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Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - Lime - 07-10-2017


Yes you are right. There is for some a mentality in this thread that doesn't want to offend the French and name their good qualities or something.

There are many great French people, especially if you speak French to them. But already only going out in France will prove the truth of some of OPs observations. Very bad atmosphere in clubs etc.

Compare that with Spain, Germany or Holland, and you will find that the atmosphere is much better. Nightlife is a good reflection of this imo.

Although for example service in restaurants and stores is good in France, it's not all that bad.

Also, the country is overpriced. For mediocre quality you often still pay top Euro. It's not bad if a country is expensive necessarily, but it is bad to get mediocre stuff for quality prices.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - Sleek2b - 07-10-2017

Being French myself, I agree for the previous description for Parisians and some cities in the south.

However ,lots of area in France are very open minded. If you meet people from Brittany you would probably have a complete different opinion

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - apolis - 07-11-2017

What's wrong with Brittany btw? Any girl I ever met from there was an absolute bitch.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - Dalaran1991 - 07-11-2017

Not my experience at all in Paris, even when I first went there in 2013 and I barely speak French.

I totally understand the overall hate for France on this forum though, and it is probably better this way. The fake disdain for everything Anglo-Saxon is one of the few factors keeping the French French.

I was on the plane, on a row of 3-seats. Strangely enough I'm in the middle of an old French couple. The husband cant stand the aisle, the wife cant stand the window. We got to chat, talk a lot about travel etc. during all the flight.

When we got off, they made sure that I knew how to get out of the airport, then they even took me to the adress for my host mom.
A week later, I got an invitation from them to go to dinner.

Now it's 2017, I go visit them all the time, have dinner and have a blast each time. They are like my Parisian host parents.

My first week of school, I couldnt find the goddamn Sorbonne because the campus was all over the place. I ask one of those typicaly Frenchy looking guy sitting at a terrasse, the typical guy that all red blooded Americans would hate.

He was with his girlfriend, and still he escorted me all the way to the gate of the school.

Those are a few examples. During my 4 years in USA and 3 years counting in France, I've met plenty of assholes and plenty of genuine people. There are those Americans who never travel and think their backyard is the best. There are Americans who gave you a ride in the middle of the road. There are grumpy Americans in the subway in New York who make a fuss about how my baggage was taking all the place, while he's the one sitting and I have to stand. Then there are this American guy who asks for a glass of rosé. The waiter didnt have any, so he asks him to mix red wine with white wine to make a rosé. I almost shit my pants...

Then there are those Parisians who would wear white pants on a metro and go on a murder rampage if you dare so much as lean your dust-covered jeans towards them. There are French people who think rosé is not a wine and is an abomination., etc.

If I have to make a generalization, I feel like Americans are easier to befriend, but it's harder to develop deep relationship with them. French are the opposite. They are rude at first and very cliqué, but once you are vetted it's much more natural to develop deep friendship with them.

But all this talk is for nothing. There's nothing French about Paris anymore. Fucking rascails everywhere. Unless you love the place like I do, there's absolutely no reason to be here.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - Darkwing Buck - 07-11-2017

I hate almost every single French person I've met. Straight up rude assholes and I've only met a few of them. Only liked about 10% of the ones I met.

Take that as you will I live in Los Angeles.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - debeguiled - 07-11-2017

When I read posts like this, it makes me think Zelcorpion is right about the mind control tactics of the elites. There is something really demoralizing about Paris not being Paris anymore.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - apolis - 07-11-2017

Quote: (07-10-2017 05:45 PM)Lime Wrote:  

Although for example service in restaurants and stores is good in France, it's not all that bad.

When I visited Carrefour in Toulouse, there was one till open in peak hours and a queue of 12 people and we are talking about a HUGE CARREFOUR in Central Toulouse. No self-service tills open.
When I finally paid after 20 minutes, I had to wait 15 more minutes at the customer service desk for the staff member to remove the security device from alcholol, because some old bitch was complaining for being overcharged and there was no one else available to serve me.

Of course, I never returned back.

I spoke to my French friend in London about that and she told me that when she goes shopping in France, she buys stuff for two weeks for the same reasons.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - Lime - 07-11-2017

^ ya okay, I understand. But generally the waiters and shop people are friendly to me at least (I don't mean the supermarkets).

