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Were you a bully at school? - vonSudeten - 12-15-2016

Hell yea, the best years of my life! I LOVED it.

If I could go back to school it would be just to bully. Well we did not think about it as being a bully at the time but the legal trouble came after so I guess.

I was fucking with a lot of kids that were on the bottom of the food chain but one case stands out the most. Adopted twins in my class, both fat stupid pigs, they tried to be friends with my crew all the time but they did not really passed the "genetical superiority" threshold so in a process while we were "breaking balls" of each other they got it the most because they were the weakest. One beautiful day one of them had "mental breakdown" from it when he was home (Still cannot comprehend how someone can be so fucking weak). After that I was facing quite a bad shit, they wanted to give me a "behaviour grade" which is mostly for junkies, kids who don't go to school or steal. This would prevent me from getting into a good school after so my Father decided that he will drive me to their home without telling me and I had to apologise. They gave me a the hardest "behaviour grade" that did not prevent me from getting to a good school so it was all cool.

Anyway they more likely wanted to get on me for political reasons because at the same time when I was 13 I wrote a school essay called "Why our race is dying out" and basically talked shit about democracy, feminists and minorities, also used word "Aryan". I could face 2 years sentence to prison for this but they could not do anything as I was a minor so they fucked with me by "you are a bully". Actually I went with my Father to principals office because of my "dangerous opinions" and they pulled the shit about being a bully at me there. After that I learned when to shut up so I don't get fucked by the "hate speech laws" but the older and more independent I get, the less of a fuck I give again. Now those polish dry bitches can suck my dick.

I think it's completely natural. Some guys are just weak so much that it's unnatural that they would live so long and those healthy ones are just naturally trying to get them out of their tribe because they are just a dead weight.

Recently I saw my victims. Still fat retarded motherfuckers dressed like kids, still haven't finished school a year and a half after I did. The downsides of civilisation.

Other thing is that it's probably going from my personality in general. Even now my lifelong friend told me after a long laugh "You are a horrible bastard, you are telling the truth but you completely lack the politeness.". Basically from an early age I did not give a fuck if I say something that "wrong" or if it will hurt someone else and I still don't. Maybe that's the reason why I never had approach anxiety.

Were you a bully at school? - Mr. D - 12-15-2016

Quote: (12-15-2016 12:10 AM)Mufasa Wrote:  

Quote: (12-14-2016 07:49 AM)Mr. D Wrote:  

Could've been, but it wasn't worth the hassle.

I was more interested in music.

[Image: 200.gif#2]

[Image: 4f3872c8b57cbc834de4ed28a603dc5c57584080...834151.jpg]

Were you a bully at school? - scotian - 12-15-2016

I think I was aggressive because I had an older brother and my parents wouldn't allow me to be a cry baby, some of my earliest memories are of my parents both telling me to shut up and stop crying haha. I don't have kids but when I do, especially if I have boys, I won't be allowing them to be emotional little fairies like you see all over the TV today because you are putting them at a serious disadvantage once they get to school and encounter other youngsters whose parents didn't raise them like little girls and allow them to be rough and tumble, like all little boys should be. I clearly remember from my younger years which young boys in my school were pussies and cried the most when we made fun of them, of course once they cried or even worse, told the teachers, we would make the fun of them and torture them more with wedgies, noogies and snow balls to the face, all in good fun of course.

I think that bullying can be good and it almost fills a void that some boys have because they were raised by weirdo parents who think boys should act like girls, fuck that.

Were you a bully at school? - Irenicus - 12-15-2016

I was bullied during most of my schooling, and I was a bully at the end of high school and early Uni (before Army).

Now, after I took the purple, and eventually, the red pill, I can honestly say that I deserved to be bullied, and that the persons that I bullied had it coming. Yes, it sound a little harsh, but I have seen that more than a few people already mentioned that.

As I have said earlier, I grew in a single parent household (with Mom). I really do not have to explain how growing in those conditions is. Thus, as a kid, I was extremely insecure, sucked at sports, was bad with girls etc. Especially in elementary. Because of that, and because I liked PC Games (especially RPG's, which required high IQ at the time, like BG and NWN. They do not make these anymore, sadly!) and reading (when I was 5th grade, I read the Illiad), I was a prime target for bullies, so to speak.

And nobody was there to help me. Mom could not relate (she lacks penis), Dad was away (and emasculated and obese) so he could not help or relate to me either, and the folks in the school administration only made things worse, due to stupidity and incompetence (there is good reason why Cappy Cap hates teachers).

