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Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - Samseau - 06-26-2015

Homosexuality is a mental illness with no genetic basis. The majority of faggots were created after being molested or fucked during or before puberty by an older homosexual.

The real clincher for this movement, however, is it will be used to shut down Christian churches. Churches that refuse to marry faggots will be closed down for violating the "rights" of gays (i.e. mentally-ill people) to marry. We've seen this precedent with the baker who refused to make a gay wedding cake and was fined so much money he had to shut down his business. Of course, Islamic Mosques will be left alone. The attack on faggotry will be used to shut down Churches across America until they become a den of faggots like many Catholic churches.

I think today is the official start of the second dark age.

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - Aenigmarius - 06-26-2015

Quote: (06-26-2015 10:15 AM)Hedonistic Traveler Wrote:  

Personally I don't really give a shit. If anything this will be a positive. Politicians have been basing their campaigns around gay marriage for decades, I'm happy they'll be forced to move on to issues that actually affect people.

This really isn't about gay marriage, it's about power. If the Supreme Court can un-define -- not redefine but un-define -- what marriage is, then marriage becomes meaningless. The definition of "marriage" is now whatever some court says it is. Your state legislature can pass 1,000 laws defining marriage but they're all meaningless because the Supreme Court just made marriage whatever the next judge decides it should be.

We're supposed to be all focused on the bread-and-circuses of hetero vs. homo, left vs. right, party vs. party... but its all just smoke and mirrors. We keep happily, willingly giving up our liberty in the name of "safety" and our freedom in the name of our "rights." We are surrendering -- in some cases, even demanding to surrender -- our God-given (or natural) rights as human beings in exchange for government approved and controlled "rights" that can and will be used against us when and wherever somebody with an official piece of paper or job title decides.

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - dog - 06-26-2015

This ruling sets up a rather nice precedent for polyamorous marriage. In fact, I don't see how they couldn't rule in it's favor. It might only require a handful of states to pass a law recognizing polyamorous marriages too.

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - TheWastelander - 06-26-2015

I think you mean polygamous marriages. It'll never happen since most of the people agitating for that are Mormon religious fundamentalists. You can only get what you want legally in this country if your movement is currently en vogue.

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - VolandoVengoVolandoVoy - 06-26-2015

Quote: (06-26-2015 10:57 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Homosexuality is a mental illness with no genetic basis. The majority of faggots were created after being molested or fucked during or before puberty by an older homosexual.

The real clincher for this movement, however, is it will be used to shut down Christian churches. Churches that refuse to marry faggots will be closed down for violating the "rights" of gays (i.e. mentally-ill people) to marry. We've seen this precedent with the baker who refused to make a gay wedding cake and was fined so much money he had to shut down his business. Of course, Islamic Mosques will be left alone. The attack on faggotry will be used to shut down Churches across America until they become a den of faggots like many Catholic churches.

I think today is the official start of the second dark age.

The American Psychiatric Association does not consider homosexuality a mental illness -

Could you explain why they are wrong and you are right?

Also, Christianity doesn't really offer a sound basis for condemning homosexuals, assuming you believe in the Bible as the literal word of God. Sure there are a couple of odd verses in there concerning sodomites and a man laying with a man and them being put to death, but there is a lot of other stuff in there too that we do not follow in modern life. I have read many religious texts, and even though I think they are nothing more than fiction, they are still interesting. I don't think that most modern Christians want to live in a world of biblical literalism. And it doesn't really seem possible for an individual Christian to take it upon himself to say I accept this part of the bible but not that one. I think a healthy general perspective for a Christian would be that many specific pronouncements in the bible are anachronistic, and that the most applicable lessons in the bible concern love for oneself, community, and family, and acceptance and tolerance. Basically the sort of non judgmental, live and let live attitude that makes life and communities function better.

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - BlurredSevens - 06-26-2015

As usual, I turn to The Onion for proper perspective on controversial national news.

They are having a field day with this one:

[Image: 7HyaXnal.png]


[Image: mWDHzXPl.png]


[Image: pvacRiwl.png]


[Image: E6Ha8TFl.png]

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - Samseau - 06-26-2015

VVVV: The APA is a joke and genetic twin studies on homos prove it's not genetic. Click on the links I've provided instead of doing the knee-jerk atheist thing.