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - Lino - 07-11-2017

Quote: (07-10-2017 06:19 PM)Sleek2b Wrote:  

Being French myself, I agree for the previous description for Parisians and some cities in the south.

However ,lots of area in France are very open minded. If you meet people from Brittany you would probably have a complete different opinion

That is correct, I worked in Brittany, my colleagues there were super cool guys, we were actually surfing together after work.

The image that I kept of them is open minded and proud people (proud of their identity and trying to keep their own language).

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - Sleek2b - 07-11-2017

Regarding comments about the "Legion Etrangere". it is highly respected by most people and if you look at the 14 July parade it is always the most acclaimed regiment.

HOWEVER, France has became very anti-military. Some people will treat you like shit because you were a soldier.
I come from a military family myself ans I avoid mentionning it because most of the time it is some kind of DLV. As a teenager I actually suffered from it, both from fellow students and teachers alike....

France is an exception on that. All other countries are very patriotic and being an officer, for example, is very highly regarded. But France (or more like parisian style french) sees it as a sign of faschism...

It starts to change with the recent attack, but military background is always a complicated topic

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - perception_theory - 07-11-2017

Quote: (07-11-2017 10:41 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

Not my experience at all in Paris, even when I first went there in 2013 and I barely speak French.

I totally understand the overall hate for France on this forum though, and it is probably better this way. The fake disdain for everything Anglo-Saxon is one of the few factors keeping the French French.

I was on the plane, on a row of 3-seats. Strangely enough I'm in the middle of an old French couple. The husband cant stand the aisle, the wife cant stand the window. We got to chat, talk a lot about travel etc. during all the flight.

When we got off, they made sure that I knew how to get out of the airport, then they even took me to the adress for my host mom.
A week later, I got an invitation from them to go to dinner.

Now it's 2017, I go visit them all the time, have dinner and have a blast each time. They are like my Parisian host parents.

My first week of school, I couldnt find the goddamn Sorbonne because the campus was all over the place. I ask one of those typicaly Frenchy looking guy sitting at a terrasse, the typical guy that all red blooded Americans would hate.

He was with his girlfriend, and still he escorted me all the way to the gate of the school.

Those are a few examples. During my 4 years in USA and 3 years counting in France, I've met plenty of assholes and plenty of genuine people. There are those Americans who never travel and think their backyard is the best. There are Americans who gave you a ride in the middle of the road. There are grumpy Americans in the subway in New York who make a fuss about how my baggage was taking all the place, while he's the one sitting and I have to stand. Then there are this American guy who asks for a glass of rosé. The waiter didnt have any, so he asks him to mix red wine with white wine to make a rosé. I almost shit my pants...

Then there are those Parisians who would wear white pants on a metro and go on a murder rampage if you dare so much as lean your dust-covered jeans towards them. There are French people who think rosé is not a wine and is an abomination., etc.

If I have to make a generalization, I feel like Americans are easier to befriend, but it's harder to develop deep relationship with them. French are the opposite. They are rude at first and very cliqué, but once you are vetted it's much more natural to develop deep friendship with them.

But all this talk is for nothing. There's nothing French about Paris anymore. Fucking rascails everywhere. Unless you love the place like I do, there's absolutely no reason to be here.

Thank you for bringing your stone to the building

But according to my analysis I think that you were so well welcomed by this couple
For the sole reason that they are completely lobotomized by all that appealed to the American dream and consort

If it would have been a west african person I do not think the welcome would have been the same

I know a lot of French aristocrate people would die to living a Californian life

The hate about America here in France is completely fake and there just relayed by the
media for propaganda purposes

In reality all French dream of making life in America and the finality of a successful professional career here in France is to penetrate the American market

Some people i know tells me their vacation in Boston as it was paradise on earth

Please look the reaction of the french people when Burger King open his first branch in Paris it's insane for a country with sophisticated food culture

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - MrRoundtree - 07-11-2017

I will give my two cents to this topic (of course, I am not american nor anglo-canadian nor british); Quebecers normally don't really like french people even if we speak a dialect of french which is not super difficult to understand. It took me a while to enjoy France though but as Dalaran mentionned, once an acquaintance becomes a friend in France it is a friend for life while in North America friendship is more superficial.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - FFL - 07-11-2017

Quote: (07-11-2017 04:07 PM)Sleek2b Wrote:  

Regarding comments about the "Legion Etrangere". it is highly respected by most people and if you look at the 14 July parade it is always the most acclaimed regiment.