In high school, I took the purple pill. I can't remember how, and even why, and I started to change. I liked breaking the rules, and being the bane of society. For example, in Biology class, one fat girl (by our standards, of course) was talking something about being healthy. I told her, in front of anyone, that she should not speak about that, because she is fat, and thus, unhealthy. She ran out of class, crying.

Later on, I was playing table tennis (I do not know how you say it in English) with my friend (who became a Catholic priest). Next to us, there was a guy, whom I did not like (I thought that he was a gay, because he played only with girls, and I still do). Called him "peshko" (faggot) all the time. He retaliated my making a blog in which he wrote lies and half truths about me. Only faggots do that, of course. Anyhow, when I was playing, he started verbally insulting me. Suddenly, I ran towards him, and started beating him with a racket like a maniac. I was so pissed, that it took 4 persons (prof. and 3 students) to separate us 2. I was threatening to kill everyone. Nowhere as close as Little Dark, I know (but we all need to start somewhere, right?). So...when I was required to apologize to him, in front of his Dad, I said something like "I apologize...for not finishing my job". Epic.

I will stop here, too much text. In any case, if I was not bullied, I would not be here now. Being bullied will, in many cases, harm you in the short run, and benefit you in the long run.

Were you a bully at school? - Silver_Tube - 12-15-2016

my childhood nickname was faggot

I was bullied all through middle school until I broke a kid's nose in a fight, up until that point I had a miserable time at school. It fucked me up a little. Kids were all wrestling fans at the height of the attitude era, I took many a stone cold stunner. I walked around looking at the ground, not meeting anyone's eyes, looking depressed, it made me more of a target. I spent a lot of time alone, which probably made them think that I felt I was better than them. I don't think I would have become such a beta as a young man if it weren't for the bullying. I wish I would have gotten in that fight with that cunt sooner in my school life than I did. I always had an admiration for 'the rules' and sought to adhere to them, so I didn't stick up for myself when provoked. I was also a transplant from California to the south and lacked their accent and mannerisms. In hindsight I could see why people would want to fuck with me so much.

In high school I grew to be taller than most of the class, started lifting, adopted an easy going attitude that left me pretty neutral in the pecking order. I was a beta but I had an okay time. Looking back on it I had a lot of opportunity that I didn't act upon.

Were you a bully at school? - Comte De St. Germain - 12-15-2016

Quote: (12-15-2016 11:22 AM)scotian Wrote:  

I think I was aggressive because I had an older brother and my parents wouldn't allow me to be a cry baby, some of my earliest memories are of my parents both telling me to shut up and stop crying haha. I don't have kids but when I do, especially if I have boys, I won't be allowing them to be emotional little fairies like you see all over the TV today because you are putting them at a serious disadvantage once they get to school and encounter other youngsters whose parents didn't raise them like little girls and allow them to be rough and tumble, like all little boys should be. I clearly remember from my younger years which young boys in my school were pussies and cried the most when we made fun of them, of course once they cried or even worse, told the teachers, we would make the fun of them and torture them more with wedgies, noogies and snow balls to the face, all in good fun of course.

I think that bullying can be good and it almost fills a void that some boys have because they were raised by weirdo parents who think boys should act like girls, fuck that.

Eldest of 3 and I can tell you I was and am still aggressive because me and my brothers fight all the time even over the dumbest shit. So definitely a part of boys being boys. If you don't fight and start shit it's almost unnatural and part of the reason the 3 of us are so close even though we'd never admit it to each other. I've even caught the elder of the 2 younger brothers smiling pretty hard when I get on his case about something.

The only problem was that the youngest was a biter. Pretty sure I have a few marks lying around from that still.

Were you a bully at school? - younggun - 12-15-2016

Quote: (12-14-2016 05:32 AM)needhelp Wrote:  

Quote: (12-13-2016 09:19 PM)scotian Wrote:  

You write like a faggot or a woman, so which one is it?

How does your post add any value to this thread about bullying? To answer your question, neither as homos and women aren't allowed on this forum.

Is he wrong?

Genre: Informal
Female = 661
Male = 738
Difference = 77; 52.75%
Verdict: Weak MALE

If one of my bros ever called his boss a "total b-word", I'd make fun of him forever. You got your balls busted by a senior member and then proceeded to cry about it, which is incongruent with the beginning of your post where you said you were a bully. Your post was also a rambling mess and it took you forever to get to the point. Sounds like every girl I've ever talked to.

