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Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page - Printable Version

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Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page - Tex Cruise - 04-13-2016

Quote: (04-13-2016 05:57 AM)Mr. D Wrote:  

Quote: (04-13-2016 05:51 AM)Gmac Wrote:  

[Image: thumb_thisthreadisworthlesswithoutp.gif]

[Image: 10329256_1059696304078970_4056956771548211224_n.jpg]
[Image: 10342946_1339567159425215_6537536457246879393_n.jpg]

6 goats

8 goats

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page - JWLZG - 04-13-2016

Quote: (04-13-2016 02:10 AM)Spectrumwalker Wrote:  

Quote: (04-13-2016 01:29 AM)Centurion Wrote:  

I think you Americans have a vastly different sense of "amount of hot girls" compared to Aus/NZ, probably UK.

As an American currently in Australia, I can confidently say that by and large the vast majority of women here are far prettier than in the US. At least from my neck of the woods in California. They dress much more feminine, and obesity does not seem to be a problem. At least in the big cities. Much more pleasant personalities to go along.

Are you sure those aren't European backpackers/students that you're seeing? We have tons of them everywhere — though in the capitals, they tend to stick within the inner city — and at first glance, sure, it's easy to confuse them for locals, and by far they bring up the attractiveness, at least superficially.

Whereabouts in Oz are you?

The Australian v. American girls debate has been flogged to death over here, and honestly, I can't see how our women leave the American ones for dead. Granted, I've never been to the US proper — and unless the ones overseas aren't representative of the Americans back home — but I've come across a larger proportion of in-shape, put-together girls. At least they didn't need shitloads of foundation, hair extensions and peroxide to look good. Is beauty just really unevenly distributed around the States? You people have a higher admixture of European blood, so it should work in your favour.

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page - Last Parade - 04-13-2016

So if I'm seeing things right on the page, and I never know with shitty Facebook algorithms nowadays, but if I'm seeing it right the most recent pics of women added on the page are:

March 2016
August 2015
May 2015

so literally 3 pictures of women in the past year - and by the way, a picture of a guy (and another guy picture March 2015) but that doesn't matter? Kicking up a fuss over such a nonexistent site?

[Image: attachment.jpg31063]   

wew lad.

-Near the top of Ellena's timeline is her signing the petition to keep Roosh out, hahaha

-"Deny employment for wrongthinkers", the hot new talking point for $CURRENT_YEAR

-Tone's implication of the university as a non-diverse, femininity-inducing finishing school actually makes me far more interested...

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page - Macumazahn - 04-13-2016

Quote: (04-13-2016 03:50 AM)Tex Cruise Wrote:  

Quote: (04-13-2016 02:58 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

She's just sore that she isn't worth even one goat.

True story;

I was given this goat once. It was real bad-ass looking... big horns, big goatee, big balls, real spawn-of-satan looking thing...and it was a cunt of a goat.

If you put it in a fence it would break it or climb over, if you put it on a chain, it would break it. It would headbutt people for fun and eat everything in sight.

Tried to give it away for ages but nobody wanted it even though I lied and told them it was really tame and friendly.

Eventually just had to shoot it because it kept attacking people.

WCGTGISSONTTGAFO (would consider giving that goat if she stayed one night then took goat and fucked off)

Next time, get yourself a nice zebra.

I'm told you can't go wrong with a zebra.

Edit : Don't get an old, beater zebra, though.

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page - god - 04-13-2016

Quote: (04-13-2016 03:29 AM)Rush87 Wrote:  

Pretty sure I have seen at least a dozen "hot guys of… [Insert xxx location]" on Facebook run by women. I wish someone would just start spamming those pages to highlight the double standard.

This artical is hosted on "". They are not interested in reporting an objective story. Their depravity knows no bounds. They are in business to make money, and they have figured out that the best way to do that is to tell stories that fuel hatred, disgust, and drama.

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page - Splord - 04-13-2016

Quote: (04-13-2016 02:58 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

'Number of goats' is hilarious, we should make the official number scale here 'worth 1-10 goats', where 10 is the most valuable, and 1 the lowest.

[Image: icon_razz.gif]I 'd vote for that!

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page - captain_shane - 04-13-2016

[Image: 7053_1076412272407373_226501350273110493...3D57B72D44]

[Image: 10561805_1062991083749492_32681696313369...3D577E9506]

Where should I be traveling to find girls that are similar to this look? Iran, Greece, Italy? Any advice gents?

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page - la bodhisattva - 04-13-2016

Imagine the coverage (besides dismissing laughter - and rightly so) if a man launches a petition to bring down Tinder because he's not getting enough matches.

