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Is South Africa on the path to becoming the next Zimbabwe? - Duke Castile - 03-03-2018

Quote: (03-03-2018 12:14 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

Over 20 years ago I ran into a South African kid going to a junior college on a golf scholarship.

He told me then that “there is no future for white people in South Africa”.

He said it with absolute certainity.

How is it he and his family and their friends knew this yet white people still live there.

I think it’s safe to assume China will support the side that will sell all it’s natural resources for a shiny, new, white, Rolls Royce and arms.

Is South Africa on the path to becoming the next Zimbabwe? - Handsome Creepy Eel - 03-03-2018

These Commie fuckers are really doing their best to run the once-proud nation into the ground (of course they're racist too, but that's just the cherry on top). As much as some dislike Mandela, he was like a little baby when compared to the caliber of Zuma, Ramaphosa and the rest of their Year Zero posse. Fuck them all, and make sure to revoke their visas once the starvation sets in.

Fun fact: South Africans blacks are notorious for being extremely racist to African blacks as well [Image: banana.gif]

Is South Africa on the path to becoming the next Zimbabwe? - Parzival - 03-03-2018

I know 2 guys that left South Africa about 10 years ago, meet other south Africans. Well when it goes the same way as Rhodesia then you better leave. Always amaze me how some people still stick to their ideology plans when they have real world examples of other countries where exactly the same stuff went wrong over and over again. For the white people in SA, they better move.

Is South Africa on the path to becoming the next Zimbabwe? - cowboy - 03-03-2018

I think it boils down to a families history and ties to land. This feeling is especially strong with farmers or ranchers that work, toil, and sweat to build agricultural operations. It is a strong attachment. I grew up on a ranch in fly over America and I have witnessed this attachment firsthand even when staying in one place is not beneficial and the quality of life is going downhill people are stubborn and loyal to the end.

The loyalty factor is almost destructive and blinds people to accepting the reality of what’s going to happen. It’s not going to help you once you family is violently attacked or everything is outright stolen. I have spoken with several South Africans and former Rhodesians and they told me 10 years ago that this would happen. While maintaining values, culture, and religion is important you have to be fluid and flexible enough to survive. Especially in this ever changing violatile world and the whites that stayed there are pushing it.

That being said I am very sympathetic to their plight.

Is South Africa on the path to becoming the next Zimbabwe? - cowboy - 03-03-2018

I think it boils down to a families history and ties to land. This feeling is especially strong with farmers or ranchers that work, toil, and sweat to build agricultural operations. It is a strong attachment. I grew up on a ranch in fly over America and I have witnessed this attachment firsthand even when staying in one place is not beneficial and the quality of life is going downhill people are stubborn and loyal to the end.

The loyalty factor is almost destructive and blinds people to accepting the reality of what’s going to happen. It’s not going to help you once you family is violently attacked or everything is outright stolen. I have spoken with several South Africans and former Rhodesians and they told me 10 years ago that this would happen. While maintaining values, culture, and religion is important you have to be fluid and flexible enough to survive. Especially in this ever changing violatile world and the whites that stayed there are pushing it.

Is South Africa on the path to becoming the next Zimbabwe? - SamuelBRoberts - 03-03-2018

Quote: (03-03-2018 12:14 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

Over 20 years ago I ran into a South African kid going to a junior college on a golf scholarship.

He told me then that “there is no future for white people in South Africa”.

He said it with absolute certainity.

How is it he and his family and their friends knew this yet white people still live there.

I don't think there's much of a future for white people ANYWHERE.
Maybe... Hungary?

Minorities in the US are growing up on the same racial grievance politics here, and it will get worse, not better, as the white share of the population declines.
We're not at "kill the white people" yet, but "I deserve stuff from white people" and "white people aren't treating me the way I deserve" are pretty common.

Is South Africa on the path to becoming the next Zimbabwe? - EndsExpect - 03-03-2018

To my opinion Western Democracies convinced the Afrikaners to set aside their weapons and give up Apartheid. Therefore Western Democracies are morally obligated to protect them.

I think this should inform people on the gun debate. Liberals want you to give up your ability to defend yourself, but we can see clearly that when you are defenseless and under threat... they will not come to help you. Nobody should put their faith in these people.

Is South Africa on the path to becoming the next Zimbabwe? - Handsome Creepy Eel - 03-03-2018

Quote: (03-02-2018 04:22 PM)AngloHispanic Wrote:  

Some intelligent, well-read, aware and practically-minded South Africans saw the writing on the wall a while back (just need to have a functioning brain, really) and decided to put their shoulder to the wheel:

And have been preparing ever since. I have spoken to them, and they are a staunch and serious group.

