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What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Printable Version

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What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - scotian - 04-18-2015

Flying around the world and hitting up the best fishing spots would be my number one priority.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Simeon_Strangelight - 04-19-2015

+ I would take control of the central banking system via smart investments and long-term planning coupled with secret organizations, NGOs and lobbying groups.
+ I would control the political process and make democracy a farce where the sheep elect one of my pre-selected candidates
+ I would buy up most of the real assets and corporations.
+ I would buy up and suppress all pesky patents and inventions that might endanger my short and long-term profits (so no going to Mars for anyone)
+ I would then create long-term plans in concert with other infinitely wealthy families (tried to grab it all, but other assholes were as smart as me, so I have to share power) to completely control and rule over the world
+ I would create those long-term plans in almost complete secrecy by taking control of money, business, academia and media, so as the frogs being only aware of being boiled when it was way too late

So far it seems to be working. 50-80 more years to go and my Brave New World creation where me and my progeny can rule for eternity will be complete.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - AldoKelevra - 04-19-2015

Travel. Travel. Travel. Then I guess give some to charity..

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - RoastBeefCurtains4Me - 04-19-2015

Quote: (04-18-2015 03:59 PM)philosophical_recovery Wrote:  

Quote: (04-18-2015 03:51 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Let's say you had a bank account that you could withdraw limitless money from for the rest of your life. You no longer had to work unless you wanted. Buying anything you wanted was no objection. You could live where you want, be able to fund any business or organization of your choosing if you desire. Only rule is you can only spend the money on you and your closest people, so you can't just hand out limitless money to poor people to solve poverty.

What's the first thing you would do tomorrow with your unlimited resources and what would you do with the rest of your life if you could do anything without financial failure being any concern?

I know I'd spend at least my first few years taking wild adventures around the world. Safaris, motorcycling the Pan American highway, going to the Great Barrier Reef, ride into space on Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic and that type of stuff.

Beyond that though I'm not sure what my long-term plan would be. I think ultimately we all yearn for something significant. Or a crowning accomplishment that will be remembered after we're gone. Work can give people the ability to accomplish something and the reward is money and a sense of contribution. But when money is no longer needed, you have to dig a bit deeper to find your calling and purpose.

I'd immediately launch several businesses based on acquiring and breeding talent in the following industries:

High Grade material foundry and manufacturing plant
Mining companies
Engineering software development
Engineering R&D
A technical college that accepted applicants of any age and teaches everything from Eulid to Musk

I'd then work on making space colonies powered by everything I could get my hands on, including nuclear. This would likely mean buying a large island and hiring enough defensive force to be left alone by the major powers. I'd heavily promote hot, young women to immigrate to keep my staff of well-rounded engineers so well lubricated and bored of high quality pussy that they'd keep making fantastic space technology. Then, I'd encourage them to pair up and populate the solar system.

This is exactly what I'd do too. I've been thinking about this stuff since the late 90's when several private launch companies were trying to achieve orbit. Interestingly, all those companies failed, including some well funded efforts with top talent. SpaceX has succeeded where many others failed before them

Anyway, I always figured that human colonization of space required productive economic activity in space. My saying was "If you want to be able to live in space, you have to be able to make a living in space."

I got an engineering degree, but as the space development field failed to take off as expected, I got into other fields. Now space is starting to look promising again, but I still think it will be 15-20 years before there are multiple private manned space facilities, with mining, tourism, space manufacturing, food and fuel produced in space, etc.

So, yeah, if I had unlimited money, I'd definitely be looking to push the envelope on space development, and be in the forefront.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Coldfire - 04-19-2015

Travel and bang

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Glaucon - 04-19-2015

-Open a man only gym
-Have a cigar lounge
-Buy land in North and South Italy and in Greece,New Zealand build a villa.
-Collect expensive watches,cars.
-Buy a caravan and travel all year long, hiking mountains and live free.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Feisbook Control - 04-19-2015

Volcano hideout, piranha fish, sexy redheads, tall henchmen of Northern European ancestry, white cat, rockets that swallow other rockets, little Japanese minions in white jumpsuits with construction helmets. Awesome.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - VolandoVengoVolandoVoy - 04-19-2015

Quote: (04-19-2015 12:05 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

+ I would take control of the central banking system via smart investments and long-term planning coupled with secret organizations, NGOs and lobbying groups.
+ I would control the political process and make democracy a farce where the sheep elect one of my pre-selected candidates
+ I would buy up most of the real assets and corporations.
+ I would buy up and suppress all pesky patents and inventions that might endanger my short and long-term profits (so no going to Mars for anyone)
+ I would then create long-term plans in concert with other infinitely wealthy families (tried to grab it all, but other assholes were as smart as me, so I have to share power) to completely control and rule over the world
+ I would create those long-term plans in almost complete secrecy by taking control of money, business, academia and media, so as the frogs being only aware of being boiled when it was way too late

So far it seems to be working. 50-80 more years to go and my Brave New World creation where me and my progeny can rule for eternity will be complete.

