM)Malone Wrote:  

It's not just that.


I am not and have never been a member of the British National Party, National Front, British Freedom Party, British People's Party, English Defence League, Britain First or the UK First Party.

Basically if it's nationalist or ever said anything bad about Islam or Rapefugees and you were a member, you're out.

It's weak as fuck really.

Sargon of Akkad has said plenty against Islam. Seems like they don't want anyone truly British Nationalist. I get it that there were Neonazis in those parties, but not everyone there was that way.

The UKIP approach will be thus a form of civic nationalism. Ultimately the electoral system in the UK is designed in a way to never leave control.

The last chance of real change were the Greenshirts in the 1930s-40s, but most people simply did not understand the validity of the usury and monetary issue.

Britain will cease to exist anyway in the next 2-3 decades mired either in uncontrollable 1984-style diversity or a civil war with Islam.

Most non-Europeans will simply vote with one voice against UKIP. Even the Tories will never win again. They admitted recently that Labour will be the ruling party for years and years to come. At best it might only be attacked later by a new Islamic party.

The Alt-Light Take Over of UKIP - Handsome Creepy Eel - 07-03-2018

Quote: (07-03-2018 03:36 PM)Malone Wrote:  

It's not just that.


I am not and have never been a member of the British National Party, National Front, British Freedom Party, British People's Party, English Defence League, Britain First or the UK First Party.

Basically if it's nationalist or ever said anything bad about Islam or Rapefugees and you were a member, you're out.

It's weak as fuck really.

Wow, thanks for posting that gem. That's really pathetic. Why not just reserve the right to exclude applicants and deal with "extremists" discreetly? This sends a very anti-UKIP message...

The Alt-Light Take Over of UKIP - Teedub - 07-04-2018

There's very specific reasons for that rule, though I don't like how they've continued expanding it, when it was originally just the BNP. In 2010, Farage used it as a selling point "look, we don't accept BNP members, but Labour and Tories do..." Farage isn't a nationalist anyone, and I've argued against his fans many times on this forum. That's not to say he's never done any good or anything like that.

It's fine to say "that's cucked" or "that's pathetic", but UKIP aren't Red Ice TV... they are/were a major political party trying to actually win seats and mainstream credibility. Aligning with some of the parties is electoral suicide. Yes, the BNP won seats in 2010 (or 2011?), but even they toned down what they actually believed considerably in order to do so. I think, as scorpion alluded to in the JP political thread, lots of people on here forget how unpalatable our views are to the everyday person.

And, people can always lie when they join UKIP, they're not going to do checks. I'm sure many do, if you catch my drift. [Image: wink.gif]

The Alt-Light Take Over of UKIP - RedPillUK - 07-04-2018

It's needless pandering they're just afraid of being criticised and called racist.

If they take it off, there might be same fake media outrage for a while, but then people will forget and no one will care again. Remember no other party has this on their application. Everyone who will criticise UKIP for removing this silly no bnp member shit is a hypocrite.

The Alt-Light Take Over of UKIP - Simeon_Strangelight - 07-04-2018

A Western-styled party actually does not have to have those limitations. The reason is that any party member who speaks out of turn publicly for the party is instantly ousted, fired and disavowed. So if you do a Hitler salute or wave a Nazi flag, then you are out. This was and is a big problem with non-party oriented movements. You don't have a tool to say: "Fuck you, you are out!"

As Teedub pointed out - this seems to have been more a move by the former leader to stamp out any nationalist tendencies which is ironic since he wanted to retain a nation state vs the EU.

The Alt-Light Take Over of UKIP - Teedub - 07-04-2018

Quote: (07-04-2018 11:52 AM)RedPillUK Wrote:  

It's needless pandering they're just afraid of being criticised and called racist.

If they take it off, there might be same fake media outrage for a while, but then people will forget and no one will care again. Remember no other party has this on their application. Everyone who will criticise UKIP for removing this silly no bnp member shit is a hypocrite.

I'm not saying they should keep it, I'm simply pointing out why they did it in the first place. With PJW etc joining, they're going to get called 'alt-right' no matter what, so they might as well get rid of it. Though, there are good points for keeping skinheads with swastika tattoos well away. I suspect that statement is simply kept there to keep the 'you're the BNP mark II' claims at bay. But yes, they are (civic) nationalists but with concerns about demographics — though it's not an alt right/WN party. If you're looking for that, you'll need to look elsewhere.

For anyone doubting their current leader's stance on Islam, nationalism etc, I implore you to watch this:

The Alt-Light Take Over of UKIP - Teedub - 07-04-2018

Great and passionate speech from Tommy:

P.S Conference, hotel etc booked. Will see any of you dudes there, will be a laugh.

