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Irish girl goes to India to find herself, gets raped and killed - General Stalin - 03-17-2017

Because when Asians travel they do it the safe and touristy way. They travel in groups, never mingle with the locals, and stay in nice ethnically-friendly hotels and resorts. They just take a shit load of pictures then GTFO.

Irish girl goes to India to find herself, gets raped and killed - The Catalyst - 03-17-2017

Quote: (03-17-2017 10:03 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Her appearance suggest she could not get high quality men in England, but would have Indian men fawning over her constantly.

Not sure about the UK but going by NZ she's significantly above average. Maybe she might not get "high quality" men(top 5-10%) but I strongly believe that the UK/NZ men culture of dumpster diving means she would still be thirsted after to hell.

I WB hard and I have higher standards than virtually every Kiwi guy...

Irish girl goes to India to find herself, gets raped and killed - Steve McQueen - 03-17-2017

An Asian girl is typically more grounded and less influenced by pop culture in my experience.

Irish girl goes to India to find herself, gets raped and killed - Mufasa - 03-17-2017

Quote: (03-17-2017 10:43 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

Hope he gets his "eye for an eye".

As Gandhi once incorrectly said, "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind".

No mate, it leaves two people blind and everyone else wary.

wrong again!!

Quote: (03-17-2017 01:31 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

Because when Asians travel they do it the safe and touristy way. They travel in groups, never mingle with the locals, and stay in nice ethnically-friendly hotels and resorts. They just take a shit load of pictures then GTFO.

And peace signs...lots of peace signs..

Irish girl goes to India to find herself, gets raped and killed - BrewDog - 03-17-2017

I've never understood why anyone wants to go to India. It's nasty and the women are ugly. There's a BILLION ugly fucks in that country. The food sucks. I can't figure out why anyone would spend money on a plane ticket to go to that shithole.

Irish girl goes to India to find herself, gets raped and killed - TooFineAPoint - 03-17-2017

Quote: (03-17-2017 12:51 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

Young and naive... we have all been there.

I'm friends with a 50 something year old French lady I met at Yoga classes here in Peru. We have coffee after class three times a week. She is cool and certainly a interesting character. She is going to India in a few months and going to a few cities off the beaten path. She has been to India before..... but when she talks about this trip she almost talks about it and has the demeanor that she thinks something bad is going to happen. She says however something in whatever city is calling her there..... She's a bit loopy and hippy but I really hope nothing bad happens to her.

Some people are very finely tuned about their dates with destiny, and stroll into them headlong. They think we are dulled by everyday concerns and too deaf to other planes of existence.

Yet for all this, they miss that we can control and often re-shape our destiny through power of will.

Irish girl goes to India to find herself, gets raped and killed - 911 - 03-17-2017

Quote: (03-17-2017 01:22 PM)Chris Brown Wrote:  

How come we never hear about Asian women doing this kind of thing?

They know that India is a third world dump, and they have better versions of the same religion, whereas women in the west are spiritual empty shells that have been stripped bare of their Christian faith two generations ago. Because of this, young western women have the most easily malleable minds.

Irish girl goes to India to find herself, gets raped and killed - captndonk - 03-17-2017

India is way more safe than Africa.

Irish girl goes to India to find herself, gets raped and killed - C-Note - 03-17-2017

Quote: (03-17-2017 01:31 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

Because when Asians travel they do it the safe and touristy way. They travel in groups, never mingle with the locals, and stay in nice ethnically-friendly hotels and resorts. They just take a shit load of pictures then GTFO.

There are some Japanese girls, often dressed in the same hippie fashion like this Irish woman, who do the exact same thing- go to Africa or India by themselves and explore around. And a number of them end up getting raped and killed also.

Irish girl goes to India to find herself, gets raped and killed - Lunostrelki - 03-17-2017


Irish girl goes to India to find herself, gets raped and killed - Captainstabbin - 03-17-2017

Quote: (03-17-2017 01:38 PM)BrewDog Wrote:  

I've never understood why anyone wants to go to India.

Because it's the home of a bunch of wacky religions and has ancient sites that rival the pyramids in Egypt. This girl was looking for "amazing experiences". Life experiences are the modern substitute for boring pursuits like starting a family.