This is already being done.

As for gaining control by virtue of your own hard work, and then giving that control to your progeny by virtue of their luck...well, it's been done many times throughout history, and the result is frequently a disaster.

You picture your progeny being basically carbon copies of yourself and acquiring ever more glory and power. The reality is they would be more likely to spend their time playing Playstation 8, doing designer drug XRJ-55, and taking poops on ever increasing numbers of stunning women.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Simeon_Strangelight - 04-19-2015

Quote: (04-19-2015 05:48 AM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  

This is already being done.

As for gaining control by virtue of your own hard work, and then giving that control to your progeny by virtue of their luck...well, it's been done many times throughout history, and the result is frequently a disaster.

You picture your progeny being basically carbon copies of yourself and acquiring ever more glory and power. The reality is they would be more likely to spend their time playing Playstation 8, doing designer drug XRJ-55, and taking poops on ever increasing numbers of stunning women.

True, but there are families which manage it quite well for centuries.

The trick is not to expect equal grand abilities from every family member down the time-lane. They actually know that quite a few will do nothing with the wealth and only squander it - thus the upbringing is quite strict and also the wealth/property and long-term goals are almost dis-engaged from those family members who spend their days playing Playstation and coking it up with Dubai-sluts. Those that have the aptitude, ambition and correct desire are given access and control, but they are few and far in between.

I have read that some families have tests they go through as adolescents and young students - if they fail those, then they are told jack shit and are only fit to procreate and given a set amount to have fun.

I find such a system exceedingly smart and it's a far cry off from simple inheritance of the oldest son or next in line. The main family entity & fortune can remain in control by the most able of the line at that time with a great portion of the wealth being on auto-pilot anyway. That's how you survive centuries.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Atticus - 04-19-2015

Quote: (04-19-2015 12:05 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

+ I would take control of the central banking system via smart investments and long-term planning coupled with secret organizations, NGOs and lobbying groups.
+ I would control the political process and make democracy a farce where the sheep elect one of my pre-selected candidates
+ I would buy up most of the real assets and corporations.
+ I would buy up and suppress all pesky patents and inventions that might endanger my short and long-term profits (so no going to Mars for anyone)
+ I would then create long-term plans in concert with other infinitely wealthy families (tried to grab it all, but other assholes were as smart as me, so I have to share power) to completely control and rule over the world
+ I would create those long-term plans in almost complete secrecy by taking control of money, business, academia and media, so as the frogs being only aware of being boiled when it was way too late

So far it seems to be working. 50-80 more years to go and my Brave New World creation where me and my progeny can rule for eternity will be complete.

I see what you did there... But seriously, I never knew we had a Rothschild in our midst. See you in Corfu [Image: smile.gif]

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Pride male - 04-19-2015

Fuck, sleep, eat, shit repeat.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - catoblepa - 04-19-2015

try to infiltrate in the area 51 to see what stuff they got there.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Libertas - 04-19-2015

Fund new breakthroughs in space exploration and then an expedition to Mars to build a new society free of Year Zero degeneracy. Build a new Palace of Versailles for myself and my harem, raise an army to defend the new nation.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Lucky - 04-19-2015

Surprised no one has mentioned pursuing immortality yet.

I would partner with guys like Dmitry Itskov and companies like Alcor and fund their projects.

I would fund research to combat diseases that afflict the elderly and find some way to preserve my state of mind for as long as possible.

Most older men will get prostate cancer at some point in their lives, so I would fund research into curing prostate cancer.

Though my ultimate goal would be to upload my consciousness into some sort of machine in order to bypass biological afflictions altogether.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Oz. - 04-19-2015

I would bring back Little Dark to the forum

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - rpg - 04-19-2015

I would run a pro motocross/supercross team and bang groupies in my rv before every race.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Nascimento - 04-19-2015

Hire Little Dark as my wingman-bodyguard for my nights out.

Costly to have a man who will guarantee protection from 30 WK's when you make a move on the girls.

But worth it.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - eljeffster - 04-19-2015

I would find or create a place free of child support laws and start a breeding program. Not a sperm would be wasted. I would also pour money into sperm growth technology and then use that to impregnate even more women.

The hottest women would get it straight from my dick. Every other women (certain criteria would apply) would get it artificially inseminated for the greatest genetic diversity. I would have more spawn then the Khan.

All the children would be cared for and taught by a private army of help with rigorous academic, athletic, and life training. When they reached of age they would be seeded out all over the world to continue my great line.

Simultaneously, I would have a space program with all essential funding for starting permanent colonies on Mars and eventually in other areas of the solar system. I would import my current crop of women to the colony and a good number of my now adult children of mine. I will also bring a select number to breed with my offspring. As I seeded the Earth I will seed all the solar system.

Future technology will ensure I live far beyond current lifespans as I continue to colonize and breed my own progeny. Even if I eventually pass on, there will be a strong tradition of any new women who are not in my genetic chain to have their first pregnancy seeded by my constantly grown genetic material.