The Alt-Light Take Over of UKIP - RedPillUK - 07-04-2018

Quote: (07-04-2018 12:53 PM)Teedub Wrote:  

Though, there are good points for keeping skinheads with swastika tattoos well away.

Nah UKIP needs as many supporters as possible if it is to ever challenge the other parties again. Alienating people because they are/have been/might have been racists/nazis/white nationalists/whatever is stupid.

The Alt-Light Take Over of UKIP - Simeon_Strangelight - 07-04-2018

Quote: (07-04-2018 12:53 PM)Teedub Wrote:  

Quote: (07-04-2018 11:52 AM)RedPillUK Wrote:  

It's needless pandering they're just afraid of being criticised and called racist.

If they take it off, there might be same fake media outrage for a while, but then people will forget and no one will care again. Remember no other party has this on their application. Everyone who will criticise UKIP for removing this silly no bnp member shit is a hypocrite.

I'm not saying they should keep it, I'm simply pointing out why they did it in the first place. With PJW etc joining, they're going to get called 'alt-right' no matter what, so they might as well get rid of it. Though, there are good points for keeping skinheads with swastika tattoos well away. I suspect that statement is simply kept there to keep the 'you're the BNP mark II' claims at bay. But yes, they are (civic) nationalists but with concerns about demographics — though it's not an alt right/WN party. If you're looking for that, you'll need to look elsewhere.

For anyone doubting their current leader's stance on Islam, nationalism etc, I implore you to watch this:

I listened to a few Britain First interviews and they are not some kind of Nazis. Their methods are stupid, but they are not extremists.

Either way - the idea that any pro-White ethnic-based even most benign party or movement would have any chance with the current level of brainwashing is insane. In addition we know well enough that Britain in a 25% Indian, 5% non-Muslim meritocratic non-European ethnic makeup would be fine.

Plus you have to realize that ultimately sane people are pragmatic. Just as the entire Alt-Right in the US voted for Donald Trump, the same will happen with UKIP and I see every supporter of Millennial Woes etc to go full behind UKIP - simply because any step in the right direction is better than 2 steps in the wrong direction. I would also fully support UKIP - at the very least it would slow the decline.

I see it as a great thing that Sargon and Teedub join UKIP.

The Alt-Light Take Over of UKIP - The Lizard of Oz - 07-04-2018

Quote: (07-04-2018 02:19 PM)Teedub Wrote:  

Great and passionate speech from Tommy:

Yes, Tommy is passionate and that is the very best and most important thing about him. Thank you for posting this -- great to see and hear.

The Alt-Light Take Over of UKIP - Teedub - 07-05-2018

Quote: (07-04-2018 02:21 PM)RedPillUK Wrote:  

Quote: (07-04-2018 12:53 PM)Teedub Wrote:  

Though, there are good points for keeping skinheads with swastika tattoos well away.

Nah UKIP needs as many supporters as possible if it is to ever challenge the other parties again. Alienating people because they are/have been/might have been racists/nazis/white nationalists/whatever is stupid.

Come on mate, people with swastika tattoos etc is just awful optics. Just like the 'Muslamic Ray Gams' meme guy was terrible for the EDL. It's not about ideological purity, it's about actually winning, like Trump. Trump hasn't actually done much regarding Islam, and the things you guys (I'm guessing from your posts here and elsewhere that you're on the white nationalist side of things) care about, yet he's still pushed the overton window regarding political correctness to the right, which is what we ALL want, whether we're civics, ethnos, anti-feminist etc.

Quote: (07-04-2018 02:39 PM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

Plus you have to realize that ultimately sane people are pragmatic. Just as the entire Alt-Right in the US voted for Donald Trump, the same will happen with UKIP and I see every supporter of Millennial Woes etc to go full behind UKIP - simply because any step in the right direction is better than 2 steps in the wrong direction. I would also fully support UKIP - at the very least it would slow the decline.

I see it as a great thing that Sargon and Teedub join UKIP.

Cheers, though I wouldn't exactly place myself alongside someone as famous as Sargon! But yeah, that final paragraph is exactly what would happen.

The Alt-Light Take Over of UKIP - Teedub - 07-05-2018

This is old, but I only just came across it as I'm researching Dankula as he's part of the new UKIP vanguard. Respect to him for doing this.

The Alt-Light Take Over of UKIP - Teedub - 07-06-2018

Dankula is a lot more politically engaged than I originally thought. This is a good video with some great points about the police being crippled by the dreaded 'r' word. No more Dankula vids for a while now, I promise!

