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Are Old Guys Seen As More Attractive To Younger Women Than They Used To Be? - Printable Version

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Are Old Guys Seen As More Attractive To Younger Women Than They Used To Be? - Nordwand - 06-08-2017

You don't hear much mention of it, but in years gone by, the 50% + 7 maxim for the age of a female partner seemed to be fairly common, even if not intentionally.

Are Old Guys Seen As More Attractive To Younger Women Than They Used To Be? - Bluesunrise - 06-08-2017

I would say the older guy is very attractive to ONE TYPE of young girl....I ll call this the ideal young girl for older guys [Image: smile.gif] let me describe this girl...
The girls that you meet may not have all these qualities BUT If they have most of those qualities or If they have for example 70 % of each quality then you re good to go...I am 40 and each time that I meet one I hear the bing bing bing [Image: smile.gif]
Here is that ideal girl for older guys
■ First of all she is NOT AFFECTED by feminist conditionning she might even be a leftist with an inner core conservatory self...but she is not affected by the desease of feminism so when you talk to her she is not thinking about vierd things like "who has the power me or him...etc" she is not thinking how much value you have because the value that interests her is not the same as the value that interests the other girls...
■ She usualy a student and she appreciates hanging out with men who are already successfull...Attention she IS NOT a gold digger so she is happy to be with a successfull man without wanting to steal his money this girl even tries to offer you drinks and so on even If she doesn t have a lots of money...For her hanging out with a man who already succeeded is huge...
■ She IS NOT a validation seeking girl she is social but a little bit timide she has some insecurities she doesn t appreciate her crazy party girl friends she prefers a discussion with a man in an elite café talking about books...etc...She likes the deepness that an older guy can have...This is the value that she appreciates...that makes her be herself....
■ She is the ultimate nice girl (the real one) ATTENTION some "study loving girls" are hardworking and so on BUT they still want the dangerous asshole guy you must distinguish this girl from that cathegory She likes social and centered men BUT she doesn t like the dangerous asshole guy with a can even have a balley or some physical inperfections but as I said your deepness is what makes her excited...with her you should lead / do some courtship but in a centered way BUT NO MORE confidance game no more asshole game...
■ This girl is social BUT as I said a little bit timide You should just stay in set talk about interesting stuff (books etc) BUT you must ABSOLUTELY do the "moving things forward" in a slow way you must NEVER MISS opportunities of escalation WHEN she creates them for you or when it is time to move things forward

Are Old Guys Seen As More Attractive To Younger Women Than They Used To Be? - Hypno - 06-08-2017

Its hard for anyone to answer this question because even if you are old now you weren't old 10 or 20 years ago.

That said, it probably is increasingly accepted. First, you have a lot of milennials who don't even own a car and live with their parents. Then you have a lot of women with crappy jobs, debt, etc. Third, a lot of men are more beta than they used to be. So there is probably more demand for confident, older guys.

If you look at the the sugar dating website phenomena, what is noteworthy is not that those sites are successful and popular but rather that a lot of women have no qualms admitting they are looking for a sugar daddy.

Are Old Guys Seen As More Attractive To Younger Women Than They Used To Be? - Guitarman - 06-23-2017

I think somebody should rep John Bozz Killjoy, for managing to Troll the forum for months and yet not get banned!

( I'm joking- that would be encouraging a Troll).

Are Old Guys Seen As More Attractive To Younger Women Than They Used To Be? - rishboy77 - 06-23-2017

I'm gonna be 47 later this year.

Most of the young girls I have been (95%) with never knew their Dad.

It's not rocket science....Daddy issues all the way

Are Old Guys Seen As More Attractive To Younger Women Than They Used To Be? - rudebwoy - 06-23-2017

I don't ask the question, nor do I care the answer.

All I know is that I am meeting more girls as of late, a lot of them "single".

We are living in different times, that is for sure.

I have a 21 year old that is giving me IOI,s hard as of late, I believe her daddy is not around. So there must be something to the daddy issues thing.

Are Old Guys Seen As More Attractive To Younger Women Than They Used To Be? - chitown72 - 06-23-2017

Quote: (06-23-2017 08:51 AM)rishboy77 Wrote:  

I'm gonna be 47 later this year.

Most of the young girls I have been (95%) with never knew their Dad.

It's not rocket science....Daddy issues all the way

I'm close to your age and this has been the case for me too. I find any age gap of 15+ years and most likely they have had some kind of dad issues if you're living in a big city with a bunch of younger good looking guys. The country side or rural areas can be different though.

Are Old Guys Seen As More Attractive To Younger Women Than They Used To Be? - Putin Closes - 06-23-2017

Then they use to be? Sure. A small minority pie growing bigger. Ignoring sea and other anomolies you'll find the standard multiple by two divide by 7 (sounds gay I know) as what people in the states and eu go for.