This is living proof of what Comte and the others are saying. If you get made fun of here, you probably deserve it. Take this as an opportunity to learn that if you speak like that in public, you'll get roasted.


Anyways, I agree with the other members. I experienced bullying and I'm a better person because of it. After years of denying that I was the problem and thinking everyone was just jealous of my intelligence, I finally clued in. Unfortunately some people never do.

Growing up in a rural community definitely helped because I didn't have a group of other kids who were different to hang out with. It was adapt or die. I imagine in larger schools the bully victims cluster together and create an echo chamber, never reflecting on why they were bullied in the first place.

Were you a bully at school? - Khan - 12-15-2016

Quote: (12-15-2016 12:29 PM)Irenicus Wrote:  


Your childhood was very similar to mine, I can relate completely. The only difference is, my late father was a player of sorts. It took some time after his death for me to realize that I'm a carbon-copy of him character-wise, and I'm now using that knowledge as inspiration for trying to become a player of sorts myself.

It seems to me that bullying is some kind of an ingrained phenomenon, that serves human societies to weed out evolutionary undesirable behaviors (obesity, homosexualism etc).

Quote: (12-15-2016 12:29 PM)Irenicus Wrote:  

Later on, I was playing table tennis (I do not know how you say it in English) with my friend (who became a Catholic priest). Next to us, there was a guy, whom I did not like (I thought that he was a gay, because he played only with girls, and I still do). Called him "peshko" (faggot) all the time. He retaliated my making a blog in which he wrote lies and half truths about me. Only faggots do that, of course. Anyhow, when I was playing, he started verbally insulting me. Suddenly, I ran towards him, and started beating him with a racket like a maniac. I was so pissed, that it took 4 persons (prof. and 3 students) to separate us 2. I was threatening to kill everyone. Nowhere as close as Little Dark, I know (but we all need to start somewhere, right?). So...when I was required to apologize to him, in front of his Dad, I said something like "I apologize...for not finishing my job". Epic.

Dude, this story is brilliant.

[Image: 1187.gif]

I hope you didn't suffer any serious consequences for beating that guy.

Were you a bully at school? - needhelp - 12-15-2016

Quote: (12-15-2016 03:23 PM)younggun Wrote:  

Is he wrong?

Genre: Informal
Female = 661
Male = 738
Difference = 77; 52.75%
Verdict: Weak MALE

If one of my bros ever called his boss a "total b-word", I'd make fun of him forever. You got your balls busted by a senior member and then proceeded to cry about it, which is incongruent with the beginning of your post where you said you were a bully. Your post was also a rambling mess and it took you forever to get to the point. Sounds like every girl I've ever talked to.

Where's your evidence that I "cried"? He added nothing to the thread with that post and I called him out on it. I am new here so cut me some slack as I don't hang around the internet all day. I type off the top of my head and didn't Trump get blasted by the media for doing that this election season? Stop white knighting for scotian, he can speak for himself. I don't mean any disrespect but stop ganging up on me.

Were you a bully at school? - Comte De St. Germain - 12-15-2016

Quote: (12-15-2016 06:08 PM)needhelp Wrote:  

Quote: (12-15-2016 03:23 PM)younggun Wrote:  

Is he wrong?

Genre: Informal
Female = 661
Male = 738
Difference = 77; 52.75%
Verdict: Weak MALE

If one of my bros ever called his boss a "total b-word", I'd make fun of him forever. You got your balls busted by a senior member and then proceeded to cry about it, which is incongruent with the beginning of your post where you said you were a bully. Your post was also a rambling mess and it took you forever to get to the point. Sounds like every girl I've ever talked to.

Where's your evidence that I "cried"? He added nothing to the thread with that post and I called him out on it. I am new here so cut me some slack as I don't hang around the internet all day. I type off the top of my head and didn't Trump get blasted by the media for doing that this election season? Stop white knighting for scotian, he can speak for himself. I don't mean any disrespect but stop ganging up on me.

You sound like the faggy friend that hangs out with his "friends" even though they don't want him there. You talk like a fag up until this point so until proven otherwise you are a faggot. Not simply gay but a complete faggot.

[Image: laugh7.gif]

Were you a bully at school? - scotian - 12-15-2016

Needhelp, welcome to the forum faggot!

Were you a bully at school? - needhelp - 12-15-2016

Hey scotian, younggun, and comte. Keep repeating ad hominems against me. I've already reported your posts to the moderators. You have turned a thread about bullying into a thread about kicking dirt into a new member's face. Stay classy.