Their emergency plan:

Some thoughts on how all this fit in the big picture of globalist-statescraft:

[Image: mindblown3.gif]

This is amazing! Why can't we put together similarly convincing groups and websites in USA and Europe? It doesn't necessarily need to be about civil defense, I mean the sheer quality of organization of this thing - it's better made then the websites of all the anti-EU parties that I've ever seen, for example.

Is South Africa on the path to becoming the next Zimbabwe? - Emancipator - 03-03-2018

Quote: (03-02-2018 01:53 PM)porscheguy Wrote:  

The current government on SA is really only focused on retribution against whites. But I find it increasingly difficult to feel much sympathy for the remaining whites. They should have gtfo years ago. They should have known that the same shit that happened to white farmers in Zimbabwe was going to happen to them in SA. Especially once the farm killings got going about 20 years ago.

Now that Mugabe is gone, they’ve replaced him with someone who may see the error of Mugabe’s ways, and he’s backing off of the remaining whites.

I have to laugh when liberals and others hold up South Africa as a beacon of progress. The only reason they’re cheering is because they see evil white people being put in their place. For them this is progress. They ignore the fact that all of the “social reforms” over the past 25 years have done nothing for your average black South African. Daily life has been on a steady decline since the end of apartheid. I don’t know what the solution is, but I think it’s past the point of blaming whitey for their troubles.

These people have been in the land since the 1600's, its also hard to leave when the Rand has gone to the shitter. One can also make the claim that they have more territorial rights than Bantu that came afterwards.

The cultural marxists have used both Rhodesia and moreso South Africa as a beta test for their tactics, they are now applying it to other Western countries, for example here in Canada by setting up things such as "Truth and Reconciliation" and attacking white guilt. Look into many buzzwords and rhetoric being thrown around in leftist academic circles and they are extremely reminiscent of tactics used in South Africa.

Taking down confederate statues in recent years? Tested several years ago in SA taking down British and Afrikaner statues.

Some of SA's problems could be traced to whites bonehead decisions, such as not electing Jan Smutts in 1948 and then implementing apartheid, the lazy option which in turn ruined their diplomatic standing. Afrikaners weren't the greatest strategists (dating back to the Boer Wars)

The elites and even commoners wanted cheap labour and got drunk off it, they didn't impose strict immigration from neighboring countries in order to lower wages. They allowed themselves to be outbred and even RESTRICTED white immigration.
Ian Smith was right, had SA allowed for an extreme open door policy for europeans post WWII similar to other western nations such as Australia and even implementing Rhodesia's immigration tactics on a larger scale, the situation today would have probably been a lot easier to manage with 30% white demographics vs. 10% today.

Watch SA in the next coming years, nefarious forces have used it to practice tactics and what happens there could be a lesson for other western countries.

Is South Africa on the path to becoming the next Zimbabwe? - Going strong - 03-03-2018

Actually, there is a country that welcomes South-African White refugees, it's... Georgia. Though I don't know if their relocation program is still in place, at the moment. Any news from this part of the world? I am referring to:

BBC: "To revive its agricultural industry, the Georgian government is inviting groups of white South African farmers to settle and farm there"

"South Africa and Georgia have little in common aside from a tradition of wine-making and a turbulent recent history. But a group of white South African farmers say starting a new life in the former Soviet state could be the solution to their troubles at home.

South Africa's 40,000 white farmers, mainly Boers – descendants from Dutch settlers – say they fear that South Africa's government is threatening their livelihoods with land-reform policies. When they first came to Africa, the Boer Voortrekkers, or pioneers, left coastal colonies to forge a path to the interior of the country in search of fertile land. Now some of their descendants believe the answer to their problems might lie thousands of miles away in the Caucasus.

In what would be an extraordinary migration, the Georgian government has invited South Africa's farmers to buy up land in the country for next to nothing in exchange for bringing their expertise and knowledge of modern farming methods."

Is South Africa on the path to becoming the next Zimbabwe? - Leonard D Neubache - 03-03-2018

Quote: (03-03-2018 02:52 PM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

Quote: (03-03-2018 12:14 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

Over 20 years ago I ran into a South African kid going to a junior college on a golf scholarship.

He told me then that “there is no future for white people in South Africa”.

He said it with absolute certainity.