She would have been safe as a kitten back home raising children.

Irish girl goes to India to find herself, gets raped and killed - 911 - 03-17-2017

Quote: (03-17-2017 02:00 PM)captndonk Wrote:  

India is way more safe than Africa.

Depends, there is huge difference between say, Dakar, and Capetown.

Irish girl goes to India to find herself, gets raped and killed - HermeticAlly - 03-17-2017

Quote: (03-17-2017 02:13 PM)Captainstabbin Wrote:  

Life experiences are the modern substitute for boring pursuits like starting a family.


Irish girl goes to India to find herself, gets raped and killed - Off The Reservation - 03-17-2017

Quote: (03-17-2017 01:20 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

I don't get why so many white Women in America, Canada, and Western Europe are obsessed with the idea of going to India. My only inkling is that maybe because of all the pictures and documentaries they see about it, it makes it seem like the last bastion of "real," "ancient," and "different" culture - unless you go spend some time in the bush in Africa or the Amazon but they don't have Airbnb there...

It has it's origins in a philosophy that was around well before they were born called the New Left. While not direcly related to India, a new left communist attitude fosters hatred of Western values of reason. The non-thinking proponents of the many variants of New Left, whether they have any awareness of why, are attracted to India as a sort of counterculture declaration of their hatred of the West. These women while Westerners and often white themselves, are the useful idiots for Communism and vessels for the constant repetition for this vile hatred for any product of the Enlightenment. They reward themselves for their dedication with a trip to India. Thanks to social media, the efforts to find some "Shaman" is easier. When they arrive they realize how stupid it all is, but rather than face the shame back home of admitting their emptiness only worsened on their spiritual trip, they double down and open their legs for the Shaman. Then, they report back that the trip was "amazing" without much detail. They look at the next girl asking about the experience with a sick but telling glimmer in the eye.

Irish girl goes to India to find herself, gets raped and killed - BrewDog - 03-17-2017

Quote: (03-17-2017 02:00 PM)captndonk Wrote:  

India is way more safe than Africa.
That's like saying Haiti is better than Hell. I still don't wanna live in Haiti.

Irish girl goes to India to find herself, gets raped and killed - nomadbrah - 03-17-2017

They never learn.

Irish girl goes to India to find herself, gets raped and killed - onetouch - 03-17-2017

Quote: (03-17-2017 10:37 AM)Number one bummer Wrote:  

She was a rough looking 28. She didn't deserve to die in a third world dump but I can't fathom why she would go in the first place. Maybe because it is home to all the trendy leftists religions.

The Irish love to travel.

Irish girl goes to India to find herself, gets raped and killed - Simeon_Strangelight - 03-17-2017

My guess is that like so many Western girls was she mistaken about the romantic version of India.

An ex-girlfriend of mine (a redhead) also travelled through India and China. She had high expectations for India - all of them ended in disappointment as too many men constantly hit on her. She did not feel very safe at all. Also the filth really made a bad impresson on her.

In contrast she was surprised by the Chinese people in the areas she travelled. She expected the usual liberal bullshit of the oppressive Chinese and the spiritual Indians. It was more the opposite - she felt 100 times safer in China and the people were nicer to her.

Women will always test their expectations, but looking at it exactly - she chose to hang out with a more Alpha criminal than with intelligent, but boring IT nerds.

[Image: 3E4BC40300000578-0-Deputy_Superintendent...943915.jpg]

The usual high price being paid for liberal moronic expectations and for careless female behavior. India is still very poor, primitive at times and dangerous. There are Westernized areas with more Westernized folk, but this is not one of them.

Reminds me of this Italian artist who went hitch-hiking to prove another point:

[Image: Pippa+bacca_aed483_6191317.jpg]

What likely happened with the Irish girl was that she did not want to have sex with him while going to a beach with the guy. Either way - she will know better in her next life.

Irish girl goes to India to find herself, gets raped and killed - Chris Brown - 03-17-2017

Women are stupid.

Irish girl goes to India to find herself, gets raped and killed - WalterBlack - 03-17-2017

Quote: (03-17-2017 10:36 AM)PrtSc Wrote:  

That is really unfortunate. There should be an immediate travel ban of all unmarried western women to India. On a more serious note, it's unfortunately unsurprising to see naive girls travel to unsafe places in the name of being "free spirited" or "finding themselves."