HOWEVER, France has became very anti-military. Some people will treat you like shit because you were a soldier.
I come from a military family myself ans I avoid mentionning it because most of the time it is some kind of DLV. As a teenager I actually suffered from it, both from fellow students and teachers alike....

France is an exception on that. All other countries are very patriotic and being an officer, for example, is very highly regarded. But France (or more like parisian style french) sees it as a sign of faschism...

It starts to change with the recent attack, but military background is always a complicated topic

In my 5 years in the Legion I never felt any level of respect by the civilian French, although I was in 2e rep and we did kinda did start a coup in the early 60's and tried to assassinate President Charles de Gaulle. Although long before my time. We were called 1e REP then so our rebranding failed.

As I'm sure you know we can't hide ourselves while in, in the public.

I remember once coming over to Marseille from Corsica for a training exercise and was talking to this girl earlier in the day in civi's. I did not tell her I was in the Legion but set up a date for after I was done training.

Unfortunately we were told to stay in uniform the evening of the night I had the date set up. As soon as she saw I was a legionnaire thus ensued the political narrative resulting in no chatte for me that night.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - Rang off the Pipe - 07-11-2017

I just wanted to put my two cents here as well, as someone who speaks good French and has seen more and more French nationals visiting and moving to New York in recent years.

Having met plenty of people from France, I would have to say that Parisians are easily the most snobbish of the French I have come across. They tend to be the most difficult to get along with and also make up most of the French who are in the city. People from other areas of the country have been easier to get along with but they all share a common fetish for things American. Gaming a French chick is like gaming a milder version of an American one.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - Vicious - 07-11-2017

I love the French, Parisians generally not so much.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - Dalaran1991 - 07-12-2017

Quote: (07-11-2017 04:36 PM)perception_theory Wrote:  

But all this talk is for nothing. There's nothing French about Paris anymore. Fucking rascails everywhere. Unless you love the place like I do, there's absolutely no reason to be here.

In reality all French dream of making life in America and the finality of a successful professional career here in France is to penetrate the American market

Some people i know tells me their vacation in Boston as it was paradise on earth

Please look the reaction of the french people when Burger King open his first branch in Paris it's insane for a country with sophisticated food culture

Again, I know where you are coming from and I completely understand.

However, how much credibility would you give me if I live in Europe, hangs out with Americans expats, went to NYC a couple of times, and says that "All Americans are Europhiles who dream of romance and sophistication that they lack etc. They are all extremely liberal and think Trump is the next Hitler"?

My point is, it is very hard to judge the French without actually living in France for a long time. Even on the ground French society is very complex and fragmented. Judging the French based on some French expats is like judging USA based on Cali.

I think the heart of the problem goes back to what I said: there's nothing French about Paris / big cities anymore.

The people who were dying to get into Starbucks, I wouldn't call them Parisians just as I wouldn't call a piss-poor Mexican in Texas American. Those are the proletariats (read: 80% of Paris population), the rascails. Most of them are descended from uneducated migrants. Most of the guys are black/arab/mixed and embrace the hood culture, and most of the girls love dating those downtrodden trash, wearing ripped jeans and singing Rihanna. They would queue up at 3am for the next Burger King and Five Guys in Paris.

The rest are middle-upper class Parisian like those in my office, whose livelihood depended on their ability to speak English and understand what is going on in Hollywood. Brainwashed by the global elites, there's nothing French about them. Of course they all dream about being in the USA because they can not make it here in France with their bitchy attitude. Be warned, they are the same who would vote Hillary whatever the cost and go on gay pride parade naked, so please take them from France, you are more than welcome to have them [Image: lol.gif]

What people like to think of what is France is actually a Gaullist France, the same sentiment echoed by Le Pen / Fillion. But that France cannot be found in Paris unless you know where to look for. I was lucky enough to stay with an Old France host mom for 4 month. She is the Countess of Gastilles, and her grandfather was the Master of the Hunt of Napoleon III. She walks and eats in a very noble and elegant posture, despite being 82 years old. Still writes with pen that you have to dip in inks, and actually understands Alexandre Dumas and Molière. She had an original translated copy of Machiavelli The Prince.