How is it he and his family and their friends knew this yet white people still live there.

I don't think there's much of a future for white people ANYWHERE.
Maybe... Hungary?

Minorities in the US are growing up on the same racial grievance politics here, and it will get worse, not better, as the white share of the population declines.
We're not at "kill the white people" yet, but "I deserve stuff from white people" and "white people aren't treating me the way I deserve" are pretty common.

Pretty much.

"Run away" is a victory for the globalists, who know well that once whites are rootless and scattered that they will be about as dangerous to them as a pack of gypsies.

What's more, the "run away" crowd is in for a very bad surprise when the perception of white hegemony vanishes and they find themselves in a sea of non-whites who no longer respect their skin status.

Ever notice how despite rocket attacks and threats from the muslim world, that Jews flee to Israel, not away from it?

Ethnic war for white survival will be brutal, but the chances of survival for the ones hitting the road are not as peachy as they think.

Is South Africa on the path to becoming the next Zimbabwe? - nomadbrah - 03-03-2018

Is South Africa on the path to becoming the next Zimbabwe? - nomadbrah - 03-03-2018

The Boer must stay.

I could see white people helping them do so, even travelling there to join them in the fight.

Is South Africa on the path to becoming the next Zimbabwe? - iop890 - 03-03-2018

After these retarded Bantus murder the only competent farmers in the country am I going to be expected to pay for their plumpy'nut with my tax dollars?

Is South Africa on the path to becoming the next Zimbabwe? - Bienvenuto - 03-03-2018

Quote: (03-03-2018 12:14 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

Over 20 years ago I ran into a South African kid going to a junior college on a golf scholarship.

He told me then that “there is no future for white people in South Africa”.

He said it with absolute certainity.

How is it he and his family and their friends knew this yet white people still live there.

For English descended South Africans there's the chance of an ancestral visa in the Uk.

For the uneducated, universally not-cared-for Boere there is nothing. They don't have Rohingya muslim status yet.

Countries won't give them or their other 60 million or so potentially criminal, potentially AIDS infested, no-real-skills non-white compatriots with exactly the same passport as them the chance to invade their country.

If they were to distinguish between a white, uneducated and law abiding visa application status and a non-white, potential basket case from the townships visa application status it would create a controversy that they may not be able to survive politically.

White Afrikaners are wall-to-wall phuq-t as a result.

Is South Africa on the path to becoming the next Zimbabwe? - godfather dust - 03-03-2018

Quote: (03-03-2018 07:28 PM)iop890 Wrote:  

After these retarded Bantus murder the only competent farmers in the country am I going to be expected to pay for their plumpy'nut with my tax dollars?

Is that a rhetorical question? Of course you will.

Is South Africa on the path to becoming the next Zimbabwe? - Duke Castile - 03-03-2018

You’ve got to be a sick person to aing about murdering other groups of people.

And if it’s a group of people singing it, well you have one sick group of people that shouldn’t have the slightest bit of power over anyone.

Edit -LDN If your choice is run and live another semi peaceful/happy day or die for a lost cause what can you really do?

Will you go die on some white farmer’s land in South Africa whom you’ve never met so he can stay and farm another year or three?

I’m sympathetic to the situation but what can anyone really do? Honest question.

The gov’t is ruled by hateful, corrupt, people that want to drive out whites.

About the only thing I’m prepared to do is bring asuitably hot SA girl over on a visa.

If Haitians can’t get over to the US on some special victim status then I don’t see South Africans getting it after their country collapses when farmer’s are no longer around growing their food (during a Trump presidency)

Is South Africa on the path to becoming the next Zimbabwe? - Transsimian - 03-03-2018

[Image: 7C3vZ4.jpeg]

The EFF somehow has white supporters.

Do they want to be genocided?

Is South Africa on the path to becoming the next Zimbabwe? - infowarrior1 - 03-03-2018

I think its a good time for the South African history fact finding thread. Evidence for crimes for both sides and reasons. And how this mess came about in the 1st place.

Is South Africa on the path to becoming the next Zimbabwe? - CynicalContrarian - 03-03-2018

Quote: (03-03-2018 08:34 PM)Transsimian Wrote:  

Do they want to be genocided?

Even before Mandela took power, there were Useful Idiots helping the ANC. Some of you won't be surprised the tendency was - (((Useful Idiots))).