My descendants shall spread out across the galaxy and eventually the entire universe.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Brodiaga - 04-19-2015

I would buy a private island and create my own state.

It would be a rich island with low taxes, something like one of those off-shore centers in the Caribbean, but without indigenous population or any other baggage.

I would invite financially independent red pill guys who are tired of living in their home countries and want to go John Galt. I would also start a work and travel program for young attractive women from all over the world. The more attractive the easier to get a visa. There would also be a Dubai-style guest worker program for low-level jobs, such as cleaning, with very strict rules and no welfare or easy path to citizenship. I would get to decide who is granted citizenship and only give it to the best of the best.

I would outsource prisons to a poor country like Cambodia. All criminals would be immediately deported and sent to these prisons. False accusers of crime would be punished with the same sentences as criminals: for example, a false rape accusation would be result in the same sentence as rape.

No refugees would be accepted on my island - they would be sent to Cambodia instead.

People would be free to practice religion, but no religion would ever influence the government.

There would be no feminism, socialism or welfare state on this island. The only form of welfare would be a free ticket back home with no option to return.

Marriage would be permitted but it wouldn't mean anything: no tax incentives or any other benefits to get married. There would be no divorce rape: no child support, alimony or entitlement to your spouses' assets after divorce.

Only taxpayers would get to vote: $10K/year paid in taxes gives you one vote. If you want more votes, you can always pay more taxes voluntarily.

I would also offer $10K to any resident who wants to be sterilized voluntarily. Sterilization would be free as well. That would prevent the people who are not serious about having children from having them.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - BortimusPrime - 04-19-2015

I'd start buying fried chicken from the grocery deli fresh instead of at half price when it's closing.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Simeon_Strangelight - 04-19-2015

Quote: (04-19-2015 01:56 PM)BortimusPrime Wrote:  

I'd start buying fried chicken from the grocery deli fresh instead of at half price when it's closing.

You gotta love the guy with humble wishes.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Dusty - 04-19-2015

I'd funnel all the money to the national organization of women, Hillary Rotten Clit-Ton and Jizzable so we can finally snuff out this scourge on society called massage Johnny.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - realologist - 04-19-2015

*I would first travel to all corners of the world and fill it with adventure.

*I would buy a large island somewhere and have an infrastructure built.

*I would bring the greatest minds in genetics, space exploration and energy to my island with them having no spending limit

*Have the greatest minds in genetics I already have breed a military and bring in the world's experts in military strategy, military technology, weapons combat and hand to hand combat train the military. I will train with them a few times a week to improve my own skills

*Have the experts in energy create a self-sustaining energy source for use only on my island

*Have the space experts create my own version of NASA and start exploring the solar system, galaxy and universe. Eventually I would go to space with them

*Create a university that is free but has very strict requirements to get in. It focuses on creating well rounded individuals in every subject that has mastery after the general requirements are met.

*Have the most beautiful women from all corners of the earth sent around. Varying shades and ethnicity for variety.

*The only visitors allowed to my island would RVF members and women with a 8+ rating on looks.

*I would birth many children with my own harem of my favorite women. I would send all my sons through a mentally and physically tough academy and the most capable would take over my island when I die.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Simeon_Strangelight - 04-19-2015

Quote: (04-19-2015 02:34 PM)realologist Wrote:  

*Have the experts in energy create a self-sustaining energy source for use only on my island

*Have the space experts create my own version of NASA and start exploring the solar system, galaxy and universe. Eventually I would go to space with them

I see that quite a few here have very elaborate schemes on how to commit suicide.

Other good suicidal ideas:

+ Finance whistle blowers worldwide to come forward and publish their truths
+ create a political party with billions in financing and push for interest-free money creation and against usury
+ Finance and invite all scientists working on powerful alternative energy, propulsion technology, new powerful batteries, alternative medicine that is hard to patent - put billions into it

Creating your own country and arming it is also instantly a death penalty. (You may arm your private island like a Bond villain as much as you wish. Against truly modern weapons system that disrupt electronics, brainwaves etc. that are currently hardly used - all those things are useless anyway. )

All of those steps are fantastic designs to get yourself killed - even have your family and pets meet the grim reaper too in one more famous murder-suicide scheme.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - eradicator - 04-19-2015

I like the idea of pursuing immortality.

I would open a modelling agency and would not care if it made money, just poach some of the top people in the industry to bring in the best people, overpay if i have to. For the girls, would tell the best looking ones that if they want the top jobs they have to fuck me

I would get involved in politics, not as a candidate, but would do everything I could to get rid of the corn subsidies, all of the cheap high fructose corn syrup in everything is what is making our women fat.

Would make a hearst castle, or my own version of ostentatious, over the top royalty and have parties there all the time. Then make another one in new york and another in europe(I guess Moscow, probably somewhere in Ukraine as well, or maybe russia.)

I'd hire a full staff: private chef, language instructors, personal trainers to stay super fit...