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Berlin mayor warns of Nazi ‘rebirth’ in Germany ahead of elections - redpillage - 08-05-2017

^^^ Regarding Alice Weidel's private life. I just perused the comment section of a pertinent article over at (run by Akif Pirinçci) and was astounded that the vast majority of those supposed 'conservative' AFD supporters have no problem with Weidel's sexual orientation. On the contrary, the argument made is that it helps to 'soften the party's image' and that it shows how supporting traditional marriage/relationships doesn't mean that they don't tolerate alternative lifestyles.

And that exactly right there is the problem. Have they not learned anything from the rise of Donald Trump? Instead of drawing a clear line in the sand they instinctively revert back to appeasing the Left in order to somehow prove that they aren't 'evil Nazis', 'bigots', or 'racists'. Which of course doesn't work but is the exact same trap the CDU and SPD fell into over the course of the past 20 years or so as the entire political spectrum in Germany slowly shifted further and further to the left.

You cannot have your cake and eat it too, that simple. Either you stand for traditional family values or you support alternative lifestyles. You either want your country's borders wide open or you want them tightly controlled. And you either accept Islam and thus sharia law or you reject the whole package as it violates the traditional Christian foundation your nation was built upon.

The AFD will not succeed in inspiring any true conservative voters if they elect boyish looking childless women as their leaders. They already have lost the war before the battle and obviously everyone knows it.

Berlin mayor warns of Nazi ‘rebirth’ in Germany ahead of elections - Nowak - 08-05-2017

Quote: (08-05-2017 07:54 AM)Matt Forney Wrote:  

AfD isn't going to make any significant gains in the German election, and they don't deserve to make gains.

They chose a lesbian with adopted children, Alice Weidel, as their candidate for the chancellorship. In other words, they want Germans to replace a de facto lesbian (Angela Merkel has no children and treats the rapefugees like her kids; she is a glorified cat lady) with a de jure lesbian.

Sexual deviancy and moral apathy among whites are the direct cause of falling birthrates and Islamic invasion.

If the best alternative AfD has to Islamist tyranny is homosexual tyranny, then Germany deserves to fall to the Muslims.

Same problem in Austria. The FPÖ isn't against the EU enough and isn't critical of the negative effects of modernity to the point that society needs. In many ways with wage and pension proposals they are even more red than the socialists.

Ethnic Germans seem to do best in decentralized polities. The practice of having a large state never seems to go well.

Berlin mayor warns of Nazi ‘rebirth’ in Germany ahead of elections - redpillage - 08-06-2017

Quote: (08-05-2017 10:50 AM)redpillage Wrote:  

^^^ Regarding Alice Weidel's private life. I just perused the comment section of a pertinent article over at (run by Akif Pirinçci) and was astounded that the vast majority of those supposed 'conservative' AFD supporters have no problem with Weidel's sexual orientation. On the contrary, the argument made is that it helps to 'soften the party's image' and that it shows how supporting traditional marriage/relationships doesn't mean that they don't tolerate alternative lifestyles.

And that exactly right there is the problem. Have they not learned anything from the rise of Donald Trump? Instead of drawing a clear line in the sand they instinctively revert back to appeasing the Left in order to somehow prove that they aren't 'evil Nazis', 'bigots', or 'racists'. Which of course doesn't work but is the exact same trap the CDU and SPD fell into over the course of the past 20 years or so as the entire political spectrum in Germany slowly shifted further and further to the left.

You cannot have your cake and eat it too, that simple. Either you stand for traditional family values or you support alternative lifestyles. You either want your country's borders wide open or you want them tightly controlled. And you either accept Islam and thus sharia law or you reject the whole package as it violates the traditional Christian foundation your nation was built upon.

The AFD will not succeed in inspiring any true conservative voters if they elect boyish looking childless women as their leaders. They already have lost the war before the battle and obviously everyone knows it.

Upon further consideration I may need to revise that last statement. It's quite possible that the German population has been cucked to the point that a truly masculine political leader representing traditional conservative values (e.g. someone like the CSU's Franz Joseph Strauss in the 20th century) would have zero chance of even pushing his party above the 5% threshold. So bottom line is that masculinity and traditional Christian German values are now rejected by a vast majority of voters. Let that sink in for a moment...

Berlin mayor warns of Nazi ‘rebirth’ in Germany ahead of elections - void - 08-06-2017

As germanys largest population is overaged old women, a female leader as a show puppet is a desperate move to gain female votes. You think old women face the consequences of Merkel's politics? No. They live cozily in suburbia or somewhere else. They do not understand the enrichment and failed energy politics AM is responsible for.
The only old people I see fishing for PET bottles (0,25 €/bottle) in trash cans are men.

They only vote for her, because she is an old woman too. Germany might be a good example how the female vote can ruin countries.

Berlin mayor warns of Nazi ‘rebirth’ in Germany ahead of elections - Elster - 08-06-2017

Oh man, Now I'm nostalgic about the Pfand!!!!

Berlin mayor warns of Nazi ‘rebirth’ in Germany ahead of elections - Nowak - 08-09-2017

Quote: (08-05-2017 03:21 PM)Nowak Wrote:  

Quote: (08-05-2017 07:54 AM)Matt Forney Wrote:  

AfD isn't going to make any significant gains in the German election, and they don't deserve to make gains.

They chose a lesbian with adopted children, Alice Weidel, as their candidate for the chancellorship. In other words, they want Germans to replace a de facto lesbian (Angela Merkel has no children and treats the rapefugees like her kids; she is a glorified cat lady) with a de jure lesbian.

Sexual deviancy and moral apathy among whites are the direct cause of falling birthrates and Islamic invasion.

If the best alternative AfD has to Islamist tyranny is homosexual tyranny, then Germany deserves to fall to the Muslims.

Same problem in Austria. The FPÖ isn't against the EU enough and isn't critical of the negative effects of modernity to the point that society needs. In many ways with wage and pension proposals they are even more red than the socialists.

Ethnic Germans seem to do best in decentralized polities. The practice of having a large state never seems to go well.

Maybe we spoke to soon judging the AfD but the overall fundamental problems are the same aside from a few red pilled people.

I will admit that the youth wing is pretty based and hard core anti feminist. Overall the right wing in the German world is more or less cucked on not being totally against the EU, the gibz and feminism. They are still out to maximize votes. I recently re read the manifesto of the FPÖ and it's what people in the US outside of large metro areas would consider centrist. In Fact , Hofer the presidential candidate said in an interview that he is left to most US Democrats. In Austria the right only seems to be concerned with immigrants at least in terms of their campaign. Even Swiss Germans seem to be loosing their way.

Things function well enough over here that I think if shit really hits the fan , rural areas will be fine and large cities will sort themselves out with SWPLS dying off. We have some time until total demographic disaster. I want healthier Europeans before solving the migration issue. The latter can only be solved once the former is.

Berlin mayor warns of Nazi ‘rebirth’ in Germany ahead of elections - Stadtaffe - 08-17-2017

I also think that both Petry and Weidel were not quite right at the top of the AfD. Thing is, Petry was critical of Höcke who is such a charismatic patriot and family man, so hard to really criticize. Then, so is Weidel critical of him as well as being a lesbian. But the party is made up of hundreds of people not just the few at the top, and really the bulk of the videos outide the alternative media are many members of the party other than those two. Seriously, if you've got your finger on the pulse of what is going on in that party it is red pilled, despite the one lesbian. For whatever cucked reason they've calculated Germany is a few years away from being ready for a conservative party with a male leader as well.

BTW Pirinçci is very funny, have a look at Deutschland von Sinnen .. very irreverent and funny take on fixing up German politics.