Up until recently I was hearing that South Africa was slowly but surely righting it's deranged course.
As such my idea to go back & pick up a wife didn't seem so viable.
Looks like a very viable option.
Don't even care if it's a sham marriage.
Help one white girl gain residency in Aus. then she can bring over her family.
I'd rather have more civilized folk in Australia than uncivilized...

Is South Africa on the path to becoming the next Zimbabwe? - Leonard D Neubache - 03-04-2018

Quote: (03-03-2018 07:41 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

Edit -LDN If your choice is run and live another semi peaceful/happy day or die for a lost cause what can you really do?

Will you go die on some white farmer’s land in South Africa whom you’ve never met so he can stay and farm another year or three?

I’m sympathetic to the situation but what can anyone really do? Honest question.

The gov’t is ruled by hateful, corrupt, people that want to drive out whites.

About the only thing I’m prepared to do is bring asuitably hot SA girl over on a visa.

If Haitians can’t get over to the US on some special victim status then I don’t see South Africans getting it after their country collapses when farmer’s are no longer around growing their food (during a Trump presidency)

I agree that the Sithifrican cause is pretty hopeless, but the fallout of their doomed fight and hopeful exile must be broadcast far and wide through any medium possible. Particularly the inevitable atrocities that will occur (and are already).

Sithifricans that can flee to white majority nations would be wise to do so, but this once again paints a stark future for multiculturalism. I know several local white farmers formerly from Africa and they're a tough, quiet lot. Not to be fucked with. But they aren't in the business of complaining and so wont tell their stories to warn the rest of us. They're just grateful to be living somewhere that they don't need to own an army of Alsatians and keep a gun by their bed at night.

But for the white men of white majority nations this whole event should be an extremely alarming wake-up-call. Every white cuck hoping for a smooth transition into minority status needs to be forced to watch this shit on a loop. Their current logic is that if whites are 40% and mestizos are 40% and blacks are 20% that their nation will be 40% like Mexico and 20% like Africa at worst. They fail to comprehend that Mexico only has what stability it enjoys because it's hit its racial rock bottom and there's no obvious weak outgroups to rob and murder.

What's happening in Sithifrica shows that when whites are a minority that other races will move inexorably towards taking everything they own and genociding them in the process, particularly if they sense that there's little to no will from extra-national whites to prevent it. That means that when whites in white nations become a miniority that the other races will engage in a race to the bottom to see who can gut them. In America the audacity of La Raza groups and way latino politicians pander to them is a prime example. Currently they are are held back locally by the threat of federal intervention, but does anyone hold any illusions about the fate of the white man in latino districts if federal power ever tipped into latino hands? You would have just the same outcome the Sithifrican whites are facing, and quicker than you'd expect.

Sithifrican whites should not feel ashamed of fleeing their lands if their plight is indeed hopeless (I don't feel that I know their capacities and opposition well enough to make that call). I'd welcome them all in my neck of the woods.

But that's no fucking option for the rest of us in the West.

At some point in the future we will have to decide to be genocided (under due process) within our familiar borders or draw some new ones.

Is South Africa on the path to becoming the next Zimbabwe? - Kona - 03-04-2018

Quote: (03-03-2018 07:20 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

I would leave south Africa if I was black after seeing that. The guy sings about shooting white people
while they dance around all goofy. Then the bring him out a big cake.

Why aren't these Afrikaners just welcomed back to Holland or wherever with big open arms?


Is South Africa on the path to becoming the next Zimbabwe? - Nordwand - 03-04-2018

The situation is already pretty serious there:

Compare with:

And as a friend from SA pointed out, this doesn't include the rapes and serious assaults during farm attacks, of which there are many.

Is South Africa on the path to becoming the next Zimbabwe? - Leonard D Neubache - 03-04-2018

Quote: (03-04-2018 03:05 AM)Kona Wrote:  


Why aren't these Afrikaners just welcomed back to Holland or wherever with big open arms?


Hundreds of years ago there was a factional split over whether the idea of shoes made entirely of wood was as stupid as it seemed.

Words were exchanged. The kind that can't apologised for, nor forgiven. Needless to say, for the Leatherfuten there can be no going back.

Is South Africa on the path to becoming the next Zimbabwe? - scotian - 03-04-2018

France needs to step up and welcome back the descendants of Huguenot refugees who arrived in South Africa in the 1600s! Not likely to happen but one of them, who left for the US years ago, posted this article about the situation in Africa on his blog back 2002, I think it’s been posted here before and is relevant to the current situation:

Interesting to see that his opinions of Chinese influence in Africa ended up being the opposite of what he predicted.