The average Indian family doesn't let women travel on their own anywhere. Given what's happened to the Irish woman, I guess we can see why.

Western women have this dumb romantic view of India being a spiritual place - there some spiritual people in India, but the amount of evil bastards outnumbers them greatly. Additionally, due to the fucked up sexual dynamics, there's a lot of thirst there. If any woman ever tells me she wants to visit India, the first thing I say is "go with a man". A fat blonde 5 I used to work in UK with told me she escaped getting raped in India by kicking a guy in the balls and running away.

A lot of the so calls spiritual men are fake too - There is so called "holy man" in Punjab near my ancestral village who is notorious for banging other men's wives.

Quote: (03-17-2017 10:36 AM)PrtSc Wrote:  

The article quotes a local man saying "We didn't pay her much attention as it is a common sight to see foreigners with Indian men." I think it's safe to say he means female foreigners with Indian men, not the other way around. Indian friends of mine have pointed out that if I were to go to India, I should not expect to get laid at all, since girls in India are locked down and not like western sluts.

Indian culture is all about "honour" (or "face" in Chinese terms), and one way way this is shown is in the behaviour the women in the family. If the daughter is seen by the wider community to be a slut, then the value of the family is shit, and nobody will ever want to marry into that family. Indian families don't like unrelated men anywhere near their women.

Even a guy like me (a British Indian), could get killed for approaching women in India.

Rape is part of Indian culture - High caste Hindus would humiliate lower caste women by raping them. Foreign women are considered to have no value to many Indians, so you can see how things turn out.

Quote: (03-17-2017 02:05 PM)C-Note Wrote:  

Quote: (03-17-2017 01:31 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

Because when Asians travel they do it the safe and touristy way. They travel in groups, never mingle with the locals, and stay in nice ethnically-friendly hotels and resorts. They just take a shit load of pictures then GTFO.

There are some Japanese girls, often dressed in the same hippie fashion like this Irish woman, who do the exact same thing- go to Africa or India by themselves and explore around. And a number of them end up getting raped and killed also.

I sat next to one on a plane from India to Japan a couple of years ago. She went to visit Hindu Ashrams and she worshiped a Hindu temple in Tokyo. She told me she had a good time in India. Some Asian-American women travel to Africa or India for experiences too.

Unfortunately, shit like this happens:

5 men arrested in India over alleged rape, extortion of Japanese tourist


Five men have been arrested in India over the alleged rape of a Japanese tourist, police in the city of Kolkata told CNN.

The men allegedly operated as a gang, targeting single, female Japanese tourists.

According to Pallab Kanti Ghosh, joint police commissioner in Kolkata, the victim, a 22 year-old from Saitama, Japan, was approached on November 20 of last year by a man who spoke Japanese "very well," and convinced her to accompany him and a friend to a variety of tourist spots over the following days.

Two suspects were arrested from near the Buddhist pilgrimage center of Gaya in neighboring Bihar state and charged with rape, the officer said. Three other men were arrested for criminal conspiracy. The arrests were made on January 1.

"The victim is cooperating with us in our investigation," he said.
The victim told police that she had also been forced to remove money from her bank accounts, and that the men had also withdrawn money using her ATM card without her knowledge.

The initial "First Information Report (FIR)" complaint filed with Kolkata police, obtained by CNN, focuses mainly on the extortion and theft of a sum of 76,000 rupees ($1,200) over several incidents. The charges were later amended to include rape.

Japanese tourist raped in south Indian town


NEW DELHI, India—A man was arrested Sunday for allegedly raping a Japanese tourist at a popular beach resort in southern India, in the latest case of sexual assault against a visitor.

The 35-year-old woman was found bleeding by hotel staff
in the town of Kovalam early Sunday and is undergoing treatment at a hospital in the Kerala state capital Thiruvananthapuram.

The woman sustained internal injuries but doctors have declared her out of danger.

Police identified the accused as a 25-year-old whose family runs a handicrafts store in the tourist hotspot.

“He has been sent to judicial custody and we are waiting for the victim to recover to record her full statement,” local police officer Vipin Kumar told AFP.