Someone doesn't think you're gorgeous, princess. Get over it. Life isn't your Instagram feed.

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page - AnonymousBosch - 04-13-2016

Quote: (04-13-2016 05:22 AM)T and A Man Wrote:  

Blandthorn by name

Blandthorn by nature

This is the kind of on-the-nose nomenclature you get from Charles Dickens or the Harry Potter lady. Is she real, or some kind of Art Project?

< My real name is Rock Steeledong.

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page - YoungBlade - 04-13-2016

Quote: (04-13-2016 03:14 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Quote: (04-13-2016 05:22 AM)T and A Man Wrote:  

Blandthorn by name

Blandthorn by nature

This is the kind of on-the-nose nomenclature you get from Charles Dickens or the Harry Potter lady. Is she real, or some kind of Art Project?

< My real name is Rock Steeledong.

My fake names for crazy chicks:

Beat PunchBeef
Big, Brave Brick of Meat
Big McLargeHuge
Blast HardCheese
Blast ThickNeck
Bob Johnson (No, wait...)
Bold BigFlank
Bolt VanderHuge
Brick HardMeat
Buck PlankChest
Buff DrinkLots
Buff HardBack
Butch DeadLift
Crud BoneMeal
Crunch ButtSteak
Dirk HardPec
Fist RockBone
Flint IronStag
Fridge LargeMeat
Gristle McThornBody
Hack BlowFist
Lump BeefBroth
Punch RockGroin
Punch Side-Iron
Punt SpeedChunk
Reef BlastBody
Roll Fizzlebeef
Rip SteakFace
Slab BulkHead
Slab SquatThrust
Slate Fistcrunch
Slate SlabRock
Smash LampJaw
Smoke ManMuscle
Splint ChestHair
Stump BeefKnob
Stump Chunkman
Thick McRunFast
Touch RustRod
Trunk SlamChest
Whip SlagCheek

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page - Paracelsus - 04-14-2016

The hotties are pissed that there's a campaign to take the page down!


MELBOURNE “hotties” have hit back at a student who created a petition to destroy a “sexist” Facebook page, saying she has done more harm than good.
Melbourne University law student Laura Blandthorn created the petition to shut down the Hotties of Melbourne University page, because she believed it promoted a rape culture.
Pictures of Melbourne “hotties” are posted to the page and people are invited to comment on the photos.
Some women have attracted comments like “geez she’d get it” and “shoot me with tranquilliser right now before I go out and hunt”.
While Ms Blandthorn believes the page condones sexism and disrespect, some women featured on the page were not offended, and said they had only experienced problems since the petition.
Sydney Watson had her photo posted just over a year ago and never copped any backlash.
“Now that she (Blandthorn) has gone and drawn attention to the page, I am getting way more friend requests and comments to my image than before — and these are people from all across Australia,” Ms Watson said.
“Drawing attention to this only served to make the situation unpleasant when before, I had not encountered a single unpleasantry.”
Ms Watson has appeared on the page twice, her friend sent her picture to the admins the first time and it was posted without her permission the second.

“I found it a little flattering and mostly amusing,” she said.
“Maybe it is just me, but I did find it to be a huge compliment — whether or not it was intended as such.”
Ms Watson believes the page is harmless and never asked to have her photo taken down.
Admins of the page say they will remove a photo if asked.
“I didn’t find anything offensive in being posted on the page. I saw it as entirely harmless and mostly a bit of fun — which I’m sure is how it was intended,” she said.
“What is offensive, really, about somebody considering you a ‘hottie’ at your university? There is no world where I would consider this sexual harassment. I view majority of the comments as harmless.
“I will say that I have noticed more sexually explicit comments since this has had a spotlight shone on it.”
Ms Watson said she was “really cross” with the petition and the attention the page received.
She doesn’t think there’s ever a place for unkind and unnecessary comments but believes the petition has been an insult to free speech.
“I also think that something relatively harmless has been blown way out of proportion. Nothing has eventuated from this page. This page no more promotes the normalisation of predatory behaviour than any other Facebook page or group,” she said.

“The petition suggests that women are being treated a commodity because of very obvious satirical comments referring to trading livestock for the girl in question.
“If the bulk of comments were of that nature, then maybe these claims could be considered legitimate, but as far as I’m concerned, all I see are people doing what they usually would do on the internet.”
Pictures have been posted to the Facebook page without the women’s consent.

