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Ever been stopped by security for approaching? - sterling_archer - 10-13-2016

Quote: (10-13-2016 02:29 AM)AWright Wrote:  

...and said social circle is your best bet here, probably in your town also.

I think that also. When I read about daygame, I was really interested in the idea, but one thing also popped in that articles/books. And that is how big city must be. In Torrero, Krauser book, 10 approaches, three days per week is required. Everybody is talking about LA, NY, London, etc. like the all players live there. Cities in Croatia are villages compared to these cities, in fact megalopolises. I can't think of a instance where I saw 10 approach worthy women, and this is not my excuses talking, but truth.

Everybody I know who has/had a girlfriend (plates are uncommon), met her through social circle. So guess what happened to me, who didn't have social circle which overlapped with some female social circle.
That tells me enough...
I think best thing for me is to expand social circle and do night game when going out.

Ever been stopped by security for approaching? - realologist - 10-13-2016

This has to be the way you are approaching them. I'm born and raised in the Midwest and lived in cities all smaller than that. That's a big city in the Midwest.

The amount of girls you were approaching in one area of the mall was A LOT. You were a door-to-door salesman of game not only that but an unsuccessful one.

Make the approaches more casual. Actually shop while doing it. An easy way to pull at least an instead are/number in the mall is go to a clothing store.

Grab some clothes. Ask a girl "Hey you look like you have an eye for fashion. Do you have a few minutes?"

If she answers yes. "Come with me to the dressing room so you can tell me how I look these."

Flirt with her there. I always choose one ridiculous piece of clothing just to play around with them. After try to insta-date somewhere in the mall or nearby.

Ever been stopped by security for approaching? - Giovonny - 10-13-2016

Quote: (10-13-2016 01:52 AM)GlobalMan Wrote:  

I recommend you combine the backpack, wine, and "peacocking" all into one.

[Image: e1ccd89f668d8b704b6a7ef82e2da951.jpg]

I suspect that you are joking but I really do this..

I don't wear a box of wine on my back but I use wine as part of my "peacocking"..

When I game during the evening commute, from 4-6pm.. I like to carry jugs of wine..

Sort of like this:

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSip5QsaUVbJkA2OgYFvbG...oj_eVlmzN0]

I don't carry bags of food but I might carry a head of cauliflower or a clear, plastic bag with a few peaches or brussel sprouts...

This gives the appearance that I'm going somewhere to cook and socialize. Much better than walking around empty handed.. Girls are more curious...

This also works as a "false time constraint"... I can say that I am in a hurry but "do you wanna exchange numbers and I will text you later"..

And, this tactic displays my love for food, cooking, and fitness -- which makes transitioning to these topics very easy and attracts girls with similar interests!

I love using props! They work!

Not only do they distract security guards but they also help to engage the girls !

Ever been stopped by security for approaching? - Philosopher - 10-13-2016

Quote: (10-12-2016 04:59 PM)AWright Wrote:  

A lot of it has to do with where you're located. Located in a high volume city? Chance of being stopped by security nearly nill. Located in smaller city? You can easily develop a reputation if you go to the same venues weekly. That's the reason I got stopped by security and banned from a venue, a mother hen threw a fit to security after running into her group of friends a couple times downtown, I said somethings I probably shouldn't have said after she gave me attitude but in small cities there is no anonymity. They ban me for a weekend, I come back the weekend after and the doorman tells me to behave myself at the beginning at the night, as he knew me by name. I then leave with a girl later that night and go by the doorman and he stops her and asks if she knows me, she says yes and we continue out. Ever since I have been banned, when I come back a week later the doorman says that isn't good for business. I got in one time because the doorman was gone, around 1 am the bouncer taps my shoulder and says I have to leave, the head security that the mother hen complained to still remembered me from 9 months prior. Small cities suck, I live in a city that has a metro area of around 900,000 in the Midwest. Paul Janka has said if you are going to be doing this you need to be in a large city where there is anonymity or there will be reputational issues.

FYI, the Denver Metro Area where I did the spam approaches in the Mall is medium size with perhaps 1.5 million residents.

Ever been stopped by security for approaching? - GlobalMan - 10-13-2016

Quote: (10-13-2016 03:11 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

I love using props! They work!

Absolutely. Many guys have no idea the subtle cues they give off by what they are doing or wearing or carrying, and how important that is in conveying congruence with what they say.

I think a lot of the guys having a hard time and approaching dozens of girls before they get a bite are failing because they are thinking their words alone will convince a girl, when in reality she immediately senses something is "off" because things about him don't add up.

Conveying a natural congruence -even if it's manufactured- is the key to quickly and easily gaining her comfort.

Ever been stopped by security for approaching? - Gorgiass - 10-13-2016

If you're going to spam approach do it on the street. Malls have cameras everywhere and dozens of mall cops with nothing better to do but stare at them all day. Of course you're going to get busted doing 18 approaches in a mall. I sometimes save bags from upscale stores and reuse them if I'm going out in the area, as Gio already mentioned. Don't recall ever seeing anybody in a mall with a laptop, that would be a red flag right there.

Ever been stopped by security for approaching? - Stun - 10-13-2016

I know guys who've been "banned" from the mall, for doing uncalibrated things, and for stupid stuff like gaming the staff at stores in front of or in sight of the manager.

Ever been stopped by security for approaching? - John_Galt - 10-13-2016

Some people seem to think you may have "scared the cat". Others think undercovers were watching you. Others think you just didn't blend in.

It could be any or all of these, and frankly, this thread is full of great advice. I think you handled the situation well, after you were confronted.

But I think the best advice of all was simply don't let it look obvious that you're approaching. You should appear to be a normal mall patron, who happens to be seeing a friend while shopping. If you give off any other impression, someones going to take it as harassment.

Also: The "3 second rule" does NOT apply to malls. ESPECIALLY if a girl is sitting down. Not only is it awkward to make introductions with a guy who's girl you just hit on, again, it makes you look really out of place. And unless you're in a giant mall, odds are you're going to see that couple again as you wander the mall.

As a rule of thumb, I try to stick to larger department stores within the mall, and approach girls asking for their opinion on how a shirt/pair of jeans etc look on me. This way I security isn't watching me, I look like I'm shopping, it's natural. After I walk through the store, I might by something I like, then go to the next store. If you don't like this method, try to keep your mall rounds (when you walk from one end of the mall to the opposite end) limited to 2 per day. The reason why is again: unless the mall is huge, people (including security) will notice you're still around. Note that once you're more calibrated, you can relax these rules a bit, because you'll look completely natural, as Giovany said.

Ever been stopped by security for approaching? - The Stronger Sex - 10-15-2016

As someone who's casual/opportunistic in his approach all this peacocking and serial approaching seems Aspie as fuck to me, but whatever works for you.

I'm glad I live in Europe where in any city there are dozens of women walking down every street. I dread to think of having to go to one mall to find girls because it's the only place not devoided of human presence and being at the mercy of one security guard.

Ever been stopped by security for approaching? - James Bond Next level - 10-15-2016

Didn't happen to me (don't do lots of daygame though) but something similar happened to a semi notorious pua coach I knew in my city : he was (with students) approaching a lot every weekend on a not-so-busy and not-so-casual bar street. A bouncer now forbid him to come in this street anymore.
But remember : this street is narrow and semi-fancy (there are sports bar just after the top club of the city).

Ever been stopped by security for approaching? - The Stronger Sex - 10-15-2016

I think you should just apply some common sense and not look like a creep. I've only seen PUAs on videos, but most of them have this autistic-like unnatural vibe about them which is likely to raise some red flags.