The Alt-Light Take Over of UKIP - RedPillUK - 07-06-2018

Quote: (07-05-2018 05:41 AM)Teedub Wrote:  

Come on mate, people with swastika tattoos etc is just awful optics. Just like the 'Muslamic Ray Gams' meme guy was terrible for the EDL. It's not about ideological purity, it's about actually winning, like Trump. Trump hasn't actually done much regarding Islam, and the things you guys (I'm guessing from your posts here and elsewhere that you're on the white nationalist side of things) care about, yet he's still pushed the overton window regarding political correctness to the right, which is what we ALL want, whether we're civics, ethnos, anti-feminist etc.

People who look and sound like Tommy Robinson are also bad optics. Numbers are more important than optics if UKIP is to ever do anything.

Trump didn't care who supported him, it's time to get rid of this type of pandering to the left. They don't care how much pandering you they do, UKIP will always be the racist party to them. So why bother with it at all?

Quote: (07-04-2018 02:39 PM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

Plus you have to realize that ultimately sane people are pragmatic. Just as the entire Alt-Right in the US voted for Donald Trump, the same will happen with UKIP and I see every supporter of Millennial Woes etc to go full behind UKIP - simply because any step in the right direction is better than 2 steps in the wrong direction. I would also fully support UKIP - at the very least it would slow the decline.

I see it as a great thing that Sargon and Teedub join UKIP.

It's not exactly what would happen, because most of those people would rather vote for the Conservative party to keep Labour out, than to vote for a party that has no chance of winning a seat in their area.

It may sound negative, but it's simply the truth in most towns in the UK, apart from people who live in one or two places.

I voted for UKIP when they got 4 million votes, but I was in an area where that vote made no difference whatsoever.

I voted for Brexit, fuck all has happened with that even though we have a 'conservative' government. The UK government is acting like a dictatorship now it doesn't matter whether we vote Brexit or not.

Last election UKIP disappeared and so I didn't bother voting at all. Labour or Conservative? Who cares, both are shit. Bring on the decline.

By the way is anything going to change with UKIP because of these guys? They're just members right? They've signed up and paid a small membership fee every year like any normal person. Oh wow. Wake me up PJW, Milo, Sargon and Dankula are actually running to be MPs.

The Alt-Light Take Over of UKIP - Simeon_Strangelight - 07-06-2018

< The conservatives are clearly the same globalist traitors - this will become ever more apparent in the next years.

And yes - Sargon is just a member - even if UKIP wins, then it's not clear what would really happen. So far they are not any kind of AFD.

The Alt-Light Take Over of UKIP - RedPillUK - 07-06-2018

Quote: (07-06-2018 04:24 PM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

< The conservatives are clearly the same globalist traitors - this will become ever more apparent in the next years.

And yes - Sargon is just a member - even if UKIP wins, then it's not clear what would really happen. So far they are not any kind of AFD.

I always thougt that, but it's pretty obvious now.

The Alt-Light Take Over of UKIP - Teedub - 07-08-2018

Quote: (07-06-2018 04:15 PM)RedPillUK Wrote:  

People who look and sound like Tommy Robinson are also bad optics. Numbers are more important than optics if UKIP is to ever do anything.

By the way is anything going to change with UKIP because of these guys? They're just members right? They've signed up and paid a small membership fee every year like any normal person. Oh wow. Wake me up PJW, Milo, Sargon and Dankula are actually running to be MPs.

"Oh wow"... please don't talk to me in a snarky way that you wouldn't do in real life. Anyway, Tommy R might be off putting to middle class voters in cities, but he's certainly not off putting to large swathes of Brexit voters, who won. And, UKIP have gained 2000 new members since the Sargon gang joined. That's a lot, to put it mildly. They'll do to UKIP what Momentum have done to Labour. You seem to be a glass is half empty kind of guy, fair enough. But just wait and see, things will happen.

Edit: but yeah, our electoral system makes things difficult. One of the first priorities for any smaller party should be to lobby for proportional representation, or something similar.

The Alt-Light Take Over of UKIP - Teedub - 07-15-2018

If anyone has a spare hour, give this a watch. The BBC3 reporter is digging for a 'gotcha' moment a la Cathy Newman and fails. Then Sargon dismantles an assortment of ill-informed leftist protesters. He's really good at his 'job', even if I do find him rather pompous and arrogant.

I look forward to meeting him at the UKIP conference.