Ms Watson said the campaign to tear down the page was “incredibly offensive” because it suggested that only women could be sexually harassed, abused and objectified.
She said suggesting the page promoted rape or sexual harassment was a slap in the face to real rape victims and anybody who had experienced genuine assaults.
“I think the main point of how I feel is just because somebody is offended does not mean they are right. And it also does not give them the right to shut down the things that offend them,” she said.
Gianne, who did not reveal her last name, was also featured on the page and received criticism from people saying she was too skinny and had “her legs open already”.
People however did jump to Gianne’s defence and she said she didn’t take the comments to heart.
“The comments were fine at the start, I feel like the petition maybe caused people to go on it more and make comments that were mean,” she said.
Both Ms Watson and Gianne have been inundated with friend requests and private messages since the petition was created.
Gianne thinks the petition to take down a Facebook page has done more harm than good.

“In the last 24 hours I’ve had about 40 friend requests and woke up to 20 Instagram requests,” Gianne said.
“I don’t have any mutual friends with them and some aren’t even from Melbourne.”
A couple of weeks ago, the Hotties of Melbourne University page had 14,000 likes, it now has almost 16,000 followers.
“I don’t think it’s a big enough deal to make a petition about it,” Gianne said.
“If we wanted to do that, we could have. I didn’t even inbox the page to ask for my picture to be taken down but if I did, it probably would have been deleted.”
Gianne did not believe the page perpetuated a rape culture, nor did she feel unsafe on her university campus.
“I take it as a compliment,” she said.
“It’s not like they’re uploading photos saying ‘this is the fattest person at uni’.
“I’ve been on there for a year and not one person has approached me about it or asked if I’m the girl from the page — I don’t see a rape culture, if there was I would’ve probably been attacked.”
Yesterday University of Melbourne Deputy Provost and Pro-Vice Chancellor Professor Susan Elliott said it was disappointing we lived in a society where men and women posted sexually provocative photos of themselves and said people should be more mindful.
Gianne agreed and said people should not post photos that ask for attention.
She said at the end of the day, this was just part of the world we lived in.
“Technology is normal and this is bound to happen,” she said.
The petition currently has more than 22,000 supporters.

[Image: jordan.gif]

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page - Rush87 - 04-14-2016

Quote: (04-13-2016 03:02 PM)captain_shane Wrote:  

Where should I be traveling to find girls that are similar to this look? Iran, Greece, Italy? Any advice gents?

She is Eurasian my friend. In some of the high end clubs in Thailand you will see girls like this.

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page - eradicator - 04-14-2016

Quote: (04-13-2016 02:58 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

[Image: 1460496086994.jpg]

WB[Image: blush.gif]

EDIT, holy jesus, this girl can get off on my shoe, would much rather bang the other girls in this thread.

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page - pialox - 04-14-2016

Once again the feminist SJW's coming to the defense of people who didnt even need or want defending in the first place.

Bravo fatso

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page - Scoundrel - 04-14-2016

Quote: (04-14-2016 01:17 AM)pialox Wrote:  

Once again the feminist SJW's coming to the defense of people who didnt even need or want defending in the first place.

Some years ago, I spent about a week in a certain city, and found a coffee shop that I liked which had several attractive young women working there, as well as a number of cute female customers.

I visited the shop several times while I was in town. I would chat up the girls, flirt with them, sometimes obtain phone numbers or other contact info.

After a few days of fun and totally harmless interactions, the fat bulldyke manager had had enough. She caught me asking a young woman I'd been talking to for her phone number, and proceeded to read me the riot act. How dare I use her establishment to pick up women!

The amusing thing was, none of the women I'd talked with seemed to have any problem with me whatsoever. It was the unattractive bystander — someone I would never have been remotely interested in — who felt the need to intervene and put the kibosh on my activities.

I'm sure we've all encountered situations like this. It's so often the people on the outskirts, those who are not directly affected at all, who have such a terrible problem and who DEMAND that something be shut down and stopped at once.

As the Aussies would say, good on the hotties for rejecting this future spinster's puritanical B.S.!

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page - Sean - 04-14-2016

Quote: (04-14-2016 01:17 AM)eradicator Wrote:  

Quote: (04-13-2016 02:58 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

[Image: 1460496086994.jpg]

WB[Image: blush.gif]

EDIT, holy jesus, this girl can get off on my shoe, would much rather bang the other girls in this thread.

She's a hard 6. Slender, longer hair, white, no straight jaw. Problem is her expression. Her smiling pic in this thread isn't bad. However, I'm sure *everything* changes once she opens her mouth or you get her going on a topic.