Were you a bully at school? - LeBeau - 12-15-2016

Quote: (12-15-2016 10:26 PM)needhelp Wrote:  

Hey scotian, younggun, and comte. Keep repeating ad hominems against me. I've already reported your posts to the moderators. You have turned a thread about bullying into a thread about kicking dirt into a new member's face. Stay classy.

[Image: 0e5.jpg]

This is how you get bullied.

Were you a bully at school? - Comte De St. Germain - 12-15-2016

Quote: (12-15-2016 11:27 PM)LeBeau Wrote:  

Quote: (12-15-2016 10:26 PM)needhelp Wrote:  

Hey scotian, younggun, and comte. Keep repeating ad hominems against me. I've already reported your posts to the moderators. You have turned a thread about bullying into a thread about kicking dirt into a new member's face. Stay classy.

[Image: 0e5.jpg]

This is how you get bullied.

$100 says he was the one getting bullied back in the day [Image: tard.gif][Image: tard.gif][Image: tard.gif]

[Image: laugh4.gif]

Were you a bully at school? - Samseau - 12-16-2016

Quote: (12-13-2016 05:55 PM)Comte De St. Germain Wrote:  

One thing I realized after a while was that anyone that was bullied was well deserving of it in my neck of the woods. Yeah people talked mess and shit behind each other's backs but out in the open it was always the guy doing and starting shit that was "bullied".

Example this one kid we knew always was a general jackass who intentionally pissed people off. One day he crossed the line in front of me and my friends. Grabbed this chick we knew's tits and ran off. I went 0-100 full tilt immediately and so did everyone else. We were about to whoop his ass in the hallway but he ran in the direction of the principal. Let's just say that more than a few people joined in on jumping him after school. Same guy pissed off another dude so hard he was knocked out and pissed on in the bathroom.

Another guy was this spoiled fat kid with a rich dad that would continuously argue in class with the teacher. He would also again try to act alpha 24/7. We made sure to roast him 24/7 to kick him down a few pegs.

The people who were good looking on the outside but shitty people made sure to restrain their shittyness then managed to take it out on these guys who were shitty inside and out. So everyone knew they were shitty but so long as it was towards these people that deserved it they were cool. And I agree. Bullying is necessary and well deserved so these people can get their act together or continue being social outcasts. Many of the people that were social outcasts ended up reforming in college. I'm even close friends currently with someone like that even though I use to fuck with him a lot.

I'd say this is mostly false. While it is true that bullying the bullies has it's place, the fact is most people who are bullied rarely deserve it.

I was bullied almost everyday in 3rd grade, for no reason at all, by a girl I suspect now had a crush on me in a weird way. She made sure I never had any friends. I was bullied in the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades relentlessly by the same people who would also talk behind my back. Even if I stood up for myself they would always come back for more. I had to deal with assholes in high school as well. It didn't matter if I stood up to the bullies, they just became angrier and found more ways to plot against me. I would humiliate them often and it didn't matter, they would just try even harder.

In college I had to deal with a group of haters who would always try and bully me, across many different social groups. At my various jobs I have always had haters who spread rumors and shittalk behind my back, some of whom have succeeded in getting me fired.

On this forum, I have been reported a tremendous amount. I don't think I've ever experienced a time when people weren't trying to bully me. The thing is, sometime around age 8 I stopped caring, and I've grown up to take take sadistic pleasure in destroying my enemies - even to the point of torturing them (always socially, of course).

I know Napoleon was bullied relentlessly, and probably many other famous figures grew up through bullying as well. I think MikeCF was also bullied growing up. Donald Trump says he wasn't bullied much growing up, but as soon as he ran for President he was attacked on a daily basis.

If you haven't been bullied, it may be because you "fit in." But much more likely is that you're mediocre and don't stand out, so no one tries to challenge you. When people bully you, in my experience, it's more often a good sign than not.

Were you a bully at school? - dallasguy - 12-16-2016

Me and my friends jumped a bully. He took a brick to the face and got curbstomped. He didn't bully us anymore

Were you a bully at school? - Comte De St. Germain - 12-16-2016

Quote: (12-16-2016 12:05 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (12-13-2016 05:55 PM)Comte De St. Germain Wrote:  

One thing I realized after a while was that anyone that was bullied was well deserving of it in my neck of the woods. Yeah people talked mess and shit behind each other's backs but out in the open it was always the guy doing and starting shit that was "bullied".