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - VolandoVengoVolandoVoy - 06-26-2015

Quote: (06-26-2015 11:13 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

VVVV: The APA is a joke and genetic twin studies on homos prove it's not genetic. Click on the links I've provided instead of doing the knee-jerk atheist thing.

Hmmm so your argument is that the main representative body of psychiatrists in the USA is a joke, and anything they say is ipso facto worthless.

Are all the psychiatrists in on some big conspiracy, or are they just completely incompetent and ignorant?

So what if it's not genetic? How does that mean that it is a mental illness? Just because something is a learned or experiential behavior doesn't mean it is abhorrent and abnormal.

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - bacan - 06-26-2015

Samseau you need to relax, man.
Edit: For a less flippant reply, second dark age is a bit extreme, but I am also curious about how long and slippery this slope is (as others said below).

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - Gimlet - 06-26-2015

SCOTUS just redefined marriage for everyone. Marriage was never about love and fidelity - that belief system is the reason why the divorce rates have increased so dramatically over the last 4 decades. Marriage is about furthering your genes in such a way you produce legitimate heirs to the property and knowledge you acquire in life. Destroying that - the concept of legitimate ownership within the 99% - is the real reason gay marriage was rammed through so quickly with the aid of the wealthy. It dovetails with the rise of single moms. A bastard inherits nothing, be he born of a single mom or of homosexual surrogacy in which the male "parents" will lose interest in the child eventually (as do heterosexual men who are not married to the mother of their offspring). The end game is that children are raised by single moms, disinterested homosexuals or violent lesbians. Which means society raises those children.

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - lskdfjldsf - 06-26-2015

The Confederate flag and gay marriage in a single week, this is a shitlib's wet dream.

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - dog - 06-26-2015

Quote: (06-26-2015 11:20 AM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  

Quote: (06-26-2015 11:13 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

VVVV: The APA is a joke and genetic twin studies on homos prove it's not genetic. Click on the links I've provided instead of doing the knee-jerk atheist thing.

Hmmm so your argument is that the main representative body of psychiatrists in the USA is a joke, and anything they say is ipso facto worthless.

Are all the psychiatrists in on some big conspiracy, or are they just completely incompetent and ignorant?

So what if it's not genetic? How does that mean that it is a mental illness? Just because something is a learned or experiential behavior doesn't mean it is abhorrent and abnormal.

This is a very poor argument and you are doing yourself a disservice by not reading the studies that were linked.

If you want to make the argument that the APA is the supreme authority and we should take everything they say as truth, they did consider homosexuality as a mental illness up until 1973. However, they are a human institution in a field that has increasingly been politicized. Are you suggesting that they are infallible?

Regardless of what the APA says, I would think it would be best judge things on the basis of the facts and reasons that are presented, not the authorities that are presenting them.

Just because something is a learned or experiential behavior doesn't mean it is normal and should be accepted.

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - blacknwhitespade - 06-26-2015

Quote: (06-26-2015 10:57 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Homosexuality is a mental illness with no genetic basis. The majority of faggots were created after being molested or fucked during or before puberty by an older homosexual.

The real clincher for this movement, however, is it will be used to shut down Christian churches. Churches that refuse to marry faggots will be closed down for violating the "rights" of gays (i.e. mentally-ill people) to marry. We've seen this precedent with the baker who refused to make a gay wedding cake and was fined so much money he had to shut down his business. Of course, Islamic Mosques will be left alone. The attack on faggotry will be used to shut down Churches across America until they become a den of faggots like many Catholic churches.

I think today is the official start of the second dark age.

Well said. Conservative Christians just became civil libertarians, if they hadn't realized they were already. I'm seriously happy for my gay friends if they want to get married now or feel more accepted now (I always accepted them anyways), but get ready for the long slide down the slippery slope. This isn't gonna stop here, and the whole LGBT movement has been one of the recent major contributing factors to the erosion of masculinity in general.

Seriously hard times in the United States, I interpret this as further confirmation for my thoughts of finding a foreign wife, and perhaps also finding a way out of this country by the time I'm raising my own family. Not something that brings me pleasure to say, I love my country a lot, but the people, the gov't/politics, and even the churches around here are going way-yyy down. [Image: confused.gif]

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - Aenigmarius - 06-26-2015


Hmmm so your argument is that the main representative body of psychiatrists in the USA is a joke, and anything they say is ipso facto worthless.