So early 20s with late 20s. Obviously there are exceptions but they are exceptions not the rule.

Are Old Guys Seen As More Attractive To Younger Women Than They Used To Be? - Werekoala - 06-23-2017

I'm 48. I have a a gorgeous 21 year old conservative, feminine, churched, traditional girl who, in her own words, can't wait to take care of me. Cooks, cleans, has a solid head on her shoulders and is excellent with regards to handling her money, with a sharp mind for business opportunities and a great work ethic. Plenty of romping as well, but no sex until marriage - fine with me, the blowjobs and handies still feel great.

Daddy issues? Hard to say - she is from a seemingly solid family and adores her father, but she still loves to call me daddy, so who knows?

Are Old Guys Seen As More Attractive To Younger Women Than They Used To Be? - Putin Closes - 06-23-2017

Quote: (06-23-2017 08:32 PM)Werekoala Wrote:  

I'm 48. I have a a gorgeous 21 year old conservative, feminine, churched, traditional girl who, in her own words, can't wait to take care of me. Cooks, cleans, has a solid head on her shoulders and is excellent with regards to handling her money, with a sharp mind for business opportunities and a great work ethic. Plenty of romping as well, but no sex until marriage - fine with me, the blowjobs and handies still feel great.

Daddy issues? Hard to say - she is from a seemingly solid family and adores her father, but she still loves to call me daddy, so who knows?

Ever check if she has her hymen intact? Sounds suspect.

Are Old Guys Seen As More Attractive To Younger Women Than They Used To Be? - Werekoala - 06-24-2017

Yeah I've spent some time down there - seems legit.

Are Old Guys Seen As More Attractive To Younger Women Than They Used To Be? - rudebwoy - 06-24-2017

I would love to say the simple answer is yes.

However, I think if you look at young men today they aren't really saying much.

An older dude, who is in shape, dresses well, walks with confidence, makes eye contact, groomed and says very little. Will always be attractive to a lot of women.

Are Old Guys Seen As More Attractive To Younger Women Than They Used To Be? - btz - 06-24-2017

I think the "no brainer" gap has widened, meaning the age gap in which nobody (herself, friends, family, society, etc) would raise an eyebrow

18-21 = 5 years now // 3 years in the past // 7 years eyebrows begin to raise now

22-30 = 8 years now // 5 years in the past // 12 years eyebrows begin to raise now

26+ = 12 years now // 7 years in the past // 15 years eyebrows begin to raise now

eyebrow raising tends to come from prudish betas and feminists who found it "exploitative" for a college junior/senior to date a college freshmen so a 20 year old could date a 30 year old and her friends/family may comment on it but they're not going to be much opposed to it, unless they know she has issues and you're just the next guy in line.

Are Old Guys Seen As More Attractive To Younger Women Than They Used To Be? - Turnus - 06-24-2017

I'm having far more success meeting interesting and attractive women as a divorced guy in his mid 40's than I ever did as a single guy in his 20's. I think it's a combination of being older and more mature, not putting up with women's BS, and it being more socially acceptable for young women to be seen out and about with older guys. All I know is I'm enjoying it! [Image: wink.gif]

Are Old Guys Seen As More Attractive To Younger Women Than They Used To Be? - Green-On-GO - 06-24-2017

Shit talking to a Snapchatting 20 year old is beyond me.I'm getting to grips with it but it's like talking to an Alien...they can't fucking talk emote or have zero flirt skill.All they can do is show pics on their phone of some tongue out dog face..I much prefer the over 26 27 to 35 range.

The weird thing is they present, they walk up to within 2 meters and stand there like pot plants staring at me.I engage and tbey just stare.This has happened now half a dozen times by lone young ones.Older chicks engage.
Seriously these chicks have dick pics not only from randoms but from all their ex boyfriends and current boyfriend's plus their mates.They exist in another fucking dimension so its got me fucked how older dudes are gaming these white women.Blokes I know who are 30 won't talk to them as its like talking to a store front dummy.

Ok so now I have a 20 year old female friend joining the dots for me on the culture.A mate of mine has the job of teaching young army officers how to talk as their verbal skills has gone down the toilet .Fuck me that says alot it's got our army worried these fuckers are snap chatting their dicks around.This is what I've noticed in Oz.

Sugar daddy is creeping in but chicks here don't have yank student debt and whoring is legal.Sugar daddy I think is to save face in front of their peers.There is no cougar, milf shame for 20 year old men but shame for 20 year old chicks into older guys .