The irony? Her grandson refused to take up the noble title, preferring instead to be a hipster cartoon artist living like the rest of the peons. So the line of the Counts of Gastille ends with her. She refused to talk about it but I could see the sorrow in her eyes.

A once glorious, noble and proud people, now reduced to an invisible mass inseparable from the next Jack/Ivan/Hans through their own hubris and the machinations of the elites. Then again, the same could be said for Germans.

I have to say it again, there's nothing French about Paris anymore maybe apart from the architecture. My best buddies are Britons and we talk all the time about how French are becoming Americans who like to bitch and drink wine.

If you want to see a French France, I suggest going to Bordeaux or Picardie.

I was lucky enough to see a fraction of the Old France, that was truly a privilege that most French people would throw away. So I try to defend France as much as I could (though I dont even know why anymore).

Paris as you read about it from Hemingway is long gone, unless you know where to tread. It is now populated by invaders, Chinese tourists and half-bred brainwashed low class French. It is smelly, dirty, full of piss and rude people.

All the Old France people live far away in rich gated residences in Sceaux, Normandy or Bordeaux. They are the most elegant, educated and chill people I've met. They think of USA as a cool country but nothing more.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - ProGambler - 07-12-2017

The French have struggled since the godless Republic and the defeat of Napoleon as far as I can tell. The mentality is looking fashionable, the next fuck and the next plate of food. Winning is barely a part of your psyche and has only really come through in the form of African footballers. A bigger land army than the 3rd Reich that folded in 6 weeks and the treachery at Mers El-Kebir (of course the French call us traitors) won't be forgotten by the British. It comes as no surprise that you sold your country to African Islam in the last election too.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - apolis - 07-12-2017

France is also the third country with the largest Jewish population after Israel and US.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - ProGambler - 07-12-2017

I fucked a French Jew from Paris. She seemed to think Islam wasn't a problem for Europe despite having an IQ in the high 130s. Ridiculous woman.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - apolis - 07-12-2017

I dated some French 7 from Bretagne, two months ago in London. She disqualified within five minutes (not DTF anyway), after saying

1. that she didn't like Brel's voice.
2. that the Belgians hate the French.

( Copy-paste from another thread )

1. Girl from Paris. I called her whore and bitch on Tinder, unmatched her and matched her again after resetting. Well, she asked me if she could come and stay over. She arrived with food and wine, banged twice within 30 minutes and swallowed and then left, because I was not serious.

2.Girl from South France. She wanted to try Tinder and invited me to her South London studio. She waited dressed to fuck, banged her all night.
I never saw her again, because she could not understand what my job was and thought I lied.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - simondice - 07-12-2017


Quote: (07-12-2017 03:39 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

Quote: (07-11-2017 04:36 PM)perception_theory Wrote:  

But all this talk is for nothing. There's nothing French about Paris anymore. Fucking rascails everywhere. Unless you love the place like I do, there's absolutely no reason to be here.

In reality all French dream of making life in America and the finality of a successful professional career here in France is to penetrate the American market

Some people i know tells me their vacation in Boston as it was paradise on earth

Please look the reaction of the french people when Burger King open his first branch in Paris it's insane for a country with sophisticated food culture

Again, I know where you are coming from and I completely understand.

However, how much credibility would you give me if I live in Europe, hangs out with Americans expats, went to NYC a couple of times, and says that "All Americans are Europhiles who dream of romance and sophistication that they lack etc. They are all extremely liberal and think Trump is the next Hitler"?

My point is, it is very hard to judge the French without actually living in France for a long time. Even on the ground French society is very complex and fragmented. Judging the French based on some French expats is like judging USA based on Cali.

I think the heart of the problem goes back to what I said: there's nothing French about Paris / big cities anymore.

The people who were dying to get into Starbucks, I wouldn't call them Parisians just as I wouldn't call a piss-poor Mexican in Texas American. Those are the proletariats (read: 80% of Paris population), the rascails. Most of them are descended from uneducated migrants. Most of the guys are black/arab/mixed and embrace the hood culture, and most of the girls love dating those downtrodden trash, wearing ripped jeans and singing Rihanna. They would queue up at 3am for the next Burger King and Five Guys in Paris.

