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Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - Lindsey Graham - 07-26-2016

This is happening every single day. It is currently safer to be living in Syria than it is to be living in a large European city.

This is WAR, and these scumbags have to be taken out ASAP.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - Valentine - 07-26-2016

5 attacks in the past 2 weeks in Europe. Almost every other day now.

At what point will war be declared? When there are attacks every other day? Every day? Twice a day? This madness has got to stop.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - Teutatis - 07-26-2016

"We stand together"
"Not all muslims"
"Love trumps hate"
"It's really our fault"
"Muslims welcome"

Quote: (07-26-2016 05:47 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

Quote: (01-17-1970 07:12 PM)Lucky trumps hate"551' Wrote:  

Jesus. Every day it looks like we are getting closer to Samseau's prediction of all-out civil war in Europe.

How is that Samseau's prediction? Anyone with a brain in his head who's read a history book has been saying that's going to happen for decades now. Just look up "gates of vienna".

Indeed, not to take away anything from Samseau but plenty on this forum have said the same thing several times, not to mention tons of people that throughout the years and from very different backgrounds have been talking exactly about this, like you said it doesn't take a genius to have realized this was the path we were heading.

Quote: (07-26-2016 05:56 AM)Lucky Wrote:  

Because Samseau predicted it first in his goatskin scrolls, circa 1630-1741.

Typically, the first person to predict something receives credit for it.

Samseau is nowhere near the first person to have predicted this.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - Teutatis - 07-26-2016

Quote: (07-26-2016 05:21 AM)Mercenary Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2016 05:06 AM)Dantes Wrote:  

How much more before Europeans take action?

A lot more.

Quote: (07-26-2016 06:11 AM)Lindsey Graham Wrote:  

This is happening every single day. It is currently safer to be living in Syria than it is to be living in a large European city.

This is WAR, and these scumbags have to be taken out ASAP.

Quote: (07-26-2016 06:18 AM)Valentine Wrote:  

5 attacks in the past 2 weeks in Europe. Almost every other day now.

At what point will war be declared? When there are attacks every other day? Every day? Twice a day? This madness has got to stop.

War won't be declared, no real actions will be taken, nothing will be done, this is just what the French in particular and the West in general will have to learn to live with as a regular occurrence, like a train being late or a car crash that blocks traffic. It's inconvenient but the next day it will be forgotten.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - redpillage - 07-26-2016

Quote: (07-26-2016 05:00 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

Next up: Pope Francis saying the beheader only did it out of lack of love and financial support.

I actually CANNOT WAIT to hear Pope Cuck's statement.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - Nineteen84 - 07-26-2016


War won't be declared, no real actions will be taken, nothing will be done, this is just what the French in particular and the West in general will have to learn to live with as a regular occurrence, like a train being late or a car crash that blocks traffic. It's inconvenient but the next day it will be forgotten.

Yes it will be like that scene from Brazil:

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - redpillage - 07-26-2016

Quote: (07-26-2016 06:18 AM)Valentine Wrote:  

5 attacks in the past 2 weeks in Europe. Almost every other day now.

At what point will war be declared? When there are attacks every other day? Every day? Twice a day? This madness has got to stop.

The European elite is literally leading the sheep to the slaughterhouse.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - redpillage - 07-26-2016

Quote: (07-26-2016 06:11 AM)Lindsey Graham Wrote:  

This is happening every single day. It is currently safer to be living in Syria than it is to be living in a large European city.

This is WAR, and these scumbags have to be taken out ASAP.

Maybe that should be our secret plan. We move them all over here and THEN one day we all leave to Syria overnight and close the borders. Give it one generation and the country will be 1st world with Damascus a shining metropolis.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - Mercenary - 07-26-2016

Quote: (07-26-2016 06:18 AM)Valentine Wrote:  

5 attacks in the past 2 weeks in Europe. Almost every other day now.

At what point will war be declared? When there are attacks every other day? Every day? Twice a day? This madness has got to stop.

I don't think politicians declaring war will have the effect we want.
Remember George W's "war on terror" ?

[Image: missmeyet.jpg]

[Image: war-on-terror-box.gif]

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - Diogenes - 07-26-2016

Quote: (07-26-2016 06:53 AM)Mercenary Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2016 06:18 AM)Valentine Wrote:  

5 attacks in the past 2 weeks in Europe. Almost every other day now.

At what point will war be declared? When there are attacks every other day? Every day? Twice a day? This madness has got to stop.

I don't think politicians declaring war will have the effect we want.
Remember George W's "war on terror" ?