Are Old Guys Seen As More Attractive To Younger Women Than They Used To Be? - DonnyGately - 06-24-2017

There's a lot of talk about millennials living at home, and student debt and etc, but I find a lot of girls who like older guys are the opposite - independent, educated with scholarship money, have a job, and are looking for a smart guy with a job that knows how to dress and act in public. This is why I say they do not care if you are 30 or 35 or 40 or 45. You have to be over 27 though and usually at least 30. Met this blonde model [with a day job also] in her early 20s and she refuses to even meet guys under 30. Very feminine, dresses right and is submissive, etc. There's thousands of these girls out there, hot ones, in every big city.

That's in addition to the ADHD ones on their phone the whole time but who think of themselves as 'independent woman' lol and only care about getting fucked well away from their tight social circle. Usually still in college.

Are Old Guys Seen As More Attractive To Younger Women Than They Used To Be? - Spartacus - 03-09-2018

Think so

Are Old Guys Seen As More Attractive To Younger Women Than They Used To Be? - ThrustMaster - 03-10-2018

I discussed this with a coed i used to bang, I’m in my 50’s. She says that yes, it’s becoming more acceptable, I’d post the reasons she mentioned but i do t want to get into a shit featnwih the millenials on the forum.

She said they have a new phrase for older dudes like me that are ripped and have style “daddy as fuck”.

Are Old Guys Seen As More Attractive To Younger Women Than They Used To Be? - Incubus - 03-15-2018

By the look, this thread had a rough start but somebody kicked it up and I do like adding content to items that interest me

In the RVF thread for over 40 guys, I just added that chicks seemed to notice me more since I stopped trying to look young by growing a salt and pepper goatee. (actually I was so shocked by the IOI from 20 sumthins I had to write about it ASAP)

Tonight I saw on the news that people today spend 5 hours a day on smartphones/computers (total 74 days a year). This is on top of people going to work/school for say 8 hours and subtracting for 8 hours sleep. Basically for a 24/hr day what is left is 3 hours to eat shit shower, commute and do a short protest march.

Three items to address
1) Speed of information and the resultant change in peoples behaviour is faster than ever. The smartphone has been around for enough time now for the effects to show up. It was a perfect younger generation world with all the APPS, swipes and likes on phones that pushed the older guy over the cliff. I can hear Dr Phil asking self imposed isolated girls...So how's that working for ya?

2) The destruction of family and the rise of the helicopter parent. Cocooned kids totally reliant and dependant on pseudo parents wanting to be a friend and to connect while doing all the thinking for the kid. If the role model or parent is a kids friend??....then there is no harm for a girl to say I want a daddy (provider) It's just an abstract word for money/security...e.t.c

3) The nanny state although providing a bare bones living isn't a life when 1/10th of the welfare is for her smartphone plan. Even low paying jobs with no future means trapped in a shit apartment looking at a smartphone (Toronto single 20 somethings). Pairing up to have more? meaning common law with a beta orbiter still means going no where

Culture shift use to take 100 years.....then 50.....then 20....then maybe 5.....and tomorrow?
Millions of women (and betas) sit for hours soaking up hollywood with their toy (prisoner to it...wanting to kick the addiction)

Is whats old new again?. There is one fact>>>>> the money the wisdom the security the good life the house the dental plan.....and the phrase whose your daddy is more and more mainstream with girls.

The feminists did older men a favor they made us a taboo. Women like to shock and to rebel and go against societal norms to prove they are individual thinkers (never happens....permanent herd followers)
More and more older guys are going to be leaning against their Lexus somewhere this 20 year old chick flirting with me?

Watching a millennial chick chatting about her search for a partner and picked up the freshest of fresh phrase......blah blah blah...I'm "age independent" in looking for a partner. LMAO

Are Old Guys Seen As More Attractive To Younger Women Than They Used To Be? - N°6 - 03-16-2018

Good point that feminists are making older men a taboo when they were historically beta relationship/ marriage material.

Although this does further support the theory that the dating market will evolve into sugar relationships with surplus younger men and older women hooking up.

Are Old Guys Seen As More Attractive To Younger Women Than They Used To Be? - Celestial - 04-18-2018

I've actually been investigating this. I've currently started an online dating profile with my age set to 30, even though I'm in my 20's. I got many more matches by demonstrating logistics, solid job etc, and have some dates lined up, with women in their late 20's (who previously wouldn't give me a chance).

Any of you guys got advice on how to handle the age thing as it comes up, i.e. if asked directly? I've never gone out on a date with girls in their older 20's/30's, my plan is to deflect and maintain frame.

Are Old Guys Seen As More Attractive To Younger Women Than They Used To Be? - Tiger Man - 04-19-2018

What if young women are just being approached by a larger number of older guys. There are, due to stagnant divorce rates and an increasing number of never-marrieds, more single older men than ever before. As has been mentioned, older guys tend to have it together in a much better way than younger guys. Again, this has probably never been more true than with the younger generation of lower Millennials and IGen. Those guys have weak, weak social skills, on average.