Are all the psychiatrists in on some big conspiracy, or are they just completely incompetent and ignorant?

If you research the history and the process of the removal of homosexuality from the DSM, you'll see that even those who supported its removal admitted that the process was fundamentally based in politics and social pressure rather than actual medical science. Consensus is not science.

I'm not arguing whether homosexuality is or isn't a mental illness according to medical science, I'm just saying that the fact that homosexuality was removed from the DSM in the manner it was does not necessarily suggest it isn't an actual mental illness, it just means the APA membership took a vote and decided to exclude it as a psychiatric disorder listed in the DSM.

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - The Moonlight Patriot - 06-26-2015

Quote: (06-26-2015 10:57 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

I think today is the official start of the second dark age.

Quoted for truth. That this decision can actually bring about the end of the American ideal of limited government is truly frightening.

What gay citizens gained today can't be compared to what all citizens have lost. It will affect everyone. Changing the institution of marriage was the crowbar to be used to pry apart the institution of parenthood. Remember: terms like husband, wife, mother and father have to be replaced by "partner" and "parent". The primacy of the natural bonds that a mother and father have with their biological offspring – which predates every government in history – now must be replaced in order to accommodate the artificial, state-defined bonds of parentage.

So the federal government has the final say in who counts as a parent, not biology. Another massive power grab. The biggest one yet.

I wish I could be as indifferent as some of the other commenters but I am really astonished at this decision. Not surprised, though. The traditional family is a bulwark against the state. I guess that's why they had to get rid of it.

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - Drazen - 06-26-2015

I really don't give a shit either way about gay marriage, but the attention whoring memes I see on social media about this is pretty disgusting and kind of makes me wish they lost. Just being way too in your face about it.

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - Hedonistic Traveler - 06-26-2015

Quote: (06-26-2015 10:15 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

Hedon, actually they'll just move on to the next most depraved thing.

Actually you're probably right, marriage has become a sham anyways.

Another good thing could be how this affects alimony. If the gays marry in droves they'll be divorcing in droves pretty soon after. Are they going to make women pay each other? Or a men pay another man? I could see it become an issue.

No one gives a shit when straight guys complain about getting divorce raped, but when some dyke over at Jezebel bitches about it people will listen.

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - Phoenix - 06-26-2015

I wish there was some way we could pit the leftist freaks and the Islamic nuts against each other in a pitch battle so they could both leave us alone.

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - Slim Shady - 06-26-2015


I oppose gay marriage [especially gay adoption] while being a Libertarian Atheist, as you know.

It just logically, without even bringing religion into the debate, makes no sense to me.

It will only lead to further ruin.

On the other hand, I'm waiting for my right to sit in my tent with my 8 wives.

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - Phoenix - 06-26-2015

^ If you'll settle for 4, I know where you can go...

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - TheWastelander - 06-26-2015

They're human beings who are susceptible to the same political trends and pressures as everyone else in similar fields. What is and isn't classified as a mental illness at any given time has more to do with politics than you'd think.


The American Psychiatric Association (APA) removed homosexuality from its official Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) in 1973. This decision occurred in the context of momentous cultural changes brought on by the social protest movements of the 1950s to the 1970s: beginning with the African-American civil rights movement, then evolving on to the women's and gay rights movements.


Before the Stonewall riots, homophile groups had accepted the medical view of homosexuality as a mental disorder. Their view had been that accepting homosexuality as disease meant treating it as a disability, rather than a moral or religious sin, and would lead to more objective and humane attitudes.

A new generation of gay rights activists viewed medical and psychiatric portrayals of homosexuality to be just as problematic as the religious views. Gay men and women were still being denied many basic rights and the designation of homosexuality as a mental disorder had only exacerbated antihomosexual societal prejudices, leaving gay men and women vulnerable in terms of their physical safety, economic security, and overall well being.

Gay activists began to confront the APA about its position on homosexuality. There were a series of dramatic encounters between activists and psychiatrists at the annual meetings of the APA between 1970 and 1972. While the opposition to the activists was vehement by some in the APA, there were increasing numbers of psychiatrists (e.g., Judd Marmor) who supported the activists' view.