[Image: war-on-terror-box.gif]

That "war on terror' was all bullshit though. Instead of fucking over secular governments in the middle east they should have gone after the Saudis. They are the fountainhead of most of this jihadi crap.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - malakaix - 07-26-2016

Doctor ‘shot dead’ by gunman at hospital in Germany

A doctor is believed to have been killed in Berlin after a gunman opened fire at a hospital.
German media reports that the gunman turned the gun on himself after the shooting at the University Hospital in Steglitz, Berlin.

Not enough details here yet.. but christ two attacks in the same day.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - seniol - 07-26-2016

Every 3 minutes on Twitter, a new useful idiot is writing #PrayForMunich.

The amount of idiocy never ceases to amaze me.

#PrayForBrussels #PrayForParis #PrayForGermany #PrayForNice #PrayForFrance

these retards will never ever wake up ?

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - LEMONed IScream - 07-26-2016

"Nothing can corrupt and disintegrate a culture or a man’s character as thoroughly as does the precept of moral agnosticism, the idea that one must never pass moral judgment on others, that one must be morally tolerant of anything, that the good consists of never distinguishing good from evil.

"It is obvious who profits and who loses by such a precept. It is not justice or equal treatment that you grant to men when you abstain equally from praising men’s virtues and from condemning men’s vices. When your impartial attitude declares, in effect, that neither the good nor the evil may expect anything from you—whom do you betray and whom do you encourage?" —Ayn Rand

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - Dr. Howard - 07-26-2016

Quote: (07-26-2016 05:06 AM)Dantes Wrote:  

How much more before Europeans take action? They are sitting ducks and haven't done anything to defend their citizens.

Murder of Christians certainly won't change anything. They are not a protected/respected class anymore in Europe and somewhat in America.

If some refugee murders a climate change scientist, an Imam or a lesbian/transvestite advocate out!

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - Lucky - 07-26-2016

Just read this quote: "Might as well leave that France filter on your profile, permanently."

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - Nineteen84 - 07-26-2016

So, how shall we divide up these 'Attack on the West' master threads then? By continent or country?

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - Traktor - 07-26-2016

The terrorist involved in the slaying of the priest left France to fight for ISIS in Syria, was let back in.

Hollande and Valls should be tried for treason. Scum.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - Lucky - 07-26-2016

Quote: (07-26-2016 07:26 AM)Nineteen84 Wrote:  

So, how shall we divide up these 'Attack on the West' master threads then? By continent or country?

Country first, then continent.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - Traktor - 07-26-2016

It was all fun and games when France was arming and supporting the nihilists.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - roberto - 07-26-2016

Quote: (07-26-2016 06:35 AM)redpillage Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2016 05:00 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

Next up: Pope Francis saying the beheader only did it out of lack of love and financial support.

I actually CANNOT WAIT to hear Pope Cuck's statement.

It's not looking good.

Quote:BBC News Wrote:

Pope Francis decried the "pain and horror of this absurd violence".

Quote:BBC News Wrote:

The Archbishop of Rouen, Dominique Lebrun, who was attending a Catholic gathering in Poland, said: "I cry out to God with all men of goodwill. I would invite non-believers to join in the cry.

"The Catholic Church cannot take weapons other than those of prayer and brotherhood among men."
[Image: tard.gif]

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - philosophical_recovery - 07-26-2016

This is insane.

Clearly invaders wanting to fuck up France. Clearly the government wants everyone to bend over and take it in the pooper

We have all this technology that enables immediate communication across the world, and people still won't believe that this is happening.

Total denial.

Something similar must've been what happened with the Romans. I find historical evidence of it here and there, but of course the technology and literacy didn't seem to be as widespread. And historical records were destroyed. An empire, wiped out.

This is exactly how.

[Image: tumblr_nxtmqv003l1rmc3mfo1_1280.gif]

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - philosophical_recovery - 07-26-2016

Some views of Reddit French:

[Image: attachment.jpg32834]   

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - Leonard D Neubache - 07-26-2016


"The third world have been living that shit for years and we just pretend nothing happened"

Still cucked. Still blue pill. Still on the white-man's-burden slave plantation.

(but at least it seems like there's mental dam ready to burst there)

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - Mercenary - 07-26-2016

Quote: (07-26-2016 08:15 AM)philosophical_recovery Wrote:  

Some views of Reddit French:

You will only see real resistance and action when what native French people are writing online gets really, really short.
I'm talking single sentences or just a few words.

Until they continue to write such long musings, nothing will change.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church - polar - 07-26-2016

Forget master threads, at this point we need an entire dedicated "European attacks" subforum.