If a group of young women gets approached by 100 older guys (each girl) and 5 or 10 young guys (each girl), I would assume they are more likely to find attractive one of the older guys. Since women have had many of the social/relationship taboos that previously existed lifted, why wouldn't they go for the guy they are most attracted to?

Are Old Guys Seen As More Attractive To Younger Women Than They Used To Be? - Caduceus - 04-21-2018

When I was a teenager the idea of banging an older (age 30ish) woman was one of my main fantasies.

Both sexes in their teens find older people of the opposite sex exciting and kind of "taboo" provided that the older person is still good looking enough.

Are Old Guys Seen As More Attractive To Younger Women Than They Used To Be? - Johnnyvee - 04-21-2018

A few things at play here I think;

-The progressive drop in T levels (Probably due to mostly diet, environmental toxins and systemic brainwashing/beta-fication of men) means older men on average will be more masculine, which is ultimately what most women seek.

-As someone mentioned in another post, there might be an evolutionary aspect to this. Women might see an older man, assuming he meets some general criteria of masculinity/looks more attractive, since it entails he is a "survivor" and thereby has good genetics. (For most of human history, living much past 35 would be rare.)

-Of course the economic stability of some older guys etc. factors in to this. But in countries with generous welfare programmes (that mostly benefit women) I doubt that is the main draw for women who like older guys. This seems to be the case more so in poorer nations.

-The progressive loss of societal and gender norms makes relationships/affairs that would be frowned upon only decades ago socially acceptable today. But I also see this element as the biggest hurdle if you want to get serious with a much younger woman. To bang her a few times is not such a big deal, which is a good thing[Image: smile.gif] But a long term relationship will mean you have to gain acceptance from her parents, girlfriends etc. which might cause some issues still.

Are Old Guys Seen As More Attractive To Younger Women Than They Used To Be? - Incubus - 04-21-2018

A few points (but I like to write a lot so who knows)

A long term relationship for millenials is maybe 6 years. Maybe I am kidding maybe not
A millennial relationship is 2 people staring at a smartphone living separate lives under the same roof

Because of laziness it takes 2 millenials working at Starbucks (or other low paying job) to afford 1 apartment
The female millennial will probably have or want 1 or 2 babies because the Government will pay for the babies. Millenial men being lazy (apathetic). work low paying jobs knowing that within 6 years their relationships vaporize,..which makes paying child support unlikely. Which affords them the luxury to do serial relationships.

We all knew millenial men had given up being providers years ago. We all knew they were living in mom an pops basement. What we didn't know is that women would follow the millenial men into the basement. So this is new.

FWB or friends with benefits has just extended to friends with babies.

The problem for woman the government or their job doesn't really provide the dream lifestyle.

There is a certain age group that can provide the luxuries in life. Old farts

Millenials are already trained culturally to just "give it away" under FWB guidelines and already do... do short relationships (old dick or young dick for 6 years who cares)

Sugar Daddy websites are all the rage. One website Seeking Arrangements has 10 million users (if you believe it... mostly cheating married guys) Ashley Madison I don't know. Someone here started a thread on Seeking Arrangements. I looked into it and the chicks are very serious on it about getting themselves an "exclusive" old fart in particular. (pretty much a relationship without saying it)

Regardless it is shocking to do a search in your/mine hometown and see 4 pages plus of 20 somethings wanting a provider. What is odder I knew some of the chicks! (one worked at a grocery store the other was at my gym)

No discretion by the girls (married guys have no profile picture or if so a blurred image) who post pictures and a little blurb on what they would like. No shame must mean (cultural sewer?) different mindset...or probably groupthink... acceptable by peers (probably even encouraged)

This is supposed to be a rich country! But sadly It's not. This is a selfish greedy culture with maxed out credit cards from chasing dreams (and huge student debt)

I also think the "family unit" from the Gen X'ers is broken (failed helicopter parents) most of these parents married in there 30's and only had 1 or 2 kids and divorced. It wasn't like the 3 to 6 kids from my generation living in a close knit community with little divorce. So I don't think a 20 something will give a rats ass if she's tattoo'd up...gone lesbian...or doing an older guy. Only the old church ladies care about that shit. (and our old integrity)

IMO the last gasp for millenial chicks was mixed race relationships, fat young guys, ugly young guys, stupid young guys meaning the chick trying to get "the grateful guy" this guy was supposed to be so grateful he'd provide for her and be loyal and totally in love (she won't be)......but the grateful guys it seems ain't so grateful and just the same as all the other young guys.

Sooooo...who's left as a male? Me