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George Soros raises the stakes: 300K refugees - 911 - 07-23-2016

Quote: (07-22-2016 09:09 PM)MdWanderer Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2016 06:49 PM)John Michael Kane Wrote:  

How many of the 300k rapeugees is this Spawn of Satan taking into his multiple palaces around the globe? This man is pure evil incarnate. He needs to be tried for ethic cleansing and supporting terrorism in the court of human rights.

Can Putin or the Russian government take him out? You know, like the U.S did to Saddam Hussein? Soros even threw his fellow Jews under the bus while working closely with the Nazis to find Jewish hideouts in Hungary during WWII.

He is literally devoid of human emotion. I would trade an all night sex party with Ivanka Trump to see him drop dead.

SO the bastard was a kapo, huh? It figures...

George Soros raises the stakes: 300K refugees - Irenicus - 07-23-2016

Quote: (07-23-2016 12:11 AM)911 Wrote:  

Quote: (07-22-2016 09:09 PM)MdWanderer Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2016 06:49 PM)John Michael Kane Wrote:  

How many of the 300k rapeugees is this Spawn of Satan taking into his multiple palaces around the globe? This man is pure evil incarnate. He needs to be tried for ethic cleansing and supporting terrorism in the court of human rights.

Can Putin or the Russian government take him out? You know, like the U.S did to Saddam Hussein? Soros even threw his fellow Jews under the bus while working closely with the Nazis to find Jewish hideouts in Hungary during WWII.

He is literally devoid of human emotion. I would trade an all night sex party with Ivanka Trump to see him drop dead.

SO the bastard was a kapo, huh? It figures...

Yes he was. And he is even proud of that (in his own words).

There is no wonder why higher ups in the NVO are using him as their hitman.

George Soros raises the stakes: 300K refugees - Orson - 08-24-2017

Soros in Macedonia - So Much Like his threat to Hungary? - an example of the Deep State's Dug-in Persistence

With Bannon out of the WH, we are all wondering how long we must wait for actions to root-out the Deep State threats the US government poses to Trump (as well as us) - or else we worry if it will ever come? "Has Trump's program of Patriotic law and order and middle-class reform been defeated?" we fear.

William F Marshall is an ex-intel analyst now working for Judicial Watch. He has hoped that easy FOIA disclosures of Obama-era malfeasance would come easily after Trump's election as President - and, like us, has been very disappointed.

In his new piece at the American Thinker, among Marshall's examples of disappointment are fresh details on Obama funneling taxpayer funds to George Soro's to undermine the government in Macedonia - the small Balkan nation south of Serbia and northeast of Greece.

Here’s the link rich low-down from Marshall’s “Has the Deep State Won?’


Another example of the Trump administration's seeming powerlessness or unwillingness to oppose the Deep State bureaucracy also comes courtesy of the State Department. As Judicial Watch reported recently, [SEE LINK] the State Department, through its Agency for International Development (USAID), has been funneling millions of dollars to George Soros-sponsored hard-left non-governmental organizations that seek to undermine pro-American governments in multiple foreign countries.

One such case we highlighted was Macedonia, which thanks largely to the United States, was a model of success after it threw off communism in 1991. It had a highly successful economy, strong free market policies and a conservative, pro-American government. That was until Barack Obama came along and started shoveling millions of U.S. tax dollars to some of Soros's 60-plus leftist, rabble-rousing organizations in Macedonia that sought to unite the members of the leftist SDSM party (former communists) of that country with the country's sizable Muslim minority population to undermine the conservative Christian government. Sadly, they were successful.

Obama's ambassador to Macedonia, Jess Baily, and his State Department colleagues at the U.S. Mission in Skopje, whom a Macedonian official described to me as being hardcore leftists in the mold of Barack Obama, [SEE LINK] have worked closely with the country's leftists. Yet Ambassador Baily is still in place, [SEE LINK] and the U.S. continues to funnel those millions of dollars to Soros's organizations there and in other countries through its Civil Society Project. [SEE LINK]  Why hasn't President Trump replaced Baily and ended the money flow to Soros and Company? Soros’s organizations are receiving U.S. tax dollars in other countries as well, such as Albania, [SEE LINK] for the same leftist-fomenting purposes.


So much "deep state" penetration, taxpayer dollars funneled to foreign causes, interlocking with the oldest part of federal government - the State Department and "diplomats" - for Trump to disentangle, and so little time to do it....
It is scary.

George Soros raises the stakes: 300K refugees - Razor Beast - 08-24-2017

Quote: (07-21-2016 12:06 PM)C-Note Wrote:  

I'd be interested in seeing someone ask Trump in an interview or press conference, "As you may be aware, Russia has issued a warrant for Soros' arrest because of what they say have been unlawful actions against their nation. If elected, would you consider extraditing Soros to Russia to face trial?"

I don't know what Trump would say, but if he said "Yes" all hell would break loose in the media and with liberals.

They would probably only lose their minds because of the Russia connection. If it was any other country I don't think they would even realize the implications of it.

George Soros raises the stakes: 300K refugees - Handsome Creepy Eel - 08-24-2017

Quote: (07-22-2016 09:09 PM)MdWanderer Wrote:  

I would trade an all night sex party with Ivanka Trump to see him drop dead.

I'd trade a week-long threesome with Ivanka and Tiffany. Now that is sacrifice.

George Soros raises the stakes: 300K refugees - CynicalContrarian - 08-24-2017


George Soros raises the stakes: 300K refugees - redpillage - 08-24-2017

Quote: (08-24-2017 03:13 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

Quote: (07-22-2016 09:09 PM)MdWanderer Wrote:  

I would trade an all night sex party with Ivanka Trump to see him drop dead.

I'd trade a week-long threesome with Ivanka and Tiffany. Now that is sacrifice.

I'd trade getting married to Ivanka and becoming the Donald's new protege. THAT is how much I hate George 'Après Mois Le Déluge Fucking' Soros.