Japanese officials in New Delhi have been informed about the incident, he said.

The woman came to India two weeks ago and arrived in the beach town on Saturday, hours before the alleged assault took place.

It was unclear how the two met, police said.

Sexual attacks on tourists in India are widespread, with several western countries warning visitors about the risk.

Last year a Japanese woman was drugged and raped by a tourist guide in the western city of Jaipur, less than a month after six men gang-raped a 22-year-old Japanese tourist in the eastern city of Kolkata.

Japanese tourist says raped by India tour guide


A Japanese woman has accused an Indian tour guide of drugging and then raping her in the historic city of Jaipur, police said on Monday, the latest in a series of sex attacks on foreigners.

The 20-year-old said the guide offered to show her around Jaipur, famous for its grand palaces and forts, on Sunday before assaulting her on the outskirts of the "Pink City" in the evening.

The woman said she was given food laced with drugs before being attacked by the man thought to be aged about 25
, Dharam Chand Jain, police inspector-general for Jaipur district, told AFP.

"The 20-year-old tourist had arrived in Jaipur yesterday (Sunday) and met the accused man near the hotel who introduced himself as a tour guide," Mr Jain said.

"They went to a couple of places on his motorbike during the day," Mr Jain said.

"The accused offered to drop her at the hotel in the evening but took her to a desolate area ... and allegedly raped her."

The man fled after the woman's screams were overheard by villagers who rushed to help, according to local media reports.

"The tourist alleged that she was offered some food which might have been laced with drugs," Mr Jain said, adding that blood tests have been conducted to determine the type of drugs used.

Hotel manager confesses to raping Korean tourist in Bandhavgarh


Bhopal: The manager of a resort in Madhya Pradesh's Bandhavgarh tiger reserve has reportedly confessed that he raped a South Korean student holidaying there.

The manager, Deepak Vishwakarma, told the police that he raped the 23-year-old student on January 14.

The student, who is in India on tourist visa was on a visit to the national park, has alleged that her drink had been spiked following which she was raped. She had been staying at a resort owned by the son of a BJP MLA from the state.

The girl filed the complaint in Aurangabad, Maharashtra after more than two weeks. Inspector Prakash Kulkarni, from Aurangabad, said she was traumatised and hesitant in reporting the case immediately.

The police, along with the student, reached Bandhavgarh on Friday night and arrested the manager who admitted to the heinous crime. The South Korean student will undergo a medical test today to confirm rape.

Save our girls, says China to India after rape


The Chinese national, who was working as a trainee at a Gurgaon firm, alleged in her complaint that the man called her to his home on January 30 where he raped her.

In her complaint, the girl said she met Tariq Sheikh, 28, at a party sometime back. The girl alleged that she was raped by Sheikh on that night (January 30) but approached police only on Tuesday after which the accused was arrested.

Sheikh, a party organiser, was produced before a local court which sent him to 14-day judicial custody.

Some governments have wised up:

'If you are female... do not travel to India': Japan and China warn tourists to stay away after Bodh Gaya attack


Government-backed travel agencies in Japan and China are issuing fresh warnings to travellers against visiting India, after a Japanese researcher was abducted and raped by five men in Bodh Gaya last month.

Travel agencies in Japan and China - two of the biggest sources of tourists along what is known as the Buddhist pilgrimage route - have warned passengers against undertaking all non-essential travel to India, after news of the horrific rape and weeks-long abduction of a Japanese researcher triggered alarm and concern in both countries.

While the case has received relatively limited attention in India, it has been widely covered by media in Japan and China.

Reporting on the arrests of five men over the case, the Japan Times said the 22-year-old woman was a researcher who was studying in India and was interested in undertaking a pilgrimage to Bodh Gaya.

She was kept captive for as long as three weeks in a village near the holy town, before escaping on December 26 and travelling to Kolkata, where she contacted the Japanese Consulate, the newspaper reported.

Kunikatsu Hayami, the Executive Managing Director of the Overseas Tour Operators Association of Japan (OTOA), the country’s most influential travel body, told Mail Today the case had been “widely reported” in Japan and had generated “concern”.

In China, where there is also a huge interest in travel to Buddhism-related sites in India, agents at the official China Travel Service (CTS) have cautioned female travellers against visiting India.