Example this one kid we knew always was a general jackass who intentionally pissed people off. One day he crossed the line in front of me and my friends. Grabbed this chick we knew's tits and ran off. I went 0-100 full tilt immediately and so did everyone else. We were about to whoop his ass in the hallway but he ran in the direction of the principal. Let's just say that more than a few people joined in on jumping him after school. Same guy pissed off another dude so hard he was knocked out and pissed on in the bathroom.

Another guy was this spoiled fat kid with a rich dad that would continuously argue in class with the teacher. He would also again try to act alpha 24/7. We made sure to roast him 24/7 to kick him down a few pegs.

The people who were good looking on the outside but shitty people made sure to restrain their shittyness then managed to take it out on these guys who were shitty inside and out. So everyone knew they were shitty but so long as it was towards these people that deserved it they were cool. And I agree. Bullying is necessary and well deserved so these people can get their act together or continue being social outcasts. Many of the people that were social outcasts ended up reforming in college. I'm even close friends currently with someone like that even though I use to fuck with him a lot.

I'd say this is mostly false. While it is true that bullying the bullies has it's place, the fact is most people who are bullied rarely deserve it.

I was bullied almost everyday in 3rd grade, for no reason at all, by a girl I suspect now had a crush on me in a weird way. She made sure I never had any friends. I was bullied in the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades relentlessly by the same people who would also talk behind my back. Even if I stood up for myself they would always come back for more. I had to deal with assholes in high school as well. It didn't matter if I stood up to the bullies, they just became angrier and found more ways to plot against me. I would humiliate them often and it didn't matter, they would just try even harder.

In college I had to deal with a group of haters who would always try and bully me, across many different social groups. At my various jobs I have always had haters who spread rumors and shittalk behind my back, some of whom have succeeded in getting me fired.

On this forum, I have been reported a tremendous amount. I don't think I've ever experienced a time when people weren't trying to bully me. The thing is, sometime around age 8 I stopped caring, and I've grown up to take take sadistic pleasure in destroying my enemies - even to the point of torturing them (always socially, of course).

I know Napoleon was bullied relentlessly, and probably many other famous figures grew up through bullying as well. I think MikeCF was also bullied growing up. Donald Trump says he wasn't bullied much growing up, but as soon as he ran for President he was attacked on a daily basis.

If you haven't been bullied, it may be because you "fit in." But much more likely is that you're mediocre and don't stand out, so no one tries to challenge you. When people bully you, in my experience, it's more often a good sign than not.

I was bullied myself up till the end of middle school, but I realized my problems were internal and not external. I also most certainly did not fit in and still don't, but I figured out how to game the system by being someone who could associate with any group at once. Once I saw why I was getting bullied and why others got bullied it was pretty easy not too once I went to a different high school than my bullies. I ended up a pretty popular guy near the top of the food chain(most memorable in the yearbook, Homecoming Court nominee 4 years back to back, etc.).

What I feel was your reason and why you stood/stand out is because more or less of your very strong viewpoints. To be frank you were for the longest time on the forum, when I first joined, someone whose posts I generally found inflammatory(Mike is much the same in that he gets a lot of other people riled up) and got me riled up into debating you. Which I don't usually do very much. Those with strong opinions that are inflammatory to people generally lead the social hierarchy, conceal their intentions within the hierarchy, espouse them completely through humor, or are isolated/ostracized(usually due to not being a the top of the food chain). Which you have here as one of the most repped members on the board.

So yes I do still stand by that statement. You more than likely deserved it in that you didn't hide and cared more for your opinions than starting over somewhere else then concealing your intentions till you were able to be top dog or being able to lace it with humor.

And if this feels like an attack on you. It's not and I respect your posts on the forum quite a bit especially after seeing your in depth campaigning in New Hampshire. This would just generally be the experience I saw a lot of people have and the only one that makes sense to me from what I've seen atleast. Strongly opinionated people with a lack of care for tact tend to be the first ones to be struck out.

Were you a bully at school? - Meat Head - 12-16-2016

You will notice a genius by the confederacy of the dunces that conspire against him.

Were you a bully at school? - Roosh - 12-16-2016

Quote: (12-15-2016 10:26 PM)needhelp Wrote:  

Hey scotian, younggun, and comte. Keep repeating ad hominems against me. I've already reported your posts to the moderators. You have turned a thread about bullying into a thread about kicking dirt into a new member's face. Stay classy.

A newbie with a 60% warning level is not going to get far with his reports, especially since he comes across as a trouble maker. I would go back to lurking for a while.