The Alt-Light Take Over of UKIP - Foolsgo1d - 07-15-2018

UKIP suffers from little man syndrome. Bigs itself up only to fail at the important hurdles and the most important one is grabbing a share of the vote without allowing Labour in. This is why the Tories won the previous two elections and people are unsure who to vote come the next GE. May or Corbyn?

UKIPs base is mostly Tory but now the Tories have sold the country down the river and down the waterfall its anyones guess. There are a lot of people who dont want Labour in but eventually that will swing in labours favour if they get somebody in who appeals across the whole spectrum.

Another Tony Blair would end the Tories for the next 2 decades at least. By the time people can organise against the socialists it will be too late as demographics rule in democratic votes - which the Turks and French are finding out now.

The Alt-Light Take Over of UKIP - RedPillUK - 07-15-2018

Quote: (07-08-2018 04:53 AM)Teedub Wrote:  

Quote: (07-06-2018 04:15 PM)RedPillUK Wrote:  

People who look and sound like Tommy Robinson are also bad optics. Numbers are more important than optics if UKIP is to ever do anything.

By the way is anything going to change with UKIP because of these guys? They're just members right? They've signed up and paid a small membership fee every year like any normal person. Oh wow. Wake me up PJW, Milo, Sargon and Dankula are actually running to be MPs.

"Oh wow"... please don't talk to me in a snarky way that you wouldn't do in real life. Anyway, Tommy R might be off putting to middle class voters in cities, but he's certainly not off putting to large swathes of Brexit voters, who won. And, UKIP have gained 2000 new members since the Sargon gang joined. That's a lot, to put it mildly. They'll do to UKIP what Momentum have done to Labour. You seem to be a glass is half empty kind of guy, fair enough. But just wait and see, things will happen.

Edit: but yeah, our electoral system makes things difficult. One of the first priorities for any smaller party should be to lobby for proportional representation, or something similar.

Heh, I would do that in real life because that sarcastic wow was not aimed at you or your writing but Sargon and everyone else. Signing up for a UKIP membership and then telling people about it is not impressive.

Yeah I'm pretty pessimistic regarding politics, especially UK politics. We don't have a reason to be optimistic, maybe this UKIP stunt is the only optimistic thing I've seen in years but I prefer not to waste my time with hoping and wishing.

The Alt-Light Take Over of UKIP - Teedub - 07-19-2018

South Korean women make me wonder whether our opinions on women might be a bit misguided, as the women in SK seem to be very patriotic and in-group minded. Pathological altruism of the western, dog-preferring, woman strikes again. Literally, when I see a girl treating a dog like they would a human child on social media, I immediately defriend/unfollow. I know, how very brave of me. Jokes aside, it does my fucking nut in.

The Alt-Light Take Over of UKIP - beta_plus - 07-19-2018

Quote: (07-19-2018 02:02 PM)Teedub Wrote:  

South Korean women make me wonder whether our opinions on women might be a bit misguided, as the women in SK seem to be very patriotic and in-group minded. Pathological altruism of the western, dog-preferring, woman strikes again. Literally, when I see a girl treating a dog like they would a human child on social media, I immediately defriend/unfollow. I know, how very brave of me. Jokes aside, it does my fucking nut in.

Yeah, I've wondered the same thing about NE Asian women in general, but more focused on Japanese women.

While they definitely engage in much of the hypergamically driven bad female behavior that we see in pretty much every fully developed country, Japanese women do not vote to open the borders, or at least not enough to change Japan's policies. Is it cultural? Genetic? Have they just not had the vote long enough (IIRC they did not get the vote until after WW II) and as sometime around 2030 will start to vote to open Japan's borders?

The Alt-Light Take Over of UKIP - Samseau - 07-23-2018

^ Asian countries are not influenced by Jews in any meaningful way.

The Alt-Light Take Over of UKIP - beta_plus - 07-24-2018

Quote: (07-23-2018 01:56 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

^ Asian countries are not influenced by Jews in any meaningful way.

While your statement is definitely true, I get the feeling that there is a little more to it than that.

That situation for them probably helps, but I don't think that it is the main reason.

The Alt-Light Take Over of UKIP - beta_plus - 07-24-2018

Quote: (07-24-2018 08:40 PM)beta_plus Wrote:  

Quote: (07-23-2018 01:56 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

^ Asian countries are not influenced by Jews in any meaningful way.

While your statement is definitely true, I get the feeling that there is a little more to it than that.

That situation for them probably helps, but I don't think that it is the main reason.

For example, the stories that I've heard about Japanese porn stars refusing to do scenes with other races, even after they were hired to go to LA, was very eye opening. It would definitely imply that the vast majority of Japanese women want nothing to do with men of other races.