“If you are female, even as a group, we advise you do not travel to India unless absolutely necessary,” an agent who gave his last name as Yang told Mail Today.

“Few travel agencies in China now offer travel packages to India because not so many people are willing to go there. Safety is a big concern, especially for women,” the agent said.

Seems like a few of the guys had at least some game, in that they could get the women to hang out with them for some time. If they weren't so fucking thirsty they may have got the bang anyway through gaming her instead of raping.

Game Saves Lives.

Irish girl goes to India to find herself, gets raped and killed - Gmac - 03-17-2017

Quote: (03-17-2017 10:42 AM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

Strong thread title, methinks Twitter will have a field day with this.

Article itself didn't have such a strong title. I've re-titled Roosh's slightly and spit it back out into the twitterverse.

Irish girl goes to India to find herself, gets raped and killed - nomadbrah - 03-17-2017

Western women don't seem to understand that some non-western men have a crippling inability to deal with negative emotion because they grow up as little lord Fauntleroys partly protected and spoiled by their family females, partly never learn to handle rejection because of the same crippling fear of losing face. Being dumped by a woman or being cheated on is a big loss of face, particularly when done in the casual manner that western women have become accustomed to. Add to that the White Godess complex and you get an explosion of rage. Someone should have told her, but no one did.

Irish girl goes to India to find herself, gets raped and killed - Parzival - 03-17-2017

Quote: (03-17-2017 01:22 PM)Chris Brown Wrote:  

How come we never hear about Asian women doing this kind of thing?

Asian girls are scared to go to Germany after several rapes happen to them commit by refugees. Also a German couple just did rape, torture and murder a Chinese exchange student. It happen to them as well. Asians are also the victims in France.

When I was in India I've seen quite a few of those girls that want to "experience something real". I always wonder why some people consider it real when you have no access to clean water, to a toilet or electricity.
Also most western girls don't know how they are seen outside of the west. As sluts, whores and fuck toys. Indian, Arab and similar kind of men thing they have orgies and gangbangs all day long. When those men realise this is not true and they get rejection by those girls their anger and frustration rise. In their cultures they are the "man" even when just a loser there. Unable to get one of those "easy" western sluts, they then just rape.

Irish girl goes to India to find herself, gets raped and killed - Belgrano - 03-17-2017

Quote: (03-17-2017 01:55 PM)911 Wrote:  

Quote: (03-17-2017 01:22 PM)Chris Brown Wrote:  

How come we never hear about Asian women doing this kind of thing?

They know that India is a third world dump, and they have better versions of the same religion, whereas women in the west are spiritual empty shells that have been stripped bare of their Christian faith two generations ago. Because of this, young western women have the most easily malleable minds.

Trust me, the colossal naivety and unfathomable idiocy of unworldly East Asian tourists and travellers has no match. Not even young Western white women can compete with that, believe me.

"I've been traveling"
"Cool, where did you go?"
"I go to Afghanistan, look, I took many pictures with the funny bearded men. So nice! Then I cross border to Pakistan and hitchhike around country. Such beautiful nature and different culture. I had a great time!"
"Uh, isn't that a bit dangerous?"
"Dangerous? No, why? Is perfectly fine!"

Happens more often than you think.
Sometimes I wonder if their legendary nuttiness so bewilders, dumbfounds and stuns the local terrorists, thugs and other predators of whatever third world shithole our blissfully unaware Asian tourist happpens to be in, that most of those somnambulistic Confucian maniacs get away and escape the often life-threatening danger they had absolutely zero awareness of being in.
For lots of them everything outside their own countries is one big Disneyland.

Quote: (03-17-2017 02:00 PM)captndonk Wrote:  

India is way more safe than Africa.

Africa is huge.
Outside of war and conflict zones, I'd say there's not much difference between India and sub-Saharan Africa.

Irish girl goes to India to find herself, gets raped and killed - Rocha - 03-17-2017

Quote: (03-17-2017 04:19 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Reminds me of this Italian artist who went hitch-hiking to prove another point:

[Image: Pippa+bacca_aed483_6191317.jpg]

And she did not even made it to the Middle east, she was killed in the outskirts of Istanbul...