The rest are middle-upper class Parisian like those in my office, whose livelihood depended on their ability to speak English and understand what is going on in Hollywood. Brainwashed by the global elites, there's nothing French about them. Of course they all dream about being in the USA because they can not make it here in France with their bitchy attitude. Be warned, they are the same who would vote Hillary whatever the cost and go on gay pride parade naked, so please take them from France, you are more than welcome to have them [Image: lol.gif]

What people like to think of what is France is actually a Gaullist France, the same sentiment echoed by Le Pen / Fillion. But that France cannot be found in Paris unless you know where to look for. I was lucky enough to stay with an Old France host mom for 4 month. She is the Countess of Gastilles, and her grandfather was the Master of the Hunt of Napoleon III. She walks and eats in a very noble and elegant posture, despite being 82 years old. Still writes with pen that you have to dip in inks, and actually understands Alexandre Dumas and Molière. She had an original translated copy of Machiavelli The Prince.

The irony? Her grandson refused to take up the noble title, preferring instead to be a hipster cartoon artist living like the rest of the peons. So the line of the Counts of Gastille ends with her. She refused to talk about it but I could see the sorrow in her eyes.

A once glorious, noble and proud people, now reduced to an invisible mass inseparable from the next Jack/Ivan/Hans through their own hubris and the machinations of the elites. Then again, the same could be said for Germans.

I have to say it again, there's nothing French about Paris anymore maybe apart from the architecture. My best buddies are Britons and we talk all the time about how French are becoming Americans who like to bitch and drink wine.

If you want to see a French France, I suggest going to Bordeaux or Picardie.

I was lucky enough to see a fraction of the Old France, that was truly a privilege that most French people would throw away. So I try to defend France as much as I could (though I dont even know why anymore).

Paris as you read about it from Hemingway is long gone, unless you know where to tread. It is now populated by invaders, Chinese tourists and half-bred brainwashed low class French. It is smelly, dirty, full of piss and rude people.

All the Old France people live far away in rich gated residences in Sceaux, Normandy or Bordeaux. They are the most elegant, educated and chill people I've met. They think of USA as a cool country but nothing more.

Delerian this is a great write up +1

I have some questions:

What do you think is the best thing about france for a foreigner to experience?

What's the best thing you can learn from the French as a Foreigner from America who is educated and is learning French?

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - McBain - 07-12-2017

Being French myself, I have to say that Dalaran is speaking some truth.

The best thing about France for a foreigner ? The food most certainly. Then comes the cultural things, the historical sights, the literature, the landscape, basically what hasn't turned to a global shitty mindset yet.

The best thing to learn from the French ? Certainly not the attitude.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - rudebwoy - 07-12-2017

I don't understand these type of threads.

Recently we had some troll crying about living in Spain for 10 years and how the people were annoying.

I could say a lot about certain groups of people, but what does that achieve.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - Dalaran1991 - 07-12-2017

Quote: (07-12-2017 08:09 AM)simondice Wrote:  

Delerian this is a great write up +1

I have some questions:

What do you think is the best thing about france for a foreigner to experience?

What's the best thing you can learn from the French as a Foreigner from America who is educated and is learning French?

The food and wine, without a doubt. But dont look for it in Paris, or make sure you give me a call first. I'll give you the hidden adress.

The women are also great once you get past their snobbyishness. If you ignore most of the white trash, French girls have an impeccable sense of style.

Ever cross a girl that, by all objectives means and measures, can not be higher than a 7, but something about her you cant put a finger on just makes her a 9? You will find a lot of them here, mostly in art galleries or daygaming.

Art, most definitely. If you are a true passionate, dedicated lover of art (not the abomination that is modern art), France is a freaking heaven. Museums, churches and collections from the dawn of humanities, etc. I went to visit Leonard de Vinci's workshop and I thought, hell even a mule could become a genius if it lives here.

That, and a sense of the fickleness of civilization and glory lost. It's hard for Americans to understand it because your country is so young, but living in a country that was more or less the cradle of European civilization, then watch it fall and ground to the dust, teaches you a lot. If you like deep reflection you will find plenty of that here. My visiting USA buddies all told me there's something about being in France that brings out the deepest conversations.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - simondice - 07-12-2017

That sounds nice, I'm a fervent history nerd so France is on my to do list (French was/is the Lingua Franca of the elite). I agree that "Modern Art" is revolting but timeless pieces by the greats is a must for me.