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page - Suits - 04-14-2016

Quote: (04-14-2016 02:35 AM)Sean Wrote:  

Quote: (04-14-2016 01:17 AM)eradicator Wrote:  

Quote: (04-13-2016 02:58 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

[Image: 1460496086994.jpg]

WB[Image: blush.gif]

EDIT, holy jesus, this girl can get off on my shoe, would much rather bang the other girls in this thread.

She's a hard 6. Slender, longer hair, white, no straight jaw. Problem is her expression. Her smiling pic in this thread isn't bad. However, I'm sure *everything* changes once she opens her mouth or you get her going on a topic.

The other image is very carefully selected. 2/10 WNB.

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page - Thoroughbred - 04-14-2016

Quote: (04-14-2016 01:09 AM)Rush87 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-13-2016 03:02 PM)captain_shane Wrote:  

Where should I be traveling to find girls that are similar to this look? Iran, Greece, Italy? Any advice gents?

She is Eurasian my friend. In some of the high end clubs in Thailand you will see girls like this.


Australian birds get so much flak on this forum, and I just don't know where people are going.

I went into my local cafe last weekend to see a new chick making coffee. She was a tall, tanned, burnette with clear green eyes. She gave me a smile as bright as daylight and said "take a seat". I nearly walked into a wall.

I hate the rating system, but if we were to use it she would be what you call an 11.

This is a regular occurrence. Whenever I hit the street, to run errands, for food and drinks, whatever, I see a handful of absolute jaw droppers, every time.

I read the way blokes whinge about the looks and appearance of Aussie girls round here, and I think to myself "are we on the same island brah?"

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page - CynicalContrarian - 04-14-2016

Quote: (04-14-2016 01:17 AM)pialox Wrote:  

Once again the feminist SJW's coming to the defense of people who didnt even need or want defending in the first place.

Bravo fatso

"Saving" others trumps admitting your own failures... [Image: rolleyes.gif]

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page - Rush87 - 04-14-2016

Quote: (04-14-2016 04:41 AM)Thoroughbred Wrote:  

Quote: (04-14-2016 01:09 AM)Rush87 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-13-2016 03:02 PM)captain_shane Wrote:  

Where should I be traveling to find girls that are similar to this look? Iran, Greece, Italy? Any advice gents?

She is Eurasian my friend. In some of the high end clubs in Thailand you will see girls like this.


Australian birds get so much flak on this forum, and I just don't know where people are going.

I went into my local cafe last weekend to see a new chick making coffee. She was a tall, tanned, burnette with clear green eyes. She gave me a smile as bright as daylight and said "take a seat". I nearly walked into a wall.

I hate the rating system, but if we were to use it she would be what you call an 11.

This is a regular occurrence. Whenever I hit the street, to run errands, for food and drinks, whatever, I see a handful of absolute jaw droppers, every time.

I read the way blokes whinge about the looks and appearance of Aussie girls round here, and I think to myself "are we on the same island brah?"

You're on a different island to me. I'll go weeks without seeing a girl that is even fit let alone attractive in Sydney.

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page - Mike5055 - 04-14-2016

We all know the truth: She's jealous because she would never be on a list of hot women.

So naturally, no one else gets to either!

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page - pialox - 04-14-2016

Quote: (04-14-2016 02:01 AM)Scoundrel Wrote:  

Quote: (04-14-2016 01:17 AM)pialox Wrote:  

Once again the feminist SJW's coming to the defense of people who didnt even need or want defending in the first place.

Some years ago, I spent about a week in a certain city, and found a coffee shop that I liked which had several attractive young women working there, as well as a number of cute female customers.

I visited the shop several times while I was in town. I would chat up the girls, flirt with them, sometimes obtain phone numbers or other contact info.

After a few days of fun and totally harmless interactions, the fat bulldyke manager had had enough. She caught me asking a young woman I'd been talking to for her phone number, and proceeded to read me the riot act. How dare I use her establishment to pick up women!

The amusing thing was, none of the women I'd talked with seemed to have any problem with me whatsoever. It was the unattractive bystander — someone I would never have been remotely interested in — who felt the need to intervene and put the kibosh on my activities.

I'm sure we've all encountered situations like this. It's so often the people on the outskirts, those who are not directly affected at all, who have such a terrible problem and who DEMAND that something be shut down and stopped at once.

As the Aussies would say, good on the hotties for rejecting this future spinster's puritanical B.S.!

These types of miserable fatties need to be reprimanded for this behaviour. I'm sure you would never be allowed back there so I would have just let her have it and call the cuntlord out.