Were you a bully at school? - FireStarter - 12-16-2016

Quote: (12-15-2016 10:26 PM)needhelp Wrote:  

Hey scotian, younggun, and comte. Keep repeating ad hominems against me. I've already reported your posts to the moderators. You have turned a thread about bullying into a thread about kicking dirt into a new member's face. Stay classy.

Scotian's first post to you was perhaps slightly meaner than it needed to be. But it actually added a lot of value to this thread. As did your responses. It's a clear example of what some of the other posters are talking about.

I disagree with people saying that people who are bullied, deserve it. However, it is true that quite often they do stuff that attracts negative attention. In this case, there is no way a masculine man would refer to his own face as "Resting Bitch Face". This was one of two points Scotian highlighted in your post where it appeared to be written by a woman, but there were more than two. It seems that lately, a lot of men in their early 20's talk, write and think like women, but that's a whole other topic.

Did you deserve Scotian's response? Assuming that you're not female, maybe not. Did you write stuff that encouraged it? You sure did.

A lot of people who are bullied are stubborn, they might not deserve to get the treatment they do. But is well within their power to change their actions that attract the bullies. They just choose not to.

Although it's impossible to bully someone over the internet, the same dynamics can be seen in this thread.

Were you a bully at school? - Meat Head - 12-16-2016

I apparently looked older than my real age and so I spent years in college being called 'old' every week. I dont think I deserved it but I agreed and amplified by growing a mustache.

Were you a bully at school? - FireStarter - 12-16-2016

Quote: (12-16-2016 09:39 AM)Meat Head Wrote:  

I apparently looked older than my real age and so I spent years in college being called 'old' every week. I dont think I deserved it but I agreed and amplified by growing a mustache.

Being called old is not being bullied. If you're not in fear of your physical safety, you're not being bullied.

Were you a bully at school? - Nascimento - 12-16-2016

Most of the bullying I received was when I was a young fat kid. I was never really obese but my parents fed me too much.

I ended up pursuing sports rigorously partly because of it and looked into getting fit as I aged into my teens. Never again was I bullied because of it.

I was a dick a handful of times though. Probably because I wanted to feel what it was like to be on the other end for once.

It was strictly verbal bullying though. In terms of physical, I remember the times back in Gr. 7/8 when we'd play tackle football and get pretty reckless. We'd get bored after two months of it and start wrestling in the snow and fighting each other with ridiculous winter gear on while the girls just laughed at our behaviour. Teachers would be quick to put a stop to it which sucked, but we still had good times. Wasn't ever bullying though.

Nowadays I hear all that's completely gone now from playgrounds. Too bad.

Were you a bully at school? - Screemingdead - 12-16-2016

Was bullied verbally and retaliated physically lol. Nothing like a good old fashioned playground scrap! Loved it. It's natural for boys to try and move up the food chain in their younger years. I did calm down a lot in high school though.

Were you a bully at school? - Laner - 12-16-2016

Quote: (12-16-2016 09:50 AM)Nascimento Wrote:  

Most of the bullying I received was when I was a young fat kid. I was never really obese but my parents fed me too much.

I ended up pursuing sports rigorously partly because of it and looked into getting fit as I aged into my teens. Never again was I bullied because of it.

I was a dick a handful of times though. Probably because I wanted to feel what it was like to be on the other end for once.

It was strictly verbal bullying though. In terms of physical, I remember the times back in Gr. 7/8 when we'd play tackle football and get pretty reckless. We'd get bored after two months of it and start wrestling in the snow and fighting each other with ridiculous winter gear on while the girls just laughed at our behaviour. Teachers would be quick to put a stop to it which sucked, but we still had good times. Wasn't ever bullying though.

Nowadays I hear all that's completely gone now from playgrounds. Too bad.

Your post made me remember something I had not thought about in many years.

In grade 4 a friends older brother, who was in high school, would have these underground fighting rings for us kids. Pretty brutal actually now that I think about it, and we hated it, but we had to do it for some reason. Him and his buddies would have us strip down to our underwear and we would have to wrestle until one of us was choked out. They showed us how to do sleeper holds and this was the way to win. The basement was set up with mattresses, pillows and blankets. Lots of us kids would end up freaking out and crying and shit but we did it anyways.

That might have been the worst bullying actually.

Back in the 80s kids of all ages hung out together. Not sure if its still like that these days, but back then it was just the way it was. Made for some pretty brutal scenarios when the older boys thought up this kind of shit.