During the revision process of DSM-III in the mid 1980's EDH also engendered enormous controversy. In these debates openly gay and lesbian members of the APA played a decisive role in bringing about change (Krajeski 1996). Those on the APA Advisory Committee working on the revision who wanted to retain the EDH category argued that they believed the diagnosis was clinically useful and that it was necessary for research and statistical purposes. The opponents noted that making a patient's subjective experience of their own homosexuality the determining factor of their illness was not consistent with the new evidence-based approach that psychiatry had espoused. They argued that empirical data do not support the diagnosis and that it is inappropriate to label culturally induced homophobia as a mental disorder. The APA Committee agreed with the opponents and the diagnosis of ego-dystonic homosexuality was removed from DSM-III-R (1987).

Notice the bolded language and tactics are exactly the same as what the current social justice warriors who espouse all sorts of feminist bullshit use.

It became unfashionable to classify homosexuality as a mental disorder, so they changed it. They claim that Kinsey's studies (which were subjective report interviews) and some other shit led to the declassification but that's bullshit. They're doing the same with the transgender crap now.

Psychiatry is not a hard science since what's considered abnormal, to some degree, depends on the culture at the time so it's susceptible to political influence.

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - Samseau - 06-26-2015

Texas don't care

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - dads - 06-26-2015

Quote: (06-26-2015 11:12 AM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  

Quote: (06-26-2015 10:57 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Homosexuality is a mental illness with no genetic basis. The majority of faggots were created after being molested or fucked during or before puberty by an older homosexual.

The real clincher for this movement, however, is it will be used to shut down Christian churches. Churches that refuse to marry faggots will be closed down for violating the "rights" of gays (i.e. mentally-ill people) to marry. We've seen this precedent with the baker who refused to make a gay wedding cake and was fined so much money he had to shut down his business. Of course, Islamic Mosques will be left alone. The attack on faggotry will be used to shut down Churches across America until they become a den of faggots like many Catholic churches.

I think today is the official start of the second dark age.

The American Psychiatric Association does not consider homosexuality a mental illness -

Could you explain why they are wrong and you are right?

Also, Christianity doesn't really offer a sound basis for condemning homosexuals, assuming you believe in the Bible as the literal word of God. Sure there are a couple of odd verses in there concerning sodomites and a man laying with a man and them being put to death, but there is a lot of other stuff in there too that we do not follow in modern life. I have read many religious texts, and even though I think they are nothing more than fiction, they are still interesting. I don't think that most modern Christians want to live in a world of biblical literalism. And it doesn't really seem possible for an individual Christian to take it upon himself to say I accept this part of the bible but not that one. I think a healthy general perspective for a Christian would be that many specific pronouncements in the bible are anachronistic, and that the most applicable lessons in the bible concern love for oneself, community, and family, and acceptance and tolerance. Basically the sort of non judgmental, live and let live attitude that makes life and communities function better.

[Image: post-25374-Michael-Jordan-YEAH-gif-Imgur-X3MA.gif]

Here's the thing I don't understand about this argument. Why do the people that make it feel the need to be religious at all? I'm sure if God is real, he meant the Bible to be taken literally. No nonsense, no "it doesn't apply to modern blah blah", none of that. Have fun telling the dude that considers it a sin to worship anything besides him "well I perceived many of the specific pronouncements of the bible as anachronistic". If you don't agree with the book, then don't agree with it. But don't take it and try to use it to defend what it stands against. No one is telling you you have to be Christian, or that you only good people are Christian. But nothing makes me more sick than seeing people co-opt religion and the Bible to advance their own purposes by cherry picking and ignoring things from it.

Honestly, I don't have a "problem" with gay people. But I have never known one in my life, and I don't plan on it. I could care less about them eroding the foundation of a country. I'm just glad I get to be here before the lights go out on this world. If you post on this forum and you're considering bringing a child into this world, just know that you are pretty fucking selfish, and are a true villain (in the Klosterman definition of the word).

Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - blacknwhitespade - 06-26-2015

Quote: (06-26-2015 11:48 AM)Samseau Wrote:

Texas don't care


Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in the United States - Bear Hands - 06-26-2015

I want my right to not lose half my shit and half my income for several years due to a frivolous divorce. Maybe when enough gay/lesbian divorces happen, something might happen with divorce laws.

I won't hold my breath.